Showing posts with label birther. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birther. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Obama Endorses Trump! Really?

President Barack Obama's lunatic half-brother endorses birther nut Donald Trump. The Republican nominee is embracing it.

President Barack Obama isn't supporting Donald Trump. Matter of fact, given the tense feud between the president and the Republican nominee, it's not likely Obama is in favor of a Trump presidency.

Well one member of the Obama family has endorsed Trump for president.

Malik Obama, the distant half-brother of the president endorsed Trump for president.

“I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart,” Malik Obama told The Post from his home in the rural village of Kogelo. “Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him.”

Fox News reports that the "life long Democrat" is throwing his support towards Trump. Malik is not a big fan of the LGBT community. He seriously hates them. He also hates his brother for killing dictator Moammar Khadafi.

One thing that Trump and Malik Obama have in common is their wives. Obama was married three times and had once had ties to Washington, DC and suburban Silver Springs, Maryland.

The president has numerous brothers and sisters. Even though they're not famous the Obama name is great in Kenya and here in the United States.

Trump being the ever eager opportunist tweeted his thoughts on the endorsement.

Remember Trump questioned President Barack Obama's birthplace. He was on the birther train along with that old fart Rush Limbaugh, Softball Hannity and internet creeper Matt Drudge.

Trump and Mike Pence will campaign as a pair and do a sit down with Softball Hannity.

It's kind of funny that Donald Trump is getting praise from a nobody who happens to have Obama's name. It's like he's actually taking pride in taking endorsements from criminals. Not saying much about Hillary Clinton and her supporters, but Trump has endorsements from White extremists.

For one thing, I love how the conservative media claims that this Kenyan is a "lifelong Democrat".

Every time someone in the news expresses either angst against the Democrats they're labeled a "lifelong Democrat". Or even in the wake of mass shootings, the conservative agitators will call the terrorist a "Democrat".

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Obama: All This Talk About "Radical Islam" Is Nonsense From Yapping Agitators!

Today, President Barack Obama addressed the junk food media. He said that he will be heading to Orlando to talk to mayor Buddy Dyer and the victims of the horrific mass shooting.

He also wanted to get a few things off his chest. He was pissed at Congress delaying his nominees (i.e. Supreme Court and Counter-terrorism finance analysis). He hammered Republicans for wasting taxpayer money stalling his nominees and failing to act on mass shooting tragedies.

And one thing that I happened to catch was the slick diss on conservatives complaining about the president not saying "radical Islam" and complaining about him "ignoring the threat".

Obama isn't mincing words. He said that Republicans and conservatives play political games. The term "radical Islam" doesn't stop terrorism.
Obama didn't mince words when he clapped.

I am so happy President Barack Obama hit back at Donald Trump, Matt Drudge, that old fart Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Softball Hannity.

In the previous interviews on Fox News, many agitators have ripped the president for not saying "radical Islam". I posted my thoughts on this controversy.

Saying "radical Islam" isn't fighting terrorism. It's a divisive phrase that could inspire the Islamic State to recruit more Americans to their cause.

The president is very clear that he's fighting terrorism not Islam. And he let Trump and the Republicans have it.

“What exactly would using this label accomplish? What exactly would it change? Would it make ISIL less committed to try to kill Americans? Would it bring in more allies? Is there a military strategy that is served by this?”

“The answer is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away.”

Obama stood firm. “Not once has an adviser of mine said, ‘Man, if we really use that phrase, we’re gonna turn this whole thing around.’ Not once,” he said.

Most of these terrorists were American-born citizens. They had access to firearms and were legally able to do so.
Trump is about play catch with Softball Hannity. Trump will address the president's diss on him.
Obama questioned whether Trump would eventually resort to treating Muslim Americans differently as well, possibly subjecting them to extra surveillance or discriminating against them based on their religion.

“Where does this stop?” he asked.

“Do Republican officials actually agree with this?” Obama continued, directly challenging Republican leadership to take a stand against Trump’s toxic proposals.

Circling back to his rejection of the term “radical Islam,” the president warned against rhetoric and policies that make Muslim Americans feel like they are constantly under suspicion.

“We have gone through moments in our history before when we acted out of fear, and we came to regret it,” he said.

The Republican presumptive nominee decides to take a moment from bitching to celebrate his birthday today.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Megyn Kelly Faces Trump Without The Knives Out!

Megyn Kelly, Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly And Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly Interview, Megyn Kelly Donald Trump Interview, What Time Is The Megyn Kelly Donald Trump Interview On TV Tonight, Megyn Kelly Presents Channel

Fox News's ambulance chase gets Tuesday night to premiere Megyn Kelly Presents....

Her special on tonight had a featured guest that once called her a "bimbo".

Donald Trump become one of Kelly's guest and they actually had a decent sit down.

Megyn Kelly Presents is featured on Fox. It's the first primetime debut on the network. It provided filler for the now canceled sitcoms Grandfathered and The Grinder.

This was a secret meeting at the time. Kelly was reportedly heading to Trump tower for an apparent truce with Trump.

Trump was fired up with Kelly. When Kelly asked the question about his offensive comments towards women at the first debate in Cleveland, she got hit up with death threats and attacks on her professionalism.

Trump devoted his social media to trashing her, the Fox News network and his old foe Rosie O'Donnell.

Trump is playing out of Roger Stone's dirty playbook. Trump is using the "guilt-by-association" nonsense to defeat Hillary Clinton.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Newt Gingrich: I'm Frankly Honored If Trump Picks Me!

Trump is considering a gasbag for his running mate.

The controversial presumptive Republican nominee is considering a washed up politician as his running mate. Would he pick him and risk a hail mary?

Newt Gingrich the failed 2012 Republican presidential candidate is being floated around as the possible vice presidential candidate to Donald J. Trump. 

