Showing posts with label Tom Cotton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom Cotton. Show all posts

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Bob Schieffer Retires From GOP Sundays!

GOP Sundays won't be the same without Bob.

GOP Sundays will be short one. For now. CBS announced that the longtime host of Face The Nation is retiring in the summer. Bob Schieffer confirms that he's done and he'll be out before Fall quarter.

I am guessing CBS will either place Norah O'Donnell and Major Garrett in the chair.

I am even betting on NFL commentator James Brown becoming the predecessor of Face The Nation.

Bob Schieffer delivered the news to his alma mater at Texas Christian University.

He joined the CBS team when he was a young cub reporter. He was working for CBS Radio before he joined the news room. Schieffer is one of the few journalists to have covered all four of the major Washington national assignments: the White House, the Pentagon, United States Department of State, and United States Congress. His career with CBS has almost exclusively dealt with national politics.

Bob was a big player in the presidential debates. He was the moderator for the 2004, 2008, and 2012 U.S. Presidential Debates.
I am wondering how more times will Schieffer give airtime to these Republican lawmakers. McCain and Graham are two senile lawmakers who believe that the key to peace is more war. They oppose the Six Power deal to disarm Iran.
He's interviewed Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

He's hosted fixtures such as Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). These lawmakers have appeared on GOP Sundays more than most lawmakers.

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) is the retiring. The Minority Leader is passing the torch to either Durbin or Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Schumer is going to be a thorn in the president's proposal for ending nuclear weapons in Iran.

McCain is going to run again. It may be a whole lot easier now that J.D. Hayworth is spending more time on Newsmax than on a rematch. McCain faced a tough primary, Hayworth was the insurgent candidate who wanted to kick the geezer out. His former running mate, the ex-governor of Alaska hasn't decided on running for the clown car or her old friend's spot.

Graham already fired his shots at perennial candidate Hillary Clinton. He's thinking about jumping into the clown car. He is aiming not only at Clinton but Stallmigo Rand Paul (R-KY) on foreign policy.

Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Sen. Bob Menandez (D-NJ) are trying to screw the president over. The Tennessee Republican and embattled Democratic senator is trying to pass legislation requiring the president goes to the Senate before they can confirm a deal with Iran.

The Six Global Powers have compromised a peace deal with Iran. Conservatives are trying to undermine the peace deal as "weakness". The Republicans lawmakers led by Mitch The Turtle (R-KY) and Weeper John Boehner (R-OH) are trying to screw the historical deal.

They're too busy sucking Benjamin Netanyahu's log. Netanyahu is giving these two and Sen.Tom Cotton (R-AR) the business. Hope he's wearing a condom when he's giving them anal hurt.

Hopefully Bob Schieffer gives more airtime to the Democrats during his last five months holding the chair. But I'm not holding my breath on that one.

Monday, April 06, 2015

Rand Paul Should Be The CEO Of Planter's! He Is Certainly A Nut!

According to the sources, Stallmigo Rand Paul (R-KY) is going to formally announce his bid for the Republican nomination.

As predicted, the Paulites will come forth to swamp the blogs, the comment sections and unscientific polls with Stand with Rand '16 bullshit.

Randal Howard Paul was born on January 7, 1963, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Paul is the son of former Texas lawmaker and perennial loser for president Ron Paul of Texas.  Paul attended Baylor University and is a graduate of the Duke University School of Medicine. Paul began practicing ophthalmology in 1993 in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and established his own clinic in December 2007.

Paul shot to fame in 2010 when he beat the Republican establishment in a bitterly fought primary.

Mitch The Turtle (R-KY) and many establishment lawmakers were opposed to Paul at first. But they seem to make nice with him whenever they're in front of cameras. He would win the senate seat.

Since then he's done nothing for Kentucky. I mean there's a bridge between Cincinnati and Covington, KY that needs a huge make over. I betcha that Paul has no intentions of getting that fixed.

Paul lives in Bowling Green, KY and is a trained ophthalmologist. He is married to Kelley Ashby and has three sons. Paul is co-author of a book entitled The Tea Party Goes to Washington, and also the author of Government Bullies: How Everyday Americans Are Being Harassed, Abused, and Imprisoned by the Feds.

Paul was included in Time magazine's world's 100 most influential people, for 2013 and 2014.

I am allowing the trolls to soapbox on Journal de la Reyna. They will attack us. The best advice when dealing with Paulturds is basically ignore them. Delete the comments and move on.

Since this is a relatively Black blog that talks about politics and issues in the Black community, expect these Paulturds to make references to civil rights and why Blacks should support Paul.

If you ask me about him, Rand Paul should be the CEO of Planter's. Because he's certainly a nut!

He's not looked upon as a serious candidate. GOP Sundays favorite son, Lindsey Graham (R-SC) already fired a shot at Paul.

Graham said that Hillary Clinton could do a better job at negotiations than Obama and Paul. The whiner is considering his chances at running for the clown car.

Tell that to the Paulturds. They will crap their pants if you insult the nut!

You may hear doom and gloom rhetoric from the Paulturds. They'll say that if you refuse to support him, America is doomed.

The word vomit usually involves rhetoric like the New World Order, American Liberties being stolen, the Constitution, 9/11 Was a Inside Job, End The Fed, and a whole lot of kookspiracy whenever you are debating a Paulturd.

Like fellow Stallmigos Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Marco Rubio (R-FL), Paul is running for the AM dial.

Because most of the crap that comes out of these insurgents mouths is bullshit. When asked what they can do to improve the economy, defend our borders, tackle social issues, these three vomit Obama.
The conservative Craigslist giving the nut glowing coverage.
Conservatives hate when them lefties blame Bush for the woes of America. It seems like they've done their fair share of blame Obama and leading the way is Rand Paul.

Paul is by far one of the worst. He is practically a leading figure in Blame Obama campaign.

Everything proposed or signed by the president was met with criticism by Paul. He says that Obama (and Hillary Clinton) have blood on their hands after the Benghazi fiasco.

Paul wants former IRS head Lois Lerner locked up for allegedly targeting insurgency groups.

