Showing posts with label Freddie Gray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freddie Gray. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2015

Concern Trolls Can't Move Boulders With Their Hands!

In the wake of high profile incidents involving police, concern trolls believe its the victim's fault for their deaths.

Okay, here we go again. In the wake of high profile incidents in which police faced harsh criticism for the deaths of people in their custody, the concern trolls come out with the defense of the law.

They head to the social media and blogs such as our and leave their word vomit.

I would suspect these trolls as members of law enforcement or individuals who have ties to those in law enforcement. These trolls would post nonsense like what you're reading below.

Again, I shrink it down so you will have to have a magnifying glass to read it.

Anonymous said...
Only in a world as profound sick and decadent as ours would saying police officers - dedicated to upholding the laws governing the very society making it possible for black dysfunction and criminality to be protected - lives be construed as racism and cause a controversy
5:06 PM

 Anonymous said...
Why are we quick to listen to the plight of the carjacker and the drug dealer, so willing to put their behavior in “context,” yet we fail miserably to comprehend the fact that cops — particularly cops in high crime areas — are dealing with domestic abusers, addicts, thieves, murderers, pimps, and the various other dregs of humanity on a daily basis? This might take a toll on your psyche after awhile; perhaps make you jaded, cynical, even bitter. I know it would to me, and I know the police who manage to be decent in spite of it all deserve an immense amount of respect.
5:49 PM

 Anonymous said...
For just being....well you know, could be a death sentence. #IfIDieInPoliceCustodyit'sbecauseIpointedmygunatpolice

Okay, if you have an opportunity to strain your eyes, I want you to understand the grievance by this concern troll.

The troll says that "we are quick to listen to the plight of the carjacker, the drug dealer, so willing to put their behavior in 'context'".

As usual the concern troll blames the victim. Hey, no one is perfect. No one can live in a glass house without a stone being thrown at it. I mean haven't you had a traffic violation or even an encounter with the law?

I have traffic citations. I know people who have criminal history. I've been fired from a job. I don't consent to police searches of my vehicle. I question why the law pulls me over.

The victims who died in police custody have not committed any criminal act. So what the fuck are you bringing up someone's past? It's not relevant to why these officers did what they've done to these unarmed citizens.

This troll says that our "very society making it possible for black dysfunction and criminality to be protected - lives be construed as racism and cause a controversy."

What pisses me off is the racial aspect to this. Black dysfunction and protecting criminality! What the fuck are you talking about? No one supports criminality. Not even the suspects.

Crime doesn't discriminate against race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.

I don't often use race as a factor to why the victim died in police custody. That's left up to the junk food media and the trolls. Whenever the media releases a picture of the person who died in police custody, obviously you automatically tag race to it.

I can testify to experience that I've been profiled by the law. I had store guards look at me like I'm a shoplifter and I have experienced negative encounters.

I look at this as reckless calls. I also look at the blue wall of silence. This tactic is not official but it's common among those in law enforcement. An officer will defend his brothers. That's why oftentimes the leaks to the media say something positive about the law and something negative about the victim. This is a tactic that often gins up tension whenever someone like this troll says that "politicians and civil right leaders" condone "adjective" dysfunction and criminality.

Concern trolls are like this guy trying to move a boulder.
My psyche is always been common sense. I am reclusive and yet tend to be open minded. I don't have the assumption of guilt of anyone who commits a criminal act. That's why they have the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Amendments. Even the mass shooting terrorists in Tucson, Boston, Aurora and Charleston are innocent until proven guilty. Those terrorists in Boston, Tucson and Aurora faced the victims in a court of law.

It's because he pointed a gun.... How do you know?

Okay this is comes from the controversy facing the law in Dayton, Ohio. Montgomery County sheriff deputies who claimed that Dontae Martin pointed a firearm at them. They opened fire on him, killing him instantly. The cops reported this but yet they are still in the freezer.

Montgomery County sheriff Phil Plummer went into this claim that "he had a criminal record" and "cop killer bullets" to tarnish the victim. The family says this is a smear campaign and they're trying to shield corrupt lawman. I agree that Josh Haas and Gust Teague may have lied about the encounter.

They deserve the benefit of the doubt but I don't take them at their word given that their captain and lead sergeant were caught sharing racial emails. And this isn't the first time citizens complained about these two deputies.

They have no dash camera or body camera to back up their claims. They didn't have their lights on when this encounter occurred. We have to believe their word. I told you that Haas and two of his buddies, one being James DeBarr were the ones who profiled me earlier this year. Haas was the one who put a slug in a man at a gas station last year.

The family is calling for the U.S. Justice Department to look into the matter.

The concern troll is the "a plague on both your houses" approach, where the concern troll tries to convince people that both sides of the ideological divide are just as bad as each other, and so no one can think themselves "correct" but must engage in endless hedging and caveats. This preys on a willingness to debate critics and allow dissent; everyone wastes time discussing the matter and bending over backwards, so as not to appear intolerant of disagreement, all to the great amusement of the troll.

Do me and S. Baldwin a favor. Ignore the trolls. Don't feed them. Use them as an example to keep pushing harder for police reform. Use them for the opportunity to move the discussion forward.

Don't hide the truth!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Law Hosted A Blackface Freddie Gray Party!

Fundraiser for 'Baltimore 6' to Feature Blackface Performance

A Baltimore police fundraiser is getting a lot of flack after it was revealed that some of the party goers were dressing in blackface.

Just the way, you like it! Damn it!

A former Baltimore cop named Bobby Berger was going to perform a bit like the blackface entertainer Al Jolson. This cop was fired out the cannon in the 1980s running this gig while off duty.

This little group gathering was suppose to aid the six officers who are indicted on murder of Freddie Gray this year. This gathering was put to rest after The Baltimore Sun got a hold of the invite and rand with it.

