Showing posts with label Piers Morgan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piers Morgan. Show all posts

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Acquitted Shooter's Friend Isn't A Fan Of Blacks!

Acquitted shooter's friend said some nasty things about Black people.

Frank Taaffe has been a defender of the acquitted shooter of Trayvon Martin. This gentleman and the acquitted shooter's brother have been speaking to the media about the situation and the state of Black America.

Taaffe was one of the people who gave the conservative agitators the talking point about Martin hitting the man's head on the concrete "MMA-style". I must of miss this one because I wasn't concerned about it.

Until now.

I follow the blogs and one happen to catch my eye.

 Janet Shan of The Hinterland Gazette published a story about this guy and I then went forth to GOOGLE. I looked up his name and checked on some of the stories. 

I missed it. I missed it so much I almost want to hit myself for this.

This guy is unabashedly ignorant and sounds like he has issues with Black people. 

He makes an appearance on a White extremist podcast to do a victory lap on the grave of Trayvon Martin.

Did you happen to listen to a portion of this nonsense. It was pretty unfortunate.

Mother Jones unearth the history of Frank Taaffe. For one thing, the man is a confirmed alcoholic.

He was pulled over in Orlando for being under the influence.

Taaffe was instrumental in getting the exclusive interview with That Guy Who Helped Obama Win.

the meeting on Fox News, Zimmerman asked him to share "several talking points" with the media. Taaffe obliged. Indeed, as Zimmerman's legal drama unfolded over the next year and a half, Taaffe emerged as his most visible and outspoken defender. He gave hundreds of interviews to media outlets, ranging from the New York Times to Fox News to CNN, and made near-daily appearances on cable news shows during Zimmerman's trial.

Taaffe used this platform to cast Martin as a drug-addled hoodlum and Zimmerman as a community-minded do-gooder ("the best neighbor you would want to have") who had every reason to suspect the black teen was up to mischief. He also railed against Zimmerman's critics, whom he accused of staging a witch hunt. "It's really sad that he has already been convicted in the public media and has already been sentenced to the gas chamber," he lamented in an interview with NBC's Miami affiliate last year.

Taaffe was hardly the ideal person to be weighing in on a case suffused with racial angst—or commenting on criminal-justice matters, period. A Mother Jones investigation has found that the 56-year-old New York native has a lengthy criminal record that includes charges of domestic violence and burglary, and a history of airing virulently racist views. Just last Sunday, he appeared on The White Voice, a weekly podcast hosted by a man named Joe Adams, who has deep, long-standing ties to white-power groups and has authored a manual called Save The White People Handbook. (Sample quote: "A mutt makes a great pet and a mulatto makes a great slave.")

During a previous White Voice appearance, on July 27, Taaffe argued that whites and blacks have no business mingling. ("They don't want to be with us and we don't want to be with them.") Taaffe also opined that if Zimmerman had racially profiled Martin, he was justified in doing so because "young black males" had burglarized homes in their neighborhood. "What if I—a middle-aged white man—wore a hoodie and went through Trayvon Martin's neighborhood?" he asked defiantly. Adams replied that "no sane white person" would dare walk down their "local Marcus Garvey Boulevard."

"I'd only be there for one or two things," Taaffe shot back. "And I'm sure the vice squad would want to be interested in that."

Later, Taaffe accused African Americans of committing "self-genocide" by failing to address the "ills and diseases that are festering" in the black community—especially the absence of black fathers, which "leaves young black males growing up without direction." And he bemoaned the fact that some white women choose to date black men, saying that they invariably end up becoming single mothers. "Guess who winds up paying the tab on that? You and me and the rest of America," Taaffe grumbled. "It's called entitlement, man. It's called food stamps. It's called welfare."

By the end of the show, Taaffe was so worked up that he was calling for a revolution. "This trial is waking up white America, man," he said. "I'm fed up with the bullshit and the glad-handing to this one group of people who now control what we do and say. Come on, man, wake up America!"

Taaffe's private Twitter feed (@pinsones) also reeks of racial animus. In one tweet, he bashed Michael Skolnik, who directs hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons' political operations, saying "how much nigga cock do u suck an one day or maybe u like it pounded up ur hebe ass." In another he wrote, "the only time a black life is validated is when a white person kills them."

If you want to read the rest of this, visit Mother Jones on this story. 

I am kind of amazed. I missed this guy. I wished that we would have focused on this guy instead of the acquitted shooter's brother.

I am surprised that HLN (Headline News) gave this asshole a platform!

