Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Palin: Black Lives Matter Activists Are Dogs With Fleas!

Sarah Palin and Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson at Stop The Iran Deal Rally.

The word vomit of the infamous former governor of Alaska. The One America Network host goes to Washington with Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to protest the Iranian nuclear deal.

The former half-term governor took a pot shot at Black Lives Matter. She referred to the activists as anti-police "attack dogs" and stood firm with the notion President Barack Obama created this.

Some look at the comment as coded.

“Oh, and you know, since our president won’t say it, since he still hasn’t called off the dogs, we’ll say,” Sarah Palin said. “Police officers and first responders all across this great land, we’ve got your back, we salute you! Thank you, police officers!”

The racist right blame the activists for the death of police officers.

Palin didn't endorse Trump or Cruz yet. But she sure is a fan of them.

Any thoughts on this controversy?

Trump And Cruz: Do You Want Wine With Your Cheese?

Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum.

The controversial pair head to steps of the Capitol with the half term governor, a washed up celebrity television star, and two right wing agitators to plead to the Republicans to kill the Iranian nuclear proposal.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Donald Trump are currently running for the nomination. They are doing their best to keep the agitation going. Joined with them, Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson and the three morons: Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Mark Levin.

Each of these agitators were just as bombastic as the two clowns running for president.

Trump hasn't turned birther on Cruz. The controversial senator is born in Calgary, Manitoba. He is born to an American mother and Cuban father in a foreign country. Yes, Canada is a foreign country.

Cruz, Glenn Beck and Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX)
Trump still leads in the field. Ben Carson is in second place and Cruz is either tied in third or fourth with Carly Fiorina.

Cruz is an unaccomplished politician who pisses off Republican leaders. His combative and unabashed principles are what's destroying the remaining amounts of bipartisanship in Washington.

Many Republicans quietly and sometimes loudly mock him for being a "pain in the ass." House Weeper John Boehner (R-OH) once told some his buddies that Cruz needs to "shut the fuck up".

This has brought his stock up. He was in eighth place. The Kim Davis fiasco and this event may inspire the extremist to support him. He surged to top-tier standings.

The Tea Party Patriots (the group responsible for aiding insurgent candidates) hosted this event.

The Republican rally is the last ditch attempt to keep focus on opposing an already settled matter.
Controversial agitator Mark Levin speaking at Washington DC rally.
The matter is done. Republicans once again are on the losing side of the debate.

The president won the month yet again. President Barack Obama worked during his August break to wrangle up most of the Democrats. He managed to get 42 out of 46 Democratic senators (include independents Angus King and Bernie Sanders) to block any Republican counter proposal or resolution blocking the Iranian deal.

The Republicans didn't even read the proposal. All the Republicans done during the 60 day period was take a vacation.

This comes on the heels of the conservative outrage at Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's social media outburst. They are outraged that Khamenei went to Twitter to blast Israel and Republicans for threatening his country. He said that Israel won't last for longer than 25 years if they attack his country.

The president had called Iranian president Hussan Rouhani in 2013. He wanted to make a deal with the Iranian president. He told him that if they would cease the nuclear enhancement, the United Nations will lift the sanctions.

I won't be able to fit all the nuts in but I will say that Trump, Cruz, Palin, Beck and Levin were the headliners. Also Phil Robertson, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), former lawmaker Michele Bachmann, and Breitbart agitator Joel Pollak were in featured speakers.

Trump, Cruz and Palin were be featured. Find the rest on CSPAN or YouTube. I couldn't stomach the bile.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Republicans must accept the healthcare law.

The Supreme Court ruled in the King v. Burwell case.

And it looks like the president's signature health care law stays put.  The AP breaks the news and it looks like it's going to make Republicans and conservative agitators even more angrier.

The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the nationwide tax subsidies under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, in a ruling that preserves health insurance for millions of Americans.

The justices said in a 6-3 ruling that the subsidies that 8.7 million people currently receive to make insurance affordable do not depend on where they live, under the 2010 health care law.

The outcome is the second major victory for Obama in politically charged Supreme Court tests of his most significant domestic achievement.

Chief Justice John Roberts again voted with his liberal colleagues in support of the law. Roberts also was the key vote to uphold the law in 2012. Justice Anthony Kennedy, a dissenter in 2012, was part of the majority on Thursday.

"Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them," Roberts wrote in the majority opinion.

Nationally, 10.2 million people have signed up for health insurance under the Obama health overhaul. That includes the 8.7 million people who are receiving an average subsidy of $272 a month to help pay their insurance premiums.

Of those receiving subsidies, 6.4 million people were at risk of losing that aid because they live in states that did not set up their own health insurance exchanges.

The challenge devised by die-hard opponents of the law, often derided by critics as "Obamacare," relied on four words - established by the state - in the more than 900-page law.

The law's opponents argued that the vast majority of people who now get help paying for their insurance premiums are ineligible for their federal tax credits. That is because roughly three dozen states opted against creating their own health insurance marketplaces, or exchanges, and instead rely on the federal to help people find coverage if they don't get insurance through their jobs or the government.

In the challengers' view, the phrase "established by the state" demonstrated that subsidies were to be available only available to people in states that set up their own exchanges. Those words cannot refer to exchanges established by the Health and Human Services Department, which oversees, the opponents argued.

