Tuesday, March 17, 2015

If Netanyahu Loses, The Righties Will Blame Obama!

Image result for Netanyahu

Fighting for another shot at being prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hoping that the people turn out for him. Obviously Jon Voight, Chuck Norris and that annoying conservative agitator are praying that Israelis vote for Netanyahu.

The conservative agitators and that FN network quote anonymous sources claiming that President Barack Obama and his allies are trying to defeat Netanyahu. There are some in Washington whispering to the junk food media that they'll investigate the White House for meddling in the affairs of Israel. Some are claiming that our taxpayer dollars are funding Netanyahu's opposition.

It's also noted they accuse the White House of threatening to shoot down (our taxpayer funded) Israeli jets if they attempt to attack Iran.


Isaac Herzog (12675983573).jpgOnce again, why do the Republicans believe shit off the internet?

It's not feasible to cover it. If it's not being featured in Reuters, the AP or AFP, then it's bogus!

Today is St. Patrick's Day in the United States. Over in Israel, it's their national elections.

The embattled prime minister is hoping to earn a third term. But it may be the end of his reign if the opposition can muster enough support.

The Joint Session of Congress attempt was a bust.

Netanyahu just admitted that he has no interest in creating a Palestine state.

He calls his opponents a bunch of "Arab lovers".

And this is the adult in the room according to that annoying conservative agitator.

But all that aside, this fool can still win.

You don't underestimate the power of the American conservatives. They are throwing money and their support for a warmongering, anti-Islam, possibly anti-Black foreign leader who sole mission is to drag the U.S. into war with Iran thereby sparking World War III.

Isaac Herzog the co-leader of the Zionist Union is hoping to secure a strong victory. The party is more moderate on issues such as relations with the Gaza Strip and West Bank. They are willing to allow the talks between Iran go forth and also improve relations with the U.S.

Earlier this month, the Republicans invited Netanyahu to speak at the Joint Session without approval from the president. Then 47 Republican senators lead by Stallmigo Tom Cotton (R-AR) wrote to the Iran leaders warning them they'll attack if Iran continues to make a nuclear weapon.

If we continue to elect leaders like this one, we're destined for doom. It's time to turn the page.

We need to get things done. It's time to work with Iran for a peaceful solution.

Monday, March 16, 2015

GOP Senate Delays AG Pick Loretta Lynch Confirmation!

The delay of Loretta Lynch for the position of Attorney General of the United States is being dragged by inept Republican controlled Senate.

Over 70 days since taking back Congress, Republicans have continued their march onward to sabotage President Barack Obama's final two years in office.

Now we're over five months since the president announced his replacement for their sworn enemy Attorney General Eric Holder. In November as a token of good will, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) was willing to give the Republicans an opportunity to debate the confirmation of Holder's successor.

It seems like Reid should have just forced a vote on the floor.

U.S. District Attorney Loretta Lynch of New York is the predecessor. She will be the new AG if the Senate confirms her. But something seems to be getting in the way. Like partisan politics and a party that's so bitter at the fact the president embarrassed them yet again.

Stallmigo Tom Cotton (R-AR) has proven to the public that Majority Leader Mitch the Turtle (R-KY) is an inept leader. He was going to bring this confirmation vote up this week. Now it may take another month before Lynch could finally be confirmed.

Obviously, it's not going to happen anytime soon. Because the Senate is debating over a human trafficking bill that may have language that deals with rape and abortions. Democrats want that put in the bill. Republicans want that stripped out. According to the Majority Leader, this is the most important thing to do before any confirmation votes.

The Turtle confirms to CNN that the will pass the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act. The bill, which would establish a fund for victims of human trafficking, had bipartisan support until Democrats learned it contained language that restricted federal funds for abortion. Reid, currently the Minority Leader has said the bill will not pass as long as it contains the language.

"I had hoped to turn to her next week, but if we can't finish the trafficking bill, she will be put off again," McConnell said, referring to Lynch, on CNN's "State of the Union."

Lynch appears to have enough support to earn confirmation in the Senate, and Democrats have been pushing Republicans to bring up her nomination.

