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Michael Dunn displays his handling grip when he confronted teens at a store. He put ten slugs in the vehicle that Jordan Davis rode in. The teen's murder sparked outrage over the fact that Dunn claims that his life was threatened by a group of unarmed teens who were banging hip-hop music. |
That paradise for stupidity is the state of Florida.
We are following the Jordan Davis murder trial. This case parallels the many events caused by the state sponsored "Stand Your Ground Law".
Last month a retired police officer Curtis Reeves shot and killed Chad Oulsen in a Tampa area movie theater over him texting on the phone. Reeves believes that a bag of popcorn thrown in his face is merit to shot a man a point blank range. Oulsen was killed and Reeves is facing second degree murder.
George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin became the talk of the nation. The shooting of unarmed Martin sparked outrage and a demand for the state's controversial governor Rick Scott to repeal the law. Scott maybe facing former governor Charlie Crist in a bid for reelection.
Zimmerman after post trial has cause over seven events which sparked outrage. The most recent outrage was this charity event where he was to step into the boxing ring with washed up celebrity DMX. That event was canceled after complaints.
Rhonda Rouer wipes tears. She tells her boyfriend Michael Dunn's side of the story. |
Marissa Alexander was just granted bail after she was sentenced to 20 years in the iron college for shooting in her ceiling after she threatened her abuse husband. She became a focal point of that stupid law.
The Jordan Davis murder is a hotly watched event. The suspect Michael Dunn shot ten times at the 17 year old and his friends after they got into a heated confrontation over loud hip-hop music.
Last year, Dunn was charged with murder with reckless content.
Tommie Stornes tells a somber tale of losing his best friend. |
Dunn is facing life in the iron college if the evidence showed that he provoked the event. In the trial, the family and friends of both Davis and Dunn came up to stand to testify.
One in particular was the girlfriend of Dunn. She was with Dunn during the time of the shooting. Dunn was returning from his son's wedding and decided to get some stuff from a Jacksonville convenience store.
His girlfriend goes in and he sits outside. Apparently Davis along with his friends were there blasting up their speakers listening to hip-hop music.
She was talking to him about the noise and he uttered a "I can't stand that 'thug' music".
That right there is the prosecution's way to nail him with reckless intent. The prosecution wants to say that Dunn was provoked by a group of teens who refused to listen to his concerns. Dunn was provoked by a group of teens who cranked the music even louder when he told them to turn that off.
The defense rested its case Tuesday, and then prosecutors called Dunn's fiancee back to the witness stand.
Ronald Davis and Lucia McBath are Jordan Davis parents. They watch the trial. |
Rhonda Rouer contradicted Dunn’s assertion that he had told her he had seen a gun in the teens’ SUV. Closing arguments were expected Wednesday.
Prosecutors also played a video of Dunn’s jailhouse interview in which he couldn't explain why he didn't call police after the shooting. Also in it, detectives picked apart Dunn's story that he was threatened with a gun, saying no weapon was found on the teen and witnesses never described Davis making threats.
"I got a place on the beach. I got a great house. I got a great girl. We just got a new puppy," Dunn said.
"There is no reason for me to jeopardize that."
Of course he jeopardized that. He made the choice to use a firearm instead of a cellphone and piece of paper with a license number on it. He could lose all that in an instant if he's found guilty. He could lose all that in a civil lawsuit if found not guilty.
In his testimony, Dunn told jurors he was in Jacksonville with Rouer to attend his son’s wedding. He had brought along on the trip his 7-month-old dog, and at one point in testimony, he wiped away tears when talking about his fiancee and dog.
Graphic details were told by friends of Jordan Davis. They told the court that Michael Dunn provoked the event. This is Leland Brunson, one of the people in the SUV the night Dunn shot and killed Davis. |
Dunn said he and Rouer went to the convenience store for wine and chips. He said he pulled into a spot next to an SUV where music with a “thumping” bass was playing.
"It got really loud," Dunn said. "My rear view mirror was shaking. My eardrums were vibrating. It was ridiculously loud."
Dunn said he asked the three men in the SUV to turn down the music and they turned it off. "I said, 'Thank you,'" Dunn said. But soon afterward, Dunn said he heard someone in the SUV shouting expletives and the word "cracker" at him. Dunn is white, and the teens in the SUV were black. Cracker is a derogatory term for white people.
