Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Law Bucked Yvette Smith And They Tried To Buried Her In The Dirt!

Yvette (right) and her twin sister. Yvette Smith was killed by the law in a "NO KNOCK". The Texas Rangers found that the deputy who pulled the trigger will face murder charges for the reckless call. His superiors and even  the Bastrop County sheriff could face a cannon firing for initiating a "cover up ".

The racist right hates the Black Lives Matter with a passion. They seem to have this notion to believe that social media activists Bree Newsome, DeRay McKesson and Shaun White are agitating anti-cop rhetoric. Whenever they hit the internet with stories the junk food media sweeps under the table, its their mission to bring it to light.

If it wasn't for #BlackLivesMatter, the story of a Texas woman would be buried in the back like countless other stories.

How many people died in police custody?

Take your time and think to yourself how many?

If you pick a ballpark number of 500 or more, then you may be correct. There were countless incidents in which an unarmed suspect was killed while in police custody. Some events are sparked by minor events such as traffic violations. Many people have often times been pulled over by the law.

You heard about the Charlotte officer getting off the death of Jonathon Ferrell? Well a month back, Randell "Wes" Kerrick was spared time in the iron college because the jury deadlocked on whether the officer's use of deadly force was justified. The North Carolina state prosecutor decided to not go any further. The U.S. Justice Department hasn't ruled out any indictment. The junk food media didn't talk too much about this. This happened to slip under the radar.

Like so many other events in which an unarmed person of color is killed by law enforcement, the junk food media isn't interested in it. It has to be like a hot potato. That potato has to have a movie theme to it. Like the Michael Brown shooting and Freddie Gray incident, these events had all the groundwork for a ratings goldmine.
The law comes to the door.
It has to be the necessary means for attention grabbing.

Some including myself question the validity of a pull over. In the rust belt city of Dayton, I too was a victim of profiling. The Dayton Police, Kettering Police, the Montgomery County Ohio sheriff and Beavercreek Police have profiled me in the past ten years. The most recent were the Dayton Police and Montgomery County sheriff.

I admit I am not perfect. I have friends who aren't perfect. Hell some of the people I've associated with have some run ins with the law. I have never been charged with any felonies or misdemeanors.

I've had a handful of traffic citations but I often would fight that in the court. Sometimes I win. Sometimes I lose.

Often times, I do question to why some officers would issue citations for license plate lights. Yeah, they do issue citations for that. But what really gets me is the fact that they can see over 1,000 feet from the moment you've looked at them heading in the opposite direction. All of sudden, when they flip a circle around and put on their emergency lights for pull over, you're wondering what you've done wrong to end up in a situation like this.

Well, the officer can LIE to justify a pull over. The officer can LIE to issue a citation for any traffic offense. The officer can LIE when there is a need to arrest you for any reason the officer deems an act of resisting arrest or disorderly conduct. The officer can LIE when using a baton or a Taser. The officer can LIE when using physical or deadly force. That means the officer can use the fist or the service weapon.

Each of these events could cause serious harm to either you or the officer.

But say if you're unarmed and you didn't engage contact with an officer, what will happen?

Well like in most cases, the officer can say that you resisted arrest or acted in a nature that required use of force. The use of deadly force comes when the officer feels the threat is a danger to the life.

Many times, restraint isn't enough. They would call for backup or even goes as far to use deadly force. Deadly force is the last resort to a situation. Often times, the officer is trained to avoid deadly force.

If the officer uses deadly force, it takes a while to release the name. Based on the social media reaction to the death brought by #BlackLivesMatter, the activists want answers. They want to know the name, the history, the performance under pressure and why the officer chose deadly force. They want to know why the name of the suspect given to the junk food media faster than the officer. They feel that the junk food media is so quick to bring up the suspect's past history to justify the killing.

Agitators in the media (i.e. Sean Hannity, Al Sharpton and Matt Drudge) often get involved by spinning the story into sensationalism. The right often sides with the law especially when it comes to the deaths of unarmed suspects of color. The left often sides with the family of the victims. They believe that the unarmed suspect could have been restrained through other methods.

Each of them often blame someone other than the shooter.  What creates the blame game is an event where someone dies of an incident and the junk food media often reacts to it when its a person of color who committed the criminal act. Say in the case of news reporters Alison Parker and Adam Ward. They were gunned down by a sadistic man who complained about being a victim of anti-Black behavior in the newsroom. The terrorist would end up killing them before killing himself. In his killer manifesto, he said that he believed that the media's blame on Black people sparked his rage. In the minds of the right, he's automatically a Black Lives Matter supporter. The same could go for the Charleston shooter. That terrorist killed nine innocent Black worshipers. The left would automatically assume he's a supporter of the Tea Party and listener of the AM agitators. Neither faulting the shooter for their motives.
The sheriff may have a federal probe into his department. Bastrop Sheriff Terry Pickering and his staff engaged in a cover up.
The junk food media is often handed the law's account of what happened. The junk food media usually runs with it. The Black Lives Matter activists often see the press release as a buffer for an unjustified killing. They often would pick and choose which event happened. Say if the suspect was shot in the back. The suspect had a gram of crack in his back pocket! BAM, there's your reason to say it was justified. A nickel bag in his pocket proved that he was a no good thug. Yet, he had no gun. He may have ran away and he was probably trying to resisted an order to stop.