Paul along with Rubio and Cruz signed the letter warning Iran that the U.S. will ignore the treaty and threaten war against the country if they continue producing nuclear weapons. The letter sponsored by Stallmigo Tom Cotton (R-AK).

Paul claims he's all about that "liberty, freedom, and no war" nonsense. He plays the Libertarian on television. But in the Senate, he's lockstep with the party and plays the extremist whenever he's given the floor.

His biggest achievement as a senator is his filibuster of the CIA nominee John Brennan. He wasted 12 hours bitching about the CIA-drone program. He claims that President Barack Obama could use them on Americans.

Of course, Paul flipped the script when it was revealed some American-born Islamic State militants were bucked. He's all about droning the militants if they're scary Muslims.

Under pressure, he flips, flops, and backtracks. He is extremely inconstant.

Paul and Cruz have no legislative accomplishments. None.

They've spent the least amount of time as lawmakers in the senate.

Their excuse for the least amount of time in the senate. Barack Obama.

Since Barack Obama had at least three years as a U.S. Senator, conservatives conclude that he's too inexperienced and was unprepared for the job.

Cruz and Paul will use this excuse whenever confronted about their lack of legislative accomplishments.

If you want to compare Barack Obama's day's as a senator to these two. Look at the Wikipedia website and click this link. Obama as a senator sponsored, co-sponsored and proposed bills. Several of them became laws when George W. Bush signed them.

How many conservatives will dismiss this as liberal lies?

How many people are going to say that Wikipedia allows "anyone to edit it"?

Friday, April 03, 2015

Spring Backwards!

Since Republicans took full control of Congress, we've seen the beginning of a weaken economy. The president will continue to issue executive orders to get the ball rolling.

Well, we're in the first two months of a full Republican controlled Congress. Since they've taken control of Congress, we've expected that the job market was to start stalling. I am proven right.

The month of March netted less than 126,000 jobs giving this Spring quarter weak growth. That means the unemployment number will stall at 5.5%

Numerous factors come forth. Weather. 

We've experience a rough Winter in the month of March. Many of the factors according to the AP include a weakened U.S. economy. 

The Labor Department says the unemployment rate remained at 5.5 percent. Economic growth has been hammered this year by winter weather, factory slowdowns and lackluster construction activity. The manufacturing, construction and government sectors each shed workers, while hiring at restaurants plunged from February.

Job gains in February and January were revised down by 69,000.

Wage growth remains modest. Average hourly wages rose 7 cents to $24.86 an hour in March.

Past job growth along with cheaper gasoline has yet to significantly boost consumer spending. A continued deceleration in hiring could delay the Federal Reserve from raising interest rates mid-year.

This ends the longest streak of over 200,000 jobs.

See Republicans haven't passed legislation that offers incentives to businesses, a jobs bill,  a student loans bill and unemployment benefits. Things that the spineless Democrats were going to pass until they got fired out of the cannon.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Religious Freedom Anchors The Ark!

Arkansas Republicans passed its version of religious freedom law and its state governor Asa Hutchinson will sign it into law despite outcry from activists and Walmart.

Governor Mike Pence (R) of Indiana is under intense pressure after he signed into state law this Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a bill that could protect bigoted business if they ban LGBT and non-religious residents. The law would be seen as a backdoor to outright discrimination.

Pence signed it into law last Monday and has been under fire since its signing.

National companies and even the city of Indianapolis' Republican mayor have called upon Pence to reconsider his decision. Pence has no intentions to call for a repeal of the law. However he's going to try to put a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound. He call upon Indiana lawmakers to amend the law to make it clear that no business shall be allowed to discriminate against anyone in his state.

Of course, the damage is done. Many entertainers, state governors and the NCAA have already threatened to bail out on Indy.

With the national championship game for Division I basketball being held in the state. Many athletes from both men and women's college basketball have quietly barked while allowing the coaches and board leaders bite.

Take it about 580 miles down to Little Rock where Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson will sign his state's version of Religious Freedom Restoration.

About a few months into his term, Hutchinson sparked controversy. Hutchinson, a former congressman and attorney for the NRA won the governorship in 2014. He's from a political dynasty that carries from Fort Smith all the way to Washington, DC.

The Huffington Post reports that Walmart, a stable of Arkansas' economy isn't pleased with this decision. The Bentonville-based company has called for Hutchinson to not sign the law.

The bill cleared the Arkansas Legislature and now heads to the governor's desk, where it is expected to be signed. Like the Indiana law, the Arkansas legislation allows a person who feels his or her exercise of religion has been “substantially burdened” to cite that argument as a claim or defense in a private lawsuit. The legislation also grants corporations the right to religious freedom. This language is not in the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), and critics say it could be used to override existing anti-discrimination protections.
Walton's 5-10 store is the first Walmart. Its location is in Bentonville, Arkansas. The area seen a rise in growth. Bentonville and Fayetteville are growing cities. The University of Arkansas, Walmart corporate headquarters sit on the Insterstate 49 corridor. The interstate replaced Interstate 540 and it will eventually travel from Kansas City to Lafayette, Louisiana.
"The Arkansas and Indiana bills are virtually identical in terms of language and intent,” said Sarah Warbelow, legal director at the Human Rights Campaign. “They place LGBT people, people of color, religious minorities, women and many more people at risk of discrimination.”

Earlier in the week, Arkansas lawmakers also tried to head off concerns about that state's bill, approving language that says “the General Assembly finds that it is a compelling governmental interest to comply with federal civil rights laws.”

However, according to Eunice Rho, advocacy and policy counsel at the ACLU, federal civil rights laws have no explicit protections for LGBT people, and this legislative finding -- while helpful -- is not part of the law. “If the Arkansas Legislature is serious about preventing discrimination, they need to write it into the actual code,” she said.

“We would like to see both Indiana and Arkansas adopt language clarifying that the state RFRA cannot be used to undermine federal, state or local non-discrimination laws," Warbelow said.

During Monday's committee hearing, some lawmakers raised concerns about the bill being inconsistent with federal and state RFRA laws when it comes to protecting civil rights. Some proposed a simple solution: adding a non-discrimination disclaimer to the legislation.

"It's not a philosophical debate with me at this point. I think we're going well beyond the other states," said state Rep. Camille Bennett (D), who ultimately voted against the bill.