In a statement released after McConnell's appearance on CNN, Reid said that in stalling Lynch's nomination, Republicans were showing an inability to govern.
The Turtle will delay confirmation of AG pick Loretta Lynch once again.
“Senator McConnell should keep his word and bring Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch up for a vote this week. By continuing to stall Lynch's nomination Republicans are failing yet another basic test of their ability to govern. Lynch is extraordinarily qualified and there is no procedural excuse for further delay. Lynch's nomination can be brought to the floor at any time," Reid's office said in a statement. "There is nothing stopping the Senate from confirming Lynch and continuing to debate the trafficking bill this week, except Senator McConnell's unwillingness to bring her nomination up for a vote."

In a separate statement, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said the United States simply couldn't afford not to have Lynch confirmed.

“For months and months, Republicans have failed to move forward with‎ her nomination using any excuse they can, except for any credible objection to her nomination itself. It's time for Republicans to stop dragging their feet on Loretta Lynch," Schumer said in a statement. "Loretta Lynch, and the American people, don't deserve this. At a time when terrorists from ISIS to Al-Shabaab threaten the United States, the nominee to be attorney general deserves an up or down vote.”

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Tom Cotton: _______ Iran!

Stallmigo Tom Cotton (R-AK) is trying to outcrazy Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rand Paul (R-KY).

The controversy over Republican senators threatening Iran is getting airplay. Many felt that their decision to write a letter undermining the Six Party talks was a bad idea.

Stallmigo Tom Cotton (R-AR) has spearheaded this letter and managed to wrangle up the Majority Leader, the Pro Tempe and former 2008 U.S. Republican presidential nominee to sign on it.

Cotton is the junior United States Senator from Arkansas. He was a member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Arkansas's 4th congressional district from 2013 until 2015. He is a member of the Republican Party. He is a U.S. Army veteran and a lawyer. Cotton was the Republican nominee for the 2014 U.S. Senate race in Arkansas, and won the election, defeating incumbent Democrat Mark Pryor. At age 37, he is the youngest current U.S. Senator.

Three potential candidates for the Republican nomination signed on to the letter.

I am shocked that Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL), Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), and Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) jumped on this bandwagon. They usually have some form of common sense.

Richard Shelby (Ala.)
Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
Dan Sullivan (Alaska)
John McCain (Ariz.)
John Boozman (Ark.)
Tom Cotton (Ark.)
Cory Gardner (Colo.)
Marco Rubio (Fla.)
Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
David Perdue (Ga.)
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Jim Risch (Idaho)
Mark Kirk (Ill.)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
Joni Ernst (Iowa)
Pat Roberts (Kansas)
Jerry Moran (Kansas)
Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
Rand Paul (Ky.)
David Vitter (La.)
Bill Cassidy (La.)
Roger Wicker (Miss.)
Roy Blunt (Mo.)
Steve Daines (Mont.)
Deb Fischer (Neb.)
Ben Sasse (Neb.)
Dean Heller (Nev.)
Kelly Ayotte (N.H.)
Richard Burr (N.C.)
Thom Tillis (N.C.)
John Hoeven (N.D.)
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Jim Inhofe (Okla.)
James Lankford (Okla.)
Pat Toomey (Pa.)
Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
Tim Scott (S.C.)
John Thune (S.D.)
Mike Rounds (S.D.)
John Cornyn (Texas)
Ted Cruz (Texas)
Orin Hatch (Utah)
Mike Lee (Utah)
Shelley Moore Capito (W.V.)
Ron Johnson (Wis.)
Mike Enzi (Wyo.)
John Barrasso (Wyo.)

Cotton wrote and sent a letter to the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran, signed by 47 of the Senate's 54 Republicans, attempting to cast doubt on the Obama administration's authority to engage in nuclear-proliferation negotiations with Iran.

Within hours, commentators suggested that the letter prepared by Cotton constituted a violation of the Logan Act.

Questions also were raised as to whether it reflected a flawed interpretation of the Treaty Clause of the United States Constitution.
I've been a senator for years, never in my time serving would I do something as reckless as the senator from Arkansas done.
President Barack Obama mocked the letter, referring to it as an "unusual coalition" with Iran's hard-liners as well as an interference with the then-ongoing negotiations of a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear program.

In addition, during a Vice News Interview, President Barack Obama said "I'm embarrassed for them, for them to address a letter to the Ayatollah the Supreme Leader of Iran, who they claim is our mortal enemy and their basic argument to them is: don't deal with our president, because you can't trust him to follow through on an agreement... That's close to unprecedented."