Berger says that it's not racist. It's quite a funny act. What makes it so controversial, the guy threw money man Montell Williams in the mess.

The former talk show host slammed Berger online and told his fans that this clown isn't one of his friends and he needs to shut the...........well you know!

The Baltimore Sun is reporting that the event was cancelled. The venue pulled out and said they don’t condone such performances, and an attorney for one of the charged officers said, “My client will not participate. We will not accept a single solitary dime from this sort of action.”

Okay here's Al Jolson or by government name Asa Yoelson.

Your thoughts on the matter?

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Baltimore's Top Cop Fired Out The Cannon!

The city of Baltimore is dealing with a rise in violence. The top cop failed. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake had to load him in the cannon and fire him out. Anthony Batts is out.

Baltimore police commissioner Anthony Batts is fired out the cannon.

The city of Baltimore seen a huge spike in gun violence and the junk food media is bothering Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Marilyn Mosby.

For you see, the concern trolls aren't concerned about the illegal guns on the street. They're just trying to finger the rise in violence on Blake and Mosby, because they supported the decision to charge six officers who let Freddie Gray die in custody with involuntary homicide.

Batts was loaded in the cannon and fired out of it.

The AP confirms that this decision comes straight out of the mayor's office. Blake said that homicides in the cities are not acceptable and his performance is poor. This is a distraction. She stuffed him in and fired him out!

Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Davis, who has only been with the department since January, will serve as interim commissioner, Rawlings-Blake said.

"We need a change," the mayor told a news conference, which was attended by Davis. "This was not an easy decision but it is one that is in the best interest of Baltimore. The people of Baltimore deserve better and we're going to get better."

The firing comes 2 1/2 months after the city broke out in riots following the death of Freddie Gray, who died in April of injuries he received in police custody. Six police officers have been criminally charged in Gray's death.

After the unrest, arrests in the city plummeted and homicides spiked. Baltimore's homicide total this year is 156, according to police. That's a 48 percent increase compared with the same time last year. Shootings have increased 86 percent. In one of the latest examples, gunmen jumped out of two vans and fired at a group of people a few blocks from an urban university campus Tuesday night, killing three people.

Police said Wednesday that the shooting wasn't random, but no arrests have been made.

"As we have seen in recent weeks, too many continue to die on our streets," Rawlings-Blake said. Referring to Batts, she said "recent events proved that his being here was a distraction."

"We cannot continue to debate the leadership of the department," the mayor said. "We cannot continue to have the level of violence we've seen in recent weeks in this city."

Batts and Rawlings-Blake are African-American, as is the city's top prosecutor, Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby. Davis is white. Sixty percent of the city's population is black, while the police department is 48 percent African-American.

Mosby said her office has already met with Davis and she looks forward to working with him.

The Rev. Alvin Gwynn Sr., president of the city's Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, said the firing was long overdue. Gwynn, who began calling for Batts' resignation within days of Gray's death, blamed the bloody spike in violence on the mayor's previous reluctance to fire the commissioner.

"We have people who died because they delayed," he said Wednesday.

Keonna Stokes, 22, a resident of the housing development in front of which Gray was arrested, said she was glad to see Batts removed from his position, and hopes a new commissioner will have a lower tolerance for police misconduct.

"The police wouldn't do the things they do if the commissioner didn't allow it," she said. "He should have been fired. We call the police when we really need them, when people hurt us. But now we don't call them, because they hurt us. If they didn't Freddie would still be here."

The U.S. Justice Department is conducting a civil rights review of the department, and on Tuesday, Batts announced that an outside organization will review the police response to the civil unrest that followed Gray's death. Most of the unrest took place on April 27, prompted by Gray's death on April 19.

The Baltimore police union released its own scathing post-mortem report Wednesday accusing Batts and other top brass of instructing officers not to engage with rioters and to allow looting and destruction to occur.

"The officers repeatedly expressed concern that the passive response of the Baltimore police commanders to the civil unrest allowed the disorder to grow into full-scale rioting," Gene Ryan, president of the Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3, wrote in the report.

Following Batts' firing Wednesday, the union issued a statement reiterating the report's concerns but also said it would work with Davis to improve the situation.

Davis was previously chief of police in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and assistant chief in Prince George's County, Maryland. The mayor said that in addition to reducing crime, Davis would "bring accountability to police, hold officers who act out of line accountable for their actions."

Rod J. Rosenstein, U.S. Attorney for Maryland, praised Davis, saying he helped reform the Prince George's County Police Department, "raising morale and professionalism while dramatically reducing crime."

In his own remarks to the news conference, Davis said his goals would include improving the relationship with the officers who work for him. "I will walk with them and serve with them and be with them every step of the way," he said.

But Davis also has indicated a willingness in the past to speak out against police abuses.

As Anne Arundel chief, he issued a news release disagreeing with a decision by the county Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 70 to donate $1,070 to a defense fund for Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. Wilson, who is white, fatally shot Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, on Aug. 9.

Rawlings-Blake appointed Batts as police commissioner in September 2012.

His contract with the city paid him $190,000 and was to run through June 2020. It includes a provision for a severance payment equal to his annual salary if he is terminated without cause.

Hours after he was fired, Batts sent a short statement to the Baltimore Sun.

"I've been honored to serve the citizens and residents of Baltimore," he said. "I've been proud to be a police officer for this city."

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Father Of The Year In Lockup After Leaving Daughter To Die In Hot Car!

Daddy dearest. Father in city lockup after leaving his child to die in a hot car. Wondering if the junk food media will realize that Marilyn Mosby will find ways to put this man in the iron college?

Father of the year.

