Showing posts with label Tim Scott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tim Scott. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Chaka Fattah Got The Bern!

Democratic lawmaker got the Bern. Congressman Chaka Fattah (D-PA) was told to shake.

The Bern was felt in Philadelphia yesterday.

Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA) was told to bounce. The lawmaker who is under federal indictment knew the odds weren't in his favor. He decided to keep his political fires burning with the people who lobbied him in.

He faced defeat from Pennsylvania state representative Dwight Evans. Evans decided that Philadelphia needed a leader who wasn't two feet deep in the corruption.

Fattah will serve out the remainder of his term. He will appear in federal court on corruption charges.

He could face 15 years in federal time out if found guilty.

For 11 terms, Fattah was outspent by Evans.

Fattah is accused of accepting bribes and misusing campaign funds for his friends and his family under the guise of charitable grants.

Fattah tried to run for mayor of Philadelphia but failed to win the Democratic nomination.

Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney and Pennsylvania's Democratic governor Tom Wolf threw their support to Evans.
Let's move forward. Dwight Evans beats longtime Democratic lawmaker Chaka Fattah.
Fattah tried to throw Obama into the race. President Barack Obama declined to endorse Fattah in this election. The White House was none too happy to hear Fattah using Obama's name in vein.

Fattah is married to Renee Chenault-Fattah. She was a local news agitator. She bounced from the job after the feds started to look into her dealings with lobbyist. Some of them lobbyists were informants for the FBI and they've watched the lawmaker for some time.

The Bernie Sanders effect may have not helped him win Pennsylvania. The effect did throw an established lawmaker out of Congress.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Obama: Mitch McConnell's Inept Leadership Dooms America!

Dirty politician faces an onslaught of criticism from Pres. Obama, the public and fellow Republicans who fear they may lose in competitive senate races.

Two weeks in and no budging on the Merrick Garland nomination for the Supreme Court.

Republican leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said in the junk food media that the nomination will be for the next president. It's pretty much pissed off the president and the Democrats. President Barack Obama in final year still at work. He may be a lame duck, but he's not sulking about being called that.

His job approval right now sits in the mid 50s.

Obama is still constitutionally entitled to have a nominee confirmed to the Court.

The Democrats are saying that Republicans are inept and they can't govern. They fear the conservative outrage brewing if they give in to the public's demand to nominate a justice to the high court.

The court's swing is somewhat conservative. Now that Antonin Scalia passed away, Republicans feared that Obama's pick for the Supreme Court could swing the court into a progressive direction.

Conservatives are outraged over Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) complaining about the senate not holding hearings on Garland.

The Garden City Telegram reported that Moran told a small group gathered in a Cimarron, Kan., courthouse on Monday that GOP senators “should interview Garland and have a hearing on his nomination,” in the paper’s words.
Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) warns Republicans that the plan to stop Obama's court pick will backfire.
“I can’t imagine the president has or will nominate somebody that meets my criteria, but I have my job to do,” Moran said, according to the report. “I think the process ought to go forward.”

Another Kansas paper, the Dodge City Daily Globe, reported that Moran was even more explicit in comments to a Rotary Club there: “I think we have the responsibility to have a hearing, to have the conversation and to make a determination on the merit,” he said.

He says that he rather vote against Garland than hold his nomination up. He understands that if a Republican wins the presidency, the Democrats will block nominees for the Court.

The partisan gridlock affecting Washington, DC is pathetic. I mean Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) are worthless politicians and leaders.

The Republicans also trying to cock block a recess appointment to the Court. The president could impose a recess nomination if the Republicans hold firm on their threat.

Here's a poll for you

Should the U.S. Senate confirm Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court?

Yes. President Barack Obama is entitled to have a nominee confirmed to the Supreme Court. Republicans should stop playing games and get to work. It will backfire if Republicans refuse to confirm.
No. President Barack Obama's nominee is not going to be confirmed anyway. Republicans should wait until a new president is sworn in. The Supreme Court's decisions could affect the country if Obama's nominee is too polarizing.
Do Quizzes

I really hope that the Senate come to its senses and confirm Obama's nominee.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


The choice to the Supreme Court is Merrick Garland. If confirmed, the Court could swing in progressives favor. Republicans vow to fight until January 20, 2017.

It's rare that a president gets an opportunity to more than two justices to the Supreme Court. Since 1989, most of the presidents had an opportunity to nominate two to the Court.

Ronald Reagan was the last president to have nominated three to the Court. Of those three were Sandra Day O'Conner who retired in 2005. Antonin Scalia who recently passed away in 2016. Anthony Kennedy, currently the longest serving justice in the Court.

Picking justices for the Supreme Court is controversial. Given the partisan rancor by the Republicans in the current 114th Congress, a simple replacement to the Court is going to be a "showdown".

President Barack Obama has nominated Merrick Garland as his choice for the Supreme Court. Expect the Republican controlled senate to fight with the nomination.

Garland is a centrist candidate who the president decided to pick on. He felt that this choice is the most capable of getting through the Senate.

This choice also signals the end of the conservative lean on the court. With the sudden death of Scalia, Republicans fear that their party is collapsing.

Donald Trump, a brokered convention, the infighting between Republicans in Congress shows the signs of the Republican Party's incapability to lead the nation. Democrats are cautiously hoping that the civil war will split the party.
Obama is not playing games with Republicans.
Inept Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has already signaled that he's not willing to take the matter up until the next president comes forth. That right there is the example of partisanship which is driving Congress to low job approvals.

At 11am, the president will address the nation.

Merrick Brian Galand is the Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, he is 63 years old and a graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Law School.

He is married to his wife Lynn (nee Rosenman). He is a father of two daughters. He is Jewish.

Garland was seen on the shortlist of many qualified judges. Sir Srinivasan and Paul J. Watford were on the short list but faced a difficult path given the partisan rancor in the Senate.

