Tuesday, June 02, 2020

The White Knight Is Looking At The King!

The white lies Shaun King tells.
The controversial activist Shaun King is being hammered once again for his latest fundraising in the wake of the Geroge Floyd and Breonna Taylor police killings.

Before the Floyd protests started picking up steam, King was under scrutiny from former partner Benjamin Dixon. The two are leftist agitators who supported Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and started whisper campaigns against Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg and Joe Biden.

The two are insufferable assholes and do not represent Black Lives Matter in any form or fashion.

The two had a biter fallout. Kind of like Deray McKession's controversial Medium posting detailing King's ambitions and failures to deliver.

Dixon said the same happened to him. He also left a warning to Black America who still supports King's "activism" for people of color. Dixon said, "watch your wallet and don't expect him on the frontlines."

The Daily Beast's Kail Holloway had a report on the two launching The North Star, a publication that was based on the abolitionist Frederick Douglass.

The organization was proudly supported by scholars, entertainers, athletes and supposed to be a news and entertainment network. Well The North Star is on the backburner.

Sigourney Weaver, Brene Brown, Robert Smith, Susan Sarandon, Michael Eric Dyson and Megan Mullally chipped in a few thousands to help their organization get off the ground.

Years later, nothing. Nadda, zip!

The Daily Beast said that 14 months later, almost none of what King promised to build has appeared and the site has struggled with issues that alienated many subscribers. The headquarters and television studio shuttered last year and all the employees of the Atlanta bureau were laid off.

The mobile app disappeared and there's not many updated articles in regards to the recent times.

Some of the former employees who worked under Dixon and King said anonymously, "King was hustling hard and leaving them out in the cold."

They said the issue with King's over-ambition than his absenteeism., insistence on absolute control, and radical incompetence led to the downfall of The North Star. They said he had little interest in feedback from staffers he had ostensibly brought on for their lengthy resumes and media experience, despite his own lack of the same. Two iterations of broadcast news shows were scrapped, and their staffs and hosts fired, before they ever aired, and Dixon was pushed out even as money poured in and the site remained underpopulated.
Shaun King's support of Bernie Sanders was controversial. He was spreading fake stories about Sanders' rivals.
They added, that King's prominence as a surrogate to Sanders both in 2016 and 2020 was also controversial. King's advocacy for Sanders came at the expense of Democratic candidates who sought the nomination.

King was feverishly pushing hard on Biden's senate record, his touching of people and Tara Reade.

He also shared controversial videos of people of color being killed by the cops and vigilantes.

King claims credit for bringing Ahmaud Arbery's killers to justice. He shared the video of one of the killers filming the encounter with the father and son who killed him as he was running away from them.

King also was responsible for outing the people who attended the Unite The Right rally. The folks who were responsible for violent clashes with counter protesters had given King credibility. He would often post images of individuals who attended the event engaging in violent acts. He managed to get over 20 individuals caught. He also played a role in the white terrorist who used his car a weapon to kill activist Heather Heyer.

King had made some serious errors last year. He fingered the wrong folks in many of his "call to arms." Last year a young girl who was shot by a motorist in Houston was fingered as a white man.

The junk food media even went as far to accuse an innocent man who matched the description as the suspect. It turns out that the suspects were Black and they somewhat knew the victims. King never apologized for pushing that out.

Black women, Black queers and former co-workers have said that King inflated, mismanaged or failed to account for the funds he's raised for various social-justice causes.

King's former allies are blocked from his social media. Anyone who dares call him out is blocked.

It also brought into question King's "Blackness." In a lengthy post, King claimed that he was a child born of a White mother and Black man.  He said his mother had an affair with a Black man and his dad took him as his own.

But even I'm starting to question his "Blackness."

For one, he is not Shaun King. He is born Jeffery Shaun King a 40-year old American writer, civil rights activist and co-founder of Real Justice PAC. He was born in rural Versailles, Kentucky.

He claimed that he was a victim of racism.

He is a graduate of Morehouse College and Arizona State University.
He is a celebrity among social media. He has 1.1 million followers. Years before he had over 2 million. He is also an ordain pastor.

The gay fascist Milo Yiannopoulos questioned King's race in an article for Breitbart and it listed his birth parents as white. King maintains that he's biracial and his father was not white.

He is married to Rai King and has five children.

Rai even admits that King is white but no one seems to care other than the folks who were scammed, defrauded and angered by his actions.

The Daily Beast has the full article here on this link.

Be careful of Shaun King folks. He claims to be down for the struggle but he seems to be making a handsome profit off all these "calls to action."

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