Saturday, December 06, 2014

Mary Landrieu Finally Got Fired Out The Cannon!

One of the last remaining Democratic senators from the Deep South goes down.

Florida doesn't count. That is the only state in the south where a Democrat still has a seat. Since Florida is a melting pot of culture, its still a heavily favored swing state.

The other states, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas are solid Republican.

Louisiana's long term Democratic senator Mary Landrieu goes down in the runoff. She along with other Democrats ran away from President Barack Obama. They paid the price. On top of that, the establishment's choice Congressman Bill Cassidy (R-LA) will be sworn in January.

Not even a high turnout of Black and Hispanic votes couldn't surmount to the White resentment.
Senate-elect. Republican Louisiana Representative Bill Cassidy won.
Even when she admitted the cold hard facts that the southern White folks will never support the president (because of his race).

Republicans pounced on that along with the "I didn't vote for Obama" comment.

Landrieu was the last remaining Democrat of the Deep South.

The Republican in the Senate will have 54 to 44 majority with two independents. The Republicans will have 248 members with 1 territory delegate to the 187 Democrats with 4 territory delegates with one independent territory delegate siding with the minority party.

Even in the U.S. Territory of American Samoa, there will be a Republican lawmaker.

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