Before Elena Kagan was appointed a justice of the Court, Garland was seen on the short list as well.

Republicans better confirm a nominee to the Supreme Court. Their plan will backfire if they refuse Obama's choice to the court.

Obama warned that if he doesn't get a nomination confirmed, the next president will suffer. Cause I bet you if the Republicans block a nominee to the Supreme Court, the next president (if its a Republican) will face the same obstruction from Democrats.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

The Standard!

Black people face a higher standard.

Yeah, I've denied it for years. I believe that Blacks are held to a higher standard when it comes to the law, jobs, government, activism, sports, and entertainment. It seems like I'm waking up to the reality that our country is failing on equal rights.

I am starting to realize that "high hopes" are just "wishful thinking".

White people are treated much differently than Blacks. From the jump, I should have seen it coming.

It's never too late to keep one eye open when it comes to understanding that the path to success is to overcome the standard.

The junk food media holds Black America to a higher standard than the rest. Go down the list of athletes, entertainers, politicians and activists. They have been roundly criticized for being either "too Black" or "not Black enough".

I seen it in Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, the Obama daughters, Ben Carson, Nicki Minaj, LaBron James, Drake, Serena Williams, Trevor Noah, Lil' Wayne, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Anthony Anderson, Chris Rock, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, DeRay McKesson, Shaun King, Tim Scott, Cory Booker, Cam Newton, Michael B. Jordan, Van Jones, Steve Harvey, Michael Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Melissa Harris-Perry.

The word vomit from the concern trolls is Blacks are lazy, immoral, and dependent on the government. The Republicans and their conservative allies concluded that the Democrats are responsible for the economic poverty and dependency on government. They're immune from taking fault for their incompetence.

These narratives that Blacks are like sheep to the Democratic Party are starting to irk me. I mean if the Republican Party would take their heads out their asses, the Black support would be more than 10%.

On CNN, I heard that extremist Jeffrey Lord go into this ridiculous narrative that the Klan is bunch of leftist Democrats. I thought the right always thought that the left played the race card.

Well for one thing, he's right. The Democrats of yesterday were the conservatives back then. The Republicans were actually liberal. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican to win the presidency. His polices helped end the slavery but didn't stop discrimination and brutality towards African Americans. It took Harry Truman, a cautious Democrat and Lyndon B Johnson, the south's last president to integrate society. It was the Democratic Party that flipped the script on Black history.

If it wasn't for Johnson signing off the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts, Blacks would still be segregated from Whites. Democrats mended their old ways. Under a liberal Supreme Court, interracial marriage would be legalized. Democrats offered Native Americans the opportunity to own land and sovereignty. After World War II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the Democrats made good on their promise not to punish all Asian American for the acts of some. They would apologize for the callous acts of Franklin D. Roosevelt's executive orders to place Asians in interment camps.

For Pete's sake, the Democratic Party has nominated and the American people elected Barack Obama, the first African American to be the President of the United States, twice.

And yet, Donald Trump had called for President Barack Obama's birth certificate. And perennial loser Mitt Romney asked for his endorsement.

Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson claim that the Republican Party is the true party of racial equality. Yet, they look the other way when the Republicans pass restrictions on voting rights, a woman's right to chose, a loving same sex couple's right to marry and a parent's right to sue gun manufactures after a terrorist murders their loved ones with firearms.

They play concern trolls when Blacks are killing each other. They want to take away firearms from Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. The Republicans have reacted to Blacks killing one another as a fault of Barack Obama's and not the shooters. They don't care about unregistered firearms being sold to the criminals and terrorists.

When Black America express concerns about police brutality, the conservative automatically assume that Blacks are threatening violence on police officers. Black America has real issues to deal with.

Unemployment, class warfare, gun crimes and drugs being sold into our communities has been an issue mentioned by the Democrats. But not enough issues mentioned by the Democrats.

This silly narrative that Donald Trump could pull 30% of the Black vote is highly unlikely. I mean just look how Trump threw out Black students in Alabama. Or how about Trump telling his supporters to push a Black woman out of a rally. Some of those supporters were White extremists.

Trevor Noah addresses it.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Democrats Warn McConnell That SCOTUS Delay Will Backfire!

Obama might pick a Republican who might become the U.S. Supreme Court justice. It might destroy the party if they reject their own.

President Barack Obama and the Democratic members of the U.S. Senate say that it will happen and it will happen quickly.

The death of Antonin Scalia has become a political football for the partisans. The president has a constitutional duty to appoint a nominee a person to replace a justice to the Supreme Court.

President Barack Obama has a rare opportunity to get a third pick to the Court. Ronald Reagan was the last president to have an opportunity to nominee three to the Court.

Conservatives are fearing that the pick could sway the court.
Republican governor Brian Sandoval is the front runner in the SOTUS nomination.
The senate's Republicans including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) are hoping that they can delay or refuse to accept any nominee to the Supreme Court. They vow to have another president pick a justice.

They're willing to shut down the government again. But the pressure is on. The party is facing intense scrutiny over this.

In their last stand, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have pledge to not support Obama's pick to the Supreme Court regardless of qualifications.

The delay of the Supreme Court nomination could screw up cases.

One in particular is the Supreme Court's hearing on five residents of the U.S. territory of American Samoa. They are fighting the U.S. government over citizenship.

The residents born in American Samoa are not U.S. Citizens. They are U.S. nationals and they can't get federal aid or veteran's assistance. They have to buy a U.S. passport with the status of national on it. They are saying that if they're born on U.S. territory the deserve automatic American citizenship.

Tuaua v. United States is going to be a major court case. If it goes in the favor of Lene Tuaua, then it may advocate U.S. citizenship and could open up presidential voting rights to those living in the U.S. territories.