The administration, congressional Democrats and 22 states responded that it would make no sense to construct the law the way its opponents suggested. The idea behind the law's structure was to decrease the number of uninsured. The law prevents insurers from denying coverage because of "pre-existing" health conditions. It requires almost everyone to be insured and provides financial help to consumers who otherwise would spend too much of their paycheck on their premiums.

The point of the last piece, the subsidies, is to keep enough people in the pool of insured to avoid triggering a so-called death spiral of declining enrollment, a growing proportion of less healthy people and premium increases by insurers.

Several portions of the law indicate that consumers can claim tax credits no matter where they live. No member of Congress said that subsidies would be limited, and several states said in a separate brief to the court that they had no inkling they had to set up their own exchange for their residents to get tax credits.

The 2012 case took place in the midst of Obama's re-election campaign, when he touted the largest expansion of the social safety net since the advent of Medicare nearly a half-century earlier. But at the time, the benefits of the Affordable Care Act were mostly in the future. Many of its provisions had yet to take effect.

In 2015, the landscape has changed, although the partisan and ideological divisions remain for a law that passed Congress in 2010 with no Republican votes.

The Affordable Healthcare Act was passed. It's ruled constitutional. The Republicans have tried over 60 times to repeal the law despite the court telling them that everything in the law is correct.

Time for the Republicans and their allies to move forward. Take down the Confederate Flag. Pass comprehensive immigration reform. Pass reasonable gun control. Give gay couples the right the marry.

Let's move the country forward.

The Network That Inspired A Man To Kill Nine Innocent Lives Fired Sarah Palin Out The Cannon!

The former governor from Alaska got fired from the only network that gave her a pass on her utter ignorance.

Once again Chief Roger fires the former Alaskan governor out of the cannon.

I guess she's not running for the clown car.

The former governor is not "HOT".

So now Mama Grizzly will go rogue again. She is now allowed to appear on the lamestream media outlets she has trashed in the past.

She is free to appear on that network to do analysis but don't expect a paycheck.

The former Alaskan governor rose to fame being introduced in Dayton, Ohio by failed presidential candidate John McCain.

The McCain Campaign got trounced by Obama-Biden Campaign.

Since then she was dubbed the "Tea Party Queen". She had some impact on the 2010 U.S. Midterms.

Her influence helped Republicans win the House of Representatives and state governorships.

Every time she opens her damn mouth, people cringe. Nowadays people want her to cram it.

I am guessing she not willing to tell her 1.15 million fans that she's no longer a hot commodity.

There's news that revealed the oldest daughter Bristol is pregnant with her second child. Bristol isn't married and has a son with her former boyfriend Levi Johnston. Bristol broke off a wedding after the fiance revealed he still is legally married.

Video of her last appearance.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I Need Like Ten.....!

US10dollarbill-Series 2004A.jpg
The U.S. Treasury announced a new design for the $10 bill. The bill will feature a woman.

Who will get blamed now that the conservatives found out this bit of historical news?

A. Barack Obama
B. Hillary Clinton
C. Michelle Obama
D. Women's Rights Groups
E. Liberals
F. All of These Above

Guess who's on the $10 American bill?

Okay, I give you a hint..... He was the first U.S. Treasury Secretary and a statesman. He was assassinated in a duel. He was a founding member of this great country.

Give up.

Okay, his name is Alexander Hamilton. He's not a president. He and founding father Benjamin Franklin are on American currency. Hamilton and Franklin are not presidents. But they are honored respectively for their achievements.

Benjamin Franklin is on the $100 American bill. That is the highest domination to exist. There are rare higher domination bills. But the United States mandates that no amount shall exceed $100.

Alexander Hamilton is on the $10 American bill.

When the year 2020 comes, the U.S. Treasury will be kicking him to the curb.

It was announced by current U.S. Secretary Jack Lew that a woman would be featured on a redesigned ten-dollar bill by 2020. The Department of Treasury is seeking the public's input on whom should appear on the new bill.

So who's gonna get the prize?

My top choices for nomination.

1. Michelle Obama (living)
2. Nancy Reagan (living)
3. Hillary Clinton (living)
4. Harriet Tubman
5. Susan B. Anthony
6. Jacqueline Kennedy
7. Betsy Ross
8. Martha Washington
9. Mary Todd Lincoln
10. Shirley Chisolm
11. Claudia Alta Taylor "Lady Bird" Johnson
12. Coretta Scott King
13. Rosa Parks
14. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
15. Sacagawea

So your thoughts on this?

Send it to me and S. Baldwin.

Friday, May 22, 2015

One Duggar And A Whole Lot Of Trouble!

The Duggars. The family admits that Josh molested children.

Josh Duggar is a conservative activist and reality television star. He was fired out the cannon at the Christian extremist Family Research Council after he admits to molesting young girls including his siblings.

This is the oldest son of the family.

TLC is concerned that 19 Kids and Counting is in limbo. The show stars Duggar's father Jim Bob and his mother Michelle. They are the proud parents of 19 children and six grandchildren.

TLC films their daily routines in rural Arkansas. They are a ratings grabber. Among the conservatives who believe that the junk food media is too liberal and giving Christians a bad name, the Duggars were an escape from it.

