Showing posts with label White supremacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White supremacy. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

White Supremacists/Conservative Talking Points and Mantra

This was originally published in Quora under my real name but those who oppose the teaching of real history of the United States are really racist and white supremacist. 

I'm talking about you, Bill Maher, Pat McCrory, Neal Boortz, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Majorie Taylor Greene, Candice Owens, among many others who are in the public eye, denouncing CRT before even reading what is about.

 Here are the talking points of racist/white supremacist conservatives:

 “Diversity is a weakness." 
 “Blacks and Hispanics have low IQs”
 “Illegal aliens" 
“Blacks are committing most of the crimes" 
 “Muslims are terrorists"
“Don't make it about race" 
“Blacks, Hispanics, Asians are the real racists” 
 “Immigrants are taking our jobs away."
“Black men are deadbeat dads” 
“Black and Hispanic men are rapists"
 “Black women are baby making machines" 
 “Obama set race relations back” 
"White people create the modern world 🌎." 
 “Asians are taking over the universities." 
“Banks are controlled by Jews”
 “Jews are behind the race mixing agenda" 
“All lives matter"
 “White women are objectively the most beautiful.”
 “White men are the most financially successful group of people on the earth 🌎." 
 “Mixed race people suffer because they are Mixed” 
 “What about the children?" 
"Interracial relationships are wrong”
 “Why are Black and Brown women on welfare?” 
“Black, Asian, Latino, Indian, Middle Eastern men are always after White women” 
“30,000 white women are raped by Black men. No Black women ever raped by white men.” 
 “Chinese are taking over!” 
 “What about Black on Black Crime?” 
 “White men are the victims” 
 “White women are in danger. We must save them from evil men of Color.” 
 “The white race is in danger of being extinct.”
 "Get over it!" 
 The Indians are lazy drunks who complain about everything."
 "History is written by the victors. Get over it!"
 "They just playing the race card" 
"I'm not racist, but..."
"Slavery is over"
"Woke" (taken over by conservatives who resent the presence of Blacks in ads, media, TV)
"Go woke, go broke"

These and many other talking points conservatives make about race and ethnicity.  It's not just Stormfronters, AmRenners, Alt Rightists, HBD-Sailerites, etc.  It's your Fox TV news, Republicans, Libertarians, Talk Radio, even white "liberals" such as Bill Maher, who is becoming right wing of late, berating Black people on a daily basis

Monday, June 14, 2021

Accused in London, Ont., vehicle attack now facing terrorism charges

Finally, the terrorist is being held in the death of Muslim family of five in London, Ontario.  
His name is Nathaniel Veltman, a white terrorist with anti Muslim beliefs. 

That terrorist is going to be prosecuted as a terrorist and a racist under Canadian law.

Meanwhile, the family, friends, and relatives are mourning the death of the Afzaal-Salman family in London.  Also, the family left behind a grandson who is motherless because of hate.

Islamophobia is a terrorism motivated by religious and racial hatred.

My condolences go to the Afzaal-Salman family.  May God help them in this moment of grief and its aftermath.  

Monday, June 07, 2021

Muslim family killed in targeted hit and run in London, Ont.: Police | C...

Hate Crime in Ontario, Canada:  Four Muslim family members murdered in a hit and run.  

Prayers goes to the family of four who were murdered by terrorist

Three adults and one teen from the same family were killed in a hit and run on June 6. The family's nine-year-old boy is in hospital with serious injuries. Police say they appear to have been targeted because of their Islamic faith. A 20-year-old man has been charged with four counts of murder and one count of attempted murder. To read more:

Friday, June 07, 2019

CP5-Central Park Five Documentary by Ava Duvernay

Mr Superboy's excellent video on the Central Park Five

I was just 18 years old when this happened. The 1980s/early nineties were a period of racial polarization. Bush Sr. pushed the Willie Horton ad to the public, then he called the Civil Rights bill as "a quota bill". Next, the Bensonhurst murder where Yusef Hawkins was shot because racists thought he was seeing a white girl, Charles Stuart lied to the public regarding the murder of his wife. That coward got so many innocent Black men abused and railroaded by the Boston police, notorious for its racism. When his story didn't add up and his own brother was about to turn him in for the murder of his wife, he cowardly took his life. WS republican David Duke was flexing his political might in Louisiana. There was a war against Black men in America. We need to take this seriously.

