Showing posts with label white male privilege. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white male privilege. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Joe Morrissey confirms child with former receptionist - NBC12 - WWBT - Richmond, VA News On Your Side

Joe Morrissey confirms child with former receptionist - NBC12 - WWBT - Richmond, VA News On Your Side



Virginia Senate candidate Joe Morrissey confirmed during a radio program on Wednesday morning he is the father of a child with his former receptionist.
Speaking on the Jack Gravely Show on WLEE radio, Morrissey confirmed he is the father of the 9-week-old baby, Chase, and said the mother is his girlfriend and former secretary, Myrna Pride.
"I am as engaged in Chase's life as a man could be. I'm super proud of Myrna and I love Chase," said Morrissey. "Chase is my blood. We had our baby, we love our baby."
NBC12 was the only TV station in the studio during the radio broadcast. 
"You seem to keep walking through the bullets, man. You seem to keep walking through the bullets," said Gravely about Morrissey's ability to continue his political career despite a long history of scandals.
Morrissey has scheduled a press conference with Myrna and Chase for 3 p.m. Thursday in front of his law office.
The former delegate is currently running for the Virginia Senate as an Independent in the 16th district, after the Democratic Party of Virginia rejected a number of his signatures for the primary. He faces competition from Senator Rosalyn Dance, who also called into the broadcast.
The race for Morrissey's former delegate seat now appears to be a two-candidate race between Leonidas Young and Lamont Bagby. David Lambert expressed interest in running for the Democratic nomination, but also came up with fewer valid signatures than required. Party officials say nearly half the 151 signatures submitted were from outside the 74th district or did not qualify for other reasons.
Pride was at the center of a case which led Morrissey to plead guilty to contributing to the delinquency of a minor charges in December. Prosecutors said he had a sexual relationship with her while she was 17 and working as a part-time receptionist at his law office. Morrissey, then a delegate, entered an Alford Plea to the misdemeanor count, which means he does not admit guilt, but understands there's enough evidence for him to be found guilty at trial.
"Myrna is 19 and some odd months, the baby is nine weeks old. Sit down and do the math," Morrissey said on the program Wednesday.
A judge sentenced Morrissey to 12 months in jail with six months suspended. He served three months at Henrico Jail East while on work release to practice law and serve in the General Assembly.
Morrissey also later faced forgery charges stemming from the case, but a Henrico judgedismissed those charges in April, saying the prior plea agreement included an immunity clause stating no future charges would be filed in connection to the case. The judge felt the clause was so broad the perjury charges would raise double jeopardy concerns.
Prosecutors must now decide how to proceed in the case. The judge urged them to bring the matter to an appeals court, as he felt the public has a right to a hearing.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mrs. Obama Speaks About Racism Toward Her.....

There's a mad-on resentment against Michelle Obama by white America.  Moreso than her husband.  They resent the fact that Mrs. Obama challenge the "aesthetic supremacy"  of white women and they resent that deeply. They feel that Mrs. Obama doesn't belong in the White House period.  White entitlement and supremacy knows no end.

Here's an article from Media Matters condemning Rush Limbaugh's slandering of First Lady Michelle Obama:

Media Call Out Rush Limbaugh For Racially Charged Attacks On Michelle Obama

The conservative radio host attacked Michelle Obama this week for her reference to racial disparities in access to education opportunities like museums during a speech at the April 30 dedication of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. Obama praised the Whitney's inaugural exhibit for its attempt to capture the range of cultures that have contributed to American art and called it "particularly powerful for our young people" because it shows them that "their story is part of the American story, and that they deserve to be seen." Such engagement is important, Obama said, because "there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that's not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood."
Limbaugh accused Obama of claiming "museums are for white people" and of using the speech to "widen the racial gap." Calling her an "angry First Lady" who wants to "rip this country apart," Rush went on to suggestthat black people simply didn't appreciate museums because they are "not in their cultural upbringing."
Media figures are now blasting Limbaugh for the racist attacks.
The Washington Post's Richard Cohen declared that Limbaugh criticized Obama "for the sin of being black." "The way he looks at it," Cohen wrote, "Obama is not entitled to her experiences, certainly not to talk about it," going on: "[J]ust as Eleanor Roosevelt articulated the experiences and plight of the poor as well as racial and ethnic minorities, so does Michelle Obama articulate the black experience. If that sometimes makes others uncomfortable, it damn well should."
Similarly, The New York Times' Charles Blow blasted Rush and explained how Obama's thoughts on the diversity of museum visitors "was right," pointing to a 2010 report by the Center for the Future of Museums that found "historic patterns of segregation and exclusion as one reason that fewer African-American families instill museum-going habits in their young children." Blow called out Limbaugh for trying to paint "the Obamas as failed racial messiahs at best, and active racial agitators at worst":
But for Limbaugh, this wasn't about museum attendance at all. It was simply another opportunity to excrete the tired banalities about the Obamas as failed racial messiahs at best, and active racial agitators at worst.
Obama's sin, using [Rush's] line of logic, is that he failed to undo the system of oppression that he had no hand in constructing. It is that 400 years of damage was not undone in two terms. It is that he didn't encourage silence about inequity so that its benefactors could enjoy the cumulative fruit of centuries of racial graft without current-day guilt.
They wanted some mythical receipt of satisfaction of the debt. Let bygones be bygones. All is forgotten and forgiven. Clean slate. Fresh start.
If only it were that simple. But it's not. This whole line of reasoning is racial claptrap.
Such increasing focus on Limbaugh's racially charged attacks coincides with growing advertising woes for the radio host, who has been seeing advertisers flee from his program since his multi-day attack on then-law student Sandra Fluke. Just last month, Emmis Communications announced it was dropping Limbaugh's broadcast from its WIBC lineup, which had aired the radio program for 22 years.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Huckleberry Hound Runs For President!