But the bill's author, state Rep. Bob Ballinger (R), said its language was staying put, and that it would be too confusing to try to define what constitutes discrimination.

"If that means that you can force somebody who has deeply held religious beliefs to engage in some activity that violates their deeply held religious beliefs, and that the state has the right to force them into doing it, I can't say that I do agree with that," he said.

Arkansas is about to enter the same minefield that Indiana has been trapped in since Pence signed his religious freedom bill last week. In Indiana, major companies like Twitter and the NCAA, as well as celebrities like Apple CEO Tim Cook and Miley Cyrus, have spoken out against the law.

In Arkansas, both Walmart and Acxiom, a big data company, have spoken out against the legislation. The Democratic mayor of Little Rock also warned Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) on Tuesday that “any piece of legislation that is so divisive cannot possibly be good for the state of Arkansas and its people.”

But Hutchinson appears unfazed by these concerns. Last week, he vowed that he would sign the legislation: “Arkansas is open for business, and we recognize and respect the diversity of our culture and economy,” he said in a statement.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gun Show Vendor Got Them _________ On The Run!

The vendor probably visited the white extremist shitholes. This was the first thing Google managed to dig up.

Are we done with the not so subtle racism?

A gun show vendor will be booted at the next session says promotional staffers.


He's probably doing this stuff for years and no one seemed to care! That's until the media got into it.

For you see this nonsense was on one of these stupid White extremist websites. This was a real hoot for them ignorant White people.

I wonder if we start making offensive caricatures of White people!

Would that FN network and them conservative agitators make noise about it?

Sioux Falls, South Dakota residents are gripping with racism in their community.

KSFY reporter covers the event. I guess he decided to peep the gun show. And what happen to catch his eye, a sheet saying Official Runnin' NIGGER Target.

Of course the reporter confronts the dealer and asked him if this was appropriate.

"Why aren't they?" the vendor said. "They're just targets."

"Aren't they offensive in nature?" the photographer asked.

"To who? Are you a negro?" the vendor said. "You know there's some black people and then there's some negroes."

The unidentified vendor also added that he'd "sold 500 of them this weekend so what difference does it make?"

Gun show officials were adamant about the fact that they didn't approve of the offensive targets.

"We don't condone such things at our shows and this problem will be taken care of," Daethal Dockter, a member of the gun show's board of directors said.

The gun show's organizer, Bob Campbell, said he was "disgusted" by the vendor's attempt to sell the racist targets.

"I'm very disappointed and disgusted to see what was on that table," Campbell said. "I was not aware that it was there or it would've been gone. … I will not see it again at this show."

I am guessing he winked and nodded at the guys in the background. Because I betcha that vendor will be back and he'll probably have President Barack Obama in some anti-Black memorabilia.

Bibi And Things!

American conservatives helped elect Israeli politico Netanyahu win a fourth term. The controversial Israel prime minister had eek out a victory.

Looks like Israel is going to have six more years of Benjamin Netanyahu as their prime minister. In the latest turn of events, it seems like Isaac Herzog couldn't muster enough support.

The controversial prime minister vow to end peace talks with Palestine and keep pressure on the U.S. lawmakers to stop President Barack Obama from making a deal with Iran. He will continue to sabotage relations with the U.S. and Britain. He vows to continue settlements in the West Bank. He will continue to invoke fear of Iran getting nuclear weapons.

This may derail nuclear talks between the six nations and Iran. This latest development in Israel has already have the White House and its foreign allies wondering if Netanyahu's hard line stance may damage any chances of peace in the Middle East.

This strong challenge may have not soften Netanyahu. It probably made him more extreme. It could also make him more of a threat to the world.

But with the sides nearly evenly divided, a victory by Netanyahu's Likud Party still was not guaranteed. His chief rival, Isaac Herzog of the Zionist Union, said he would make "every effort" to form a government, and an upstart centrist party led by a former Netanyahu ally-turned-rival was set to be the kingmaker. The country now heads into what could be weeks of negotiations over the makeup of the next coalition.

Both Netanyahu and Herzog will now compete for a chance to form a coalition that commands a majority in the 120-seat parliament, a daunting task in Israel's fractured political landscape. Netanyahu appeared to have a better chance of cobbling together a government with right-wing and religious parties that he calls his "natural allies." Herzog would have to appeal to more ideologically diverse parties.

The AP reports that both parties will likely need the support of Moshe Kahlon, whose new Kulanu party captured nine or 10 seats, according to polls. Kahlon, whose campaign focused almost entirely on bread-and-butter economic issues, refused to take sides.

"I am loyal to my way," he told his supporters, saying he would work to form a government committed to social justice.

The election was widely seen as a referendum on Netanyahu, who has governed the country for the past six years, and recent opinion polls had given Herzog a slight lead.

As the results were announced on the nation's three major TV stations, celebrations erupted at Likud's campaign headquarters in Tel Aviv.

"Against all the odds we obtained a great victory for the Likud," Netanyahu told the gathering. "Now we must form a strong and stable government that will ensure Israel's security and welfare," he added, in comments aimed at Kahlon.

He said he had already been in touch with all other nationalist parties in hopes of quickly forming a coalition.

Netanyahu focused his campaign on security issues, while his opponents instead pledged to address the country's high cost of living and accused the leader of being out of touch with everyday people. Herzog also promised to repair tattered ties with the U.S. and to revive peace efforts with the Palestinians.

At a rally of his supporters, Herzog vowed to do his utmost to form a government and said he too had reached out to potential coalition partners. In a nod to Kahlon, he said he was committed to forming a "real social reconciliation government" committed to lowering the country's cost of living and reducing gaps between rich and poor.

Netanyahu's return to power would likely spell trouble for Mideast peace efforts and could further escalate tensions with the United States.

Netanyahu, who already has a testy relationship with President Barack Obama, took a sharp turn to the right in the final days of the campaign, staking out a series of hard-line positions that will put him at odds with the international community.

In a dramatic policy reversal, he said he now opposes the creation of a Palestinian state — a key policy goal of the White House and the international community. He also promised to expand construction in Jewish areas of east Jerusalem, the section of the city claimed by the Palestinians as their capital.