The media made a big deal out of the boys who were falsely accused of rape, while the actual guy by the name of Mathias Reyes was out there serially raping and murdering women during this time. Also, there was a Black woman who was raped, beaten, thrown into the elevator shaft to be left for dead in Harlem. No persons of interest and almost no media coverage whatsoever. We are conditioned to value certain races of women, while disregarding the lives of Black and brown women as victims.

See the continuation of the stories of the now-exonerated men known as the Central Park 5: Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana and Korey Wise. When They See Us is based on a true story that gripped the country in 1989. The four part limited series by Ava DuVernay chronicles the notorious case of five teenagers of color, labeled the Central Park Five, who were convicted of a rape they did not commit. Watch their rise to triumph on May 31st, only on Netflix.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

White Extremist Served A Side Of Knuckle Style Chili!

The piped piper of hate got served a side of knuckle style chili.

As so we begin the four years of the most divisive POS to ever lead our nation. Fuhrer Donald J. Trump and vice fuhrer Mike Pence will be blamed for everything that happens.

Understand, conservatives, you can't blame Barack Obama anymore after today.

So be prepared for a polarizing four years.

White extremist Richard Spencer tasted some knuckle style chili while giving an interview to the junk food media.

Some asshole served him a side order and rocked his bells.

The alleged attacker will be caught and face aggravated assault and battery. He could spend at least a year in the iron college. Spencer is a piped piper of extremism. He could sic his minions on the attacker if they find his name in the public records.

The junk food media is trying to rationalize White extremism. They label this bullshit the "alt-right".

And for good measure, watch Tila Tequila getting slapped in the face with poop at the Gathering of the Juggalos.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mrs. Obama Speaks About Racism Toward Her.....

There's a mad-on resentment against Michelle Obama by white America.  Moreso than her husband.  They resent the fact that Mrs. Obama challenge the "aesthetic supremacy"  of white women and they resent that deeply. They feel that Mrs. Obama doesn't belong in the White House period.  White entitlement and supremacy knows no end.

Here's an article from Media Matters condemning Rush Limbaugh's slandering of First Lady Michelle Obama:

Media Call Out Rush Limbaugh For Racially Charged Attacks On Michelle Obama

The conservative radio host attacked Michelle Obama this week for her reference to racial disparities in access to education opportunities like museums during a speech at the April 30 dedication of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. Obama praised the Whitney's inaugural exhibit for its attempt to capture the range of cultures that have contributed to American art and called it "particularly powerful for our young people" because it shows them that "their story is part of the American story, and that they deserve to be seen." Such engagement is important, Obama said, because "there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that's not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood."
Limbaugh accused Obama of claiming "museums are for white people" and of using the speech to "widen the racial gap." Calling her an "angry First Lady" who wants to "rip this country apart," Rush went on to suggestthat black people simply didn't appreciate museums because they are "not in their cultural upbringing."
Media figures are now blasting Limbaugh for the racist attacks.
The Washington Post's Richard Cohen declared that Limbaugh criticized Obama "for the sin of being black." "The way he looks at it," Cohen wrote, "Obama is not entitled to her experiences, certainly not to talk about it," going on: "[J]ust as Eleanor Roosevelt articulated the experiences and plight of the poor as well as racial and ethnic minorities, so does Michelle Obama articulate the black experience. If that sometimes makes others uncomfortable, it damn well should."
Similarly, The New York Times' Charles Blow blasted Rush and explained how Obama's thoughts on the diversity of museum visitors "was right," pointing to a 2010 report by the Center for the Future of Museums that found "historic patterns of segregation and exclusion as one reason that fewer African-American families instill museum-going habits in their young children." Blow called out Limbaugh for trying to paint "the Obamas as failed racial messiahs at best, and active racial agitators at worst":
But for Limbaugh, this wasn't about museum attendance at all. It was simply another opportunity to excrete the tired banalities about the Obamas as failed racial messiahs at best, and active racial agitators at worst.
Obama's sin, using [Rush's] line of logic, is that he failed to undo the system of oppression that he had no hand in constructing. It is that 400 years of damage was not undone in two terms. It is that he didn't encourage silence about inequity so that its benefactors could enjoy the cumulative fruit of centuries of racial graft without current-day guilt.
They wanted some mythical receipt of satisfaction of the debt. Let bygones be bygones. All is forgotten and forgiven. Clean slate. Fresh start.
If only it were that simple. But it's not. This whole line of reasoning is racial claptrap.
Such increasing focus on Limbaugh's racially charged attacks coincides with growing advertising woes for the radio host, who has been seeing advertisers flee from his program since his multi-day attack on then-law student Sandra Fluke. Just last month, Emmis Communications announced it was dropping Limbaugh's broadcast from its WIBC lineup, which had aired the radio program for 22 years.

