Tuesday, March 15, 2022

White Supremacists/Conservative Talking Points and Mantra

This was originally published in Quora under my real name but those who oppose the teaching of real history of the United States are really racist and white supremacist. 

I'm talking about you, Bill Maher, Pat McCrory, Neal Boortz, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Majorie Taylor Greene, Candice Owens, among many others who are in the public eye, denouncing CRT before even reading what is about.

 Here are the talking points of racist/white supremacist conservatives:

 “Diversity is a weakness." 
 “Blacks and Hispanics have low IQs”
 “Illegal aliens" 
“Blacks are committing most of the crimes" 
 “Muslims are terrorists"
“Don't make it about race" 
“Blacks, Hispanics, Asians are the real racists” 
 “Immigrants are taking our jobs away."
“Black men are deadbeat dads” 
“Black and Hispanic men are rapists"
 “Black women are baby making machines" 
 “Obama set race relations back” 
"White people create the modern world 🌎." 
 “Asians are taking over the universities." 
“Banks are controlled by Jews”
 “Jews are behind the race mixing agenda" 
“All lives matter"
 “White women are objectively the most beautiful.”
 “White men are the most financially successful group of people on the earth 🌎." 
 “Mixed race people suffer because they are Mixed” 
 “What about the children?" 
"Interracial relationships are wrong”
 “Why are Black and Brown women on welfare?” 
“Black, Asian, Latino, Indian, Middle Eastern men are always after White women” 
“30,000 white women are raped by Black men. No Black women ever raped by white men.” 
 “Chinese are taking over!” 
 “What about Black on Black Crime?” 
 “White men are the victims” 
 “White women are in danger. We must save them from evil men of Color.” 
 “The white race is in danger of being extinct.”
 "Get over it!" 
 The Indians are lazy drunks who complain about everything."
 "History is written by the victors. Get over it!"
 "They just playing the race card" 
"I'm not racist, but..."
"Slavery is over"
"Woke" (taken over by conservatives who resent the presence of Blacks in ads, media, TV)
"Go woke, go broke"

These and many other talking points conservatives make about race and ethnicity.  It's not just Stormfronters, AmRenners, Alt Rightists, HBD-Sailerites, etc.  It's your Fox TV news, Republicans, Libertarians, Talk Radio, even white "liberals" such as Bill Maher, who is becoming right wing of late, berating Black people on a daily basis

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