Showing posts with label Tamir Rice shooting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tamir Rice shooting. Show all posts

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Ferg Is Under The Radar!

Outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder is never shy from talking about the disparaging disconnect between Blacks and law enforcement. He, his son, President Barack Obama and other Black men were subjected to racial profiling. It's a notorious practice where those in law enforcement makes a call on suspicious activity. They assume that the individual is likely committing a crime. So the law will make a bullshit excuse to pull over the individual and force a search and seizure of property without a warrant. The law will actually lie to make a justifiable arrest.

As you know, I am very familiar with the situation with Blacks and the law.

Black males are often seen as violent by those in law enforcement and those in the junk food media.

The U.S. Justice Department is going to shake up the way Ferguson, Missouri's police handles situations in which they require deadly force.

After the August 2014 shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown, Ferguson leaders and the police are trying to patch up things. The junk food media left and went on to the next shiny coin. They left a mess of division and mistrust among the law and those they are supposed to protect.

Ferguson is the focal point of America's racial unrest. When former officer Darren Wilson got off, the city went into a full fledged riot. Businesses were damaged, people were injured and the law exhausted as much as they could.

CNN reports that Brown's shooting death at the hands of Officer Darren Wilson has thrust Ferguson into the center of a nationwide debate over police tactics and race relations. The Justice Department is expected to announce it won't charge Wilson for the shooting, but it's also expected to outline findings that allege a pattern of discriminatory tactics used by the Ferguson police.

If they don't agree to review and revise those tactics, sources say, the Justice Department would sue to force changes in the department.

Asked to comment, Ferguson police Chief Thomas Jackson told CNN's Sara Sidner, "I have received nothing new.
Things aren't getting better in America.
"Everything they suggested in the past has been reasonable and we have tried to comply."

​Among the issues expected to be part of the Justice Department's lawsuit are allegations made in a recent lawsuit filed by a group of low-income people who claimed officers in Ferguson and nearby Jennings targeted minorities with minor traffic infractions and then jailed them when they couldn't pay fines.

The Justice Department action would ask for court supervision of changes at the Ferguson Police Department to improve how police deal with the minority communities they are supposed to protect. ​

Holder hinted at plans to announce the outcome of the dual investigations during an appearance at the National Press Club on Tuesday.

"I think everybody will see when we announce our results that the process that we have engaged in is, as I said back at the time when I went to Ferguson, independent, thorough and based on all the facts," he said. "And I am confident that people will be satisfied with the results that will be announced."

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Law Can Lie To Justify An Arrest!

About 85% of motorist pull overs involve a minor infraction. About a majority of police vehicle searches happen when an officer observes a possible "criminal act". The officer can make up stuff to do a probable cause search.

About seven weeks into the new year, and I want this be over.

I lost my well paying job at a racino. I lost my opportunity to work at a distribution center that opened up in the region. I was dating a woman for eight months. The woman was pregnant with another man's child and kept it a secret because she didn't want to be a single parent. She lost her child due to still birth. She lied to me and brush me off during the last four weeks before she gave birth.

To make matters worse, I was pulled over by a county sheriff's deputy and issue a ticket for a traffic violation for turn signal.

We'll get to the sheriff story in a moment.

I want you to know that everyone has a bad day. And I am one to testify to it. Everyday, I wake up thinking it's never getting better. I long for the perfect job, the perfect car, the perfect relationship.

None of this happened. I've been challenged with shortcomings and misfortunes. Nonetheless, I will grind me teeth and keep the motor running. Cause every dog has his day, to quote Al Pacino's character Tony Montana.

So as I continue to bring my A-game to Journal de la Reyna, I want you to understand that no one is perfect. I damn well know that I have flaws. I am a human being first, every other adjective and noun last.

I want to share these experiences with you. I am always happy to give my take on issues facing my community, the government and the junk food media. It's a pleasure to do this.

As you know, I am very familiar with the situation with Blacks and the law.

Black males are often seen as violent by those in law enforcement and those in the junk food media.

That's a proven fact. The law often would bias a citizen of color because of an officer's judgement call. Take the situation with Michael Brown. The officer Darren Wilson could lie and mislead his way out of a criminal trial. The officer in the John Crawford shooting. The officer Sean Williams could lie and mislead his way out of a criminal trial. The officer in the Eric Garner stranglehold. Officer Daniel Pantaleo can lie and mislead his way out of a criminal trial. 

These men walked after killing unarmed individuals. 

Not all officers get away with murder. The officer involved in the shooting of Akai Gurley, Peter Liang is being held on involuntary manslaughter. He's a cop. But the difference between the ones who got off and Liang, is skin color. The three officers were white. Liang is Asian.

Everyone knows that getting a traffic citation sucks. Some believe that the cops are picking on you because you did everything right, but according to the officer, you done an infraction.

Did you know that cops can lie to make an arrest?

Yes. They can and will do so.

I was cited by a Montgomery County sheriff deputy for a turn signal violation. The deputy followed me for six blocks before he pulled me over.

I called my friend letting her know that I was getting groceries from the store and I am on my way over. The area is known for illegal drug activities and the woman has a minor criminal history.

I never used drugs and I can't speak for her history of being a drug user. I associate with her by helping her find jobs and food assistance.

I was leaving her home and was proceeding home.

A Montgomery County sheriff's deputy was sitting in a driveway at an apartment. As I passed the apartment the deputy followed me. I wore my seatbelt and was not under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

As I was coming close to my apartment I used my turn signal. As I turned the deputy activated his lights and pulled me over.

As he approached my vehicle, I had my wallet and cell phone in plain sight and my hands on the wheel.

He asked me where I was going and told me the reason for the stop. He claimed that I failed to signal at 100 feet. The deputy followed for six blocks before the pull over.
Ohio Sheriff Deputies usually hang in plain sight for traffic monitoring and illegal activity.
I offered my license and waited patiently. The deputy asked if I had "weed" or drugs in possession. I calmly said I am not a drug user. I also told the deputy I'm a concealed carry and the firearm was not in the vehicle.

Ten minutes passed and the deputy approach my vehicle. He asked if I was willing to have my vehicle searched. I told the deputy that I refuse a search because the deputy has no warrant or probable cause.