Conservatives love them Duggars. Matter of fact, if you got an endorsement from the Duggars, you're getting some major star backing.

The Duggar family have a lot of support from conservative activists. Scott Walker, Stallmigo Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Huckabee and others were pictured with the Duggars.
Josh and wife Anna are the parents of four children.
Wondering if that annoying conservative agitator will find some issue with it?


Josh admits when he was young, he admits that as a teenager (yeah, right) was touching his girls inappropriately.

There's an uproar about it. Some are calling for TLC to end the ties with the Duggars.

Josh apologized for his sins and vows to do right!

Yeah, right.

The Washington Post added that his apology came through the social media.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.
“Twelve years ago, as a young teenager, I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret,” Duggar said in a statement posted on Facebook on Thursday. “I hurt others, including my family and close friends. I confessed this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation.

“We spoke with the authorities where I confessed my wrongdoing, and my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life.”

Hours before Duggar’s statement, In Touch Weekly had published a partially redacted police report from the Springdale Police Department in Arkansas that, the tabloid said, contained details of the allegations against Duggar. The report redacted the name of the suspect and the alleged victims, all juveniles, but listed Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar as relatives. The incidents occurred in 2002 and 2003.

I mean again, we're human beings first. Everything else last. If things were normal in America, no one would care about what goes on in someone's personal life. Unfortunately, when you're dogged by the cameras, everything you do is the third rail. The Duggars are no exception.

The Duggars have spoken anti-gay rhetoric. The Duggars have been known to be racial extremists. They are known Christian extremists. They promote themselves as this large normal family. But what goes on when the cameras are off and TLC left the home, what happens next?

Conservatives are quick to label Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown "thugs".

Will they call Josh Duggar a pedophile?

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The King of The Nuts (Again)!

Son of a nut, Rand Paul wins the CPAC straw poll again!

Sometimes, I wonder why CPAC even matters. They end up getting a straw poll winner but end up with a candidate that not even conservative enough for them. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) won the straw poll for the third time.

Obviously, the Republicans and the insurgency loves Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, but every damn time the CPAC straw polls comes out, here comes Paul as the winner of the straw poll, yet again! 

This is a good thing for the controversial stallmigo. He can brag that he's the most conservative candidate for the Republicans. But you ask his supporters, what has he done while in the senate?

He's been in the U.S. Senate for nearly four years and during his time, he's accomplished nothing. 

I can't really tell you what bills he introduced or sponsored since his time in the U.S. Senate. I'll have to find out what major bill or accomplishment Paul's done. 

Paul and fellow Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) are bombastic agitators who in my opinion belong on AM radio. They are not looked as serious candidates for the Republican nomination. 

I couldn't support these nutbags. They will never have the opportunity to be inside the White House.

Paul, the son of former congressman and presidential nominee Ron Paul is just as annoying as his daddy. The Paul supporters flood every conservative/libertarian event and buy the votes. 

They advocate this notion that a relatively no accomplished lawmaker surge to the top. 

I don't have nothing against Paul for winning, but seriously? 

Does this win says something about CPAC? 

Friday, February 27, 2015

CNUTS 2015

Republican governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker wows the crowd at CPAC 2015. The governor will play to the base with this "I don't know who Obama is"... nonsense. He's thinking about putting on the makeup and getting into the clown car.

The American Conservative Union hosts the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.

CPAC gets major attention.

So far it's off to a great start. Obviously the racist right will continue their march to obscurity. The conservative agitators and Republican lawmakers head to the Sheraton Hotel in Washington, DC to contemplate a strategy for 2016.

Some of the low lives who came. Make sure you pay close attention to what they say. Because you want to play a drinking game when you listen to them.

Donald Trump

That annoying conservative agitator.

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin.

Stallmigo Ted Cruz (R-TX)

Dr. Benjamin Carson.

Newt Gingrich.

That former governor of Alaska

Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Phil Robertson of A&E's Duck Dynasty

The word vomit. Remember each of these lawmakers and agitators share one thing in common: They say the same shit that annoying conservative agitator says. It's like listening to AM radio. They would be out of business once Obama leaves office.

Obama (Barack, Obamacare)
The President 
Radical Islam
Muslim Brotherhood
Islamic State
Benjamin Netanyahu
The Left
Joe Biden
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reid
47 50 Million On Food Stamps
Ronald Reagan
Energy Independent
Drill (for oil)
Doomed To Repeat It
Under This President...
Keystone XL pipeline
Doesn't Love America
Hillary Clinton
Eric Holder
The Courts
Definition between a man and a woman

You gotta hand to the nuts, they're dropping right outta of the damn tree! They are Obama obsessed agitators and have no chance at ever winning an election. But if they actually nominate one of these nuts or embrace these agitators of the junk food media, they're going to lose.

But of course, if they want to go after President Barack Obama, do your thing!

Cause you've already lost the Black vote. How many others will the Republicans jeopardize in their quest for the White House?

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Seriously, This Is Real: A Quarter Of Republicans Think Obama Hates America!

The carnival barkers think President Barack Obama hates America. Sometimes you got to laugh at the Republicans and conservative agitators. They proven to be even more stupider than I've thought.

The dog whistle is blowing and the lips are moist.... Republicans are looking for their opportunity to take back the White House. But since they're still stuck on the past as they continue to trash President Barack Obama instead of throwing out better ideas.