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Andrea Shea King..Said Blacks Should Be Hanging From A Noose...

The following report comes from Right Wing Watch, from the organization, People for the American Way:

WorldNetDaily commentator and fringe radio host Andrea Shea King wants to punish elected officials who plan to skip Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial address to the U.S. Congress tomorrow…by putting them to death.
King said on her radio program last month that such officials shouldn’tW just “pay with their jobs” but should also “pay with their lives.”

That's extremely racist and genocidal.  The Right Wing media is grasping at the straws to attack President Obama and if they couldn't directly attack the president, they cowardly attack any Black leader or celebrity.

MrSuperboy has done a brilliant job in analyzing that no-good woman.

What are your thoughts on that latest salvo?

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Racism and Bigotry of LA Clippers Donald Sterling- SMH!

I can't let this one pass!

My take:

This guy is absolutely racist and bigoted, yet he had a Black girlfriend.  Racist white men want to have their cake and eat it too.  They also insist Black women to assimilate to their white male supremacist culture. That won't work because some Black women aren't giving up Blackness and Black culture. At the same time, those men denigrate Black men and women, telling them that they're "inferior" and have no rights bound to respect.

I wish some of my Black sisters in the "BWE" movment talk about this one.  How can one be with a man that is a racist and have one's sanity intact?  

That's white male privilege at work.  Entitled to have women of all races and be racist and hateful at the same time.  That proves Kristen Maye's and many other Black womens' viewpoint about racism in interracial relationships.  That painful history of Whites and Blacks along with Whites not giving up their "White Privilege" status and contemporary racism.



Read by Beulah Richardson at the Women's Workshop at the American People's Peace Congress held in Chicago on June 29, 30 and July 1, 1951 bringing a standing ovation from all 500 women attending.

It is right that I a woman black, should speak of white womanhood. my fathers my brothers my husbands my sons die for it: because of it. and their blood chilled in electric chairs, stopped by hangman’s noose, cooked by lynch mobs’ fire, spilled by white supremacist mad desire to kill give me that right

I would that I could speak of white womanhood

as it will and should be

when it stands tall in full equality.

but then, womanhood will be womanhood.

Void of color and of class, And all necessity for my speaking thus will be past. Gladly past. But now, since ‘tis deemed a thing apart Supreme, I must in searching honesty report How it seems to me. White womanhood stands in bloodied skirt and willing slavery reaching out adulterous hand killing mine and crushing me. What then is the superior thing That in order to be sustained must needs feed upon my flesh?

 Let’s look to history. They said, the white supremacist said that you were better than me, that your fair brow would never know the sweat of slavery. They lied White womanhood to is enslaved, The difference is degree. They brought me here in chains. They brought you here willing slaves to man. You, shiploads of women each filled with hope That she might win with ruby lip and saucy curl And bright and flashing eyes Him to wife who had the largest tender. Remember? And they sold you here even as they sold me.

My sisters, there is no room for mockery. If they counted my teeth They did appraise your thigh And sold you to the highest bidder The same as I. And you did not fight for your right to choose Whom you would wed But for whatever bartered price That was the legal tender You were sold to a stranger’s bed In a stranger land Remember? And you did not fight. Mind you, I speak not mockingly But I fought for freedom, I’m fighting now for our unity. We are women all. And what wrongs you murders me And eventually marks your grave So we share a mutual death at the hand of tyranny. They trapped me with the chain and gun. They trapped you with lying tongue.

For, ‘less you see that fault— That male villainy That robbed you of name, voice and authority, That murderous greed that wasted you and me, He, the white supremacist, fixed your minds with poisonous thought: “white skin is supreme.” And there with bought that monstrous change exiling you to things. Changed all that nature had in you wrought of gentle usefulness, abolishing your spring.

