Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Does Black America Hate The Republican Party?

Buzzfeed tracks the most viral things happening across the world. The website leans liberal.

Today, what caught my attention was the Republicans struggles with Black and Hispanic voters. Tales of the failed minority outreach made by Republican chairman Reince Pribeus and the perennial loser Mitt Romney may have doomed the national party.

What has me thinking about the situation is pretty simple. Sure ignorance!

The very fact that many conservatives love to twist history in order to make condescending points to "why Blacks voter overwhelmingly Democratic" is a dead giveaway to the deficit you'll find in the Republican Party.

Basically a White conservative wants to talk us Black folk down!

For one thing, I've said it before and I'll say it again! The Republican Party is like cocaine. It contains 90% White, 10% other. The Republican Party in my opinion favors the White Evangelical men. It tends to favor the well off, the rich, the elite, and is extremely conservative.

The Republican Party caters to racism through a broad coalition of groups determined to keep a segment of the United States from intervening in the nation's affairs. Conservatives rally around the Republicans because the party caters to their single issue ideas and principles.

Conservatives are reactionary bigots who have a hatred of someone's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, education, religion, economic and political standings.

If you tell a Republican or a conservative how you feel about the party in general, they'll give a reactionary defense against being called a racist.

The conservatives will gin up the notion that they were the ones responsible for civil rights in America.

After all who would go around claiming Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican while slamming Congressman John Lewis (D-Georgia), the NAACP, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Joesph Lowery and Benjamin Jealous? 

Republicans love to take credit in saying they've ended slavery, Jim Crow and helping pass the Civil Rights Laws. 

They forgot the Democratic Party is the first to nominate the first Black candidate for president.

If it wasn't for Democratic presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Blacks wouldn't have all the opportunities for education, health care, voting rights and fair housing.

Yeah, I can credit moderate Republicans like Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and Abraham Lincoln for being popular among Black voters. 

But they surely forgotten that it was Republicans who also ran every dirty trick in this past election to keep Blacks from voting. They're the ones who want to build gated communities to sovereign themselves from the Black community. Republicans keep Blacks away from their private establishments through the barrel of a gun.

Some of the most recent comments from conservatives show a strong dislike towards the Black community, the continent of Africa, hip-hop music and President Barack Obama.

They love to create websites that promote hate of Blacks. There's probably over 100 websites devoted to trashing the president, me, you and other Blacks.

Yet, let there be one Black person who creates one website that trashes White people. It's on the conservative blogs, Fox News or talk radio the next day!

White conservatives hate being called racist. All hell breaks loose and conservatives rally a reactionary defense! They'll say that "it's not us, but them!"

Yet, they want no political correctness. The conservatives would love to say NIGGER to a Black person's face, but they fear they may lose their job or get attacked by us. In the white conservative's mind, we're looked upon as "savages" and "gubmint dependents".

They rally a bunch of extremists with rhetoric painting Blacks as an enemy.

These individuals then in turn call the Black community with labels such as "monkeys", "inferior", "lazy", "low-intelligence", "sex-crazed" "animals" or "monsters".

Any comment section linked through WorldNetDaily, InfoWars, The Drudge Report, Twitchy, The Daily Caller, Fox Nation, social networking websites (i.e. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram) will have word vomit of racial slurs, Obama name dropping, faulty statistics of crime in Black/White areas, themes of rape and off tangent arguments to why they hate being labeled racist.

Black Republicans love to rush to the camera whenever there's an opportunity to trash President Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. In turn they'll spin this nonsense about urban areas are in decline because of Democratic politicans and Black leaders. They blame them over the bad parent or teenager who fails in society.

Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Allen West, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Alan Keyes, Jesse Lee Peterson, Alveda King, Armstrong Williams, Juan Williams, James Manning love to rally the White conservatives. They know if they can say something racist about Black people, they're not racist! They're just telling the truth only to a crowd of mostly White people.

Yet, we get mad at these individuals and call them "UNCLE TOMS", "TOKENS" and "SELL-OUTS" for speaking out against Black leaders.
Reince Prebius is trying to add flavor to the all White seasoning of Republican elites.
We praise the Black liberal entertainers and politicians like the president, Bill Cosby or Jay-Z telling us the very same thing. We think of these individuals as heroes, truth-tellers and all knowing.

I can tell you that the Republican Party inclusiveness will be their undoing. They've purged the moderates.

They've taken the side of conspiracy kook Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky). So they're now in the tank of a politician who believes the Civil Rights Act of 1965 was unconstitutional because it bothered the White owners who had a right to serve whomever they wanted.

With Mitt Romney about to appear at CPAC, many politicos in Washington wonder what went wrong with Romney. He lost every key demographic except for the White married family who lives in the suburbs or rural communities.

So the Republicans need a couple of tokens?

McKay Coppins of Buzzfeed wrote that Republican National Committee leader Reince Priebus used a Monday afternoon press conference to preach inclusion, outreach, and political redemption for his struggling party.

But too many of the people in the predominantly black, low-income neighborhood surrounding the church, the Republican Party was not yet done atoning for its 2012 sins.

Priebus came to the Christian Cultural Center — an evangelical church in East New York that boasts 29,000 members, and is headed by prominent black Republican Rev. A.R. Bernard — to participate in what a press release called an "African-American engagement and listening session." It was the latest stop in a national tour for the RNC chief, ostensibly intended to gather advice before the party releases its official campaign post-mortem next week.

Complimenting the church as a "beautiful, successful place of renewal and revival," Priebus quipped, "We're hoping to get a little bit of that at the Republican National Committee."