Thumb through a check and cash it out. The Republican Party is morally bankrupt.

Saying that our American president hates his country is pretty much the definition of "hating" your country. You can disagree with the president on policy. But the relentless name calling and pseudo-patriotism by some in the junk food media makes you really think less of them rather the president.

This is the type of stuff that makes you cynical of politicians, the media and of course America.

It all began with that simpleton Rudy Giuliani speaking at a Republican donors rally for potential clown car candidate Wisconsin governor Scott Walker. He stated openly that President Obama doesn't love America like most of them. Of course, this became the click bait that will not go away.

Republicans are split on whether they want to support the comments or throw Giuliani back to the waste bin of failed politicians.

Many Republicans like Representatives Darrell Issa (R-CA), Mo Brooks (R-AL) and Louie Gohmert (R-TX) are very supportive of that simpleton. Even a 13 year old claimed that Giuliani was on point.

The Huffington Post/YouGov has the goods on Republicans and their opinion of Obama loving America.


This is the country we live in.....

Seriously, what the fuck? You telling me that 85% of Democrats, 11% of Republicans and 42% of independents believe Barack Obama loves America.

That means if you add 42 (I) + 11 (R) = 53. You divide it by 2 and you have 26% of Americans roughly a quarter of Americans believe that the first Black president hate America.

Americans are similarly divided along party lines on whether they think Obama believes the U.S. is exceptional, and on whether he's more or less patriotic than most people. Republicans overwhelmingly say he's less patriotic, while Democrats say he's as patriotic or more, and independents are split.

Even sad that even Democrats say this stuff too. I mean Kentucky, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Arkansas, and Mississippi Democrats who are White question the president. These Democrats vote Republican regardless of the situation.

This stuff kicks off at the Conservative Political Action Conference. The CPAC event is going to be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Washington, DC and among the speakers are the usual nuts and a few politicos. The American Conservative Union hosts their straw poll on who's the potential Republican presidential nominee in their opinion.

The nut farm includes speakers:

That annoying conservative agitator of Loserville and iHeartRadio Media.
The former Alaskan governor, activist and reality star
Benjamin Carson, former neurosurgeon
Wayne LaPierre, NRA vice president and spokesman
Newt Gingrich, former House Speaker and 2012 presidential candidate
Sam Brownback, governor of Kansas
Mark "Rat Face" Levin, conservative agitator from Cumulus Media.
Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana
John Bolton, former United Nations ambassador
Tom Cotton, U.S. Senator from Arkansas (Stallmigo)
Rand Paul, U.S. Senator from Kentucky (Stallmigo)
Donald Trump, real estate mogul and reality star
Marsha Blackburn, U.S. Representative from Tennessee
Brent Bozell, activist and TV critic
Ann Marie Buerkle, former U.S. Representative from New York
Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida
Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator from Texas (Stallmigo)
Carly Fiorina, former U.S. Senate candidate and business mogul
Laura Ingraham, conservative agitator from Courtside Media
KT McFarland, conservative activist
Oops, former governor from Texas
Marco Rubio, U.S. Senator from Florida (Stallmigo)
Rick Santorum, former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and 2012 presidential candidate
Tim Scott, U.S. Senator from South Carolina (Stallmigo)
Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin

This is the tentative list of nuts in the farm. Who will be the most controversial?

It will be covered.

Betcha that most of these agitators and politicos will question the president's patriotism, birth certificate and religion!


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

McCain And Graham Are Senile And The Junk Food Media Continues To Allow Them On!

Sitting comfortably. These two are often the junk food media's experts on foreign policy in the world. They're not experts. They throw their shit at the wall and hope it sticks.

GOP Sundays are John McCain and Lindsey Graham's hangout. These two geezers continue to beat their chest and throw their shit at the president over his strategy to combat the Islamic State.

The flabby senator from Arizona got his ass beat in 2008. Why are the agitators still allowing this flip-flopping inconsistent scum on their programs?

Senator John McCain has no credibility whatsoever. He picked the moron from Alaska as his running mate. Enough said. He has no business giving advice on how to deal with military action overseas.

Gomer Pyle is thinking about getting into the clown car. Graham is often bitching about how President Barack Obama's refusal to say "radical Islam". He's claiming that the country could be blown up in second. The usual word vomit of fear and chickenshit.

McCain and Graham are senile. They both are discredited lawmakers.

Another thing, McCain said that he's ashamed of his country, the president and the situation in Ukraine.

Wondering if that simpleton Rudy Giuliani will question the patriotism of McCain?

Islamophobia is one of the common tactics of the racist right. Republican lawmakers and conservative agitators are playing the only card they got. The FEAR card. It's getting old and I am seriously hoping that they'll overcome this obsession with the Islamic State.

If we didn't go to war in Iraq, we wouldn't be in this mess. President Barack Obama is considering military action in Iraq. The Iraqi military were scared off by the Islamic State. Now the U.S. has to retrain other men to die for a worthless cause.

McCain, Graham and the rest of the noise machine are pussies. They fear man.....

Real men don't fear the unknown. They embrace it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

There's A _________ In The White House! It Ain't Victoria Jackson!

A clown doing a handstand!