The deputy responded back that it will be a few moments. Another deputy and a Dayton officer with a K-9 came.

The deputy asked me to step out the vehicle. They done a frisk search and told me that the K-9 will do a search. Again I refused the search.

The deputy issued the citation first. The other deputy told that I was going to placed in the back of the cruiser while they do a search. The deputies informed me the K-9 detected a hit.

Again I informed the officer that I have no drugs inside my vehicle. I told the deputies that I did not consent to a search of my vehicle. 

The deputies and officer search the vehicle for ten minutes. After the search they let me proceed to my vehicle. I asked for his name and badge before I signed the citation. I briefly "small talked" with the deputy. The deputy said he knew me from a previous job he once worked.

I was let go and proceeded home. About 30 minutes was wasted during this ordeal. The deputy lied about me making a turn signal violation. He saw me leave an area that is known for drug activity.

Does that make me a criminal? No. 

Did he have probable cause to search my vehicle? No.

Does he have the right to mislead on his statements to issue a citation or an arrest? Yes.

Understand, I can be in any area within the United States. If it was a private community or an area where trespassing is not allow, then the officer would have a leg to stand on. He would cite a charge of trespassing or solicitation.

I know my rights as a motorist. 

I did not consent to a vehicle search.

Now I have to appear at the Vandalia Municipal Court to contest the charges.

Now here's the question and answer part for you!

  • Could the situation turn out different if I waive a right to a search of my vehicle?
  • Do you believe that the police have a right to search your vehicle if you refuse a search?
  • If I associate with people (or am a person) with a criminal history, does that perceive a bias in how officers stop motorists?

FBI director James Comey, a white guy said that racial bias exist between police and people of color.

Black and Latino men between the ages of 16 - 39 are often arrested for petty offensives. They are often shot first questioned last. 

Know your rights. Because I am determined to fight back against false detainment and illegal searches. 

I respect all those in law enforcement. Not all cops are bad. Not all cops are good, either.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Florida Cops Had Black On The Target Sheets!

Target practice.

Those in law enforcement know that the junk food media will make them look like the bad guy. So why do those in law enforcement continue to entice the junk food media?

The North Miami Beach police are doing damage control after a woman discovered her family member on a mugshot used for target practice.

In the wake of the killings of unarmed individuals such as Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Jordan Davis, Darrien Hunt, John Crawford, and Renisha McBride, police continue to use their judgement in operating their service weapon.

National Guard sergeant Valarie Deant saw her brother Woody on the target piece. Woody, a former member of the iron college served a four year bid for a fatal car accident. He's reformed and changed his ways.

After her sister saw the image, she took a picture of it and sent it through the social networking websites.

Now North Miami Beach police are back peddling their use of images. North Miami Beach Police Chief J. Scott Dennis admitted that his officers could have used better judgment, but denies any racial profiling.

The City of Medley owns the Medley Firearms Training Center and it leases the facilities to law enforcement agencies in the area. The shooting range staff doesn't select the targets used by law enforcement and the military.

The Deant family questions why officers were firing targets with images of real people, in this case African-Americans, especially at a time when relations between minority communities and law enforcement are so tense.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

DOJ Isn't Going To Charge Ex-Ferg Officer!

Department of Justice will push for civil rights violations for ex-cop.

The August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown was one of the most controversial stories of the year.

Former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed unarmed Brown after a confrontation. The St. Louis County grand jury didn't file charges against Wilson.

Now the U.S. Justice Department will release its findings this week. It seems like the violation of civil rights charge is not going to stick. Wilson may be off the hook for this one.

There's not enough evidence to bring up an intentional criminal act against Wilson.

This controversy divided race, politics, class and economic standings.

The liberals and Black America believed that the shooting of unarmed suspects is getting out of control and law enforcement is trigger happy when it comes to BLACK MALES. They believe the junk food media is giving comfort towards law enforcement. They figured that every Black male who is unarmed and shot by law enforcement will be portrayed as a villain.

The racist right and some in Black America believe that Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, John Crawford and Trayvon Martin were no good criminals. They had it coming. They done the crime. They deserve the slug. They often claim that President Barack Obama, Rev. Perm, Bill de Blasio and Attorney General Eric Holder are the real criminals and racial agitators. The racist right believes that Michael Brown "robbed" a store. Brown reached for Wilson's gun. Brown charged at the officer like a football player after being shot more than once. The protesters are rioters and looters. They're criminals just like Brown. Regardless, they were happy and even gloating on websites about it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Can We Make A Difference?

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is an iconic Black civil rights leader.

Today, we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

The country celebrates the life of the American civil rights leader who was slain in 1968. If he was alive today he would have been 86 years old.

Many Americans believe that the country has made a progressive change. Unfortunately the state of race relations have hit a new low.

Obviously, the Republican Party continues to be still inclusive. I mean they have a few non-White members who were elected to the House of Representatives and the Senate. But they're so ignorant, it's better being an all white party.

The Democratic Party nominated Barack Obama for president. The first Black president. The Democrats are such pussies, they can even embrace the fact they are historically first in overcoming their racist past.

We seen Obama's legacy being tested by the Republican Party and its staunch opposition towards him.

Last year, those in law enforcement and those in the Black community have seen a strain. The police involved killings of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, John Crawford and numerous others tested the nerve of Black America. Not to mention the killing of two NYPD officers has also brought to attention the need to for better communications between law enforcement and the community.

Can we make a difference on King Day?

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Loserville Host Uses Racist Photoshop To Attack #blackbrunchNYC Protest!

The racist right spreads around this photoshop image of Blacks looting a KFC. This picture is fake.

Loserville Business Network's Charles Payne has been in the limelight after posting a social media don't. He jump to conclusions over the #blackbrunchNYC protest. He believed that protesters were crashing the KFC.

Payne a Black conservative and hedge fund specialist found criticism with the BlackLivesMatter protesters. Over the past weekend, some of the protesters interrupted brunch time to read off names of victims who were unarmed killed by police.

Payne was totally pissed off about this so-called racial grievance he would tweet this comment out along with that picture.

