Showing posts with label Cleveland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cleveland. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Looking Real Sick!

Ted Cruz ends the race in embarrassment. He accidently jabs his wife Heidi in the face.

Failed presidential candidate Ted Cruz elbows his wife on his way out. Many conservative agitators in the junk food media blame The Drudge Report and Fox News for Cruz's brutal loss.

Some conservatives are turning on their own. That annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity is feuding with Glenn Beck and Mark Levin over his ass-kissing coverage of Donald Trump.

It's no secret that the old fart Rush Limbaugh, Drudge and Hannity once again created the toxic environment for Republicans. The cheerleading from these three has hurt them with conservatives. Now conservatives are tempted to vote for an insurgent to stop the insurgent.

Trump's rhetoric could hurt Republicans in the general election. Right now, I am not sure on who could be the next president. I mean it's difficult to determine seeing that Trump and Hillary Clinton are both polarizing candidates.

Republicans have lost elections because of these three agitators. We can thank them for President Barack Obama.

John Kasich will head back to Ohio with his tail in between his legs. I guess Indiana did it for him too. The Ohio governor announced he is suspending his campaign.

In Columbus, Kasich delivers a 20 minute statement saying that he's dedicated to helping Republicans win but refused to endorse Trump.

The old fart Limbaugh said that Kasich staying in the race damaged Cruz. The kookspiracy going around the webs is that Kasich was intentionally hurting Cruz so he could become a vice president nominee if Trump selects him. Kasich shot down the notion of being vice president.

Trump said that he's willing to take Kasich, Chris Christie and Marco Rubio as running mates.

Trump is assured the nomination. He clearly has this wrapped up and now many Republicans are in deep concern whether he's viable enough to defeat Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee.
John Kasich finally ends his embarrassing quest for president.
Bernie Sanders is still in the race, but the junk food media is going to ignore him soon. Clinton's delegate lead is so close it's almost likely if she fails at winning the final primaries, she will have enough to avert a contested convention.

Cruz ended his campaign in Indiana after he was trounced by rival Donald Trump. Cruz was none too happy about losing to a reality television star.

I can imagine that Cruz will get payback against Trump if he was to become the President of the United States. He will stall all the nominees that a hypothetical Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump brings forth.

The controversial billionaire is the Republican presumptive nominee. He single handedly beaten the establishment.

Trump will head to Cleveland to get the nomination. Will the establishment Republicans show up?

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

See You At The Crossroads!

Ted Cruz announced he is dropping out the race.

Donald Trump annihilated the controversial Texas senator.

The Donald won Indiana in a landslide. It eliminates the notion that Trump will face a contested convention. Republicans are getting used to the inevitable. Trump is well on his way to capture the nomination.

Bernie Sanders wins the state of Indiana upsetting Clinton who was favored a win.

It goes without any question, Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee. He has no serious challenges. John Kasich is still in the race but it's over for him as well. He has no real viable path to victory. So now the junk food media will ignore Kasich.

Trump's win was so brutal to Ted Cruz. The senator put a lot of time and money into this state. He brought Carly Fiorina out of the dustbin and she couldn't muster enough hope for Cruz. It's a politically conservative state. Now I am certain that path to the nomination will now be likely Trump.

Conservative agitators are divided over this. Mark Levin slams Fox News for allowing this "circus" go on for so long. George Will refuse to support Trump. Many Republicans are now wondering where they're going next.

Chances for Donald Trump becoming the U.S. president is now 51%. Chances for Hillary Clinton to be the Democratic nominee is 94%. Chances for Hillary Clinton becoming the U.S. president is 57%.

Donald Trump defeated Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Jim Gilmore, George Pataki, Lindsey Graham, Ben Carson, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, John Kasich and now Ted Cruz. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Cleveland Puts The Value Of Tamir Rice In Cash!

Tamir Rice's life was more than what Cleveland paid out. 

The family of Tamir Rice was awarded $6 million in punitive damages. The family will be paid out in two transactions. The family filed a federal lawsuit against the city of Cleveland, Ohio and the two officers who fatally killed Tamir while he was playing with a toy gun.

Frank Jackson, the mayor of Cleveland is working with Loretta Lynch and the Justice Department to fix the Cleveland Police. He was none too happy paying out this large amount. Cleveland is struggling with financial burdens.

The family says that it would rather see the two officers locked up for negligent homicide.

Cleveland police officers Frank Garmback and Tim Loehmann were dispatched to a call of a man with a gun in the park. They arrived within minutes. Upon exiting the vehicle, Loehmann put slugs in Tamir without conscience.

According to Tamir's sister, she was upset that the law shot her brother. They ended up knocking her down and arresting her. Tamir's mother Samaria was threatened with arrest if she didn't stop yelling at the officers.

This event happened in November 2014.

Loehmann and Garmback are working the desk pending a federal investigation into the handling of the case. They avoided getting state charges of involuntary manslaughter dropped. The prosecutor found that even though Ohio is an open carry state, the officers had reasonable cause to use force.

Loehmann was a rookie officer. He was fired out the cannon from another police department after they found him incompetent and reckless.

The public is calling for the officers and the 911 operator to be fired out the cannon.

The prosecutor Tim McGinty faced a primary defeat after he found that Loehmann's actions were justified. Many claimed that McGinty was being too soft on the reckless behavior by cops.

Marissa Williams and Timothy Russell were shot over 137 times by Cleveland and East Cleveland police. Out of the 22 officers who fired upon the two, one was indicted on charges. He was found not guilty of the shooting. The other officers faced a cannon firing or a downgrade.

Cleveland paid $10 million to the families of both Marissa and Timothy.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Ohio Father And His Boys Rite Of Passage Riles Up The Law!

