Showing posts with label LGBT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LGBT. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

California Pastor Lost His Church Because He Cheered The Orlando Massacre!

Pastor Hate got booted from his church.

While the conservatives are bitching about the scourge of "radical Islam", they turn a blind eye to the "radical Christians" who promote the same rhetoric.

Religious extremism is a threat to the United States.


We all mourned the tragedy in Orlando. This terrorist murdered 49 people before the law put him down. As the world mourn the lost of innocence, this asshole pastor from California was excited.

Roger Jimenez was making national news when he said Orlando is a little safer tonight knowing that 50 pedophiles were killed. He only wished "the tragedy [would have taken out] that more of them.

He said that he wasn't one bit upset over this. He wished this terrorist would have finished everyone off.

These comments were condemned by the world and the public went to protest his church.

He laughed at them and said that the junk food media has given him new attendees.

The backlash gotten so much attention, the owner of the property said that Jimenez can practice his religion in his garage.

The property management and owner of the building in which Verity Baptist Church and its Pastor Roger Jimenez preside have decided not to renew the church's lease, and have asked church officials to consider moving.

His attacks on the LGBT and Muslim community are disgusting. In the wake of a tragedy, the concern trolls often find blame with those who aren't the shooter.

This mass shooting has sparked issues on gun violence, hate crimes against Muslims and the LGBT, and terrorism (domestic and international).

This bigot is free to express his bile around the pughs. Unfortunately he's not going to do it at his original location. He's outta of there!

Good riddance.

We mourn with the families of the Orlando tragedy. Our friends in the LGBT and Muslim community have our support.

Watch this with discretion.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

No Apple Picking In Ohio!

Trump calls for boycott of APPLE after they dropped the endorsement of the Republican Convention.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the brand isn't going to be a part of the Republican National Convention. This comes as blow to the Republican Party's outreach to individuals.

Republicans fear they could lose the Congress if Donald Trump continues on with the divisive rhetoric. In July 18-21, the Republican National Convention will in Cleveland, Ohio and Donald Trump will accept the nomination for the party. Many Republicans fear that Trump could damage the brand for a generation. His attacks on fellow Republicans and those who distance themselves from him has made the party lose confidence in their chances.

The Color of Change is hoping that companies see Donald Trump as the bigot he is. They want national brands to back out of sponsoring the event.

Walmart and Coca-Cola both backed out of both conventions.

The distancing from Trump is a sign of problems awaiting the party. The party's far right politicos and agitators are driving the party off the cliff.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Old Fart McCain Blames Obama For Orlando Massacre!

That old fart is facing an insurgent candidate in the Republican primary. He is going "maverick" again. Even his old running mate is considering endorsing his rival.

Sen. John McCain  (R-AZ) is the failed 2008 Republican presidential candidate.

The old fart is still bitter about the landslide. He is hoping to secure brownie points with Arizona voters by saying President Barack Obama allowed the Orlando massacre to happen.

The reason to why he blames Obama for this: because the president ended the war in Iraq.

The Republicans are inept. The Republicans would rather focus on distractions such as blaming the president for the acts of a terrorist.

McCain is pathetic warhawk who thinks bombing people is the best way to fighting terrorism.

Lindsey Graham and McCain are senile and they will waste taxpayer dollars sending bombs over the Islamic State.

Kelli Ward is winning support from the conservatives and she hopes to knock the 81 year old senator off his perch.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Republican Controlled Congress Is Inept!

Sen. Chris Murphy  (D-CT) laid into the Republicans yesterday on their inept actions in the wake of the terrorist attack in Orlando in which this cat laid into 50 people in aneed act of hate against the LGBT community.

Unlike the worthless filibusters from failed presidential candidates Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) this one really gets the ball rolling on gun control. This issue has been ignored with prayers and silence. The distraction from Republicans and their conservative agitating allies is the tired "Obama is taking your guns excuse" to rile up gun buyers.

President Barack Obama has said that these mass shootings have gotten out of hand. Why would we continue to have those with mental issues and possible terrorists obtain these powerful weapons?

The calls for a semi automatic weapons ban will likely go nowhere with this inept Congress.

Republicans and Donald Trump are looking forward to distancing themselves from gun control. They already made the focus on "radical Islam" and the president being "weak" on terrorism because he doesn't say it.

Republicans are really unpopular right now. With Trump as their leader, the party is going to likely suffer in the polls. Trump's rhetoric isn't helpful at all.

He doubles down on calling the president a terrorist sympathizer.

Conservative attack the president for calling for an assault weapons ban, saying Islam isn't the enemy and telling Americans that the LGBT community is loved.

If the good guy had a gun while the bad guy was shooting is a pathetic argument. It's likely the gunman or the law would shoot you knowing that you have a gun. It doesn't matter to the law if you a concealed carry, they see you as a threat. Also you could miss and shoot a hostage or an innocent victim. You could be charged with a crime.

World News Today continues to cover the Orlando massacre.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Obama: All This Talk About "Radical Islam" Is Nonsense From Yapping Agitators!

Today, President Barack Obama addressed the junk food media. He said that he will be heading to Orlando to talk to mayor Buddy Dyer and the victims of the horrific mass shooting.