Oh great, the guy who once called President Barack Obama, the "food stamp president". 

This washed up politician was once a House Speaker. He was part of the great Republican Revolution. He was the biggest headache to then president Bill Clinton. Now that his wife, former first lady Hillary Clinton is running for president, the Republicans are dusting off their old playbook to target her as an enabler of her husband's alleged affairs. 

Around that time, Republicans were hoping to have Bill Clinton removed from office after he lied about having an affair with intern Monica Lewinsky. The Republicans were pushing this "family values" nonsense. 

All the while, Newt was getting it on with a lobbyist named Callista Bisek. He was once married to a woman who was his teacher. He would have an affair on her with another woman who was an author of his crappy biography. He would deliver the news of a divorce to his first wife while being treated for cancer. After six years of marriage to his second wife, he would have this affair with this lobbyist who is currently his wife. She is 26 years younger than him.

Gingrich is a hack. He's a hypocrite, a serial cheater and moron. He needs to crawl back under a goddamn rock.

The "Contract with America" was a Republican pledge to destroy the middle class. The policies and laws passed by the Republicans created the gap that made the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Wood Berns!

Bernie Sanders is in this to the end.

Donald Trump is well on his way to capture the Republican nomination. The threats of a contested convention are over but the problems still exist within the party. The controversial billionaire managed to defeat the establishment. The last candidates to pull out were John Kasich and Ted Cruz. They both went down in defeat. They were upset that Trump's rhetoric doomed their opportunities to win the nomination.

Donald Trump is feuding with Paul Ryan, the Speaker of The House. The Wisconsin Republican congressman messed with the honey. Mama Grizzly is threatening to usurp the first term speaker.

Hillary Clinton is all but wrapped this up. There's just one problem. Bernie Sanders is still in the race and he's trying to cause chaos in Philadelphia.

Sanders is willing to take this to a contested convention. He has to win over 85% of the delegates in order to the become the Democratic nominee, but it hasn't stop him or his supporters. Sanders is a Vermont senator who is an independent who caucuses with the Democrats. A self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist, Sanders is 74-year old progressive who is winning the young voters one by one.

His supporters continue to rally around him and they're calling out the Democratic National Convention for playing dirty bull. The chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) is under fire for having the Democratic debate placed on low viewing nights and making the rules seem favorable for Clinton.

Clinton is also being trolled by the so-called Bernie Bros.
The FBI will question HIllary Clinton about her private server. 
She got roused by Bernie's supporters. The supporters often infiltrate the events of Clinton and Trump to protest their nominations.

I've heard of these die-hard Bernie Sanders supporters. These supporters are often trolling websites that support Clinton and Trump. The supporters would often attack the character of those who refuse to support Sanders.

Another thing, Clinton's biggest headache is the Republicans obsession with Benghazi. The special panel hearings on Benghazi aren't over. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) continues this charade well into the second year. This is the most expensive committee. It cost $20 million in taxpayer money. It's netted no smoking gun. Yet, Republicans and conservatives are hoping for Clinton to be arrested for emails.

This trolling has gotten on the president's nerves.

President Barack Obama said at a commencement speech at Howard University, that interrupting political events of politicos that you don't agree with isn't going to help. He said that that while dissent is a part of life, it's their right to have an event without interruption.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

No Likes!

Trump is getting hit with unfavorable ratings.

It's no surprise that the country doesn't really feel inspired to vote for any of the five remaining candidates running for president.

But the Associated Press got some bad news for the GOP and Democratic frontrunners.
Donald Trump by far has the most negative views about him overall. The junk food media says he's unfavorable with women, Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites. The White males who are the bulk of Trump's support is down as well. 

Hillary Clinton is coming right behind with negative favorability. She's considered dishonest and untrustworthy among the candidates. 

Ted Cruz is also negative. After all, many Republicans don't like him. He's has no real accomplishments as a senator. His bombastic rhetoric has turned off many Hispanics, Blacks and women.

Out of the negative is the few exceptions. Bernie Sanders and John Kasich. Sanders is the only one for the moment with a favorable ratings. Kasich is borderline. 

Not too many Americans know about Sanders to have an unfavorable opinion of him. Young voters are very confident in him. Older Americans aren't so much. They still resonate with the fear of "socialism" because of talk radio and other agitators.

Kasich has favorable approval in Ohio. But in the rest of the campaign, not much. Republicans are trying to stop Trump and they hope that Kasich could take away delegates from Trump to bring forth a contested convention. Conservatives hate Kasich because he's too cozy with President Barack Obama. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Ugly Side Of Politics Always Begins With Roger Stone!

Ted Cruz is squirming.

The Ted Cruz campaign is totally pissed at the allegations that the presidential candidate had numerous affairs with staffers and agitators in the media. They blame Donald Trump and his biggest supporter Roger Stone for spreading the rumor.

Ted Cruz singled out Trump and Stone for sending the story to the National Enquirer. The tabloid has been questioned before for shoddy journalism. But it's been actually on it when it came to Gary Hart, Gary Condit, John Edwards and Jesse Jackson having numerous affairs.

Ted Cruz spoke on it.

"I want to be crystal clear: these attacks are garbage. For Donald J.Trump to enlist his friends at the National Enquirer and his political henchmen to do his bidding shows you that there is no low Donald won't go. These smears are completely false, they're offensive to Heidi and me, they're offensive to our daughters, and they're offensive to everyone Donald continues to personally attack. Donald Trump's consistently disgraceful behavior is beneath the office we are seeking and we are not going to follow.

