Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It Was All Good...Until Zimmerman Made $100K On His Bored Art!

Still an asshole regardless of what he does!

George Zimmerman get the fuck off my blog! Stop pestering the country with your stupid antics.

You need to get your ass off the media wagon. Please. Stop and think about how you in the news isn't going to be positive whatsoever. The Raw Story reports that this asshole is selling his personal artwork. People are actually bidding on the piece.

No matter what you do, you're a murderer of a child. And despite you and the racist right's accusations of Trayvon Martin, that boy didn't have nothing but an ice tea and a bag of Skittles. He didn't hit over the head with a fucking rock.

Who would ever buy anything from the nation's most hated individual?

Obviously, some racist was interested in this man's bored artwork. The individuals bidding on this bored art have the utmost respect and support Zimmerman. They seriously believe that he was innocent of killing that teenager..

This bored artwork has the media talking. It's confirmed that Zimmerman is planning on selling his first-ever painted work on eBay and has already attracted nearly 100 bids – and just short of $100,000 – in an auction that ends early Monday morning.

Zimmerman’s brother, Robert Zimmerman Jr. says the auction is legitimate and the artwork is authentic.

The 18-inch-by-24-inch canvas shows a rippling American flag in close-up, painted in light and dark blue hues, with the words “God, One Nation, with Liberty and Justice for All,” painted in white letters on the darker stripes.

The painting’s seller is listed as “therealgeorgez,” and it’s described as the “first hand painted artwork by me, George Zimmerman.”

“Everyone has been asking what I have been doing with myself,” reads the item description. “I found a creative, way to express myself, my emotions and the symbols that represent my experiences. My art work allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors :-) I hope you enjoy owning this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it. Your friend, George Zimmerman.”

The bidding opened at $50, plus an additional $40 for expedited shipping.

Zimmerman was acquitted in July for the 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

After his acquittal, Zimmerman has had several brushes with the law but was not charged in a domestic violence case against his estranged wife, and his girlfriend recanted her allegations against him in another domestic violence case.

The girlfriend and her mother described Zimmerman as a desperate, depressed man living under intense pressure since his acquittal on second-degree murder and manslaughter charges.

After his most recent arrest, Zimmerman told a judge he had only $144 and $2.5 million in debt.

His former attorney, Mark O’Mara, said he thought most of that debt was owed to him and another attorney, Don West, who represented Zimmerman during his murder trial.

A well-wisher expressed love and support for Zimmerman in a question posted on the eBay auction, telling him there were many people on his side, and the artist replied.

“Thank you so much for the words of kindness and support. I do know how many great Americans are still here, I run into at least 3-5 a day that go out of their way to tell me the same. Your Friend, GZ @therealGeorgeZ.”

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Queen Bey Goes Platinum And Gets Banned At Target!

A black background; the word "BEYONCÉ" is stylized in pink font and located in the center of the image.
Platinum selling album is banned in Target.

Beyonce Knowles is the queen of pop. She is aiming high off the charts. The pop singer reached platinum with over 1 million digital downloads of her self-titled fifth album.

Okay, the list of platinum selling acts in the hip-hop genre include Drake, Lil' Wayne, Kanye West, Eminem, Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake, Kendrick Lamar, and now Beyonce.

People were downloading that album at such a fast pace, she was declared platinum by RIAA.
Smiling all the way to the bank. Beyonce's album goes platinum.
The album garnered acclaim from critics who commended its experimental production and Knowles' vocal ability. In the US, Beyoncé debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 with three-day sales of 617,213 digital copies, giving Knowles her fifth consecutive number-one. It became her highest first-week sales of her solo career, and the best-selling debut week for a female artist in 2013. "XO" was chosen as the lead single for both the U.S. and worldwide; while "Drunk in Love" is being released to urban radio in the US only.

Also her former sponsor is not carrying her album. The album release is coming out before Christmas and Target is not carrying the album.

The company kind of pissed that Beyonce didn't announce the digital buy through their website.

The Huffington Post reports that the Minnesota based company decided to not sell her album.

Target has opted out of selling "Beyonce" at its stores once iTunes' exclusive sale ends after Dec. 18, according to Billboard. Retailers are expected to have the album on shelves by Friday, Dec. 20, but it likely won't come with any bonus material or exclusive content.