The junk food media is reporting that the president is vetting Nevada's Republican governor Brian Sandoval. This may cause a rift within the party. For one thing, Sandoval is a Republican, he's a well liked governor and he's a Hispanic. If the Republicans oppose one of their own, then they may end up costing their chances in the presidential election.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

BREAKING: Jeb's Out!

Happy trails. 

It looks like the Bush legacy ends in South Carolina. John Ellis Bush, the son and brother of two living presidents isn't going to have his moment in the sun.

The former front runner at one point has finally decided the end is now. The former Florida governor suspends his campaign after a disappointing finish in the South Carolina primary.

At age, 63, Bush had entered the race as a presumed favorite for the Republican nomination last summer with a big war chest. He had nearly $130 million and was shattering records in fundraising.

His fall began when Donald Trump got into the race. He was labeled establishment and he wore that with a pride. That proved to be noose around his neck. His famous name spelled disaster. Many Republicans weren't keen to the Bush legacy. Given the political back scratching and political insiders who wanted Bush to be the nominee.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), a failed presidential candidate was one of the major endorsers of the Bush campaign. Bush even brought out the big guns. Former first ladies Barbara and Laura Bush and brother George W. Bush came out in full swing for the embattled politico.

Bush saw his stock tumble in the New Hampshire primary. He thought he could score a huge upset against Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. It turned out to be a disaster. So he was hoping his brother's star power could help score a second or third finish in the South Carolina primary. A strong victory would have given him some life. Nope.

Bush's biggest blow came when South Carolina governor Nikki Haley endorsed nemesis Marco Rubio over him. Bush felt that was disrespectful that she would pick a relatively unaccomplished politician over him.

Trump also hammered Bush on his brother's failures with 9/11 and the two wars. That was sacred ground for Republicans not to blame Bush for failure. Trump kicked that over with no remorse. He said that Bush is "low energy" and that stuck to him like glue.

Trump's real victory is knocking Bush out.

Now the insurgency has truly taken over the Republican Party.

If we elect a man who devotes his rhetoric to the ugliest elements of America, we're going to have a civil war. Certainly Democrats and Republicans better take note. Trump has tapped into the conservative movement. His rhetoric has driven White extremism to unprecedented highs.

I would have rather had Bush or John Kasich as the president if given the choice for a Republican nominee.

With Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Chris Christie and Jeb Bush out the race, there's no possibility of a candidate who can bring the party together. Rubio is their last hope. If the Florida senator fails at winning any more elections, it will upset the balance.

Republicans are now the party of the Angry White Man! And it's unfortunate, they're proud of that!

The Gloves Are Off!

The South Carolina Republican Primary and the Nevada Caucus. Congratulations to Donald J. Trump and Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton on winning.

Donald Trump took the victory in the most bitterly fought primary. It became a huge defeat for not only Ted Cruz, but Marco Rubio, Ben Carson and Jeb Bush. John Kasich still has some breath of life left in him. Rubio and Cruz will continue to fight to the bitter end.

Donald Trump has won the South Carolina primary, according to projections from the AP, CBS News, NBC News, and Fox News. It's the second victory in a row for the billionaire, who looks to have about 34% of the vote. This in spite of exit polls that showed that some four in 10 voters made up their minds at the last minute and many broke for Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who are still locked in a battle for second and third place at around 21% of the vote. Jeb Bush is running a distant fourth place, and faces some hard decisions as his fundraising dries up.

Hillary Clinton managed to beat Bernie Sanders in the Nevada caucus. It was considered one of the toughest fights for the former secretary of state. Agitators in the junk food media were hoping that Sanders was going to upset Clinton in the race.

Clinton avoided a "dramatic setback" with the win. And the Hill states it will "calm some nerves" after Sanders nearly beat both expectations and Clinton in the state. Sanders managed to turn a double-digit deficit in earlier polls into a narrow loss. The results of the caucus were called about two hours after it started.

The win gives Clinton some momentum with the South Carolina primary and Super Tuesday coming up. She also now has evidence that 2016 will play out differently than her 2008 contest against Obama and that she is more electable than Sanders. But it wasn't all good news for Clinton. She underperformed among Latino voters and isn't getting "fervent support" from young people. New Republic notes this "enthusiasm gap" could hurt her in the general election.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Nikki Haley Endorses Marco Rubio!

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is fighting against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for the second spot.

Rubio scored a huge endorsement today. The governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley came out in favor of him. She also bucked front runners Donald Trump and Cruz for being too divisive.

Haley is a rising star in the Republican Party. She bucked her own party when it came to the Confederate flag. The governor faced pressure from the families of the victims killed at Emanuel AME Church and  #BlackLivesMatter.

In July, the state officially removed the flag from the state grounds. The governor won praise from Democrats and Republicans for taking a

Rubio gets the approval of South Carolina's Nikki Haley.
Haley along with Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) believe that Rubio can bring the Republicans together.

Jeb Bush who was hoping for Haley's endorsement was none too happy about it. Bush felt that she made a huge mistake in endorsing Rubio.

Bush has been hammering Rubio, Trump and Cruz for having no experience. He's so far trailing either in fourth place or fifth place.

Dr. Ben Carson and John Kasich are stumbling in the national polls.

Carson's last stand could be in South Carolina. If he doesn't finish strong he may eventually drop out.

Kasich's second place victory in New Hampshire was a bump that all but disappeared. He's signals he'll carry the contest to Super Tuesday, Ohio and Florida.

The country's most nastiest agitator went to social media to blast Haley. The ignorant woman thinks that American-born Nikki Haley is an immigrant.

The South Carolina primary is on Saturday. It looks like Trump may pull a strong victory in the state.

But don't count out polls. Rubio and Cruz are both competitive challengers.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Dems Got A Long Fight Ahead!

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will likely continue to be the Majority Leader of the Senate. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) will retire as the Minority Leader putting his seat in a competitive race.