He also wanted to get a few things off his chest. He was pissed at Congress delaying his nominees (i.e. Supreme Court and Counter-terrorism finance analysis). He hammered Republicans for wasting taxpayer money stalling his nominees and failing to act on mass shooting tragedies.

And one thing that I happened to catch was the slick diss on conservatives complaining about the president not saying "radical Islam" and complaining about him "ignoring the threat".

Obama isn't mincing words. He said that Republicans and conservatives play political games. The term "radical Islam" doesn't stop terrorism.
Obama didn't mince words when he clapped.

I am so happy President Barack Obama hit back at Donald Trump, Matt Drudge, that old fart Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Softball Hannity.

In the previous interviews on Fox News, many agitators have ripped the president for not saying "radical Islam". I posted my thoughts on this controversy.

Saying "radical Islam" isn't fighting terrorism. It's a divisive phrase that could inspire the Islamic State to recruit more Americans to their cause.

The president is very clear that he's fighting terrorism not Islam. And he let Trump and the Republicans have it.

“What exactly would using this label accomplish? What exactly would it change? Would it make ISIL less committed to try to kill Americans? Would it bring in more allies? Is there a military strategy that is served by this?”

“The answer is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away.”

Obama stood firm. “Not once has an adviser of mine said, ‘Man, if we really use that phrase, we’re gonna turn this whole thing around.’ Not once,” he said.

Most of these terrorists were American-born citizens. They had access to firearms and were legally able to do so.
Trump is about play catch with Softball Hannity. Trump will address the president's diss on him.
Obama questioned whether Trump would eventually resort to treating Muslim Americans differently as well, possibly subjecting them to extra surveillance or discriminating against them based on their religion.

“Where does this stop?” he asked.

“Do Republican officials actually agree with this?” Obama continued, directly challenging Republican leadership to take a stand against Trump’s toxic proposals.

Circling back to his rejection of the term “radical Islam,” the president warned against rhetoric and policies that make Muslim Americans feel like they are constantly under suspicion.

“We have gone through moments in our history before when we acted out of fear, and we came to regret it,” he said.

The Republican presumptive nominee decides to take a moment from bitching to celebrate his birthday today.

Monday, June 13, 2016

This Is A Hate Crime!

Failed presidential candidate Marco Rubio doesn't call the Orlando shooting a hate crime. He calls it "radical Islam".This is an prime example of terrorism. The U.S. senator and many Republicans forget that the victims were part of the LGBT community. They pretend to be "concern" about the victims.


There were probably many other gun crimes in the city of Orlando. This one managed to touch us all.

What has the junk food media and the world watching was the worst mass shooting in American history. The Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando by this madman sparked feverish debate over gun control, terrorism, bullying at the workplace, protecting those who LGBT and Muslims in the wake of a tragedy.

Already, Zero Hedge and The Gateway Pundit are saying this terrorist was a "liberal" and "registered Democrat". These websites are part of the problem here in America. They rush to judgement and we're quickly condemn people who are not the shooter. I don't give a flying fuck about the political views of a terrorist. They often do this nonsense to deflect the issues away from conservatives.

Obviously, if he was a registered Democrat, you wouldn't hear the name U.S. senator Marco Rubio or Florida governor Rick Scott. Yeah, he came from a district that is R+3 and it's represented by Patrick Murphy, a congressman who is running for the senate as a Democrat. He was a Republican who got fed up with the insurgency's ignorance. He and his challenger Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) will beg for the NRA's support.
After the junk food media leaves the area, what happens next?
The Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump licked his chops yesterday by posting on social media that he was "right" about this tragedy. This is the 15th time President Barack Obama spoke to the nation on the wake of a mass shooting. Obama said this was an act of terror and hate.

The terrorists believe that the inept Congress is giving away the farm. The inept Congress will not pass a law that bans automatic assault weapons or a stricter background check. Law abiding individuals can purchase a firearm. Even if you're under federal watch, you can purchase a firearm.

If you say that you hate Blacks, Hispanics, illegals, Muslims, gays, Jews, police, America and the government in rantings or public venue, you're entitled to do so. You are still able to purchase firearms. You're not committing any criminal act whatsoever. You just expressing violate speech.

If you were under federal watch, as long as you hate without causing an eminent threat, you can gun hoard.

Republicans quickly pounced on the president for not saying *drumroll* "radical Islam". Yet, they refuse to say this act was a hate crime.

How is saying "radical Islam" fighting terrorism?


Like I've said, the Republican and conservative agitators use the only muscle they got in the fight against terrorism. It's their tongues. And it's tongue tied with rhetoric that's not helpful in stopping it.

In other words, this was terrorism and a hate crime. This was an event in which a madman massacred so many people who were out having a good time.

Republicans now start having "concern" for the LGBT community. They continue to push the narrative that if "the good guy had a gun". The good guy had a gun, he was shot at and a member of the SWAT team got hit in the head by the gunman. Luckily, he was protected by his teflon helmet.

Republicans are saying that the LGBT community should start thinking about how Democrats treat them as pawns in the wake of a mass shooting.