Out of Baltimore, a father is now learning that parenthood is a 24/7 business. He somehow slept on the job. Literally this man got drunk on Father's Day and was partying while his 2-year old daughter was sitting in a vehicle with temperatures in the high 80s. That temperature in a car could rise to the 100s.

Wilbert Carter makes me sick. The 31 year old gives fathers a bad name. Especially since he's a Black man, he's already being criticized by them Black extremists who believe that THE BLACKS are unfit to be parents.

His daughter Leasia was left in the car for eight hours. The little girl would die because of heat stroke, and severe burns left on her body.

Carter was at the gas station guzzling up on a few 40 oz and lost track of his daughter. I guess he thought that if he was going to be on the road with a lick in his system, he would go to city lockup.

But unaware he brought his daughter. He was suppose to take her to his parents home.

Alas, he fucked up. Now he could face 30 years in the iron college for second degree murder.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Leasia Carter.

Of course, cue the concern trolls.

Baltimore the city where police officers were indicted in the murder of Freddie Gray. Where a few days of rioting led to property damage, partisan blame and the rise of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. The agitators went with cameras in tow to Baltimore to catch rioters loot the liquor store while a few miles down the protesters were being ignored and the calls for reform weren't heard.
Leasia Carter was defenseless. Dad didn't bother taking his daughter out of a hot vehicle.
Marilyn Mosby the state prosecutor for the city of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, and police commissioner Anthony Batts were taking some heat from the agitators because the knee jerkers weren't satisfied with the results.

Baltimore indicted six cops and they are innocent until proven guilty. According to the racist right, Freddie Gray caused his injuries. He shouldn't take off running. He was a dope pusher. He put up a fight. And yet there's no camera evidence leaked showing him doing anything. The only video shown was the blood curling screams of a man who looked like he got slammed near a brick fence.

In the case of Wilbert Carter, he's guilty until proven innocent. They don't care. As long as he's Black, he's guilty.

I am guessing that Carter is already facing non-stop torture. Not only from his family, but the guilt of being a reckless father will stick with him for the rest of his life.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Conservative Outrage At DeRay McKesson!

When injustices in America end, I will go home...!

He gained fame by being an active protester in Ferguson. He's appeared in many high profile events in which law enforcement has used deadly force on unarmed suspects. He has appeared in areas where the not-so-subtle racism exist.

And now, DeRay McKesson has went to Charleston, South Carolina to protest the injustices.

Conservatives are pissed. So they went to the social media to create the #GoHomeDeray hashtag.

This hashtag became one of the most talked about on Twitter. Many conservatives have taken to Twitter to denounce McKesson, Rev. Perm and President Barack Obama. They believe that they "rush to judgement" when it came to the mass shooting at Mother Emmanuel AME Church.

The racist right believes that Dylann Roof's racial hatred towards Blacks wasn't a factor. But it's his mental illness, his drug use and his social ills. They believe that racism wasn't a factor to it. They believe its an attack on Christian beliefs.

Nine lives were lost when a White terrorist shot up a church. His social media unearth a trove of hatred. He shows pride in the Confederate flag and talked about the issues. He believes that Blacks are raping White women, causing havoc and taking over government. Rhetoric you may hear from agitators on talk radio, cable news and the blogs.

McKesson comes to Charleston to show solidarity with the victims. But to the racist right, he's there to start trouble. According to the social media trolls, the people of Charleston doesn't want him or Obama there.

Cue the irony. This is discussed by liberals and conservatives alike. Notice that McKesson did acknowledge this. He brushed off the criticism and told the junk food media that it's a part of a systematic strategy to shut down dissent.

DeRay took to Twitter and responded back to his critics.

Friday, June 05, 2015

Hannity Feuds With Lindsey Graham!


Pathetic agitator is the go-to guy for Republicans says the conservative Craigslist. His ego is certainly blooming these days. You thought the demotion, loss of advertising and embarrassments were the end of the road for him.

Not quite yet!

He still on and doing pretty damn good for a piece of shit.

He's wagering his job! He believes that his influence will help a Republican win the White House.

And if he see another Democrat win, maybe Chief Roger might prepare the cannon for a firing.

I don't understand why the worst cable news host is even given this much attention. I have to admit, that he and the conservative Craigslist are the two reasons to why Republicans are so fucked up right now.

I know everyone wants to point the fingers at that old fart on the AM dial, but really you got to really focus on the most active agitators in the media. These two are no exception.

This guy is the most annoying agitator to ever host a show.

When he's attacking what he perceives as liberal, this guy is like a dog in with a bone in his mouth. He can't fathom anything that promotes liberalism. When it comes to concerns in the Black community, this guy plays the concern troll. He would find issues with gun control when it comes to Black on Black crime, but stand firm with gun rights for White men.

If an unarmed suspect is killed by police, this guy believes the cops regardless. According to him, Freddie Gray was on drugs when he died in police custody. Even though a witness lied about this, he's firm in believing Michael Brown was charging at Darren Wilson while firing his service weapon like a football player.

You can count on that annoying conservative agitator as the guy to promote the unarmed suspect's friends, family, and President Barack Obama were responsible for the death.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) whines to Chuck Todd about the junk food media's treatment of him.
This guy's program is a nightmare. It's like listening his three hour radio show packed as a television show. If you're into the countless nights of complaining, arguing with people and utter stupidity, you find this guy's right wing carnival right up your alley.

It's gotten so worse, even clown car running Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) aimed at him and Rachel Maddow. Graham a frequent complainer of all things Obama has formally declared his intentions of running into the clown car. He and his old buddy Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) are senile and worthless as the Stallmigos.

Graham appears on GOP Sundays quite frequently. His interview with Chuck Todd went right into his beliefs that partisans ruin the country. He aims at the gay and Maddow.

Of course, the thin skinned agitators have responded back.