Dad's way of teaching children about the dangers of inviting strangers into the house backfired and the junk food media is covering this. The Westlake Police are investigating whether they may charge the father and his friend for causing a panic.

The sons were acting a fool. Bilal Abdul Mani, the father wanted to set his two sons straight.

Dad told his friend to head over to his home once the boys came home from school. The friend was supposed to state that their dad owed some money and he wants in to settle the score.

 According to police, the friend wanted to stop the role play when it was obvious the boys were scared, but the father wanted him to continue.

"I wanted to make sure that they did the right thing when I'm not at home. Me being a single parent, I need them to do the right thing," said the father.
Dad caused a panic and he may face criminal charges.
Police say, feeling threatened, the boys ran upstairs, locked themselves into a room, climbed out of a window onto the garage roof, then jumped down and ran to a neighbor's house to call police.

Abdul Mani says he thought his youngest son saw his car parked outside and thought he knew it was a setup.

The father says he came in a back door and listened to the ordeal in the basement, but by the time he could run upstairs, his sons had already run to the second floor and escaped from the house.

Police commend the boys for how they got away and escaped to safety.

"It was a lesson that I was trying to teach, that went bad," said Bilal Abdul Mani.

A terrified 16-year old Westlake boy called 911 around 4:00 p.m. Thursday, saying a man was threatening him and his 14-year old brother at their home on Pineview Drive.

If charged for any criminal act, the father is innocent until proven guilty.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Doug Banks Passed Away!

Doug Banks passed away. 

Urban radio will never be the same knowing that legendary radio host Doug Banks passed away today.

He hosted The Doug Banks Radio Show on many affiliates. Born in Philadelphia, Doug hosted radio shows in many markets but got his big break in the late 1990s when he joined V103 to do his show nationally. From 2-6pm (Central), Doug, George Willborn and Dee Dee Renee would give the take on the latest things going on in hip-hop and R&B.

His previous co-hosts A.J. Parker and Dee Dee McGuire all sent their condolences to their friend and mentor.
Doug Banks, Dee Dee Renee and George Willborn the producer. 
Doug was diagnosed with diabetes.

American Urban Radio Networks released a statement saying that the world has lost a legend. They said that Doug Banks was on a hot streak when illness took him away from this earth.

"We were all deeply saddened to hear the news of Doug’s passing.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, his wife Wendy and his daughters Kennede and Kelli. Radio has lost a true legend", said president of AURN, Jerry Lopes.

Many in the radio community also reign in their thoughts to the beloved radio host.

Born in Philadelphia, Banks hosted radio shows at stations in L.A., San Francisco, Las Vegas, Detroit and finally V103, his website says, before signing on to do a nationally syndicated show. His show airs on V103 from 2-6 p.m. on weekdays.

Banks began his broadcasting career on his high school's radio station in Detroit, Michigan. He then moved on to the big time in Motor City radio. Leaving Detroit, Doug became a hit on stations in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Doug Banks. He will truly be missed on radio and online.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bloody Oranges!


So far the race has ended beneficially for the controversial media mogul Donald J. Trump. He's won the biggest prize of Super Duper Tuesday! The wins destroys a rival who the establishment crowned their candidate.

The results are in. Ohio and Florida are the biggest prizes for the Democrats and Republicans running for president. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton can seal the deal if the turnout is in their favor.

For Marco Rubio and John Kasich, it's due or die.
Donald Trump is declared the winner of the Northern Mariana Islands Caucus. The U.S. territory overwhelmingly went to Trump.

CNN projects that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump secure Florida. Major blow to Marco Rubio.

Rubio concedes the race. The junk food media says that Rubio is dropping out. A heckler mocks the senator while he's delivering his speech. The political tides have shifted. Rubio ends the presidential campaign.

The turnout for Rubio isn't in the majority of Florida. He also announced that he will not seek reelection for senate.

Donald Trump ends with a huge lead in the Sunshine State. Hillary Clinton managed to grab a hold of Florida's Hispanic and Black population in the state. Clinton healthy win has given her some motivation.

Missouri is a state that Ted Cruz put some work in. The Republican managed to tap into the bible thumpers and gun owners. There's a slight lead for the Texas senator. 

North Carolina is closing up with Trump and Clinton likely winning. We can't call the race until CNN and AP projects the results.

The AP reports that Hillary Clinton is winning North Carolina. This comes a huge blow to Bernie Sanders. Sanders campaigned hard in the Ashville, Greensboro, Charlotte, Winston-Salem and Raleigh. The Black and Hispanic vote and working class women vote went overwhelmingly to Clinton.
Ohio gives the victory!
The AP and CNN project that John Kasich wins Ohio. The first win of the inept governor. It signals that Trump and Cruz will still have Kasich in the race. Kasich gives his victory speech.

A heckler interrupted the inept governor. Trump's call to disrupt rivals is working.

The inept governor had a managed to win his state in a bitterly fought race. With Rubio out, it's a three man race. Ted Cruz wanted it to be a two man race. It's not going to be like that. Now the establishment is backing Kasich. The meddling of Mitt Romney paid off in Ohio. The state that is extremely crucial to the U.S. Presidency has given its prodigal son a victory.

Now it's going to LIKELY a brokered convention in Cleveland. Conservative agitators dismiss Kasich for being a spoiler to Cruz and Trump. The Republican civil war is fully engaged.

The cracks are happening. Republicans fear that this moment could happen. The civil war is out in the open. If they steal the election from Trump, many voters could sit it out. If they nominate Trump, the Republicans may lose a generation of voters.