The National Enquirer published a story. It is a story that quoted one source on the record: Roger Stone, Donald Trump's chief political advisor. Let me be clear, this National Enquirer story is garbage. It is complete and utter lies. It is a tabloid smear, and it is a smear that has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen. It is attacking my family, and what is striking is Donald 's henchman, Roger Stone, had for months been foreshadowing that this attack was coming. It's not surprising that Donald Trump's tweet occurs the day before the attack comes out. And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has 50 years of dirty tricks behind him. He's a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him. And this garbage does not belong in politics. The National Enquirer has endorsed Donald Trump, has said he must be President. And so Donald, when he's losing, when he's scared, when Republicans are uniting against him, decdies to peddle sleaze and slime. You know, Donald is fond of giving people nicknames. With this pattern, he should not be surprised to see people calling him, 'Sleazy Donald'".

Thank god I slept through GOP Sundays. I normally get up to watch the Republicans make idiots of themselves on television. They get 3:1 coverage on Sunday shows.

Republicans are fighting over the immaturity of the campaigns. The Republicans are losing faith that Trump, Cruz and John Kasich could win the presidency.

With a pending brokered convention and the talk of Republicans not supporting the nominee, the odds of the civil war reaching critical mass is VERY LIKELY.
Mastermind of dirty, sexy, money. Roger Stone classics.
Roger Stone is a political sleazebag. He's the guy obsessed with President Barack Obama's birth certificate. He's the guy who toss Matt Drudge the Hillary Clinton coughing fits. He obsessed with allegations of Bill Clinton raping women while he was in the White House.

He's the guy who leaked the 2008 tape of John Kasich getting upset with a cop in Columbus, Ohio.

Many conservatives are split with this type of politics. If it goes against a Democrat, they in favor of all the dirty tricks. But if it goes against a Republican, then you're kind of split.

Glenn Beck, Mark Levin and many other conservative agitators in the junk food media hate Roger Stone and Donald Trump.

They believe that Ted Cruz is the only true conservative able to bring Republicans together.

They question Donald Trump's bombastic and fiery rhetoric. They seriously fear that Trump could damage the Republican Party for years.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

White Extremist Sucker Punches Black Man At Trump Rally!

The Republican Party diversity tour hits even more potholes. The potential nomination of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz is causing a huge rift in the Republican Party.

John Kasich and Marco Rubio vow to stop the rise of Trump and Cruz. They're struggling for a victory in states that are crucial to their campaigns. Ohio is the state where Kasich is the current governor of. A loss in his own state would damage his reputation and potential chances at running for other offices.
Trump looks the other way when violence happens at his campaign stops.
It's even more worse for Rubio. He retiring from the U.S. Senate and focusing only on his presidential ambitions. He's currently a senator from Florida and he's hoping that support would build up. Cause if he faces a defeat, it's going to be the potential end of his career as a lawmaker and his chances at potential could be marginalized by his defeat.

The Donald Trump campaign so far has attracted the most nastiest elements of America.

Trump looks the other way when his supporters act a fool. And now the junk food media is noticing and they fear that someone could be killed at these rallies.

I know protesters are nuisances to a politician's campaign, but they have the right to protest. It happens in politics when you're running for president.

Trump has broken every rule. His rallies are huge but lurking within his rallies are White extremists.
Geezer says that he would kill the protester if given the chance.
The White extremists are supporting Trump over the rest. They believe he's the only choice.

In Fayetteville, North Carolina, Trump was having a rally and a taping of that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity's program. A protester stood up with a sign and it riled up the crowd.

Well as usual Trump sends someone to escort the protester out. While the protester was escorted out, he was sucker punched by a White man who was at the rally.

A video posted by Ronnie C Rouse (@theronniec910) on

The extremist John McGraw was hit with aggravated assault. McGraw is accused of punching Rakeem Jones in the face as Jones was being led out of the rally by police.

McGraw is innocent until proven guilty. He may face at one to five in the iron college if found guilty.

You bet I liked it,” McGraw, wearing a cowboy hat, told the reporter. “Knocking hell out of that big mouth. We don’t know who he is, but we know he’s not acting like an American.”

The reporter asked McGraw if he deserved it and the 78-year-old responded, “every bit of it.”

McGraw added, “Yes he deserved it. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don’t know who he is, he might be with a terrorist organization.”

“Number one, we don’t know if he’s ISIS,” McGraw said.

White extremist Jeffrey Lord says that the protester deserved it. This was on CNN.

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Motor City Madness!

Hillary Clinton
Clinton greets voters.

It appears that Donald Trump's hold on the Republican Party is coming undone. The Republican front runner is competitive with Ted Cruz in many of the states that he's held a strong lead for the last three months. Marco Rubio's campaign is in danger. The calls for him to drop out. Say if Rubio wanted to run for governor of Florida, he would not succeed in winning it. If Rubio loses in Florida, his legacy is forever tarnished. He would be looked upon as the "one hit wonder".

John Kasich faces another huge setback. He put a lot of time into a state and yet it didn't net him a victory.

When we hear about the race in Idaho and Hawaii, we'll determine if the Trump holds onto his lead.

CNN projects that Donald Trump secures Mississippi. The race was a blowout. Despite the last ditch effort for Cruz with the Phil Bryant, the Republican governor, the Texas senator loses this one.

Trump secures Mississippi with 49%, Cruz 30%, Kasich 11% and Rubio with 10%.
Cruz is still in this. Being in second place isn't enough. You have to be in first place to gain momentum.
The Michigan primary is determining who's going to hold strength in the Republican race.

John Kasich follow the failed nominee Mitt Romney's call to stop Trump. Kasich is neck and neck in the race. So far, Trump is leading in the votes.

There's reports that staff is bolting from Marco Rubio's campaign. The Florida senator is dismissing this report and faulting Ted Cruz for spreading misinformation.