Iran's Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, responded to the letter by saying "[the Senators'] letter in fact undermines the credibility of thousands of such mere executive agreements that have been or will be entered into by the US with various other governments". Zarif added that "change of administration does not in any way relieve the next administration from international obligations undertaken by its predecessor in a possible agreement about Iran's peaceful nuclear program". He continued, "I wish to enlighten the authors that if the next administration revokes any agreement with the stroke of a pen, as they boast, it will have simply committed a blatant violation of international law".

The controversial stallmigo doing a victory lap on GOP Faces The Nation. He gets testy with the statements of Secretary of State John Kerry.

Who They Gonna Blame Now That They Caught The Ferg Shooter?

The shooter is caught. 
The American junk food media is relishing on Ferguson situation. The suspect in Thursday's gunfire is caught and I can not help but wonder what the agitators plan on blaming for the shooting of two members of law enforcement.

Okay, 20 year old Jeffrey Williams is in St. Louis County lock up on $300K.

St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch announced that authorities had brought charges, including assault in the first degree, against 20-year-old Jeffrey Williams. Williams is from the St. Louis area and had been on probation for receiving stolen property.

Williams had been involved in protests on the evening that the shooting occurred and had "acknowledged" firing shots, according to McCulloch. McCulloch said that Williams, who is African-American, may have been firing at someone other than the police.

He's going to face the judge in the coming days.

Attorney General Eric Holder praises the St. Louis County police. He is proud they caught this dangerous criminal.

President Barack Obama also responded to the apprehension of this criminal.

They both urged the residents and law enforcement to respect one another. Harmless right?

Not to the racist right. Of course, two prominent Black men in government. One being the first Black president and the other being the first Black top cop.

The shooting grips the anti-cop rhetoric produced by the left and right. The left is calling for reform on how police deal with non-White suspects. While some of their grievances are real, there are some who are adamant about roasting a pig.

The right is strongly opposed the president's proposed executive order to ban armor piercing bullets. Those bullets will go through a bulletproof shield.

Who's going to point the finger?

Well here's a website that already got a conspiracy going around that the shooter is a "friend of a friend" who knows Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson. Johnson was one of the key witnesses in the shooting of unarmed Brown.

Johnson has been a victim of death threats. The racist right is smearing his name by bold caption

Cop shooting suspect Jeffrey Williams Was ‘Friend’ on Facebook of Mike Brown’s Fellow Robber Dorian Johnson

Dorian Johnson Facebook friends with Jeffrey Williams

Well the Craigslist of conservative agitation begins with a headliner LT GOVERNOR: HOLDER INCITED MOB MANY TIMES...  The Republican second banana Peter Kinder still talking shit.

  1. Ferguson arrest throws social media into an uproar ...


    8 hours ago - Jeffrey Williams: Ferguson Shooting Suspect pic.twitter.com/ ... RT "@RufusKings1776: Did Obama make a statement yet about his son Jeffrey Williams? .... Dashcam captures the moment a NJ house exploded into a million ...

Ferguson Police Shooter Turns Out To Be A Protester 

Will the trail from Democrat Jeffrey Williams lead back to Sharpton Holder Obama and the one who funded the Ferguson Riots, George Soros?

This is how the racist right views Black America. For one represents all. If they really hate when the lefties compare every White criminal who commits a mass murder to the insurgency. Matter of fact, they'll be running this narrative that the White criminal is a "Democrat" as explained above.

Matter of fact, they won't notice that the shooter expressed his "Second Amendment" right.

Only in the minds of the racist right, firearms belong to them. Not Blacks, Hispanics or Muslims.

Every gun crime is the Democrats fault. It's never a Republican lawmaker or governor's fault. They know how to use a gun, says the insurgency.

Every time a major event happens in America, the junk food media, the agitators, the irrational and sometimes the criminals exploit a tragedy.

See how the conservative agitators act. They prove the left's point of them being the condescending bigots they are pointed out to be,

The shooting came during protests after Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson was fired out the cannon earlier. One of the officers was shot in the face and the other was shot in the shoulder, but both survived the attack.

Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement on Sunday that the arrest was a testament to good collaboration between federal and local authorities.
The fight isn't over. The protesters are demanding that the Ferguson mayor steps down.
“This arrest sends a clear message that acts of violence against our law enforcement personnel will never be tolerated. The swiftness of this action is a credit to the significant cooperation between federal authorities and the St. Louis County Police Department," Holder said. "The ATF’s ballistic imaging technology has played a critical role in the ongoing investigation. I commend both the ATF and St. Louis police for their tremendous work in identifying this suspect."