Again, I don't care for the Republicans and Democrats. They both suck. They both are out for their own. They don't understand the plight of the American people. They are invested in the special interest groups and elites that continue to pour money into their races. They will play partisan games and continue grandstanding for the sake of their federal perks.

Here's my outlook for the U.S. Senate elections. The Republicans have 54 members currently serving. They have to lose 5 seats to fall back into the minority. Some of the seats are in states that President Barack Obama carried in the 2012 election.

With the pending fight in the nomination of a Supreme Court justice, most Republicans stand firm in opposing a choice to replace Antonin Scalia. Some of the Republicans are polling somewhat well to somewhat bad in their respective states. They know the risk of being inept in their home states. 

Republicans will have to protect Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Illinois and New Hampshire. These seats are considered TOSS UP. These seats are competitive but it could also put risk on usually safe seats such as Arizona, Indiana, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. This would be a challenge for Republicans.

With the job approval of Congress at record lows, it's not easy for Republicans to bring up the failures of Obama when they're the ones also in power. But don't think it's an easy road for the Democrats. It's going to be a tough fight for Democrats to win back the trust of the American people.

Democrats have to fight for seats in states like Nevada, Colorado and Maryland. I conclude these states as TOSS UP. It's likely going to be a hard road for the Dems to recapture the Senate. 

Depending on who becomes the nominee, I have pegged the candidates and how I believe that Republicans will continue to hold on to the majority of the senate. The odds are 52 - 48.

Alaska - Lisa Murkowski (RUNNING) (SAFE)
Hawaii - Brian Schantz (RUNNING) (SAFE)
Washington - Patty Murray (RUNNING) (SAFE)
California - Barbara Boxer (RETIRING) (LIKELY DEMOCRAT)
Colorado - Michael Bennet (RUNNING) (TOSS UP) (ODDS: REPUBLICAN)
Idaho - Mike Crapo (RUNNING) (SAFE)
Utah - Mike Lee (RUNNING) (SAFE)
North Dakota - Jim Hoeven (RUNNING) (LIKELY REPUBLICAN)
South Dakota - John Thune (RUNNING) (SAFE)
Kansas - Jerry Moran (RUNNING) (SAFE)
Oklahoma - James Lankford (RUNNING) (SAFE)
Arkansas - John Boozman (RUNNING) (SAFE)
Louisiana - David Vitter (RETIRING) (LEANS REPUBLICAN)
Wisconsin - Ron Johnson (RUNNING) (TOSS UP) (ODDS: DEMOCRAT)
Illinois - Mark Kirk (RUNNING) (TOSS UP) (ODDS: DEMOCRAT)
Ohio - Rob Portman (RUNNING) (TOSS UP) (ODDS: PORTMAN)
Alabama - Richard Shelby (RUNNING) (SAFE)
Georgia - Johnny Isakson (RUNNING) (SAFE)
North Carolina - Richard Burr (RUNNING) (LEANS REPUBLICAN)
South Carolina - Tim Scott (RUNNING) (SAFE)
New Hampshire - Kelly Ayotte (RUNNING) (TOSS UP) (ODDS: AYOTTE)
Vermont - Patrick Leahy (RUNNING) (SAFE)
New York -  Chuck Schumer (RUNNING) (SAFE)
Pennsylvania - Pat Toomey (RUNNING) (LEANS REPUBLICAN)
Connecticut - Richard Blumenthal (RUNNING) (SAFE)
Maryland - Barbara Mikulski (RETIRING) (TOSS UP) (ODDS: DEMOCRAT)

Around The Bush!

Miss me, yet?

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is bring out his brother.

Mr. 43, himself, George Walker Bush.

The campaign trail is getting a little rockier for the former Florida governor. Bush is hoping to cash in on his brother's popularity in the deeply conservative state.

The Bush family is in South Carolina in a last ditch effort to score a win. They're touting the narrative that "Trump is a reality television star" while the Bush family "kept America safe".

As you know, George W. Bush is relatively unpopular among many in the nation. He left the country in such disarray and to this day never apologized for his actions. Bush gave America, Barack Obama.

After winning two terms, Obama managed to proceed over the most partisan Congress to ever exist.

Republicans forgotten that 9/11 happened under George W. Bush's watch. They forgotten that Bush is responsible for the negligent handling of Hurricane Katrina. But it's the Democrats fault right!

Republicans made it top priority to defeat him as best as they could. They figure that its fiction that Obama's impact helped the economy. They believe that the numbers are fixed when it comes unemployment. The Republicans believe that a united front in creating stability in the Middle East is betraying Israel. Republicans are fearing that Obama picking a potential Supreme Court justice nominee could swing the court away from its conservative slant.

The Republicans are cautious about addressing the obvious. They'll scapegoat Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama as the blame for the nation's woes.

Now that the partisan bar shifted from terrorism to the potential swing of the Supreme Court, Bush is hoping that his brother's legacy of appointing John Roberts and Samuel Alito could bring conservatives back to their senses.

Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are aiming at Bush. They believe that appointing Roberts as the Chief Justice was a big mistake. Trump aimed at Cruz for backing him. Cruz aimed at Trump for supporting the liberal justices in some issues.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is a failed presidential candidate. He went ahead and endorse Bush for president.

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) endorsed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for president.

Here's the video of the Brothers Bush with the most annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity.

Hannity is one of the biggest ass kissing shrills for Republicans. He constantly bitches about Obama's policies and Bush doing his best to "keep America safe".

Monday, February 15, 2016

Could Loretta Lynch Be The Next Justice?

Another woman! Could President Barack Obama pick Attorney General Loretta Lynch to become the next Associate Justice of The Supreme Court?

The news today is the president won't exercise a recess appointment to the Supreme Court.

The president warned Republicans that he will take measures necessary to get a nominee confirmed to the Supreme Court. In due time, the president will pick a potential candidate who will face an uphill battle in the U.S. Senate.