The Huffington Post and The Drudge Report projects that Donald Trump won Michigan with a comfortable 40%. John Kasich goes in with 24%. Ted Cruz 14% and Marco Rubio 8%.

CNN projects that Michigan goes to Donald Trump. A big victory for the Republican candidate.

CNN projects Hillary Clinton has won the Mississippi primary for the Democratic nomination. The former Secretary of State had trounced Bernie Sanders in this state. The Black vote and older voters turnout heavily for Clinton. But the younger voters turned out high for Sanders. Working class White voters have went to Clinton but will it matter since the state is deeply Republican.

Clinton won with 83% of the vote with Sanders netting 17%.
Trump is more harder than the Democrats thought!
Michigan primary for the Democrats is neck and neck. Sanders is leading in the polls. Clinton put a lot of effort into this state.

The Democrats already have a competitive race on them.

There is a statistical tie between Clinton and Sanders. Sanders was ahead in the polls.

Clinton's debate performance may have failed her. And the appearance on the Fox News town hall didn't help much.

Sanders may have won his biggest state in this election. That would make Florida extremely competitive.

Republicans are now panicking. They are losing this. The vow to stop Trump. Many in the junk food media have figured that Trump would take a loss in Michigan. It didn't go that way. Trump's healthy wins in two states that Cruz and Kaisch's failed in their quest to usurp the media mogul.

Trump is now talking coy about rivals former Republican team Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). Trump got a call from the former vice presidential nominee (now Speaker of the House) and he said that the conversation was friendly. He also said to Romney, that his plan failed to stop him. But he said that he's hoping that Romney changes his mind on him.

Trump is making note of the email scandal plaguing Clinton. Trump knocks Lying Ted and Little Marco. He said that they can say all the stuff about him, but it won't work against him. He also knocked Karl Rove and GOP donors for wasting all their money on him. He said they should have spent all that on Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Trump snarks at the reporter on political correctness.

Drudge mocks Marco Rubio yet again. He took the photoshop picture of a little Marco Rubio at CPAC.

 John Kasich tells the audience that his second place finish shows that he's still strong at winning the blue collar votes. He believes that his opportunity to secure a second place finish assures that Ohio will be sweeter.

Kasich is trialing Trump in Ohio by 10 points. The Ohio governor could face a pretty embarrassing defeat if Trump secures a strong victory in the primaries.

CNN still holds back the projection. They're waiting on Wayne County, McComb County and Kent County. The cities that represent the areas Detroit, Pontiac and Grand Rapids. Clinton is catching up.
Another defeat for Ohio governor John Kasich.
Sanders still holds a slim lead against Clinton. The results show that Sanders has 50% and Clinton has 48%.

Sanders does a presser. He says that this win was a victory for all the hard work. He also said that he's determined to stay in this race. Sanders knocks the critics for saying his campaign is over in Michigan.

Sanders is saying that the American public is tired of a rigged economy, a political class who spends millions to stay in power. He said that Americans (especially Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans) are tired of the unequal criminal justice that is served. He said that his campaign is a movement and a wake up call to Democrats who crowned Hillary Clinton the nominee.

Sanders also said that regardless of this, Ohio and Florida will be competitive.

Sanders sues Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted for allegedly blocking young voters who turn 18. Those young voters could have an opportunity to vote in the primaries and general election but they're still not at the age. It's going to federal court.

The Idaho primary so far is looking good for Ted Cruz. He is leading in the closing results.

CNN projects that Bernie Sanders won Michigan. He won 52% to Clinton's 47%.

Huge victory for the Vermont senator.

This makes Illinois, Ohio, Missouri and Florida even more competitive. Hillary Clinton got a long way to go!

CNN projects that Ted Cruz wins the state of Idaho.

Cruz wins the state by 52% while Trump got 32%, Rubio got 14% and Kaisch 2%.

CNN projects that Donald Trump won the Hawaiian Caucus. Trump won three states and Cruz won one. The Republicans are more enthusiastic about the elections more than the Democrats.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Drudge Turns On Cruz And Rubio!

Trump got a friend in Drudge.

Conservatives are mounting a war within itself. The Republican Party's extremist wing is going gaga for Donald Trump. The White extremists are down with Trump. David Duke, a former Grand Dragon of the Klan has endorsed Trump.

Another figure in Trump's corner, is the reclusive conservative agitator Matt Drudge.

Drudge joins Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jr., Joe Apraio, Dennis Rodman, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Alex Jones and Sarah Palin as fans of Trump.

Drudge is pushing kookspiracies about Hillary Clinton's health. He is trying to turn the narrative that Clinton's emails are as "HUGE" as Watergate.

His conservative Craigslist pulls 745,000 visitors a day. He is basically running the game in Republican politics. He's mainly responsible for the race stories and Trump themed stories.

Just a few moments ago.

Michael Tomasky of The Daily Beast is basically saying that Drudge is giving Trump favorable stories. Drudge is taking a populist stance towards politicians.

Is The Drudge Report In The Tank For Donald Trump?

Hell Yeah,  Matt Drudge Is A Cheerleader For Trump!
What! You're Crazy! The Drudge Report Is Fair To Ted Cruz And Marco Rubio!
I Rather Click On Conservative Review!
I Rather Click On The Huffington Post!
Poll Maker

Drudge is basically throwing Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson under the bus.

Trump is basically leading in a majority of the Super Tuesday primary states. Even in Texas, a state that Ted Cruz is devoting his entire campaign into, Trump is either leading or statistically tied to Cruz. The controversial senator is hoping that a key endorsement of Texas Republican governor Greg Abbot could slow Trump's lead in the state. He also facing a handful of birther lawsuits from kooks. Trump and Rubio managed to tarnish Cruz as a liar and it's stuck to him like glue.