Michelle Malkin goes after Matt Drudge for posting a Ted Cruz smear. Ann Coulter slams Fox News and Cruz for being ambitious to attack Trump's supporters instead of the protesters. Mark Levin endorse Cruz for president. Ben Shapiro, editor at large/president and Michelle Fields quit Breitbart News after Joel Pollak and Stephen K. Bannon ignored the concerns of staffers being treated wrong by the Trump campaign.

Fields was manhandled by Trump's right hand man Corey Lewandowski. She announced she's pressing charges and filing a lawsuit against the campaign.

The Blaze Network is struggling after Beck's rally to stop Trump.

Failed presidential candidate Ben Carson admits that he's still bitter about Donald Trump and Ted Cruz ruining his bid. He admits that he didn't support Trump. He said that Trump promised a position in his administration if he won.

AP and CNN calls the state of Ohio for Hillary Clinton. The former secretary of state wins handily.
It's going to be harder for them to win!
Clinton's motivation in Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo and Columbus helped her. Clinton's win make her the clear frontrunner in this race.

Clinton comes out proud securing three major states that she was struggling to win. Florida, North Carolina and Ohio went for her in a huge turnout. Now Clinton's delegate lead has increased.

She gives her victory speech thanking Sanders. The Clinton campaign asks for voters to support her in order to stop Trump and Cruz from winning the election. Clinton knocks on Trump for his extremist rhetoric and hammers Republicans for flexing the only muscle they got, their goddamn tongues.

CNN and AP reports that Donald Trump wins the state of Illinois. The huge victory knocks John Kasich's Ohio victory down slightly. Ted Cruz was hoping to upset Trump.

Trump will acknowledge Cruz's dismal results. He will also go after Kasich and Rubio.

Failed presidential candidate Marco Rubio hasn't endorsed any candidate for president.

Bernie Sanders gains traction in Missouri. The Vermont senator could have a victory since Michigan.

The Michigan race was a big shakeup for Hillary Clinton.

CNN and AP reports that Donald Trump wins the state of North Carolina. The victory stops Ted Cruz's win in most of the Deep South.

Trump's victory speech.

Kasich's victory speech.

CNN and AP projects that Hillary Clinton won the state of Illinois. Missouri is close to call, it seems like Bernie Sanders may eek out a victory in the state.

It's told that conservative leaders will secretly meet in Washington, DC to decide on what they're going to do about Donald Trump. They have thoughts of running an insurgent to take on Trump.

It's confirmed that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton won the state of Missouri. Bernie Sanders will not engage in a recount. It comes a blow the Sanders campaign. Ted Cruz also will face a tougher road to victory.

Sunday, March 06, 2016


Cruz continues to win with Maine and Kansas. But still trailing in delegates. Trump wins Louisiana and Kentucky.

While many of the agitators in the junk food media mocked the Texas senator for of all things eating a booger, Rafael Edward Cruz (known as Ted Cruz) stuck it to them.

Republican Ted Cruz will continue to push conservatives to support him. He comes off a set of victories in two states that Donald Trump led in. Maine and Kansas goes to Cruz.

Trump managed to win the night though. He won Kentucky and Louisiana. These two states had the most delegates so far.

Donald Trump decided to skip the CNUTS convention. The straw poll has Ted Cruz winning with Marco Rubio and Donald Trump trailing from behind.
Bernie Sanders isn't going anywhere.
Cruz's surprising victories has Republicans cautiously optimistic that Trump could be stopped.

But it's still a large lead for the controversial media mogul. I mean it's going to be a brokered convention.

Perennial loser Mitt Romney managed to slow Trump's momentum in Kansas. Trump was leading favorably in these states. Trump's lost to Maine was a shock. Maine's Republicans are normally libertarian. They would have supported Rand Paul if he would have stayed in. But since there's no real candidate in the race, they chose Cruz over Trump in a 3:1 margin. Paul LePage, the Republican governor bucked John Kasich by supporting Trump over him.

Cruz and Trump are planning on teaming up to finally rid themselves of rival Marco Rubio.

Rubio didn't carry any states but so far got the most endorsements. He is considering staying in the race even past Florida.

Florida is the last stand for Rubio. He has to pull out a victory in order to stay in the race.

Kasich has to win Ohio to stay in the race. One poll shows that Kasich is barely leading in Michigan against Trump.
Long way to go. The opposition is trying to end Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's momentum.
Many in the Republican establishment are going full nuclear on Trump. Cruz may be the only candidate in the establishment left to defeat the insurgent.

Democrat Bernie Sanders defeats Hillary Clinton in the Nebraska and Kansas primaries.

Clinton managed to take Louisiana in a landslide. Clinton by far leads in the delegates.

Also her email scandal continues. The FBI given immunity to one of her former staffers who handled the server. The FBI still hasn't determined if Clinton caused a criminal act. It's still an open investigation.

The Democrats will have another damn debate on Sunday. The two will debate in Flint, Michigan.

The water crisis was barely mentioned in the Republican debate in Detroit. It's likely that Clinton and Sanders will mention the water crisis in the city.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Beetle Bailey Kasich Defunds Planned Parenthood!

Mr. Moderate signed a bill stripping Planned Parenthood of its funds.

This will head right to the U.S. courts. The imbecile who claims to bring Americans together went back to his old ways. Ohio governor John Kasich decides to sign into state law a bill that will strip funding from Planned Parenthood and abortion providers.

The Ohio governor is struggling for victory in this bitterly fought Republican presidential primary race. Many of the establishment heads believe that he's a doomed candidate. They're not wasting time on him. So they're circling the wagons around political novices Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

Kasich wants to make Americans believe he's actually an unitier not a divider. Right now, I believe he's full of shit. Kasich wants to prove to the extremists that he's lockstep in destroying Planned Parenthood. CNN reports that governor signed the bill while he  was in Ohio. He prepares to do some campaigning in Michigan.