In Elkhart, Indiana, President Barack Obama said with frustration that he has a list of people on federal watch and he can't stop them from purchasing firearms because the inept Congress won't pass legislation that bans semi-automatic firearms. They can't pass a stricter background check.
The good guy with a gun was nearly killed by the terrorist. 
I am having trouble trying to understand that for all the innocent lives killed in senseless acts of violence, we debate this stuff and then after awhile it disappears from the radar.

Over 50 people lost their lives to this senseless act of violence for being gay, transgender or straight.

They were having a good time at the club. Who knew that their night out was their last! Besides the death of 29 year old terrorist Omar Mateen, the victims who were confirmed by the Associated Press include a various group of men and women between the ages of 21 to 42. There were 36 names released to the junk food media.

  • Stanley Almodovar III, 23
  • Amanda Alvear, 25
  • Oscar A. Aracena-Montero, 26
  • Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21
  • Martin Benitez Torres, 33
  • Darryl R. Burt II, 29
  • Simon A. Carrillo Fernandez, 31
  • Juan Chevez-Martinez, 25
  • Luis Daniel Conde, 39
  • Cory James Connell, 21
  • Tevin Eugene Crosby, 25
  • Franky J. Dejesus Velazquez, 50
  • Deonka D. Drayton, 32
  • Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25
  • Mercedez M. Flores, 26
  • Juan R. Guerrero, 22
  • Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22
  • Miguel Angel Honorato, 30
  • Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40
  • Jason Benjamin Josaphat, 19
  • Eddie J. Justice, 30
  • Anthony L. Laureanodisla, 25
  • Jean C. Mendez Perez, 35
  • Kimberly Morris, 37
  • Luis O. Ocasio-Capo, 20
  • Eric I. Ortiz-Rivera, 36
  • Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32
  • Enrique L. Rios Jr., 25
  • Xavier E. Serrano Rosado, 35
  • Gilberto R. Silva Menendez, 25
  • Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34
  • Shane Evan Tomlinson, 33
  • Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, 37
  • Luis S. Vielma, 22
  • Luis D. Wilson-Leon, 37
  • Jerald Arthur Wright, 31

Let's remind the kookspirary nuts on the internet that these victims aren't "crisis actors." This is not a FEMA training video or a deliberate government sanction murder. This is a crazy man with a gun firing off at anyone standing in his way.

FBI director James Comey said that the terrorist had faced bullying from co-workers. His ex-wife said that he was abusive to her and showed signs of bipolar disorder. His father said that he held strong angst towards gay men who were in public kissing or holding hands. The FBI said that in their investigation of the terrorist, he told them he was "joking" and upset over being bullied over his religion.

All these issues don't excuse the callous acts of this terrorist. But it's giving the insight to the motives.


World News Today send our condolences to the victims.

Our friends in LGBT and Muslim community grieve with the rest of the world.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Trolls Call The Orlando Victims "Crisis Actors"!

According to online trolls, grieving mother Christine Leinonen is a "crisis actor". Her son Christopher could be one of the victims of this mass shooting. Chris and his boyfriend were shot at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida.


Facebook activated the "I AM SAFE" option yet again. They have ignored the other tragedies in the world.

Facebook, the social media titan is the gateway for trolls and racists to act out in the wake of an event.

Facebook, Twitter, Disqus, and Reddit are giving credence to anti-Muslim, anti-LGBT and anti-Obama rhetoric.

Ignorance is a part of America. You can't do nothing to stop it. In the court of public opinion, you fixated on one thing. Blaming someone other than the shooter.

It's unfortunate that the agitators are too stupid to notice or they just don't give a fuck about it.

We can't bring back the dead. And there's no acting in the wake of a horrific mass shooting. This act of terrorism already sparks the political blame game. Conservatives show "concern" for the victims.

Conservatives will have a "told you so moment". The terrorist is a Muslim. He targeted gays. The junk food media and liberal agitators vilified conservatives who were anti-gay. The event happened in liberal Orlando. The excuse of a good guy with a gun will be floated once again by those in the AM agitator realm.

Now I've been hearing word that some in the Alex Jones universe is calling the most deadliest shooting in history fake.

They believe the grieving families and the victims are crisis actors.

Damn, we're living in dire straits. This country is going down the drain if we elected bigots like Donald Trump to the White House.

These folks are supporters of the global conspiracy movement. These folks believe 9/11 is an inside job. They believe that the Sandy Hook victims and family members were all actors engaged in a federal plot to confiscate firearms.

The Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando sparked feverish debate over terrorism and gun control.

No amount of prayers and calls of saying "radical Islam" could bring back those lost in this tragedy.

World News Today once again covers this horrific tragedy and the death of Christina Grimmie.

Saying "Radical Islam" Isn't Fighting Terrorism!

Clearly the president had enough of addressing mass shootings under his watch. He believes that Congress is willing to have these tragedies continue because of the inept actions to pass gun control. Republicans and some Democrats are willing to sell their souls to the NRA and gun lobbyists.

If I say "radical Islam", would it make me more vigilant against a terrorist?

The folks over at Fox News are once again polarizing the debate over terrorism.

The junk food media is once again jumping to conclusions over how an American Muslim man (mind you) managed to pull off one of the most deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. This act of terrorism once again sparks feverish debate over terrorism, gun violence and the need to blame others for the acts of the shooter.