Eddie Murphy, the former governor of Alaska, Alec Baldwin, and other celebrity agitators joined the current and former cast members of SNL (Saturday Night Live). Their 40th year anniversary special was one of the highest rated programs on the struggling NBC.

The former governor of Alaska is conservative agitator who got mocked by Tina Fey in a hillarious parody of her during the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections. Fey's performance may have sunk Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and his presidential campaign. Other than being too old, too rigid, a major flip-flopper, senile, and a weak candidate, McCain picked of the former Alaskan governor doomed him.

One of the most controversial former cast mates is Victoria Jackson. The lug nut was denied entry to the SNL Reunion. Now she's pissed about it and she's squarely placed the blame on President Barack Obama.

According to her, he's a Muslim in the White House.

According to Jackson, this is a follow up to the smash hit, "There's a Communist Living in the White House."

She says that we have had 7 years to accumulate more information about the mysterious man who was voted into office by the uninformed masses, the deceived and those voters living off of the government who simply want "free stuff". TV commentators keep asking, "Why is Obama releasing dangerous terrorists?" and "Why won't he call it what it is?" Maybe because he is one of them. Maybe he is our enemy. Maybe Obama is a Muslim Jihadist. What's the difference between a Muslim and a Jihadist? If you follow Mohammed, you follow Mohammed.

She even acknowledged famed Islamophobic extremists, that annoying conservative agitator, Pam Geller, Bridgett Gabriel, Savage, Steve Emerson, and Bob Spencer.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Righties Want Scott Walker To Jump Into The Clown Car!

The insurgency and the agitators of the conservative media want Wisconsin guv to jump into the clown car.

The Wisconsin governor who managed to win three elections is now thinking about putting on the makeup and jumping into an already crowded clown car.

Republican Scott Walker is the new thing since sliced ham (i.e. perennial loser Mitt Romney). The controversial governor has won his bid in 2010. He survived a recall election in 2011. He handily beat the Democratic nominee in 2014 after talk he was down for the count.

Walker is the conservatives golden child.

Walker was at the Iowa Freedom Forum and he managed to drive up the emotion bars by saying that those evil LIBERAL agitators threaten him and his family. He stuck to his guns when he rolled back union bargaining rights for those in the public sector. He would take his ambitions to cut taxes and drug test low incomes to the state house. With a Republican majority, he managed to throw down.

Unemployment in Wisconsin is 5.4%. Pretty impressive numbers. But hell, population growth is extremely low. People are leaving the RUST BELT for the SUN BELT. That creates a demand for jobs. That's what people forget to talk about.

Walker is another pathetic candidate. I do sense the halo over this clown's head though....

What's your take on Walker and the possibility of him running?

Friday, January 30, 2015

Not Happening!

The comedy writers are disappointed that he's not running again. The Republicans are happy as well.

Breathe a sigh of relief, he's not running. That's right!

Perennial loser Mitt Romney will stay out of the limelight. He won't jump into the clown car again.

Thank the world. The 2012 presidential nominee for the Republicans will let the other clowns run inside the car. Some righties were not happy about a potential third run for the perennial loser.

So the former presidential nominee and his vice presidential nominee are out of the game.

Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) will continue to be a headache for President Barack Obama. The perennial loser will continue to be the gadfly news agitators turn to for insight. Despite him being a failed candidate, he's an old fart. 

Why would you want that old fart to run again? 

The clown car may be filled with more than 15 candidates. And with the exception of Jeb Bush and Wisconsin's Republican governor Scott Walker, the rest of them pretty much suck. And I mean they really suck and it's almost an embarrassment for any of them to run.

The Democrats will treat the Republican president like the Republicans did President Barack Obama.

Good riddance to the perennial loser.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Some Righties Want Kasich To Get Into The Clown Car!

Some of the Republican faithful want John Kasich to put the makeup on and jump into the clown car.

After a landslide victory against the Democratic nominee for Ohio guv, Republican John Kasich is being floated around by the junk food media as the next clown to get into the car.

The current guv of the all important swing state of Ohio is thinking about it.

Kasich a former congressman and agitator on Loserville decided to run against Ted Strickland during the 2010 Insurgency Wave. He was testing the water during his final leg of hosting his gig on talk radio and Loserville. He would get Rupert and Chief Roger's blessing to run. In 2010, on a narrow victory, Kasich won.

During his first term, he pissed off the public sector unions by running the SB5 law that stripped collective bargaining rights from the public sector. That was roundly rejected in a referendum ballot sparked by voters.

He would later embrace Obamacare. That pissed off the insurgency.

He embraced the U.S. Justice Department's investigations into the killings of John Crawford and Tamir Rice, pissing off some in the law enforcement and racist right.

He would go golfing with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. And you know how the conservative agitators react the president going on a golf outing.

Yeah, he's not loved among the insurgency. He's too RINO for the red meat crowd. He's been a bad governor at best. And its unfortunate I did vote for him. He's not a terrible governor but the actions speak of stupidity and basic showboating.

Sure Ohio has a low unemployment rate. But hell, half of the residents split from the state.