I actually like Rachel Maddow. I admit I do like listening to that annoying conservative agitator. He's really annoying but honestly he's got my attention. I listen to him. I am hoping that day will come when I call his show and boldly tell him that he's extremely annoying and he will probably be the reason to why perennial candidate Hillary Clinton is the next President of the United States.

So you think Graham's complaining of that guy may have damaged his standing with voters?

I mean he's probably polling low even in his own state, so I would imagine that it's not a good idea to attack a guy who gives them a hour infomercial.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Martin O'Malley: I'm Not A Blip! I Am A Damn Candidate Running For President!

Could this cat charm a donkey?

The conservative Craigslist have been hyping up this guy for some time now. Yesterday, the former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley decided to put on the makeup and jump into the clown car.

The Aristocat himself, 52 year old Martin O'Malley hopes he can defeat a literally untouchable candidate.

He is the father of four. He is married to his wife Katie for over 25 years. He is an American politician who served as the 61st Governor of Maryland, from 2007 to 2015. Prior to being elected as Governor, he served as the Mayor of Baltimore from 1999 to 2007, having previously served as a Baltimore City Councilor from 1991 to 1999. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as the Chair of the Democratic Governors Association from 2011 to 2013. Following his departure from public office in early 2015, he was appointed to the Johns Hopkins University's Carey Business School as a visiting professor focusing on government, business and urban issues.

As Governor, in 2011 he signed a law that would make certain undocumented immigrants eligible for in-state college tuition on condition; and in 2012, he signed a law to legalize same-sex marriage in Maryland. Each law was challenged to a voter referendum in the 2012 general election and upheld by a majority of the voting public.

O'Malley stood in for 2008 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at a Democratic campaign event on June 2, 2007, in New Hampshire, Delegate Tony O'Donnell said in response, "It's the worst-kept secret in Maryland that the governor has national ambitions."

State Senator Thomas V. Miller, Jr. said O'Malley's political future "comes into play in everything he does", adding O'Malley is "very much like Bill Clinton in being slow and deliberative and calculating in everything he does."

The conservative agitators are hoping that O'Malley win the nomination. They are planning on giving him the Michael Dukakis treatment.

In order to make Clinton and the crop of Democrats running uninspiring, the conservative agitators will continue to bitch about Obama, Iraq, Syria, ISIS, Benghazi, missing emails, Monica, Paula, Kathleen, Juanita,Vince, Whitewater, the missing server, accomplishments, age, being a woman, and everything else they can pull out their asses.
Jam session with Martin O'Malley.
They want to muddy up the waters with tales of Bill Clinton and the past in order to ruin the potential nomination of perennial candidate Hillary Clinton.

He wants to be the alternative to Clinton. He wants to be the voice of the progressives.

He made his decision in Baltimore. The place where Freddie Gray lost his life to six reckless officers and riots broke out in April. These officers will have a day in court. They are innocent until proven guilty.

CNN reminds the readers that his decision to launch in Baltimore could be proven a "challenge".

The treatment of Freddie Gray, which sparked a national dialogue about police conduct toward racial minorities, drew renewed scrutiny to the controversial zero-tolerance policing strategy that O'Malley advocated for as mayor -- part of an aggressive strategy to crack down on crime.

Speaking in rolled-up sleeves at Federal Hill Park, O'Malley began with a call for economic fairness and closing the gap between rich and poor in America.
Martin and his wife Katie hope 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will be their new residence. It's only 40 miles from Baltimore.
"This is the urgent work calling us forward today: to rebuild the truth of the American Dream for all Americans," O'Malley said. "And to begin right now."

He touched upon last month's unrest in Baltimore, saying the aftermath of Freddie Gray's death was about more than race or policing in America, but about "the scourge of hopelessness" in the nation's cities.

"There is something to be learned from that night, and there is something to be offered to our country from those flames," he said.

A small group of protesters tried to interrupt his speech, shouting remarks like "black lives matter" and blowing on whistles. As O'Malley discussed the problem of income inequality and concentration of wealth, one protester angrily yelled out: "You did that! It was you!"

But the protesters largely failed to be a disruptive presence at the launch event, where O'Malley's supporters, numbering in the hundreds, reacted enthusiastically to his speech.

O'Malley also took a shot at Clinton and Republican Jeb Bush, using an attack on Goldman Sachs to suggest they were too close to Wall Street to be advocates for the less fortunate in America.

"Recently, the CEO of Goldman Saches let his employees know that he'd be just fine with either Bush or Clinton. I bet he would," O'Malley said. "Well, I've got news for the bullies of Wall Street: The presidency is not a crown to be passed back and forth by you between two royal families. It is a sacred trust to be earned from the people of the United States, and exercised on behalf of the people of the United States."
Perhaps O'Malley's biggest challenge is finding a way to dent the Clinton political machine while also proving that he's a competitive candidate in his own right -- not just a backup for progressives who would rather see "a not running" Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts in the White House. A Quinnipiac University poll released this week places Clinton 56 percentage points ahead of O'Malley.

It makes three. Three candidates running for the Democratic nomination. A perennial candidate, a Socialist and a nobody ever heard of.

Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and O'Malley have declared their intentions to run for the blue nose while a handful of Republicans and insurgents run for the red nose.

These clowns are uninspiring.

But if you're interested in one of them, could Martin O'Malley be the one you prefer?

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Conservatives All Of Sudden Became "Concerned" About Gun Control!

When it comes to gun control it's only a matter of it being for Black people. According to these concern trolling agitators, Baltimore's rise of gun violence is a major problem in America.

Is it about time for Americans bloggers to stop reading what a concern troll post?

If we feed the trolls, they become parasites. They latch on.

I am not trying to stop them from expressing their views. The things mentioned in the junk food media are passionate and extremely controversial. Some agree and others don't. It's a part of food chain when it comes to politics.