Tore out your heart, set your good apart from all that you could say, think, feel, know to be right. And you did not fight, but set your minds fast on my slavery the better to endure your own. 'Tis true my pearls were beads of sweat wrung from weary bodies' pain, instead of rings upon my hands I wore swollen, bursting veins. My ornaments were the wipe-lash's scar my diamond, perhaps, a tear. Instead of paint and powder on my face I wore a solid mask of fear to see my blood so spilled. And you, women seeing spoke no protest but cuddled down in your pink slavery and thought somehow my wasted blood confirmed your superiority.

Because your necklace was of gold you did not notice that it throttled speech. Because diamond rings bedecked your hands you did not regret their dictated idleness. Nor could you see that the platinum bracelets which graced your wrists were chains binding you fast to economic slavery And though you claimed your husband's name still could not command his fidelity. You bore him sons. I bore him sons. No, not willingly. He purchase you. He raped me, I fought! But you fought neither for yourselves nor me. Sat trapped in your superiority and spoke no reproach. Consoled your outrage with an added diamond brooch. Oh, God, how great is a woman's fear who for a stone, a cold, cold stone would not defend honor, love or dignity!

Your bore the damning mockery of your marriage and heaped your hate on me, a woman too, a slave more so. And when your husband disowned his seed that was my son and sold him apart from me you felt avenged. Understand: I was not your enemy in this, I was not the source of your distress. I was your friend, I fought. But you would not help me fight thinking you helped only me. Your deceived eyes seeing only my slavery aided your own decay. Yes, they condemned me to death and they condemned you to decay. Your heart whisked away, consumed in hate, used up in idleness playing yet the lady's part estranged to vanity. It is justice to you to say your fear equaled your tyranny. You were afraid to nurse your young lest fallen breast offend your master's sight and he should flee to firmer loveliness. And so you passed them, your children, on to me. Flesh that was your flesh and blood that was your blood drank the sustenance of life from me. And as I gave suckle I knew I nursed my own child's enemy.

 I could have lied, told you your child was fed till it was dead of hunger. But I could not find the heart to kill orphaned innocence. For as it fed, it smiled and burped and gurgled with content and as for color knew no difference. Yes, in that first while I kept your sons and daughters alive. But when they grew strong in blood and bone that was of my milk you taught them to hate me. PUt your decay in their hearts and upon their lips so that strength that was of myself turned and spat upon me, despoiled my daughters, and killed my sons. You know I speak true.

Though this is not true for all of you When I bestirred myself for freedom and brave Harriet led the way some of you found heart and played a part in aiding my escape. And when I made my big push for freedom your sons fought at my sons' side. Your husbands and brothers too fell in that battle when Crispus Attucks died. It's unfortunate that you acted not in the way of justice but to preserve the Union and for dear sweet pity's sake; Else how came it to be with me as it is today? You abhorred slavery yet loathed equality.

I would that the poor among you could have seen through the scheme and joined hands with me. Then, we being the majority, could long ago have recued our wasted lives. But no. The rich, becoming richer, could be content while yet the poor had only the pretense of superiority and sought through murderous brutality to convince themselves that what was false was true.

 So with KKK and fiery cross and bloodied appetites set about to prove that "white is right" forgetting their poverty. Thus the white supremacist used your skins to perpetuate slavery. And woe to me. Woe to Willie McGee. Woe to the seven men of Martinsville. And woe to you. It was no mistake that your naked body on an Esquire calendar announced the date, May Eighth. This is your fate if you do not wake to fight. They will use your naked bodies to sell their wares though it be hate, Coca Cola or rape. When a white mother disdained to teach her children this doctrine of hate, but taught them instead of peace and respect for all men's dignity the courts of law did legislate that they be taken from her and sent to another state. To make a

Troy Hawkins of the little girl and a killer of the little boy! No, it was not for the womanhood of this mother that Willie McBee died but for the depraved, enslaved, adulterous woman whose lustful demands denied, lied and killed what she could not possess. Only three months before another such woman lied and seven black men shuddered and gave up their lives. These women were upheld in these bloody deeds by the president of this nation, thus putting the official seal on the fate of white womanhood with in these United States. This is what they plan for you. This is the depravity they would reduce you to.