Planned Parenthood isn't explicitly named in the legislation, but the law will prevent more than $1 million in funding from the state health department from going to the nonprofit to fund programs such as HIV testing, health screenings and prevention of violence against women.

Kasich, who's tried to project a more moderate image as a Republican presidential candidate on some issues, had been expected to sign the measure. A spokesman for the governor said earlier this month that he intended to sign the bill when it reached his desk. He did so Sunday, a day after finishing a distant fifth in South Carolina's primary.

The bill was swiftly denounced by Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards.

"This legislation will have devastating consequences for women across Ohio," Richards said in a statement. "John Kasich is proudly eliminating care for expectant mothers and newborns; he is leaving thousands without vital STD and HIV testing, slashing a program to fight domestic violence, and cutting access to essential, basic health care."
Planned Parenthood in Dayton, Ohio. There were protesters who showed up to protest the facility after conservative activists sneaked into a facility in California and Texas to "expose" evil doings. It turns out to be their "exposing" to be thier undoing.
On the campaign trail Kasich frequently talks about the importance of funding for expecting mothers and newborn babies. A spokesman for Kasich's gubernatorial office, Joe Andrews, said in a statement the new Ohio law is consistent with those views.

"The Ohio Department of Health has at least 150 other sub-grantees and contractors for the affected grants and projects addressing such issues as new born babies, infant mortality, expectant mothers, violence against women, and minority HIV/AIDS," the statement said. "ODH will reallocate funding from ineligible providers under the new law to other currently eligible providers, ranging from local health departments and community organizations to hospitals and universities. These organizations will be required to submit proposals in order to receive funding."

Many Republicans have said Planned Parenthood should be defunded, after controversial videos featuring group officials purportedly discussing the sale of fetal tissue surfaced last summer.

But about a month ago, a Texas investigation into Planned Parenthood culminated in an indictment -- of the organization's accusers instead of the group.

The Harris County District Attorney's office announced that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast had been cleared in the two-month-long investigation.

But the grand jury did indict two individuals who were involved in making secret recordings of the group that were released to publicly discredit the group, which provides health services and abortions.

David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were indicted for tampering with a governmental record, a second-degree felony, and Daleiden was also indicted on the count of prohibition of the purchase and sale of human organs, a class A misdemeanor, according to the Harris County district attorney.

Republicans sure love to get into the business of people. They will deny women access to health care.

They want to drug test Americans who are living from paycheck to poverty for a slither of the safety net. So if you want food stamps, financial aid, student loans, earned child credits and emergency shelter, pee in a cup and lose a portion of your hair.

They want to monitor a person practicing a religion that's not Christianity. So if you're an atheist, Muslim, Mormon or Scientologist, be prepared to have the feds looking into your place of worship or your non-beliefs.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Law Puts Down A Man With A Machete! Was It Terrorism?

The Columbus Police and the FBI are assuring that this incident was isolated but do fear the potential for a copycat could occur. Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch have been notified about the situation and are dispatching anti-terror analysis into the city.

What do they knew about the suspect Mohamed Barry who launched an attack at a Mediterranean restaurant?

Was he inspired by the Islamic State?

Anyway, the whole ordeal is getting MAD play on the conservative agitating websites. It's no surprise that the right will launch into the Blame Obama For This Situation Game.

What went down was this guy who was armed with a machete entering the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli.

If you don't say something, you advocate for these incidents to happen!

No one knows what goes on in the mind of the mentally insane.

The man entered the restaurant and engaged conversation with a few employees. At first he purchased a meal and left. About 30 minutes later, he returns to launch into a carnage.

He had stabbed some of the people and they were seriously injured. Some could survive their injuries.

The man tried to flee into towards Easton. He was stopped at the intersection of Morse and Steltzer.
A man storms the restaurant and attacks people with a machete.
When confronted he would ram into a cruiser and a few cars before his car would be damaged so badly it couldn't move. As the officers ordered the man to drop his weapon, he refused the order and they put the slugs in him.

Barry was pronounced dead at the local hospital. He was of Somali decent. He was being tailed by the feds after his friends and family said he acted differently. He was the "NICE GUY" who owned a Mercedes-Benz and worked a decent job. He had minor run-ins with the law. No potential threat until he traveled overseas.

He traveled to the Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for a vacation. But he may have strayed course into a place where he may have been inspired by extremism.

Barry's actions are the signs of potential "lone wolf" attacks that the Islamic State inspire its followers to commit. They want the followers to go after the soft targets. The soft targets could be a restaurant, a nightclub, a gas station, a school or mall. Those are places where a potential terror threat could occur.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

MarShawn McCarrel Passed Away!

Black Lives Matter activist MarShawn McCarrel passed away.

The Black Lives Matter movement have went to social media to show condolences to a member of their team. He went to social media to tell the world that he's struggled for many but he felt failure came upon him.

MarShawn McCarrel who was a high profile activist in the wake of the John Crawford and Tamir Rice shootings in Ohio, was found dead. He died of a self-inflict slug. He was found on the steps of the Ohio statehouse.

"We don't have any evidence to know the reason why he did it," a State Highway Patrol rep tells the Columbus Dispatch. But the Washington Post notes McCarrel's social media posts "oscillated between joy and despair." "I love y'all," the 23-year-old tweeted Monday morning. At noon came his final tweet: "Let the record show that I pissed on the statehouse before I left." Then this Facebook post around 3pm: "My demons won today. I'm sorry."