Goodness this isn't what Montgomery Bus Boycott or Woolworth sit-ins were about -this is ignorance #blackbrunchnyc
No neck Black agitator tweets a racist photo to undermine protesters.
He would scrub the Twitter posting after he was rounded criticized by those in attendance. They shut him down hard. They let him know that he's been picked through the racial extremist websites for his petty attack.

In the beginning, Payne wasn't going to back down, but after being told the picture was being photoshopped, he had to admit defeat.

The picture is real but without the KFC logo. It was back in 2009 when Detroit was facing an emergency fiscal crisis and residents were swarming the Housing Authority for emergency assistance.

The buffoon didn't apologize for the criticism. He only "corrected" himself when he released the picture.

And he even had a guest on saying that the protesters should have been thrown in jail.


So should those supporting the insurgency be thrown in jail as well?

Wondering why Newscorp hasn't gone as far as Charlie Habdo in critical analysis of those they've opposed?

Saturday, January 03, 2015

Stan Solomon And Larry Pratt: These "Die In" Protesters Are Roadkill!

Nutjob with a gun. The founder of Gun Owners of America was on an extremist radio show talking about protesters being responsible for the deaths of NYPD cops.

Gun Owners of America is a gun rights organization founded by far right extremist Larry Pratt.

Pratt is one of these White extremists who parade on wackadoodle radio these conspiracies about President Barack Obama, the gun control advocates and even the National Rifle Association.

Pratt has spoken at meetings organized by white supremacist and militia leaders. Pratt denied any ties to racism, calling accusations smears aimed at hurting him.

Pratt is not well liked by the NRA and those who support gun control.

RightWingWatch notes that Pratt was on extremist radio with Stan Solomon. The extremists were bitching about the protesters doing die ins for Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, John Crawford, Eric Garner and Tamir Rice.

According to the extremists, they would rather see the cars run their ass down.

Solomon and Pratt discussed the assassination of two police officers in New York last week, which they blamed on demonstrators.

Solomon, trying to give Pratt cover by saying “Larry will not condone this” suggested, “The next time there’s a die-in, make sure they’re dead. The next time they block the road, run their asses over. I think it will slow down.”

“Well, it’s a very confrontational mentality that we’re dealing with,” Pratt responded, “and at some point the police will have to come to the conclusion that it’s us or them.”

He went on to suggest that the protests would create “no-go zones” in cities where police would refuse to enter: "If they’re going to have to deal with an enemy terrain where a lot of people, and they can’t sort out ahead of time who’s the enemy and who is not, I think that’s going to lead to the conclusion that ‘I’m not going in there.’"


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Die In At Walmart!

Protester outside Beavercreek Walmart. In August 2014, John Crawford was shot and killed by police after he picked up an air rifle.

The protesters for Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, and John Crawford III were at the Walmart in the Dayton. Ohio suburb of Beavercreek to stage a "die in".

The protesters were causing such a ruckus the store had temporary shut down.

They believe that the shooting of Crawford and the death of Angie Williams were unjustified.

John Crawford was in the Walmart and he picked up an open air rifle. The caller Ronald Ritchie called the law on him after he accused him of waving the gun at children.

Officers responded quickly. They gave the warning to drop and within two seconds, Crawford was gunned down. He would die on route to hospital.

He was in given right to purchase a firearm. But to the residents of Beavercreek and the racist right, he's a criminal.

FRED101, no comments from this point. I will no longer allow comments on certain stories. It's not that I want to "censor" you, but I am getting really tired of reading the word vomit you leave that totally ignores the purpose. I don't have time to explain your comments or counter balance. I rather continue posting.

You seem to come around only when it involves race. So I will now put a decreed on certain stories.

Any story that involves Black issues, I will not allow comments. You can certainly comment on issues involving our community and entertainers. I don't worry what happens in Lil' Wayne or Kim Kardashian's world. Go to town on it.

But sensitive issues such as unarmed citizens being killed by law enforcement is certainly driving you to Journal de la Reyna.

This and other events have certainly divided thought.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Cleveland Police Union: Andrew Hawkins Should Stick To Football!

Cleveland Browns vs. Cincinnati Bengals
What they going to do? Shoot him.

When you're passionate about an issue, you do a form of protest.

When you are NFL player, according to the some, you better stick to being a football player than an activist.

Andrew Hawkins of the AFC Cleveland Browns got the president of the Cleveland Policeman Patrol Union pissed off when he played last Sunday against Cincinnati Bengals (AFC). Hawkins wore an over shirt with the Justice for Tamir Rice and John Crawford.

Young black males who were gunned down by police. Crawford was gunned down in August after he picked up an air rifle and was strolling through the store. A caller tipped off Beavercreek police and one of the officers put a bullet in him.

Rice was a 12 year old boy who was at park playing with an air rifle. A caller tips the Cleveland police and the officer who responded put a bullet in him.

Each of these incidents in Ohio has gotten so much attention.

Hawkins is currently feuding with Jeff Follmer, the president of the union.

The Plain Dealer reported that the union president calling the Browns wide receiver wearing "Justice for Tamir Rice" shirt is "pathetic."

Jeff Follmer said on Sunday that Hawkins' shirt was disrespectful and demanded an apology from the Browns.

Hawkins wore a shirt that said "Justice for Tamir Rice and John Crawford" on the front and "The Real Battle for Ohio" on the back during pre-game warm-ups before the Browns home game against the Cincinnati Bengals at FirstEnergy Stadium.

"He's an athlete. He's someone with no facts of the case whatsoever," Follmer said. "He's disrespecting the police on a job that we had to do and make a split-second decision."

The Browns in a statement said they respect Cleveland police and their players right to support certain causes.

"We have great respect for the Cleveland Police Department and the work that they do to protect and serve our city," the statement says. "We also respect our players' rights to project their support and bring awareness to issues that are important to them if done so in a responsible manner."

Rice, 12, was fatally shot on Nov. 22 by rookie Cleveland police officer Timothy Loehmann less than two seconds after he arrived to investigate a complaint about Tamir carrying what turned out to be a fake gun.

Crawford, 22, was fatally shot by police on Aug. 5 while holding a toy rifle inside a Walmart in Beavercreek, outside Dayton.