To pull off a Republican resurrection, Priebus said, the party would have to work hard to "make the sale" to African-American voters, who left the Republican Party in large amid the civil rights battles of the 1960s, and who President Barack Obama won with 93 percent in 2012.

Blacks come to see the GOP as the party of Romney.

Most Blacks believe that Republicans only cared about rich people. Those in Brooklyn never heard of Reince Priebus — but they had all heard of Mitt Romney.

And for most of them, Romney's candidacy was reason enough to steer clear of the Republican Party for the foreseeable future.

Maybe they should have keep that jive turkey Michael Steele!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Ex-Hip-Hop Mayor Will Return To The Iron College!

The hip-hop mayor might return back to the iron college.


Kwame Kilpatrick was the mayor of Detroit for six years. He was dubbed by The Source Magazine as the "Mayor Of Hip-Hop" during the early 2000s. Being a young mayor of a major city literally went to his head.

During his term as mayor, Detroit went for broke. The mayor was plagued with corruption, sex scandals and often used threats of retaliation against whistleblowers. Yeah, just like a hip-hop rapper!

Well today, the U.S. federal court will deliver the fate of the 42-year old Kilpatrick.

Seems like a legacy was so tarnished, his own mother Carolyn, a U.S. Congresswoman was defeated in a primary against a candidate that didn't carry the Kilpatrick name.

Kilpatrick served a year in state prison after the jury found him guilty in corruption. The FBI and state police were looking into Kilpatrick and some of his friends and family. Incidents such as an unlicensed firearm, a bunch of parties at the mayor's home, nepotism, a murdered stripper, a mistress who worked as his personal secretary, and hundreds of text messages being sent through city cells torpedoed Kilpatrick's career.

Kilpatrick was again indicted on new corruption charges, in what a federal prosecutor called a "pattern of extortion, bribery and fraud" by some of the city's most prominent officials. His father, Bernard Kilpatrick was also indicted as was contractor Bobby Ferguson, Kilpatrick's aide Derrick Miller, and Detroit water department chief Victor Mercado.

The original 38-charge indictment listed allegations of 13 fraudulent schemes in awarding contracts in the city's Department of Water and Sewerage, with pocketed kickbacks of nearly $1 million.

He was arraigned in 2011, on charges in the 89-page indictment. Federal prosecuting attorneys proposed a trial date in January 2012, but defense attorneys asked for a trial date in the summer of 2012.

Now if Kilpatrick is to be found guilty by the court, he will get 30 years in federal prison.

A reminder to anyone who understand the legal system. If you're sentenced to state prison, you have a chance to get credit off your sentence if you can provide proof you're not a threat to society. Mainly if you're on good behavior, you're likely to get a reprieve. That's somewhat like a probation if you can not be around firearms, drugs and anything that merits to illegal activity.

In federal prison, you are to serve the sentence full. There are no chances for reprieve. The only way a federal inmate gets out is serving a full term or a presidential pardon. Based on the severity of sentence, you're not likely to get a pardon from the president.

B.I.G. Time!

The King Of New York. The legendary Notorious B.I.G. was murdered over 16 years ago.

Christopher Wallace will always be remembered.

Brief Summary:

The tragic death of Notorious B.I.G. happened 16 years ago.

March 9, 1997 was the day that the Notorious B.I.G. (aka Biggie Smalls) was gunned down in Los Angeles after he attended a Soul Train Music Awards show. The death of Biggie happened just a few days before his double album Life After Death was to hit the store shelves.

Biggie was raised in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. When he released his debut album Ready to Die in 1994, he became a central figure in the East Coast hip hop scene and increased New York's visibility in the genre at a time when West Coast hip hop was dominant in the mainstream.

The following year, Wallace led his childhood friends to chart success through his protégé group, Junior M.A.F.I.A. While recording his second album, Wallace was heavily involved in the growing East Coast/West Coast hip hop feud.

When hip-hop was good!

Tupac Shakur, Notorious B.I.G., Big L, Pimp C, Big Pun, Guru, Soulja Slim, Magic, Left-Eye, Aaliyah,Whitney Houston, and Michael Jackson are gone but never forgotten.

They will be truly missed.

Ohio Town Mourns Death Of Six Teens!

We here at Journal de la Reyna mourn the loss of these individuals in this tragic incident in Northeastern Ohio. The picture is of crash victim 15-year old Ramone White.
In the northeast city of Warren, Ohio, a community is mourning six teens who died in a tragic accident.

Alexis Cayson. Single mother of a son.
They said this could is one of the worst accidents in the county's history.

A woman lost control of her vehicle and hit the guardrail. The vehicle flipped and landed in the water. The accident killed six and left two badly injured.

The woman and her teenage passengers were speeding on a local road according to Ohio State Highway Patrol and it led to this fatal incident.

The tragedy affect the town because the local law enforcement known some of these victims. One tragedy that certainly hitting the news, the young woman driving the vehicle was a mother of a young child.

The Associated Press and WKBN-27 Youngstown-Warren reports that the six teenagers who died in the accident are: Alexis Cayson, 19; Andrique Bennett, 14; Kirklan M. Behner, 15; Daylan Ray, 15; Brandon A. Murray, 17; and Ramone M. White, 15. All the victims were from Warren.

Investigators said Cayson was driving at the time of the crash and that they believe speed was a factor.
andrique bennett in My Photos by Andrique Bennett
Andrique Bennett.

Two teens were students at Willard K-8 school, two were students at Warren G. Harding High School and one was a past student at Harding, according to the school district spokesman, Aaron Schwab. Schwab in a statement said they are unsure if the sixth teen was a former student in Warren.

Brian K. Henry, 18, and Asher C. Lewis, 15, both of Warren, were treated for injuries at St. Joseph Health Center and Trumbull Memorial.