The first African American woman could be nominated to replace the late Antonin Scalia. Some legal analysis signal that the president could choose his Attorney General as the potential nominee for the Supreme Court.

Loretta Lynch, the current Attorney General is floated around in the media. She was the first Attorney General in U.S. history to have a unprecedented hold on her confirmation. It took over 104 days before the Senate confirmed her with the slimmest of votes.

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), then Majority Leader warned Republicans that the "nuclear option" will happen if they continue to stall the president's nominees.

The SCOTUS blog signaled that Lynch is a "very serious choice" for the Court.

Many in the junk food media speculate who's going to be the pick for the Supreme Court. We have no clear name in the listing. But rest assured, the Republicans are adamant against any nominee President Barack Obama picks.

Who could be the pick for the Supreme Court?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Knight To Pawn!

Republicans threaten government shutdown over Obama's pick to replace Antonin Scalia.

The right is scrambling for an offense. The sudden death of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia has become a political football. The conservative justice died in Texas yesterday leaving the Supreme Court in limbo. Republicans are demanding the president hold back. They don't want him to nominate a justice. They rather have a new president take control of the situation.

President Barack Obama said that he will nominate a person to fill the position. Republicans are signaling a fight in the Senate.

Once again the Republicans threaten to shut down the government because they fear the wrath of elites and conservative agitators in the junk food media.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) are threatening filibuster if Obama nominate anyone to the Supreme Court.

Check it, the Republican Party got to booing John Dickerson when he corrected Cruz at the debate.

Cruz boldly said that Ronald Reagan appointed his third justice, Anthony Kennedy in 1987. It was true that he appointed the nominee, but the fact it was 1988 when he was confirmed. It was confirmed during an election year. Cruz was dishonest in that point.
President Barack Obama is going forth to pick a nominee. And he dares Republicans to stop him.
Cruz did pause and stare down Dickerson which led to the audience booing. Yes, Cruz told something that was false but it didn't stop him from making his platitude speech.

This is a lose/lose for the Republicans. The Supreme Court decisions that conservatives favor could be in jeopardy of being struck down.

The president may nominate a moderate.

The Republicans can stall a nominee but it will backfire. The Democrats will sabotage the Republican if he makes it to the White House.

This game is getting old.

Republicans are proving themselves to be quite inept.

If Donald Trump or Ted Cruz should become the Republican nominee, the party could face a bitter defeat. I know that the moderates and non-partisan Republicans are going to sour on the two bombastic candidates.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

BREAKING: Antonin Scalia Passed Away!

Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia passed away.

It was learned today that the Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had passed away. He died one month shy of his 80th birthday. He was 79 years old.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Justice Antonin Scalia.

A New Jersey native, Scalia was then a lawyer, a professor and a mentor. He mentored presidential candidate and current senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

He was of Italian-American heritage and is the father of nine. He was married to Maureen McCarthy, a woman Scalia found love after having a blind date.

Scalia was appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1986, he served as one of the longest serving justices in the Court. He was known for his colorful and yet controversial stances on many issues brought to the Court.

Scalia said that the day will come when monumental change could occur. But as an originalist he wanted to keep things the way is was. He shown that type of actions when he became the influential decision maker in the District of Columbia v. Heller case. That stripped localities from issuing gun bans in the communities. The gun owners cheered that as one of the Court's biggest gun rights decisions.

Scalia was in West Texas. He apparently passed away of natural causes. He was a featured speaker and guest at the Cibolo Creek Ranch, a resort in the Big Bend region south of the town of Marfa.

He was attending a private party at the ranch. When he didn't arrive for a breakfast gathering, a bell hop went to the room and found his body.

The U.S. Marshals are investigating the ranch to make sure that issues there didn't result in negligence.

The nation's court is hanging at the balance.

Conservatives praised the justice for taking the ground on issues such as abortion, gun rights, tort laws and gay marriage. His death is a huge blow to the conservative movement.

Matter of fact, they feared this could happen.

Scalia's death has far-reaching implications for the Court and a set of major court cases are set to come down. One in particular deals with Affirmative Action. The Fisher v. University of Texas case was going to be a monumental decision. President Barack Obama's executive orders on immigration were brought up in the court. A split decision will void the case. The Republicans also threatened to bring Obamacare back into the Court.

President Barack Obama and members of Congress as well as the candidates had chimed in on the passing.

Obama will nominate a person to fill the vacancy. It will be certainly a fight with Republicans in the Senate. They have the majority. They can hold the nominee or call a vote to reject the nominee.

Already putting out a statement, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said that the next president will fill the vacancy. The Republicans will pull bullshit moves to hold back Obama's nominee.

But eventually they'll have to vote on it.

It also makes them vulnerable to Democrat charges that the Republicans can't govern. Democrats warn Republicans that denying Obama a nominee will result in "payback" if a Republican wins the White House.

Republicans are in a situation where they have a no win situation. They can't deny the president his Constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice. They are allowed to run the clock out on the nominee. The Democrats can also force a vote on the floor.

Republicans are going to be fucked regardless of what they do!

We will keep you informed on this developing story.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Ann Coulter Calls Nikki Haley An Anchor Baby!

Agitator calls Nikki Haley an "anchor baby".

So I guess she's no longer a part of the insurgency.

South Carolina's Nikki Haley decided to follow the trends of hashtag activism by signing off the removal of the Confederate flag from state grounds. She along with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC) joined in unison as they finally caved over the controversial flag being waved.

In the wake of the Charleston massacre, the Republican governor heard the rally cries of #BlackLivesMatter and the families of the victims. She felt that the time is now for South Carolina to turn a page against an ugly history.

Nimrata Randhawa Haley is one of the youngest governors in the nation is born to Indian parents. She is very vocal in the Republican Party and is floated as a potential vice presidential candidate.