Whenever an officer uses the service weapon in a justified killing, the officer is place on administrative leave pending a potential grand jury hearing on whether the act was deem within limits of the law.
Yvette was a mother of two children. She was a victim of a reckless call by the law.
The officer would get help from the police union, the attorney and the prosecutor. The grand jury is often a group of individuals who may decide on evidence gathered to whether the officer is liable for the death.

If the evidence is proven that the officer did use deadly force but in a reckless way, he would be indicted on a CLASS 0 FELONY. If the evidence says otherwise, he may be back on the streets within two weeks.

If the family sues the police department, the city has to shelve out $$$$$$$$$ to hush up the family if they decide to become activists in the wake of another event in which an officer kills an unarmed suspect.

I am just telling my honest opinion of it. You don't have to agree to it!

Now, this issue happened in Texas. No surprise here!

This state is conducting an investigation into the death of Yvette Smith, a mother from suburban Austin resulted in the trial of an officer. The officer is being held on a murder charge. According to the officers, there were reports of gunfire coming from her home. They would race up to the door and pound on it. After Yvette opened the door, the law let her have it.
Shaun White and DeRay McKesson are social activists. Conservatives hate them with a passion.
Yvette called 911 to report a disturbance between family members over a debt. She wanted the law to escort the two out of her home. The officer who killed Yvette is Deputy Daniel Willis of the Bastrop County sheriff.

He was indicted and facing the music.

Shaun White pens a post on The Daily Kos about the trial. It took 18 months for this to get national attention. What got Shuan's attention was the blatant lies of  the deputies involved and their boss, Sheriff Terry Pickering. At the time of the shooting, the officer said that Yvette instigated the event.

The document that the sheriff released to the press.

According to the sheriff, his deputies used deadly force for refused command. They said that Yvette refused order and the deputy used deadly force. Well it turns out that the deputy lied and the sheriff and his staff tried to bury this in the dirt. See if this was given to the junk food media and that annoying conservative agitator Hannity picked up on it, he would literally spin it to favor the law.

County mugshot of Daniel Willis, ex-deputy.
Hannity would run this story like a "charging football player".

Deputy Scott Gaskamp backed up Willis story by saying that he seen what happened in his report.

Gaskamp changed tune when his recording device captured his deliberate attempt to take heat off his fellow deputy. He's in the freezer pending a cannon firing.

Two others were given downgrades after fudging the story.

Lt. Joey Dzienowski was downgraded to patrol duty and given a 240-hour freezer burn, and Sgt. David Repka was downgraded to patrol duty and given a 32-hour freezer burn.

What really happened was a deputy ran up on the door with AR-15 drawn. He was spooked by the sound of a door and opened fire on Yvette. He didn't give any acknowledgement of arrival. Willis did an unprecedented "NO KNOCK".

Willis who worked for previously Travis County was cannon fired for failing to meet requirements as an officer.  He was told to get better positioned with his duties before ever hitting a beat.

Willis is innocent until proven guilty. He will face LIFE in the iron college if he is found guilty.

Yvette was a single mother who leaves behind two children. The state of Texas issued a settlement for the family of Yvette. $$$$$$$$ won't bring her back. No amount of money will ever bring the lives of many killed by gun violence. It's just a Band-Aid to a long standing wound.

The saying, you can't use a Band-Aid for a gunshot wound. GUN CRIME is the most serious issue facing Americans. Our inept leaders in Washington fail to do something about it. They keep telling you this "concern troll" crap about good guys with guns. They often say that any law won't stop criminals anyway. The deflect and distract until the next mass shooting occurs.

World News Today send our condolences to Yvette Smith and every victim of gun crimes.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Trump Supporter Calls Obama A Muslim!

Trump supporters are just as crazy as he is.

I think we've reached our peak of Donald Trump coverage. The Trump campaign got some unpleasant supporters on them. A man who was a town hall boldly called President Barack Obama a Muslim who isn't even an American.

Trump didn't correct him. Matter of fact, he let him go forth without any correction. His staff will say that the man is a plant from either the Republican or Democratic hit-squad.

Trump is a notorious birther. He and many in the racist right have questioned the president's birth certificate and ran this nonsense about him being a Muslim.

This kind of stuff here is why the peak has reached. Many think that the supporter could have torpedoed Trump's lead.
Pants on Fire!
Liar, liar, you're pants on fire. Politifact denounced the supporter's claim of President Barack Obama being a Muslim.
Donald Trump declined Thursday to correct a questioner at a town hall event who incorrectly stated that President Barack Obama is Muslim and said he'd be "looking at" claims of terrorist training camps on American soil.

Trump, who has a history of making controversial remarks about immigrants and other groups, was kicking off a town hall event in Rochester, New Hampshire — his first since Wednesday evening's second Republican primary debate.

"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," said the first man Trump called on to ask a question. "We know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."

Trump, who was a driver of the "birther" movement that claimed Obama wasn't born in the U.S, first responded with feigned exasperation — "We need the question," he said, to laughs — but let the man continue.