Huckabee declared his second run for failure.

The former governor of Arkansas who ran for president is making another run.

He was a host on Loserville, a talk radio agitator and best selling book writer. He's also an ordain Baptist minister and known crackpot.

Perennial candidate Mike Huckabee declared his intentions to run.

Huckabee is a damn clown. At one time, I thought he was a mellow type of Republican. I actually met him in 2007. He was pretty friendly. I met him and his wife at a Florida debate.

Huckabee had Chuck Norris endorse him during the primaries. They were present at the YouTube Republican debate.

I got an opportunity to meet them along with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Mitt Romney, perennial candidates who ran for president.

In Hope, Arkansas, Huckabee declares his intentions. He and former president Bill Clinton grew up in that tiny town off the Interstate 30. Huckabee managed to scare White folks with tales of President Barack Obama siding with the terrorists. The clown wants to put GOD back in the White House.

“I learned the difference between right and wrong. And I learned that God loves me as much as he loves anyone, but that he doesn’t love some more than others,” Huckabee said.

The Republican politician criticized President Barack Obama for – as he sees it – not following through on his speeches about hope and change.

“Eight years later our debt has more than doubled, America’s leadership in the world has completely evaporated and the country is more polarized than ever in my lifetime,” he said.

Huckabee said Americans should get on their knees every night and pray that they live in a country that people are trying to enter rather than escape.

“I’m running for president because I know there is a difference between making a speech and making government accountable to the people who have to pay for it,” he said.

Before taking the stage, Hucksters wife Janet attacked what she sees as an absence of leadership in the United States; she questioned whether the nation is living up to example set by its founders.

“Is there anything that we would die for that our men and women fight today for, every day when they go fight? Do we still have that passion?” she said.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee announces White House bid
Once again, Mike Huckabee runs for the nomination.
In 2008, Huckabee won the Iowa Caucus putting him in top-tier standings.

Now he's automatically a second-tier so don't think that his second run won't change his standings with the Republicans. His attacks on "Uncle Sugar's libido and Beyonce" will get him some play with the insurgency, but really, he's probably doing this for publicity of his book or Netflix series.

The perennial circus is about to get more interesting. Rick Santorum, Jim Gilmore and Rick Perry are tempted to run again.

About 100 miles away from Hope, Arkansas where Huckabee declared his intentions, Missouri Republicans overrides Democrat governor Jay Nixon's veto that imposed strict restrictions on welfare and food stamps.

I don't understand why Americans vote for the Republican Party. The party has no message.

Sorry, they do!

Stop Obama and stop Clinton. Do whatever it takes to delay the final years of Barack Obama's presidency and prevent Americans from putting Hillary Clinton in the White House.

Scare White folks with talk of Blacks looting the liquor store and beating up the White man nearby.
Conservatives hate the Welfare Queens.
Scare the White folks with talk of Ebola and measles spreading across the United States and it's because of illegal immigrants coming into the country. The illegal immigrants are coming from the border and are going to instantly be Democrats because they are granted amnesty.

Or perhaps tell White folks that Muslims are scary. There's places in the U.S. that practice Sh'ira law and the Islamic State flag is being flown by these radical Muslims. The Mexican government allowed the Islamic State build a terrorist training camp, eight miles from the U.S.-Mexico border.

Tell the White folks that militant gays and radical atheists are trying to take GOD out of the country.