A former teacher describes McCarrel as the student he was proudest of in his 27 years on the job. "I saw him as a shining star in the future of civil rights." Indeed: McCarrel was named one of just 15 Radio One Hometown Champions, attended the NAACP's Image Awards on Friday, helped organize Black Lives Matter protests in Ohio after the shooting of Michael Brown, founded a youth mentorship program, and worked with the homeless. "He had so much to do," his mom tells the Dispatch. "He forgot to take time for himself." A fellow activist says "the statehouse was no accident. We've been working so hard, and yet the conditions for the people in our community ... are still so hard." McCarrel was "an activist to his soul," a friend adds on Facebook. He "fought tirelessly in Ohio and beyond for the rights of oppressed people … Brother—we'll keep fighting. You rest, now."

World News Today sends our condolences to the family of MarShawn MacCarrel.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Rolling Them Egos And Then Smoking Them!

If you're looking for another hip-hop feud, tune into Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa. They'll entertain you!

An old feud is reignited. This started over a misunderstanding. But given the controversy that follows Chicago's very own Kanye West, everything is big and his ego drives in cruise control.

He and Wiz Khalifa are back at it again.

And it started over of all things "Kim". Really, it wasn't about Kim, but to Kanye, anything KK is his.

Wiz went to social media to address some KK.

He said that's he'll hit some KK and it Kanye got pissed. Before he went on to delete these tweets. Kanye went ballastic on the Wiz.

Oh niggas must think I’m not petty cause I’m the best that’s ever made music
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

Like, oh that’s Ye and I can put his wife’s initials on my twitter @Wizkhalifa
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

Bro first of all you stole your whole shit from Cudi
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

Second, your first single was corny as fuck and most there after
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

work hard play hard
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

You have distracted from my creative process
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

I went to look at your twitter and you were wearing cool pants
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

I screen grabbed those pants and sent it to my style team #Wizwearscoolpants
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

3rd no one I know has ever listened to one of your albums all the way through
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

4th you let a stripper trap you
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

5th I know you mad every time you look at your child that this girl got you for 18 years
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

6th don’t ever come out the side of your neck at me
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

7th I am your OG and I will be respected as such
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

8th I made it so we could wear tight jeans
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

9th me and Cudi created this shit
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

10th don’t you ever in your fucking life speak sideways about a nigga that’s fighting for us I do this for all of us
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

11th I showed you respect as a man when I met you
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

12th You wouldn’t have a child if it wasn’t for me
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

13th You own waves???? I own your child!!!!
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

14th Nigga it’s called creativity #youshouldtryitsomeday
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

15th Nigga I tried to call you and you changed your number
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

16th don’t even hint at mentioning me my family or my wife I am your OG
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

17th I think you dress cool I wish I was skinny and tall
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

maybe I couldn’t be skinny and tall but I’ll settle for being the greatest artist of all time as a consolation
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

Don’t ever ever ever come out the side of your mutherfucking neck bro or bruh or however you say it Mr. Waves
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

I’m YE and I ain’t gotta say it the right way I’m Ye I’m Ye I’m Ye I’m Ye I’m Ye I’m Ye I’m Ye
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

Thank you for the extra promotion #WAVES available February 11th
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

It seems like Wiz had to answer back to the drama king.

Kanye finally responds back to the tweet from Wiz with a bit of egg on his face.

It seems like in the middle of the Twitter rant, he took a dig at Wiz's ex-wife Amber Rose and their son Sebastian Taylor.  Kanye is still bitter about the break up with Amber. So he clapped at her.

What he also did was bring Wiz and Amber's son in this rant. And that's when Amber clapped at him.

Amber Rose basically said that Kanye loves to take it in the butt. She basically saying that he's into the fingers in the anal cavity.

Kanye denied this on social media before he deleted that as well.

"Exes can be mad but just know I never let them play with my ass," West wrote late Thursday. "I don't do that... I stay away from that area all together."

One minute later, West elaborated: "I'm not into that kind of shit," he tweeted. "I like pictures and videos Me and my wife got the kind of love that can turn exes into best friends."

Amber Rose discussed the ordeal in an interview to be released Friday. "I wouldn't have said anything if it was just between him and Wiz," she said on the Allegedly podcast. "That's two grown men hashing it out. That's their business. I would have kept it cute and just minded my business, but you don't bring in my baby. That's so corny."

Amber Rose sparked the #KanyeAnalPlaylist meme on Twitter.

Wiz while on tour basically said to his audience "fuck Kanye". He said that when you talk about his son, you're an enemy! "You better run, NIGGA!" says Wiz Khalifa.

Kanye is preparing for his seventh album titled Waves. It's going to be highly anticipated.

Wiz is also dropping Khalifa in February 4th. The album comes out a week before Waves comes out on February 11th.

It seems like Kim Kardashian is everywhere. The media loves her and her family. E! Entertainment is making her and her family very rich. Her mother Kris, the ex-wife of then Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner, her brothers and sisters roll deep with cameras in tow.

Kanye West, Tyga, Blac Chyna, Lamar Odom, Reggie Bush, Kris Humphries, Ray J, and French Montana got caught into the spin and they're being rinsed.

Kim Kardashian's popularity brings a curse. There are some in the junk food media who believe that Kim's impact on the nation has "dumb down" America.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ted Williams: The Golden Voice Returns To Radio!

Ted Williams returns to Columbus, Ohio to do radio. He was the famous homeless guy with the "golden voice".

Ted Williams became an international sensation after he was spotted off Hudson Street in Columbus, Ohio asking for money. The former radio DJ was panhandling off Interstate 71 in January 2011.

The person who worked for the Columbus Dispatch newspaper filmed Ted managed to ask him to do his thing. When he done a radio bumper for the man, the junk food media was astonished by the voice.

