Thursday, August 01, 2013

Face Off!

Michelle Knight watches her captor Ariel Castro get his dues. This man will spend the rest of his life in the iron college with no chance of parole.

August brings us the dog days of summer. One dog is getting his place in the pound.

Asshole Ariel Castro will be sentenced to the iron college for the rest of his life. The Cleveland kidnapper has finally got a chance to face one of his victims. The victim Michelle Knight was in the courtroom and she held back tears as she heard the man who held her captive and brought upon her a miscarriage tell the nation that he's no "monster".

Knight wrote in a statement to the public:
I would like to tell you what 11 years was like for me. I missed my son every day. I wondered if i was ever going to see him again. He was only two and a half years old when I was taken. I look inside my heart and I see my son. I cried every night. I was so alone. I worried about what would happen to me and the other girls every day. Days never got shorter. Days turned into nights, nights turned into days. The years turned into eternity. I knew nobody cared about me. He told me that my family didn't care.
Ariel Castro, I remember all the times that you came home talking about what everyone else did wrong and act like you weren't doing the same. You took 11 years of my life away and I have got it back. I spent 11 years in hell. Now your hell is just beginning. I will overcome all this that happened but you will face hell for eternity. From this moment on, I won't let you define me or affect who I am. I will live on, you will die a little every day as you think about the 11 years and atrocities you inflicted on us. What does God think of you hypocritically going to church every Sunday, coming home to torture us?
In May 2013, one of the three women held captive freed herself from the Cleveland home and told neighbors that she and two others were held by the former school bus driver.

Amanda Berry was the victim turned hero in this situation. She and her daughter are trying to cope with the instant celebrity. After all she, Knight and Gina DeJesus suffered a traumatic situation while being in the captivity of that horrible human being.

Castro decided to take the plea deal. He decided instead of facing a trial in which he could have gotten the gas chamber, Castro decided to take the guilty plea. That guilty plea advocated the fullest punishment the judge could give.

He will spend the rest of his life in the iron college plus 1,000 years. And on top of that he has no chance of ever seeing freedom outside the iron bars.

Isn't it funny, the captor says that he wasn't responsible for their situation. He's no monster, he says.

Blaming his addiction to prostitutes, porn and cute girls has driven him to the situation.
Head down as the court hands him fate. Ariel Castro now will see what it's like to be imprisoned.
I mean I'm not perfect and all but blaming the victim or a fetish is so like a coward.

Hopefully he'll find comfort in being an anal lover. He can find all the sex in the iron college. He'll never see a woman ever again. Well maybe he'll find him a transgender prisoner who looks like a woman but kill like a man.

He may end up being the woman in a prison marriage.

Yeah, I hope the next thing we'll hear about Castro is that he's dead and gone. Never to walk this earth again!

Yeah, I'm callous about this man. He's not normal. He's a horrible human pile of excrement. Fuck him and the Cleveland Police dispatcher who ignored the pleas of Amanda Berry.

Yeah lock this fool up!

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