Saturday, June 01, 2019

That Monster Killed Maleah Davis!

Tragic. The body of Maleah Davis was found in Arkansas.
The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The Texas man who was last seen with the 4-year old girl who disappeared a month ago confessed to killing her and disposing her body off an Arkansas highway.

Maleah Davis's remains were found in a black bag in Fulton, Arkansas.

Quanell X, a Houston based activist associated with the New Black Panthers advocated for the mother, Brittany Bowens, told the junk food media that the former boyfriend confessed to the whereabouts of the little girl.

The Hempstead County boys said that the road crew found a bag with a very foul odor. The odor was the bones and decomposing body of a small child.
This monster sexually and physically abused Maleah.
The suspect who is being held on suspicion of murder is likely going to be charged with the death. He had also tampering with evidence and gross abuse of a corpse.

It's alleged that the suspect sexually abused and physically abused Maleah before she was killed. He made up a story about him, his son and the little girl being car jacked by Hispanic men.

The story was bogus from the start. Children services were concerned about the child's safety after she mysteriously had a bad head injury.
Maleah's father wants to strangle this guy. The father wished he could have protected his daughter.
Video evidence showed the suspect and Maleah together. A day later, they see the suspect with a trash bag exiting his apartment complex.

What is going on here?

Why are we harming our children.

Women and children of color are being hurt. We need to put a stop to this.

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