Trump is leading in Florida, that's Rubio and Carson's backyard. The lead is huge and it's possible that Carson's implosion and Rubio's lousy record as a senator the reasons to why they're not even close to Trump.

Even in Ohio, Trump is beating John Kasich, the current governor of the state. Beetle Bailey Kasich, is hoping that people see him as the viable choice. After all, he's a "moderate". Kasich is being hammered for signing off a law stripping funds from Planned Parenthood. Also he is being hit for being a sexist for saying that women might as well be in the kitchen.

The Drudge Report is working overtime trying to get Trump nominated and elected as the president.

It's time to start treating Donald Trump as a threat to the nation. We can't allow this extremist win!

American Samoa Demands Citizenship Or Else Independence!

American Samoa is an unincorporated U.S. territory in the South Pacific Ocean. The territory is a chain of eight islands/atolls with the neighboring independent nation of Samoa to the northwest.

The capital of the territory is the town of Pago Pago.

The U.S. territory's governor is Lolo Matalasi Moliga who is an independent but aligns himself with the Democratic Party.

The U.S. territory is demanding American citizenship, voting rights and recognition. There are residents taking the matter into the Supreme Court.
Pago Pago is the capital of the United States territory of American Samoa.
Tuaua v. United States is being heard in the Court. What is being argued among the justices is the granted legal status of people born on U.S. soil. Those who are born in American Samoa are U.S. nationals, not citizens. They are denied voting rights, opportunities to apply for state and federal jobs if they choose to move to the mainland.

The Citizenship Clause of the U.S. Constitution provides that “All persons born . . . in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.”  Federal laws and policies that deny citizenship to people born in American Samoa violate this Clause and are unconstitutional.

I was interested in the matter when comedian/satirist John Oliver of HBO's Last Week Tonight brought attention to voting rights not being established in the U.S. territories.

Lene Tuaua is fighting for the right to be recognized as an American citizen. 
We The People's Project has invested heavily in this matter. Lene Tuaua was born in American Samoa. He served in the military and gave his life to the country.

Tuaua v. United States is a court case that originated when a group of American Samoans sued the State Department and the Obama administration. They sued to force the government to award American Samoans birthright citizenship, arguing that the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that anyone born in the United States is automatically granted citizenship.

The case originated as a complaint filed in 2012 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, and the case was docketed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in 2013. Briefs were filed in 2014, and an oral argument was made last year.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled 3-0 to deny birthright citizenship to American Samoans, ruling that the guarantee of such citizenship to citizens in the Fourteenth Amendment does not apply to U.S. island territories.
Republican congresswoman Amata Coleman Radewagen is the non-voting delegate from the U.S. territory of American Samoa. She became the first woman and Republican to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Attorneys filed a petition requesting that the Supreme Court of the United States review the Appeals Court's decision.

They are pressuring lawmakers in Washington to full grant citizenship to those living in American Samoa. They are pressuring Congress to grant full voting rights to all residents of the U.S. territories.

The residents on these territories aren't allow to vote for the President of the United States.

Did you know that 4.7 Americans live in the occupied territories administrated by the United States?

The District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands have U.S. Representatives who are non-voting delegates to Congress.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Birther Pastor Losing His Church!

Pathetic Black preacher James David Manning about to be kicked out of Harlem.

The controversial pastor who ranted that Barack Obama is the long legged "mac daddy" is about to lose his church.

James David Manning, a notorious Black preacher who is the founder of the ATLAH Worldwide Church is on the verge of having his building foreclosed. He has skipped bills and the New York state auditors are saying enough is enough.

Manning said that it's a "high tech lynching" and he vows to fight against the "sodomites" who run New York City and state.

Manning is an anti-gay preacher who once called for violence against gay couples after the Supreme Court ruled that human marriage is legal in the United States.

Manning owes $1.02 million through unpaid tax, unpaid water bills and general debts. He appears likely to lose his church which is due for public auction on February 24, 2016. The Ali Forney Center, a nonprofit organization providing transitional homes for homeless LGBT youngsters has reached its target of $200,000 to buy the church as of February 9, 2016.

What makes this so ironic, is that he gain national attention by appearing on YouTube attacking Barack Obama and his policies. He was given the honor of being on annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity and pushover Alan Colmes debate show.

He teamed up with Andy Martin, Orly Taitz and numerous kookspiracy theorists to denounce the president as an American born citizen.

He threatened to use force to prevent the activists from taking his church.

Monday, February 01, 2016

Cruz'n To Victory!

Republicans picks Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the Iowa Caucus.

Rafael Edward Cruz is the front runner. Shake ups in the elections as well.

As reported the results are in and one bombastic voice in the insurgency won the Iowa Caucus.

Congratulations to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for pulling off a victory in Iowa. The Iowa Caucus results are in and of course, many hardline conservatives are happy that Cruz pulled an upset against Donald Trump in the most bitterly fought race for the nomination.

The Canadian American politico beat back an onslaught of attacks from Trump, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Jeb Bush.

Overall, Rubio did well. He pulled a few points behind Trump. This third place victory assures that Rubio is in it for the long run. Also reported Democratic candidate Martin O'Malley and Republican candidate Mike Huckabee are out of the race. The two were polling so fucking low, it was totally a waste of time for them running given the atmosphere.

Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum and Jim Gilmore might want to exit the stage as soon as possible.

Trump's boycott of that right wing network during the final lap may have been a mistake on his part.

But never one to give up, Trump is pressing on to New Hampshire hoping to knock Cruz off his perch.

Cruz on the other hand is now proven to the Republicans he's no loser. His extreme rhetoric proven to be a success. He's at the forefront of repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). He said that he would "carpet bomb" the hell out of Islamic State. He said that the "Washington Cartel" will hate him even more now that he's won.

