Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Trump Keeps The Sexism Going!

Trump goes after Stormy Daniels again.
A federal judge tossed out the lawsuit filed by adult entertainer and activist Stormy Daniels in regards to defamation. The federal judge is a Republican and was appointed by George W. Bush. He ordered that she pays the retainer fees to the imbecile who currently occupies the White House.

Donald J. Trump allegedly slept with Stormy Daniels while wife Melania was pregnant with his child. He had at least three encounters with Daniels.

U.S. District Judge S. James Otero issued the order Monday in Los Angeles.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, alleges she had an affair with Trump in 2006 and sued him in April after he said a composite sketch of a man she said threatened her in 2011 to keep quiet about an alleged affair with the real estate mogul was a "con job."

In dismissing the suit, the judge said Mr. Trump's tweet was a "hyperbolic statement" against a political adversary.

Trump's lawyer, Charles Harder, said it was a "total victory" for the president.

Trump doing a victory lap hit up Twitter. The response was in regards to her criticizing his manhood.

In her book, she referred his penis as a character from Super Mario Bros. She said it looks like Toad, the Mushroom helper in the Mario series.

That got Daniels and her attorney Michael Avenatti riled up.

They are practically telling all women that it's important to vote. They are saying to all women that Trump's appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is a disgrace.

They are saying that Trump's attacks on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) are sexist and racist. The imbecile mocked Warren on the campaign trail by labeling her Pocahontas. Warren claimed that her descendents have Native American blood. Trump even went as far to mock the actual blood test that confirms that some of Warren's family were raised Native American.

The Republican Party aren't running on the tax cuts. They are not running on Brett Kavanaugh. They are not running on the economy. They are running on the same old tired playbook Rush Limbaugh, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Matt Drudge, Fox News and Breitbart gave them.

They are focused on a culture war.

A desperate attempt to paint the Democrats and those who oppose Trump as a "mob."

Are you going to vote? (Expect the dumbest answers from trolls)

Yes. I'm voting Democrat.
Yes. I'm voting Republican.
No. I'm not voting.

Instead of worrying about the pending closure Sears and Kmart, they are working American up over David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez and their stance towards gun control.

Instead of worrying about the wages for working class Americans being stalled or falling, they are working Americans up over NFL players taking a knee and Colin Kaepernick being endorsed by Nike.
Trump hits back at former adult entertainer after she lost a federal lawsuit.
Instead of worrying about healthcare costs rising because of their ridiculous rollbacks of regulations and the deliberate meddling of the Affordable Care Act, they are working Americans up over the remarks of Maxine Waters, Kanye West, Corey Booker, Hillary Clinton and Christine Blassy Ford.

The Republicans want to keep their voters scared of change. Scared of people of color. Scared of Muslims. Scared of transgender Americans. Scared of immigrants.

It's another reason why it's very important that you vote.

These issues are distractions. They are working up people for the sake of click bait.

We believe Stormy Daniels had an affair on Donald J. Trump. We know. But for the world to focus squarely on the wins and losses is frustrating.

She like many of us are tired of the Republican Party questioning our values and patriotism. She along with Colin Kaepernick and Kanye West will not inspire millions to the polls. It's up to you!

They never voted in elections. Maybe this time they will. I don't know!

In order for the Democrats to take back control of the House and Senate, they are going to need all of us. Forget the die hard Trump supporters. They'll never be convinced he's a fraud.

We need to inspire people who never voted.





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