She is married to her husband Mark and has two children. She identifies as Christian but sometimes practice Sikh with her family.
The Queen of Mean.
She became governor of the state after then-governor Sanford resigned from the governor's mansion after he admitted he used taxpayer's in his affair.

Haley was rewarded with the Republican response.

Of course, the governor went after President Barack Obama. But what caused conservative outrage was the ding at Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-SC) and probably Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC).

Her response didn't go so well for the racist right. It's resident rube is conservative agitator Ann Coulter. She wasted no time going after First Lady Michelle Obama. But she saved the best for Haley.

Coulter is no stranger to ignorant and downright stupid remarks is so fucking confused about Haley.

She doesn't know that Haley was born in South Carolina and is an American citizen.

Coulter doesn't give a fuck. She hates political correctness and she a huge fan of Trump. Matter of fact, that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity and the old fart Rush Limbaugh are ass-kissing Trump.

They rather have a blowhard than a blow over.

About Joe Wilson. He's a South Carolina lawmaker who represents the 2nd Congressional District. He represent Columbia and southwestern tier. Wilson became famous for yelling "You Lie" at President Barack Obama during his Joint Session of Congress Speech (similar to the State of the Union).

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Black Insurgent Becomes Kentucky's Lieutenant Governor!

Jenean Hampton becomes Kentucky's lieutenant governor. She is the first African American to hold the position. She is a registered Republican.

Kentucky's soon to be governor Matt Bevin is no longer a perennial gadfly. It was a healthy victory for the insurgent Republican. Did you know that the controversial businessman had a running mate that also won. Her victory marks a first for the state.

Jenean Hampton becomes the lieutenant governor for the state. She is the first African American to hold this position. She was elected as a Republican.

The 58 year old mother and grandmother started from humble beginnings. She grew up in the Detroit area. Her family worked in the manufacturing boom of the automotive juggernaut Chrysler.

She joined the U.S. Air Force, where she spent seven years writing code and managing software like the radar used to find enemy planes in Operation Desert Storm, where she was deployed. She then spent 19 years in the corrugated packing industry.

She boldly says that she's not a fan of Barack Obama and vows to oppose his policies. That often cause a family feud between her and her late father.

It's apparently a mystery to her family, too. Hampton said her father, who recently died, "went to his grave mad at me."

"That I'm conservative, Republican, didn't support Obama — he just could not wrap his arms around that," she told Bailey.

Hampton says her guiding light is constitutionally limited government, and she told Bailey that when trying to climb out of inner-city Detroit, she felt government and friends and family around her were rooting for her to fail:

"A huge part of what formed my opinions was the peer pressure that I got to fail," she said. "These were kids who questioned my good grades, questioned the way I spoke, questioned my choice in music and the fact that I was reading all the time. I just remember wondering, 'Well, jeez, when do I get to just be Jenean with my own likes and dislikes?' "

As she got older, she said she despised Nixon's Republican Party but came around to the GOP when Ronald Reagan was president because he reflected her own optimism about the American Dream, according to Bailey.

Now as the lieutenant governor, Hampton will do her best to make Republicans seem less racist than they normally are.

The race in the Bluegrass state was supposed to be a victory for the Democrats.

The people of Kentucky love KNect, the state's health care exchange. Outgoing governor Steve Beshear was at best a decent governor. The Democrats didn't put much in the races for governor.

But I guess Donald Trump's impact and the state's opposition to gay marriage being a contributing factor to Bevin winning the governor's race.

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Fans Of The View Call For Cannon Fire!

Calls for a cannon fire plague entertainer Raven-Symone.

One too many slips now has the former child star facing a backlash.

Raven-Symone (Pearman) started co-hosting The View in April. She was formally introduced to the program during the Fall season. Now six months in, many fans of the daytime talk show are calling for her removal.

In the wake of Officer Slam, the entertainer said the cop went out of line when did his take down of the teen. However, she slammed the teen for not listening to the cop.

She basically said that the teen should have put her damn phone up.

Officer Slam (formerly known as Ben Fields) was fired out the cannon last week.

I've heard a handful of students weren't happy about his cannon fire. The conservative agitators were promoting the counter-protest. Some students walked out of class in support of the now former South Carolina deputy for the Richland County sheriff's department.

There's a petition calling for ABC to fire the entertainer out the cannon. So far they see the entertainer as a goldmine. They consider her the Black version of Rosie O'Donnell.

The five most outrageous comments.

1) Defending Officer Slam
2) Watermelondrea
3) I'm A Celebrity And I Take Selifes
4) Defending a Spanish host after he called First Lady Michelle Obama an "ape"
5) $20 Harriett Tubman

On, there's a petition calling for a cannon fire. So far over 135,000 people signed on to the petition. I am guessing that Raven-Symone signed it too as a middle finger to those who want to throw "political correctness" around.

Che Scott-Heron, the U.K. woman who started the petition, wrote on the petition's website that Raven's statements only hurt the black community.

"African Americans and black people around the diaspora need a voice representative of their views and not a voice representative of what white people want us to say." Heron wrote. "We need strong black role models in prominent positions on television and Raven-Symoné cannot provide that. That is why I ask that we petition to remove her from 'The View.'"

As the daytime talk show enters its 19th season, ratings are down. CBS daytime's The Talk enters its 6th season within striking distance of The View. The second quarter ratings bested The View.

By the way, the third worst person to host a cable news show got a petition calling for his cannon fire. Don Lemon also faced a backlash after he got a kick out watching Officer Slam flipping the teen.

Who is a hot mess?
Rachel Dolezal
Stacey Dash
Miley Cyrus

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Cop Walk In The Zachary Hammond Case! [NSFW]

The killing of  Zachary Hammond.was justified says the law.

If it wasn't for #BlackLivesMatter, we wouldn't hear the story of a 19-year old teen being gunned down by plain clothes after they accused him of raving up the vehicle and trying to run him over.

