CNN gets highly anticipated interviews with key players in the George Zimmerman trial. The conservative agitators again attack the young woman. |
Another twofer story for you!
White extremists are hoping for another recruitment drive post George Zimmerman trial.
The divide and conquer crowd is in full effect. Just this morning Matt Drudge (That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall) has splashed the face of the material witness who caused such an uproar with racial extremists in the conservative movement.
Rachel Jeantel was on CNN with Piers Morgan. The highly anticipated interviews with the key players of the George Zimmerman trial have taken CNN ratings up and the partisan agitators on rival MSNBC (Obama News) and Fox News (Loserville) down.
CNN is probably the most neutral in the coverage of George Zimmerman and Travyon's parents Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin.
Yeah, it's the long hot summer here in the junk food media. Each of the media's famous agitators are stirring the pot for the next set of WHITE EXTREMISTS or BLACK LOOTERS.
Al Sharpton (Rev. Perm) has vowed a protest in 100 cities. The NAACP are asking Attorney General Eric Holder to handle the matter and see if Trayvon Martin's civil rights were violated.
The junk food media is already focusing on the Piers Morgan interview in which Jeantel says that Zimmerman following her friend was a sign to her as a "pervert" trying to kidnap a child.
Jeantel believes that confrontation should not of happened if that Zimmerman would have stayed in his vehicle.
The junk food media's depicted her in a negative light and her performance on trial may have damaged the prosecution.
Although, I think the fact that Zimmerman had a nearly WHITE JURY (with one being White Hispanic), I felt that it was a wash.
The state prosecutors gave him a murder charge instead of an involuntary manslaughter charge.
I tell you, that Rush Limbaugh (King Hippo) is having a field day attacking on the character of Rachel Jeantel.
Since Media Matters for America has been focused on the national boycott of King Hippo, this one should continue to hurt him in advertising. The conservative agitator has lost over 1,200 advertisers since the Sandra Fluke incident. And this latest attack on Jeantel will certainly hurt him in the end.
Even one of King Hippo's White callers uttered a racial slur on the radio today!
Update: This video has went viral and it will merit a response from Rachel Jeantel and Sandra Fluke soon!
Trust me it's going viral and it's likely going to have the conservative agitator once again fearing he'll be punished for his choice words.
Yeah, I had listened to him today. I am hearing him riled up over the post interviews from family and friends of Trayvon Martin. The conservative agitator wants to dissect the "CREEPY ASS CRACKER" remark.
Rachel Jeantel's interview with Piers Morgan has been talked about and will be the focus of conservative agitators everywhere now that she's appeared back on television. It's only fair to say that she's already gotten death threats and racial slurs hurled at her.
Here's the interview.
Part II - More commentary about this Zimmerman trial.
Conservative agitator and washed up celebrity Ted Nugent has called Trayvon Martin a "gangsta with a pack of Skittles".
And there's a reason why he's not allowed on military bases! You can thank Media Matters for America for making that happen as well.
In a conservative magazine, Nugent wrote that [a]ll thinking people are very relieved that George Zimmerman was found not guilty by the intelligent, justice-driven women of the jury, in spite of the façade presented by the prosecution and forced by the threat of racism by everyone from President Obama, to Eric Holder, the New Black Panther gangstas, NAACP, excuse makers of every stripe and even the governor of Florida, but still this innocent man who simply defended his life from a violent, life-threatening, bloodying, head-and-face slamming attack by an enraged black man-child has so wrongly paid an inexplicable price financially and emotionally.
The parents of Trayvon Martin get a huge million-dollar-plus payoff from the gated community just to shut them up, and so obviously to fend off the ambulance chaser racist lawyers for the simple fact that their son was guilty of a vicious, violent attack on a man for no good reason whatsoever.
What did the gated community have to do with any of it? Where is a judge capable of making a justice call in this travesty? Does anyone care at all anymore?
The entire system is screwed up.
But George Zimmerman and his entire family, innocent of any wrongdoing, have lost everything and will be in debt for a long, long time for having to fight the trumped-up charges that he "profiled" and/or set out to murder the poor, helpless, dope-smoking, dope-peddling, gangsta wannabe, Skittles hoodie boy.
Yeah, tough talk from a man the junk food media claims crapped in his pants to avoid the military draft in 1969. Nugent has a girlish haircut and I hope the shot misses the animal he tried to poach. Maybe it's get him before he gets it.
Anyway, the whole ordeal has sparked racial divide among White conservatives and the rest of the country.
White conservatives believe that Rev. Perm, Jesse Jackson (Out Of Wedlock/Cut His Nuts Off Jackson) the NAACP and President Barack Obama were meddling in a simple "self defense" case against a thug who beat an innocent man with the concrete sidewalk.
A man who couldn't just stay in his vehicle. A man who wanted to be a hero. Probably said more than what he told the police. But we don't know. You have one man alive and a teenager dead. Zimmerman's word against a dead body.