Kirklan Behner.
Some were wearing seatbelts, said Ohio State Highway Patrol Lt. Brian Holt, the commander of the Southington post.

All eight were friends who lived in the same east side neighborhood, a family member said.

Troopers said a 1998 Honda Passport, driven by Alexis Cayson and containing seven passengers, was traveling south on Pine Street around 7 a.m. when it veered off the left side of the road, struck a guardrail, and rolled over onto its roof in a nearby pond area.

Two of the occupants escaped the crash and went to a nearby residence and called 911.
Daylan Ray
Daylan Ray.
Five victims were removed from inside the SUV. A sixth victim was ejected and was located under the vehicle. Two of the victims died at the hospital from trauma related to hypothermic drowning.

Holt said the SUV is registered to Marguis Stephenson of Youngstown and that none of those killed or injured should have had access to the vehicle. Troopers are still investigating how they got the vehicle and why they were driving early in the morning. Holt also said he would not speculate on alcohol or drug use being a factor in the crash until autopsies are completed.

"As far as the vehicle is concerned, our preliminary investigation shows that none of the occupants had expressed permission to be in possession of the vehicle," said Holt. "However, no reports have been filed or anything of that nature at this time."

Dominique Ellison, left, and Rickie Bowling, of Warren, bring stuffed animals to a memorial in honor of their friends who died in the car crash
Town in mourning of the death of six teens.
Ashia Cayson learned of her sister's death just before 9 a.m. She said that she had been thinking of her and was planning to get in touch with her soon. She also said that Alexis Cayson leaves behind a four-year-old son.

"She was loving. She was silly, and she was a clown. She liked to make everybody laugh even when we were sad," said Cayson. "I just want everybody to know that if you are going through something, pick up the phone and call your siblings, your family and tell them you love them. You never know what can happen. Tomorrow is not promised to anybody."

Warren Mayor Doug Franklin is offering his support to all of the families of the victims and has met with some of them personally.

The pictures of the deceased. The sixth victim's photo was released at the time.
“I have taken most of this morning to meet with all the family members that I possibly could at both hospitals,” said Franklin. “We’re going to pull together for them.”

Warren City Council President Bob Dean, who is related to one of the victims, said he plans to set up a fund at a local bank where the money donated will go directly to the funeral homes that will be providing services.

“What we always try to do, take the burden of worrying about the expenses off the plate of the family,” said Dean. “We think there are enough people, as always in our town when we have these kinds of tragedies, they step right up and we will get it done."

The Daily Telegraph and Associated Press along with WKBN contribute to this story.

Such tragedies like this shouldn't happen in America. Even though some of the victims were wearing their seatbelts, I am assuming some didn't know how to swim or free themselves from an entrapment.

Early morning emergency: The highway patrol received the first call on the crash at 7:15 a.m.Alexis Cayson is a young mother. She leaves behind a child. That young child will celebrate memorable moments without the backing of his mother.

Again, this story already got the internet buzzing. For the fact that the victims were Black and young, you already know what's happening in the White supremacists watering holes.

We all know that somehow President Barack Obama name will be uttered by these lunatics in the conservative/white supremacist bubble.

We all know that racial slurs and phony statistics would be written and devolved among comment sections of any social or news website.

We all know that conservatives will blame Democratic leaders in Washington or a majority Black city. They always fault Democrats or Black leaders for the reckless behavior of children and their parents (especially if they're of color).

We all know that conservatives and white supremacists are cheering the death of these innocent individuals.

These innocent young people didn't deserve this fate.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to families of Alexis Cayson, Andrique Bennett, Kirklan M. Behner, Daylan Ray, Brandon A. Murray, and Ramone M. White. 

We send our prayers to the survivors Brian K. Henry and Asher C. Lewis.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Senator Ashley Judd?

Republican senate leader Mitch McConnell already has a war chest and he's facing another tougher fight.

His bid for reelection. Already there are some Republicans who are willing to take him on in a primary fight.

The senator from Kentucky is fairly unpopular in his state. He and Senator Rand Paul both represent the deeply conservative state. President Barack Obama barely cracks 40% in the state. The last time the state voted for a Democratic nominee was Bill Clinton.

Nowadays, Republicans have a strong hold on the state. Even if McConnell unpopular, the Democrats who run aren't popular either. The Democratic governor Steve Beshar isn't going to risk his political future. Former congressman Ben Chandler isn't going to run.

So who are the Democrats lining up?

More women, Hispanic, Black and moderate candidates in politically conservative states.

A known Hollywood star who is a liberal activist. Ashley Judd, the daughter of country music singer Naomi Judd and the half-sister of Wynonna Judd. While she is best known for an ongoing acting career spanning more than two decades, she has increasingly become involved in global humanitarian efforts and political activism. Judd has played lead roles in films including Ruby in Paradise, Kiss the Girls, Double Jeopardy, Where the Heart Is, Dolphin Tale and High Crimes.

She starred as Rebecca Winstone in the television series Missing in 2012. In 2010, Judd received a master's degree in public administration from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

With talk of her throwing herself into the political fray, conservatives already are lining up for attack.

First McConnell, launched a veil shot at her. Sean Hannity played a clips of Judd on his program. American Crossroads GPS, Karl Rove's shadowy group launched an attack. This alone is furthering a potential run for the actress.

In response to this rumor, the Conservative Super PAC "American Crossroads" released an attack ad against Judd in Kentucky, mocking her ability to lead as well as her unwavering support for President Obama.

In February 2013, she invited her Twitter followers to join a mailing list, hinting that she may ultimately announce a run for the Senate to those on the list.

