Buzzfeed tracks the most viral things happening across the world. The website leans liberal.
Today, what caught my attention was the Republicans struggles with Black and Hispanic voters. Tales of the failed minority outreach made by Republican chairman Reince Pribeus and the perennial loser Mitt Romney may have doomed the national party.
What has me thinking about the situation is pretty simple. Sure ignorance!
The very fact that many conservatives love to twist history in order to make condescending points to "why Blacks voter overwhelmingly Democratic" is a dead giveaway to the deficit you'll find in the Republican Party.
Basically a White conservative wants to talk us Black folk down!
For one thing, I've said it before and I'll say it again! The Republican Party is like cocaine. It contains 90% White, 10% other. The Republican Party in my opinion favors the White Evangelical men. It tends to favor the well off, the rich, the elite, and is extremely conservative.
The Republican Party caters to racism through a broad coalition of groups determined to keep a segment of the United States from intervening in the nation's affairs. Conservatives rally around the Republicans because the party caters to their single issue ideas and principles.
Conservatives are reactionary bigots who have a hatred of someone's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, education, religion, economic and political standings.
If you tell a Republican or a conservative how you feel about the party in general, they'll give a reactionary defense against being called a racist.
The conservatives will gin up the notion that they were the ones responsible for civil rights in America.
After all who would go around claiming Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican while slamming Congressman John Lewis (D-Georgia), the NAACP, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Joesph Lowery and Benjamin Jealous?
Republicans love to take credit in saying they've ended slavery, Jim Crow and helping pass the Civil Rights Laws.
They forgot the Democratic Party is the first to nominate the first Black candidate for president.
If it wasn't for Democratic presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Blacks wouldn't have all the opportunities for education, health care, voting rights and fair housing.
Yeah, I can credit moderate Republicans like Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and Abraham Lincoln for being popular among Black voters.
But they surely forgotten that it was Republicans who also ran every dirty trick in this past election to keep Blacks from voting. They're the ones who want to build gated communities to sovereign themselves from the Black community. Republicans keep Blacks away from their private establishments through the barrel of a gun.
Some of the most recent comments from conservatives show a strong dislike towards the Black community, the continent of Africa, hip-hop music and President Barack Obama.
They love to create websites that promote hate of Blacks. There's probably over 100 websites devoted to trashing the president, me, you and other Blacks.
Yet, let there be one Black person who creates one website that trashes White people. It's on the conservative blogs, Fox News or talk radio the next day!
White conservatives hate being called racist. All hell breaks loose and conservatives rally a reactionary defense! They'll say that "it's not us, but them!"
Yet, they want no political correctness. The conservatives would love to say NIGGER to a Black person's face, but they fear they may lose their job or get attacked by us. In the white conservative's mind, we're looked upon as "savages" and "gubmint dependents".
They rally a bunch of extremists with rhetoric painting Blacks as an enemy.
These individuals then in turn call the Black community with labels such as "monkeys", "inferior", "lazy", "low-intelligence", "sex-crazed" "animals" or "monsters".
Any comment section linked through WorldNetDaily, InfoWars, The Drudge Report, Twitchy, The Daily Caller, Fox Nation, social networking websites (i.e. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram) will have word vomit of racial slurs, Obama name dropping, faulty statistics of crime in Black/White areas, themes of rape and off tangent arguments to why they hate being labeled racist.
Black Republicans love to rush to the camera whenever there's an opportunity to trash President Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. In turn they'll spin this nonsense about urban areas are in decline because of Democratic politicans and Black leaders. They blame them over the bad parent or teenager who fails in society.
Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Allen West, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Alan Keyes, Jesse Lee Peterson, Alveda King, Armstrong Williams, Juan Williams, James Manning love to rally the White conservatives. They know if they can say something racist about Black people, they're not racist! They're just telling the truth only to a crowd of mostly White people.
Yet, we get mad at these individuals and call them "UNCLE TOMS", "TOKENS" and "SELL-OUTS" for speaking out against Black leaders.
Reince Prebius is trying to add flavor to the all White seasoning of Republican elites. |
I can tell you that the Republican Party inclusiveness will be their undoing. They've purged the moderates.
They've taken the side of conspiracy kook Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky). So they're now in the tank of a politician who believes the Civil Rights Act of 1965 was unconstitutional because it bothered the White owners who had a right to serve whomever they wanted.
With Mitt Romney about to appear at CPAC, many politicos in Washington wonder what went wrong with Romney. He lost every key demographic except for the White married family who lives in the suburbs or rural communities.
So the Republicans need a couple of tokens?
McKay Coppins of Buzzfeed wrote that Republican National Committee leader Reince Priebus used a Monday afternoon press conference to preach inclusion, outreach, and political redemption for his struggling party.
But too many of the people in the predominantly black, low-income neighborhood surrounding the church, the Republican Party was not yet done atoning for its 2012 sins.
Priebus came to the Christian Cultural Center — an evangelical church in East New York that boasts 29,000 members, and is headed by prominent black Republican Rev. A.R. Bernard — to participate in what a press release called an "African-American engagement and listening session." It was the latest stop in a national tour for the RNC chief, ostensibly intended to gather advice before the party releases its official campaign post-mortem next week.
Complimenting the church as a "beautiful, successful place of renewal and revival," Priebus quipped, "We're hoping to get a little bit of that at the Republican National Committee."
To pull off a Republican resurrection, Priebus said, the party would have to work hard to "make the sale" to African-American voters, who left the Republican Party in large amid the civil rights battles of the 1960s, and who President Barack Obama won with 93 percent in 2012.
Most Blacks believe that Republicans only cared about rich people. Those in Brooklyn never heard of Reince Priebus — but they had all heard of Mitt Romney.
And for most of them, Romney's candidacy was reason enough to steer clear of the Republican Party for the foreseeable future.
Maybe they should have keep that jive turkey Michael Steele!