Netanyahu infuriated the White House early this month when he delivered a speech to the U.S. Congress criticizing an emerging nuclear deal with Iran. The speech was arranged with Republican leaders and not coordinated with the White House ahead of time.

In Washington, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama was confident strong U.S.-Israeli ties would endure far beyond the election regardless of the victor.

The Palestinians, fed up after years of deadlock with Netanyahu, are now likely to press ahead with their attempts to bring war crimes charges against Israel in the International Criminal Court.

"What Netanyahu is doing and stating are war crimes and if the international community wants peace it should make Netanyahu accountable for his acts," said Palestinian official Saeb Erekat. He said the Palestinian leadership will meet Thursday to discuss its next steps.

Exit polls on Israel's three main TV stations showed Likud and the Zionist Union in a near deadlock. Channels One and 10 gave Likud a 27-26 lead in the 120-seat parliament, while Channel 2 gave Likud a 28-27 edge. That breakdown could change as final results pour in on Wednesday.

Under Israel's fragmented electoral system, either Netanyahu or Herzog will have to court potential partners to secure a 61-seat majority.

Herzog could potentially try to build a coalition that would rely on support from a new Arab alliance that captured 12 to 13 seats. But Arab parties have never sat in an Israeli coalition before, complicating any potential deal.

Stav Shaffir, a leader of the Zionist Union, called the results a "clear vote of no confidence in Netanyahu."

She said the Zionist Union would wait for the official results before declaring victory or defeat, but claimed Netanyahu's opponents "have a majority."

Netanyahu has ruled out a "unity" government with the Zionist Union that would give him a broad coalition, and Herzog has also been cool to the idea.

That would indicate the next government will be a narrow majority — a recipe for further instability in which any member could bring it down. The previous government lasted less than two years before crumbling apart.

President Reuven Rivlin will now spend the next few days consulting with the various parties, whose leaders will all offer recommendations for who should be prime minister. Based on those consultations, he will ask either Netanyahu or Herzog to begin the process of forming a coalition.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Another Schocker!

One of the youngest members of Congress is out. Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL)  is caught up in a federal investigation.

With another scandal in the midst, the party that claims themselves as the better governance has now another seat missing a member. The Michael Grimm fiasco has died down. Grimm got busted by the FBI after allegedly taking bribes. He once threatened to toss a reporter over the Capitol balcony.

Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) sparked a fire after he admitted he attended a White extremist event when he was a nobody.

He managed to skate by this scandal. Now here comes the third youngest member of Congress facing a huge scandal.

Young gun Aaron Schock (R-IL) decided to bounce before the Department of Justice serves him a meal ticket.

According to his official government website, Schock is who represents the 18th District of Illinois, a historic region of the country that is home to Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. First elected to Congress in 2008, Rep. Schock was re-elected in 2010, 2012, and 2014. 
Weeper John Boehner (R-OH) can't govern his party. Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL) can't control his spending.
Schock currently serves on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which is the oldest committee of the United States Congress and the chief tax-writing committee in the House of Representatives. In the 114th Congress, Schock was appointed to sit House Committee on the Budget. He concurrently holds a seat on the House Administration Committee. 

As a Senior Deputy Republican Whip, Schock is responsible for assisting House Republican leadership in crafting legislative strategy and floor votes. Schock is also a member of the House Republican Conference Advisory Committee. As the first Member of Congress born in the 1980s, 

Schock has raised the profile of young leaders in the Republican Party and has built a record of working on a bipartisan basis with young elected officials at the local, state and federal level. A principled legislator, Schock has forged alliances with conservative groups and Democratic colleagues alike. 
This is the lawmaker's Washington office.
In the 113th Congress, Schock sponsored legislation to expand religious liberty exemptions under Obamacare that sailed through the House of Representatives with no opposition. He has worked to pass legislation that helps surviving military families, strengthens the middle class, and creates economic opportunities for all Americans. He’s also sponsored legislation to provide charitable organizations with greater opportunities to raise funds and continue their important work of meeting community needs.

Schock is one of the media's favorite sons. He was featured in Men's Health showing off them abs.

But also he's gotten a lot of attention from the law after Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington reported that he's not clocking in his expenses. 

In February 2015, the Washington Post reported that Schock's congressional offices had been lavishly redecorated in a style inspired by the television show about English aristocrats, Downton Abbey.

From Wikipedia, the lawmaker's troubles began when he ducked and dodged. 

In response to that story, the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) file a complaint that alleged Schock may have received an improper gift. CREW's executive director Anne Weismann stated: "Again and again, Rep. Schock's seeming obsession with his image impedes his ability to conduct himself in [an] ethical manner."

Schock dismissed the criticism with the statement "Haters gonna hate", which was in turn criticized for its apparent flippancy. Schock later stated he intended to pay the decorator. Schock had previously spent campaign money on workout DVDs.
A real snow job.
Further media scrutiny of congressional expenditure reports showed that Schock had spent over a $100,000 in government funds on office decorating and renovations between January 2009 and late 2014, mostly during his first term. Other media reported Schock had charged thousands of dollars for private flights, legal expenses, new cars, tickets to the Super Bowl and Country Music Awards, as well as cufflinks, massage, "gold equipment" and cigars.

 to his government-funded office account. The Associated Press accessed the location metadata on Schock's Instagram photos and correlated it with private flight records to identify flights that did not correspond to his campaign finance disclosures. In response, Schock's office stated it had begun an internal review of the reimbursements.

An aide to Congressman Schock resigned after it was revealed the aide had made racist remarks on Facebook, calling for people to "gentrify" black neighborhoods and comparing black passersby to "animals" from the National Zoo.

In March 2015, further exposures of spending and disclosure irregularities, showed that Schock had accepted money from an outside group, the Global Poverty Project, to cover the cost of bringing a photographer on an all-expenses-paid trip to India organized to discuss sanitation and access to clean water. 

The Associated Press also reported that much of Schock's personal wealth had been built with the assistance of political donors.

Prominent conservative commentators began calling for Schock's replacement.