How could a man with a voice so good be a panhandler off the freeway?

Well they asked for where Ted was! He was living in a homeless shelter. He was the father of ten who was battling crack and alcohol addiction. He was suffering from depression.

He was let go from his gig at a radio station in WVKO. He's been struggling since his departure.

When the media discovered him, they got him on many radio shows. They had him do voice over for animation, radio stations, commercials and even bumper for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Well the fame got to him. He relapsed back into his old ways. He wanted divine spiritual advice. He got Dr. Phil.

Dr. Phil McGraw tried to help Ted get out of the slump. He sent him to celebrity rehab and tried to help him get back on his feet. Ted said that he didn't want his personal business becoming a sideshow show he checked himself out of the rehab.

He soon went through a struggle. In his book, A Golden Voice: How Faith, Hard Work and Humility Brought Me from the Streets to Salvation. He talks about struggling through addiction, he said that he and his girlfriend at the time were selling themselves for crack addiction. He also said that he wants to get back in touch with his children.

Now in 2016, it seems like he's back! He got rehired at his old radio gig and is praising the people who supported him through his ordeal.

He will return to the radio in the coming days on the AM station now known as Praise 1580 formerly a soul radio station and progressive radio network.

World News Today wish Ted Williams success on his journey to recovery. We hope the best for him and his family.

Monday, January 04, 2016

Slim Jesus: OH God!

Slim Jesus is a controversial rapper from Ohio who embraces the "Drill" movement.

A 18-year old rapper named Slim Jesus is becoming White version of Chicago's Chief Keef.

Chief Keef (Keith Cozart) is the country's most dangerous rapper. He takes pride in his title. He hails from the Southside of Chicago and embraces the violence that plagues America's third largest city.

Keef never apologizes for being who he is. He loves the life. He doesn't apologize for selling hard.

I am guessing that Slim Jesus is another rapper who embraces the "life" and is willing to die for it.

The rapper who comes from Hamilton, Ohio. He gained popularity after releasing "Drill Time" and strictly adhering to the street code.

The video is extremely controversial.

Slim Jesus's video is cruising over 20 million views.

Certainly he's going to gets some rage from conservatives and some hip-hop journalists. He doesn't care and remains unapologetic about his lyrics.

Drill music is a trap subgenre originating from Chicago. It's deals with tales of street gangs (domestic terrorists), violent lyrics and ominous trap-beats.

Besides Slim Jesus and Chief Keef, rappers Lil' Durk, Lil' Reese, Fredo Santana and King Louie embrace this music and the possibility of a short life ahead.

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Martin "Uh-OH" Malley!

The junk food media reported that one supporter showed up for a Martin O'Malley event in Iowa. 

Martin O'Malley's campaign is on the bubble. Like the Ben Carson campaign, O'Malley has made serious errors that have some saying the end is near.

The former Maryland governor didn't make the cut. He failed to make the Democratic primary ballot in the big state of Ohio. O'Malley was the former mayor of Baltimore. He is married with four children. He plays in a rock band. His group O'Malley's March is a Celtic folk rock group that plays in local bars.

He needed over 1,000 valid signatures to qualify on the Ohio primary ballot. He only managed to secure 776 signatures. The remainder weren't valid.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Hillary Clinton surpassed the required signatures needed to appear on the March ballot.

It seems like even he's admitting that the stakes to secure a nomination bid is difficult knowing that Ohio is off the table.

Even if he takes this court, it's too late. Ohio officials said that O'Malley has no way to get on the primary ballot there because the deadline for submitting signatures passed on Dec. 16. But a Democratic strategist unaffiliated with the campaign said O'Malley still could pick up Ohio delegates if another candidate dropped out.

There's no sign of Clinton or Sanders dropping out the race.
On a bright note, he still can rock at the bars.
O'Malley has long complained about the Democratic National Convention and its chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL). He and Sanders believe that the DNC is willing to scrap everything to help Clinton win.

O'Malley had attracted junk food media attention recently. He got a huge embarrassment when only one man showed up for his campaign rally in Iowa. I mean his rally was in a conference room that only could hold at least 30 people.

Clinton is so far leading in the polls at a healthy 59% while Sanders is at 33%. O'Malley has a measly 3% in the national polls. 5% of the Democrats are undecided.

Overall in the national polls, Clinton is leading slightly against Donald Trump, Marco Rubio and Ben Carson. Given if the nominee is either O'Malley or Sanders. Sanders would beat the Republican nominee.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Cosby Bounced On $1 Mil!

Bill Cosby
The Cos mugshot heading to TMZ and The Smoking Gun.

The entertainer appeared in court today with cameras in tow. The 78-year old Bill Cosby was walking with a cane. He almost tripped trying to enter the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania court to be arraigned on sexual assault charges.

He posted a $1 million get out of jail free card. He also relinquished his passport.

Cosby faces a some serious charges. This has to be the biggest celebrity scandal of 2015. To see America's Dad take this nosedive is shocking. But I'm not too surprised.

He was a powerful voice in the entertainment industry. He created the hit series The Cosby Show. He inspired children with Fat Albert and The Cosby Kids. He entertained us with his comedy acts.

Now all of that comes to a bitter end.

The conservative Craigslist once lauded Cosby's in your face reactions towards Black America. See what happens now when the conservative agitator splashes the New York Daily News hard hitting front cover.

The victim Andrea Constand decided to publicly come forth acknowledging she was a victim of a 2004 assault. The incident happened when the Temple basketball coach went to his home outside of Philadelphia.

She claimed that he gave her some alcohol with a "herbal additive". She would pass out.