Liberals and the Black community clearly think it's racial profiling. Some including myself pointed to two similar stories where the Black person was sentenced to the iron college for protecting themselves or their property.
Say if this was a Black man who was a father living in a Long Island, New York home. John White was protecting his son and property. He came out to his property and shot at a White teen, killing him. Oh, he's gotten time in the iron college for defending his property because he had an unregistered firearm.
Say isn't this similar to George Zimmerman?
Didn't White had a right to protect his property and his family?
John White got time in the iron college for killing a 17-year old White teenager, Daniel Cicciaro. His father Daniel Cicciaro Sr. was just as animated about the sentencing and even hurled a racial slur at White.
Cicciaro threaten to shot a Black person in the face if they were to appear at his driveway.
So is it possible for Tracy Martin to shoot a White man or Hispanic White man in the chest for just wearing a hoodie?
Say if you're a woman who lives in Florida, I guess you can't stand your ground either. A woman who was abused by her husband. She ends up doing something to protect herself and her family. She shots into the ceiling of her own home. Marissa Alexander, a woman who lives in Jacksonville, Florida was given 20 years in the iron college after she shot at her husband by firing into the ceiling of her home.
Alexander used the Stand Your Ground defense. The state prosecutors rejected that and held her in felonious assault and attempted murder. She is currently in the iron college.
Similar to George Zimmerman?
He didn't get the Stand Your Ground defense but yet he walks for shooting an unarmed teenager.
Yeah, we're living in a brutal system of justice. Black men are locked up in the iron college 15 to 1 White person.
We're profiled more than any race out there.
The Florida law is like giving White people the right to kill Blacks and Latinos. If a Black, Latino or even a man who practice in the Muslim faith uses the Stand Your Ground defense: They'll be locked up for murder.
This is why it's important to vote. We need to get the Republicans out of the localities and Congress.
They are fucking up the country with these "stupid" gun laws. They use these stupid gun laws to give WHITE EXTREMISTS the right to kill a Black or Latino person without due process or even a reason.
That's why Zimmerman got off. That's why Alexander got the trip to the iron college. It's judicial bias. It's a racist system that advocates permanent lockup for Blacks, Latinos and Muslims. Freedom for Whites.
They want control over us, but not them.
Rick Scott the Republican governor of Florida is embattled. He can be defeated.
He, Scott Walker (Wisconsin), Tom Corbett (Pennsylvania), John Kasich (Ohio), Rick Perry (Texas), Bob McDonnell (Virginia), Nikki Haley (South Carolina), Paul LePage (Maine), Rick Snyder (Michigan), Jan Brewer (Arizona), Bill Haslam (Tennessee), Nathan Deal (Georgia) and Mary Fallon (Oklahoma) are fucking up the country with their overtly ignorant and bigoted laws to punish those of color.
They relish in trying to defeat President Barack Obama. They can't fathom the thought of the Blacks or Hispanics taking over. Populations in these states have grown with non-White majorities rising faster.
So in order to stop it they'll push them out of their states.
If this isn't the wake up call to inspire change, I don't know what it is!
What are your thoughts on this matter?
Me and S. Baldwin are listening and hope that you'll have some thoughts on this matter.
Yeah, it's the long hot summer here in the junk food media. Each of the media's famous agitators are stirring the pot for the next set of WHITE EXTREMISTS or BLACK LOOTERS.
Al Sharpton (Rev. Perm) has vowed a protest in 100 cities. The NAACP are asking Attorney General Eric Holder to handle the matter and see if Trayvon Martin's civil rights were violated.
The junk food media is already focusing on the Piers Morgan interview in which Jeantel says that Zimmerman following her friend was a sign to her as a "pervert" trying to kidnap a child.
I guess I can say Nigga now since it's not a racial slur! |
The junk food media's depicted her in a negative light and her performance on trial may have damaged the prosecution.
Although, I think the fact that Zimmerman had a nearly WHITE JURY (with one being White Hispanic), I felt that it was a wash.
The state prosecutors gave him a murder charge instead of an involuntary manslaughter charge.
I tell you, that Rush Limbaugh (King Hippo) is having a field day attacking on the character of Rachel Jeantel.
Since Media Matters for America has been focused on the national boycott of King Hippo, this one should continue to hurt him in advertising. The conservative agitator has lost over 1,200 advertisers since the Sandra Fluke incident. And this latest attack on Jeantel will certainly hurt him in the end.
Even one of King Hippo's White callers uttered a racial slur on the radio today!
Update: This video has went viral and it will merit a response from Rachel Jeantel and Sandra Fluke soon!
Trust me it's going viral and it's likely going to have the conservative agitator once again fearing he'll be punished for his choice words.
![]() |
Conservative agitators are attacking on Rachel Jeantel. |
Rachel Jeantel's interview with Piers Morgan has been talked about and will be the focus of conservative agitators everywhere now that she's appeared back on television. It's only fair to say that she's already gotten death threats and racial slurs hurled at her.