"At Target we focus on offering our guests a wide assortment of physical CDs, and when a new album is available digitally before it is available physically, it impacts demand and sales projections," Target spokesperson Erica Julkowski told Billboard. "While there are many aspects that contribute to our approach and we have appreciated partnering with Beyonce in the past, we are primarily focused on offering CDs that will be available in a physical format at the same time as all other formats. At this time, Target will not be carrying Beyonce's new self-titled album 'Beyonce.'"

A representative from Target was not immediately available for further comment.

Back in 2011, Beyonce partnered with Target for the release of "4" with a deluxe version of the album. At the time, Target’s vice president of entertainment, John Butcher, told The Hollywood Reporter that the superstar singer had saved some of her favorite tracks just for the retail chain.

This time around, Beyonce's only target was her fans.

She released her self-titled album on Dec. 13 without any promotion or fanfare. The work came complete with 14 songs and 17 videos, making it an immersive "visual album."

"Now ... it's all about the single and the hype," Beyonce said. "It's so much that gets between the music and the artist and the fans. i felt like I don't want anybody to give the message when my record is coming out. I just want this to come out when it's ready and from me to my fans ... I would make my best art and just put it out."

The 32-year-old is certainly is doing just fine without Target. "Beyonce" has already shattered records selling 828,773 copies over the weekend. It's set to debut at No. 1 on the Billboard chart.

CNBC Business Turdporter Play N****s On The Fade Out!

Apologies from business network.

CNBC turdporter Kelly Evans went to commercial, the song they used as an outro contained uncensored usage of the n-word.

The song in question was B2K’s Fizzo Got Flow, and needless to say, it’s a pretty colorful song. It was a few segments later, towards the end of the hour, when Evans apologized for airing the song “and for any offense that it may have caused.”

This isn’t the first time CNBC’s gotten in some hot water for a musical suggestion, but at least no one specifically requested it on-air this time.

This comes from Mediaite and believe me its another ear grabbing event.

Knockout Game Victim Blamed The "BLACKS"!

Woman concocted a story about being attacked by Black men and it turned out to be her boyfriend. She created a racial panic to rile up the racist right.

When will that Asshat Colin Flaherty give up his ongoing obsession with BLACK ON WHITE CRIME?

When will That Guy Who Helped Obama Win be the least thing I'll cover?

When will Loserville, King Hippo, Chalk E Becker and That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall be denounced by the likes of Weeper Boehner and Republicans?

It's another edition of the Knockout Game. But this time, it was another one of those fake racial hoax that drives me and S. Baldwin to cover this.

This woman from St. Louis, Ashley DePew was attacked by three Black males after leaving a bar. She was awaiting her boyfriend and out of nowhere she got a blow to the face. That blow required her to have facial reconstructive surgery.

Obviously we all would feel a sense of sorrow for the young woman. I mean a crime happen and these individuals would commit such an act that could kill someone.

One would point out to this knockout game. Again, I haven't heard of it. Except on Loserville and the racist right blogs that most agitators source their outrage from. The outrage pimping is so high over at some of these blogs, it's almost nauseating to read the word vomit.

I know that the outrage pimps over at Loserville were in on the action. They were saying that this "liberal media" isn't covering this and White folks better beware of young Black youth.

That asshat Colin Flaherty, a notorious White extremist got a lot of airplay in the conservative media outlets.

He keeps a backlog of every freaking crime committed by "us Black folk". He obsesses with crime statistics and believes there's a race war in America.

People like Flaherty, Frank Taaffe, and George Zimmerman gave That Guy Who Helped Obama Win the talking points about this so-called BLACK ON WHITE CRIME phenomenon.

Will they cover this now that it was revealed THAT BITCH LIED about the crime and she may face charges for filling a fake police report. Gawker and The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports on this controversy.

DePew story about being beaten up by these Black thugs didn't turn out right. After they reviewed cameras and found she wasn't at the place where she claimed she was attacked, DePew confessed to making the whole thing up.