Judd lives in Nashville, Tennessee. She is relocating to Lexington later this month. Her possibility of running has the nation talking. The last time an entertainer won a political race was Al Franken.

Al Franken, an actor, author, a screenwriter, talk radio host, and activist ran for U.S. Senate in Minnesota.

He faced Republican Norm Coleman in a bitterly fought race in 2008. He was declared the winner of the election and the Republicans protested. They held up the certification of Franken until July 2009.

The Republicans are going to do the same thing to Judd. Say if Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) was trailing in the polls in a hypothetical race against Judd, then you would see an all out war against her and President Barack Obama.

The United States Senate is in the Democratic control. The House of Representatives is in Republican control.

Actress may run for U.S. Senate as a Democrat against formidable Republican.
The Huffington Post reports that some Democrats, here and in Washington, fear that Judd is just the kind of glamorous liberal the GOP loves to run against in Kentucky and across the country. Some are concerned that the GOP will make her candidacy a national cause.

But Judd is smart, feisty and charming, and probably can, as one local here put it, “out-Kentucky and out-country” the Louisville-based, owlishly professorial McConnell in a state where down-home, one-handshake-at-a-time style still matters.

Judd made her intentions clear at a private dinner last month at Brown's Louisville home. Asked if she was tough enough to take on McConnell and the GOP national attack machine, Judd reportedly answered, “I have been raped twice, so I think I can handle Mitch McConnell.”

Judd was born in California, but spent most of her youth and school years in Kentucky. A Democrat who has been an advocate for causes for years, she more recently began focusing on a career in electoral politics after enrolling at Harvard in 2009 to obtain a master’s in public administration.

Judd considered running for office in Tennessee before turning her attention to Kentucky, according to one of her leading supporters in Louisville.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, whose leaders were cool to the high-risk but intriguing Judd candidacy, in recent days has taken new polls that show McConnell -- never an overwhelming winner despite his lofty status -- is more vulnerable to a Judd campaign than originally thought.

Judd would hardly be a textbook candidate in a mostly red state with a Democratic governor that has not gone for a Democratic presidential candidate since Clinton in 1996. “Kentucky has changed a lot in recent years,” said Crit Luallen, the former state auditor and a potential candidate for governor.

Being an “environmentalist” in Kentucky is a tricky matter. Among other things, Judd is a foe of “mountain-top removal” in strip mining, a hideous practice but nevertheless one that is defended in much of the coal fields of Eastern Kentucky. Those who oppose it are seen as outsiders who don’t understand the mountains.

This week she got some political cover on that issue as state Rep. Greg Stumbo of Eastern Kentucky took a strong public position against the practice.

Judd is given to cultural statements that might sound acceptably thought-provoking in Los Angeles but not necessarily so in conservative Kentucky -- such as her comment that she didn't want to have children because there is too much suffering and poverty in the world.

She is an ardent Obama supporter and progressive on most social issues. She recently announced the end of her marriage to her race-car driver husband, and racy pictures and video from her movie career are plentiful and easy to find on the Internet. She writes movingly and openly about the challenges she faces from her bipolar disorder.

But Judd was born to campaign. A fighter by nature, she has a quick wit and the ability to raise far more money – not to mention engender more free national and local media – than all of McConnell’s past Democratic foes put together.

She is fearless, and would not necessarily lose a bar fight if she got into one, which she is about to do.

Ron Paul Goes To Radio. | Rand Paul Stalls Washington!

The righteous Pauls, former presidential candidate Ron Paul, a former Republican Texas congressman is going to have a talk radio show. His son, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) mounted an epic filibuster in an attempt to stall the nomination of John Brennan for the CIA over manufactured conspiracies.

To compete in an industry saturated with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Ed Schultz, and Dave Ramsey, the former Congressman and his loyal cult  followers find savior in the airwaves.

Ron Paul will be 77 years old this year, and he's been blessed to host a radio program. The radio show Ron Paul's America will be syndicated on March 18, 2013. It will be featured in two, one minute commentaries.

The syndicated show will be sponsored by Courtside Entertainment Group, LLC (formerly Westwood Radio). It just recently picked up Laura Ingraham, after a bitter fall out with Talk Radio Network.

To put to rest all the necessary means of failed presidential candidates who were perennial candidates. Look at Herman Cain who took over for conservative agitator Neal Boortz. Cain ran for higher office more than five times and still lost. Politicians who went media crazy included Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, Joe Scarborough, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, J.D. Hayworth, and numerous others in an all out war against those who don't agree with them.

I will admit this. I thought Ron Paul had great ideas. But unfortunately, he had bad ideas. And of course he has radical ties to groups that make it even harder say if his son Rand Paul, senator from Kentucky would run for president.

His son became a "folk hero" to the cult.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) held up the Senate's confirmation of John Brennan for nearly 13 hours on a filibuster.


Because he didn't like the answer Attorney General Eric Holder gave him when it came to drones being use in an attack upon the United States. Paul is on some "civil liberties" bullcrap.

He's following the conspiracy theories one too many times. He thinks that President Barack Obama is acting like Hitler and may use drones to strike missiles at a person at a coffee shop.

Republicans senators from the far right and one liberal senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) endorsed this horse manure.

The Republicans are slowly but surely falling into the trap. The Republicans are going to further themselves to the right wing with endorsements of theses lunatics.

There would be some here who troll for everything Ron Paul. You might be one of these supporters of this kook Ron Paul.

Ron Paul was an establishment candidate who's "KOOKY" ideas appeal to the broad coalition of pot smokers, disengaged conservatives and libertarians who hated that GOP crop of presidential candidates.

Surprisingly there are some easily fooled liberals who think he's all about ending the wars and legalizing marijuana.

