Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Baraboo Schools Superintendent Needed A 🪑!

Who allowed a white man to jump on stage and shove a Black school superintendent?

Me and La Reyna said it many times. It just doesn't sink in. Some of these folks acting like they have the authority to disrespect Black men and women forgot almost one year ago, the Great Montgomery Brawl.

Winners and losers of 2024.

A Black superintendent was accosted by a white man shortly after his daughter was receiving her high school diploma.

A video of the incident shows the man shoved was Baraboo Superintendent Rainey Briggs.

The video shows a man walking on stage and moving Briggs, keeping him from shaking the hands of a graduating student.

The district released a statement Monday confirming the parent interrupted graduation and was escorted off stage and out of the venue by police. He was referred to the Sauk County District Attorney's Office for disorderly conduct.

"Our primary focus remains on celebrating the achievements of our graduates," the district said in the statement. "We want to ensure that the significance of this milestone and the hard work of our students are not overshadowed by this unfortunate event. The evening celebrated their accomplishments, and we are incredibly proud of each of them."

Rainey Briggs ain't gonna allow one fool stop the show.

The junk food media wants to protect the daughter by not releasing the man's name.


I want his name. I don't care about the daughter's day ruined. The superintendent had his day ruined. To have such restraint when a stranger suddenly jumps on stage and tried to shove you from your position. To basically demand the superintendent doesn't have contact with his child while she is on stage makes me wish Briggs stepped out of his position and offered him a trip to Montgomery, Alabama so he could meet the chair.
I want to see this white man ruined financially through unemployment, jail time and community service working with Black prisoners. 

Just when I thought I was going to avoid voting for President Joe Biden because of his support of Israel, I had an epiphany. It seems like stopping white supremacy from growing is going to be a main concern for me as well.

Former president Donald J. Trump and Republicans are a threat to Black America.

Trump and Republicans have now resorted to calling DEI a threat to America.

If you aren't aware of the abbreviation, it is called: Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.

It is also the code word for...... Well you know.

Baraboo, Wisconsin is part of the Madison metropolitan area. It is located in Sauk County, a bellwether county now. It voted for Democrats until 2016 when Donald J. Trump carried it. Joe Biden barely carried the county in 2020.

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