 Death for me and worse than death for you. What will you do? Will you fight with me? White supremacy is your enemy and mine. So be careful when you talk with me. Remind me not of my slavery, I know it will but rather tell me of your own. Remember, you have never known me. You've been busy seeing me as white supremacist would have me be, and I will be myself. Free! My aim is full equality. I would usurp their plan! Justice peace and plenty for every man, woman and child who walks the earth. This is my fight! If you will fight with me then take my hand and the hand of Rosa Ingram, and Rosalee McGee, and as we set about our plan let our Wholehearted fight be: PEACE IN A WORLD WHERE THERE IS EQUALITY.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Shawn James, Black Freelance Writer: Critical Thinking About Tamera Mowry-Housely’s EXTRA EXTRA SALTY TEARS

Mr. Housely should have protect his wife and child from racist insults. 

Shawn James, Black Freelance Writer: Critical Thinking About Tamera Mowry-Housely’s EXTRA EXTRA SALTY TEARS

A very insightful commentary on the cyber harassment of Tamera Mowry-Housely's interracial relationship.  Mr. James criticized the scapegoating of Black men by the mainstream media when it comes to racism in interracial relationships.  It's mainstream America that still have a problem with those relationships and they project their hatred of such relationships onto Black men and women.

And another thing, where's her husband when those incidents happened? He didn't defend her against those trolls who didn't like their being together. Those trolls weren't Black. They are more than likely nonblack people disguising themselves as Blacks to vent out their racist bs on message boards and social networks.

Here's another perspective on the Tamera Mowry-Housely's situation by Ed of Dream and Hustle:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tea Partying with White Supremacists! - White Supremacists and Far Right Militias Mobilizing Anger against President Obama

Al Jazeera Reports: White Power USA - The Rise of White Supremacists In The Age of Barack Obama.

With the election of the Barack Obama, a failing economy and anti-immigrant sentiment on the rise, some activists are calling it the perfect storm for recruitment by racist organisations.

Supremacist groups are reportedly targeting soldiers returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as trying to become part of 'mainstream' conservatism by organising around the successful 'Tea Party' movement. 2010 © AlJazeeraEnglish, Inc.

A new report from the Anti-Defamation League© 2009 - 2010 Anti-Defamation League

The Tea Party phenomenon, which began with anti-tax rallies staged across the country on April 15, 2009, will continue as activists in almost every state are planning similar events on July 4. Notably, white supremacists are again planning to participate. As they have done with other political and social issues, for example, promoting the Ron Paul campaign and using the immigration debate, white supremacists and anti-Semites are planning to exploit Tea Parties to disseminate their hateful views and recruit a larger following.
Extremists plan to recruit at Tea Parties
Stormfront, the most popular white supremacist Internet forum, is home to discussion between extremists eager to influence the events. In addition to circulating a list of local organizers and promoting planned rallies, Stormfront members are trying to find ways to involve themselves in the events. In posts to the forum, many voice their intent to attend the Tea parties for the purpose of cultivating an "organized grassroots White mass movement."

Posts to Stormfront:
  • "We need a relevent [sic] transitional envelope-pushing flyer for the masses. Take these Tea Party Americans by the hand and help them go from crawling to standing independently and then walking toward racialism."
  • "We intervene to shape the new pro-White grassroots agenda from within the crowd. We intervene for active effect at the event, for advancement of White racial consciousness and solidarity, and for the growth of the organized grassroots White mass movement and the most perceptive racially aware activist element."
  • "I also agree that spreading the WN message at these events is a good idea-it's time already,we've gotta do it!! Carefully, of course."
  • "A big crowd of irate White folks protesting the government seems like the perfect time and place for us WN's to promote our cause, at least to my way of thinking."
  • "I distributed WN literature at the last Tea Party in Phoenix. I will be doing it again in July. This is the time and the place. For those on a budget, I would suggest printing business cards with the web address of your group or organization. Keep it simple."
  • "I think they'd be ideal for spreading WN literature and gaining recruits in large numbers, more quickly."