The conservative magazine National Review called him "a crook" and stated: "Politics shouldn’t be a ticket to a celebrity lifestyle on the public's dime. For a man who has enjoyed such a short and undistinguished career, Illinois's Representative Aaron Schock (R.) has sure packed in a lot of corruption."

On March 17, 2015, Schock announced his resignation from Congress, effective March 31

Schock, insurgent Jason Amash (R-MI), insurgent Lee Zedlin (R-NY), insurgent Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA), insurgent Jason T. Smith (R-MO), insurgent Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-FL), insurgent Ron DeSantis (R-FL), Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), and Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) are the youngest members of Congress.

Stallmigo Tom Cotton (R-AK) is the youngest member of the Senate. 

He is the only member under 40.

If Netanyahu Loses, The Righties Will Blame Obama!

Image result for Netanyahu

Fighting for another shot at being prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hoping that the people turn out for him. Obviously Jon Voight, Chuck Norris and that annoying conservative agitator are praying that Israelis vote for Netanyahu.

The conservative agitators and that FN network quote anonymous sources claiming that President Barack Obama and his allies are trying to defeat Netanyahu. There are some in Washington whispering to the junk food media that they'll investigate the White House for meddling in the affairs of Israel. Some are claiming that our taxpayer dollars are funding Netanyahu's opposition.

It's also noted they accuse the White House of threatening to shoot down (our taxpayer funded) Israeli jets if they attempt to attack Iran.


Isaac Herzog (12675983573).jpgOnce again, why do the Republicans believe shit off the internet?

It's not feasible to cover it. If it's not being featured in Reuters, the AP or AFP, then it's bogus!

Today is St. Patrick's Day in the United States. Over in Israel, it's their national elections.

The embattled prime minister is hoping to earn a third term. But it may be the end of his reign if the opposition can muster enough support.

The Joint Session of Congress attempt was a bust.

Netanyahu just admitted that he has no interest in creating a Palestine state.

He calls his opponents a bunch of "Arab lovers".

And this is the adult in the room according to that annoying conservative agitator.

But all that aside, this fool can still win.

You don't underestimate the power of the American conservatives. They are throwing money and their support for a warmongering, anti-Islam, possibly anti-Black foreign leader who sole mission is to drag the U.S. into war with Iran thereby sparking World War III.

Isaac Herzog the co-leader of the Zionist Union is hoping to secure a strong victory. The party is more moderate on issues such as relations with the Gaza Strip and West Bank. They are willing to allow the talks between Iran go forth and also improve relations with the U.S.

Earlier this month, the Republicans invited Netanyahu to speak at the Joint Session without approval from the president. Then 47 Republican senators lead by Stallmigo Tom Cotton (R-AR) wrote to the Iran leaders warning them they'll attack if Iran continues to make a nuclear weapon.

If we continue to elect leaders like this one, we're destined for doom. It's time to turn the page.

We need to get things done. It's time to work with Iran for a peaceful solution.

Monday, March 16, 2015

GOP Senate Delays AG Pick Loretta Lynch Confirmation!

The delay of Loretta Lynch for the position of Attorney General of the United States is being dragged by inept Republican controlled Senate.

Over 70 days since taking back Congress, Republicans have continued their march onward to sabotage President Barack Obama's final two years in office.

Now we're over five months since the president announced his replacement for their sworn enemy Attorney General Eric Holder. In November as a token of good will, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) was willing to give the Republicans an opportunity to debate the confirmation of Holder's successor.

It seems like Reid should have just forced a vote on the floor.

U.S. District Attorney Loretta Lynch of New York is the predecessor. She will be the new AG if the Senate confirms her. But something seems to be getting in the way. Like partisan politics and a party that's so bitter at the fact the president embarrassed them yet again.

Stallmigo Tom Cotton (R-AR) has proven to the public that Majority Leader Mitch the Turtle (R-KY) is an inept leader. He was going to bring this confirmation vote up this week. Now it may take another month before Lynch could finally be confirmed.

Obviously, it's not going to happen anytime soon. Because the Senate is debating over a human trafficking bill that may have language that deals with rape and abortions. Democrats want that put in the bill. Republicans want that stripped out. According to the Majority Leader, this is the most important thing to do before any confirmation votes.

The Turtle confirms to CNN that the will pass the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act. The bill, which would establish a fund for victims of human trafficking, had bipartisan support until Democrats learned it contained language that restricted federal funds for abortion. Reid, currently the Minority Leader has said the bill will not pass as long as it contains the language.

"I had hoped to turn to her next week, but if we can't finish the trafficking bill, she will be put off again," McConnell said, referring to Lynch, on CNN's "State of the Union."

Lynch appears to have enough support to earn confirmation in the Senate, and Democrats have been pushing Republicans to bring up her nomination.

In a statement released after McConnell's appearance on CNN, Reid said that in stalling Lynch's nomination, Republicans were showing an inability to govern.
The Turtle will delay confirmation of AG pick Loretta Lynch once again.
“Senator McConnell should keep his word and bring Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch up for a vote this week. By continuing to stall Lynch's nomination Republicans are failing yet another basic test of their ability to govern. Lynch is extraordinarily qualified and there is no procedural excuse for further delay. Lynch's nomination can be brought to the floor at any time," Reid's office said in a statement. "There is nothing stopping the Senate from confirming Lynch and continuing to debate the trafficking bill this week, except Senator McConnell's unwillingness to bring her nomination up for a vote."

In a separate statement, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said the United States simply couldn't afford not to have Lynch confirmed.

“For months and months, Republicans have failed to move forward with‎ her nomination using any excuse they can, except for any credible objection to her nomination itself. It's time for Republicans to stop dragging their feet on Loretta Lynch," Schumer said in a statement. "Loretta Lynch, and the American people, don't deserve this. At a time when terrorists from ISIS to Al-Shabaab threaten the United States, the nominee to be attorney general deserves an up or down vote.”

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Tom Cotton: _______ Iran!

Stallmigo Tom Cotton (R-AK) is trying to outcrazy Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rand Paul (R-KY).

The controversy over Republican senators threatening Iran is getting airplay. Many felt that their decision to write a letter undermining the Six Party talks was a bad idea.