She actually got into a heated argument with her boyfriend, and I guess he lunged at her. Apparently his arm found her face. Not the five finger roll, she claims now. So instead of sending this asshole to the iron college, she would just say "WELL THEM NIGGERS" did it!

The 23-year-old made up the story in order to protect her boyfriend, 25-year-old Justin Simms.

DePew initially told officers she and Simms were picking up a friend from The Trophy Room on November 17th, when she wandered into a crowd outside the bar and was punched in the face by the three young men.

After police confronted DePew and Simms, they reportedly confessed to inventing the knockout game story for fear of repercussions from police and their respective families.

The two claim Simms inadvertently hit DePew in the eye after she placed her hand on his and he "flung it back violently."

"We had to spend a significant amount of resources unraveling the lies they told," said St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson. "That’s resources that could have been spent on other crimes and it damaged the perception of the city. I hope these two individuals get help in their relationship."

Both face misdemeanor charges, but DePew's attorney Ethan Corlija said he hoped his client's lying wouldn't "detract from the fact that she’s still a victim."

"She sustained pretty serious injuries. No matter how the circuit attorney chooses to view it, it still boils down to her being a victim and we can’t lose sight of that fact," he said.

Yeah, she's a victim. A victim of love. A love that may end up killing her. Not only did she cause a "racial panic" but her defense of this love will now have her a possible criminal record, scorn from the residents, and loss of friends. She obviously going to banned from the bar where she goes to. She made St. Louis get a bad rap.

How could this woman (Ashley DePew) do such a thing?

Was she scared more of the police than her boyfriend or the imaginary "BLACK THUGS"?

Okay when will Loserville issue a retraction?

K.O. For Holiday Greet!

The War On Christmas.

Loserville hosts its annual War on Christmas segments. From mid-November to Christmas, the news readers and conservative agitators on the network find a part of America where the holiday is under attack from secular activists who want to Christ out of the holiday.

Bill-O, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win, Megyn The Outrage Princess, and the Bow Tied Manchild have covered the war from the frontlines of the studios of Loserville, hoping for an ultimate victory against the axis of Atheism.

The service industry urges its workers to avoid saying Merry Christmas because it may offend non-Christian buyers. They believe that every holiday is equally acceptable. When you think about Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year's Day, it's too many holidays.

Holidays that are often busy shopping days for retail and hospitality services. The service industry is a beast.

Shoppers who have economic woes and also a strong detest to being wrong have become the norm of the service industry. I don't say the customer is ALWAYS right. The customer is entitled to it. Regardless of how wrong the shopper is, management is willing to save the sale if they satisfy the customer.

Being a fateful watcher of Loserville could be a problem for the woman who punched a Salvation Army bell ringer in the arm for saying Happy Holidays to her.

Kristina Vindiola told KNXV that she was collecting donations outside a Walmart in Phoenix and chose the wrong greeting for one woman.
Kristina Vindiola assaulted for saying "Happy Holidays" (WMAR)
Kristina Vindiola was hit by an angry shopper after she said "Happy Holidays" to her.
“The lady looked at me,” Vindiola recalled. “I thought she was going to put money in the kettle. She came up to me and said, ‘Do you believe in God?’ And she says, ‘You’re supposed to say Merry Christmas,’ and that’s when she hit me.”

Vindiola said that she notified Walmart managers that the woman had hit her in the arm, and the police were notified.

“She should’ve just been happy I said ‘Happy Holidays,’ but I got hit because I didn’t say ‘Merry Christmas,’” she pointed out.

After reviewing Walmart surveillance video, Phoenix determined that there was not enough evidence to arrest the suspect. Vindiola is considering taking legal action against the woman.

The Raw Story covers this controversy. It's probably the latest things that comes from the social networks.

When people are obsessed with their hatred of President Barack Obama and devoted followers of conservative media, you would expect this. Luckily this person didn't pull a gun out and shot the young woman.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Straight Clownin'!

Town residents are endorsing offensive clown.

The controversy that arose this year was a White man who did a "BLACKFACE" mock of President Barack Obama. The White man was performing as a rodeo clown. He wore an Obama mask and allowed his fellow rodeo clowns bobble the lips. The Obama rodeo clown was chased by the bulls while the announcer was chanting the rabidly conservative audience. The audience was chanting for the bulls to charge him.