Tell the White folks that liberals will ban you from drawing Mohammad but allow the slandering of GOD and depicting Jesus Christ as a flaming radical.

Tell the White folks that THE BLACKS are anti-cop, anti-White, having children out of wedlock and willing to vote Democrat despite the party being the real racists.

I am guilty as well as many others. I often vote for the candidate that suits the needs of the people. I voted for Ohio senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Rob Portman (R-OH) in the previous elections. I voted for John Kaisch in the Ohio governor's race.

I felt that despite him being an opportunistic jackass, the state's economy slightly improved and the challenger, Ed Fitzgerald ran a horrible campaign.

This is the party that believes that those in the middle class make over $250,000 in salary.

Republicans don't want to raise the minimum wage because they believe it drives jobs out of business. Giving workers $13 an hour is going to make McDonald's raise their prices on their food.

Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 70 because they believe that you're able to work, then you should work despite your health declining. Why should you be able to enjoy retirement if you're not able to work weekends?

Republicans don't want to grant equal pay to women. They get time off for maternity leave and they get opportunities to do things men can't do. They never seen a woman lift over 100 lbs. Why should they get paid to do nothing while men do the labors?

Republicans believe government workers are seething in riches. So they'll try to eliminate government agencies they claim are feeding the welfare state. Eliminating the IRS, the EPA, Department of Education, TSA and Department of Commerce will save the nation billions. It will put thousands of Americans out of work. So what!

The Republicans hate welfare. They want to eliminate unemployment benefits, pell grants, food stamp assistance and disability claims. They believe there are millions of Americans spending our taxpayer dollars living on government assistance.

When the single mom loses her job and needs assistance, they believe that giving $50 a month is suitable for a mother. Unemployment is not an option for that worker who had gotten paid $60,000 annual salary. They believe unions are sucking dry the corporations.

Honestly the racist right and those who belong to the Republican Party believe that the poor and needy using the safety net are more dangerous than corporations getting tax breaks to ship jobs overseas.

That Black woman with six children driving that Cadillac and eating lobster. And she's not working one job.

According to the racist right, welfare embolden dependency and entitlements.

I wonder if Huckabee has any thoughts to the Republicans and their obsession with destroying the safety net!

Friday, March 13, 2015

You Can't Fix Stupid, Nincompoop! [NSFW]

Will the law use deadly force when confronting this vandal?

In the latest edition of You Can't Fix Stupid, here comes a story that is disgusting. It's one of the most disturbing things I've read in a while.

But somehow, it describes the real issues with mental illness.

There's millions of Americans who are suffering from mental illness.

I can relate. Before I get into this I want to acknowledge a real story. I will explain it in the later postings. But I will give you a summary.

There was a woman who I just recently dated. She's a 40 year old mother of three who works at a restaurant that serves specialty foods such as Bourbon chicken and fried rice. She is bipolar and has an serious addiction. She has an addiction to alcohol and crack cocaine.

For the last few weeks, I've notice that change.

And believe me, it's a destructive change.

While I wish this woman and her family well, I don't want no part of this. I thought I could be a supportive friend, but somehow I knew this would become a major issue.

I'll explain this in my posting about social media and online dating. Stay tuned. And yes, there may be pictures and a warning to all women and men searching online for true love.

Now onto this disgusting story. I am amazed that the law can't catch this guy.

That's why the meme #CrimingWhileWhite became a phenomenon.

This group of neighbors are baffled by the mysterious man who lurks their neighborhoods. All he does is take a dump on the vehicles and runs off into the darkness.

This nincompoop is on the loose. He is wanted by the Akron police and Summit County Ohio sheriff.

NewsNet 5 reports that officers are searching for this nincompoop they said has defecated on 19 parked cars in driveways since May 2012.

The bowel movement bandit strikes between 4 and 6 a.m. On Wednesday morning, a resident caught the suspect on film. She set up a camera after the seventh time that someone had pooped on her car while it was parked in her driveway.

One man said that the defecator has struck his car six times, and has even smeared it on his hood, door handles, gas tank cover, windshield and mirrors.

The map above shows the places hit by the man, who could face misdemeanor criminal mischief or criminal damaging charges. The spots are between Hancock Avenue, Waterloo Road, state Route 93 and Kenmoore Road.

So far none of the victims have recognized the man in the photo, but Akron Police said Thursday that the department has received about a dozen tips about the identity of the man.

No arrests have been made, but police are following up on leads, hoping to get to the bottom of this.

No pun intended.

Only in America, a white man who does a criminal act that considered a bio-hazard could elude authorities. But if this was a man who was practicing Muslim or a Black man with mental issues, I bet you money they would shoot to kill.