Tea Party Americans Coalition
An anti-Semite and white supremacist using the name "Whites Forward" created the Tea Party Americans Coalition (TPAC) as "a working group for serious White racialist ACTIVISTS in the US who want to effectively coordinate our efforts and intervene for effect in Tea Party-type events." Anti-Semitic, racist, and anti-immigrant themes run through the six issues on which the working group is based.
"Whites Forward" is hoping that TPAC will be the "genesis of our new White mass movement and the fertile womb for our pro-White political party." He has called on other white supremacist groups to align themselves with the coalition, "Take these Tea Party Americans by the hand and help them go from crawling to standing independently and then walking toward racialism." —Stormfront member "Whites Forward"including the Council of Conservative Citizens, the Nationalist Coalition, David Duke's EURO organization, and European Americans United.
Currently, 42 individuals have registered as TPAC members, including:
  • Don Black, well-known throughout the white supremacist and anti-Semitic community, both for his role as the founder and operator of Stormfront, and for his appearances and speeches at racist and anti-Semitic gatherings. Based in Florida, Black is a former Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan who served prison time for plotting to invade the Caribbean island of Dominica and overthrow its government.
  • John Ubele, the Florida-based Operations Manager for the neo-Nazi Nationalist Coalition. A former member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, Ubele was also a founding member of the Sons of Liberty Committee, a group whose stated goal was for "the interests of European Americans…to reign supreme in all deliberations and actions of our government." Ubele also hosted "Radio with John Ubele," a weekly radio program hosted on Stormfront.
National Alliance leader tells followers to spread neo-Nazi message at Tea Parties
Erich Gliebe, who heads the West Virginia-based National Alliance (NA), devoted a May 2009 Internet radio broadcast to recast the purpose of the Tea Parties as opportunities to unite the white race and motivate its members to action. Gliebe argued that white people have simply had enough of what he described as minorities relying on tax dollars to fund government programs. He explained that "middle class White Americans are finally protesting."
Optimistic that recruitment at the Tea Parties could expand his group's membership, Gliebe suggested that "a number of those who turned out on April 15th are ready to embrace the National Alliance's message." He also alleged that the NA had experienced an increase in applications and requests for information as a result of the Tea Parties.
Gliebe encouraged white people to exploit the events to form a movement that will address the "major issues facing White Americans today." Finally, he requested that individuals intending on participating in future tea parties distribute a pamphlet created by deceased National Alliance leader William Pierce.
White supremacist Billy Roper a Tea Party organizer in Arkansas
Billy Roper, who heads the white supremacist White Revolution group, based in Arkansas, is listed as an organizer on a Tea Party movement Web site. In a June 2009 post to the White Revolution blog, Roper claimed to be organizing a Tea Party in Arkansas and sending White Revolution "representatives who will be witnessing and converting lost souls at Tea Parties from North Carolina to Arizona." [emphasis in original]
A May blog post revealed that White Revolution members will attend local Tea Party protests and distribute leaflets and flyers. Their goal will be to "educate, activate, and recruit." The blog post encouraged readers to "plan to attend one to do your part for our race and nation!"

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Peruanista: Racism in Peru: locally produced TV presents Indigenous and Black Peruvians through Insulting Characters and promotes White supremacy

Peruanista: Racism in Peru: locally produced TV presents Indigenous and Black Peruvians through Insulting Characters and promotes White supremacy

Thanks Peruanista for writing this article. It confirms everything about antiblack/anti-indigenous racism around the world via the mass media. Racism/sexism isn't limited to the U.S. Latin Americans, Europeans and British have a poor history of race relations as well.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Posts by Fellow Bloggers November-2-2009

Von from Black Conscious Thought wrote about the infrequency of BF/WM relationships in America:

From Stuff White People Do:

Americans' tendency to homogenize 50 African countries into one big country called Africa, ignoring cultures, races, religions, and governments. As if they are all alike without any individuality

From Siditty:

Black face is making a comeback. It's not just from Tyra, though. Magazines and TV shows employ the use of Blackface as well.

From Brian Beach of Dayton, Ohio:

Infiltrating the Enemy: Hategroups such as Chimpout at:

From Dovesblood:

"I Spent Three Hours At Nixzmary's Apartment" at:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Klan, Blacks Clash in Texas Town - AOL Black Voices

* Description: A Ku Klux Klan meeting in Gaine...Image via Wikipedia

Klan, Blacks Clash in Texas Town - AOL Black Voices: "PARIS Texas — State police in full riot gear rushed a downtown street in this eastern Texas town Tuesday to break up a tense standoff between hundreds of black and white protesters who exchanged screams of 'Black power ' and 'White power ' A skinhead carrying a Nazi flag and a shirtless white man were arrested on a misdemeanor charge of suspicion of disorderly conduct before the protesters separated peacefully Paris police spokesman Lt. Danny Huff said. There were no reports of injuries."
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