Another contentious year for President Barack Obama and Republicans. |
As the final two years begins for President Barack Obama, he delivered his State of The Union Address on Tuesday. He wants to go bold on his agenda. The Republicans didn't want no part of it.
They've shown it in repose. The Weeper of the House rolled his eyes, refused to stand up and clap and some of the Republicans heckled the president by having phones on. What got the junk food media's attention was not Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC). But a few of his fellow Republicans sneering and clapping when the president said that "he's done with campaigning".
The president went off the script and hit them with "I won both of 'em" response. The junk food media seized on that alone. Let's us not forget that the president wanted to pass a jobs bill, raise taxes on the rich, get affordable child care and college legislation passed, easing tension with Cuba, immigration reform, stalling sanctions to Iran, and authority to go after the Islamic State. He threatened Republicans with vetoes if they repeal the Dodd-Frank law and Obamacare. He warned them that the Keystone XL pipeline is not going to be approved if they can't pass other means of fuel and energy.
The insurgency and the newest Stallmigo Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) delivered the Republican response. I didn't hear much from the conservative agitators about it. So I am guessing it was a dud. But nonetheless, the fashionistas love the camouflage high heels she was rocking.
Republicans also used Establishment lawmaker Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) to do the Spanish version.
Congressman Curt Clawson (R-FL) delivered the Insurgency Repsonse. He was the idiot who made the news after he thought that American citizens testifying to a House Committee were from India.
Stallmigos Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) delivered their own responses to the president's speech.
Okay, the infighting between Republicans is beginning. The Republican Response is the official criticism of the president. These worthless lawmakers insult the Republican Party by doing these numerous and worthless responses. They all are on the same page. They hate Obama. We know that.
We're off to the beginning of an unproductive 114th Congress.