"We have training camps growing where they want to kill us. That's my question," the questioner continued. "When can we get rid of it?"

Trump did not dispute the man's assertions and said he'd heard others raise the issue.

"We're going to be looking at a lot of different things. And you know, a lot of people are saying that, and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there," said Trump. "We're going to be looking at that and plenty of other things."

The incident evoked a moment during the 2008 campaign when Republican nominee John McCain took the microphone away from a woman who said she didn't trust Obama because he was an "Arab."

Trump's questions about the president's country of birth helped build his stature among some conservative voters and pushed Obama to release a copy of his birth certificate in 2011. But the billionaire businessman has distanced himself from the issue during his current run.

Trump's town hall, in a sweaty auditorium in Rochester, was also interrupted several times by a protester, whose outbursts were met by hostility from the friendly crowd.

Old Fart Limbaugh Aims At Azealia Banks!

The meaningless king of talk radio takes on the meaningless queen of hip-hop.

Azealia Banks, a controversial rapper and model is following the elections. She is actively engaged in the events happening in the United States. She is very critical of the mess in Washington and she fingered the Republicans and conservative agitators as being one of the reasons to why it's extremely toxic.

She's not a big fan of conservatives. She immediately hopped on social media to slam them as being what they hate being called, "racist and ignorant White people".

She is an avid supporter of President Barack Obama and once told the junk food media that she would love to have an affair with the president.

Somehow the old fart some thoughts on her.

Azealia is hinting that she may support Donald Trump if he becomes the nominee for the Republicans.

The old fart went right into it.

I have here my formerly nicotine-stained fingers a story from Breitbart. It's about a black rapper Azealia Banks.  Azealia Banks hates conservatism and hates the Republican Party, and she's not much happier about America 'cause she buys into the Bernie Sanders argument that the country's unjust and the moral from day one. Racist to its core.  Part of our foundation.  But "'Do you think it's bad that I sort of agree with [Trump's] stance on immigration?' the rapper wrote on her Instagram account on September 7th.

"Banks, a black rapper from Harlem, made headlines in March of this year by declaring her hatred for 'this country' and 'white Americans.'  Banks explained that her support for Trump's immigration plan is based on the detrimental impact mass immigration has had on the black community. 'Black Americans still have not been paid reparations for slavery,' she wrote. 'It's selfish, but America has been really good at convincing me that everyone else's problems are more important than my own.' ...

"'If the United States of America is an aircraft on its way down, (which it seems to be) I must put my own air mask on before I assist others,' Banks later wrote," and to her, putting the air mask on to save the plane from crashing is supporting Trump on immigration.  It's crowding, it's flooding the job market.  You've seen African-American unemployment under Obama.  Now, she doesn't blame Obama for much (you can't expect that, racial loyalty), but 25% of black people are supporting Trump.

The Republican Party still not able to figure any of this out. Black America can't stand them. No matter who they line up for the nomination, they will not earn but 10% or less of the Black vote.

Ben Carson is a prime example of the candidates Republicans hope could court Black voters. They are looking for the conservative minded church going types. The ones who don't like rap music. The ones who think that Obama is a "race exploiter in chief". The Blacks who believe that Republicans "freed" the slaves. The Blacks who believe the "Democrat" Party is the party of slavery.

Yeah, it's this stuff that makes me hate conservatives.

That old fart Limbaugh is what's wrong with the Republican Party. He's a bombastic agitator who believes the path to winning is bitching. He and others on the AM agitator dial have used coded language to paint Blacks as inferior or below the standard.

Republicans are like cocaine. It's 90% WHITE and 10% everything else. You can cook it and it becomes crack. You smoke crack and you'll end up crazy.

Recently Azealia Banks took aim at perennial presidential failure Ron Paul, the father of failing candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) who is struggling in the race. Paul went to the social media calling for succession of states. Banks mocked him for being a nutjob.

Paul is a phony libertarian. He and his son both claim to be libertarians but in reality they're both dye in the wool conservative extremists. The Paul name is a favorite among White extremists.

Sen. Paul is wooing support from the racist right. He desperately needs it.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

That Smell!! The Smell of Death Surrounds Kmart!! (St. Marys, Ohio Disas...

The Thud!

Trump high five pic
How about some skin...

The circus was a disaster. Once again we see Republicans struggle to explain their policies. The only thing I've seen overall is the negative criticism of President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Trump is the front runner. He along with Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina have been the insurgents who managed to steal the show.

In the debate, most agree that Fiorina won this debate. Trump survived. Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, John Kasich, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are struggling to climb out the decline.

Chris Christie Ted Cruz, and Mike Huckabee had the best applause lines. 

Carson may have bombed at the debate.

The primary debate had the four juniors. Jim Gilmore wasn't invited to the event. Lindsey Graham and Bobby Jindal were the winners of the junior league debate. George Pataki did pretty well in the junior league.

Rick Santorum will continue to be the officially last place candidate. 

CNN may see big ratings for this three hour train wreck.
Overall, I didn't like the debate. It was just like its rival, another stupid attempt to generate controversy among candidates who have no necessary reason to be running. 

