Thursday, June 13, 2019

What Happened To DJ Hrubes?

A 10-year old American boy was detained by Utah police at gunpoint.
Salt Lake City boy was approached by the law at gunpoint. The cops mistaken a 10-year old boy as a grown ass man. The boy has special needs and his adoptive mother is angry. She wants the Woods Cross Police to do an investigation into the actions of its officers.

DJ Hrubes was playing outside his grandmother's yard when a Woods Cross Police officer pulled a gun on him. His mother Jerri claimed at a news conference that her son was playing in the lawn of his grandmother when this cop told him to put his hands in the air and he told DJ to get on the ground.

DJ, is a Black boy who has mild autism wasn't even aware of what cops were doing at the time.

Jerri said that she raced outside her mother's house and screamed at the officer.

"What are you doing? This is a 10-year old child!"

The cop ignored her concerns and decided to get into his vehicle and left. He would later return to apologize.

The Woods Cross Police immediately went into damage control blaming the situation on an active situation where they had bad knowledge. They claimed that the 10-year old boy matched the description of two armed suspects.

The spokesman for the agency, Lt. Adam Osoro said that the officer pulled out his gun after the child ran to the side of the house. After getting closer, the officer realized he got the wrong individual and left.

Osoro said the cop acted "appropriately."
Jerri Hrubes and DJ were clearly upset over encounter.
The incident happened when police were called to a disturbance of a reckless driver possibly shooting a firearm at other cars. Officers located the vehicle and initiated a high speed chase and the two individuals would exit the vehicle and flee.

One of the suspect was caught.

Jerri Hrubes said that the officers came back the next day to apologize and DJ did give them a hug.

However, she wants the cops to do a review on the actions. She doesn't want the cop fired but she does want accountability. She is considering legal actions in the matter.

"As a white mother to a black son, I don't feel safe in West Bountiful anymore," Hrubes said. "That changed after yesterday. I do not feel that he is safe. He has not left my sight. It just doens't feel like it used to."

She later added, "I support all police officers. I see good in them. But, I do not supporting putting a child of 10 years old at gunpoint with no explanation.... Does he look like he's 30? Does he look like he's 18, no?

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