Follmer said many Cleveland police officers work security for the Browns games and are employed by Browns.

"He should stick to playing football and let us worry about law enforcement," Follmer said. "The players don't know what our job entails. Don't judge us by what you're reading in the media."

He goes to Obama News to defend his remarks.

Hawkins responds back to the union president.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Loserville Only Pulls 1% Of Black Viewers!

White people love that network.

The not so subtle racism coming out of that network merits results.

Only 1% of the general cable news viewers are Black. That means no Black viewer actually listens to those Black extremists like Jesse Lee Peterson, Angela McGlowan, Allen West, Benjamin Carson, Deanne Borelli, Stacey Dash, Juan Williams and David Webb whine about how Blacks are being brainwashed by them evil Democrats.

The negativity of President Barack Obama from the likes of that annoying conservative agitator obviously makes Blacks change the channel.

Mediaite reports During the primetime hours of 8-11 p.m., MSNBC’s audience is 24% black, CNN’s audience is 16% black and their audience is just 1% black. By comparison MSNBC’s primetime audience is 67% white while CNN’s is 73% white and that network is 92% white.
Want a piece of the mud pie? These Blacks are conservative agitators.
According to the 2010 census, 72% of Americans identify as “white alone” while 13% say they are “black or African-American.” That means that both CNN and MSNBC are overrepresented when it comes to black viewers, while that network is vastly underrepresented.

Using November 2014 as an example, It has undisputed record in winning the primetime. It averaged 2.082M total viewers in primetime, compared to 653K for CNN and 605K for CNN. That means that network had an average of about 20,820 African-Americans watching on a nightly basis. For CNN, that number was approximately 104,480 and for MSNBC it was 145,200.

So even with an audience that more than doubles its competitors, Loserville had far fewer black viewers than the other two networks.

Jon Stewart who is currently feuding with that annoying conservative agitator made note of the swipe at media mogul Jay-Z. That agitator called Jay-Z, a successful rapper, media mogul and business executive a "former crack dealer". Yeah, that's true that Jay-Z sold dope when he was a nobody. But he changed his life and got into the music industry and managed to turn his life around.

Jay-Z endorsed President Barack Obama's reelection and it set off a major feud between that annoying conservative agitator and the rapper. The agitator has taken swipes at his wife pop singer Beyonce and even gone as far to compare the rapper to Trayvon Martin.

You know I rather pal around with Jay-Z than some annoying conservative agitator who once thought getting waterboarded would be great for charity. I rather pal around with Jay-Z than this foolish millionaire who drops Obama's name more than 100 times within 20 minutes. I rather pal around with Jay-Z than this foolish agitator who got demoted after telling his gullible audience that Barack Obama would lose in a landslide.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What Republicans Need To Know Before They Open Their Goddamn Mouths!

Protesters with the Hands Up Don't Shot pose. Conservatives are trying to undermine the protesters by saying the act "pathetic" and "discredited".

This is the perfect year for the Republicans. They won control of Congress. The party gained more than expected this year. With a new House and Senate majority in the coming year, they have the power to get things done. Their archenemy's last two years begins. We'll see how they handle the pressure.

So far they've alienated a whole lot of people in their path to victory. The party chief Reince Priebus managed to control the situation. He feared that Republican nominee would doom their chances.


Cause they would open their mouths and vomit out nonsense.

One thing that comes to mind, with this new Republican controlled Congress, would these individuals work for the good or act like their constituents who hide behind the keyboards.

Here's a few things that I want to say to the condescending Republican. You know, the internet troll, your friend, your co-worker, your spouse or your family member who supports Republicans or conservative causes. Let's get a few things straight, you don't know much about me but I certainly know a lot about you.

The memes.

Conservatives always run this nonsense that Democrats and progressives are the real racists. I do agree that there are White liberals who have resent towards Black America. Those White liberals smile in your face and shake your hand, but talk about you behind your back and promise Black America with winks and nods. At least they will stomach a Black president.

But for a conservative, it's pretty much out in the open. In subtle or not so subtle ways, White and Black conservatives have this theme to say they're not racist.

They claim that Black people got better treatment under President Barack Obama. If I, being a Black man got better treatment under the first Black president, I guess I am living high on hog. I guess I am living in a suburban home with my wife and kids. I guess I got this great job that pays me a six figure salary.

I got the Cadillac and the big mansions. I got it all. Nope.

I am still struggling day to day working at a low level job. I am hoping that things get better. I am fearful of the institutional racism that exist in the workforce. Great talents are often shunned because of perception. Perception is the common theme of American racism. I can be in street clothes or in a business suit, regardless I'm a NIGGER to the White conservative male.

Which one makes that woman cling on her purse or tuck her blouse?

Understand that Black unemployment under White presidents has never improved. Black unemployment is now an issue when we have our first Black president. C'mon you got to be that stupid to place all the blame on Barack Obama for Black unemployment.

I agree that Obama deserves blame for the current Black unemployment. But Black unemployment has been stagnant for the last 60 years.

After all out of 320 million people, there's at least 14 million people who are likely racist and there's 14 million people still looking for jobs. So I guess there's a similarity towards that.

In one breathe a Republican or conservative would say that the president is so focused on race but in a few moments they would say that Black lives haven't improved under a Black president.

The president works with all the people. Last time I check, he won the election with a strong voter turnout. And it's proven that in the United States, a first. Barack Hussein Obama II is the first Black president. There's nothing wrong about that. He is the first non-White leader of the United States.

The last presidents were White.

There were 42 presidents before Barack Obama. They were White men.

Are you saying tell me that Whites got better treatment when there were White presidents?

You say that electing the first Black president proves that racism is over!

Not a chance.

The moment Obama came into the White House, the death threats towards him increased heavily.

The rally calls of opposition started from those upset over the past two presidential elections  (i.e. Republican lawmakers, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, WorldNetDaily, Drudge Report). It led to the grassroots activism of the Tea Party (which I regard as an insurgency).