The death count is at 50. It will likely rise and it will be coverage wall-to-wall by the agitators in the junk food media.

Again, the lawmakers offer their prayers to the victims. They offer no resolution to stopping the constant gun violence in the United States. All they are going to do is wait until the junk food media chases the next shiny coin.

Oh, there's the kookspiracy nuts who believe the victims and their families are crisis actors.
Orlando's mayor Buddy Dyer and police chief John Mina access the casualties.
Cause once the cameras are gone, what's left?





Pain is real.






This tragedy hasn't stop the notion of hypotheticals. As the facts are pouring in, the junk food media starts to peak into the terrorist and his background. The FBI and Florida authorities are spearheading an investigation into how such a tragedy has occurred.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) address the junk food media.
And as usual, the finger pointing of blame once again takes flight.

The family of this terrorist will likely get death threats. The anti-gay group Westboro Baptist Church will be there in protest. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) and The Council of American Islamic Relations is asking the public to not succumb to the fears of terrorism. They urge the public to say something if they notice patterns that aren't normal.

As expected, conservatives, Republican lawmakers and Donald Trump have already spoken the divisive rhetoric. They have claim that "Islamic Extremism" and "radical Islam" is more of a threat to the United States than the daily occurence of mass shootings. I just got off watching Fox News agitators saying the president "refusing" to say "radical Islam".

Again, what the fuck is saying radical Islam going to do?

It's not going to bring back the lives lost in this senseless tragedy.
The SWAT crashed the wall of the bar. 
It's just going to make the Islamic State, al Qaeda and other groups more inspired to recruit people to their cause. Because if you're depressed, having feeling of rejection, taunted by bullies and spurned by a job or relationship: You're a ticking time bomb.

Mass shootings happen every freaking month. It's unfortunate that this one makes the news. All you need are the ingredients of inciting fear and phobias.

The father said that the terrorist was angry over men kissing in public. He was upset over gay marriage and men having public display of affection. He also made threats to his co-workers.

He also had express support for an American born man who became a suicide bomber in Syria.

Omar Meteen was under the federal watch. He express support for the Islamic State, a group that many in the world see as a global terrorist organization. He called the law telling them "I'm gonna leave a message!" He said that he pledges support to the Islamic State. I'm guessing so he can get name recognition for his callous act.
Ron Harper, FBI head for Central Florida with police chief John Mina and Orange County sheriff Jerry Demings (behind Harper) are doing a presser.
They are by far the most thirstiest organization. The United States and its allies have tried to stop them, but they're getting stronger.

He left his name in the history books. The junk food media will forever note that Meteen as the most deadliest shooter in American history. And he won't be the last. 

His terroristic act caused the deaths of many. 

It's unfortunate that our living and breathing will never cease to amaze me. The court of public opinion will never die. With phobias coming out in the open, Donald Trump may use this tragedy as an excuse to promote his bigoted causes.

Republicans claim they're more stronger on terrorism. 
A callous act of violence.
They only muscle Republicans flex in the fight against terrorism is their tongues. They are tongue tied with divisive rhetoric and racism. Instead of trying to stop gun violence, they openly encourage more guns in the streets. Republicans rather take away the Second Amendment from Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. 

The right to bear arms was legal for this terrorist. If the 51 Republicans and 4 Democrats would have taken the time to support the Toomey-Manchin bill, things would have been done.

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) had tried to pass a stricter background check law and it was voted down by most Republicans and four Democrats (one being minority leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)). 

FBI foils copycat from carrying out terrorist attack.
Then Republican lawmakers want to profile Muslims, #BlackLivesMatter and immigrants. They want to build border walls and fences through Mexico and even Canada. 

They want to use the military to engage in war with the Islamic State. They would spend millions of dollars and the lives of those willing to serve for a winless war.

President Barack Obama has constantly pushed for stronger gun control measures. It's often ignored by the rhetoric of Republicans saying "now it's not the time to polarize" nonsense. 

The president and Vice President Joe Biden have canceled their plans for the time being.

President Barack Obama was expecting to campaign with Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

James Howell was arrested in Los Angeles today. A potential act of terrorism was averted. The Indiana man was plotting to attack the LA Pride parade. The man was apprehended after being tipped by the law on his motives. The FBI and Los Angeles County sheriff are looking into if this terrorist has ties to the Islamic State.

Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick is under fire for posting on social media his thoughts on the shooting. He's got involved in the transgender bathroom controversy by saying that Texas doesn't need the government money and called for independence from the tyrant Obama. 

Here's the Republican presumptive nominee on social media.

Trump's divisive rhetoric isn't productive. It's basically licking his chop knowing that he has the advantage to use this against Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama. After all, not saying "radical Islam" is grounds for Obama to resign in disgrace.

Some of the victims and survivors have spoken to the junk food media to express sorrow.

It's not weakness to cry! Our friends in the LGBT and the Muslim community are grieving. 

We don't know the names of the victims. We don't know if they were Black, White, Hispanic, Latino, woman, straight, gay, transgender or Muslim. 