But there are so many anti-Semitics who supported the Pauls. These individuals think that Israel is cause of the world's program. The isolationist strategy among White nationalists is a theme among the Pauls.

And even though the lower nations aid the United States in these goddamn wars, some extremists (the ones who appear on tax revolters, survivalist, conspiracy theorists and White Supremacists websites) believe that it's always us and not them.

This filibuster over the drone strikes in the United States is not going to happen and even though Attorney General Eric Holder gave him the information he needed, Senator Paul filibustered anyways. And these cult followers believed that people who disagreed with politician should  "read the Constitution all the ways!"

Understand this: Ron Paul and Rand Paul have no major accomplishments.

This filibuster didn't stop the confirmation of John Brennan. It just gave the president and the Democrats in the senate more reason to push for filibuster reform. It also gave them a reason to blame the Republicans for all the problems with government.

Ron Paul retired with three failed presidential attempts and one freaking bill was passed by Congress under his sponsorship. Paul never had an endorsement that was worthy of media coverage.

If you support a fringe individual like Rand Paul for president, that's all you! He's not going to be a serious contender for president. He's too extreme even for Republicans. Maybe the Tea Party will support this!

But so do the White nationalist and extremists who believe 9/11 was inside job. Or maybe the current president is a Kenyan who worships Karl Marx.

Who would want to support a cult of ignorance?

I know that these cult followers will use "weed" smoking celebrities such as Snoop Dogg, Berry Manilow and Kelly Clarkson as props.

Guess what?

Snoop Dogg endorses President Barack Obama anyway. Hey, didn't Kelly Clarkson sing at the president's inauguration.

Well you cult followers can still prop Berry Manilow as a Paulite. After all he still sings and women love him.

This piece of shit Rand Paul is another showboater! Just like his dad, he can throw around the U.S. Constitution only when it's in his favor. Not understanding that for all the blood, sweat and tears, the American still aren't free and they'll never be if one Paul becomes the president

So having Senator Paul doing filibusters on presidential cabinet and judicial nominations was the talk of the week, but in reality it doesn't mean shit!

President Barack Obama got his confirmation picks.

Senator Paul fail victim to the conspiracies of Breitbart, Infowars and WorldNetDaily. If a potential candidate would believe Chuck Hagel (a former Republican senator) would support the "Friends of Hamas" and other groups from the made-up imagination of media folks, then he's not even on my radar as a potential candidate for president.

Once again for you for your information, we call him President Barack Obama.

Your disrespect of the first Black president also troubles me.

These cult followers will scream at the top of their lungs of how government is evil and such! But when asked where to go for all the "freedom", they never tell you! They'll continue an ongoing ramble about how we're not awaken to the "philosophies" of the Paul family.

What on earth thinks that Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul are "winning" every freaking time when they accomplish nothing?

Ron Paul has never became the Republican nominee. He wasn't the sacrificial goat. Lucky him.

As a perennial candidate he, Herman Cain and Alan Keyes will join the current perennial loser Mitt Romney in the dustbin of history's failed candidates.

So if Senator Rand Paul should run for president and lose the nomination and the reelection to a moderate Republican or even more conservative Republican, it would clearly give Paul one thing. A double whammy.

Ron Paul out of office is a good thing. Rand Paul in senate isn't a good thing.

They're just like those douchebags Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.

They swallowed the dog whistle the moment they've open their goddamn mouths!

Friday, March 08, 2013

Roaring Back!

Even though we're going to see some significant changes to economy, the unemployment numbers came out pre-sequester. The unemployment numbers went down to 7.7% after two months being stuck at 8.1%.

Of course, we gotten through one full month since President Barack Obama won reelection. So far he's trying to get his cabinet and federal judicial picks in place.

This week alone, Senators Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina), Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin), John McCain (R-Arizona), Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) and Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) brought forth filibusters to nominations.

Republicans are in full out civil war with one another and an all out war with the president.

The unemployment numbers are certainly going to make the president's case for the economy. He pretty much winning the message war against the Republicans. Despite the media's attempts to blame him for Republican obstruction, the president has the opportunity to win this battle.

CNBC reports that job creation broke out in February, with the economy creating a net 236,000 new jobs as the unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent.

Private job creation stood at a robust 246,000, finally indicating that the economy may be ready to escape the tight growth range in which it has been held since the financial crisis.

Service industries led the gains with 73,000 new jobs, while construction added 48,000 and health care provided 32,000. Retail also added 24,000.

A separate unemployment measure that includes workers no longer looking for jobs and those working part-time for economic reasons edged lower to 14.3 percent. At the same time, the labor force participation rate, which measures workers and those looking for jobs, also fell, to a 32-year low of 63.5 percent, tied with where it stood in August 2012.

The gain in job creation, as reported by the Labor Department, comes as Washington continues to debate mandatory spending cuts that took place at the beginning of March, lending to worry that the rise may not last.

"The big question was whether this much job creation can be sustained. The answer is now complicated by the budget cuts under the sequester," said Kathy Bostjancic, director of macroeconomic analysis at The Conference Board. "What is clear however, is that the labor market was gaining traction before the sequester."

Economists expected the 160,000 new jobs in February and the unemployment rate held steady at 7.9 percent.

However, there was anticipation that the number could come in a bit better than expected after ADP reported earlier this week that the private sector created 198,000 for the month.

Traders acted positive to the report, indicating the stock market was likely to continue its week-long winning streak at the Friday open. Treasury yields rose to an 11-month high, with the benchmark 10-year note yielding 2.07 percent

"Employers are following the historical trend of doing the bulk of their hiring in the first quarter; and the February numbers and January revisions support this fact," said Todd Schoenberger, managing partner at LandColt Capital in New York. "Traders will certainly cheer this data as the Dow should continue its trend of daily record-setting performances."