A woman and her family watched the act go on. She was applaud. She recorded it and took it to the internet. It went viral. It opened up a can of worms against the Missouri Fair promoters. The promoters would later fire the rodeo clown and that sparked the racist right to come out in defense of the rodeo clown.

Conservative agitators were praising the clown for being bold. Chalk E Becker took to his network to tell his supporters they're "rodeo clowns" now. The controversial Republican lawmaker from Texas Steve Stockman announced on his social network that he would welcome the rodeo clown with open arms.

The rodeo clown Tuffy Gessling, better known as Tuffy the Clown is going to be the town's person of the year for his offensive act towards the president.
Tuffy The Clown. The controversy arose when the clown wore an Obama mask and mocked the president.
KXKX-FM disco jockey Rob Edwards is hosting a "Person of The Year" award to the clown.

The title goes to the person who had the biggest impact on the town, and he said Gessling certainly fit that bill.

Gessling donned an Obama mask this summer at the Missouri State Fair as an announcer asked if they cheering crowd if they wanted to “see Obama get trampled.”

A bull eventually approached Gessling, who jumped up and ran away to more cheers.

“It was a hugely hot topic around here — I mean it was national news, too –but I think that’s why people vote for him, because he brought national attention, for better or for worse,” Edwards said.

Gessling said he’d performed similar stunts while dressed as previous presidents, but many people were uncomfortable with a crowd cheering potentially violent acts against the nation’s first black president.

Edwards said he hadn't spoke to Gessling, who said he received threats after the state fair, but he knew the rodeo clown was aware of the competition because others have shared it on his Facebook page.

The other nominees include a local business owner who is active in charity organizations and a community photographer.

The runner-up so far is the Sedalia police department’s STING unit.

Voting ends Thursday in the competition.

If you're that stupid to vote for a clown, I guess you're a clown for doing so. Obviously in the rural parts of Missouri, you have to be either a Republican or the dumb asshole!

Oh, I forgot that dumb ass lawmaker Stockman is going to run in a Republican primary against Senator John Cornyn (R-TX). Stockman is calling the senator a "liberal" masquerading as a conservative. It could be possible that Cornyn be defeated by Stockman. Obviously, the state of Texas elected Stallmigo (NO ACCOMPLISHMENT) Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Three weeks to go and I will post the yearly wrap up on Journal de la Reyna. Will this one be in the list?

Chasing Them Dollars!

Mega Millions is high again!

Tuesday's jackpot for Mega Millions is certainly the talk of the nation. What's your plans if your planning on playing for the huge jackpot?

The Mega Millions is once again rising to record setting amounts. So I am guessing by game time it will be over $700 million by draw time.

Are you game?

I know that your risk is 1:345. So that means the odds of winning is one in 345 million.

If you're not aware of the game, it's pretty simple. The Mega Millions is a multi-state game that covers 45 states including the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The cost of playing a Mega Million ticket is $1. The ticket comes with a Multiplier (except in California).

The jackpot starts at $15 million.

The drawings are on Tuesday and Friday night at 10:59pm EST.

The game cost only $1 per unit. You must pick five numbers from 1 to 75. When you're done, you get the opportunity to pick a Mega Ball. Out of 15 numbers, you will have to pick one Mega Ball number. The jackpot results are a match of 5 White Balls + 1 Megaball. A player can win $1 million (if you score 5 out of 5 without the Megaball).

You're allowed five lines per unit you're playing one single drawing ticket at $5 per unit. So basically you're playing $1 per line. Add the multiplier and its one per line with multiplier so it would be $2 per unit. So at five lines per unit and with multiplier its $10 per unit.

The game in states that are participating included a multiplier. The multiplier is a function that allows the player to increase their wins by a special X ball. The multiplier is (1X), (2X), (3X), and (4X).

Powerball is played in 45 states including The District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands.

The cost of playing a Powerball ticket is $2. The ticket comes with the Power Play (except in California).

The Power Play cost $1 dollar. There is a set prize amount for Power Play addition. You can earn up to $1 million or $2 million upon the Power Play (if you score 5 out of 5 without the Powerball).

The drawings are on Wednesday and Saturday night at 10:59pm EST.