I am almost certain that Trump coverage will start dying down. Carly Fiorina may have risen in stock after this debate. Bush, Paul, Pataki, Christie, Jindal, Walker, and Kasich better step their game up or bow out.

The word vomit spewed by the Republican candidates. The candidate gave the most time to their idol Ronald Reagan. They aimed their vomit at the current president, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.


Minimum Wage - mentioned by candidates. Walker and Carson were asked about it. 
Gun Crime - mentioned by candidates. No mention of everyday occurrence of gun crime.
Vehicle Safety - no mention of this.
Black Lives Matter - no mention of this.
Police Reform - no mention of this.
Sick Pay And Family Leave - no mention of this.
Wealth Gap - mentioned briefly.
LGBT Rights - mentioned briefly.
Women's Rights - mentioned briefly.
Supreme Court - mentioned by candidates. Cruz, Bush and Christie had talked about it.
Bernie Sanders - mentioned by Huckabee in a snide comment.
Financial Aid Reform - no mention of this.
Free Community College - no mention of this.
Labor Rights - mentioned by candidates. 
Coal Mining Safety - no mention of this.
Energy Renewal (i.e. Solar Power, Man-Made and Wind) - Some mention of this.
Climate Change - mentioned by candidates.
Immigration Reform - mentioned by candidates. Lindsey Graham stood out on immigration.
U.S.-Canadian Border - no mention of this.

Texas Teen Busted For Having A Homemade Clock!

This became a national story. This didn't come up in the Republican debate. The Black Lives Matter activists have followed the story. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg and even the White House have came to the defense of this young teen.

The Council on American Islamic Relations has filed a lawsuit on behalf the teen who was busted for bringing in a clock to his high school. The teacher thought the teen brought a bomb to school.

He was arrested and suspended from school. Today he was granted access back to school. He refused to return. Ahmed Mohamed has told the junk food media that he's getting the heck out the school and will file a lawsuit against the Irving Texas Independent School District.

Ahmed became a social media topic over few past days.

Texas, huh! No surprise here! This is the state that advocates for conservative themed history books.

So this English teacher thought a device Ahmed brought into school appeared "suspicious in nature".

"I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her she thought it was a threat to her. I'm very sad that she got the wrong impression of it," said Mohamed.

He was questioned about the device. He was told that he would be held in the pre-lockup until further notice. He managed to get his family to take this picture. This picture went across the social media and took off.

People blasted the school board and the city of Irving for jumping to conclusions. The mayor did shoot back saying that the "safety" of her community always comes first. While she does understand that the situation was unfortunate, his arrest was justified.

Irving Police determined that they weren't going to file charges against Ahmad. They also fought back the accusations of profiling.

A homemade clock made by Ahmed Mohamed, 14, is seen in an undated picture released by the Irving Texas Police Department September 16, 2015.
Da "bomb".
"We have always had an outstanding relationship with the Muslim community," Irving Police Department chief Larry Boyd said on Wednesday. "Incidents like this present challenges. We want to learn how we can move forward and turn this into a positive".

The boy was placed in handcuffs and fingerprinted. He was released after it was determined there was no threat.

Ahmed Mohamed's arrest has been sharply criticized, and the boy has received an outpouring of support including an invitation to the White House.

Ahmed told reporters it was "very sad" that his teacher thought his clock was a threat.

The McArthur High School freshman was a bright standout who is an inventor. He was mistaken for a "terrorist" according to his sisters and friends.

At a news conference on Wednesday afternoon, Ahmed announced he plans to transfer schools.
Harvard and MIT is anxious in Ahmed's talents.
Ahmed's father Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, who is originally from Sudan, praised his son's ingenuity, saying he fixes everything around the house, including his father's phone and computer.

"He's a very smart, brilliant boy and he said he just wanted to show himself to the world," he said.

The teenager said another teacher became aware of it when the device beeped during the lesson. "She was like - it looks like a bomb," he said.

The homemade clock consisted of a circuit board with wires leading to a digital display.

Later in the day the boy was pulled out of class, interviewed by senior teachers and four police officers, and put into juvenile detention.

The school issued a statement saying it "always ask our students and staff to immediately report if they observe any suspicious items".

World News Today wish Ahmed well wishes on his journey to success.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

CNN Deliberately Trying To Make Republicans Fight!

CNN is a total mess. Just like its rival, the cable agitators see $$$$$$$ in the insurgents.

CNN is in Simi Valley at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library for the second Republican debate.

The 11 candidates and 4 minor leaguers had an opportunity to duke it out. And in the first five minutes of both debates Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama came up in topic.

Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul already gotten into it.

CNN deliberately trying to get Republicans to fight Trump.

I'm not a fan of Trump. But what CNN and the establishment is trying to create is these immature fights for ratings. Not much was talked about on stage other than "I think I'm so much better than Obama.... Clinton.... Bush and I can be like Reagan".

I'm pretty damn sure that me and many others see this CNN debate as a fucking joke.

Republicans are supposed to be talking about real issues. Not petty name calling.

I know they hate President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Democrats.

The Republicans are falling into the trap. They're too predictable. With them being predictable it becomes a weakness.

I don't want to watch bitching. I want to hear serious issues.