In the age of Obama, it's gotten worse. Race relations are on the decline. Blacks have a strong dislike towards Republicans. But also Democrats as well. The Democrats are not working hard enough for the Black vote. Although the Black vote is still a strong block for them, the Democrats haven't put up much of a fight since they've been driven back to the minority in Congress.
'Liberty Tax': White House, Media Attack After Drudge Pays Obamacare Opt-Out Penalty
Concern trolling is a part of the conservative manifesto.
The labeling of individuals is common among concern trolling. Conservatives hate being called racist. Liberals hate being called racist. They both hate being called elitists. They both hate being labeled but yet they label everyone in a group. 

I tend to hate conservatives a little more than liberals. I don't look at liberals as being the winning team. I actually believe that the middle is the best way to solve problems. Yeah, I am more socially liberal on issues but conservative when it comes to my finances and work ethic. 

I hate when conservatives want to bring up criminal behavior. They seem fixated on trying compare piss to shit. They seem only interested in pointing out "_______" criminal behavior. 

Conservatives all of sudden became pro-police in the wake of high profile killings of unarmed Black suspects. The rise of gun crimes happen in warmer months. 

Every day at least 400 people die of gun violence. At least 2000 people were shot by firearms.

If you actually know what really happens in America, look at the rise in gun crime. The junk food media reacts to mass shooters. Whenever a mass shooter plots a domestic attack on suburbia, the junk food media reacts.

Liberals hope its a White guy who has hatred for race, political standings, religious intolerance and a frequent listener to talk radio or viewer of Fox News.

Conservatives hope its either a Black guy or a Brown guy. They hope they can claim it's a liberal, Muslim, or racist. They can claim that it's Obama's fault for the shooting because the guy was of color.

Not one of them blame the shooter. Not one of them say that those with mental issues should have access to firearms. 

Not one mention of their names from any of these concern trolls. But yet, it's posted on The Drudge Report. 

And the links are pointed to hearsay. Someone who claims they know something but wasn't given legal right to is not credible. But yet, it's look upon as "TRUTH".

World News Today has an example of concern trolling from one who post comments on stories we've posted about police brutality and institutional racism in country. 

This person seems fixated on posting links to some website or YouTube to dispute the notion that conservatives are racist bigots.

Alas, in his mind he seriously believes that he's proving a point. Quite the opposite.

Check it. I've listened, read, and commented about four controversial agitators in the media. 

The Drudge Report is irrelevant. But still a money maker. Conservatives rely on the website to generate their talking points.

The Drudge Report helps motivate Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Colin Flaherty. They rely on this to paint the president and others as "enemies".

They are conservative agitators who spent a majority of their lives racking up $$$$ playing the roles of old grumpy men. 

Talk radio is a White man's best friend. Conservatives use talk radio to vent off about the Black guy getting a better job based on racial quotas. They call in to complain about the Mexican family being here in our country illegally. They got to the blogs to complain about radicalism. They finger Islam and the non-religious atheists as the radicals.

They complain about the poor having cell phones, refrigerators, microwaves, televisions and computers. They believe that they're living on the taxpayer's dollar. They complain about food stamps, welfare and entitlements. Nothing more than a drop in the bucket but to conservatives, it's like the world's on fire and they need their piss to put out the fire.

These agitators can't seem to stay focus on what's right in America. One minute they concern about their freedom of speech being silenced by the numerous boycotts against them. The next minute, they call for boycotts of those they believe should be silenced.

When it comes to racial issues. They're like tops. They spin and spin and spin. And most of the people who click, read, watch or listen to them are soaking this stuff up like sponges.

The Republican Party is taking their talking points from these agitators and Fox News. 

Fox News is the nation's most watched cable news channel. It is by far the most controversial network to ever exist. The network claims that the media is partisan. Yet, this network is pandering and evolving into the very thing its hates being called.

Most of the people on that network are extremely conservative. That network has given airtime to Matt Drudge (the founder of the The Drudge Report), Rush Limbaugh and Colin Flaherty.

Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren and others on that network spin hypothetical bullshit. These conservative agitators act like they're concerned but really they're not.

They relish in this method of repetitiveness. They won't let an issue go. If it makes President Barack Obama, the Black community and liberals look bad, they look good.

They are the masters of concern trolling.

See when the rise of gun crime happens in Urban America, these agitators are now concern about gun control. They rather see Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims lose their rights when it comes voting, firearms, entitlements, freedom of speech, right to a fair trial and economic opportunities.

The conservatives agitators believe that the freedom of speech, the right to bare arms and the right to a fair trial when it only applies to them. 

So now they're concern about gun crime.

Baltimore seen a rise in violence, the agitators automatically assume that cops aren't doing their jobs.

See what the Black community was complaining about?

If the cops be defenders of the community instead of enforcers, you wouldn't see such a disconnect.

Trust me, crime occurs in America. It doesn't discriminate.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Cops Got Fired Out The Cannon For.... Well You Know!

You won't believe it! These are two cops with a suspect. The suspect is wearing antlers. 

Spreading racist emails, taking inappropriate pictures, doing unprofessional things on social media all the while wearing the badge is not an coincidence. It's a matter of common practice.

Will that annoying conservative agitator talk about this on his right wing carnival?

Nope. It doesn't fit the narrative to blame President Barack Obama. The president is passionately talking about the case for unity among the police and the communities they serve.

Psst...Obama's Black.

The president can testify to it. He was profiled by the police when he was a nobody. And for him to talk about the disparaging interactions between the Black community and the law, the conservatives claim it's anti-cop and racist.

This picture is of two former Chicago cops posing with a suspect. They decided wanted to share a funny picture with fellow officers. They decided to put antlers on the suspect and pose as two Elmer Fudds.

