Fighting for another shot at being prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hoping that the people turn out for him. Obviously Jon Voight, Chuck Norris and that annoying conservative agitator are praying that Israelis vote for Netanyahu.
The conservative agitators and that FN network quote anonymous sources claiming that President Barack Obama and his allies are trying to defeat Netanyahu. There are some in Washington whispering to the junk food media that they'll investigate the White House for meddling in the affairs of Israel. Some are claiming that our taxpayer dollars are funding Netanyahu's opposition.
It's also noted they accuse the White House of threatening to shoot down (our taxpayer funded) Israeli jets if they attempt to attack Iran.

It's not feasible to cover it. If it's not being featured in Reuters, the AP or AFP, then it's bogus!
Today is St. Patrick's Day in the United States. Over in Israel, it's their national elections.
The embattled prime minister is hoping to earn a third term. But it may be the end of his reign if the opposition can muster enough support.
The Joint Session of Congress attempt was a bust.
Netanyahu just admitted that he has no interest in creating a Palestine state.
He calls his opponents a bunch of "Arab lovers".
And this is the adult in the room according to that annoying conservative agitator.
But all that aside, this fool can still win.
You don't underestimate the power of the American conservatives. They are throwing money and their support for a warmongering, anti-Islam, possibly anti-Black foreign leader who sole mission is to drag the U.S. into war with Iran thereby sparking World War III.
Isaac Herzog the co-leader of the Zionist Union is hoping to secure a strong victory. The party is more moderate on issues such as relations with the Gaza Strip and West Bank. They are willing to allow the talks between Iran go forth and also improve relations with the U.S.
Earlier this month, the Republicans invited Netanyahu to speak at the Joint Session without approval from the president. Then 47 Republican senators lead by Stallmigo Tom Cotton (R-AR) wrote to the Iran leaders warning them they'll attack if Iran continues to make a nuclear weapon.
If we continue to elect leaders like this one, we're destined for doom. It's time to turn the page.
We need to get things done. It's time to work with Iran for a peaceful solution.
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