And now, he's got the title of being the front runner in this race.

O'Malley who had a struggling campaign was fighting for more debates and more airtime. Unfortunately the race focused on ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

So far, we have no clear winner in the Democratic race but it's a razor thin and a tough call.

Sanders is appealing to young voters. Clinton is appealing to older voters and working class Democrats.

This will be decided as soon as possible. We'll keep you posted on the results.

Obama To Visit A Mosque!

President Barack Obama to visit a Baltimore Islamic center.

No he's not a Muslim. He's a part of the United Church of Christ. You may remember that they were hand ringing about the president's former pastor Jeremiah Wright making the fiery sermons about the United States and god's law.

Well the White House announced that President Barack Obama will head to the Islamic Society of Baltimore to address religious freedom and acceptance.

President Obama has been criticizing increasing anti-Islamic sentiment in the United States.

"When politicians insult Muslims, whether abroad or our fellow citizens, when a mosque is vandalized, or a kid is called names, that doesn't make us safer," the president said during the 2016 State of the Union.

Fear of terrorist attacks on American soil has risen after attacks in San Bernardino, California, and Paris. And according to a study by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, attacks on mosques in 2015 were at the highest point since the group began keeping track in 2009.

But presidents visiting mosques is obviously nothing new. President George W. Bush famously visited one just 6 days after the attacks on September 11, in another attempt to quell intolerance.

"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam," President Bush said when he visited the Islamic Center at Washington D.C. "That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace."

I am expecting the Islamophobia to be off the hook from assholes like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Pam Geller will be in the spotlight again.

That annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity or that old fart Rush Limbaugh will likely bemoan about the president refusing to say the polarizing word vomit "radical Islam".

It will be splashed on Matt Drudge's conservative Craiglist.

Ann Coulter would use her Twitter fingers to attack the president on being a sympathizer to Muslims.

And of course it will be more dog whistle to Trumpublicans to question the president's birth or religion.

These clowns on that right wing network going right into him.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Trump Turns Birther On Cruz!

Donald Trump will go after Ted Cruz.

The friendly rivalry is going to get ugly now that the junk food media told the viewers that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is leading in one poll. Matter of fact, we've heard this before. When the candidate soars past Donald Trump, the junk food media says that this could spell trouble for Trump.

Cruz has soared to a 10 point lead against Trump according to one Iowa poll.

Trump usually ignores the noise and continues on with even more heated rhetoric.

Trump has been very "easy" on Cruz. Now that the Des Moines Register said that Trump tumbled to second place in the latest poll, Trump vowed to take Cruz down.

Trump banned the Des Moines Register after an editorial slammed the candidate's bid for president.

Trump said that this is only one poll and it's bias against him. Also Trump went after Cruz for not supporting ethanol subsidies in the state. Iowa is highly engaged in tax credits for green energy.

Trump will go after Cruz's record as an unaccomplished lawmaker who steals the spotlight. Trump will say that Washington gridlock is why Americans hate politicians. That's going to be the dig at Cruz because he lead the 2013 government shutdown.

Trump said that he has "far better judgement" than Cruz.

Tuesday's debate will have Trump in the middle while it's still a battle between Cruz, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Ben Carson for who can be the closest to attack him. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will likely be sent to the second tier debate.

Christie was endorsed by New Hampshire Union Leader. He is surging toward second place knocking down Rubio, Cruz, John Kasich and Jeb Bush.

Cruz was caught on tape knocking on Trump and Ben Carson for being just hype. He said that he will kill them with kindness. He said he will hug them out. Trump decided to take the gloves off.

Of course, Trump will go back to the dog whistle politics when he takes on Cruz. He will restart the birther controversy. Our neighbor to the north has been not often mentioned by Republicans when questioning Cruz's citizenship. Cruz is an American citizen but born in Canada. He was living in Canada for a few years of his life. His mom was on a travel visa and held duel citizenship.

Now as you remember, Trump wasn't easy on President Barack Obama. He demanded that the president showed his long form birth certificate. He pressured the president constantly on this.

In April 2011, the president went ahead and released the long form birth certificate. Obama also went after Trump at the Correspondent's Dinner. In May 2011, when The Celebrity Apprentice was holding its season finale, it was interrupted by the news that President Barack Obama the U.S. Special Operatives killed Osama bin Laden. The president spurned Trump many times. Trump banned the president from his properties.

Cruz is the son of a Cuban man and an American mother. He was born in Canada and holds duel citizenship with both countries.

That stuff will be used in this campaign not only by Trump but the birthers crowd like Orly Taitz and James David Manning.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Donald Trump Supporters Beats Down Black Lives Matter Activist!

Who is Trump going to piss off next?

It seems like The Donald wanted to ease tensions after a protester was roughed up at one of his rallies. He wanted to point out an ugly truth in the Black community. Unfortunately, he retweeted something that wasn't entirely right.
Regardless, they will stick to the script. 
He retweeted from the NewsNinja (aka Wayne Dupree), a Black conservative extremist who felt it would be actually right to point out "Black on whatever" crime.

Last year's FBI statistics show that the numbers in Trump's tweet are incorrect and appear to be aimed at perpetuating racist myths about black people and crime.

In 2014, about 82 percent of murders involving white victims were committed by other white people, while only 14 percent were committed by black people, according to the FBI.

Among murders involving black victims, just under 90 percent were committed by other black people, while 7 percent were committed by white people.

Crime experts have concluded that homicides are most likely to occur among people of the same race because people are usually murdered by someone they already know, and most people primarily know people of their own race.

The junk food media is buzzing about Donald Trump reposting this "statistic" on his official Twitter feed. This organization where he got this from doesn't exist.  Matter of fact, it's gotten the attention of #BlackLivesMattter.