Average hourly earnings rose four cents to $23.82 an hour, while the average work week edged higher to 34.5 hours.

A large chunk of the jobs gains came through the birth-death model the Bureau of Labor Statistics uses to gauge the activity of newly created and lost businesses. That number came in at 102,000.

Investors watch the nonfarm payrolls number closely both to gauge general economic health and to discern future Federal Reservepolicy moves.

The central bank has kept interest rates near zero for the past four years and is buying $85 billion in Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities each month in an effort to stimulate growth.

Fed officials have said the rate policy will continue at least until unemployment drops to 6.5 percent and inflation rises to 2.5 percent. However, the bond buying, known as quantitative easing, likely will stop well ahead of that if the Fed sees sustained growth signals.

One caveat for the report was a downward revision in January, from an initially reported 157,000 down to 119,000. December's numbers, though, were revised up from 196,000 to 219,000.

Long-term unemployment remained a problem as well, with the average duration of joblessness accelerating to 36.9 weeks after a sharp drop in January to 35.3 weeks.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

ACORN Pimp Betta Have My Money!

A setback for conservative agitator James O'Keefe. He and Hannah Giles infiltrated ACORN with secret videos and the former workers vow to take O'Keefe and the Breitbart media empire down.

James O'Keefe, the controversial conservative agitator will have to sale some of his memorable possession in order to pay up those who sued him for his "sting" videos in 2009.

The U.S. District Court found that O'Keefe, his former girlfriend Hannah Giles and the estate of dead conservative agitator Andrew Breitbart liable in the damages of those who were fired in the ACORN sting videos which got heavy rotation on right wing blogs and Fox News.

Back in 2009, Andrew Breitbart released tapes of employees of Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now doing illegal things. O'Keefe dressed up like a pimp and Hannah Giles dressed up like a prostitute claimed they've visited the locations of ACORN. They filmed workers say on camera how to create phony voter registrations, how to smuggle in child prostitutes and how to register Mickey Mouse into a low income home.

Fox News and conservative talk radio led the charge of voter fraud at ACORN. They demanded that Congress defund the organization and a federal investigation into the finances of the company.

The Congress managed to sever ties with ACORN forcing it out of business. With loss contracts, ACORN workers were let go. Some vowed to clear their names. One in particular Juan Carlos Vera wanted revenge on the conservative agitators.

He sued O'Keefe and his allies in court. Project Veritas the company founded by O'Keefe and pro-life activist Lila Rose are going to shelf out a six figure amount to Vera.

Vera was an employee of the activist group Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now in 2009 when O'Keefe and Giles traveled to his San Diego office dressed in pimp and prostitute attireto film a segment for their sting investigation. They used heavily edited footage to allege the group supported prostitution and tax-evasion.

Blowin' Money Fast.
After the video's release, Vera was fired for "unacceptable conduct" over footage that appeared to show him advising the duo on how to set up a supposed child prostitution ring. It was later reported that Vera had contacted authorities and described the details of the encounter.

In 2010, Vera filed a lawsuit against O'Keefe and Giles, alleging that they had breached his privacy by recording him without his consent. O'Keefe attempted to fight the lawsuit. But two years later, a federal judge refused to throw out the suit. Now it's settled and Vera is vindicated, and it's likely that O'Keefe will appeal the decision.

After ACORN, the conservative agitator tried to bring back the magic.

One incident had him arrested.

He managed to get federal probation for the sneak in at Senator Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana) office, the ACORN pimp continued his mission to relevance. O'Keefe got into a heated feud with Touré after the liberal agitator on MSNBC made comments about gun control. The people over at Project Veritas ambushed Touré and his family at home.

Now ACORN was brought into the news recently. Those idiot Republicans are trying to defund ACORN.

Congressman Hal Rogers (R-Kentucky), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R-Kansas) want to defund an organization that doesn't even exist.

A perfect reason to why it's essential to have the House of Representatives in the control of the Democrats.

The Democrats at least believe in reality.

This week would mark the death of Andrew Breitbart. He died on March 1, 2012 while walking to his Brentwood, Los Angeles home. He had an apparent heart attack. Upon his death, Breitbart was going to consolidate his media websites into one venue. Now it's struggling for credibility.

The last bombshells released by Breitbart editor Ben Sharpio and Joel Pollack were duds. James O'Keefe and Lila Rose's sneak attempts are foiled before they even put on their disguises. Dana Loesh is shelling out dirt about the company saying that it's terrible place to work and no right minded activist would ever want to work at Breitbart News.

Of course there are some who still believe in James O'Keefe and the crumbling Breitbart empire. Ask the guy who helped President Barack Obama win reelection. He is on Fox News Channel with his program minus his good buddy Alan Colmes.

What Happen To Lil' Kim? [NSFW]

Brooklyn's don diva is......whoa!

The 4'11" rapper/model/reality star known as the "Queen Bee" of hip-hop hasn't done much lately.

Besides the feuds with longtime foes Foxy Brown and Nicki Minaj, it's been relatively low profile for Kim.

Kimberly Denise Jones born July 11, 1974 grew up on the streets of Brooklyn., New York. Getting involved in the rap scene she met her mentor Christopher Wallace who developed the street name Biggie Smalls (but best the nationally as the Notorious B.I.G.). She got involved in the rap scene around the early 1990s and worked on singles with Biggie and his friends Lil' Cease, Capone and Bugsy. As the lieutenant of Notorious B.I.G.'s clique Junior M.A.F.I.A. broke into the rap scene with her witty and oftentimes sexually explicit lines.