Monday, March 09, 2015

ΣΑΕ Frat Boys: They'll Never Be A ___________ At Our ___________!

They'll never be a fraternity that chants racism at the Sooner Nation. The University of Oklahoma puts the brakes on frat boys and their chapter.

Okie Dokie! Here's a controversy riding the horse. The University of Oklahoma had to do some apologizing for one of its fraternities and their "epic fail".

Sigma Alpha Epsilon got a major pull out! The Sooners had to pull the plug on the fraternity after it was revealed a disturbing video of White frat boys shouting and jigging on NIGGERS.

The frat boys' freedom of speech was captured on camera phone. They were chanting, "They'll Never Be A NIGGER here at ΣΑΕ (Sigma Alpha Epsilon)".

They'll never be a NIGGER in ΣΑΕ (clap your hands)

They'll never be a NIGGER in ΣΑΕ (clap your hands)

They'll never be a NIGGER

They'll never be a NIGGER

They'll never be a NIGGER in ΣΑΕ

You can hang him from a tree, but he can never sign with me

They'll never be a NIGGER in ΣΑΕ!

The national organization of Sigma Alpha Epsilon closed the Oklahoma Kappa chapter at the University of Oklahoma after a video surfaced showing members singing a racist, unsanctioned chant. The students were boisterously singing and taking the NIGGER to the woodshed.

They parodied the popular children's song, "If You're Happy and You Know It."
The Sooners put protest in silence.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon quickly suspended the charter of the involved chapter and suspended it's members on Sunday, March 8, 2015.

The University of Oklahoma president, David Boren, subsequently evicted the fraternity members, leaving until the following midnight, on Monday, March 9 for all members to vacate the fraternity's campus dwellings.

This is the conservative movement in full swing. That's why it's dubbed the racist right.

This is privileged White people telling America, that NIGGERS have no place in college or America.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Conrad Hilton Avoids Jail.....

           Conrad Hilton, the epitome of upper class white privilege.

He's the epitome of upper class white privilege.  He and his sisters, they get away with far and away more stuff than poor people, Blacks, People of Color, and Mixed ethnicity people period.


The following article comes from Salon Magazine regarding Conrad Hilton's arrogant behavior:

The 6 most outrageous details from Conrad Hilton’s in-flight meltdown

A GQ report from the flight reveals Conrad Hughes Hilton III's outrageous antics

Last month the monstrous behavior of the youngest Hilton heir, Conrad Hughes Hilton III, was revealed to the public. In July aboard a 10-hour trans-Atlantic flight, Hilton threw an epic (and threatening) tantrum, and was charged with intimidating and assaulting several British Airways flight attendants.
GQ Magazine put together a detailed timeline of what happened during the flight: “based on 1) the criminal complaint filed on February 2, which is a sworn affidavit by the FBI agent who investigated the case, and 2) my extensive interview with Mitchell, in 81H, who does, after all, analyze human behavior for a living.”
Conrad’s arraignment was scheduled for March 5 (two days after his 21st birthday). He agreed to plead to one account of simple assault on Feb. 23, according to GQ, and he faces a maximum of six months imprisonment. Given the public’s tendency to both relish and scoff at the bizarre behavior of the rich and famous, here are the juiciest details from the in-flight meltdown:
1) Let’s set the stage, shall we? Mitchell describes Hilton’s appearance:
“He was dressed posh casual, expensive haircut. He looked like a polo player and walked with a sure-footed march, being loud. He said something like they had attacked him. I heard a lot of “fucks.” The staff were being really low key, but it was monstrous. Inhuman. I mean, really, it was.”
2) Five minutes after takeoff Hilton was reportedly walking down the aisles, when nobody else is supposed to be up. The complaint later alleges that:
“Four members of the crew ask Hilton to return to his seat, but he refuses, saying that if they are standing, he should be allowed to stand, too. He’s cursing and being aggressive. He says he has ‘a fucking problem’ and threatens to hit someone seated four rows behind him.”

