Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Can't Enjoy A Moment Out And You're Calling The Law On Me!

Another white person calls the law on a Black person minding their business.
Another white person calls 9-1-1 on a Black person minding their business. Once again adding gasoline to an already burning America. The white woman was repeatedly calling the New York Police Department on a woman minding her own business.

A pregnant socialite decided to call the law on a Black woman with the false claims of her "being in the neighborhood attacking her."

The white woman is married to a millionaire car salesman known as Gary Flom. She called the NYPD multiple times saying the Black woman was threatening her and trying to harm her children.

Svitlana Flom, the newest Karen.

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From 6:15pm - 7:31pm this woman, Svitlana Flom, artdefete felt the need to not only approach me but call the cops MULTIPLE TIMES ON ME!! She was too “Alarmed” that I was sitting “comfortably” in “her neighborhood!” The first call was because she THOUGHT I was smoking in public.. but by the 3rd call, it was bcuz I was “threatening her & her children !!” While giving my description, she exaggerated her story & made it seem like I was the aggressor. “THIS AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMAN IS ATTACKING ME AND MY CHILDREN!” She had tears that were off & on & she stated things like “She’s pulling the black card!” Then wanted me to walk to the boys w/ her 🤦🏾‍♀️🤡 I probably could have just walked away!! I probably should have kept my mouth shut right ?! NAHHH!! I couldn’t understand why she was so mad ! Like ummmm first of alllll I pay alllll mine over here Miss Lady !! 🙄 How you come over here just feeling sooooo privileged & soooo comfortable enough to tell me I should leave ?! You’re buggin !! NOT THIS ONE!! She wanted to be a victim soooo bad!! NOT ONE PERSON CAME TO HER AID!! MULTIPLE PPL witnessed the ordeal & just wanted to make sure I was ok! SHARE THESE VIDEOS AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE !! #SvitlanaFlom @maisonvivinyc @allsetnow @huffpost @ariannahuff
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The white socialite was "alarmed" that the young Black woman was sitting "comfortably" in her neighborhood.

When the NYPD came to the scene, they talked to the women and there were no arrests or summons.
Black healthcare worker said that she was offended by the white woman calling the law on her.
But the video went viral after she sent it to social media.

The white socialite can be heard telling the law the woman "is playing the Black card" during the hour long confrontation. She also asks her to walk to the police station together.

The socialite owns a restaurant in the area.

The ordeal was insulting. She claims that she was shaking because she was pregnant.

The husband was the former president of a Jaguar Land Rover dealership in Manhattan.
White socialite is married to an older man who owns car dealerships in New York City.
Only a few weeks ago, a Minneapolis white man called the law on a group of Black men at a gym inside a luxury office building.

And of course, the New York City woman who called the law on a birdwatcher who only told her to not scare the birds.

Is leftist Van Jones going to blame Hillary Clinton for the actions of a white woman or will he wake the fuck up and understand that Donald J. Trump has been the problem all along?

Nevermind, Jones is still a butthurt Bernie Sanders supporter.

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