Hell I'm surprise this wasn't mentioned by the liberal agitators until now!

My question: Was this guy on the stand?


Tuesday, August 06, 2013

GOP: CNN And NBC Better Pull Pro-Hillary Bio Or Else!

Or else what?

They're not going to participate in the 2015 - 2016 Republican presidential debates. Why?

There's a possibility the networks are running a pro-Hillary Clinton biography.

You know what, CNN and NBC should say "FUCK YOU AND YOUR THREATS".

We have the freedom of the press, and if we want to run this, we gonna run this! You ban us, fine! But guess what? Your candidates will suffer, not us!

The junk food media is getting tired of being labeled "liberal" by these boneheaded assholes in the Republican Party and those in the conservative media.

It isn't CNN's fault for all the crazy shit that Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) says!

It isn't NBC's fault for the racist emails, sexist or anti-gay statements from those in the Republican Party!

Their job is to report the news, entertain the viewer and inform the public of a natural disaster.

A public relations disaster with Republican Party's threats to CNN and NBC. Reince Priebus warns junk food media to stop aiding and abetting Hillary Clinton!

Reince Priebus, the leader of the Republican National Committee has put on his big boy pants and threatening to not participate. Of course, I thought he was the guy who was going to make the Republican Party a colorful rainbow!

The Republican Party is WHITE like cocaine. 90% WHITE and 10% everything else. They're getting a buzz on their own supply!

This boycott on the pro-Hillary biographies

It means that Loserville will be the only one to cover the Republican debates. Fine.

Party insiders long complained about the debates. There were 20 debates. They want to reduce the number of debates to at least 13 so they can at least get rid of the second-tier candidates.

Loserville is your research and political firm. You fucktards know Loserville is actually the Republican News Channel.

You fucktards in the Republican Party have already isolated yourselves with the Black and Hispanic voters.

What more damage could the party do?

CNN and NBC ain't worried about Priebus' cheap threats. Here's the letter that was sent to the networks.

RNC Letter To NBC

RNC Letter To CNN

How dumb could this man be?

He's spending the Republican Party's money fast and yet still has a job! He didn't help Republicans win the presidential election. He didn't help Republicans win the U.S. Senate. One state went to a Republican. And yet still have a job.

When they picked former Maryland lieutenant governor Michael Steele as their party's leader. He was the first Black man to lead the national party. But that made the party uncomfortable. When the man blew money they were grumbling about that NIGGER.

Steele was a buffoon but managed to help the Republicans win back the House of Representatives and state/territorial governorships. He was abruptly fired after the elections.

Priebus and Steele have often clashed over the direction of the party. Steele now contributes to Obama News (MSNBC).
In 2013, Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State was getting grilled by Republicans over the Benghazi scandal.

The Huffington Post reports that this threat is another line of preemptive attacks aimed at Hillary Clinton.

Between the two letters, Priebus' concerns to NBC were more direct. The network "damaged" its credibility through the partisan MSNBC, he said. Priebus also complained that executives and employees of Comcast, NBC's parent company, have been "generous supporters" of Democrats and Clinton, and have raised money for them in the past.

A.J. Spiker, head of the Iowa GOP, said the state party would also refuse to partner with CNN and NBC for the Iowa primary debate, considered to be one of the more significant of the season, if the networks go forward with their Clinton programming. Nevada also joined Iowa, among other state party organizations, in signing on to the ultimatum from the national party.

The RNC has launched prior preemptive attacks on Clinton's nascent candidacy. In May, the group released an ad centered on Clinton and the State Department's response to the 2012 terrorist attack on a U.S. compound in Benghazi.

Clinton, widely considered a frontrunner for the Democratic ticket in 2016, was also a major point of discussion at the RNC's spring meeting in April, at which Republicans reportedly began planning early for the next presidential race.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Face Off!

Michelle Knight watches her captor Ariel Castro get his dues. This man will spend the rest of his life in the iron college with no chance of parole.

August brings us the dog days of summer. One dog is getting his place in the pound.

Asshole Ariel Castro will be sentenced to the iron college for the rest of his life. The Cleveland kidnapper has finally got a chance to face one of his victims. The victim Michelle Knight was in the courtroom and she held back tears as she heard the man who held her captive and brought upon her a miscarriage tell the nation that he's no "monster".