Real laugh riot.

The Chicago Sun-Times report that ex-cops Jerome Finnigan and Timothy McDermott were fired out the cannon after they were posing with this unidentified drug suspect.

Finnigan had already been fired out the cannon: In 2011, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison for leading a team of cops in robberies and home invasions. This may have inspired Chicago PD on NBC.

McDermott is fighting to wear the badge. He got a 5-4 decision in his cannon firing. The minority believe that it was a funny picture. The majority believe it's time to clean up the force.

This makes Chicago PD look like a bunch of idiots. Terrible.

racist tweetracist tweet 2racist tweet 3

Even in my community an idiot sheriff's deputy got his online fixation. He was on Twitter and had shared some inappropriate thoughts of the Baltimore riots in the wake of Freddie Gray's death.

Clark County Ohio sheriff Gene Kelly said that this deputy is fired out the cannon.

Zach Davis got fired out the cannon.
Ex-deputy Zach Davis was caught online posting his thoughts on the rioting in Baltimore.

Davis said that the Baltimore riots were a "real life Planet of the Apes". And to make it worse, he said that rioters are “ignorant young people” who deserve “every stereotype they've ever been labeled.”

When confronted with his post, Davis confessed and was immediately fired out the cannon.

Kelly said that Davis "did not believe he was racist" for publishing such comments.

The letter sent to the sheriff's office expressed concerns over the "insensitivity, hostility, and maliciousness" reflected in the tweets, and stated that such derogatory statements are unacceptable under any circumstances but especially troubling coming from a deputy who "holds the power of the state."

"Davis’s tweets are offensive, inappropriate, and inhumane for the way they treat the black citizens of Baltimore, striping them of their humanity and rendering them 'apes' who should be 'slayed' to be taught a lesson," the letter reads.

Davis joined the force in April. Kelly said he has met with the local NAACP president, who supports his decision.

"I’ve done everything I can do to try and correct this problem," Kelly said. "It hurts us and this community and there’s no place for it."

Now all deputies in Clark County will have to go through sensitivity training. They will now be forced to limit their social media connections and associations.

The power of Facebook and Twitter. Whenever you post something online, it's there forever.

Understand no one is safe from being fired out the cannon. But if you take steps to prevent your business from being out there, make it private and don't jeopardize your job by talking about it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Who They Gonna Blame Now That People Died In Separate Shootings In Baltimore?

The death of many in Baltimore still happens. Yet, conservative pretend that it's every day and the president allows it.

Of course we blame the shooter. But in this gotcha media, the conservative agitators would rather focus on the president, Rev. Perm, the mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and state prosecutor Marilyn Mosby.

World News Today has just learned that nine people died in separate shootings in the city of Baltimore and surrounding communities. We send our condolences to those lost in these senseless tragedies.

There was spike in violence in the city. Over the Memorial Day weekend, the violence was bad.

The conservative agitators decided to find some reason to go after the mayor, the state prosecutor and President Barack Obama for this.

They claim that since six Baltimore officers were arrested in the death of Freddie Gray, the city has went into utter chaos. The agitators claim that the cops aren't going to their jobs.

The country's worst cable news host once again digs to the bottom of the barrel. On his right wing carnival, that annoying conservative agitator claims that he interviewed a Baltimore cop who "knows" about the Freddie Gray controversy. Of course, when the cop appears on camera, he's hidden his face, and had his voice altered.

Are you going to believe this cop? Was he there?

Or perhaps was he one of the arresting officers who his indicted on involuntary homicide?

Since he claims he's a cop for the city, did the cop violate the Baltimore Metro Police code of conduct by appearing on a "carnival" of utter right wing stupidity without proper clearance?

Will Gawker out this cop?

The Blame Game: Once again whenever a tragedy occurs in America, the partisan agitators refuse to blame the shooter, the stabber and the criminal. The agitators (especially conservatives) point their fingers at others. Those who have an opinion about a controversy.

I mean since when is it illegal to say something about police brutality?

I mean don't conservatives want more guns on the street. They run around screaming about the 2nd Amendment and how their freedoms are being stripped.

Since when did the gun supporting agitators become gun control advocates?

It pisses me off that some in the media never call out the conservative agitators for being hypocrites.

They can say that these agitators aren't relevant to the real issues. They can boycott and protest them.

But they never take the time to honestly tell them how does this issue matter when we have so many other issues.

Yeah, there was deadly violence with gun crime. But over the Memorial Day weekend, there were people who died in car accidents. There were people who died in drownings. There were people who died in heat related events. There were people who died in the floods down south.

None of this stuff got their attention. After all they can't blame Obama for these events.

Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge and Colin Flaherty are notorious race baiters. They will be mentioned in the final postings.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Twitter Twat Suspended!

Controversial blogger got banned from at least one social media forum.

Charles C. Johnson (aka Chuck Johnson) is a notorious race-baiter. He is the founder of conservative blog GotNews. He is allied with agitators such as the conservative Craigslist, racial asshat Colin Flaherty and numerous other bigots.

He spends his time in the social media trolling. He wants to prove the point that liberals lie.

He wants to prove that unarmed Black suspects being killed by law enforcement deserved it. After all, you seen the Facebook page of the deceased Michael Brown and he's giving you the finger. Proof of a violent thug.

Note that THUG is being used instead of NIGGER. The conservatives are using every event in which a crime is committed by a Black male as an excuse to denounce #BlackLivesMatter.

Johnson is a part of this.

Today, Mediaite can claim a victory in the battle against racism. They report that Chuck is banned.

Chuck was trying to troll Ferguson activist DeRay McKesson. He threatened to publish the information about McKesson.