It's leaving the door open for rival states to surpass Ohio in population growth. See when the state fails at growing it loses a U.S. Congressional District.
Kasich is thinking about it. But he hasn't formed an exploratory committee yet.
Kasich knows that Ohio is on the downward trend when it comes to residency. He can brag about the unemployment numbers and a balance budget all he wants, but the state is not popular and people are driven to states where the real jobs are!

Some how, I don't know what to think! Kasich has a candle to hold on! However he and the rest of the clowns are uninspiring, inclusive and too goddamn intrusive.

Given the forward march on marijuana legalization, women demanding equal pay, gay marriage, and calls to raise the minimum wage, I can't see any of these candidates viable against a potential perennial run for Hillary Clinton. Even a Clinton or Biden run is uninspiring for me.

I don't have the buzz of inspiration! They pretty much made me lose faith in democracy. The way they've disrespected the first Black president also makes me think that White presidents aren't going to be any better or worst than the previous predecessors.

The Freedom Summit Conference was being held by Iowa Republican  Congressman Steve "Deport The Vermin" King. He hosted the wackadoodles like that former Alaskan guv, former Arkansas guv, former Texas guv, Louisiana's Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, Wisconsin's Scott Walker, New Jersey's Chris Christie, Stallmigo Ted Cruz, Marco "Amnesty" Rubio, and perennial loser/always last place Rick Santorum in the fold. But absent were establishment politicos Jeb Bush and perennial loser Mitt Romney, both former guvs, Indiana's Mike Pence, and Ohio's Kasich, both current guvs.

The field is extremely weak. I mean given that Jeb Bush is probably the best clown in the whole field,. The fact that former governor Oops, former nutbag Michele Bachmann, perennial losers Romney, Santorum, Jim Gilmore, and the ex-Arkansas guv are thinking about failing again is just sad.

The failed candidates of 2008 and 2012 are really desperate clowns. Obviously the world hates them, but it would be fun to see if they can managed to get enough delegates to nominee. I hope that they eventually win the 270 to become the ring master.

Do you believe that Kasich is the right clown to fit into the car?

Can he become the star of the circus?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Conservative Outrage Over YouTube Star GloZell Meeting Obama!

CNN host gave YouTube star GloZell some advice. Some haters have peanut butter and jealousy. The racist right aims at her after she had an opportunity to meet the president. Of course, they're mad that he ignored Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a conservative warmongering agitator.

The racist right and its allies once again have their usual freakout over President Barack Obama. This time they're complaining about the president's interaction with some of YouTube's viral stars. They claim that it's unbecoming of the office for him to waste time with people who sit in their underwear trying to be famous.

There were three viral YouTube stars who got the opportunity to meet the president. Of course, one woman managed to rise their antennas.

I kept hearing YouTube sensation GloZell being mentioned on conservative agitator radio programs.

The entertainer runs a YouTube page and it pulls a high view count.

Not saying that I'm not her but I wish I was. She pulls a healthy amount of subscribers.

Because the more popular you become, the more haters come forth.

Rob Lowe is feuding with a YouTube celebrity who interviewed the president.
When that old fart on talk radio was whining about President Barack Obama snubbing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his Congressional invite to speak, he brought up GloZell in his tirade.

The controversial prime minister of Israel is hated by most world leaders. It's due to the prime minister's stubborn views towards allowing the Palestinian people to create an independent state.

The United States is an ally of Israel but its starting to wane. The U.S. and allied foreign diplomats are trying to work out an agreement with Iran. The Republicans are threatening to derail the path to peace because the conservative agitators support Netanyahu's hateful agenda.

Actor Rob Lowe decided to throw poop into the mix. He went to the social networks to vent off about this. GloZell hits him back. She thanks Lowe for mentioning her.

She even made note that his spelling is almost as bad as his acting!

You heard this, these agitators support a foreign leader over their own American president. They just mad that the president wants to reach out to those who felt that he's not open enough with the public.

They rather see him take orders from a foreign leader who may lead us into World War III.
The old fart complains about the president having the time to interview a YouTube celebrity over this old fart's fuck buddy Benjamin Netanyahu.
They obsess over an entertainer eating cereal out of a bathtub. See how the freedom of speech is used. It's only good when they are allowed to criticize the president. But when we criticize them for being inclusive, racist, ignorant and out of touch with the changing demographics, they throw that we're the ones creating racial angst.

See their loyalties are with leaders who cause a majority of the crisis in the world.

An actor who has plays the role of a cheater on his wife might as well be a sex crazed lunatic. He was the one who sank Michael Dukakis presidential campaign after he was messing around with female campaign staffers. It's a damn shame that Lowe has turned conservative. He was a talented actor.

He grew up in my hometown of Dayton, Ohio with his brother fellow actor Chad.

GloZell keep doing your thing. You are beautiful and bold. Fuck the haters and make that money!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Conservative Outrage Over Obama Not Attending Paris Rally!

The American junk food media complaining about President Barack Obama and his team skipping a peace rally in France.

And if he did...They would complain about that!

See I am getting tired of reading and listening to these outrage pimps. I know I can change the channel. I can turn off the radio. But I do this job so you don't have to.

Welcome to the first conservative outrage of 2015. Let's start with the loudmouth agitator from Cincinnati who has a show on Sunday nights. He is the daily router for the conservative Craigslist.

Splashed on the conservative Craigslist is the New York Daily News bruising cover. On it includes President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry and outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder. Under it says  "You Let The World Down".


