Monday, June 24, 2024

Texas Woman Tries To Drown Children Because They Were Palestinians!

The face of evil. Texas woman tries to drown children. She was a Jewish woman angered by a Palestinian Muslim woman speaking in Arabic.

Avoid Jeffrey Shaun King as a source or a person soliciting for donations to help the victims of hate crimes.

The Anti-Defamation League is no longer a reliable source on Wikipedia. The organization is a front group for the state of Israel. The ADL has fanned the flames and now here comes the damages. The ADL has declared war on Wikipedia and it is using its influence to make the social media company get in line.

Being labeled antisemitic is career damaging if the ADL, Simon Wiesenthal Center and AIPAC gets involved. Politicians, entertainers and athletes have face the ire of the ADL.

Student protesters and people of color have been targets of the ADL.

Its leader Jonathan Greenblatt gets access to the junk food media to spew hate while claiming he's on the side of civil rights and protecting those who are marginalized. Yet, the marginalized are only scapegoats when they are harmed.

Attempted murder, a hate crime, a light bail, no national coverage and Google misleading information. It doesn't even mention religion of the suspect. The incident happened over a month ago and it finally came to the junk food media's attention.

The Israeli government has interfered in U.S. politics and businesses. Google, X, Meta and soon TikTok must align themselves with Israel and Zionists. They censor stories, deplatform content creators, take every accusation of antisemitism as legitimate reasons to terminate accounts and refuse to platform Palestinian sovereignty. Everything is labeled complicated or the talk is a "two state" solution or "Hamas." 

Israel is literally tearing America apart. The leaders of the Israeli regime are rooting for Donald J. Trump to return to power. President Joe Biden is caught in a crossroads between either losing support from Blacks, Arab American, progressives, Muslims and Jews by taking a side in this ongoing conflict world leaders see a genocide.

Suspect is now in protective custody after the incident went viral. She is out and awaiting trial.

When 96% of the world wants to hold Israel accountable for its actions, it's the European Union, Great Britain, and the United States always resisting the actions as well as recognizing Palestinian sovereignty.

Hate is on the rise and its thanks to the junk food media picking and choosing what is deemed sensational.

It started over a woman speaking in Arabic language and wearing a hijab.

A Texas Zionist tried to drown a girl and baby boy who were at an apartment pool in Euless, Texas. She attacked the mother, ripped off her hijab and tried to sucker punch her.

Elizabeth Wolf is out on bail after she posted a $40,000 bail. She was charged with felonious assault and attempted murder. The charges alone could put her in the iron college for LIFE. Yet, they didn't put it as a hate crime.

Police responded to the apartment complex pool in Euless around 5:44 p.m. May 19 regarding “a disturbance between two women,” Euless police said in a news release.

“Upon arrival, officers were told by witnesses that a woman who was very intoxicated had tried to drown a child and argued with the child’s mother,” police said.

The child’s mother, 32, told police that the suspect, identified as Wolf, 42, questioned where she was from and made statements about her not being American, as well as “other racial statements.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, said in a news release that the mother visibly appeared to be Muslim, as she was wearing a hijab and modest swimwear.

Wolf also asked the woman whether two of the children in the pool were hers before she tried to grab one of them, a 6-year-old boy, who was able to get away, police alleged.

“The mother began helping her son when Wolf grabbed her 3-year-old daughter and forced her underwater,” police said. “The mother was able to pull her daughter from the water. Her daughter had been yelling for help and was coughing up water.”

CAIR alleged that Wolf also snatched the mother’s headscarf off while she tried to save her daughter and beat her with it.

Google screwed up.

Both children were “medically cleared” at the scene, police said.

Wolf was arrested on suspicion of public intoxication as she tried to leave the scene. She was charged with attempted capital murder and injury to a child. Police don’t believe that Wolf and the victim’s mother knew each other before the May 19 incident.

CAIR said the mother, whom it identified as “Mrs. H.,” said her daughter is traumatized by the incident and hides whenever she opens their apartment door out of fear that Wolf “will come and immerse her head in the water again.”

“We are American citizens, originally from Palestine, and I don’t know where to go to feel safe with my kids,” CAIR quoted her as saying. “My country is facing a war, and we are facing that hate here.”

CAIR’s Texas branch called on federal and state authorities to investigate the incident as a hate crime. Euless police have recommended that the incident be considered a hate crime, and the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office is investigating it, a police spokesperson told NBC News.

Shaimaa Zayan, CAIR’s Austin operations manager, said, “We are seeing a new level of bigotry here where a person deeply believes they get to decide, based on religion, spoken language and country of origin, whose kids deserve to stay alive and whose don’t.”

In April, CAIR reported receiving 8,061 complaints nationally last year from Muslims who reported experiencing discrimination or hate incidents. It’s the most the group has ever gotten at any point in its 30-year history, including after 9/11. The council also reported receiving 3,578 complaints during the last three months last year.

State Rep. Salman Bhojani, a Democrat who represents the area in the Texas House, said he was “shocked and appalled” by the alleged racist incident.

“Hate has no place in Euless, District 92, or anywhere in our great state,” Bhojani said.

It’s not clear whether Wolf has an attorney.

When you search for "Elizabeth Wolf," the Google heading reads: "Muslim woman accused of trying to drown children." She is not Muslim. She was a Jewish woman who started the incident.

Google finally corrected the search. But the misinformation was seen by millions.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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