President Barack Obama condemned the shooting on Thursday, posting on Twitter that "violence against police is unacceptable." Holder also called the shooter a "damn punk" last week.

Williams is a criminal. It has nothing to do with his race, social status, political affiliation, or economic standings. It was a callous act by a man who didn't care about the protesters or the police officers who are doing their job to protect.

The Blame Game is getting old. The racist right is playing this card worse than the lefties playing the race card.

Ferguson Protester To Hannity: You're Forever Stuck On Stupid!

That annoying conservative agitator talks down a Ferguson protester.

That annoying conservative agitator went off on a protester. For what reason?

The protester Ivory Ned was a witness to the shooting of two officers in Ferguson, Missouri.

The law can't figure out who was the gunman. I mean they can figure out how a black teen "strong arm" robbed a gas station. The media sure loves posting them pictures of a big guy shoving a clerk.

See how the racist right treats Ivory Ned. Look at the Google search when I mention protester, Ivory Ned, that annoying conservative agitator's name and interview.

Hannity Schools Uninformed Ferguson Protester - Fox Nation

For you see, that this annoying conservative agitator was totally condescending towards Mr. Ned.

Ned explained the shooting as a reaction to Michael Brown's death: "[Brown's shooting] was the first action that happened. Then you have a reaction what happened. I’m not saying it was right."

That annoying conservative agitator wasn't having it.

"No, Ivory, you should be saying it's wrong," The annoying agitator replied, adding that witnesses testified that Brown charged at Officer Darren Wilson. "I think the story here is, you shouldn't act that way, and people shouldn't be shooting cops. I don't hear you saying that, why not?"

Ned was quick to deliver a response.

"There are also witness that testified Mike Brown had his hands up. So you look at the facts first," Ned said. "The forensics showed... that there were bullets... with the hands... I'm no scientist, but the facts remain."

He continued: "The cops getting shot last night, that was not right. But that was not right for Mike Brown to be dead four hours on the ground."

Matter of fact, this whole interview was a train wreck.

Look at the video from the jump. Oh by the way, they apprehended the suspect. More on that one in the next post.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

City of Dayton, Ohio, denies citizen basic rights under the Americans wi...

Obama Reads "Mean Tweets" On Jimmy Kimmel!

President Barack Obama went to Jimmy Kimmel Live to talk about issues in America and also apologize to Kimmel for skipping an appearance last year.

The president goes to Jimmy Kimmel Live to read off the "Mean Tweets", a regular feature on his show. The president reads some select tweets from his most harshest critics.

I didn't get an opportunity to watch the president on Kimmel but I heard it was hilarious.

Of course, the conservative agitators aren't going to like it. They find it beneath the office of the presidency for Barack Obama to go on comedy shows.

President Barack Obama is going to outlets that appeal to younger viewers. He's gotten tired of the cable news agitators. He turns to the social media and comedy programs to push his final two years.

I bet the outrage meter is off the hook for the racist right.

Here's the video of Obama reading "Mean Tweets".

He gotten serious about the issues in Ferguson, the Republicans writing that letter to Iran, and the next two years.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Standard Register in Dayton, Ohio files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Standard Register in Dayton, Ohio files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy


Standard Register in Dayton, Ohio filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy which brings an uncertain future for their company and employees

You Can't Fix Stupid, Nincompoop! [NSFW]

Will the law use deadly force when confronting this vandal?

In the latest edition of You Can't Fix Stupid, here comes a story that is disgusting. It's one of the most disturbing things I've read in a while.

But somehow, it describes the real issues with mental illness.

There's millions of Americans who are suffering from mental illness.

I can relate. Before I get into this I want to acknowledge a real story. I will explain it in the later postings. But I will give you a summary.

There was a woman who I just recently dated. She's a 40 year old mother of three who works at a restaurant that serves specialty foods such as Bourbon chicken and fried rice. She is bipolar and has an serious addiction. She has an addiction to alcohol and crack cocaine.

For the last few weeks, I've notice that change.

And believe me, it's a destructive change.

While I wish this woman and her family well, I don't want no part of this. I thought I could be a supportive friend, but somehow I knew this would become a major issue.

I'll explain this in my posting about social media and online dating. Stay tuned. And yes, there may be pictures and a warning to all women and men searching online for true love.

Now onto this disgusting story. I am amazed that the law can't catch this guy.

That's why the meme #CrimingWhileWhite became a phenomenon.