I never heard of some of these anti-Black websites until I got called a NIGGER online by a conservative who supported one of those failed Republican presidential candidates. Yeah I been called a NIGGER more online than in person. I know that those who view Black negatively hide behind the bandwidth bridge. These people believe the president is inferior in their minds. No matter what he does, they call him a NIGGER.

Who the fuck creates websites devoted to attacking Black America, Barack Obama and those who aren't White?

There are so many anti-Black websites since Obama won. It's a majority of them are extremely conservative and conspiratorial.

If you're telling me that racism is over, why are all stories gin up about unarmed citizens being killed by law enforcement is not a race issue? You have a website that looks almost like Craigslist and it has selective local stories that makes Blacks look like enemies.

Black lives haven't improved since the Reconstruction. Conservatives claim that Republicans freed the slaves. I guess Republicans are saying that Black America owes them.

I haven't seen a Black man on the cover of People Magazine. Don't get me wrong, I don't have no problem with White people at all. Regardless of everything, we're human beings.

I have no issues with billionaires, entertainers, athletes, activists, law enforcement, politicians and those in the media who are White. They live in this country along with everyone else.

Crime is universal. It doesn't discriminate against race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political or social class.

Black on whatever crime is a common talking point among White and Black conservatives. It's kicked up a notch since we have the first Black president. Every event isn't given national exposure.

Anytime there's a protest of injustice in the Black community, conservatives would sell the oranges instead of the apples. The condescending folks would bemoan about Black on whatever crime for every unarmed Black killing by law enforcement.

I am sorry I don't need lectures from those who never been in a situation. I've been profiled by law enforcement. It was a detestable moment. I am not even a criminal.

But the condescending would see me a "thug" because I own a firearm, had a minor traffic offense and sometimes wearing my clothing that may seem to represent the hip-hop culture.

I really hate hearing Republicans and conservatives sell these apple and orange issues. I mean as much as I hate Democrats and liberals trying to jumble every issue to any issue, the Republicans and conservatives do it in a way that makes them look like condescending bigots.

This is devoted to Fred101 and anyone else who sells the oranges. You can't fit every issue in a one hour news program, 30 minute news program, an internet blog or comment section.

I admit that I don't cover every crime in America. If I would do that, I would have to spend tireless nights focusing on crime in nearly 468,000 communities in the United States.

Again, the condescending would see me a "thug" because I own a firearm, had a minor traffic offenses and sometimes I am wearing my hat turned back.

This is a passionate issue. Each side has a right to talk about it. Unfortunately I don't have to read any of the crap you condescending losers post on Journal de la Reyna.


Michael Brown's Friend Side Of The Story Ignored By Grand Jury!

Dorian Johnson's testimony was shelved. 

The document dump in the wake of a grand jury decision to not indict the officer in the shooting of Michael Brown. It continues along with the protests.

The friend of Michael Brown, Dorian Johnson still to this day gets death threats. He was being smeared by the racist right as a criminal. Despite Johnson and Brown both having no criminal records, the racist right will never believe a THUG's account.

It's a shame that Dorian is judged by the junk food media for being an "accomplice" to a "robbery".

The hair, tattoos, and his demeanor are the only things that the racist right focuses on.

St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch said the newly released records were inadvertently excluded from the thousands of pages of other documents made public Nov. 24, when a grand jury decided not to charge Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for killing Brown.

The freshly publicized documents include a transcript of an interview of Brown's friend Dorian Johnson conducted by the FBI and county police just four days after the Aug. 9 confrontation in which the white officer shot the black 18-year-old. Previously released forensic evidence showed that Brown was not shot in the back but was struck by bullets in the head, chest and arm.

Johnson's account to investigators was generally similar to his later grand jury testimony, in which he portrayed Wilson as the aggressor during a struggle that began at the officer's vehicle and led to a brief chase before Brown's fatal shooting.

In both his original interview and his Sept. 10 grand jury testimony, which was previously released, Johnson said that Wilson reached out of his vehicle window toward Brown's throat or shirt. During the ensuing struggle, Johnson said he never saw Brown touch Wilson's gun.

Wilson told grand jurors that Brown grabbed ahold of his weapon and twisted it toward the officer's leg. The officer eventually fired his gun from inside the vehicle. Forensic evidence showed that Brown's hand was shot at close range. Brown and Johnson then ran.

In his August interview, Johnson initially was adamant that he had seen Johnson get shot in the back while running.

"It definitely struck him in his back," Johnson said, later adding: "It caused him to stop."

Asked by a detective how he knew Brown had been shot in the back, Johnson replied: "If it would've missed him, or if he wouldn't have felt it, I believe he would've kept runnin."

Under further questioning, Johnson later acknowledged that he didn't see a bullet hit Brown's back, but he remained adamant that Brown's back was toward Wilson when he fired a shot.

By almost all witness accounts, Brown turned at some point to face the officer.

Johnson described Brown's hands as being raised, one higher than the other. Wilson told grand jurors that one of Brown's hands was clenched in a fist and the other at his waist as Brown began charging back at Wilson.

As with the previously released grand jury documents, the witness transcripts released Saturday varied in their accounts of Brown's hands. One witness said Brown's "hands kinda went up." Another said Brown's hands were up briefly but he then ran toward Wilson. Another said Brown threw up his hands and said something that sounded like, "Don't kill me."

Among the documents released Saturday was a witness list, with all of the names of the witnesses whited out. It shows that 62 people testified before the grand jury between Aug. 20 and Nov. 21, including some who appeared multiple times. Some of the people interviewed by federal authorities did not testify before the grand jury.

McCulloch apologized in a written statement for any confusion that may have occurred by failing to initially release all of the interview transcripts. He said he believes he has now released all of the grand jury evidence, except for photos of Brown's body and anything that could lead to witnesses being identified.

There were major protests over the weekend. Rev. Perm and his National Action Network organized a march to Washington in protest of police brutality.

The racist right sought to undermine this event. Breitfart and Loserville ran this video of protesters chanting "What do we want! Dead Cops! When do we want it! Now!"

The folks over at Loserville tried to deceptively edit the chants alongside Rev. Perm's call to peace.

The mothers of Trayvon Martin, Jonathon Crawford, Darrien Hunt, Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Tamir Rice were in attendance. Benjamin Crump the attorney for Martin, Brown and now Rice is hoping this rally could change how law enforcement use deadly force against unarmed suspects.