John Kasich may have save this train wreck by pointing out the deliberate tactics conducted by CNN to get them to fight one another. Kasich was rational but a tad bit boring and uninspiring.

This post will be updated throughout the debate. I will go ahead and give insight to this train wreck.

It was a clusterfuck of time. Three hours of partisan bitching. All of them mentioned Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Ronald Reagan by name.
Fiorina won the debate.
Trump got the most talk time and was the most mentioned by name after Obama and Clinton. I am certain that the night wasn't his best. Trump's lead may cap. I'm certain that he will see a drop in the polls. This debate was focused on the rise of Fiorina. We'll see in the coming weeks if the debate damaged Trump's lead.

Walker got little time and not enough time to debate his issues. Walker seemed unprepared for this debate. He faced off with Trump. Trump knocked Walker for causing the state of Wisconsin to be in debt. Walker wanted to deflect the hard truth about his budget. He managed to use the same old strategy of attacking Hillary Clinton and Trump for using Democratic "talking points".

Bush got some time and is still struggling to recapture his lead. Bush defended the brother's "keep us safe" narrative. Okay, Bush, what about September 11, 2001 and August 29, 2005. Them events didn't keep us safe. Bush stumbled on the talking point about Trump taking property for his casinos. Trump knocked Bush, Christie and Fiorina for being failed leaders in business and government. No mention of Terri Schivo or Bush's role in the "stand your ground" law.

Christie got some talk time. He interrupted the most in this debate. Got the best applause lines. Of course, Christie blasted Obama for failed leadership. No mention of the president's handling during Hurricane Sandy in which Christie said that government did right. Christie wanted to make the focus on the people "suffering" under Obama's economic policies. He also wanted to take the spotlight off the candidates accomplishments. He told the viewers that their accomplishment don't mean shit. He wants to be the candidate that watches Americans achieve accomplishments and not failure.

Fiorina is the likely winner but will that matter in the polls? If the polls matter Carson and Trump could cap their leads. Trump's controversial "her face" managed to get into the debate. The candidate got an opportunity to respond to his comments. She didn't go hard on him, but she did address the fact that women are struggling for greatness and her role in this race is to make everyone succeed. Trump didn't apologize or make any snide comments at her. All he done was basically praise her for her beauty and the opportunity to be on stage with him.

Paul got little talk time. Got nailed by Trump on falling polls. Trump also knocked the candidates for all being in the pocket of special interest. Paul did mention the failed leadership in Iraq. Although he is in support of military action against the Islamic State, Paul failed to explain how his policies would be able to cap the drama over in Syria. All the candidates fault Obama for withdrawing from Iraq. Depsite the Iraqis wanting the U.S. out of their country, the candidates claim that even though Iraq was a mistake. They believe Obama's early withdraw cause the "vacuum" of "radical Islam" to retake Iraq.

Huckabee got little talk time. He said that Kentucky's state ban on marriage should have stand. He said that Kim Davis should have not been put in the county lockup. Huckabee was stern on the religious freedom. He believes that there's a double standard. Convicted mass murder Nidal Hassan was allowed to have a beard when he faced his military tribunal. He lumped a military officer to an elected politician in his argument. The Republicans couldn't agree on religious freedom. Kasich and Bush both argued with Huckabee. Davis was wrong they said. Cruz had an opportunity to defend her as well.

Rubio got the least talk time. He didn't get much time to explain his foreign policy when it comes to Iran, Cuba and Mexico. These issues were a must for Rubio. Since he's got nothing to lose, he is often floated as a potential vice presidential candidate. He's still a novice on domestic policies.

Carson got some talk time. Spared foreign policy question.

Cruz got little talk time but had the most aggressive response to policies. Cruz knocked Supreme Court chief John Roberts. He believed that Chief Justice Roberts was "immorally" wrong on Obamacare. He also said that Bush and his father Bush, Sr. were caving to political pressure in nominating moderate or liberal justices.

Kasich got little talk time and was combative with CNN agitators.

Okay the debate was covered by the news agitators and they all agree that Carly Fiorina won the debate. I agree as well. The candidates didn't have ample time to debate real serious issues.

Also the debate on a woman being on a $10 bill. Kasich and Bush picked foreign. Bush picked Margret Thatcher. Kasich picked Mother Teresa. Fiorina said no woman should be on a bill. Carson and Huckabee picked family over politicians. Trump, Cruz and Rubio said Rosa Parks. Cruz wanted to put Parks on $20 because he denounced the Andrew Jackson legacy. Walker pulls Red Cross founder Clara Barton. Christie picked Abigail Adams.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I'm Sorry For The Break Too...

Turmoil continues in Young Money paradise.

Lil' Wayne and his year long romance with Christina Milian has ended. I am guessing that he may actually be the rumored father of a certain hip-hop gossip who claimed that Christina "sucked" for a label deal.

Single again. 
Christina has dated some high profile acts back then. Nick Cannon, Jas Prince and her ex-husband Terius Youngdell Nash (known as The-Dream) dated Milian during her days at Def Jam. When the cannon fired her out, she found home with Young Money/Cash Money. Wayne confirmed that he was began dating her after the signing.

The-Dream and his other ex-wife, pop singer Nivea warned that this relationship would be a total disaster. They were right.