What we know is that the victims were many and it's tragic. World News Today send our condolences to the families of the victims lost in this horrible tragedy. Also send our condolences to the family of Christina Grimmie. 

The entertainer was gunned down in Orlando after signing autographs at a concert. This event happened a day before this.

The terrorist Kevin James Loibl killed himself after being cornered by the law.

Still Happening: Mass Shooting Tragedy In Orlando!

Mass shooting in a Orlando nightclub will polarize debate over gun violence and terrorism. This will likely spark more hate crimes against those who are Black, Hispanic, Muslim or LGBT.










A mass shooting in America and the inept Republican-controlled Congress will not do anything to control this. They will find ways to blame President Barack Obama for every mass tragedy in the country. Donald Trump will rile up his bigoted supporters into committing violent acts against Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, immigrants and those in the LGBT community.

For the conservative agitators, it's not the right time to polarize a mass shooting event. Yet they enjoy polarizing the if "everyone has a gun" nonsense. They already are planning on blaming either #BlackLivesMatter, Muslims, liberals, the National Rifle Association, Democrats, Republicans or the president for the actions of a person.

Mental health care reform is often floated but nothing is done about it.

Some people know about the motives of the terrorist. They're either afraid of the terrorist or they don't snitch.

Background checks are universally approved by the public but the Republican controlled Congress refuse to pass any laws that they claim inflict the Second Amendment. They won't stop people who may be on the radar for potential attacks.

Okay the blame game. Here's a poll!

Mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando. The suspect was killed. Who takes the blame for this tragedy?

Barack Obama
LGBT Community
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Survey Maker

In Orlando, major casualties were lost to a senseless act of violence by a terrorist who opened fire on a nightclub. This happened early morning and it's another event where President Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will have to address. The NRA will of course spin this as another example of gun grab politics.

The Associated Press confirms that the terrorist was known as Omar Nir Seddique Mateen. The terrorist was a twenty-something year old man who was bucked by the police. The terrorist was armed with an assault rifle, a handgun and a "device" that could have been a suicide vest, but that's not confirmed. The terrorist started shooting in the people standing in line and around the parking lot.
Mass shooter could have had ties to terrorism.
He also shot at police officers before fleeing into the club to take hostages. The police talked to the terrorist urging him to surrender. He said that he'll blow the place up and there's no turning back. He's turned up!

The Pulse nightclub is a popular gay club in the Orlando area.

The shooting happened between the hours of closing and it was unnoticed until the music stopped.

More than 100 people were inside the club when this went off. The city is on lockdown as of right now. They are expecting a mass causality intake from the wounded, the grieving families and the dead.

About 5am, SWAT finally took out the terrorist. The chief John Mina says that this is one of the worst events he's seen in his career as a lawman. He said this is a domestic "lone wolf" terrorist.

Mayor Buddy Dyer speaks to the press that this act of violence is horrific.

Florida governor Rick Scott has talked to the president on the shooting. President Barack Obama said that he promises that federal authorities will work to find out the motives.

The Orlando County sheriff Jerry Demings also said, "This is an incident, as I see it, that we certainly classify as a domestic terrorist attack.

The law said that we shouldn't jump to conclusions and rush to judgement in this.

The outpouring of sympathy is coming from those in the LGBT community. Of course, religious leaders are urging the public to stay vigilant. The Muslim community is getting ready for a potential backlash from extremists.

The FBI and Associated Press confirms the terrorist grew up in Fort Pierce and his family lives in Port St. Lucie County. His parents are from Afghanistan. He is an American born man who was considered the "nice guy" by most accounts. Nobody expected this. They figured the terrorist had a nice job, family and a relationship. Somehow he snapped and caused great harm to others.

He may have ties to the Islamic State, but that's not confirmed yet.

Here we go again!

The divisive phrase "radical Islam" will come up yet again. No mentions of the constant mass shootings in the United States. All we'll hear for the next three weeks from conservative agitators is Donald Trump is strong on terrorism by banning Muslims entering the United States. You will heard the word vomit of the president refusing to say "radical Islam" because he's one of them.  You will hear the constant hand ringing about Hillary Clinton's emails and Benghazi.

We will hear the talk of profiling Muslims, Blacks and Hispanics because they're violent, don't you know!

This will spook White folks. Since this tragedy killed many people who were either gay, straight or bisexual, the conservatives will be so anxious to blame the victims for their deaths. They hate the LGBT community so for conservatives, it's divine intervention.

It comes no less than 24 hours of the shooting in Orlando that claimed the life of entertainer Christina Grimmie. The terrorist who killed Grimmie was identified as 27 year old Kevin James Loibl from St. Petersburg. The terrorist didn't know the victim.

A man was arrested on Friday  for threatening worshiping Muslims. In North Carolina, a U.S. Army reserve officer named Russell Thomas Langford threatened to run over people at the Masjid Al Madina. He also threatened a chaplin superior who is a practicing Muslim.

The Orlando Police, the ATF, the FBI, Florida state authorities will join the Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson in finding out how this terrorist managed to carry out this attack.

Saying prayers to the family will not bring back the victims or the shooter.

Staying at home and avoiding large gatherings is giving into terrorism.

Calling this "radical Islam" isn't going to bring back the lives lost in this nightclub shooting.