The music was turned back on, and Dunn testified, "I wasn't going to ask for favors anymore."
Tevin Thompson explains the controversial shooting. |
Dunn said the men in the SUV had "menacing expressions," and he asked the teens whether they were talking about him. He said he wanted to calm down the situation but saw a teen in the backseat reach down for something which he slammed into the car door. Dunn said it looked as if the barrel of a shotgun was sticking out the window.
One of the teens stepped out of the SUV, Dunn said, and he felt "this was a clear and present danger." He reached for his pistol in a glove box.
Dunn, who had a concealed weapons permit, fired nine shots into the car, according to an affidavit. Once his fiancee returned to the car, he drove off out of fear of the SUV returning, he said.
He described having "tunnel vision," with everything focused on his target.
No weapons were found in the SUV.
Dunn said he told Rouer on the drive back to the hotel that he had shot in self-defense.
"I didn't do anything wrong," Dunn said he told her.
Dunn and Rouer drove back to their hotel and Dunn said he didn't call the police because his focus was on the well-being of Rouer, whom he described as in hysterics. The next morning, Dunn said, Rouer insisted she wanted to go home and they drove back to their home in Brevard County, 175 miles away. There, Dunn said he contacted a neighbor who is in law enforcement for advice on how to turn himself in to authorities.
During cross-examination, prosecutor John Guy challenged Dunn’s assertion that he had told Rouer after the shooting that he thought one of the teens had a gun.
Jordan Davis didn't hurt no one. |
"You never told the love of your life that those guys had a gun," Guy said. "Did you?"
Dunn responded, "You were not there."
Guy challenged Dunn on other parts of his story, citing letters Dunn had written from jail and interviews with investigators. The prosecutor said Dunn had told detectives the day after the shooting that it could have been a stick he saw pointing from the vehicle. But Dunn countered he was just suggesting a far-fetched possibility.
Guy also suggested that Dunn was angry because he was being disrespected by a young black man. Dunn responded, “I was being threatened, not disrespected.”
The prosecutor also said Dunn had stated in a jailhouse letter that his car was parked so close to the SUV that it would have been hard for him to exit. Guy said that mean Davis also would have had a hard time getting out of the SUV.
"Jordan Davis was never a threat to you, was he, Mr. Dunn?" Guy said.
Dunn responded, "Absolutely, he was."
Newsone obtained the letters from Dunn saying some not so nice things about Black people and he compared himself to George Zimmerman.
One good news nugget was the selection of a jury.
"The fear is that we may get a predominately black jury and therefore, unlikely to get a favorable verdict. Sad, but that’s where this country is still at. The good news is that the surrounding counties are predominately white and Republican and supporters of gun rights," says Dunn in a written letter to his girlfriend Rhonda Douer.
"The jail is full of blacks and they all act like thugs. This may sound a bit radical but if more people would arm themselves and kill these fucking idiots, when they’re threatening you, eventually they may take the hint and change their behavior," says Dunn to his son.
"Uh, ‘Kill that motherfucker!’ ‘That motherfucker is dead!’ ‘You dead cracker!’” Dunn heard from the teens.
"And he sees that much of a shotgun coming up over the rim of the SUV, which is up higher than his Jetta, and all he sees are heavily tinted front windows that are up and the back windows that are down, and the car has at least four black men in it, and he doesn't know how old anyone is, and he doesn't know anything, but he knows a shotgun when he sees one because he got his first gun as a gift from his grandparents when he was in third grade," Dunn wrote to his friends.
The jury will decide shortly on this man's fate. |
"I am amazed at what is going on with the way the media has been covering this case," he writes.
"Their [sic] have been several other shootings here in Jacksonville, yet they are all either black-on-black or black-on-white, and none of them have garnered any attention from the media. I guess it’s news when someone dares to not to be a victim, but they are twisting it around sand saying I was the ‘bad guy.’" Dunn wrote to his grandmother.
"I’m not getting much in the way of sympathy from the press. They’re a bunch of liberal bastards!" he writes.
"They seem to have a lot of racial guilt, or at least the prosecutors [sic] office does. The jail here is almost all black prisoners. You’d think Jacksonville was 90-90% black judging by the makeup of the folks in jail here! … My fear is that if I get 1 black on my jury it will be a mistrial as I am convinced they will be racially biased." Dunn says to his supporters and son.