The protester wore a #BlackLivesMatter shirt at a Birmingham event. Once he exposed it to the crowd, he got jacked up.

The Trump supporters gave him a serious beat down. Someone filmed it posted it on social media.

Trump's anti-immigrant and racist rhetoric is a hallmark of his presidential campaign and has incited racism from his supporters.
Still the front runner.
Trump subsequently defended the incident, calling the protester "a very obnoxious guy who was a troublemaker and he was looking to make trouble."

"Maybe he should have been roughed up," he said on Sunday.

Republicans and conservatives offer no real solutions to fixing America's problems. The only muscle being flexed by the candidates, the agitators and the lawmakers is their tongues.

Lack of  common sense, education and compassion are as American as apple pie.

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Ben Carson and the rest of the clowns running for the Republican nomination have no guts. They a bunch of cowards.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Trump Supporter Calls Obama A Muslim!

Trump supporters are just as crazy as he is.

I think we've reached our peak of Donald Trump coverage. The Trump campaign got some unpleasant supporters on them. A man who was a town hall boldly called President Barack Obama a Muslim who isn't even an American.

Trump didn't correct him. Matter of fact, he let him go forth without any correction. His staff will say that the man is a plant from either the Republican or Democratic hit-squad.

Trump is a notorious birther. He and many in the racist right have questioned the president's birth certificate and ran this nonsense about him being a Muslim.

This kind of stuff here is why the peak has reached. Many think that the supporter could have torpedoed Trump's lead.
Pants on Fire!
Liar, liar, you're pants on fire. Politifact denounced the supporter's claim of President Barack Obama being a Muslim.
Donald Trump declined Thursday to correct a questioner at a town hall event who incorrectly stated that President Barack Obama is Muslim and said he'd be "looking at" claims of terrorist training camps on American soil.

Trump, who has a history of making controversial remarks about immigrants and other groups, was kicking off a town hall event in Rochester, New Hampshire — his first since Wednesday evening's second Republican primary debate.

"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," said the first man Trump called on to ask a question. "We know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."

Trump, who was a driver of the "birther" movement that claimed Obama wasn't born in the U.S, first responded with feigned exasperation — "We need the question," he said, to laughs — but let the man continue.

"We have training camps growing where they want to kill us. That's my question," the questioner continued. "When can we get rid of it?"

Trump did not dispute the man's assertions and said he'd heard others raise the issue.

"We're going to be looking at a lot of different things. And you know, a lot of people are saying that, and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there," said Trump. "We're going to be looking at that and plenty of other things."

The incident evoked a moment during the 2008 campaign when Republican nominee John McCain took the microphone away from a woman who said she didn't trust Obama because he was an "Arab."

Trump's questions about the president's country of birth helped build his stature among some conservative voters and pushed Obama to release a copy of his birth certificate in 2011. But the billionaire businessman has distanced himself from the issue during his current run.

Trump's town hall, in a sweaty auditorium in Rochester, was also interrupted several times by a protester, whose outbursts were met by hostility from the friendly crowd.

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Trump And Cruz: Do You Want Wine With Your Cheese?

Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum.

The controversial pair head to steps of the Capitol with the half term governor, a washed up celebrity television star, and two right wing agitators to plead to the Republicans to kill the Iranian nuclear proposal.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Donald Trump are currently running for the nomination. They are doing their best to keep the agitation going. Joined with them, Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson and the three morons: Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Mark Levin.

Each of these agitators were just as bombastic as the two clowns running for president.

Trump hasn't turned birther on Cruz. The controversial senator is born in Calgary, Manitoba. He is born to an American mother and Cuban father in a foreign country. Yes, Canada is a foreign country.

Cruz, Glenn Beck and Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX)
Trump still leads in the field. Ben Carson is in second place and Cruz is either tied in third or fourth with Carly Fiorina.

Cruz is an unaccomplished politician who pisses off Republican leaders. His combative and unabashed principles are what's destroying the remaining amounts of bipartisanship in Washington.

Many Republicans quietly and sometimes loudly mock him for being a "pain in the ass." House Weeper John Boehner (R-OH) once told some his buddies that Cruz needs to "shut the fuck up".

This has brought his stock up. He was in eighth place. The Kim Davis fiasco and this event may inspire the extremist to support him. He surged to top-tier standings.

The Tea Party Patriots (the group responsible for aiding insurgent candidates) hosted this event.

The Republican rally is the last ditch attempt to keep focus on opposing an already settled matter.
Controversial agitator Mark Levin speaking at Washington DC rally.
The matter is done. Republicans once again are on the losing side of the debate.

The president won the month yet again. President Barack Obama worked during his August break to wrangle up most of the Democrats. He managed to get 42 out of 46 Democratic senators (include independents Angus King and Bernie Sanders) to block any Republican counter proposal or resolution blocking the Iranian deal.

The Republicans didn't even read the proposal. All the Republicans done during the 60 day period was take a vacation.

This comes on the heels of the conservative outrage at Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's social media outburst. They are outraged that Khamenei went to Twitter to blast Israel and Republicans for threatening his country. He said that Israel won't last for longer than 25 years if they attack his country.

The president had called Iranian president Hussan Rouhani in 2013. He wanted to make a deal with the Iranian president. He told him that if they would cease the nuclear enhancement, the United Nations will lift the sanctions.

I won't be able to fit all the nuts in but I will say that Trump, Cruz, Palin, Beck and Levin were the headliners. Also Phil Robertson, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), former lawmaker Michele Bachmann, and Breitbart agitator Joel Pollak were in featured speakers.

Trump, Cruz and Palin were be featured. Find the rest on CSPAN or YouTube. I couldn't stomach the bile.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Clash Of The Egos: Trump Eases Up On Megyn Kelly For Now!