Saying that a good guy with a gun is a pathetic excuse. One of the good guys with a gun is fighting for his life. The terrorist shot at the law and injured one of them.

Saying that profiling Muslims, banning gay marriage and blaming people other than the shooter could create copycat attacks.

Jumping to conclusions will not solve problems. It's time for Congress to act. It's time to pass a reasonable gun control or a strong background check on firearms. It's time to end the straw purchasing of firearms.

The Islamic State and al Qaeda are a threat. But if the terrorist was inspired by these groups, then it's likely going to continue and its up to Americans to be vigilant in the wake of this.

Republicans flex the only muscle they have in the fight against terrorism. It's their tongues and it's usually tied with rhetoric that doesn't help America.

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy. Also our condolences to the family of Christina Grimmie.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Satirist Faces Ire After Publishing Sexist Cartoon!

This cartoonist wanted to poke fun at First Lady Michelle Obama and Melania Trump, the wife of presumptive Republican nominee Donald J. Trump.

This cartoonist is gaga for Trump. He makes it no secret that he's no fan of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

He goes all out with a sexist and borderline racist depiction of the first lady looking like a "man".

Check this nonsense out for yourself.

The cartoon was published by Ben Garrison who entitled this piece #MakeTheFirstLadyGreatAgain.

This cartoon gives the impression that the First Lady is a transexaul or a butch. Regardless of this, this is an example of what Republicans think of the First Lady of the United States, who happens to be a Black woman.

A professional Black woman who a mother. A woman went to Princeton and the Harvard Law School to become an educated lawyer is regarded by the sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic racists as a "transexual".

The cartoonist who drew this shit. Ben Garrison claims he's a "One Man Klan".
This is an insult towards Black women, transgender women and White women. To depict Melania Trump only as a beauty model instead of a business mogul is sexist too.

To make the impression that White women are more feminine than Black women is pretty damn racist.

Garrison claims he's a "One Man Klan" on the illustrations. You should see how he depicts Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.
This is how Ben Garrison depicts Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
He believes political correctness is killing America.

Garrison's cartoon shows the public that Trump isn't supportive of women's rights.

Any thoughts on this controversy?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Obama Throws Shade At Pat McCrory!

Pres. Barack Obama greets Pat McCrory, the Republican governor of North Carolina.

In Donald Trump's America, you can ban a transgender woman from using the women's restroom because at birth she was born a boy.

The Republicans in the South are still seething over the Supreme Court's decision to make marriage equal in the country. Now they're trying to sneak around the law to make life miserable for the LGBT Americans living in their states.

The North Carolina governor is hoping to rally supporters to his cause. He decides to fight against the U.S. Justice Department in a last ditch effort to bring support for the "bathroom law" that mandates citizens to use the public restroom assigned to their given birth. Those opposed to the law see it as state mandated discrimination against those who are transgender.

The feds have thrown shade on the law. The U.S. Justice Department has thrown a federal lawsuit against the governor and his cronies. The governor struck back and filed a countersuit saying that the government meddling in the law is overreach.

President Barack Obama gave McCrory the third salute today. In a sweeping move, the president issued an executive order giving transgender students full access to use any public restroom or facility according to their gender identity.

The letter, signed by officials from the Education and Justice departments, does not have the force of law but contains an implicit threat that schools which do not abide by the Obama administration’s interpretation of the law could face lawsuits or a loss of federal aid.
Yes we still believe in a mens and womens restroom. But we also believe that transgender Americans have the right to use the mens and womens restroom.
"There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex," U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a statement.

"This guidance gives administrators, teachers, and parents the tools they need to protect transgender students from peer harassment and to identify and address unjust school policies," she said.

The move comes as the Obama administration and North Carolina battle in federal court over a state law passed in March that limits public bathroom access for transgender people.

By passing the law, North Carolina became the first state in the country to ban people from using multiple occupancy restrooms or changing rooms in public buildings and schools that do not match the sex on their birth certificate.

"No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus," Education Secretary John King Jr. said in a statement.
Protesters in Raleigh, NC.
"We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence," he said.

The Obama administration letter will say schools may not require transgender students to have a medical diagnosis, undergo any medical treatment, or produce a birth certificate or other document before treating them according to their gender identity.

Pat McCrory is the Republican governor who divided the nation.

Donald Trump is the most polarizing candidate running for president. Trump did speak on the law being bad for North Carolina. He quickly retracted his comments saying the matter is a "state's rights" issue.

Trump's allies in the junk food media (i.e. The Drudge Report, InfoWars, that annoying agitator Sean Hannity, Fox News, and Breitbart) have ignored this controversy.

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Roy Moore Got Iced For Turd Flipping!

Alabama's most infamous judge is back in the news. Roy Moore now trying to battle the will of the Supreme Court.

Bible thumping Alabama chief justice Roy Moore back on the sidelines after a federal judge stripped him of his gavel. Moore was suspended after the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission filed ethics charges against him. Moore will now be tried by the Alabama Court of the Judiciary, and could be removed from the bench if found guilty.

The controversial judge who gained fame in 2004 after his refusal to remove the Ten Commandments from the state capitol is now faced another battle he's losing.