Knight wrote in a statement to the public:
I would like to tell you what 11 years was like for me. I missed my son every day. I wondered if i was ever going to see him again. He was only two and a half years old when I was taken. I look inside my heart and I see my son. I cried every night. I was so alone. I worried about what would happen to me and the other girls every day. Days never got shorter. Days turned into nights, nights turned into days. The years turned into eternity. I knew nobody cared about me. He told me that my family didn't care.
Ariel Castro, I remember all the times that you came home talking about what everyone else did wrong and act like you weren't doing the same. You took 11 years of my life away and I have got it back. I spent 11 years in hell. Now your hell is just beginning. I will overcome all this that happened but you will face hell for eternity. From this moment on, I won't let you define me or affect who I am. I will live on, you will die a little every day as you think about the 11 years and atrocities you inflicted on us. What does God think of you hypocritically going to church every Sunday, coming home to torture us?
In May 2013, one of the three women held captive freed herself from the Cleveland home and told neighbors that she and two others were held by the former school bus driver.

Amanda Berry was the victim turned hero in this situation. She and her daughter are trying to cope with the instant celebrity. After all she, Knight and Gina DeJesus suffered a traumatic situation while being in the captivity of that horrible human being.

Castro decided to take the plea deal. He decided instead of facing a trial in which he could have gotten the gas chamber, Castro decided to take the guilty plea. That guilty plea advocated the fullest punishment the judge could give.

He will spend the rest of his life in the iron college plus 1,000 years. And on top of that he has no chance of ever seeing freedom outside the iron bars.

Isn't it funny, the captor says that he wasn't responsible for their situation. He's no monster, he says.

Blaming his addiction to prostitutes, porn and cute girls has driven him to the situation.
Head down as the court hands him fate. Ariel Castro now will see what it's like to be imprisoned.
I mean I'm not perfect and all but blaming the victim or a fetish is so like a coward.

Hopefully he'll find comfort in being an anal lover. He can find all the sex in the iron college. He'll never see a woman ever again. Well maybe he'll find him a transgender prisoner who looks like a woman but kill like a man.

He may end up being the woman in a prison marriage.

Yeah, I hope the next thing we'll hear about Castro is that he's dead and gone. Never to walk this earth again!

Yeah, I'm callous about this man. He's not normal. He's a horrible human pile of excrement. Fuck him and the Cleveland Police dispatcher who ignored the pleas of Amanda Berry.

Yeah lock this fool up!

Loserville Turdporter Runs Her Mouth And Helps Man Promote A Bestseller!

Lauren Green managed to involuntarily helped Reza Aslan takes his book Zealout to the top of the bestseller listings on Amazon. I can hear the calls for a boycott or the firing of her in the coming days!

This is coming from a Black journalist! I would expect this type of stuff from Bill-O, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win (aka That Scumbag On Loserville) or Greta The Ambulance Chaser. Not a turdporter who's job is to be "fair and balanced".

Reza Aslan is a religious scholar who is a Muslim. He's not a Muslim writing a book about Christianity, he is a honorary degree and professor of religious studies.

The 55 year old turdporter over at Loserville pissed off the Muslim community and civil rights activists after she confronted the author of a book that disputes the legacy of Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Nazareth.

Why should a Muslim write a book about Christianity?

This is the question by those over at Loserville.

Kind of wonder why a Christian would write a book about Islam?

Ask Frank Gaffney, David Horowitz, Orly Taitz, Pam Geller, Michael Savage and Bridgette Gabriel. All notorious anti-Islamic bigots who say that Muslims are the "scum of the earth".

Lauren Green's inappropriate behavior towards Reza Aslan has went viral.

Loserville didn't expect this interview to spawn into a negative reaction. They kind of defended the behavior of her. They wanted to get to the story but they've ended up becoming the story.

What Loserville done was practically gave the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the NAACP a reason to prove that the whole network is bias towards people of color and worshipers of Islam.

Aslan on his part kind of joked about it. He felt offended by the interview but shrugged it off saying what the network does. They promote conservative and Republican views.

He gets a better interview with Piers Morgan. Of course, Morgan is a tabloid journalist who at least is fair towards the guest. He doesn't bullshit with the guest.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Charles Ramesy: I'M BROKE BRO!

Charles Ramsey. The Cleveland, Ohio man who saved three women from a rapist sets the record straight about his situation.

Cleveland hero who rescued three women from 10 years of hell in Ariel Castro's home is telling the junk food media that he's lost his job because of the overnight celebrity status.

He's broke and he's trying to keep his spirits up.


Charles Ramsey, the country's most animated and yes unlikely hero spoke to the press about his good deeds in the long run. They didn't expect in the two months since his name landed in the junk food media, he was experiencing economic woes.