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Florida State University Professor Fired Out The Cannon After Racist Social Media Spat!

I've worked so many years for FSU, and you people are trying to fire me for speaking my mind. 

Another issue at the Florida State University is a professor who went to the social networks to vent off about Black America's frustrations with law enforcement getting off after killing unarmed or given right citizens of color.

The very fact that unarmed citizens (of color) being killed by law enforcement has became the final major event in 2014. This has carried further than expected. With the grand jury decisions not to indict a NYPD officer in the stranglehold of Eric Garner marks another week of unrest in Missouri and probably across the nation.

This professor Deborah O'Connor was a business communication instructor. This woman was on the sidelines trolling the internet for a fight. She picked a fight with a gay celebrity hairstylist. That fight ended up costing her job, her reputation and probably the scorn of the university. The university asked for her resignation after it was revealed that Colin Lively's on police brutality merit a brutal insult. She would post the following:

The angry responses of a right wing troll.
"YOU elected POTUS, Holder et al. And they are supposed to represent all Americans, not just blacks … why don't these ass clowns insert themselves into their stories?"

"Take your Northern fagoot [sic] elitism and shove it up your ass."

"I teach at a University, you asshole. What do you do?"

"You are an intellectual fraud, just like your Messiah. Obama has single-handedly turned our once great society into a Ghetto Culture, rivaling that of Europe. France is almost at war because of his filthy rodent Muslims who are attacking Native Frenchmen and women."

"I just looked at your picture and what you do for a living. I'm signing off now. I don't talk to you people."

Colin Lively.
Okay, this woman is a total moron. She should have known better. Even though FSU has no regulations on social media activism, her jobs requires her to keep her opinions off the social networks.

In the digital age, nowadays everything you post on those damn social networking sites will stay online forever. And if you want to do something that may cost you your job, your friends, your freedom, and your sanity, just don't do it!

Well as explained this is a toxic issue. The hashtags #CrimingWhileWhite, #IfTheyGunnedMeDown and the new hashtag #AliveWhileBlack have sparked the debate of White privilege and bias in arresting Blacks by those in law enforcement.

This former FSU professor didn't realize that Myron May went on a rampage at the campus a few week ago after having thought the world was out to get him. He shot four before the law put the slugs in him. He would be killed after a ten minute rampage. This extremist was given the opportunities most never gotten. A master's degree, a law degree and an alumni status. Not too many have an opportunity to achieve the dream through the American educational system.

May, a graduate of FSU in 2005 went into the library and let rounds. Four were injured critically.

Some good news happens at FSU. The Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) Division I Seminoles football team get an opportunity to win the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) trophy. They will play the Oregon Ducks (2) for the chance to advance to the finals. The other teams include Alabama Crimson Tide (1) and the Ohio State Buckeyes (4). Each team could advance to the finals.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014


Fact: Michael Brown was unarmed.

Various memes are popping up and some mentioned were #IfTheyGunnedMeDown and #CrimingWhileWhite. They are trying to prove a point that the junk food media is trying to smear the image of the victims. They mention that there's bias in the way the law handles unarmed citizens.

Some are include comedian/talk radio host John Fugelsang, rapper Game, talk radio host Leslie Marshall, and comedian Lee Camp.

Note some of these images are NSFW (not safe for work) so take discretion in viewing these.

Offering Six Shots Of Michael Brown!

St. Joseph bar offering a dead body special.

In Missouri, continued unrest. Three weeks since the St. Louis County prosecutor decided to not indict a Ferguson officer in the death of unarmed teen Michael Brown, the nation continues to have strong emotions and criticisms towards the decision.

It's practically divides race, class and political views. Got this person who reads our blog flooding the comment section with apples and orange stories. Now here's another one for the person to comment on.

About 283 miles from St. Louis in the city of St. Joseph, a bar is under fire after the media was tipped off to choice of drinks it was trying to offer its patrons.

Mug Shots pub is facing some heavy heat after it was trying to give its customers the Michael Brown.
A deal
The Michael Brown offered 6 shots of alcohol. It played a reference of how many times former Ferguson officer Darren Wilson put into the unarmed teen.

The drink was six shots of  Jose Cinge, a popular rum among bar flies.

One of the owners who spoke under anonymity told the junk food media that the situation will be corrected. They "truly apologized" for the reference to the unarmed teen.

It hit the social media networks after someone discovered it being offered at the St. Joseph bar.

Lastly, it didn't make it any better after it was discovered that Anonymous was going to shame the business by releasing their names.

Saturday, December 06, 2014

The Darren Wilson Supporters Serving Chicken, Watermelon and Ol' English To The Protesters!

The protesters for better policing found that in rural Missouri, they're not interested in fellow citizens using their American right to protest. To them it's disturbing their peace. So they'll use their American right to counter-protest. Of course why not have a couple of insensitive themes such as fried chicken, watermelon and a 40 oz in the path of protesters.

The White conservative extremists flood the discussion boards, talk radio shows, and even the very street of Ferguson, Missouri to tell the Michael Brown supporters that they need to go to hell. These extremists believe that even in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting along with numerous events of officer involved killings on unarmed suspects, racism is over.

Yes, the media makes it a race issue. Obviously the agitators of the left and right have debated this.

I've been cautious about it. Yeah, I believe some of the issues driven this year involved race.

However, I will say that my fears are basically the matter of law enforcement shooting unarmed suspects. There's just too many individuals who paid the price for just being a perception. Americans are the most racist, vindictive and immature bunch of human beings to ever exist.

Wonder why the world has issues with us?

Across the world, many nations look at the United States as the last global superpower. They believe that Americans are often look upon as arrogant. They hate us for the very freedoms why take advantage of. Those freedoms allows us to be condescending bigots.


And of course, the protesters are calling for better policing for all citizens.

That annoying conservative agitator debated Washington, DC delegate Congresswoman Elanor Holmes-Norton on the events in New York and the St. Louis area. He was so fucking disrespectful to her and never let her get an opportunity to defend her own comments. He was so obsessed with Brown's stepfather and comments from the Congressional Black Caucus. The members of the Black Caucus were outraged over the Eric Garner decision. They call upon President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and designate Loretta Lynch to do something about it.