Last year the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is legal in the United States. Conservatives have seen their grip on the country unravel before their eyes. The conservatives are so fed up with the direction of the country, they are on the verge of nominating Donald Trump, an emboldment of all the rage they've had against the changing society they "want back".

He will not support marriage. He refuses to acknowledge legal battles in the state that involve same-sex couples who still are blocked from obtaining marriage licenses.

Moore, who stated last year he would "not be bound" by the Supreme Court’s ruling legalizing same-sex marriages because they change the "organic law" of God, was dismissive of the accusations against him.

The controversial justice along with Robert Bentley, the embattled governor of the state have face allegations of corruption and sexual affairs while in office.

Bentley who is caught up in a sex scandal is under federal watch for allowing his goons rough up people who wanted to blow the whistle on the governor and his tryst with a younger woman who wasn't his wife.

Moore who is defiant said that a transvestite and the merry band of secular activists will not move him. He says that he will get the support from the public and he'll be back on the bench shortly.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Former House Perv Heads To Federal Time Out!

The longest serving House Speaker is the biggest pervert to ever exist.

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert is heading to federal time out. He admits that he had numerous affairs with boys when he was then a coach a local high school. The former lawmaker from Illinois was the longest serving Speaker in history.

His legacy of hypocrisy came full circle today. The 75-year old was wheeled into federal court in Chicago to face the music.

The former Congressman will now head to federal time out for hiding money.

He hid money for one of his victims who ended up as one of  his mistresses.

Now his reputation is forever tarnished as a child molester and pervert.

The judge put his ass in the federal time out for 15 months. Unfortunate it wasn't LIFE in the federal time out.

The former speaker says he's deeply sorry for this shit. Yeah, right!

This statute of limitations prevented him from being charged with sexual abuse.

Hastert must now register as a sex offender for the rest of his life once he exits the federal time out.

He will now payback those he's abused.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Drudge Disturbing The BeyHive!

Queen Bey is releasing her album on Tidal. The album Lemonade is already platinum by sales figures. It's one of the very few albums in Beyonce's collection where she is the "bawse" of this.

The BeyHive is thrilled.

She is the Queen of Pop.

The album was accompanied by the release of a 60-minute short film of the same name, which premiered on HBO. It features co-production from a wide range of artists, and includes guest vocals from artists including James Blake, Kendrick Lamar, The Weeknd, and Jack White. To further promote the album, Beyoncé will embark on The Formation World Tour in April 2016.

Beyonce released the album on her very own Parkwood Entertainment, Inc. label.

Well apparently not all are too happy with Beyonce. This afternoon The Drudge Report splashes this title "Beyonce 'Urban Terrorist' In New Video; Baseball Bat Rampage."

The second single off the album is Hold Up. The video is featuring Beyonce smashing windows while children and people are watching.

This critic named Roger Friedman penned a criticism about the video. He didn't happen to actually get the message about how subliminal Queen Bey is.
Right wing slug Roger Friedman pans Queen Bey.
He claims Beyonce is getting revenge on husband Jay-Z for cheating on her.

Friedman added, "Indeed, all of 'Lemonade' appears to be Beyonce saying she's made lemonade from lemons– meaning she's somehow stuck it out in a bad marriage despite lying and infidelity. That sounds more like the Clintons' story than the Obamas'".

He says that Jay-Z should be in her videos. After all they're a married couple. Friedman also takes a shot at Tidal, the music streaming service that Jay-Z is part owner in. Beyonce is Jay-Z's business partner. He supports her 100%.

The most notable lyrics he managed to whine about were  "I’d rather be crazy" than being "walked all over lately." She asks: "Are you cheating on me?"

"Back up hold up/They don’t love you like I love you."

"I’m gonna fuck me up a bitch.”

So Friedman sums it up in his condescending fashion. He believes that Beyonce looks nuts in this video.

He says that Beyonce is suppose to be a role model to women across the world. He believes that she's a slut and her actions are pleasing crowds that "[Act out] at one of those Monster truck rallies."

The link was posted at 2:30pm and the video was released on Tidal about 11am.
The First Ladies: Michelle Obama embraces Queen Bey.
Friedman got balls. He should never go after Queen Bey. The Hive will go after him. Trust me, if they found out that Friedman penned this garbage, he'll be swarmed.

Friedman has a history of making outlandish gossip about Hollywood. He's no fan of Beyonce and Jay-Z. He is a conservative movie critic who rants about how movies like 2014's Annie were trash because it had Black actors instead of White actors.

This morning the conservative agitator splashed First Lady Michelle Obama delivering her commencement speech at a Mississippi college on the state's controversial religious freedom law.

This is what Matt Drudge does for a living! He deliberately pushes stories that involve racial issues.

As you see below, this was the earlier posting from the conservative Craigslist.

Drudge has picked fights with the Carters before. In 2013, it splashed Jay-Z and Beyonce appearing in Cuba to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Conservatives were upset over it. Five Florida Republican lawmakers were calling for investigations into the couple's trip. Even hip-hop head, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) was wondering why Jay-Z would pick a place like Cuba to have a vacation.

Republicans and conservative agitators have blamed President Barack Obama for giving special access to the Carters.

