Friday, April 01, 2016

GOP In The Black!

Republican National Committee chief Reince Priebus still trying to color the White rainbow.

Republicans are hoping to create that coalition of non-White supporters. They've suffered a huge deficit of non-White voters in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. They hope they can capitalize off the dysfunction the Democrats are having right now.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Hillary Clinton are duking it out for the Black, Hispanic, young and women voters. These groups are the Democrats hope to see turnout this election.

Right now, Black and Hispanic voters are turned off to Sanders and Clinton. It's been rough for both candidates to capitalize off the Obama waves. President Barack Obama managed to carry huge turnout in 2008 and 2012. His success was based on grassroots to communities that candidates overlook.

Telly Lovelace.
Republicans are still hoping that they can at least gain at least 25% of the Black vote.

Kristal Quarker-Hartsfield, the former national director of African-American Initiatives and Media at the RNC, left Friday to be director of intergovernmental affairs for Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R). Orlando Watson, communications director for black media, departed in March. Tara Wall and Raffi Williams, son of Fox News political analyst Juan Williams, also left the RNC late last year.

Now GOP chief Reince Priebus announced that he's found him a new toy to play with.

Telly Lovelace, a veteran GOP communications strategist, is the new leader of the party’s black political engagement and communications efforts, the Republican National Committee announced on Friday.

Lovelace, who starts Monday as the national director of African-American Initiatives and Media, will spearhead black voter engagement.

“Telly is a welcome addition to our team, and I’m confident his experience will help us build on our commitment to cultivate relationships and trust with Black media and Black communities,” said Priebus in a statement.

The RNC is also launching a new diversity initiative — including a paid internship program focusing on historically black colleges and universities — to bring more black people into the party.

“I really want to focus on getting the Republican message into urban America and urban communities,” said Lovelace, who is overseeing the program.

Lovelace’s appointment comes in the middle of a mass exodus of black staffers from the organization.

I've always believed that the Republican Party is White like cocaine.


They've engaged in this ongoing culture war against everyone including themselves. The Republicans don't know who to trust right now!

All they got left is pretty much the blame going to Barack Obama and the media for their continuous failures.

I got so many suggestions for the Republican Party, but I just couldn't contain myself from delivering my honest opinion about the rebranding of the national party. Here are some healthy and yet obvious suggestion to the ailing party.

The Republicans must stop this culture war against everyone! If they do so, I'll stop calling them racist.

I'll stop calling them bigots if they refuse to allow anyone within their party to hate a person's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, educational, political and economic standings.

I'll stop blaming them for all the mass shootings in a suburban school or shopping center if they could at least pass a background check for all registered gun owners.

I'll stop blaming them if they can separate themselves from all the White supremacist rhetoric we've seen through channels such as The Drudge Report, InfoWars, Breitbart, WorldNetDaily and Conservative Review.

I'll vote for a Republican for president if the person can deliver a plan to help everyone. Not a select few. I would hope they would engage in communicating to all voters instead of just conservative voters.

I'll vote for a Republican if they stop acting like a bunch of idiots!

Here's a poll for you!

GOP's Diversity Tour: Good Idea or Bad Idea?

Good idea. Republicans need to reach out to Black voters who feel that President Barack Obama's policies aren't helping them. If the party's willing to go out their way to win Black voters, more power to them.
Bad idea. Republicans can't fix a problem that's exists for years. Black voters can't support candidates who ignore issues. It's hard enough for Republicans to win Black voters because of the party's condescending rhetoric.

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