The album Conspiracy went on to become gold and gave the Brooklyn rapper a chance to break out on her own. The debut album Hardcore was produced by little known Sean "Puffy" Combs who went on to establish his own label Bad Boy. Lil' Kim went double platinum on her album and launched her as a mainstream act.

She was featured on the single, "Lady Marmalade", which also had guest vocals by fellow recording artists Mýa, Pink and Christina Aguilera (a remake of the 1975 smash hit, originally recorded by LaBelle) which went to #1 on the US Billboard Hot 100, making her the first female rapper to have a #1 on that chart.

Between her highs and lows, Lil' Kim knew how to impress and sometimes shock the paparazzi.

The most memorable moment of Lil' Kim was the VMA awards in which she had a pallet covering one of her breast and Diana Ross (her idol) groped her in front of millions.

During her rise, she, Combs, and Biggie were engaged in a feud with the West Coast rappers. The Notorious B.I.G. was singled out by rapper Tupac Shakur in the attempted robbery and shooting of him outside a studio in 1994. The rappers were cordial in the beginning but things turned sour after allegations of Tupac Shakur made the claim that he slept with Biggie's then wife Faith Evans.

Biggie was accused by some in the hip-hop media of having numerous affairs on Faith Evans. One being Lil' Kim and Charli Baltimore, a Queens based rapper who was affiliated with Junior M.A.F.I.A..

She also was known to wear shocking outfits.

Her lowest point of her career was the prison time she served for "not snitchin" on her crew during a dispute with longtime rival Foxy Brown. She was charged with perjury in a federal court in regards to a shooting outside a recording studio. She spent a year in a federal prison and was then released.

The most embarrassing moment in her career was the local news crew coming to her home. They filmed a debt collector and towing service tow away her expensive Bentley vehicle after she had broken an engagement to Scott Storch.

Lil' Kim has appeared on reality television shows such as The Apprentice and Dance With The Stars.

Lil' Kim made an appearance on the Bravo reality series Pregnant in Heels.

Lil' Kim appeared in movies and television series. She is friends with celebrities such as Missy Elliott, Da Brat, Mary J. Blige, former wrestler Trish Stratus, Pamela Anderson and Debbie Harry.

The Daily Mail reports that the 38-year-old showing off her remarkably smooth skin and opted to keep warm in a huge fur coat over her tight leather dress as he headed into MTV studios to film Rap Fix Live.

Fans of the Put Your Lighters Up rapper didn't seem to notice her startling appearance and took to Twitter to commend the tiny brunette. with one user writing: 'QUEEN WE LOVE YOU Nicki Minaj is trash.'

The Lady Marmalade star topped off her fierce look with lashings of red lipstick, some thick false lashes and a chunky gold necklace.

Her hair was left loose around her shoulders and she seemed relaxed when she appeared on the show, unlike when she was questioned over her potential surgery last year on Power 105.1's The Breakfast Club.

The pint-sized star got offended when quizzed about the subject, saying: 'Why would you ask me that?'

Now you can see a few of the pictures that were obtained through The Daily Mail. And even though, I still think Lil' Kim is the girlfriend of my dreams, it's today that I will kindly tell her, that she really screwed up on this one.

Reason why I say there NSFW is because it's........................Terrible.

 The art of self-promotion: Lil Kim purses her lips as she arrives in New York - the rapper has been under fire for her extreme plastic surgery
Controversial: Lil Kim covers up with a huge fur coat - the 4ft 11in star also opted for some sky-high wedges
Head down: Lil Kim smiles as she wanders around NYC - she completed her look with a chunk gold necklace
Rapper Lil Kim Lady in fur: Lil' Kim looks pleased to be back on the scene

Now I am going to be honest. It's not pretty, but far better than Joan Rivers and her daughter.

Lil' Kim you're beautiful and that's a fact. But damn girl, that plastic surgery is going to have you looking like a train wreck. Keep it real, Kim.

We all age naturally. Please don't do something that may end your career!

Fox News Chief: Obama "Lazy"!

Fox News chief Roger Ailes aims at political foes.

Roger Ailes is back in the news for all the wrong reasons. The chief executive of Fox network and Fox News has been once again shrouded in controversy.

Roger Ailes had the nerve to blow the dog whistle and worked the camera.

A biography tells a tale of the Fox News boss and his daily routine on and off camera.

Roger Ailes, a native of Warren, Ohio was a political hitman.

Ailes helped move Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush into the White House. He managed to help mayoral candidate Rudy Giuliani win a seat in the country's largest city New York.

Ailes was a political juggernaut. He stepped aside from the political theater to become a journalist.

Ailes started working for a few local stations in Ohio when he was young. He helped produced the Mike Douglas Show. He became the president of cable business network CNBC.

Ailes helped his protege conservative agitator Rush Limbaugh become the nation's most controversial talker.

Ailes wanted to change the direction of the news. He figured that the news was too bias towards Republicans. He teamed up with Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch to launch Fox News.

In October 1996, Fox News was born. The network soured through the late 1990s and reached its milestone in 2002. The network was a fledgling in the fight for cable news. MSNBC launched later that year, CNN was the network choice of America. That all changed around the beginning of George W. Bush's first term.

Fox News was the first network to call the 2000 U.S. Election for George W. Bush. The controversial voter recount in Florida was the talk of the nation. John Ellis "Jeb" Bush, then governor was the brother of Texas governor and Republican nominee George W. Bush. He became involved in the dirty work of recounts in Democratic strongholds. Fox News had the Bushes' distant cousin of the network intern at the election call center.