The conservatives are picking a fight with Queen Bey and it's going to backfire.

Beyonce isn't playing games. She is very passionate about the plight in Black America. She has been a vocal supporter of #BlackLivesMatter and has appeared with Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin.

With this being splashed on the website, conservatives are planning on going after her for being "anti-cop" or "anti-White".

Heads up!

You won't be able to see the video or listen to the full album on YouTube, DailyMotion or any video streaming services.

It's exclusively on Tidal.

So don't expect any videos being posted Vevo until later.

Listen to comedian Zachary Campbell give his take on Beyonce.

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Law Bucks A Woman After She Fired In The Air!

The law kills Kisha Arrone.
In Dayton, Ohio, the community is mourning the loss of a woman killed by the law. Kisha Arrone killed by the Dayton Police after they said she refused to drop her firearm.

The three officers who shot her were placed in the freezer pending an investigation. The names of the officers were not released at present time.

The woman was killed after she was allegedly firing her gun in air.

The Dayton Police were dispatched to Wexford Place on a report of domestic violence. Kishia got into an argument with her ex-girlfriend. They were fighting and after it escalated into threats,

Soon when the ex threatened to call her friends to stop her antics, Kisha got the gun. The law was called after she threatened the life of the woman.

The law arrived and they claimed they tried to calm her down. They ordered her to drop the firearm.

According to witnesses, Kisha was holding the firearm to the top of her head.

The law says that they had no choice. They had to take down the threat.

The Dayton Police released a statement saying that the officers acted for the safety of themselves, he people involved and the community. "This incident was an accumulation of a 90-minute period, which included a shooting felonious assault that occurred at 3132 Wexford Place as well as a homicide at 411 Shoop Ave. and a shooting felonious assault at 601 Summit Square — a very violent period early this morning in west Dayton," Biehl said.
Police-involved shooting part of violent night
The Dayton Police tell the junk food media that Kisha is no stranger to criminality.
The law issues out the talking points. They would say that Kisha had a criminal history and she had issues before with firearms. They will justify the officers action by acknowledging that crime happens over on the "west" end of Dayton.

This will rile up concern trolls and guilty blaming. The concern trolls would make work of her history as a resident of lock-up.

Let's us be reminded no one is perfect, above the law and a god.

If the suspect wasn't point the firearm at the officers, why did they use deadly force?

Also, the suspect probably had mental issues. Could they have used other tactics than deadly force?

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Kisha Arrone.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Alabama Guv's Steaming Affair Drags In The Feds!

The walk of shame for Alabama governor. Caught in a sex scandal and federal probe.

The Republican Party is the party of the so-called "family values". With candidates running for president like Donald Trump, the party isn't so keen on the morals.

Robert Bentley, the governor of Alabama is facing some major heat. Bentley is caught in a sex scandal involving his closest advisor Rebekah Caldwell Mason. The two deny having any affair but the junk food media released some hot and steamy chats from Bentley mistakenly sent to his aide.

Now this scandal has gotten major attention from the junk food media and the feds. The Alabama Attorney General and federal Attorney General Loretta Lynch are investigating Bentley and his beau.
John Kasich's endorsement from Bentley could be an anchor.
The Justice Department are investigating the state's deliberate closing of license offices in urban areas in attempt to suppress voting registration.

The aide sent it to the junk food media. Last week, Mason got some unwanted attention after a former state worker accused Bentley of having an inappropriate relationship with her.

Former Law Enforcement Secretary Spencer Collier accused the governor of having a fling with Mason when they were on state business.

Bentley's wife Dianne sent him the papers after a 50-year marriage. She claimed that the damage was irreparable and his selfish actions will doom him.

The phone recordings went live and they are........the definition of hypocrisy.

Bentley was getting stressed while on vacation on the beach. He decides to ring up a female friend and say to her, "I Love you so much, I worry about loving you so much!"

Later, Bentley would say that he would love to get a little freaky with the person. He sent the messages to the male aide.

Alleged mistress Rebekah Mason.
"It didn't say, 'Hey baby I love you so much and I'd like to spent the rest of my life with you... You kiss me.. I love that. You know I do love that. You know what, when I stand behind you and I put my arms around you and I put my hands on your breast and I put my hands on you and just pull you in really close. I love that, too.'"

Mason decided to fire herself out the cannon pending a federal investigation. Mason, a former television news anchor in Bentley's hometown of Tuscaloosa, signed on as spokeswoman for the little-known legislator's 2010 longshot bid for governor. She worked as the governor's communications adviser before leaving to work on his 2014 re-election.

Observers said Mason helped the governor talk through options as he weighed decisions ranging from taking down Confederate flags to his proposed $800 million prison construction project before lawmakers.

Her detractors within the administration said her opinion increasingly became the only one Bentley would trust.

"At the end of 2014, Governor Bentley made it clear to me in no uncertain terms that from that point forward anyone who questioned Rebekah's influence would be fired," Collier said.

Mason's husband also works for Bentley as the director of Serve Alabama, the Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Volunteer Service.

In a statement issued last week, she said Bentley "apologized to me and to my family, we accepted his apology and have put all of this behind us."


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