Here's the interview.
He can get off because he's a White. Perhaps better White Hispanic for the politically correct crowd. |
Part II - More commentary about this Zimmerman trial.
Conservative agitator and washed up celebrity Ted Nugent has called Trayvon Martin a "gangsta with a pack of Skittles".
And there's a reason why he's not allowed on military bases! You can thank Media Matters for America for making that happen as well.
Ted Nugent, washed up rocker and gun activist. |
The parents of Trayvon Martin get a huge million-dollar-plus payoff from the gated community just to shut them up, and so obviously to fend off the ambulance chaser racist lawyers for the simple fact that their son was guilty of a vicious, violent attack on a man for no good reason whatsoever.
What did the gated community have to do with any of it? Where is a judge capable of making a justice call in this travesty? Does anyone care at all anymore?
The entire system is screwed up.
But George Zimmerman and his entire family, innocent of any wrongdoing, have lost everything and will be in debt for a long, long time for having to fight the trumped-up charges that he "profiled" and/or set out to murder the poor, helpless, dope-smoking, dope-peddling, gangsta wannabe, Skittles hoodie boy.
Yeah, tough talk from a man the junk food media claims crapped in his pants to avoid the military draft in 1969. Nugent has a girlish haircut and I hope the shot misses the animal he tried to poach. Maybe it's get him before he gets it.
John White, a New York father was sentenced to the iron college for killing a 17-year old White teenager who was unarmed. He was protecting his son and property from the white teens that threatened him. |
White conservatives believe that Rev. Perm, Jesse Jackson (Out Of Wedlock/Cut His Nuts Off Jackson) the NAACP and President Barack Obama were meddling in a simple "self defense" case against a thug who beat an innocent man with the concrete sidewalk.
A man who couldn't just stay in his vehicle. A man who wanted to be a hero. Probably said more than what he told the police. But we don't know. You have one man alive and a teenager dead. Zimmerman's word against a dead body.
Liberals and the Black community clearly think it's racial profiling. Some including myself pointed to two similar stories where the Black person was sentenced to the iron college for protecting themselves or their property.
Say if this was a Black man who was a father living in a Long Island, New York home. John White was protecting his son and property. He came out to his property and shot at a White teen, killing him. Oh, he's gotten time in the iron college for defending his property because he had an unregistered firearm.
Say isn't this similar to George Zimmerman?
Didn't White had a right to protect his property and his family?
John White got time in the iron college for killing a 17-year old White teenager, Daniel Cicciaro. His father Daniel Cicciaro Sr. was just as animated about the sentencing and even hurled a racial slur at White.
Cicciaro threaten to shot a Black person in the face if they were to appear at his driveway.
So is it possible for Tracy Martin to shoot a White man or Hispanic White man in the chest for just wearing a hoodie?
Marissa Alexander was sentenced to the iron college for shooting into her home. The state rejected her stand your ground defense in this case. It was last year. George Zimmerman walks for shooting an unarmed teenager. |
Alexander used the Stand Your Ground defense. The state prosecutors rejected that and held her in felonious assault and attempted murder. She is currently in the iron college.
Similar to George Zimmerman?
He didn't get the Stand Your Ground defense but yet he walks for shooting an unarmed teenager.
Yeah, we're living in a brutal system of justice. Black men are locked up in the iron college 15 to 1 White person.
We're profiled more than any race out there.
The Florida law is like giving White people the right to kill Blacks and Latinos. If a Black, Latino or even a man who practice in the Muslim faith uses the Stand Your Ground defense: They'll be locked up for murder.
This is why it's important to vote. We need to get the Republicans out of the localities and Congress.
They are fucking up the country with these "stupid" gun laws. They use these stupid gun laws to give WHITE EXTREMISTS the right to kill a Black or Latino person without due process or even a reason.
That's why Zimmerman got off. That's why Alexander got the trip to the iron college. It's judicial bias. It's a racist system that advocates permanent lockup for Blacks, Latinos and Muslims. Freedom for Whites.
They want control over us, but not them.
Rick Scott the Republican governor of Florida is embattled. He can be defeated.
He, Scott Walker (Wisconsin), Tom Corbett (Pennsylvania), John Kasich (Ohio), Rick Perry (Texas), Bob McDonnell (Virginia), Nikki Haley (South Carolina), Paul LePage (Maine), Rick Snyder (Michigan), Jan Brewer (Arizona), Bill Haslam (Tennessee), Nathan Deal (Georgia) and Mary Fallon (Oklahoma) are fucking up the country with their overtly ignorant and bigoted laws to punish those of color.
They relish in trying to defeat President Barack Obama. They can't fathom the thought of the Blacks or Hispanics taking over. Populations in these states have grown with non-White majorities rising faster.
So in order to stop it they'll push them out of their states.
If this isn't the wake up call to inspire change, I don't know what it is!
What are your thoughts on this matter?
Me and S. Baldwin are listening and hope that you'll have some thoughts on this matter.
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