Friday, October 19, 2018

French Hill Is Serving A Coon's Picnic!

Black Republicans once again taint the urban radio stations with bullshit.
Frances Rice and Vernon Robinson are the chairs of the National Black Republican Association, a Black Republican group devoted to driving Black folks to the Republican Party through "revisionist" history and race-baiting advertising in urban communities.

This political action committee sponsored by Robinson is another attempt at stroking white voters to the polls. It's part of their desperate attempt to win the Midterms. Robinson is former city council member from Winston-Salem who tried to run for Congress numerous times as a Republican.

The Republicans are going back to the culture wars to win voters.

Instead of talking about the economy, they rather see voters worked up over opinions about Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh. The justice was confirmed despite three women coming forth with allegations he sexually assualted them while under the influence of alcohol.

They decided to make a splash in Arkansas. There is a political ad for Rep. French Hill (R-AR).

Listen to this ish

Black Americans for the Preisdent's Agenda is some political action committee that is targeting voters from urban communities. They are trying to soak discourse in this election.

Are you going to vote? (Expect the dumbest answers from trolls)

Yes. I'm voting Democrat.
Yes. I'm voting Republican.
No. I'm not voting.

"Our congressman, French Hill, and the Republicans know that it's dangerous to change the presumption of innocence to the presumption of guilt, especially for Black man," a woman says in the ad.
Democratic nominee Clarke Tucker and Rep. French Hill (R-AR) are neck and neck.
"If the Democrats can do that to a white Justice of the Supreme Court ....what will happen to our husbands, our fathers or our sons when a white girl lies on them?"

"Girl, white Democrats will be lynching black folks again," another woman replies.

"We can't afford to let white Democrats take us back to the bad old days of race verdicts, life sentences and lynchings when a white girl screams rape."

Another ad that hits the airwaves will claim that Planned Parenthood being racist and its founder Margaret Sanger being a killer of black babies.

"The Democrat don't care that black babies are three times more likely to die in abortion than white babies," a woman says.

The woman adds that Hill's opponent and the Democrats "hold Margaret Sanger up as a hero."

"Girl please, Sanger's no hero. Hmm. She created Planned Parenthood to exterminate black folks," she said.

Hill distanced himself from the radio ads but his opponent Clarke Tucker said that this is why it's important to vote.

Tucker was said that the Republicans are desperate. They are fully engaged in the "culture war."

Vernon Robinson said that he has no intention of removing the ads.

He wants to run them in St. Louis, Kansas City, Joplin, Indianapolis, South Bend, Chicago and Cleveland.

Robinson said that he doesn't care.

"All it hard-hitting. I believe the Me Too movement deserves every hit they take. Shifting the presumption of innocence to the presumption of guilt is very dangerous to black men."
Perennial loser Vernon Robinson wants to help Republicans win.
Are you getting tired of this ridiculous coon's picnic?

Trust me I am.

Are you already registered to vote?


You planning on voting?


Alright, I want to make this clear. In Donald J. Trump's America, you see how polarizing life is when you're a person of color.

They are talking about how they preserved the "status quo." The Republicans are using the same old tired playbook that Rush Limbaugh, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Matt Drudge, Fox News and Breitbart handed off to them.

The Republican Party is going to win on the culture war. Bringing up things to scare White voters has worked before and will continue to work if we don't get off our asses and vote this year.

But the Republican Party is far from the family values they've been peddling for years.

These incidents of white people calling the law on people of color is a perfect example of why we need to vote.





Restore sanity. Hold Donald Trump and Republicans accountable for their failure to govern. Hold them responsible for playing dirty politics and advocating the genocide of people of color through austerity, gun violence, voter suppression and fear mongering.

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