Stallmigo Tom Cotton (R-AR) has spearheaded this letter and managed to wrangle up the Majority Leader, the Pro Tempe and former 2008 U.S. Republican presidential nominee to sign on it.

Cotton is the junior United States Senator from Arkansas. He was a member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Arkansas's 4th congressional district from 2013 until 2015. He is a member of the Republican Party. He is a U.S. Army veteran and a lawyer. Cotton was the Republican nominee for the 2014 U.S. Senate race in Arkansas, and won the election, defeating incumbent Democrat Mark Pryor. At age 37, he is the youngest current U.S. Senator.

Three potential candidates for the Republican nomination signed on to the letter.

I am shocked that Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL), Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), and Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) jumped on this bandwagon. They usually have some form of common sense.

Richard Shelby (Ala.)
Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
Dan Sullivan (Alaska)
John McCain (Ariz.)
John Boozman (Ark.)
Tom Cotton (Ark.)
Cory Gardner (Colo.)
Marco Rubio (Fla.)
Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
David Perdue (Ga.)
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Jim Risch (Idaho)
Mark Kirk (Ill.)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
Joni Ernst (Iowa)
Pat Roberts (Kansas)
Jerry Moran (Kansas)
Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
Rand Paul (Ky.)
David Vitter (La.)
Bill Cassidy (La.)
Roger Wicker (Miss.)
Roy Blunt (Mo.)
Steve Daines (Mont.)
Deb Fischer (Neb.)
Ben Sasse (Neb.)
Dean Heller (Nev.)
Kelly Ayotte (N.H.)
Richard Burr (N.C.)
Thom Tillis (N.C.)
John Hoeven (N.D.)
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Jim Inhofe (Okla.)
James Lankford (Okla.)
Pat Toomey (Pa.)
Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
Tim Scott (S.C.)
John Thune (S.D.)
Mike Rounds (S.D.)
John Cornyn (Texas)
Ted Cruz (Texas)
Orin Hatch (Utah)
Mike Lee (Utah)
Shelley Moore Capito (W.V.)
Ron Johnson (Wis.)
Mike Enzi (Wyo.)
John Barrasso (Wyo.)

Cotton wrote and sent a letter to the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran, signed by 47 of the Senate's 54 Republicans, attempting to cast doubt on the Obama administration's authority to engage in nuclear-proliferation negotiations with Iran.

Within hours, commentators suggested that the letter prepared by Cotton constituted a violation of the Logan Act.

Questions also were raised as to whether it reflected a flawed interpretation of the Treaty Clause of the United States Constitution.
I've been a senator for years, never in my time serving would I do something as reckless as the senator from Arkansas done.
President Barack Obama mocked the letter, referring to it as an "unusual coalition" with Iran's hard-liners as well as an interference with the then-ongoing negotiations of a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear program.

In addition, during a Vice News Interview, President Barack Obama said "I'm embarrassed for them, for them to address a letter to the Ayatollah the Supreme Leader of Iran, who they claim is our mortal enemy and their basic argument to them is: don't deal with our president, because you can't trust him to follow through on an agreement... That's close to unprecedented."

Iran's Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, responded to the letter by saying "[the Senators'] letter in fact undermines the credibility of thousands of such mere executive agreements that have been or will be entered into by the US with various other governments". Zarif added that "change of administration does not in any way relieve the next administration from international obligations undertaken by its predecessor in a possible agreement about Iran's peaceful nuclear program". He continued, "I wish to enlighten the authors that if the next administration revokes any agreement with the stroke of a pen, as they boast, it will have simply committed a blatant violation of international law".

The controversial stallmigo doing a victory lap on GOP Faces The Nation. He gets testy with the statements of Secretary of State John Kerry.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

ΣΑΕ Frat Mom: _______ , _______ , ______ And Just Another ________!

It's nothing but a good NIGGER time...

Someone really hates ΣΑΕ (Sigma Alpha Epsilom). The president of the Sooners, David Boren kicked the assholes out of their fraternity, knocked them out of their home and told them all to be prepared to face the consequences.

Me and S. Baldwin have covered this controversy in Norman. The University of Oklahoma is under fire. Their frat boys are making a total embarrassment of their campus.  Now more videos unearthed more idiocy.

Beauton Gilbow is a ΣΑΕ "Mom" and in a social media video she appears to say NIGGER more than her fair share of times. And it appears that she may be intoxicated. But nonetheless, it was said and she got fired out the cannon. She condemned the frat boys and tearfully apologized for her actions.

The New York Daily News ragged that Gilbow was NIGGER chanting while the frat boys were listening to Think It's A Game artist Trinidad James. It was "All Gold Everything".

OUSeal.pngThe video kind of put the brakes on some of ΣΑΕ's remorseful members aiding her in her sudden loss of job.

The ΣΑΕ's Black cook had to suffer. The man named "Howard" was the cook for the frat boys.

He was totally devastated by this news. Especially for the fact that some of his "family" were so boldly acting like this.

With this controversy surfacing the damages became apparent when Boren kicked everyone off the campus, he meant everyone. The cook is out of a job. Some of the remorseful members created a GoFundMe page to help him gain a job and financial assistance.

These leaks of videos comes like drips. The online activism from Anonymous comes to mind. It has all the traces of it. But then it could be a disgruntled (likely ΣΑΕ)  member of the frat.

And to make this worse, a college football team with strong recognition is being passed off.

Most of them football standouts are Black and they're passing on the Sooners.

That pass on could hurt the campus. Those standouts are the money makers. The NCAA could put the hammer on the football and basketball teams. Obviously these events bring in major dollars.

Of course, the hockey, lacrosse, baseball and wrestling suffer. Their marching band suffers.

Mary Fallin, the current Republican governor of Oklahoma and U.S. Senator James Lankford (R-OK) were shocked and told the junk food media that "racism" has no place in Oklahoma.

“The racist words chanted by the students in this video do not represent OU values or Oklahoma values. As the outrage among Oklahomans has demonstrated, we are a state that does not tolerate that kind of disrespectful behavior. I appreciate President Boren as well as OU’s faculty, staff and students for quickly condemning these hurtful words and demonstrating the true nature of our Oklahoma community, which is diverse, compassionate and respectful," said Governor Mary Fallin.