This group of neighbors are baffled by the mysterious man who lurks their neighborhoods. All he does is take a dump on the vehicles and runs off into the darkness.

This nincompoop is on the loose. He is wanted by the Akron police and Summit County Ohio sheriff.

NewsNet 5 reports that officers are searching for this nincompoop they said has defecated on 19 parked cars in driveways since May 2012.

The bowel movement bandit strikes between 4 and 6 a.m. On Wednesday morning, a resident caught the suspect on film. She set up a camera after the seventh time that someone had pooped on her car while it was parked in her driveway.

One man said that the defecator has struck his car six times, and has even smeared it on his hood, door handles, gas tank cover, windshield and mirrors.

The map above shows the places hit by the man, who could face misdemeanor criminal mischief or criminal damaging charges. The spots are between Hancock Avenue, Waterloo Road, state Route 93 and Kenmoore Road.

So far none of the victims have recognized the man in the photo, but Akron Police said Thursday that the department has received about a dozen tips about the identity of the man.

No arrests have been made, but police are following up on leads, hoping to get to the bottom of this.

No pun intended.

Only in America, a white man who does a criminal act that considered a bio-hazard could elude authorities. But if this was a man who was practicing Muslim or a Black man with mental issues, I bet you money they would shoot to kill.

O'Reilly: Method Man Needs To Keep The Rap Out Of Ferguson!

Method Man was on the cable news agitators talking about Ferguson and the racist frat boy video.

The conservative agitator ignites his feud with rap music again. This controversy over at the University of Oklahoma and the fallout in Ferguson have gotten major play in the junk food media.

O'Loofus, who is already under fire for telling lies in his reporting is unfazed by the critics. He's full steam ahead. He's hates the "pinheads" who opened fire on two officers in Ferguson.

The moment Thomas Jackson was fired out the cannon, the protesters celebrated. But all that changed when a gunman went to the protest with a semi-automatic firearm. He makes it rain.

Two officers were injured and the FBI and St. Louis County police may have a "person of interest" in this criminal act.

Now with that being said, here's the cable news agitators. Desperate for attention Obama News had featured rappers and Black celebrities on their programs. The rappers and celebrities are giving insight to the situations.

The racist right places all the blame on protesters, Rev. Perm, Attorney General Eric Holder, and of course President Barack Obama.
Method Man becomes a target of this guy.
Blow Joe and Mika launched the first attack by going after Waka Flocka Flame.

Then the old fart goes after Kanye West and told his minions that if West made a racist frat chant, they would make it a hit.

Now O'Loofus is going after Method Man for expressing his thoughts on Ferugson and the frat boys.

Method Man, one of the members of Staten Island rap collective WuTang Clan is legend. He released four albums and two collaboration albums with Newark rapper Redman under the Def Jam label.

He is an actor, director and entrepreneur.

He appears on Newsnation with Tamron Hall.

O'Loofus responds to him.

O'Loofus claims that Method Man engages in COLOSSAL IGNORANCE. Instead of listening to Method Man's passionate concerns, he plays the edited clip. He takes the most sensationalist quote from the rapper and made it into a blame game.

So according to this lying buffoon, Method Man was responsible for two cops being shot in Ferguson.

Really pathetic O'Loofus.

This isn't the first time O'Loofus went after rappers. I can tell you a list of them. It starts with Ludacris, Jay-Z, Eminem, Jeezy, Jadakiss, 50 Cent, Lil' Wayne, Kanye West, Akon, Snoop Dogg, Nas, and Common.

For some reason, he singles them out for at least doing something good.
Method Man and Tamron Hall.
Ludacris got dropped from Pepsi after this agitator complained. The Black leaders and Russell Simmons warned Pepsi to reinstate the rapper or face a boycott. Pepsi caved. Ludacris decided to move on. Pepsi donated to Ludacris' charity groups.

Nas was being singled out for attending Virginia Tech. He was to appear as a speaker and performer at the college. O'Loofus was pissed that Nas was there and went on this tirade and threatened to end the career of the college president.

Common was to appear at the White House for a poetry reading. The conservative agitators went off and tried to label Common as a "cop-killer". Common went on to perform despite the agitator complaining. Common went on to winning an Oscar this year.

While I don't agree O'Loofus targeting rap music some rappers such as Cam'ron, Chris Brown and Shawty Lo deserve to be criticized.

Another thing. The police are public servants to the local or federal government. They are not immune to criticism.









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