In a Vanity Fair piece, a biographer interviews the often reclusive Fox News chief and tells a tale of how Ailes shows such disdain for his political foes. Roger Ailes had some words for that interview. He called the president "lazy" and stated that Barack Obama never worked "a day in his life". He called Vice President Joe Biden, "dumb as an ashtray". 

Remember back in 2007, the Fox & Friends crew made the concerns of then Senator Barack Obama attending an Islamic madrassa in Indonesia. Yeah, it's was the first wave of major attacks against a fairly new senator most felt was capable of running for president.

That turned out to be a smear attack and the network was involved in it. As soon as Barack Obama announced his run for president, he ordered his staff and campaign advisers to not appear on Fox News.

That launched an all out feud with the network. Leading the way was Sean Hannity. The conservative agitator was constantly drum beating on Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. Hannity wasted nearly six years trying to expose the hidden radicalism in Barack Obama.

Before the interview with Bill O'Reilly, the Fox News chief Ailes and Murdoch secretly met with Barack Obama. The candidate stated that Fox News is doing its best to make him and Michelle Obama look villains. He stated that Sean Hannity is a nuisance and if he was to become the president, the network would see limited access to him.

Roger Ailes had some words for that interview. He called the president "lazy" and stated that Barack Obama never worked "a day in his life". He called Vice President Joe Biden, "dumb as an ashtray".

Fox News is long known as the public relations for the Republican Party. Sean Hannity has been forefront as the go-to-guy for the Republican Party.

The president has not appeared on Fox News since the days of the Superbowl in 2011. The president went on the Fox network to talk to Bill O'Reilly. Although the president detest O'Reilly, he found him to be a little more fair in his coverage of him.

The lazy remark is dog whistle made by Ailes is obvious Signature of the "Southern Strategy" technique used by many Republicans to court extremists.

You gotta love the blatant disrespect of the first Black president by those in the conservative media!

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Valarie Harper Fights For Life!

News of an uncurable cancer has Valarie Harper fighting for her life.
One of the nation's most watched television program of the 1970s, The Mary Tyler Moore Show brought to fame three successful entertainers.

Besides Mary Tyler Moore who played independent woman Mary Richards, there was her feisty boss Lou Grant  played by Ed Asner and her best friend Rhoda Morgenstern played by Valarie Harper. Towards the end of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, the show created a spin-off based off of Rhoda's life in Manhattan.

The sitcom Rhoda came into the late 1970s and ended in the start of 1980.

Valerie Harper had battled lung cancer in 2009.

On March 6, 2013, it was announced on NBC's The Today Show that she has an incurable form of brain cancer and opted for a course of chemotherapy to prolong her life.

People Magazine quoted Harper in its March 8, 2013 issue as stating that tests from her January 2013 hospital stay revealed she has leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, a rare condition in which cancer cells spread into the fluid-filled membrane surrounding the brain, most likely related to her previous battle with lung cancer.

According to ABC News, Harper's doctors reportedly have told her she may have just three months to live.

The nation is pouring sympathy for Valarie Harper. We here at Journal de la Reyna send our blessing to her and her family.

With tributes pouring in, many are hoping that Valarie Harper may survive another year.

While I must admit that I didn't grow up during the 1970s, but I remember watching Mary Tyler Moore on Nick at Nite during the late 1980s and 1990s. I remember the show very well.

When television was in its infancy there were only three networks ABC, CBS and NBC. The CBS program was a product of James L. Brooks.

Brooks is famous for not just The Mary Tyler Moore Show, but comedy sketch show The Tracey Ullman Show and the longtime animated sitcom The Simpsons.

Valerie Harper (born August 22, 1939) is an American actress, known for her roles as Rhoda Morgenstern on the 1970s television series The Mary Tyler Moore Show and its spin-off Rhoda, and later as Valerie Hogan on Valerie (later The Hogan Family).

Last week the nation lost famed actress Bonnie Franklin. Bonnie starred in One Day at a Time as Ann Romano, a divorced mother who moves to Indianapolis with her two teenage daughters Julie and Barbara Cooper (Mackenzie Phillips, Valerie Bertinelli) with Dwayne Schneider (Pat Harrington) as their building superintendent. The sitcom came on in the mid-1970s at the peak of The Mary Tyler Moore Show.

I guess Valarie wanted to get the news out there in regards to the passing of her fellow actress/friend.

New Orleans Rapper Magic Passes Away!

Thug's Mansion.

New Orleans based rapper Magic who was once signed to southern based rap label No Limit had died in Hattiesburg, Mississippi after a fatal collision.

He and his wife didn't survive a vehicle crash. Their couple's daughter Twila survived the accident.

Many members of the hip-hop community express condolences to the rapper's family.

Magic rose to fame after collaborating with Percy Miller, the media mogul who took on the Master P moniker. He along with Miller's young brothers Corey (C-Murder) and Vyshonn (Silkk Tha Shocker) to formed rap group T.R.U. in the late 1990s.

Awood Johnson (August 16, 1975 – March 1, 2013)  grew up in the Ninth Ward of New Orleans, and first made his name in New Orleans' underground circuit.

He released three albums under the No Limit Records. The first album Sky's The Limit went Gold. Thuggin' and White Eyez weren't so successful. He went left the label in 2003 and went on to independent venues.

He teamed up with boxer/media mogul Roy Jones, Jr. to form the group Body Head Bangerz, who released their only album in 2004, Body Head Bangerz: Volume One, and had a minor hit with "I Smoke, I Drank."

Magic appeared on Snoop Dogg's single Down 4 My N****s. He worked with Mystikal, Mannie Fresh, Percy "Lil' Romeo" Miller, Jr., and numerous others in the hip-hop industry.

He will be missed by many in the hip-hop community. We here a Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the family of Awood Johnson best known as Magic.



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