I mean every business in the Cleveland area is willing to give him all the heart clogging food and beverages the moment he comes in. He doesn't want food, he wants something good to happen to him and those victims.
Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight.
Why not help him build a home far away from that nightmare that he, Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight suffered that late May evening?

Well apparently The Daily Mail interviewed him during the bail hearing of Castro. They wanted to know how his life had changed since the events unfolded.

In court: The three women could face their alleged tormenter, Ariel Castro, in court later this year if Castro chooses to take the case to trial
Ariel Castro the man charged in rape of women.
I guess how when they've interviewed Ramsey, the often times vocal celebrity told it like it is and the reporter wrote it down. Well to make the world feel sorry for him, I guess they've jazzed up the story and made it seem like he's struggling to get by.

I am guessing The Daily Mail is sticking to the story.

But to Charles Ramsey, "IT'S BULLSHIT!"

Ramsey is saying that he had to find another place to go because the internet sensation follows him right to his door. And he's was getting fed up with it. He did admit he doesn't have the luxuries of being an international celebrity but he's happy and he wants to live his life in peace.

Ramsey did have thoughts of trademarking his name and animated vocals.

Ariel Castro is facing 977 charges including kidnapping, rape, felonious assault and premature death. He could face the death penalty if he's convicted. He abuse Michelle Knight and forced a miscarriage on her child. Castro has fathered a child with Amanda Berry.

Wish Charles Ramsey, Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight well and hope the best as they cope with their ordeal. Hopeful they'll succeed in getting their lives back together.

Tom Joyner Slams Rush Limbaugh For Rachel Jeantel And Trayvon Martin Comments!

Tom Joyner pledges funds for a Trayvon Martin scholarship and aid to Rachel Jeantel. The young woman who played a role in the George Zimmerman trial was criticized by the conservative junk food media for her "Black" attitude on CNN's Piers Morgan.

Longtime Black talker and activist, Tom Joyner has express outrage at the decision in Sanford, Florida.

He and many others including myself see that justice was scoffed by the systematic rush to judgement by jurors who only see the victim as another worthless life in hoodie. The shooter, George Zimmerman walks free and the nation's racial divide gotten even bigger.

Tom Joyner announced that he's planning on getting a Trayvon Martin memorial scholarship and he's planning on helping conservative whipping girl, Rachel Jeantel go to college. Jeantel, the key witness in the George Zimmerman trial was heavily criticized by the conservative junk food media for being "big fat angry Black woman who had no business being on the stand!"

Joyner also has some choice words for Rush Limbaugh (King Hippo). The conservative talker uttered NIGGA on his radio program this week and it drew a huge controversy. Also the fact that he attack Jeantel sparked another round of criticism post Sandra Fluke.

Also Rachel Jeantel also had words for Rush Limbaugh.

She appears on HuffPost Live with Dr. Marc Lamont Hill. He asks her if Rush Limbaugh's use of NIGGA and the constant attacks on her irritate her. She replied, "Well, yes, but I can’t judge him!"

After spending over two days attacking her personally and slut-shaming her, Limbaugh is out on a weekend furlough while Mark Steyn fills in.

Before Tom Joyner headed over to CNN for the Piers Morgan interview, he got in touch with Rachel Jeantel and her attorney who were in Florida doing post trial interviews.

A great deed was done in the face of controversial decision by an ALL WHITE JURY. Yeah there was a White Hispanic woman on the jury pool, but she thought like every WHITE WOMAN on that jury.

She believed that despite being told to not follow, George Zimmerman had the right to kill Trayvon Martin in the act of "self defense".

This verdict has prompted Black leaders and liberal agitators to protest Florida's Stand Your Ground law.
Conservative agitator is feuding with Rachel Jeantel after appearance on CNN's Piers Morgan.
This prompt a nationwide boycott of Florida, Rush Limbaugh, and George Zimmerman.

There will be a nationwide march on Saturday to protest unfair justice given towards Marissa Alexander, the woman who was sentenced 20 in the iron college for firing a gun in her ceiling. She was denied the claims of self-defense by the state prosecutors.

Joyner and Al Sharpton (Rev. Perm) will be actively encouraging Attorney General Eric Holder to look into the Zimmerman trial.

As of today, the U.S. Justice Department has ordered the Sanford Police and Seminole County Courts to hold all evidence. The firearm used in the shooting is not going back to Zimmerman just yet. The FBI is looking into the negligence of police in handling the matter. The FBI is looking to poke holes into the Zimmerman story.