Nivea is the mother of The-Dream and Weezy's children.

Christina is pretty damn heartbroken over this event. She just recently posted that nice shiny thing on her arm as a present from him.

Then there's the feud with this hip-hop gossip. Christina doesn't like this.....well you know!

Karrine "Superhead" Steffans is the "hip-hop vixen", She is a notorious celebrity agitator. She claimed that she got the game on lock when it comes to men in sports and hip-hop. She wrote Vindicated and mentioned her pregnancy with her second child.

She claims that a certain name in the hip-hop game is the "baby daddy".

She also warned Christina to stay in her lane.
Birdman sued The Carters for copyright infringement. Lil' Wayne released an unauthorized album on Tidal and Cash Money is suing Jay-Z and his co-founders for allowing its release.
Steffans isn't afraid to show her love for Weezy. We don't know what caused the break up but I am guessing that Weezy still getting his charging his player's card.

This breakup may have Weezy cannon firing Christina from Young Money. She will premiere her reality television show Christina Milian: Turned Up on E! Entertainment.

Weezy is currently stuck in a legal limbo. He is forced to owe up a stack for skipping bills. He was under contract to take care of his private plane. I guess he didn't pay $2.5 million in failure to pay for his private jet.

He also is facing a lawsuit from his label for releasing the Free Weezy Album on Tidal. The album kind of sucked. Bryan "Birdman" Williams warned Weezy and fellow disgruntled labelmate Tyga that they would be "blackballed" if they keep acting out.

Proof positive that Birdman is a man of his word.
Lil' Wayne still feuding with Birdman and Young Thug.
The feud between Birdman and Weezy started from the numerous delays of his album Tha Carter V.

Weezy was pissed that Birdman delayed Nicki Minaj and Tyga's albums as well. The Cash Money label is going through a major civil war right now. Drake promises that leaving Young Money/Cash Money after the release The Views From The 6.

Young Thug is Birdman's star act. That star act is squeezing the air out of Wayne's spotlight.

Many people are still riding with Lil' Tunechi for the most part. But as his turmoils continue, I get this feeling that Weezy will end up broke in five years.

Who knows?

So what's your thoughts on the split? Who ended the relationship?

Simi Simi Ya!

Another debate where Obama and Clinton's names are mentioned more than policies.

The circus is heading to Simi Valley, California. CNN will do round two of the Republican debate. There will be 11 candidates on stage debating the front runner Donald Trump.

The Ronald Reagan Library will host the event. Once again Republicans will deflect issues. They will be counted on the times they've mentioned in policies or saying the same themes. We will determine who gets the most airtime and the least airtime.

We will have an expected back and forth between candidates and Trump. CNN bowed to pressure. They allowed Fiorina on stage after she succeeded in that rival network's minor league debate.

Jeb Bush is losing footing. He will have to regain the momentum. People are already writing Bush off as a viable candidate. He's well funded and principled. But like Hillary Clinton, Bush has to defend the actions of his dad and brother, presidents respectively. Clinton has to defend her husband and former boss's actions. They were presidents, respectively.

Ted Cruz's failed attempts to stop the Iran deal hasn't slowed his standings. He is tied with Carly Fiorina in the national polls. His presence in this race has been many a headache to establishment Republicans. Cruz stands firm in shutting down the government if President Barack Obama supports Planned Parenthood.

Ben Carson hopes to pass Trump in the next poll. Carson's quiet approach may benefit him. Carson best get his foreign relations skills together, he gonna get some questions about foreign policies. He's in second place. Trump leads with 35% of supporters. Carson has 14%, Bush has 8%, Cruz and Fiorina have 7%.

Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie and John Kasich will join the rest of the candidates on stage. They made the cut.

Bobby Jindal, Lindsey Graham, Jim Gilmore, Rick Santorum and George Pataki missed the cut. They will have an opportunity to talk to CNN pressers. Rick Perry bowed out after he failed to make the cut and ran out of cash.

What I expect on Wednesday night's debate will be the usual word vomit


What I could hear (but I highly doubt it).

Minimum Wage
Gun Crime
Vehicle Safety
Black Lives Matter
Police Reform
Sick Pay And Family Leave
Wealth Gap
LGBT Rights
Women's Rights
Supreme Court
Bernie Sanders
Financial Aid Reform
Free Community College
Labor Rights
Coal Mining Safety
Energy Renewal (i.e. Solar Power, Man-Made and Wind)
Climate Change
Immigration Reform
U.S.-Canadian Border

Currently, the rival network hosted the first debate. It pulled in 24 million viewers. As Trump puts it, if he wasn't running, that network would only obtain 5 million viewers. It was a train wreck.

This debate is a make or break for the candidates.
Ronald Reagan is a Republican god.
Rand Paul is trailing in national polls. He is at a measly 2%. His attacks on Trump failed. Trump aimed at Paul for running as a presidential candidate and senator. The state of Kentucky is not thrilled about Paul.

Scott Walker was the leader in Iowa until Trump got into the game. Trump stomped out every lead Walker had in the state. Now Walker stuck at 3% is hoping to make a comeback. He's struggling in fundraising and support.

