Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Fox News Serves Dick Morris His Walking Papers!

And to be quite frankly, he deserved to get fired from Fox News. After all, who would want the worst political pundit in the history of the United States?

Oh, wait he's appearing on CNN!

Isn't this a joke?

They bump off Soledad O'Brien, an actual reporter and replace her with the prostitute toe sucker who promised President Barack Obama would lose in a landslide election against perennial loser Mitt Romney!

Why conservative agitator Dick Morris was fired from Fox News?

Network spokeswoman Dana Klinghoffer said Tuesday that Fox wasn't renewing its contract with Morris, who was steadfast throughout the campaign in his prediction of a big Romney win over President Barack Obama. He has made few appearances on Fox since the election.

Morris had also been criticized for accepting paid advertisements on his website from candidates that he discussed on the air at Fox.

Please bury this person in the sand because he's washed up!

This year Fox News canned former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin and renewed Karl Rove's contract.

Karl Rove is at odds with conservatives. Rove decided to create a SuperPac to fight against Republicans who may be too extreme. Rove hasn't made many friends in the conservative media. Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and conservative agitators on radio have went hard on the former Bush adviser.

The moderate Republicans warn that if conservative overreach continues, they'll be defeated again in the next presidential election.

President Barack Obama warned Republicans that if they continue to take marching orders from Rush Limbaugh, the National Rifle Association and Fox News, they'll be doomed for failure.

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