Again, Zimmerman can't be prosecuted for the same crime. What the Justice Department can get him on is a civil rights violation. It's hard to prove but if there's any evidence of a cover up and disputes in the story, he'l be right back in court yet again to face the judge.

George Zimmerman and his wife Shellie are also facing perjury charges for lying to the court about bail money. So that will go underway soon.

Tom Joyner on CNN with Piers Morgan.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Conservatives Continue Attack On Trayvon Martin Witness Rachel Jeantel!

CNN gets highly anticipated interviews with key players in the George Zimmerman trial. The conservative agitators again attack the young woman.
Another twofer story for you!

White extremists are hoping for another recruitment drive post George Zimmerman trial. 

The divide and conquer crowd is in full effect. Just this morning Matt Drudge (That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall) has splashed the face of the material witness who caused such an uproar with racial extremists in the conservative movement.

Rachel Jeantel was on CNN with Piers Morgan. The highly anticipated interviews with the key players of the George Zimmerman trial have taken CNN ratings up and the partisan agitators on rival MSNBC (Obama News) and Fox News (Loserville) down.

CNN is probably the most neutral in the coverage of George Zimmerman and Travyon's parents Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin.

Yeah, it's the long hot summer here in the junk food media. Each of the media's famous agitators are stirring the pot for the next set of WHITE EXTREMISTS or BLACK LOOTERS.

Al Sharpton (Rev. Perm) has vowed a protest in 100 cities. The NAACP are asking Attorney General Eric Holder to handle the matter and see if Trayvon Martin's civil rights were violated.

The junk food media is already focusing on the Piers Morgan interview in which Jeantel says that Zimmerman following her friend was a sign to her as a "pervert" trying to kidnap a child.
I guess I can say Nigga now since it's not a racial slur! 
Jeantel believes that confrontation should not of happened if that Zimmerman would have stayed in his vehicle.

The junk food media's depicted her in a negative light and her performance on trial may have damaged the prosecution.

Although, I think the fact that Zimmerman had a nearly WHITE JURY (with one being White Hispanic), I felt that it was a wash.

The state prosecutors gave him a murder charge instead of an involuntary manslaughter charge.

I tell you, that Rush Limbaugh (King Hippo) is having a field day attacking on the character of Rachel Jeantel.

Since Media Matters for America has been focused on the national boycott of King Hippo, this one should continue to hurt him in advertising. The conservative agitator has lost over 1,200 advertisers since the Sandra Fluke incident. And this latest attack on Jeantel will certainly hurt him in the end.

Even one of King Hippo's White callers uttered a racial slur on the radio today!

Update: This video has went viral and it will merit a response from Rachel Jeantel and Sandra Fluke soon!

Trust me it's going viral and it's likely going to have the conservative agitator once again fearing he'll be punished for his choice words.

Conservative agitators are attacking on Rachel Jeantel.
Yeah, I had listened to him today. I am hearing him riled up over the post interviews from family and friends of Trayvon Martin. The conservative agitator wants to dissect the "CREEPY ASS CRACKER" remark.

Rachel Jeantel's interview with Piers Morgan has been talked about and will be the focus of conservative agitators everywhere now that she's appeared back on television. It's only fair to say that she's already gotten death threats and racial slurs hurled at her.

Here's the interview.



He can get off because he's a White. Perhaps better White Hispanic for the politically correct crowd.


Part II - More commentary about this Zimmerman trial.

Conservative agitator and washed up celebrity Ted Nugent has called Trayvon Martin a "gangsta with a pack of Skittles".

And there's a reason why he's not allowed on military bases! You can thank Media Matters for America for making that happen as well.

Ted Nugent, washed up rocker and gun activist.
In a conservative magazine, Nugent wrote that [a]ll thinking people are very relieved that George Zimmerman was found not guilty by the intelligent, justice-driven women of the jury, in spite of the façade presented by the prosecution and forced by the threat of racism by everyone from President Obama, to Eric Holder, the New Black Panther gangstas, NAACP, excuse makers of every stripe and even the governor of Florida, but still this innocent man who simply defended his life from a violent, life-threatening, bloodying, head-and-face slamming attack by an enraged black man-child has so wrongly paid an inexplicable price financially and emotionally.

The parents of Trayvon Martin get a huge million-dollar-plus payoff from the gated community just to shut them up, and so obviously to fend off the ambulance chaser racist lawyers for the simple fact that their son was guilty of a vicious, violent attack on a man for no good reason whatsoever.