The FBI and Justice Department are looking into the case. They are determining if use of force was justified.

Zachary Hammond, a Seneca, South Carolina teen was accompanied by an alleged prostitute. Tori Morton, 23 year old accompanied with Zach was later arrested.

Tori Morton was sobbing in mug.
Now that she's out of lockup Tori said that the cop used excessive force.

The law put two slugs in Zach. He was killed upon impact. His vehicle rolled a bit. He was unarmed.

The officer who put the slugs in him was 32-year-old police lieutenant Mark Tiller. Tiller was not indicted in the shooting. This sparked outrage among the family and #BlackLivesMatter activists.

Now his family demands answers to why their son was gunned down. Yeah, the junk food media will do the usual "well he was this before that!" They do a document drop to say well if it wasn't for his behavior, he wouldn't be shot.

The concern trolls practice in deflecting and distracting.

Why an unarmed suspect was gunned down for a minor offense?

Zach had a history of involvement with drugs, and threatened to kill his ex-girlfriend three months prior to the incident. Previous text messages revealed a prior unwillingness to stop for police or to submit to lawful authority, and he had previously run through several police checkpoints in order to evade arrest.

Mark Tiller, Seneca Police and dog handler
Tiller approached Zach's car, ordering him to show his hands. Zach did not show his hands and instead accelerated toward the officer, damaging the curb and forcing the officer to step back to avoid being hit.

Tiller then fired two rounds from his .45 caliber handgun at close range through the open driver's side window of the car as Zach tried to flee. Bullets struck Zach in the left chest and left rear shoulder.

According to a police report, Tiller feared being run over by Zach's vehicle when he backed it up and then pulled forward toward the officer. Zach was under the influence of cocaine at the time of his death.

In the video from clear up, the Tiller fired upon the vehicle the moment Zach rode off. The video is disturbing. What got me was he said that he's going to call his PBA rep.

That code for union rep.

In the video I see that Zach was trying to avoid Tiller. I see that Tiller overracted to the fact that Zach was trying to pull away.

The shooting happened at about 8:20 p.m. July 26 in the parking lot of Hardee's on Bypass 123 in Seneca during an undercover drug sting that targeted Tori 23, who was a passenger in Hammond’s car.

Tori accidentally texted a state trooper who had a very similar number to the person she was trying to sell drugs to.

The exchange goes as follows:

Tori (from Zach Hammond's Cell): hey this tori I gotta g (gram) for 60 of the good (street language for cocaine)
Trooper: Can i meet you in a little bit
Tori (from Zach's Cell): yeah whenever

The trooper called Seneca police, who sent an undercover officer to Hardee's to meet with Morton and Hammond.

This was the exchange between the officer and Morton around 8:25 p.m:

Officer: I'm in the back where you at
Toril (from Zach's Cell): I think im beside u lol

Tiller was sent to Hardee's for backup. This would lead to the deadly encounter.

The decision not to bring state charges against Tiller does not close the case. The U.S. Justice Department has opened a civil rights investigation into the matter and that federal investigation is still ongoing.

To read more about the Zach Hammond shooting click on this link.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Zachary Hammond.

Mark Fuhrman: I Didn't See Anything Wrong With SC Cop's Handling Of Teen!

That right wing network brings out the ex-LAPD detective Mark Fuhrman. This is the guy who once called Blacks standing at a corner a bunch of "Niggers with beady eyes". He's giving his take on the brutal takedown of teen by SC deputy.

While the nation condemned the deputy for doing the act, there's only one network devoted to saying that the takedown was justified.

Mark Furhman, the disgraced Los Angeles Police Department detective gives analysis of the now viral video of a South Carolina deputy dragging a teen across the classroom floor.

Fuhrman gain notoriety for being the caught saying racial slurs about suspects. He was accused of perjuring himself during the O.J. Simpson murder trail. His perjury charge helped Simpson beat a murder rap.

Fuhrman was forced to retire. After he left the LAPD, he took to becoming a conservative AM agitator who does a podcast. His rhetoric attracts White extremists. Fuhrman is watched by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

He appears on that network that concludes that #BlackLivesMatter is a "murder group". Fuhrman who took refuge in White extremist haven of Idaho, made some uneasy comments about the situation.

“I’ll tell you why it’s not excessive,” Fuhrman said. “He verbalized, he made contact, he verbalized, he was polite. He requested her. He verbally did that.”

“The next level is he put a hand on her,” he continued. “She escalated it from there. He used soft control. He threw her on the ground, he handcuffed her. He didn’t use mace. He didn’t use a Taser. He didn’t use a stick. He didn’t kick her. He didn’t hit her. He didn’t choke her. He used a minimal amount of force necessary to effect an arrest.”

This is the network that claims that Barack Obama embraces "radicals" and supports the murder of "law enforcement".

With that coon cop David Clarke, Bo Dietl and now the racist dick Fuhrman all appearing on that annoying conservative agitator's program, it's appears that they're siding with Richland County sheriff's deputy Ben Fields brutal take down of the teen.

The sheriff is determining whether he may fire Fields out the cannon.

Would you want that done to your child or perhaps you?

By the way, did you know that Fields has a Black girlfriend?

This is what the concern trolls are bringing up. Again deflecting the reason to why the nation is outraged over the fact a man would put his arm and hands around a teen. Distracting from the fact that on camera, the man would slam the teen on the ground and drag her across the classroom floor.


Media Matters and Raw Story got the goods on this bonehead.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

So Where's The Video Of The Teen Hitting Disgraced SC Cop?

The teen struggled when the cop put his arm around her neck and chest.

Didn't take long for the conservative agitators to defend the South Carolina cop who body slammed a teen inside a classroom. Of course, they blame President Barack Obama.

The president was in Chicago discussing gun violence. Of course, this is nothing new for the president when it comes to addressing this issue. He's been practically saying this stuff since the first time he's addressed a mass shooting under his watch.