Still leading in the polls. The Donald settles feud with the network that gave him a reason to believe President Barack Obama's birth certificate being forged.

The feud with the network that believes Hillary Clinton will end up in federal time out has made peace with The Donald.

Donald Trump and Chief Roger got into a discussion room and worked out their differences. The differences was its star anchor Megyn. For you see this little dust up gotten a whole lot of media attention.

Megyn The Outrage Princess came under heavy criticism from conservatives for giving Trump a pointed question at the train wreck in Cleveland. Over 24 million people watched 10 candidates word vomit Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's name over 100 times. The kiddie table was watched by 7 million. The remaining candidates were debating to a nearly empty Quiken Loans Arena.

Megyn faced some death threats and calls for her to not moderate any other debates.

The question was a trip up on his controversial statements about women. Trump basically blasted her for giving him a question that has no place in the real discussion.

So for the last week, Trump has went on every network to discuss his latest attack on Megyn.

He said that she had blood pouring out her eyes and whatever. Some called it a jab at woman's menstruation and found it to be sexist.

Some were writing off his campaign. Matter of fact, RedState founder Erick Erickson tried to isolate Trump from the gathering in Atlanta.

Then Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Rick Perry, Carly Fiorina and Rand Paul got their chance at attacking Trump. So far, Carly rose up, while Bush, Walker, Perry and Paul all took nosedives.

Chief Roger settled with Trump.
The nosedive is so bad, Perry is almost broke. He is hiring volunteers and limiting his stops. Some are predicting he may be the first man out!

Paul the most fiercest critic, labeled Trump, a "phony" conservative and a plant for Hillary's reelection bid. Paul who was considered 4th place is now in 8th place.

None of this stuff worked.

Even Hillary made a jab at Trump and it took her down a notch. Now the concern trolls are crowing over the fact that Bernie Sanders is leading in New Hampshire according to one poll.

The network that devotes 80% of the news reports to Hillary's personal server was about to go to war with the controversial business and media mogul.

All of that was settled. But at what cost?

Megyn being thrown under the bus. Some insiders believe that the matter was a shouting match.

Brian Steler of CNN's Reliable Sources reported that they will never talk about it but it was pretty ugly. On the ensuing phone call, there was "very blunt" talk from both sides, including Ailes' warning of war, two of the sources said.

There was an "instant understanding between two titans that this was over," one of the sources said. Trump wouldn't apologize, Megyn wouldn't apologize, but both sides would move on.

Trump tweeted about the phone call right afterward and said he'd been assured that "'Trump' will be treated fairly".
Megyn lead the 9pm spot. She got promoted to the spot. That annoying conservative agitator was demoted. He's been bitter about it since. He and Steve Doocy's Playhouse got access to Donald Trump. Trump's appearance on the 10pm show drew more than Megyn. 
The sources for this story contradicted New York magazine's assertion that Chief Roger called Trump repeatedly and "begged" the candidate to tweet that they'd settled their feud. "Neither of them would beg for anything," one of the sources said.

For you see, Trump went to the most annoying conservative agitator's program for his interview post Megyn. It drew in ratings and gave him the victory. You know that that annoying agitator is still pissed that he was demoted to the 10pm spot after being on that spot for 16 years. He was taking glee in watching Megyn take heat from critics.

The 10pm show rakes in less than 800,000 viewers in the money demo. Megyn's 9pm show takes in 2.4 million in the money demo. The money demo is 25 - 54 age group. People usually watch the 10pm local agitator than that annoying conservative agitator.

Megyn was rated one of the best in Mediaites Best of  2014. That annoying agitator overwhelmingly became the worst media personality to ever host a show. He is right on his way for a second title.

Trump is still leading in the national polls. Its leveled off but so far, the largest lead is still active.

So if sexism, racism, calling him a liberal and shaming of veterans couldn't stop him, what will stop Trump?

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Barack Obama: It Feels Like I'm Home...

Why not? They never gonna believe anything he tells them.

The president is now in Ethiopia on his tour of Eastern Africa.

During his trip to Africa, he visited the Republic of Kenya. That's the home of Barack Obama, Sr. the reclusive father of the President Barack Obama.

The president didn't get many opportunities to see his father, but he loved him and his large family.

See the birther crowd (ah hem, Donald Trump) have often accused the president of being born in Kenya instead of Hawaii.

The racist right often have bait the stick with this nonsense of the president's birthplace. Some believe the birthers have racial extremism in their views.

The birth certificate issue is still an ongoing thing. Although, the birther crowd is not as active as it was during the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, Republicans have often thrown the notion that Barack Obama isn't one of us.

Republicans are seething once again about the president taking vacations on the taxpayer dime.

Of course, since he doesn't give two fucks about their complaints, he decided to poke a little fun at their ongoing obsessions.
The live birth certificate. To this day, some kookspiracy theorists believe that President Barack Obama forged this.
He joked about the birth certificate.

"I suspect that some of my critics back home are suggesting that I'm back here to look for my birth certificate. That is not the case."

The president trip to Kenya marks a first. No president ever visited the East African nation. Barack Obama has made it possible. He visit his step-grandmother Sarah Obama, his sister Auma and their families.

The trip was heavily detailed. Due to the threats made by al-Qaeda's sub group al-Shabaab and Boko Haram, the U.S. Secret Service shuts it down hard. The president entourage was bigger than normal.

Obama's visit was to encourage investment in America. the fight against terrorism, and LGBT rights.

He also aimed at President Uhuru Kenyatta for allegations of corruption and his stance on gay rights.

The president heads to Ethiopia to met President Mulatu Teshome.

The president will be heading back to the United States on Tuesday night.


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