What did the gated community have to do with any of it? Where is a judge capable of making a justice call in this travesty? Does anyone care at all anymore?

The entire system is screwed up.

But George Zimmerman and his entire family, innocent of any wrongdoing, have lost everything and will be in debt for a long, long time for having to fight the trumped-up charges that he "profiled" and/or set out to murder the poor, helpless, dope-smoking, dope-peddling, gangsta wannabe, Skittles hoodie boy.

Yeah, tough talk from a man the junk food media claims crapped in his pants to avoid the military draft in 1969. Nugent has a girlish haircut and I hope the shot misses the animal he tried to poach. Maybe it's get him before he gets it.
John White, a New York father was sentenced to the iron college for killing a 17-year old White teenager who was unarmed. He was protecting his son and property from the white teens that threatened him.
Anyway, the whole ordeal has sparked racial divide among White conservatives and the rest of the country.

White conservatives believe that Rev. Perm, Jesse Jackson (Out Of Wedlock/Cut His Nuts Off Jackson) the NAACP and President Barack Obama were meddling in a simple "self defense" case against a thug who beat an innocent man with the concrete sidewalk.

A man who couldn't just stay in his vehicle. A man who wanted to be a hero. Probably said more than what he told the police. But we don't know. You have one man alive and a teenager dead. Zimmerman's word against a dead body.

Liberals and the Black community clearly think it's racial profiling. Some including myself pointed to two similar stories where the Black person was sentenced to the iron college for protecting themselves or their property.

Say if this was a Black man who was a father living in a Long Island, New York home. John White was protecting his son and property. He came out to his property and shot at a White teen, killing him. Oh, he's gotten time in the iron college for defending his property because he had an unregistered firearm.

Say isn't this similar to George Zimmerman?

Didn't White had a right to protect his property and his family?

John White got time in the iron college for killing a 17-year old White teenager, Daniel Cicciaro. His father Daniel Cicciaro Sr. was just as animated about the sentencing and even hurled a racial slur at White.

Cicciaro threaten to shot a Black person in the face if they were to appear at his driveway.

So is it possible for Tracy Martin to shoot a White man or Hispanic White man in the chest for just wearing a hoodie?
Marissa Alexander was sentenced to the iron college for shooting into her home. The state rejected her stand your ground defense in this case. It was last year. George Zimmerman walks for shooting an unarmed teenager.
Say if you're a woman who lives in Florida, I guess you can't stand your ground either. A woman who was abused by her husband. She ends up doing something to protect herself and her family. She shots into the ceiling of her own home. Marissa Alexander, a woman who lives in Jacksonville, Florida was given 20 years in the iron college after she shot at her husband by firing into the ceiling of her home.

Alexander used the Stand Your Ground defense. The state prosecutors rejected that and held her in felonious assault and attempted murder. She is currently in the iron college.

Similar to George Zimmerman?

He didn't get the Stand Your Ground defense but yet he walks for shooting an unarmed teenager.

Yeah, we're living in a brutal system of justice. Black men are locked up in the iron college 15 to 1 White person.

We're profiled more than any race out there.

The Florida law is like giving White people the right to kill Blacks and Latinos. If a Black, Latino or even a man who practice in the Muslim faith uses the Stand Your Ground defense: They'll be locked up for murder.

This is why it's important to vote. We need to get the Republicans out of the localities and Congress.

They are fucking up the country with these "stupid" gun laws. They use these stupid gun laws to give WHITE EXTREMISTS the right to kill a Black or Latino person without due process or even a reason.

That's why Zimmerman got off. That's why Alexander got the trip to the iron college. It's judicial bias. It's a racist system that advocates permanent lockup for Blacks, Latinos and Muslims. Freedom for Whites.

They want control over us, but not them.

Rick Scott the Republican governor of Florida is embattled. He can be defeated.

He, Scott Walker (Wisconsin), Tom Corbett (Pennsylvania), John Kasich (Ohio), Rick Perry (Texas), Bob McDonnell (Virginia), Nikki Haley (South Carolina), Paul LePage (Maine), Rick Snyder (Michigan), Jan Brewer (Arizona), Bill Haslam (Tennessee), Nathan Deal (Georgia) and Mary Fallon (Oklahoma) are fucking up the country with their overtly ignorant and bigoted laws to punish those of color.

They relish in trying to defeat President Barack Obama. They can't fathom the thought of the Blacks or Hispanics taking over. Populations in these states have grown with non-White majorities rising faster.