That annoying conservative agitator and many like him are concern trolling yet again.

The now viral video of a South Carolina deputy body slamming and dragging a teen in a school classroom became a rally cry to address police brutality. The deputy Ben Fields is on ice pending a misconduct charge or discipline termination.

The video seen across the world shows the officer using brutal force on the teen.

Unfortunately the #AllLivesMatter crowd believes the video doesn't really show the real reason to why the deputy used force.

The Richland County Sheriff says that there's a video showing the teen shoving the deputy.

So why wasn't this published on social media?

Sheriff Leon Lott is saying that while he believes that the actions of Fields were
disgusting, the actions of the teen sparked the takedown.

So there's a third video of the teen trying to throw a punch at the deputy!

Well there's a part where the teen did strike when Fields puts his arm around her neck almost choking her. Do you want a man to put his arm around your neck when you refuse to leave a seat?

Again, would you want your child or you be tossed around like that? 

The law would often do a document dump to take the heat off their officers. Hence for the James Comey comments. Isn't withholding evidence a part of the Ferguson Effect?
The biggest concern troll to exist in the media believes the girl deserved it.
Again, there's no war on the police. There's a rally for police reform. #BlackLivesMatter wants reform and fair treatment when engaging with the law.

The blue wall of silence is "NO SNITCHIN".

The law will lie when they justify use of force, an issuing of a citation, and unlawful searches of your vehicle and home. The YouTube effect does help address police brutality. The junk food media sponges off social media. They will get involve after the story becomes a viral sensation.

#BLACKLIVESMATTER would not exist if they would have held George Zimmerman and Darren Wilson accountable for their reckless actions.

Congress is still inept. The Republicans will not address police reform and gun control.

As of right now, the FBI and South Carolina State Police are investigating the deputy.

Don Lemon Got A Kick Out Of Teen Being Flipped By Cop!

Don Lemon gets into a heated confrontation with Sonny Hostin on CNN. They debate the now viral video of a young girl being flung around by South Carolina cop in a school classroom.

The now viral video of South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields flipping a teen in the classroom of a suburban Columbia school has the nation talking.

#BlackLivesMatter once again brings to light the unfair treatment of unarmed citizens and law enforcement. This issue bring concerns of Blacks being brutalized or killed while in police custody.

The Richland County Sheriff's department iced Fields pending either discipline or criminal misconduct charges. The FBI and South Carolina state authorities are considering possible civil right violations against Fields.

Fields got him a lawyer and a police union who is willing to back up the claim that the teen didn't act right from the jump. The person who filmed the encounter didn't get the whole story.

CNN, MSNBC and that right wing network are covering the controversy in their usual partisan fashion. Some commentators are supportive of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. They are outraged that the officer who has a history is still on the force.

Then of course the #AllLivesMatter crowd. The concern trolls who are often siding with the law regardless of misconduct or reckless call. These networks continuie bringing on commentators who often believe that the actions were justified.

Take that asshole Milwaukee sheriff David Clarke, Jr. He's been on that right wing network more than he's been in his office in Milwaukee. The conservatives seem to rely on this buffoon for commentary. This Black lawman often expresses outrageous comments towards Black America.

Some of his comments are half-true or deliberately biased. The racist right eats this stuff for breakfast. They find these coons to air out our problems while failing to address the rise in heroin and human trafficking. None of these coons talk about gun crime in America. It's always Black on Black violence and negligent parenting.

Enter the next buffoon in the media. The third most hated agitator in cable news, Don Lemon.

Don Lemon comes in third place. He, Ronan Farrow and that annoying conservative agitator are the worst in cable news. They are often panned along with Rev. Perm for being just plain awful.

That annoying conservative agitator and Rev. Perm were demoted. Farrow was kicked off the 3pm spot on MSNBC. Don Lemon was promoted to the struggling 9pm slot on CNN.

He seems to get a kick out of law enforcement brutalizing citizens. On the Situation Room, Wolf Blitzer, Tom Fuentes and Sunny Hostin were debating this with Lemon.

Lemon made a comment that seems to attract Mediaite.

“It does look disturbing,” said the CNN anchor. “The part that is most disturbing to me is seeing her thrown around. As far as the desk going over, I don’t know if the desk fell over because she didn’t want to get up or if he pushed it over. I don’t know. I think there’s context to everything. I would like to see what happens before and I would like to see what happened afterwards… It does look horrible. It does look like there’s no excuse for what he’s doing to her, but again, we don’t know… This only show a small slice in time of what happened. I’d like to know more before passing judgment.”

That got Sunny Hostin out of her seat. She wanted to reach across the set and slap the shit out of Lemon. Figuratively speaking of course.

 “Are you guys kidding me?” said Hostin.
Deputy Ben Fields may want to consider a new line of work.
Lemon and Hostin took turns yelling at and interrupting one another.

“No, we’re not kidding. We don’t know what happened,” said Lemon. “You weren’t sitting in the room, Sunny. You don’t know if she wasn’t standing up!”

“I don’t need to know more,” Hostin retorted, to which Lemon said: “You do need to know more! As a prosecutor, you should want to know more.”

“This is a young girl!” she shouted, emphasizing the girl’s age in comparison to the school resource officer.

Lemon persisted, noting that all the facts should be sought out and analyzed before passing judgment on the situation. Fuentes and Blitzer didn’t say anything throughout the exchange, though they mostly agreed in their own comments. Hostin, however, never relented until the show host interrupted the segment to show a second video.

Regardless of how this situation happened, would you want your child or you tossed around like that?

FBI chief James Comey also lit up a shit storm by saying that recording misconduct by law enforcement makes it harder for them to do their jobs. Comey believes the "Ferguson Effect" has made the law lack the effort to combat real criminal activity.

The White House shot back saying that Comey's comments were ridiculous.


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