No sense of knowing what's going on, she realized that Cosby was fingering her privates and groping her. She was in a paralyzed state. The two settled out of court with a disclosed amount. But the charges never went forth until now.

Andrea was one of the first women to publicly accuse the comedian of sexual misconduct. At the time, the Montgomery County district attorney declined to pursue charges. Constand later sued Cosby and they settled out of court for undisclosed terms in 2006.

Cosby is innocent until proven guilty. These charges are felonies. They can carry 2 to 15 years in the iron college. The severity of the offense could land a TIER III label on the entertainer.

King Louie Survived A Crowning!

Survival of the fittest.... Chicago rapper King Louie survived a shot to his dome.

Chicago rapper Louis King Johnson, Jr. professionally known as King Louie got bucked in his hometown. He was shot seven times. One of them slugs went directly into the side of head.

That shooting happened in the Ashburn neighborhood of Chicago. The rapper was in his ride when out of nowhere some assailant ambushed him. The assailant let the slugs fly.

The rapper had a hospital stay after this. He survived a shot to the head.

Counting his blessing, he said that the violence here gotta stop. He knows he's "marked" for life, but he doesn't want to see others meet fates like this.

"The devil is working overtime, that's my opinion," King Louie said.

Now recovering at home, King Louie says he carries with him bullets still lodged in his body.

"I was shot 7 times. I still have two bullets in my chest and on in my ear/head,” he said.

King Louie had worked with fellow Chicago-rappers Common and Kanye West. He is also known for helping create the term "Chi-Raq," which refers to the violence in Chicago.

King Louie wasn't really keen to Hollywood mocking his city. Spike Lee made the satirical drama "Chi-Raq". Louie didn't appreciate the movie director making fun of the mass shootings in his community. He made a song directed at Spike Lee.

King Louie joined Chicago rappers like Common, Lil Herb, Saba, Tree, Noname Gypsy and more on "Put the Guns Down,"

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Post-Christmas Hustle!

Sony's PS4.

The hustle continues. When you purchase a gift for your child you're expected the full set inside.

I remember that I purchased the Batman Beyond: The Return of The Joker movie from Suncoast/Musicland during its going out of business sale.

When I got home, I opened the package and saw that the DVD wasn't inside. I immediately went back to the business and told them that the DVD was defective. They understood that I was serious about it. They immediately told me to find the DVD and open it up to make sure its in there. I did and it was there.
It's only the size of a matchbox and it can steal your $$$$$$$. The FBI and U.S. Secret Service are hoping to curb this before it gets worse.
Whew, it was a close call. I would have been out of $12 if I didn't quickly return the product.

But some are buying the big ticket items and when they get home they're pretty much screwed.

A boy ends up getting that Sony PS4 (Playstation 4) for Christmas. Turns out to be a block of wood.

What's worse the block of wood had a drawing. A pretty damn offensive drawing on it. A pair of cock and balls on it. Dad bought this from Target. Target decided to allow dad to get another PS4 and $100 gift card for their troubles. All's well that ends well!

A viral story for people about the holiday hustle.

Now most people would be shocked that a block of wood would be found inside an electronics box.

I mean this stuff does happen. However, given the many attempts to con businesses out of property, you can't help but take consideration if this story was bogus from the start.
Gas pump security seal was tampered with. That's a sign of scamming device being placed inside pump.
The real danger is them skimming devices found in gas pumps. The U.S. Secret Service and the FBI are teaming up with the local lawmen to counter the threat.

The thieves come at night and use the selection key to open up the gas pump. Whether the gas station is closed or operating 24/7, the thieves usually hit the pumps around night with limited traffic.

If you're used to using a debit or credit card at the pump, you have to be noticing the features of a tampered pump.

If you see something different at the pump, don't insert your card into it.

First thing, you would notice a seal of the company on the panel of a card reader. If the seal is tampered or pulled off, don't use the pump.

Second thing, if you notice wires or sticky keys, it's tampered.

And if you don't feel comfortable using your card at the pump, go inside and prepay for the gas.

Skimming is a $1 billion hustle. Many in the theft rings could get your money within a matter of seconds if you don't take the opportunity to check your surroundings.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Cop Walk In Tamir Rice Case!

Tamir Rice was killed in November 2014. Ohio prosecutors decided to not indict officers.

I will no longer support the Democratic Party. I will not support the Republican Party either. They are too fucking inept in local and national leadership. The leadership in both national parties in Washington and in my state of Ohio can kiss my ass.

I will always have my support for President Barack Obama. Although I am starting to realize that he can't mend the fences between White and Black. His impact as the first Black president opened up wounds that should have disappeared in the 20th Century.

Although I still am tolerant of race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, political and economic standings, I'm going to be more critical of those who say "I'm not a racist, but....!"

We should have expected that White resentment would surge. I knew it. I just didn't want to believe it. I just didn't want to believe that given these high profile events, White America was starting to be more diverse towards Blacks, Hispanics, immigrants and Muslims. Nope.

Donald Trump tapped into the anger of people who believe that "even though it applies to me", those who aren't like me shouldn't have it.

So basically in a nutshell, if a White boy was playing with firearms or fake firearms, he's not likely gonna get shot. But given you're Tamir Rice or John Crawford, you're going to be killed.

Or in the case of Sandra Bland, you can end up dead if you get pulled over for a turn signal violation.

It's a travesty of justice.

Ohio grand jury decides to not indict the two cops who were involved in the November 2014 shooting of Tamir Rice. On a slow news day, the Cuyahoga County prosecutor decided the time is now to allow Tim Loehmann and Frank Garmack walk out that courtroom and go about their lives.

They may end up back on the force.

The family of Tamir Rice who sought almost one year and two months for an indictment got no justice.

