Media mogul steps in Bill Maher's Real Time. |
Mr. Carter steps in the special panel with comedian/libertarian activist Bill Maher for an analysis of Loserville's coverage of Trayvon Martin and the NYPD controversial stop-and-frisk tactics on Real Time.
The panel included former Democratic congressman Barney Frank, the openly gay politico who often said some controversial things to piss off the conservative agitators.
The media mogul is on Real Time promoting his album Manga Carta....Holy Grail (Roc-A-Fella/Roc Nation) and his Picasso Baby: A Performance Art Film. Jay-Z also acknowledged his feud between Harry Bellanfonte and Robert DeNiro.
Jay-Z was singled out by Bill-O a few weeks back after the Loserville commentator had choice words for the Black community. As usual, Bill-O's word vomit included the blame of the "race hustlers" who embrace the hip-hop culture and social ills of single parent homes which lead to Black on Black crime.
WE BLACK FOLK" ARE IN THE GRIEVANCE INDUSTRY says Bill-O and the rest of those conservative agitators in the junk food media!
As explained last month, conservatives have this fixation on Black crime in urban areas.
Since the controversial verdict granting an acquittal of Martin's shooter Trayvon Martin, the Black community has rallied against "STAND YOUR GROUND LAWS" and the "STOP AND FRISK" tactics of major police organizations.
Blacks and Latino men are often stopped more than White men by law enforcement agencies.
Black leaders including President Barack Obama have express concern about the distant relationship between law enforcement and the Black community. Of course, the president shared experiences as a victim of racial profiling when he was then a college student at Harvard.
In 2009, Henry "Skip" Gates was arrested at his own home by the Cambridge Police. The conservative media got livid when the president responded to the matter in which he felt the arresting officer acted "stupidly" in not determining Gates being a resident of the home.
In 2012, the president said that if Trayvon Martin was at age and had he had an opportunity to confront a threat, would he had the right to "STAND HIS GROUND" against George Zimmerman.
These two incidents have flared up deep concern about the racial divide with class, economic and political standings.
Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-New York) has offered choice words to the Tea Party Movement recently.
“It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn’t care about how they looked," Rangel said.
Because of this, Rangel said the Tea Party could be defeated using the same tactics employed against Jim Crow.
"It was just fierce indifference to human life that caused America to say enough is enough. ‘I don’t want to see it and I am not a part of it.’ What the hell! If you have to bomb little kids and send dogs out against human beings, give me a break,” said Rangel.
Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-New York) calls the Tea Party movement a bunch of "WHITE CRACKERS" who set back progress in the Civil Rights Movement. |
Rangel among with members of the Black Congressional Caucus have found out about the Buckeye Firearms Association's efforts to built a fundraiser around Zimmerman and the all of sudden concern of urban crime by conservatives.
I don't blame him.
Conservatives don't give two flying (well you know) about Chicago, Memphis, Cleveland, Baltimore, Atlanta, San Francisco, Stockton, New York, Detroit, New Orleans, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. They rather sit in their gated communities, travel to Walmart, and keep public transportation out of their neighborhoods. They want to have open carry gun laws in churches, hospitals, schools and bars. But in the urban areas, they want either to take their guns or let them kill each with unregistered guns.
Conservatives (whether they are Democrat or Republican) rather see us suffer in the recession. They don't want a Black, Latino, worshiping Muslims or gay families to have social safety nets. The decry welfare, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and disability as "gubmint handouts" and want to strip the safety net instead of plugging the holes of massive jobs lost because of globalization.
They give corporations a pass on unfair labor practices, unfair pay, unethical practices in management, deliberate work hour shifts for part time and full time workers and forced closures because of political dissent. All while collecting millions in campaign fundraising for their reelection campaigns.
They want to stop abortions from single women who make a personal choice. But they don't want a Black woman to have children and raising them as single parents. They don't give to flying (you know what) about the Black community. They rather see us either in the iron college. They rather see us die off because of diabetes, HIV/AIDS and drug addiction. They rather see us kill each other with firearms and drugs.
Of course, they're up in arms over their White suburban children taking the page and using it. They'll blame us for their White kids following Black entertainers Jay-Z , Lil' Wayne, Ludacris and Snoop Dogg. They also criticize Eminem as well, being the world's most successful White rapper/entertainer.
The sins of the past continue in present time.
We allow people on Loserville to gin up dog whistle stories about "Obama Phones", "New Black Panthers", "Race-Riots" and "Trayvon Martin". They are given the freedom of speech to berate the Black community because of the passionate responses over this whole ordeal with the Zimmerman trial.
Over 90% of Black America believes that Zimmerman targeted Martin with antipathy towards him because of his race. They believe that Zimmerman got away with murder whereas if Martin was the killer, he would have been charged for the crime.
Jay-Z is a product of Brooklyn's crime days came from the drug dealing days to become a legendary rapper and entrepreneur. The media mogul can say he's a proud parent, proud husband and successful entertainer in the same breath.
On Real Time, Jay-Z dukes it out with the panel over Black crime and how the country can overcome the problems of it.
Jay-Z appears on Roc-A-Fella Records/Roc Nation, LLC.