The Powerball jackpot usually starts at $40 million.

Okay, I know there are some who are novice and never had an experience at playing.

The Mega Millions and Powerball tickets that are played cannot be canceled.

Be careful when making a bet decision.

Of course you have to be over 18 years old to play a Mega Millions or Powerball ticket.

All results for Mega Millions and Powerball are for the state that you've purchased your ticket from.

The impact of being a millionaire comes with a price. You could blow money fast in a few years. Believe me there have been many Americans who lavish in luxury only to be broke in less than 10 years.

Of course, if you're the lucky one. You already know that many friends and family members will be on your case. You will be bothered by almost everyone in the junk food media.

Believe me I am a single man and I bet you my former friends, girlfriends and family members I don't speak to will come out of the woodwork. They'll act like everything is cool and I am all giving!

Say if you're in the group pool. If you're in the pool and your group won, that one person who didn't play will try to sue the group for a portion of the earnings.

Hey, if you're a single person (not married), you'll be getting requests from suitors. Of course, if you're separated from your spouse or have children, expect the domestic family courts to take a lump out of your winnings.

The IRS and state taxes will be paid immediately upon the victory.

It may take up to a year before you collect the first lump sum of payment. Each winning Mega Millions and Powerball ticket carries a lump sum cash payment option.

Best advice for all who win the lottery, is keep a cool head. Let's cover the 10 things about winning the lottery according to me. You can use this advice if you want to!

The first thing you do is write your name down on the back of the winning ticket. Say if you lose the jackpot ticket! If you have forgotten to sign the ticket and it gets lost, then it's your word against the winner's.

Second, make sure you cancel out your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other social networking website your on. That's the next thing that happens when you're a winner.

Third, you cancel your phone number and limit your email intake. Obviously you'll be swamped with phone numbers and well wishers asking if you're willing to shelve out a little cash.

Fourth, hire a qualified lottery attorney. Make sure you have a qualified attorney who specializes in handling large sums of money. Don't assume every attorney is well respected in handling your financial earnings.

Fifth, don't quit a job until you are sure you've won the lottery. Don't rush to judgment about being a lottery winner. Sometimes a person who wins the lottery never expects it to happen so don't sit around the house hoping the day will come you'll be the millionaire.

Sixth, pay off debts to college loans, house, billings, and credit cards.

Seventh, invest your money in a trust fund if you have children or family members you can trust if you should die.

Eighth, have fun with your earnings. Don't blow it on things that obviously will attract negative attention.

Ninth, be humble. Cause money will change a person when they're rich.

Lastly, The Have-Nots Will Always Try To Make You Feel Guilty About Winning. Ignore Them And Be Happy About Your Success.

The Racist Right Rears Its Ugly Head In The NJ Carjacking Shooting!

	A husband and wife were approaching their 2012 silver Range Rover on the third floor of the garage near Nordstrom when they were attacked by two black males, Essex County Acting Prosecutor Carolyn Murray told reporters Sunday night. One of the suspects shot the 30-year-old Hudson County man in the head, Murray said. He was transported to a nearby hospital and where he died shortly after.
The image of a victim killed by two gunman who carjacked him at a New Jersey upscale mall.

We here at Journal de la Reyna will send our condolences to the victim. We hope that local law enforcement catch those involved in this senseless tragedy.

Okay, here we go again. Crime happens in America. Nobody can determine when an event happens. It's an opportunity to take from the haves. The have-nots will commit an act that infringes on the safety of the haves.

Race isn't a factor in most crimes. But sometimes crime that involves race happens. What those of the racist right figure is the junk food media refuses to cover a crime that involves Black criminals. They believe that since the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman saga, the junk food media will ignore every crime that involves Black people attacking Whites or other people of color.

An innocent White victim and the criminal happens to be a Black or Hispanic male is assured an outpouring of hate from the racist right.

Once again hitting on the "statistics" and using President Barack Obama as their punching bag, the racist right will make an attempt to stroke up "sovereign citizens" to take arms. Soon you'll hear about an extremist committing a mass murder against a perceived threat. That threat being Black people.