The family said that Loehmann went into the situation guns ablazing. He spared no second. He shot Tamir at two seconds of sight.
Two second rule spares corrupt lawman from murder charge.
All because of a fuck up on a dispatcher call.

I am not only mad at the Cuyahoga prosecutor Tim McGinty, but I am pissed at the junk food for trying to make the case it was justified to kill that boy. I am pissed that every time a cop walks, we get concern trolls bitching about how "Blacks must stop something that we never started".

I am so tired of the issue of "Black on whatever" crime made an issue when Black America protest unfair treatment by law enforcement.

I am tired of law enforcement not properly training their officers in situations.

There is no GOD. If there was a GOD, we would have equal justice for equal criminal acts.

Some rich White teen gets away with murder after drinking and driving. Now he an unrepentant danger to the community and those around him. He's given slapped on the wrist. But a little Black girl who gets mouthy with a lawman gets slammed on the ground. A man who walks away from a lawman gets shot 16 times while a White woman doses her face in drain cleaner gets a book deal. A White man murders innocent church goers in the middle of bible study gets food after he calmly surrenders. I bet you money a Black man won't get this type of treatment.

That's some real fucked up shit.

So I will spare the rest. I am guessing the cops who injured Freddie Gray, shot Laquan McDonald, shot Akai Gurley, shot Sam Dubose, shot Christian Taylor and Jamar Clark will walk too.

Most of the officers who were involved in the shootings of the unarmed or unintentional circumstances walked.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

William Guest Passed Away!

Gladys Knight and The Pips. William Guest on the left passed away.

He was a part of an iconic group. He lived a great life. William Guest the backup singer for Gladys Knight passed away on Christmas Eve. His death hits the news wires and World News Today wants to send our condolences to his family.

Guest was an American R&B/soul singer, best known as a member of Gladys Knight & the Pips.

Born in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, he was Gladys Knight's cousin.

Following his stint with The Pips, he and fellow Pip Edward Patten formed Patten and Guest Productions, and following Patten's death in 2005, he continued to manage artists though the Crew Entertainment company he formed with members of Patten's family.

Guest died on December 24, 2015 of congestive heart failure in Detroit, Michigan, his home for fifty years. He was 74 years old
William Guest.
Gladys Knight & The Pips were an R&B/soul family musical act from Atlanta, Georgia, active from 1953 to 1989. The group was best known for their string of hit singles on Motown's "Soul" record label and Buddah Records from 1967 to 1975, including "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" (1967) and "Midnight Train to Georgia" (1973). The longest-lived incarnation of the act featured Gladys Knight on lead vocals, with The Pips, who included her brother Merald "Bubba" Knight and their cousins Edward Patten and William Guest, as backup singers.

Gladys Knight & The Pips are multiple Grammy and American Music Award winners, and are inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Vocal Group Hall of Fame in 1996 and 2001 respectively.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Conservative Outrage Over Macy Gray's Trump Dig!

Macy Gray releases a politically charged holiday song. It dings Donald Trump.

Macy Gray released "All I Want for Christmas" on iTunes this month. The song is pretty awesome if you're a progressive and want Congress to get President Barack Obama's agenda done.

The song pretty much takes a stance on issues that are considered hot potatoes in the junk food media. Cue the conservative outrage.

Here's the lyrics. Read it carefully and then peep the commentary below.

[Verse 1]
All I want for Christmas is a whole bunch of stuff
But anything that you can buy me won’t be enough
Because everything I’m hoping for is intangible
Like free health care and gun control

If you wanna make the world a better place
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)
If you wanna peaceful world for Christmas day
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)

Christmas is here
I know what I want this year
Presents and toys are fine
But I got bigger things in mind
Santa can you swing more love? More peace?
Because that’s what everybody needs
Come save the world with me

[Verse 2]
Santa Claus stop by the ghetto too
And bring lots of opportunity with you
Bring the day the government will realize
We’ll all be happier when it’s legalized
So immigrate, stop the hate, let’s educate
The more we do, the less we will incarcerate
7 billion people just below the moon
And if we come together, oh, the things that we could do

If you wanna make the world a better place
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)
If you wanna peaceful world for Christmas day
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)

Christmas is here
I know what I want this year
Presents and toys are fine
But I got bigger things in mind
Santa can you swing more love? More peace?
Because that’s what everybody needs
Come save the world with me

[Interlude - Kids Talk]
What do you want for Christmas?
I just want peace for everybody on earth
What about you?
I want hope for everybody
I think I want homes for the homeless
I want water for everybody

All I want for Christmas is to have a chance
So please take care of the environment
Take Mr. Gore seriously
And do what you can to stop global warming
No matter what they say, Barack you did real good
I hope that your successor
Does the things he or she should
That Mr. Trump, he’s an entertaining guy
But let's face it, really is he qualified?

If you wanna make the world a better place
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)
If you wanna peaceful world for Christmas day
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)

Christmas is here
I know what I want this year
Presents and toys are fine
But I got bigger things in mind
Santa can you swing more love? More peace?
Because that’s what everybody needs
Come save the world with me

You see that she's taking a dig at Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. Macy Gray also wanted the country to recognize climate change. She said that President Barack Obama's agenda is good.

Many conservatives will blast the song for being "liberal indoctrination" and "Hollywood elitists" talking down "real Americans".

Macy Gray is well aware of the outrage that will follow her.

She doesn't care about the criticism. Her job is put out songs for her fans. I am certain her fans will be happy to hear it.

Conservatives will get even more outraged. She did the song called "B.O.B.". The song talks about that little thing that keeps women in their vibe. If you want to know what I'm talking about. Click here.


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