That annoying conservative agitator and his minions of the racist right have worked up this notion that Black America isn't focused on crime in their own communities. Of course, being as condescending as most are, the racist right allows people like Rudy Giuliani (aka Mr. 9/11) to run his jaws on issue that have nothing to do with the issues these people are protesting about. He blames Bill de Blasio for the unrest in New York.

Bill de Blasio who is white is married to a Black woman. He had to give his own son Dante the talk about how others view him when he's dressed or driving on the public roads.

Under his term as mayor of New York City, Giuliani allowed unarmed Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo, and Timothy Stansbury to die.

de Blasio, the first Democratic mayor in 20 years is determined to clean up NYPD's act. The mayor now has at least three incidents under his term with the NYPD. The shooting of Akai Gurley isn't going to make things any better. Besides the Eric Garner controversy, there was the brutal attack on Alexian Lien beating on the Henry Hudson Parkway. There were NYPD officers who were part of a biker gang who beat Lien after he ran over another biker in a road rage incident.

Last month, while Akai Gurly was shot in Brooklyn after a rookie officer "accidentally" fired a round inside a empty stairwell. We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to Akai Gurly's family. More on this later. Peter Liang is on administrative leave for this.

This madness must stop. I mean the junk food media is agitating these issues and I am all for awareness but it's going to lead to more violence.

The protesters led by the NAACP got to Jefferson City, to vent anger at Missouri's embattled Democratic governor Jay Nixon for refusing to hire state issued special prosecutor to investigated the handling by former officer Darren Wilson and the Ferguson police force.

The junk food media had filmed protests happened in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Cincinnati, New York, and even in Toronto.

The video here is quite disturbing but it shows the protesters marching through some of the towns in Missouri and you can hear some of those counter-protesting saying racial slurs.

Friday, December 05, 2014

Phoenix Police Guts Unarmed Dope Boy!

Yeah, he may have committed a crime, but he was unarmed. He didn't use his semiautomatic firearm when he fled.

There's another police shooting of an unarmed resident. Fresh off the non-indictment of a NYPD officer who place unarmed Eric Garner in a stranglehold, this issue comes on the heels of another high profile shooting in Cleveland, Ohio. A Phoenix officer is placed on administrative leave after he shot a 34-year old man who was accused of selling drugs. The officer mistook a pill bottle for a weapon and placed a couple of plugs in the man. The man dies.

I am going to add Eric Garner to the labels list. This travesty of injustice

The deadly shooting of a black, unarmed drug suspect by a white Phoenix police officer who mistook a pill bottle for a gun demonstrates the challenges law enforcement agencies face at a time of unrest over police tactics.

The Associated Press reports that the Phoenix police officer feared the suspect was armed during their struggle, but some critics say the officer went too far. Despite the department's efforts to be transparent with information, protesters marched Thursday night against the fatal shooting of 34-year-old Rumain Brisbon.

About 150 took part in the march through the streets of downtown Phoenix to police headquarters, while also calling for an end to what they say is a nationwide epidemic of police brutality.

The police chief and top prosecutor in metro Phoenix met with the president of the NAACP's Maricopa County Branch and other civil rights leaders in the hours after the incident, which came as emotions are running high in New York, Missouri and elsewhere over what protesters call heavy-handed law enforcement efforts.
Joe Arpaio the controversial Maricopa County sheriff resides in Phoenix.
The NAACP official, the Rev. Oscar Tillman, said friends and family members of Brisbon are devastated. He cautioned them about channeling their anger as the investigation into the shooting unfolds.

"I told them not to be openly explosive or whatever because the fact is ... as you can see what happened to Michael Brown's (stepfather) now. They're talking about going after him. I said 'just be very careful,'" Tillman said.

According to Sgt. Trent Crump, the officer responded Tuesday to reports of someone selling drugs out of a Cadillac SUV. Upon locating the SUV, he ordered Brisbon, the sole occupant, to show his hands.

Authorities say Brisbon ran inside an apartment building and then got into a struggle with the officer. Brisbon put his hand in his pocket, and when the officer grabbed the hand, he thought he felt the handle of a gun through Brisbon's pants, police said.

Police say the officer repeatedly told Brisbon to keep his hand in his pocket, then shot him twice when he didn't.

Brisbon, an ex-convict, was hit in the torso and later pronounced dead at the scene. Investigators recovered a semi-automatic handgun and a jar of marijuana from his SUV.

An internal investigation is already underway, Crump said Thursday. The Maricopa County attorney's office will determine whether the officer will face criminal charges. Police did not identify the 30-year-old officer but said he is a seven-year veteran of the department.

Marci Kratter, an attorney representing Brisbon's family, said she was unable to immediately comment when reached Thursday.

The Phoenix shooting occurred the day before a grand jury in New York City decided not to indict a white police officer in the chokehold death of a black man. Video shows Eric Garner repeatedly gasped "I can't breathe" while Officer Daniel Pantaleo detained him in a chokehold. Dozens of protesters were arrested on New York streets Wednesday, police said.

A grand jury decided Nov. 24 not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Brown. The decision sparked violent protests, lootings and the destruction of several businesses.

Gerald Richard, an assistant to the Phoenix police chief who oversees police-community relations, said he began reaching out to community leaders after Brisbon was killed, but not because of the events in Missouri, he said.

"It is better for individuals to know the facts as opposed to be going off of rumors and hunches," Richard said. "I sincerely believe that type of communication is vital."

Tillman said he was appreciative that he was able to get a meeting with Chief Daniel Garcia as well as a call from County Attorney Bill Montgomery.

"That says something in a community when you're able to, bright and early less than 12 hours after it happened, sit down with the police chief and his top staff and communicate with the county attorney."

However, he called on the Phoenix mayor, city manager and other officials to also start a dialogue with black community members. He said he is hoping to speak with witnesses to decide whether he thinks the shooting was justified.

"That's what needs to be done, because the fact is, as we can see across this country, if we don't deal with it, we're going to keep dealing with it," Tillman said.

