Ms. Chelsea Welch, I've been in your shoes! I promise it'll get better! - Blue Light Buzz
Customer leaves server an offensive message on a receipt. The server post it on the social networks and she gets fired for the posting! |
A lesson to me and millions of users of the social networks, once you post something and it hits the internet, it's there forever. And it could get you in trouble not only with your family, but your job! It could get you a lawsuit! It could lead to law enforcement arresting you! The digital fingerprint is just easy to obtain than a person's fingerprint!
Take this as a lesson to how bad publicity eventually gets a worker fired. And even though, she didn't intend on making her job look bad, her behavior express irresponsibility and lack of judgment.
The young woman Chelsea Welch, a server at a St. Louis area Applebee's got stiffed a tip from a customer.
The customer leaves a not so nice comment on the receipt and the young woman took it to Reddit and it went viral.
I am assuming that the customer got the death threats and probably a dose of national shame. So in order to get revenge, the customer calls the corporate offices of Applebee's. The company had no choice but to fire the young woman.
Even though Chelsea deserves to vent off her frustration with rude customers, her position is to basically shrug it off and move on! And yes it's very hard to take it! But if you work in retail, it's best to satisfy the customer.
The customer was a pastor of a local church. Alois Bell is the person who left the message "I Give God 10%, Why Do You Get 18%?
Alois Bell, the pastor who caused a controversy! |
The Daily Mail tells the tale of a pastor, a waitress and the not so "GODLY" tip!
An Applebee's waitress has been fired after a bizarre handwritten note from an annoyed customer turned into the latest internet sensation.
The waitress in St Louis, Missouri, identified as Chelsea Welch, was shown the door two days after she posted the passive aggressive memo on the popular site Reddit.com.
Next to the line indicating that an 18 per cent tip had been automatically added to the bill, the customer, a local pastor, crossed out the tip total, replaced it with a 'zero' and wrote: the offensive message.
She then signed the bill 'Pastor Alois Bell.'
Befuddled, Ms. Welch posted a photo of the bill on Reddit with the headline: 'My mistake sir, I'm sure Jesus will pay for my rent and groceries.'
Chelsea Welch was served her walking papers after posting a complaint about a rude customer on Reddit. |
Ms. Welch said she was not the waitress who received the note, and posted it on behalf of a fellow Applebee's worker.
But as the posting took on a life of its own on the internet this week, Ms.Welch was fired.
She said that she's a dedicated employee and was shocked to hear the news.
Ms. Welch told The Consumerist: 'When I posted this, I didn't represent Applebee's in a bad light. In fact, I didn't represent them at all. I did my best to protect the identity of all parties involved. I didn't break any specific guidelines in the company handbook - I checked.
She went on: 'But because this person got embarrassed that their selfishness was made public, Applebee's has made it clear that they would rather lose a dedicated employee than lose an angry customer. That's a policy I can't understand.'
In a statement to The Smoking Gun, Applebee's spokesman Dan Smith said: 'Our franchisee has apologized to the guest,' and that the employee who posted the bill to Reddit 'is no longer employed by the franchise.'
Speaking to KTVI-TV on Thursday, the pastor said she should have thought better of the message she wrote.
Ms. Bell, who preaches at the Truth in the Word Deliverance Ministries, told the station: That was a lapse in my judgment. I should've have did that. I apologize for that. I'm human. I did that.'
She also said that despite reports, she didn't stiff the waitress. In fact, she left two tips - the 18 percent automatic tip and an additional $6 she left on the table.
Also on Thursday, a 'Boycott Applebee's for Chelsea Welch' page sprung up on Facebook, with users venting their outrage against the chain and one user even offering Ms. Welch a job.
This pastor is a Black woman. The server was a White woman.
A big Black woman! A young White woman!
Guess what this is going to do?
I'll bet you that the moment it hits the conservative/White supremacist bubble, it's going to be another word salad mixed with racial slurs and nuts! Of course another dig at President Barack Obama and primates!