McKesson wrote an email to Twitter and called upon others to effectively throw Chuck off the social media. It was successful. For the time being, Chuck is off the social network.

Chuck has been suspended from the site several times before, largely for releasing news figures’ personal information, such as the Dallas nurses Amber Vinson and Nina Pham who contracted ebola. Many have derided Johnson as a serial harasser and called upon Twitter to remove him from the service, his main megaphone along with his would-be news site

He tried to regain his account and created phony profiles. Alas, Twitter suspended them.

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Law Found The Man Who Murdered DC Family!

Washington, DC police nabbed the man who is accused of murdering a family and setting their properties on fire.

The racist right is obsessed with calling every Black criminal a Thug. Any criminal act by Black man is now considered an act of thuggery.

Forget the innocent until proven guilty, according to the racist right, the Black criminal is automatically guilty. No need for a trial or jury. Send this thug to the gas house.

Thug is the new NIGGER.

A man who was caught overnight was responsible for the death of four people in Washington, DC.

Of course, our friends on the racist right have this obsession to cry foul to every event in America.

The racist right believes that the police involved killings of unarmed Freddie Gray, Tony Robinson, Walter Scott, Darrien Hunt, John Crawford, Tamir Rice, Rekia Boyd, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and the vigilante killing of unarmed Trayvon Martin are equal to every Black on White crime in America.

This 34 year old man was being sought by the FBI and U.S. Marshals after he was implicated in a murder and arson in an upscale Washington, DC neighborhood. There was a murder of four, an arson of the home and sports car.

DC police focused on the cameras and saw a sportscar zoom through the neighborhoods. Then in suburban Maryland, they saw the sportscar stop. A man get out and soon a fire.
Savvas Savopoulos and wife Amy along with their son and housekeeper were murdered by a crazed man.
The law determined that they have DNA evidence to pinpoint him to the crime. The fool eat a piece of pizza and they swabbed the crust. Daron Dylon Wint was caught in a matter of days. He's currently in city lockup awaiting trial.

CNN reported Thursday that police are searching for the 34-year-old Wint, who is believed to have traveled from D.C. to New York City and has previously faced charges of “theft, assault and a sexual offense.”

He is wanted for first-degree murder in the deaths of Savvas Savopoulos, the CEO of a Maryland building materials manufacturer, his wife, Amy, 10-year-old son Philip and their housekeeper, Veralicia Figueroa.

As for motive, police believe Wint was looking for money. During the incident, one of Savopoulos’ employees dropped off $40,000 in cash at the home for the suspect. He is believed to have escaped in the family’s Porsche, which was later found burning in the parking lot of a church in Maryland.

World News Today sends our condolences to the Savopoulous family and the family of Veralicia Figueroa. Their lives were lost in this senseless tragedy.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Jay-Z's TIDAL Wave Crashes Into Baltimore!

Jay-Z made a huge payday in the launch of TIDAL Music Service. The Carters helped protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson. Conservatives are outraged. 

As he launches TIDAL, a streaming music network, Shawn Corey Carter, is now an activist in the fight for equality.

Jay-Z has introduced the world to TIDAL, a subscription-based music streaming service that combines lossless audio and high definition music videos with curated editorial. The service has over 25 million tracks and 75,000 music videos.

Currently offering no free subscription plans, Tidal claims to pay the highest percentage of royalties to music artists and songwriters within the music streaming market.

Tidal was launched in 2014 by Swedish/Norwegian public company Aspiro. It has distribution agreements with all of the three major labels, in addition to many indies. In the first quarter of 2015, the parent company Aspiro was acquired by Jay-Z's Project Panther Ltd.

The service was promoted as being the first artist-owned streaming service. Each artist publicly signed a declaration, which opened with: "Throughout history, every movement began with a few individuals banding together with a shared vision – a vision to change the status quo." The relaunch of Tidal with the new artist-owned model received a mixed reception from publications and fellow musicians alike. Some praised the impressive high fidelity, lossless audio quality, and the higher subscription fees which would result in higher royalties to the artists and songwriters, whilst others felt the high subscription fees and exclusive Tidal content from the artists involved could result in an increase of music piracy.

As of March 2015, the service has over 580,000 paying users after being integrated with its sister service, WiMP, as well as 17,000 using the high fidelity service.

Tidal currently operates in 31 countries.

Jay-Z is a very rich man. He's got the money to burn. And apparently Jay-Z and his wife Beyonce Knowles-Carter got a heart.

A reporter claims that the media mogul actually sprung out protesters during the rioting during the deaths of Freddie Gray and Michael Brown.

Jay-Z has actually done some good with this. He and Queen Bey have been very vocal about the situations in Ferguson and Baltimore.

Some aren't happy about this move.

The conservative Craigslist and that network that scares White folks join the choir of agitators on the AM dial pissed that The Carters bought "get out of free" cards for some of the active protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson.

And it's gotten ugly after the three dipshits spoke.

The social network exploded after this "explosive" report.

As with Prince, Jay-Z came to perform in Baltimore and express solidarity to the families of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray. He and many other entertainers joined the BlackLivesMatter Movement. They figured that the junk food media isn't giving a fair shake to the victims of gun violence.

When the agitators complain about President Barack Obama, civil rights leaders and "rich rappers" it's a double standard. They can't be satisfied. Regardless of what is done, they'll bitch.

All the talk about the lack of fatherhood, black on black crime, unwed pregnancy, gun violence and poverty, Jay-Z, Rev. Perm and the president have talked about that. They frequently talk about issues facing Black America.  It's often tone deaf to the conservative media. Because in their mind, they believe it's divisive, anti-White, anti-cop and anti-whatever.

They complain. Regardless.

If Rev. Perm shows up to an event, they complain. If he doesn't, they complain.

