Fall River prostitute goes completely insane after the judge read charges that she was pimping underage teens for men who lived in the area. Some of her tricks were arrested as well. She gives the racist right a reason to attack Black America. |
Again prostitution is the world's oldest profession. Many women and transgender women often sell their bodies for a few bucks. They are often runaways and drug abusers. The end up in the hands of human traffickers (usually pimps and madams) who often emotionally and physically abuse them.
Most prostitutes often would perform sexual acts on clients and put themselves and their partners at risk for dangerous diseases. The most common diseases are gonorrhea and syphilis. These diseases are curable, however there is reports that strains of these sexually transmitted infections are stronger. These diseases are starting to be immune to treatments.
Besides that if the prostitute and client are having sex without a condom, they put themselves at risk for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and C, HPV (genital warts) and herpes.
The unlawful selling of sex in the United States is classified as prostitution. Most states with exception of some counties in Nevada, outlaw prostitution. It could be classified as Misdemeanor 1 to Felony 5. It can be risen to Felony 3 if the prostitute or client are tested for HIV or Hepatitis. It is a Felony 2 for human trafficking.
Human trafficking can carry a sentence of 15 years to life, if the individuals used for sexual encounters with clients are under 18. If this is a federal charge, you will not be eligible for parole in federal time out. You will serve the full term.
In Fall Rivers, Massachusetts, a woman who was charged for human trafficking was acting a fool when the charges were being read. This woman is Black, and obviously overweight. An instant hit for the racist right to make it all about President Barack Obama.
For you see anytime there's an event in which a Black person acts out in public, expect the racist right to flock to their hate filled watering holes to make noise about it. Compare it to everything that's wrong in Black America and then in turn attack Obama for that being one of "his sons or children".
Lara (known as Missy on the streets) was arraigned on charges of sex trafficking for sexual servitude and deriving support from a prostitute. Lara pleaded not guilty at the arraignment and was held on $100,000 cash bail. As she was exiting the courtroom on Thursday morning, she began screaming and thrashing her head until she was restrained by courtroom officials.
According to a police report, the alleged victims told police that Lara, who also went by "Missy" would meet with Hispanic male bar patrons and arrange from them to have sexual intercourse for cash.
All three victims, two 15-year-old girls and a 17-year-old girl, stated that Lara would transport them from the bar to the customer's apartments and other locations to engage in sex acts.
The bar that was described by the girls was identified as Fernando's Place in Fall River.
The owner of the bar, Fernando Oliviera, told Eyewitness that he's surprised by the allegations and doesn't condone any illegal activity in his bar.
"That woman that does that, does she come here for a drink? Probably she does.... but what she does for a living, I don't know," said Oliviera.
One of Lara's alleged customers was also arraigned on Thursday morning and held on $25,000 cash bail.
Both Lara and her customer are due back in court on February 12 for a probably cause hearing.