Former NBA star and sports agitator Charles Barkley has a right to express his opinion. However, is he walking with the protesters or those who support the killings of the unarmed.

New rule for all alleged Black suspects, don't pull out anything unless they pat you down. That's what the racist right wants to keep us alive right?

Without a warrant, an officer can't not search your vehicle or home.  without probably cause.

Phoenix, Arizona is now in the fire. An unarmed man who was selling dope was gunned down by a police officer.

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Damn Shame America!

Eric Garner the father of six was killed by law enforcement. He was unarmed. He was placed in a restriction hold and suffocated. Garner died and his killer walked. The racist right agitators are claiming that Black America should channel their rage towards President Barack Obama and black-on-everyone else crime instead of attacking the law.

Why isn't is all this reaction towards police brutality not an issue during the Midterms?

Those who opposed Republicans didn't take all this activism to the ballot box.

Those who allowed Republicans to take control of Congress support the grand jury decisions to allow law enforcement to walk. They don't care about the victims being unarmed or in legal right to. They just rather see the individual (especially Black) as villains.

Since we have Barack Obama as our first Black president, every issue in America is being examined through the racial lens. Of course, when the people of color express outrage to a system that in their minds perceived as a benefit for one group and not another, then we really have a problem.

Whites believe Obama gives more to Blacks. White women (a huge block for the president) have turned on him too. Even the most liberal co-workers at my job are upset that the president meddled in controversial issues such as the Michael Brown shooting.

Blacks believe that Whites are more hostile towards Obama because of his race. Here's an example of how Blacks looks at Whites. Check out the former Alaskan governor who is an annoying agitator. Then there's Mr. 9/11 and that annoying conservative agitator on Loserville who rally for indictments of Michael Brown's stepfather. They don't understand the raw anger of injustice. They focus on symbolic words or threats of incitement.

We have Hispanics and Asians upset that immigration reform is being stalled because of prejudices by Republican and Democrat lawmakers in Washington, DC.

We have people of religion who feel that the negativity of the junk food media forces people out of the faith. When the media was talking about criminal acts in the Catholic church, the Jewish synagogue, the Christian church, and Islamic mosque, people have found that there's no hope.

So it leads to Americans having a sharp decline in faith enrollment because of the media's perception of religion.

Honestly, there is no god if there's all the injustice in the world.

Now the #CrimingWhileWhite meme has become a rallying cry for protesters to point out even in America, the perception of law enforcement going easy on White people has brought an injustice to those in America.

The Hollywood Reporter says that former Daily Show writer Jason Ross, who is white, created the meme. He revealed the minimal punishment he received from police for crimes he committed while growing up.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014


Oh it's Jell-O.

While I couldn't squeeze all the things happening during the weekend. I wanted to briefly cover some of the musings.

A pregnant woman in Ferguson, Missouri loss sight in her left eye after a non-lethal bean bag projectile went through a glass of her boyfriend's vehicle. She was protesting the decision. Her boyfriend's car was decorated with tributes to Michael Brown.

A Michigan man was stopped in Pontiac, Michigan by an officer on a call that he was looking "suspicious" by having his hands in his pocket. I'm not sure if this was staged or not, but it made me concerned.

We wait for the grand jury decision (not holding my breathe) on the Eric Garner case. Garner was placed in a chokehold by a NYPD officer. The grand jury is looking into whether excessive force and involuntary manslaughter should be placed on the officer. Garner was unarmed and officer Daniel Pantale grabbed him. Garner told the arresting officers he couldn't breathe and it didn't stop the wrangling down. After two minutes he was unconscious. They waited another three minutes before they could get medical assistance. He was pronounced dead upon arrival to the hospital. Bill de Blasio and the NYPD police chief are trying to calm the potential for a public backlash.

As Republican state attorney general Mike DeWine gets involved in the Cleveland police shooting of Tamir Rice, the public believes that the two officers who shot Rice will not be indicted.

The Black Friday sales were at a low. Trouble looms for struggling big box stores. Too many discounts happened before Black Friday. Some businesses opened on Thanksgiving to serve customers.

Congressman Pete King (R-NY) and Rat Face Mark Levin want the president to apologize to Darren Wilson. The controversial agitator and his Islamophobic lawmaker buddy wants the president to invite the shooter of Michael Brown to the White House to public acknowledge he was wrong. Again the Republicans want the president to apologize. The very same ones who believe he apologizes for America. C'mon be serious.

Florida Republican official went to the social networks to say that Darren Wilson should be given a medal and the protesters should get their asses showered with the water cannons.

Bill Cosby was one of the most trusted individuals in the world. He ranked really high. But after allegations of rape by numerous women came forth, his stock tumbled. Nickelodeon pulled the plug on The Cosby Show. All shows that feature Bill Cosby are pulled. That means Fat Albert, iSpy, The Bill Cosby Show, A Diff'rent World, Cosby, Little Bill are off the roster. He recently resigned as an adviser to Temple University. The colleges cut ties with him. Some comedy clubs have banned him. Years of work, down the drain for the world's most favorite dad and complainer of the Black community.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

How The Racist Right Reacted To The Tamir Rice Shooting!

If you're Black man playing with a gun, you're likely going to get shot.

Again, don't hold your breathe. Most Black Americans figured since the Michael Brown shooting, this incident in Cleveland will only result in the two officers walking free. They were responsible for shooting a 12 year old boy on Saturday. They responded to a call of the child who was playing with a gun. According to the White caller Tamir Rice was holding a toy gun and "caused a panic".

After all, if Tamir Rice was in Walmart or walking on a neighborhood street, he at least would have been shot at a distance than at close range.

Blacks have more distrust for law enforcement. Darren Wilson can freely live his life as a husband, father and private citizen. It's a damn shame that the shooters live while Michael Brown, John Crawford III, Tamir Rice, Darrien Hunt, and Trayvon Martin are dead.

The White conservative extremist's perception of young Black males and even Black professionals is basically simple: Either the shooting victim was:


Pick your answer.

Now here's a link from Facebook. This is coming from Conservative Daily, a website that follows news from the racist right prospective. Some of the comments from the link will contain offensive language.


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