Jay-Z does some good in the world, they complain. Jay-Z does something that is not good in the world, they complain.

Thanks to the Raw Story and Crooks & Liars.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Prince Charming Baltimore!

Prince performs at Baltimore. Conservative outrage over Marilyn Mosby attending the event.

When Prince came to perform for Baltimore he released a song in tribute to Michael Brown and Freddie Gray.

The song was leaked online and it's called "Baltimore".

As Prince performed for three hours at a sold out show, one guest managed to catch the ire of conservatives and the Baltimore police union.

In attendance is Marilyn Mosby, the state prosecutor in the case against six Baltimore cops who were charged in the murder of Freddie Gray.

While the junk food media went up Interstate 95 to cover the derailment in Philadelphia, the junk food media was silent (or barely covered) the Baltimore state prosecutor taking stage at a concert.

It's nothing bad about her appearing on stage. But to the racist right and the police union, it's a conflict of interest. They are calling for her to recuse herself and have an independent prosecutor look into this. They are also demanding that she gets ethics charges for appearing at the concert.

They seriously believe that Mosby is inexperienced. They feel that she's playing politics. Despite the already numerous federal investigations into the city police and the millions of payouts to victims of police brutality, this Freddie Gray situation is different.

If it wasn't for them cameras filming the officers lift up Gray and drag him to the vehicle while he was screaming in agonizing pain, they would have gotten away with a disciplinary or no charges at all.

Mosby found enough evidence to charge the six officers with involuntary manslaughter and misconduct in office. They had enough evidence to charge the officers. They will have a day in court.

They are innocent until proven guilty.

The racist right is angry at Marilyn Mosby.
The murder of Freddie Gray set off two days of rioting in the city.

Of course the networks were running with cameras in tow trying show the world that young Black teens are looting the Foot Locker for Nike's. Or the Black man stealing a 40 out of the CVS. Maybe they managed to witness two correction officers stealing a bag of chips and grape juice.

Conservative agitators take to the internet to slam Mosby, the mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Rev. Perm, Cut His Nuts Off Jackson, Eric Holder, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and their favorite son President Barack Obama as being racial agitators and NIGGERS.

I bet them white extremists were seething in joy watching Black frustration in the matter of injustice launch into violence.

Knowing the Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement are color blind and tone deaf is understatement.
O'Loofus complains about Baltimore having a high crime rate. Yet, he never thinks about taking his private jet down to the city. He never will visit a neighborhood and interact with the residents in Baltimore. In his mind as well as many other agitators in the media, the city is an American Benghazi. 
But to see the Democratic Party use this as a weapon is also a disgrace. They seem to take advantage of these issues to encourage Black America to rise up against injustice.

In the minds of Republicans, the Democrats are the ones who keep Blacks poor. I agree. But not the way the Republican Party sees it.

No one wants to see people live in poverty. At least in my opinion, no political party owns "poor", "poverty" and "welfare".

Once again, I stress that Republicans are condescending. They don't see the poor as victims. They see them as lazy, immoral, leeches and handouts. They believe just because you have a microwave, a refrigerator, a television, a computer and a cell phone, you are able to work. They don't know the poor's struggle. They can't understand that people who have things have earned them too.
Angry Megyn saying that Marilyn Mosby attending a Prince concert was inappropriate.
They see you in the store with an EBT card or state issued child support debit card buying groceries and some items maybe name brands. They believe if you're buying a pack of Oreos. Fruit Loops,  and Coca-Cola 36 cubes on food stamps, you're abusing the system.

You're buying a pack of Newport or Marlboro cigarettes or an Ol' English. And even though you got a little bit of cash, the moment they see that EBT card, they consider you leeching off the system.

They believe that you own a luxury car or a nice home, but still earn less than a "hard worker", you're a parasite to the government.

That narrative being express by agitators makes Republicans look like heartless assholes.

The Democrats believe the safety net is unfiltered. No one should go hungry. No one should live on the streets or homeless shelters.

The Republicans believe that the safety net creates entitlements and dependency. And even though, in their minds, giving to the poor is going overboard, they too believe that no one should go hungry. They believe you have to work 50 hours at least earn a piece of that apple pie.

See in a perfect world, you should have a home. If there's some who are of the working class unable to work, they should be able to own a house and luxuries of a single family home. Why have a family lives on the streets? It should be right not a privilege to have a home.

No one wants to see their child buried before them. The families of Trayvon Martin, Rekia Boyd, John Crawford, Michael Brown, Tony Robinson, Darrien Hunt, and Eric Garner  weren't thrilled about their deaths.

They have a right to complain about issues of police brutality, the Blue Wall of Silence, and the need for reform. When the junk food media gets the names of the victims of gun violence (especially by law enforcement) it's almost routine to hear about the race. If the victim is Black, the conservative agitators immediately start searching court public records and social media to find something incriminating. They find guilt-by-association in the friends, immediate family members or non-essential figures. Conservatives will label the victim a "thug" or call him "Obama's son".

It never ceases to amaze me that a man smoking weed is more criminal than an officer putting a bullet in him. And to make this clear, that man was unarmed at the time.

The families deserve the right to see those in law enforcement (or an armed vigilante) be held responsible whenever they fire their service weapon. And if the suspect is unarmed, the families have a right to demand an officer be charged with criminal misconduct.

But unfortunately with the first Black president, the conservatives who agitate on radio, television and the social media are polarizing it to a degree where anything that involves race is magnified.

You may not be able to obtain Prince's new song on YouTube. He doesn't advocate video streaming or use of music without permission. Anytime, you upload a video or download illegally a song from Prince, you may be subject to a lawsuit. 

He doesn't play any games when it comes to his copyright.

So if you want to hear the song, hear it on Soundcloud or buy it on iTunes and Google Play. 


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