The righteous Pauls, former presidential candidate Ron Paul, a former Republican Texas congressman is going to have a talk radio show. His son, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) mounted an epic filibuster in an attempt to stall the nomination of John Brennan for the CIA over manufactured conspiracies.
To compete in an industry saturated with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Ed Schultz, and Dave Ramsey, the former Congressman and his loyal cult followers find savior in the airwaves.
Ron Paul will be 77 years old this year, and he's been blessed to host a radio program. The radio show Ron Paul's America will be syndicated on March 18, 2013. It will be featured in two, one minute commentaries.
The syndicated show will be sponsored by Courtside Entertainment Group, LLC (formerly Westwood Radio). It just recently picked up Laura Ingraham, after a bitter fall out with Talk Radio Network.
To put to rest all the necessary means of failed presidential candidates who were perennial candidates. Look at Herman Cain who took over for conservative agitator Neal Boortz. Cain ran for higher office more than five times and still lost. Politicians who went media crazy included Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, Joe Scarborough, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, J.D. Hayworth, and numerous others in an all out war against those who don't agree with them.
I will admit this. I thought Ron Paul had great ideas. But unfortunately, he had bad ideas. And of course he has radical ties to groups that make it even harder say if his son Rand Paul, senator from Kentucky would run for president.
His son became a "folk hero" to the cult.
Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) held up the Senate's confirmation of John Brennan for nearly 13 hours on a filibuster.
Because he didn't like the answer Attorney General Eric Holder gave him when it came to drones being use in an attack upon the United States. Paul is on some "civil liberties" bullcrap.
He's following the conspiracy theories one too many times. He thinks that President Barack Obama is acting like Hitler and may use drones to strike missiles at a person at a coffee shop.
Republicans senators from the far right and one liberal senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) endorsed this horse manure.
The Republicans are slowly but surely falling into the trap. The Republicans are going to further themselves to the right wing with endorsements of theses lunatics.
There would be some here who troll for everything Ron Paul. You might be one of these supporters of this kook Ron Paul.
Ron Paul was an establishment candidate who's "KOOKY" ideas appeal to the broad coalition of pot smokers, disengaged conservatives and libertarians who hated that GOP crop of presidential candidates.
Surprisingly there are some easily fooled liberals who think he's all about ending the wars and legalizing marijuana.
But there are so many anti-Semitics who supported the Pauls. These individuals think that Israel is cause of the world's program. The isolationist strategy among White nationalists is a theme among the Pauls.
And even though the lower nations aid the United States in these goddamn wars, some extremists (the ones who appear on tax revolters, survivalist, conspiracy theorists and White Supremacists websites) believe that it's always us and not them.
This filibuster over the drone strikes in the United States is not going to happen and even though Attorney General Eric Holder gave him the information he needed, Senator Paul filibustered anyways. And these cult followers believed that people who disagreed with politician should "read the Constitution all the ways!"
Understand this: Ron Paul and Rand Paul have no major accomplishments.
This filibuster didn't stop the confirmation of John Brennan. It just gave the president and the Democrats in the senate more reason to push for filibuster reform. It also gave them a reason to blame the Republicans for all the problems with government.
Ron Paul retired with three failed presidential attempts and one freaking bill was passed by Congress under his sponsorship. Paul never had an endorsement that was worthy of media coverage.
If you support a fringe individual like Rand Paul for president, that's all you! He's not going to be a serious contender for president. He's too extreme even for Republicans. Maybe the Tea Party will support this!
But so do the White nationalist and extremists who believe 9/11 was inside job. Or maybe the current president is a Kenyan who worships Karl Marx.
Who would want to support a cult of ignorance?
I know that these cult followers will use "weed" smoking celebrities such as Snoop Dogg, Berry Manilow and Kelly Clarkson as props.
Guess what?
Snoop Dogg endorses President Barack Obama anyway. Hey, didn't Kelly Clarkson sing at the president's inauguration.
Well you cult followers can still prop Berry Manilow as a Paulite. After all he still sings and women love him.
This piece of shit Rand Paul is another showboater! Just like his dad, he can throw around the U.S. Constitution only when it's in his favor. Not understanding that for all the blood, sweat and tears, the American still aren't free and they'll never be if one Paul becomes the president
So having Senator Paul doing filibusters on presidential cabinet and judicial nominations was the talk of the week, but in reality it doesn't mean shit!
President Barack Obama got his confirmation picks.
Senator Paul fail victim to the conspiracies of Breitbart, Infowars and WorldNetDaily. If a potential candidate would believe Chuck Hagel (a former Republican senator) would support the "Friends of Hamas" and other groups from the made-up imagination of media folks, then he's not even on my radar as a potential candidate for president.
Once again for you for your information, we call him President Barack Obama.
Your disrespect of the first Black president also troubles me.
These cult followers will scream at the top of their lungs of how government is evil and such! But when asked where to go for all the "freedom", they never tell you! They'll continue an ongoing ramble about how we're not awaken to the "philosophies" of the Paul family.
What on earth thinks that Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul are "winning" every freaking time when they accomplish nothing?
Ron Paul has never became the Republican nominee. He wasn't the sacrificial goat. Lucky him.
As a perennial candidate he, Herman Cain and Alan Keyes will join the current perennial loser Mitt Romney in the dustbin of history's failed candidates.
So if Senator Rand Paul should run for president and lose the nomination and the reelection to a moderate Republican or even more conservative Republican, it would clearly give Paul one thing. A double whammy.
Ron Paul out of office is a good thing. Rand Paul in senate isn't a good thing.
They're just like those douchebags Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.
They swallowed the dog whistle the moment they've open their goddamn mouths!
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