Chris Christie is still on stage. Despite many Republicans souring on him as the governor of a failed state, Christie often brash tone could make interest. The governor wants a round with Trump. But could this bout with Trump and nemesis Paul doom his chances? Christie is at 4%.

Kasich is the Jon Huntsman of the debate. Huckabee is hoping people remember he still exist. He had an opportunity to give martyr status to Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis. He will likely mention that as well as Paul's failure to support her.

Are you willing to watch the debate?

Conservatives Lumping Black Suspects To Black Lives Matter!

Shooting suspect Joseph Johnson-Shanks (left) poses with Missouri law enforcement. He was the suspect in the killing of a Kentucky State Police trooper. Conservatives are lumping him with Black Lives Matter.

Okay, from this point on, why don't we start associating every White criminal/terrorist to the conservative movement! Because it sure seems like an eye for an eye.

That old fart Limbaugh was bitching about the Kentucky State Police trooper Joseph Ponder being gunned down by Joseph Johnson-Shanks after a routine pull over. The suspect is Black and from the St. Louis area. The area seen unrest since the Michael Brown shooting. It became a rally cry for Black Lives Matter. The racist right seems fixated on blaming the group for cop killings.

As predicted, the racist right would lump every Black criminal to President Barack Obama and those in the Black Lives Matter movement.

Somehow, they unearth Johnson-Shanks' social media and found that attended the Michael Brown funeral and had sympathies for the Black Lives Matter movement.

Big freaking deal!
Kentucky State Police trooper Joseph Ponder wasn't going to arrest suspect. He was going to detain his vehicle and help him get shelter. Some troopers offer shelter for people who get pulled over with vehicle violations. The suspect would put the passenger and her children in danger.
Johnson-Shanks had a legal right to a firearm. He used the firearm in poor judgement and cut short not only this trooper's life but his own when he refused to concede. The KSP put him down after ignoring the orders.

The passenger faced the music because she didn't render aid to the trooper. She could have escape but continued to be with the suspect. She may face the murder charges.

Blaming Black Lives Matter is the only option for conservatives. The suspect was Black.

Where's the cries from Black Lives Matter when a cop is killed?

So from now on, I might as well label every White mass shooter, cop killer, child molester, rapist and terrorist to AM agitators, that network and agitators in the junk food media.

Matter of fact, we'll lump Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Dana Loesh, Bill O'Reilly, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and asshole Mark Levin responsible for the actions of every White criminal.

Since we've lumped criminal behavior, the next mass shooter read InfoWars, The Drudge Report, World Net Daily, GotNews, The Blaze and The Daily Caller before the mass shooter had an inspiration to kill.
Shannon Lamb a former professor murdered his girlfriend and another fellow professor. Should we blame conservatives for his actions? He comes from Mississippi, one of the most conservative states in the nation.
Since the conservatives can't seem to back down from the blame game, its noted that Black America should squarely place the ire of a mass shooting on them.

I know I hate to blame others for an individual's own decisions. We live in a society where the junk food media sparks interest in these events, for ratings.

I said gun crime is on the rise. This is the biggest threat in the nation. This overshadows terrorism and Ebola. Gun crime is the most talked about issue in the United States. Over 2,300 people are injured by firearms. Over 4,000 people died by firearm a day.

Okay, let's get to Mississippi. A terrorist murdered two and then took out his own life. The families are shocked to here this man (i.e. the nice guy) would commit such an act. The state is mourning the loss of this college professor who inspired his students to greatness.

Really who takes the blame for the Delta State University shooting?


If you picked the shooter, then you're correct. But if you picked the rest of them, you're not helping.

Amy Prentiss was gunned down.
Concern trolls and conservatives blaming Black Lives Matter. Hell why don't we lump the terrorist with conservatives.

Instead of blaming the terrorist who murdered his girlfriend and a college professor at a rural Mississippi university, we'll just blame AM agitators for the shooting.

Shannon Lamb committed mass murder over the past day. This terrorist killed Amy Prentiss his longtime girlfriend before driving to Delta State University to settle a score with a former friend.

This terrorist puts a bullet in the head of Ethan Schmidt, a professor in history. This terrorist was a former geography professor who had mental issues.

He lives in Mississippi one of the most Republican friendly states in the nation. He had obtained the legal right to firearm. He decides to make his children survivors of the court because of his actions.

He was a single parent raising two children. He was struggling with monetary issues.

He was a talented man. This terrorist had an opportunity to escape the troubles by performing music at local clubs. He leaves his friends and band mates stunned about this.

This terrorist probably believed Amy was having an affair with Ethan. He should have dumped her and move on. He should have gotten a STD test and count your blessings that she didn't steal his property.

Whether it was an affair or not, the actions committed by this terrorist destroyed families.

Ethan leaves behind a wife and three children. He was a beloved instructor at Delta State. Amy was a mother of a budding musician. She leaves behind her daughter who performed with the terrorist.

So I am guessing if you want to lump a mass shooter to conservatism, go right ahead. They are lumping a Missouri man's ties to Ferguson as an excuse.
Ethan Schmidt was a beloved professor who taught history. This terrorist Ethan once referred a friend killed him.
Okay, well there's some unraveling of the Fox Lake cop shooting. The FBI and Illinois active search team are looking for three suspects. Two White guys and a Black guy. Somehow, they still haven't gotten the lead. It's been two weeks since the death of a Fox Lake officer, the case is getting cold.