Lankford said “The hateful video of some fraternity students that surfaced over the weekend is disgusting and does not reflect the values of the state of Oklahoma. This is not who we are. We are a state that embraces cultural and ethnic diversity at every level. We must clearly speak out against this type of bigotry. Our state has made significant strides since the Tulsa race riots and the days when Clara Luper led our state out of ignorance; we must continue that progress.”

No sign of comment from Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK). He's too busy bringing snowballs to the Senate floor to deny climate change.

Wink and nod....

These Republicans support this nonsense. It looks good to be on camera condemning racism. Because it's in their backyard. When the cameras are not running, I bet you that these Republican elected leaders are chanting "Ol they'll never be a NIGGER!"

Republicans are in need of some major improvement.

When it comes to race, the Republicans are too busy  trying to undermining the first Black president and the millions of people of color.

Fallin is one of many supporters of the controversial lawsuit trying to gut the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). She signed on to suing the government over the president's executive order to ease restrictions on young undocumented immigrants.

Lankford was one of the 47 senators who supported Stallmigo Tom Cotton's (R-AR) threatening letter to Iran.

The White House weigh in on the controversy. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden said that OU president Boren's actions were appropriate. This is a reminder that the long road ahead in equal rights for all Americans. - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

Iran: Netanyahu And The Republicans Are __________ The Peace Deal!

Hassan Rouhani.jpg
Iranian president Hassan Rouhani.
God damn it. I am so tired of Republicans and their obstruction. Now they're playing this "who's got the bigger balls" debate. They undermine the president by kissing the ass of a foreign leader. Now they threaten to sabotage historical peace talks to disarming Iran.

The same assholes who bitched about President Barack Obama winning a Nobel Peace Prize are now bitching about this proposal. Even though it's time to move pass these silly feuds with Iran and Cuba, the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Republican majority continue to fuck up the world, because of their utter hatred of the leaders of these countries. The Republicans don't give two fucks about these peace talks.

Seem like the terms of endearment comes with a price. Some are claiming that the Senators who signed it may have violated the law.

Republican senators mail the letter to Tehran. They call for no negotiations. They call for more sanctions and possible action if Iran continues on. They tell Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhan that any deal with the U.S. can be undone with the next president or Congress. They also claim that the missile will be heading their way if they try anything funny.

We finally introduce the controversial Arkansas Republican senator Tom Cotton to the fold.

He along with Majority Leader Mitch The Turtle (R-KY), fellow Stallmigos Ted Cruz (R-TX), Joni Ernst (R-IA) Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY), Tim Scott (R-SC), Marco Rubio (R-FL), David Purdue (R-GA), Thom Tillis (R-NC) and numerous others signed up to this bullshit.

These assholes are defying years of delicate talks. For what reason?

To undermine the president.

Forty-seven Republicans on Sunday wrote directly to Tehran to suggest that any nuclear deal with the Obama administration would not be constitutionally binding because a future president or Congress could take steps to revoke it.

The White House blasted the Republicans. Vice President Joe Biden called the move an unprecedented affront "designed to undercut a sitting president."

CNN reports that President Barack Obama slammed Republican senators who penned a letter attempting to warn Iran that any pending nuclear agreement will face their scrutiny, claiming they were aligning themselves with Iranian "hard-liners."

"I think it's somewhat ironic to see some members for Congress wanting to make common cause with the hard-liners in Iran. It's an unusual coalition," Obama said Monday ahead of a meeting with European Council President Donald Tusk.

"I think what we're going to focus on right now is actually seeing whether we're going to get a deal or not. Once we do, if we do, we'll be able to make the case to the American people, and I'm confident we'll be able to implement it," Obama said.

Stallmigo Tom Cotton's (R-AR) stunt may actually help move talks.
The Iranian foreign minister Dr. Javad Zarif dismissed their letter as "propaganda" and told the Republicans to actually read the U.S. Constitution before they make these irrational protocols.

The Iran Primer asked the foreign minister. Zarif expressed astonishment that some members of US Congress find it appropriate to write to leaders of another country against their own President and administration. He pointed out that from reading the open letter, it seems that the authors not only do not understand international law, but are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.

Foreign Minister Zarif added that “I should bring one important point to the attention of the authors and that is, the world is not the United States, and the conduct of inter-state relations is governed by international law, and not by US domestic law. The authors may not fully understand that in international law, governments represent the entirety of their respective states, are responsible for the conduct of foreign affairs, are required to fulfil the obligations they undertake with other states and may not invoke their internal law as justification for failure to perform their international obligations.”

The Republicans are forever stuck on stupid. By electing these idiots to the Congress, we'll see President Barack Obama's final years marred by the utter stupidity of Republicans.

Friday, February 27, 2015

CNUTS 2015

Republican governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker wows the crowd at CPAC 2015. The governor will play to the base with this "I don't know who Obama is"... nonsense. He's thinking about putting on the makeup and getting into the clown car.

The American Conservative Union hosts the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.

CPAC gets major attention.

So far it's off to a great start. Obviously the racist right will continue their march to obscurity. The conservative agitators and Republican lawmakers head to the Sheraton Hotel in Washington, DC to contemplate a strategy for 2016.

Some of the low lives who came. Make sure you pay close attention to what they say. Because you want to play a drinking game when you listen to them.

Donald Trump

That annoying conservative agitator.

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin.

Stallmigo Ted Cruz (R-TX)

Dr. Benjamin Carson.

Newt Gingrich.

That former governor of Alaska

Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Phil Robertson of A&E's Duck Dynasty

The word vomit. Remember each of these lawmakers and agitators share one thing in common: They say the same shit that annoying conservative agitator says. It's like listening to AM radio. They would be out of business once Obama leaves office.

Obama (Barack, Obamacare)
The President 
Radical Islam
Muslim Brotherhood
Islamic State
Benjamin Netanyahu
The Left
Joe Biden
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reid
47 50 Million On Food Stamps
Ronald Reagan
Energy Independent
Drill (for oil)
Doomed To Repeat It
Under This President...
Keystone XL pipeline
Doesn't Love America
Hillary Clinton
Eric Holder
The Courts
Definition between a man and a woman

You gotta hand to the nuts, they're dropping right outta of the damn tree! They are Obama obsessed agitators and have no chance at ever winning an election. But if they actually nominate one of these nuts or embrace these agitators of the junk food media, they're going to lose.