So in order to stop it they'll push them out of their states.

If this isn't the wake up call to inspire change, I don't know what it is!

What are your thoughts on this matter?

Me and S. Baldwin are listening and hope that you'll have some thoughts on this matter.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Soledad O'Brien Signs Off!

CNN anchor is signing off her program.

Thank you Soledad O'Brien for being there for all journalist of color.

Today ends her morning program Starting Point. Soledad O'Brien will continue to work with CNN for the time being. But her replacement will be Chris Cuomo and he'll begin his new program on Monday.

Well wishes to Soledad O'Brien from Journal de la Reyna.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Piers Morgan Confronts George Zimmerman's A**hole Brother!

George Zimmerman's jackass brother recants his controversial tweets. 

The week began with the capture of the two teens responsible for a shooting in Brunswick, Georgia. The two individuals murdered a little baby and the nation was gripped to a horrible tragedy.

Somehow, the news made it to Sanford, Florida. The Trayvon Martin shooting tragedy surpassed a year and the nation is still uneased by the antics of George Zimmerman and his family. A series of controversial tweets from Robert Zimmerman, Jr. off the social networking website Twitter described the shooter De’Marquise Kareem Elkins to be just like unarmed victim Trayvon Martin.

That managed to reach the social networking blogs. Of course, the conservative/white supremacist bubble agree with Zimmerman on his comparison. Extremist concluded that if the two young Black teens were giving the middle finger while posing on camera, they're automatically criminals.

Piers Morgan wasn't going to let that slide on his program. On CNN, Morgan interviews Robert Zimmerman, Jr. about his controversial tweets.

The confrontation was heated and this controversy added a potential blow to the defense of George Zimmerman.

Everything done wrong comes straight out of George Zimmerman's camp. For one thing, this is Steubenville all over again. The defenders of the accused are "BLAMING THE VICTIM" for his untimely demise.

What makes it so bad is that George Zimmerman and his wife committed perjury. Zimmerman's friends say that he shown resentment towards Blacks. Zimmerman goes to Sean Hannity for legal advice. Now this brother takes to the social networks to attack the victim.

This example of callous behavior ensures that George Zimmerman was reckless in his decision to kill Trayvon Martin.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013


Shooting the same and missing the target.

Wayne LaPierre went to friendly territory and still got handed his ass!

Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace is now catching flack for giving the National Rifle Asscoiation chief spokesperson a tough interview.

Last year, David Gregory and Piers Morgan were criticized by the NRA and many conservatives for giving LaPierre and Gun Owner's Association's Larry Pratt a grilling.

Here's the interview from Fox News Sunday.

The interview has combative at best. Wallace pointed out inaccuracies of the NRA's "Obama's taking your guns!" Wallace told LaPierre that the president isn't trying to ban shotguns. 

LaPierre dust off his ancient playbook of talking points and stated that it's the fault of gang members, the entertainment industry, arming police officers and teachers in the schools, and statements made by politicians and entertainers. LaPierre claims the Democrats aren't focused on mental health issues (and yet he manages to attack Obamacare, a health care law that deals with mental issues). He attacks Michael Bloomberg for using his 1999 stance on universal gun control and made scenarios of chaos happening and the government taking firearms.

Chris Wallace managed to box in LaPierre on the question of having "armed security" for him! The NRA released an political attack ad hitting the president and his children for having protection. 

LaPierre also managed to spin his take on the president shooting off a rifle. Quite frankly, he didn't buy it! 

The NRA shouldn't be invested in politics. They should just keep their standings as trained firearm instructors and marksmen. Politics is hurting the brand. I can bet you that members of the NRA do want some form of background checks on people. 

Only tone deaf members in leadership (David Keane, Ted Nugent and Wayne LaPierre) continue to keep the earplugs in while they're shooting off their mouths.

Fox News Serves Dick Morris His Walking Papers!

And to be quite frankly, he deserved to get fired from Fox News. After all, who would want the worst political pundit in the history of the United States?

Oh, wait he's appearing on CNN!

Isn't this a joke?

They bump off Soledad O'Brien, an actual reporter and replace her with the prostitute toe sucker who promised President Barack Obama would lose in a landslide election against perennial loser Mitt Romney!

Why conservative agitator Dick Morris was fired from Fox News?

Network spokeswoman Dana Klinghoffer said Tuesday that Fox wasn't renewing its contract with Morris, who was steadfast throughout the campaign in his prediction of a big Romney win over President Barack Obama. He has made few appearances on Fox since the election.