Or was there ever a case?

Did the officer Charles Joseph Gliniewicz (known as Officer Joe) commit suicide?

There is word on the street that Officer Joe put a bullet in his torso. We can't confirm that he committed suicide. But the bag em ups said that evidence is shaky.

The FBI thought they had a strong lead. That lead lead to nowhere.

Since Black Lives Matter was blamed for the death of Officer Joe, wondering if the conservative will recant their accusations if the case turns out to be a self-inflicted wound?

Your thoughts on the matter? Post them here.

World News Today send our condolences to the families of Joseph Ponder, Ethan Schmidt, Amy Prentiss and every victim of gun crime in the United States.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Riding Clean Gets Woman Held In Psyche Ward!

Kamilah Brock was put in the crazy house after they believed they determined her story about owning a BMW and having President Barack Obama following her was a joke.

The New York Police Department once again under fire for locking up a woman who told them constantly that she owned the ride. They didn't believe her. They put her in the psychological ward of a hospital. Once released, they hit her up with a $13,000 bill for service.

She is filing a complaint and probably a lawsuit against the police department.

Kamilah Brock is a Black woman who is a professional. She was riding her BMW around Harlem when she was pulled over by the law. The law accused her of blowing in the wind. They observed her "dancing" to the music and taking her hand off the steering wheel (i.e. distracted driving).

She was cited and forced to let her to relinquish her ride.

"I said I was dancing, I am at a light," says Brock. "He asked me to get out of the car." She was taken into custody that day and freed without charges, Brock says, but things got worse when she arrived at a police substation the next day to pick up her 2003 BMW 325Ci.

"I just felt like from the moment I said I owned a BMW, I was looked at as a liar," she says. That's when police apparently put her in handcuffs and had her taken to Harlem Hospital.

According to medical records, she was held at the hospital for eight days, injected with lithium and strong sedatives, and told she could only leave after denying three things: that President Obama followed her on Twitter, that she worked in banking, and that the BMW was hers (all of which she still says are true). The final insult, says Brock, was her $13,000 medical bill. But in its court filings, the city says she was "acting irrational, she spoke incoherently and inconsistently, and she ran into the middle of traffic on Eighth Ave.," the New York Daily News reported in July.

The lawsuit says it was these three assertions that were the basis for the city determining that Brock was delusional and to diagnose her with bipolar disorder.

But according to her lawyer Michael Lamonsoff, Brock had no history of mental illness. She did own the BMW. At the time, she was employed as a banker and had worked at Citibank, Chase and Astoria Bank. And Obama does follow Brock on Twitter, just as he follows 640,000 other people.

When Brock was finally released from the hospital, the lawsuit states, she was slapped with a $13,000 medical bill.

A white woman would not have been treated like that, Lamonsoff argues.

"If a white woman was trying to reclaim her BMW impounded by police, would she have been made a victim?" he said to HuffPost. "Would she have been questioned? Would she have been subject to sarcastic comments? Would she be made to justify who she was in order to ask for help? I don't think so. I do think race played a part in this."

Institutional bias against African-Americans is well-documented and contributes to the racial disparities in how laws are enforced. Just this week, James Blake, formerly the fourth-ranked men's tennis player in the world, was tackled and handcuffed at a midtown Manhattan hotel by police officers who confused him for a suspect in a crime. Blake, who is black, suffered cuts and bruises and was detained for about 15 minutes, until officers realized who he was.

"In my mind, there's probably a race factor involved, but no matter what, there's no reason for anybody to do that to anybody," Blake said after the incident.

Tyra Banks And Chrissy Teigen Host FABLife!

Tyra Banks recruits Chrissy Teigen, Joe Zee, Lauren Makk and Leah Ashley for the debut of FABLife. The show premieres today and it will be a return to daytime for Tyra.

Tyra Banks is back on daytime television. She now joins fellow model Chrissy Teigen on an ABC daytime show.

Banks who is the host of America's Next Top Model created FABLife. It will be a return to daytime television.  She hosted The Tyra Banks Show back in the 2000s.

Tyra is an American television personality, former talk show host, producer, author, actress, singer and business woman. She is executive producer of this program.

Chrissy is an American actress, game show host, model and social media darling. She gain fame being the most beautiful Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. Chrissy married to R&B singer and Oscar award winning entertainer John Legend. She is a as sought after celebrity agitator. She and LL Cool J host Spike TV's Lip Sync Battle.

The hour-long series is being produced and hosted by Tyra Banks, with a round table lineup that consists of model and food writer Chrissy Teigen, fashionista Joe Zee, interior designer Lauren Makk, and do-it-yourself YouTuber Leah Ashley, using a format similar to The View, The Talk, The Real and The Social, offering up wide range of topics from celebrity gossip to do-it-yourself tips.

The show premieres today and its given a green light for syndication on ABC owned and operated stations. It will be on some of the syndication stations as well.

The show is following the formula of The View, The Talk, The Real and The Social. Each of these shows are returning to the lineup for daytime as well.


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