But of course, if they want to go after President Barack Obama, do your thing!

Cause you've already lost the Black vote. How many others will the Republicans jeopardize in their quest for the White House?

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Seriously, This Is Real: A Quarter Of Republicans Think Obama Hates America!

The carnival barkers think President Barack Obama hates America. Sometimes you got to laugh at the Republicans and conservative agitators. They proven to be even more stupider than I've thought.

The dog whistle is blowing and the lips are moist.... Republicans are looking for their opportunity to take back the White House. But since they're still stuck on the past as they continue to trash President Barack Obama instead of throwing out better ideas.

Thumb through a check and cash it out. The Republican Party is morally bankrupt.

Saying that our American president hates his country is pretty much the definition of "hating" your country. You can disagree with the president on policy. But the relentless name calling and pseudo-patriotism by some in the junk food media makes you really think less of them rather the president.

This is the type of stuff that makes you cynical of politicians, the media and of course America.

It all began with that simpleton Rudy Giuliani speaking at a Republican donors rally for potential clown car candidate Wisconsin governor Scott Walker. He stated openly that President Obama doesn't love America like most of them. Of course, this became the click bait that will not go away.

Republicans are split on whether they want to support the comments or throw Giuliani back to the waste bin of failed politicians.

Many Republicans like Representatives Darrell Issa (R-CA), Mo Brooks (R-AL) and Louie Gohmert (R-TX) are very supportive of that simpleton. Even a 13 year old claimed that Giuliani was on point.

The Huffington Post/YouGov has the goods on Republicans and their opinion of Obama loving America.


This is the country we live in.....

Seriously, what the fuck? You telling me that 85% of Democrats, 11% of Republicans and 42% of independents believe Barack Obama loves America.

That means if you add 42 (I) + 11 (R) = 53. You divide it by 2 and you have 26% of Americans roughly a quarter of Americans believe that the first Black president hate America.

Americans are similarly divided along party lines on whether they think Obama believes the U.S. is exceptional, and on whether he's more or less patriotic than most people. Republicans overwhelmingly say he's less patriotic, while Democrats say he's as patriotic or more, and independents are split.

Even sad that even Democrats say this stuff too. I mean Kentucky, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Arkansas, and Mississippi Democrats who are White question the president. These Democrats vote Republican regardless of the situation.

This stuff kicks off at the Conservative Political Action Conference. The CPAC event is going to be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Washington, DC and among the speakers are the usual nuts and a few politicos. The American Conservative Union hosts their straw poll on who's the potential Republican presidential nominee in their opinion.

The nut farm includes speakers:

That annoying conservative agitator of Loserville and iHeartRadio Media.
The former Alaskan governor, activist and reality star
Benjamin Carson, former neurosurgeon
Wayne LaPierre, NRA vice president and spokesman
Newt Gingrich, former House Speaker and 2012 presidential candidate
Sam Brownback, governor of Kansas
Mark "Rat Face" Levin, conservative agitator from Cumulus Media.
Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana
John Bolton, former United Nations ambassador
Tom Cotton, U.S. Senator from Arkansas (Stallmigo)
Rand Paul, U.S. Senator from Kentucky (Stallmigo)
Donald Trump, real estate mogul and reality star
Marsha Blackburn, U.S. Representative from Tennessee
Brent Bozell, activist and TV critic
Ann Marie Buerkle, former U.S. Representative from New York
Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida
Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator from Texas (Stallmigo)
Carly Fiorina, former U.S. Senate candidate and business mogul
Laura Ingraham, conservative agitator from Courtside Media
KT McFarland, conservative activist
Oops, former governor from Texas
Marco Rubio, U.S. Senator from Florida (Stallmigo)
Rick Santorum, former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and 2012 presidential candidate
Tim Scott, U.S. Senator from South Carolina (Stallmigo)
Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin

This is the tentative list of nuts in the farm. Who will be the most controversial?

It will be covered.

Betcha that most of these agitators and politicos will question the president's patriotism, birth certificate and religion!


Saturday, February 14, 2015

GOP Insurgents Partying Like Rock Stars!

Insurgent lawmaker Blake Farenthold (R-TX) caught up in a real scandal. It's not his pajamas.

Paging Melanie Sloan. Paging Melaine Sloan.

You're needed to once again uproot the corrupt lawmakers in Washington. I got two of them the junk food media has focused on recently.

Ms. Sloan is the CEO of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Her organization tracks the money and corrupt lawmakers in Congress. The organization also follows governors and state lawmakers as well. See Oregon's former Democratic governor for example.

Congressmen Blake Farenthold (R-TX) and Aaron Schock (R-IL) are in the limelight.

I ignored this clown Farenthold for a moment. I remember he wanted to arrest Attorney General Eric Holder for not providing enough access to the failed Fast & Furious ATF gun run scandal.

Farenthold is a member of the insurgency. He's a strong supporter of its "SAY NO TO O" strategy!

He's caught up in a personal scandal. One being his pajamas and his bunch of hot girls. Some of the insurgent's funds went to a website called

Lawmaker Aaron Schock (R-IL)
Another being an alleged sexual harassment lawsuit with one of staffers.

Schock was one of the youngest members of Congress. He's heavily covered by the local and national junk food media. He is one of the most outgoing members. He still parties like a 20 year old.

The 33 year old lawmaker is under fire for his staffer posting racial insults about his neighbors and the lavish spending by Schock.

Schock's communication director was told to shake after he called a Black neighbor an animal and the neighborhood being a zoo.

His office looks like Downtown Abbey according to some. He hired a woman to do his office and failed to disclose how much it cost.

Also he's being targeted by the out party. Since Schock is a single man and dressing like a gay man, the out party is trying to dig dirt on him.

It's kind of funny that with Trey Radel, Michael Grimm and Vance McAllister being in the limelight for their shortcomings, one could wonder if the Republicans are trying to get rid of the problems before this stuff surfaces in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections.


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