Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Carlos Maza: YouTube Allows This Troll To Profit Off Hate!

Video blogger feud with far-white agitator has sparked discussion over YouTube airing extremism.

YouTube sucks. I don't hardly do videos on the platform because they demonetized my videos for some dumb reason. I guess I'm not popular enough. Oh, well.

Two agitators are feuding with one another over content. But who's taking the fall?

Carlos Maza watches far-white agitators on Fox News, social media and in Washington. He is a reporter for Vox Media and does reporting for his docu-series Strikethrough.

His videos are quite popular and I do often put them on this blog.

He is calling out YouTube and social media for allowing a far-white agitator continue to reign on their platforms. He and this agitator are engaged in a major feud.

Maza is openly gay is telling YouTube that BlazeTV host Steven Crowder is violating the rules and it's time to pull the plug on him.

Crowder is a Canadian-American actor, blogger and comedian who often does prank videos and ambush journalism. He was the guy who was engaged in an altercation with a Michigan man who was fighting against former governor Rick Snyder's union busting law.

This feud has been going on for a couple of years. Maza has made a compilation of Crowder's greatest hits and it's took off.
BlazeTV host is losing his revenue on YouTube because of relentless feud with Vox host.
YouTube so far hasn't disabled Crowder but it took steps to demonetize his videos and remove content.

Crowder likened his remarks to jokes, calling them "harmless ribbing" in a response video earlier this week. Crowder also sells a T-shirt on his website, an image of which is also his featured Twitter banner photo, that features a homophobic slur with one letter omitted. Crowder supporters have since fashioned a version of the T-shirt specifically targeting Maza.
Crowder got a serving after he shoved a man to the ground in attempt to dehumanize union workers.
After days of silence, YouTube now says it doesn't think Crowder's homophobic and racist slurs, including Crowder calling Maza a "lispy queer" and a "gay Mexican," qualify as harassment. Notably, the company did not mention the phrase “hate speech,” indicating it does not seem to classify Crowder's homophobic mockery as such.

YouTube made sure to clarify in one final follow-up tweet that "even if a video remains on our site, it doesn't mean we endorse/support that viewpoint." The company says it's "still evaluating" Crowder's channel for other violations, although it's not clear what aspect of the investigation is still pending.

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