Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Three White Nationalist Lawmakers Voted Against Anti-Lynching Bill!

White nationalists vote against a ban on lynching.

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) is hoping to retire with at least a memorable law being signed by President Joe Biden. He has longed for the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act to be passed by Congress and signed into law.

Rush had hope with Barack Obama and Washed Up 45, the bill would make it into the books. It failed because the Republicans opposed the legislation on the grounds of "freedom of speech."

Now with Biden in charge, he needs more than a few victories, he needs a battle flag over a spot.

The Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act will face a tough road ahead once it makes it to the Senate.

Republicans, Sen. Karen Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Karen Sinema (D-AZ) filibustering the legislation, it is likely to die. The 50 Republicans are adamant on opposing Biden. They are hoping that keeping Americans distracted on culture wars and the president's job approval will be their key to returning back to power. On top of that, they have no message nor an agenda. All they want to do in my honest opinion is "own the libs," claim credit for things they never supported and rewrite history to make it seem like they did achievements when they haven't.

Democrats are considered the party of diversity. Unfortunately, diversity comes with a price. We still have white nationalism within the party. Manchin, Sinema and leftists are just as bad as the far-right and their white nationalist base. 

Sen. Karen Scott (R-SC) is the sole Black Republican in the senate. He is no longer interested in working on the interest of Democrats and civil rights leaders. He already has signalled he won't vote for Ketanji Brown Jackson, Biden's pick for the Supreme Court.

The House of Representatives passed the anti-lynching bill with 422-3.

Three white nationalists voted against it.

One more road to cross for Emmett Till.

Rep. Karen Clyde (R-GA), Rep. Karen Massie (R-KY) and Rep. Karen Roy (R-TX) were the white nationalists who voted against the legislation.

This adds more problems to the Republican Party. They already face heat for Rep. Idiot Karen Greene (R-GA) and Rep. Karen Gosar (R-AZ) appearing at the America First Political Action Conference, a white nationalist-themed event sponsored by Karen Fauntes. 

Emmett Till, a 14-year old boy from Chicago went to spend time with his family in Money, Mississippi.

A white woman claimed he whistled at her and it infuriated local racists Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam.

They snatched him from his bedroom. They literally beat him up, gouged his eyes out, shot him multiple times, tied his body to a cotton gin and toss the corpse in the Tallahatchie River. Till's mother, Mamie Till Moby had an open casket funeral for her son. The images were taken by Jet Magazine and it touched off outrage across the nation.

Emmett Till was lynched. Now the feds want to permanently outlaw it.

The two men were originally charged for the crime, but an all-white jury decided to not convict them.

Both men admitted they done the murder. They tried to cash off the fame but soon found themselves pariahs among the world. They both died miserable lives.

The woman who claimed Till whistled at her Carolyn Bryant is still alive, living under a different name.

Carolyn Bryant was the old-school style of Karens. A woman who would lie on a Black man. 

The U.S. Justice Department had to close the door on Emmett Till murder because they couldn't get enough evidence to prosecute surviving members.

White nationalist lawmakers exist within the Republican Party. It's a sad state of affairs.

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