Then it was on CNN, the folks over at CBS talked about it. It's probably on Loserville right now.

I want to say that our American media is shiny coin driven.

We have to be vigilant regardless of situation. No one is shielded from interruption.

Okay, over the past week, the junk food media moved away from two cops being killed and protesters claiming they've said "kill cops" to now "radical Islam" and what Obama could have done.

The outrage pimps and fear monkeys along with those annoying Republican senators on GOP Sundays are wimping on how Obama's not doing this or rather doing that but not doing it their way.

Last week three men who had ties to terrorism went on a murder spree. They killed the staff at a French satire magazine and a few member of law enforcement. When cornered, two of the suspects hid in a printing plant taking hostages. They ended up being killed by French authorities. The third suspect surrendered to the law. During the hostage situation, another man held shoppers hostage. He would kill four of them before the French authorities put him down. Now the junk food media is looking for his wife. Apparently she skipped to Syria.

Western Europe's leaders came with solidarity.

Canada's prime minister Steven Harper, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas were among the leaders in attendance. Among 40 leaders mostly from Europe.

The junk food media is not concerned about the out of nowhere appearance. The Secret Service would have to stretch its resources to this. The president is extremely high value and the security has to be huge. Of course, if he has to stop what he was doing fly Air Force One over to France, get out in attire with First Lady Michelle Obama and shake hands with leaders the conservatives hate, then they'll complain.

The White House admit they could have sent a high profile representative. But seriously, this was not an American tragedy. No Americans died in this.

Our conservative agitators are obsessed with "radical" Muslims.

You know I am more fearful of failure and rejection than a terrorist. I don't fear man, woman or beast. I don't worry about my daily life being interrupted by a bunch of ignorant criminals.

France is happy the United States had a representative. An ambassador was in attendance. The French government knows that having President Barack Obama there will require heavy security.

So this is beginning of a long whiny year. The outrage pimps are never taking a break from the Obama obsession.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Protesters Zero In On Loserville!

Back in 2007, rapper Nas went to the Avenue of the Americas to protest the network. O'Loofus blasted Nas when he was a scheduled speaker at Virginia Tech. The rapper went after the network on some of his albums.

There's talk of a massive protest (highly doubt it) and their aiming it at a network that only pulls in 1% of Black viewers.

The racist right is already giving more ammunition by the mere mention of it. The very mention of it by those on the racist right has given the protesters more exposure.

Here's an example of it.

Now will it matter? Probably not!

This country allows the freedom of speech. Despite it being totally tasteless, tabloid and mediocre, Loserville pulls healthy ratings.

The network appeals to White people. It appears to conservatives who have issues with race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, political and economic standings. Conservatives are bigoted. They are one issue voters who believe that those on entitlements are the problem. They aim only at the poor and avoid mentioning the well off. They aim at minorities. They don't consider bias in America.

The Avenue of Americas is where Rupert Murdoch's media conglomerate is. That houses the network that devoted a whole year to making Michael Brown a "thug" and protesters a bunch of "cop killers".

Years and years of misinformation about President Barack Obama. Years and years of negative stories about Black leaders, Black celebrities, civil rights leaders, and issues facing the Black community.

I remember that agitator O'Loofus went after Nas when was a scheduled performer and speaker at Virginia Tech University.

O'Loofus felt that Virginia Tech made a huge mistake allowing a rapper who talks about the gun culture on its campus.

The network's perception of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin have been all but negative.

The perception of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin through the lens of Loserville has been mostly based on these images.

This is how the racist right looks at the Black community as a whole.

Loserville has a right to protest and report news. But the protesters who are calling for police reform have a right to complain about it.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Hush N****r Baby, Don't Say A Word...

Laython N Landis
My gosh, I'm not a racist. It's just what we country folk say. I am not saying it's about NIGGERS! It's about the rain. A California sanitation director is being stripped after making racially insensitive statements.

Addicting Info got a gem about some politico for local office running his mouth about those NIGGERS who ruin his way of life. Of course, he denies that he's a racist and the like.

Laython Landis was censured after he been accused of making sexist, racist and homophobic themes.

He's telling that "It's raining cats and dogs, and little NIGGER babies!"

The 88-year old man has defended his actions by stating that he's a grown up in the south. He's been under the influence sometimes. He's been defiant towards resigning at the California’s Oro Loma Sanitary District.

Question, with all that age. is there an ounce of wisdom?

Somehow I had to check out this nonsense by looking at the Urban Dictionary.

A good way to describe how hard its raining outside, it's mostly used by country folk.

The Pitchfork and Nigger Babies theme is a more modern way of saying its raining cats and dogs...

Monday, December 22, 2014

The Conservative Outrage Over Obama....

These are the folks who blame President Barack Obama for the death of cops. Okay, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sarah Palin, and police union president Patrick Lynch are the agitators who blow hot air in an already tense oven.

Pick your topic!

1) "Words" Leading To New York Police Officers Being Killed!

Officers who were on duty killed by an extremist who had mental issues. The suspect had committed crimes in five states. He went to the social networks to vent off about injustice and seeking revenge on those who kill. He wanted to prove that Black lives matter. So he kills two cops who were Asian and Latino.