Morris had also been criticized for accepting paid advertisements on his website from candidates that he discussed on the air at Fox.

Please bury this person in the sand because he's washed up!

This year Fox News canned former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin and renewed Karl Rove's contract.

Karl Rove is at odds with conservatives. Rove decided to create a SuperPac to fight against Republicans who may be too extreme. Rove hasn't made many friends in the conservative media. Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and conservative agitators on radio have went hard on the former Bush adviser.

The moderate Republicans warn that if conservative overreach continues, they'll be defeated again in the next presidential election.

President Barack Obama warned Republicans that if they continue to take marching orders from Rush Limbaugh, the National Rifle Association and Fox News, they'll be doomed for failure.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Extremist Wants To Deport Piers Morgan!

Alex Jones is fired up! Worried about the end of days! But yet he manages to turn a profit!

Conspiracy kook Alex Jones made himself look like a fool in front of tabloid journalist Piers Morgan. Of course, his gullible audience will say that he mopped the floor with Morgan. It would be funny if not sad that to make yourself a part of the news, you would get into a shouting match for ratings. Great tactic Piers Morgan. You may be a worthy competitor to agitators Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow

It's the talk of the nation: gun control!

Since the Sandy Hook shooting, many Americans are now turning to Washington, DC for swift action on gun control. The National Rifle Association, Gun Owner's Association, Republicans and their conservative allies in the media are trying to hyperbole everything into the blame.
Alex Jones confronts Piers Morgan. The exchange was contentious.
The NRA blames President Barack Obama, the entertainment industry (i.e. video games, hip-hop music, movies, television programs, etc.) and gun control advocates for Sandy Hook. The NRA thinks its reasonable to have armed guards in America's schools.

The United Kingdom has strict gun control laws and less violence in number to domestic attacks by firearms.

Piers Morgan makes no bones about gun control. He's gotten into shouting matches with firearm supporters and it's riled them up! Morgan got into it with WHITE EXTREMIST Larry Pratt of the Gun Owner's Association. That lit up the internet and got PrisonPlanet/InfoWars/radio host Alex Jones ribbed.

Jones and his advocates took to the White House petition website to demand that Morgan be sent back to the United Kingdom (hereby banning him for speaking out against the Second Amendment of the Bill Of Rights).

Jones is no stranger to agitation. He's hated by both the left and right as a kook. While he's promoting the end of days, Jones is selling survivor kits and food preparation meals. The fool is a "prepper" and "Christian Identity" extremist. The Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League calls him an agitator of the "right wing extremism". His commentary and website promotes the 9/11 and birther conspiracies.
Little Green Footballs founder Charles Johnson, disassociated himself from the conservative movement after numerous racial attacks on President Barack Obama and the Black community from the likes of Matt Drudge, Michelle Malkin and Alex Jones. These three agitators were instrumental in posting stories about racial unrest. Little Green Footballs was once a conservative website, it leans liberal now!
The Drudge Report has put forth stories on the website about potential "racial unrest" in the nation due to the reelection of President Barack Obama. During the 2012 U.S. Elections, Alex Jones and his allies were posting stories about Black violence in urban areas. Matt Drudge was tipped off and it landed on his website.

It wouldn't be worth my time to explain this character. He's shady.

Jones would count himself as an agitator of the conservative media.

The man who wants Piers Morgan deported for advocating gun control faced off with the CNN host on Morgan's show Monday night, denouncing Morgan as "a hatchet man of the New World Order" and warning of a new American revolution.

Radio talk show host Alex Jones backed a petition on the White House website calling on Morgan, a British citizen, to be deported "for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens."

Alex Jones: "The Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns"

"We did (this) to point out that this is globalism, and the megabanks that control the planet and brag they have taken over in Bloomberg, AP, Reuters, you name it -- brag they're going to get our guns as well," said Jones, who said his show is carried on 140 U.S. stations.

Morgan has been outspoken in calling for restrictions of semi-automatic rifles like the kind used in last year's mass killings in Newtown, Connecticut, and Aurora, Colorado. But Jones said the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of a right to bear arms "isn't there for duck hunting. It's there to protect us from tyrannical government and street thugs."

"Hitler took the guns. Stalin took the guns. Mao took the guns. Fidel Castro took the guns. Hugo Chavez took the guns. And I'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms," Jones shouted.

This is a portion of CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight in which he engages with Alex Jones.


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