The racist right will stroke the flames by whine on social networking comment sections. They complain on talk radio or go to Loserville to bitch about BLACK ON WHITE CRIME.

That asshat who is making his rounds in the conservative media wrote a book talking about an epidemic of crime against White people. He called this book "WHITE GIRL BLEEDS ALOT" and the extremists are passing it around like its a dirty heroin needle.

This story right here has the merits of getting That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall's attention. And around 12pm that controversial conservative agitator will make a comment about it. It will be mention by Megyn The Outrage Princess, Bill-O and That Guy Who Helped Obama Win when Loserville is on tonight.

The Associated Press reports authorities are searching for two suspects wanted in the deadly shooting of a man who had just finished holiday shopping with his wife at an upscale mall in northern New Jersey.
Acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn Murray said authorities do not know why the car was targeted.
County prosecutor Carolyn Murray asks the residents for information about the individuals.
Acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn Murray says the shooting happened around 9 p.m. Sunday at The Mall at Short Hills. She says two men confronted a couple returning to their vehicle on the third level of a parking deck.

Murray says the husband, a 30-year-old Hudson County resident, was shot in the head before the men took off in his silver 2012 Range Rover. His wife was not injured.

The man was pronounced dead at a hospital.

The Range Rover has New Jersey license plates U26 BVD.

The victim's name has not been released.

More developments will come as soon as they become available.

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Update: Megyn The Outrage Princess Got Flack!

Megyn The Outrage Princess got flack for saying Jesus and Santa were just White, don't you know?

The Loserville host has put her foot in the mouth.

On Wednesday night, Megyn The Outrage Princess was pissed that a Slate writer had wrote that Santa Claus didn't always have to be an old White guy and she suggested to be neutral, she wanted a penguin to be Santa.

The Outrage Princess worked up a frenzy and told the Loserville audience that Santa and Jesus were White and called the writer ridiculous but later added, “For all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white,” Kelly said. “But this person is just arguing that maybe we should also have a black Santa. But Santa is what he is.”

And it took off from there.

Many thought the comments were stupid if not borderline racist.

So bad that even the crown prince of fake news made a comment about her misfire.

Jon Stewart, take it away!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

GOP Sheriff Rick Clark: No Half Mast For "MONKEY" Mandela!

South Carolina Sheriff refuses to acknowledge Nelson Mandela in American solidarity.

South Carolina sheriff will not heed President Barack Obama's orders to lower the American flag for the late South African president Nelson Mandela.

He took to the social networking websites to say that he's defying the president's order. And yes, he got support from the racist right.
The great leader of South Africa Nelson Mandela passed away on Thursday.
Mandela was a controversial figure for much of his life. Denounced as a Marxist terrorist by some U.S. conservatives, he nevertheless gained international acclaim for his activism, having received more than 250 honours, including the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize, the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Soviet Order of Lenin and the Bharat Ratna. He is held in deep respect within South Africa, where he is often referred to by his Xhosa clan name, Madiba, or as Tata ("Father"); he is often described as "the father of the nation".

But since he changed the last WHITE RULED AFRICAN COUNTRY, conservatives hate this guy and everything he stands for. They knew Mandela would create a Barack Obama. And to this day, the disrespect towards President Barack Obama is so bad, it's almost embarrassing that these so-called "patriots" are acting like the "enemy".

It's a damn shame that a man who changed the segregation in South Africa is degraded to being a NIGGER.

Clark did have some mild respect towards Mandela. He asked those who comment to keep it at best "civil" because he doesn't want controversy. Yeah, like defying an order in solidarity isn't controversial.

The people of Pickens County, South Carolina didn't get worked up over the lowering of the American flag in half mast for Pope John Paul II and Princess Diana. They weren't American. 

I bet if Queen Elizabeth II passes away, I bet the American president would order a lower mast for the American flag.

But since Mandela is a "rabble rouser" and "Marxist" according to the racist right, there's no need to give him any praise. He's a dirty NIGGER and had no business ever getting this much treatment, according to Clark and his friends on the racist right.

Even the Stallmigo Ted Cruz (R-TX) got attacked by his stans for even praising Mandela.

Ted Cruz · 562,780 like this
Yesterday at 5:19pm · 

So what's your thoughts on this?


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