Right off the bat, the president of the New York Police union Patrick Lynch blamed the mayor of the city instead of the criminal. Lynch who has been on Loserville more than eight times since the Eric Garner situation has address issues where he believes that "THE BLACKS" and "REV. PERM" are responsible for the crime and all the whatever the fuck was vomited out.

We have the agitators already making the protesters the fault of the shooting. All because of ignorant protesters chanting "want dead cops now" in an alleged protest chant.

The agitators and some racist police union president all of sudden run to the cameras and microphones to put the president on blast for a criminal act. Kind of like when they saw on cameras a man being put in a chokehold and nothing was being done to arrest the suspect.

2) Being Hawaii while North Korea threaten airstrikes on the U.S.

The president and his family head to Hawaii. The remaining members of Congress head over to GOP Sundays to bitch about Sony's decision to pull the controversial comedy The Interview. The movie features a depiction of Kim Jong-Un in a negative light. There were a hacker group that infiltrated the Sony emails and released a trove of information. Some of the information was damaging to the movie industry and the credibility.

3) Discussing Racism While He Was A Nobody.

As that annoying radio turd on radio is talking about the controversy in New York today. The conservative agitator brings up the "Obama's imaginary son" narrative to tag the president to the shooter Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, the suspect who gunned down the two officers.

Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were slained by Brinsley. There were 80 officer slayings since 2014.

Has the conservative and liberal agitators mentioned those who were killed by extremists. I mean honestly the Bundy Ranch was a fixture of 2014 and the conservatives were down with this clown.

Two extremists driven by the actions of the government and the media went to killing to Las Vegas officers. Not one peep from that annoying radio turd.

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama talked to People Magazine about living in Illinois when they were nobodies. So he talks about being mistaken for a valet, the radio turd goes into it.

The Obamas have been through NIGGERIZATION the day Barack announced he would run for president. Questioning his birthplace, his religion, his family, his friends, his cabinet, his policies, his reactions to the nation's most controversial stories and his legacy.

The agitators of the racist right are driving more extremism. They want gun control when it comes to a Black men when they are cop killers and given right citizens. But not one peep when it comes to White mass shooters or open carry activists. Obviously the outrage meter only reflects on Black and Brown. Cause White doesn't raise a peep. If it did, they'll automatically claim its a Democrat.

4) Gas Prices Being Below $2.00 In Many States.

I work in retail at a gas station. I see that we managed to get the fuel prices back to the low. There are some locations in Ohio that have fuel at $1.889 a gallon.

Is there still talk about pushing that damn Keystone XL pipeline?

Yeah, they are still trying to push this. Despite the possibility of a mass spill and property battles with local residents, Republicans made this their priority one when they start session.

We wrap up the year with the most outrage from those in the conservative agitating media. From Republican lawmakers and agitators in the junk food media. Some of the most outrageous outrages included the panic over Islamic State and Ebola.

The war chickens were blaming the president for leaving Iraq in the hands of the people. They figured if the American troops had more and more involvement, the insurgents would back off.

GOP Sundays are popular spots for outgoing Representative Mike Rogers (R-MI) to perennial whiners Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), I want to take the time to reflect on what January 3 is going to be like when the Republicans take control of Congress.

The first thing they will do as a majority: Waste time on issues that were settled. They will try to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act (or commonly known as Obamacare). They will hold more investigations into the Benghazi tragedy. They will rehash the Keystone XL pipeline. They will block attempts to establish relationships with Cuba. They will outrage over the president taking trips or meeting with leaders who they deem "hostile" to the United States.

They will put more pork spending into their bills. They will fight with their more extreme members over potential spending bills. They will fight the president with his nominations for his cabinet and U.S. Court (pending a Supreme Court justice to retire or die).

Now the media will focus on Congress more. With a Democratic president and a Republican Congress, the focus will shift back and forth.

President Barack Obama will now use veto action if the Republicans fail to pass at least something he can agree to. He will put pressure on House Weeper John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Turtle Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to compromise with Democrats.

The Democrats vow to make Republicans suffer for the way they treated the president.

So the blame game continues on.

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Mary Landrieu Finally Got Fired Out The Cannon!

One of the last remaining Democratic senators from the Deep South goes down.

Florida doesn't count. That is the only state in the south where a Democrat still has a seat. Since Florida is a melting pot of culture, its still a heavily favored swing state.

The other states, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas are solid Republican.

Louisiana's long term Democratic senator Mary Landrieu goes down in the runoff. She along with other Democrats ran away from President Barack Obama. They paid the price. On top of that, the establishment's choice Congressman Bill Cassidy (R-LA) will be sworn in January.

Not even a high turnout of Black and Hispanic votes couldn't surmount to the White resentment.
Senate-elect. Republican Louisiana Representative Bill Cassidy won.
Even when she admitted the cold hard facts that the southern White folks will never support the president (because of his race).

Republicans pounced on that along with the "I didn't vote for Obama" comment.

Landrieu was the last remaining Democrat of the Deep South.

The Republican in the Senate will have 54 to 44 majority with two independents. The Republicans will have 248 members with 1 territory delegate to the 187 Democrats with 4 territory delegates with one independent territory delegate siding with the minority party.

Even in the U.S. Territory of American Samoa, there will be a Republican lawmaker.


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