3) Mitchell describes watching him later on the flight:
“I was about to video it, but he looked at me, really threatening. I don’t often watch horror movies, but you know how the walking dead have a look in their eye? I thought, ‘He’s going to come at me next.’ He turned around and said, ‘Now everybody’s judging me.’ That’s when they closed the curtains.”
4) The report details him lashing out at a customer service manager:
“As Hilton wanders around the plane, he lashes out at the customer service manager who is shadowing him to protect the passengers and his 21-member crew. ‘Stop following me!’ Hilton yells, adding: ‘I am going to fucking kill you!’ Hilton points his finger in the attendant’s face, shouting, “I will fucking rip through you!” and ‘I will fucking own you!’”
5) The infamous “peasants” line is reportedly repeated many times, according to the report. Oh, and he also smokes weed in the lavatory:
“Numerous times, Hilton yells, ‘I will fucking own anyone on this flight; they are fucking peasants!’ At one point he approaches another flight attendant and brags that he is already banned by other airlines. He says he has issues, that he’s just broken up with a girlfriend, and that his behavior will probably turn into a lawsuit for his father to pay. He laments that he wants to smoke marijuana. At around 9:15 p.m., he locks himself in a lower deck restroom; soon the smell of weed is detected in the cabin.”
6) According to Mitchell he’d be the “weakest link,” if he were stranded on an island:
“If you were on a desert island, Hilton would be the weakest link, wouldn’t he? Let’s face it. He’d be the one about whom everyone would say, ‘Oh, shit, don’t get him to do anything. He’ll balls it up.’”

Is it any wonder why Americans don't like upper class folks because those people feel entitled to do whatever the heck they want to do without any consequences whatsoever?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Is The Junk Food Media Gonna Call Ohio State University Rioters Animals?

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There were reports of rioting in Columbus, Ohio after Ohio State University's Buckeyes won the college national football championship. You notice the media calls these people "crowds" and not unruly animals like they've did when rioters went off after the Darren Wilson verdict in the Michael Brown shooting.

See Whites riot when there's an injustice. Not only in criminal acts, but reaction towards sports. See how they react towards a college football game. See how they react towards baseball, hockey, and even seasonal events.

They tear up property, destroy vehicles, keep the cops on duty for hours. And yet, the junk food media refuses to call this destructive behavior an act of criminal behavior.

Only those in law enforcement see that.

Ohio State Buckeyes handily beat the Oregon Ducks. The Ducks were favored odds.

Ohio State came to prominence after the team upset the top ranked Alabama Crimson Tide in the Sugar Bowl.

Columbus and Ohio State Campus police deployed tear gas to stop the people from rioting. Those who are arrested will face charges. If they're students, they could be punished.

Congratulations to the Ohio State University for being the first national champions.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

No Weapons Drawn When Elderly Woman Ran Into Utah Police Cruiser!

Nevada woman thanks Utah State Patrol for their kind deeds.

The #CrimingWhileWhite meme continues. The good heartfelt story about a woman who was traveling to Salt Lake City to see her dying son getting a ride from Utah State Highway Patrol. The woman was pulled over for a minor traffic violation. She was given a verbal warning by trooper.

But before she could leave she accidentally bumped into the police cruiser. Instead of coming out with gun drawn, he would give the woman a ride to Salt Lake City.

How nice! I just wondering if the woman was not elderly or non-White, would this kind hearted trooper would have given a ride to the person?

Trooper Jeff Jones stopped Helen "Skeeter" Smith of Panaca, NV on Interstate 15 in the desert plains of Millard County.

The 87-year old woman said that she has bad eye sight and was distraught. Jones would aid her to the next county where three other troopers would aid her for the next 184 miles.

So the trooper arranged to move Smith’s car to a sheriff’s department parking lot and coordinated a shuttle system with troopers in other counties to get the woman to the hospital.
Trooper Jeff Jones assists Helen Smith (ABC News)
Utah State troopers aid Helen "Skeeter" Smith to the hospital.
Jones shuttled the woman himself to Juab County, where Trooper Jared Jensen drove Smith to Utah County, where Trooper Chris Bishop drove her to Salt Lake County and dropped her off with Trooper Andrew Pollard.

Pollard drove her to the hospital, where Smith was able to visit her son.

A spokesman for the Utah Highway Patrol said Jones was not directed by a supervisor to assist the woman, but he did the right thing by providing the service Smith needed.

“I just decided she needed help and we do help shuttle people once in a while — so why not her?” Jones said.

Even though Smith's son is still ill and seeking treatment, the woman had nothing but kind things to say about the officers who helped her. “I ended up taking four patrol cars,” she said. “Four good-lookin’ patrol boys brought me.”

Another thing, did the officer do a search of Smith? Obviously, not.

The woman was elderly and White.

I send my condolences to the family of Darrien Hunt. He was shot and killed by law enforcement in Provo suburb of Saratoga Springs after he was allegedly thrusting his replica sword at them.

More ABC US news | ABC World News

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Twin Sisters Beat And Robbed A Trick!

Shalaine Foster
Shalaine Foster and her twin sister Shaina are charged with beating a trick and taking his properties. These twin sisters may end up in the iron college for this. The victim arranged a date with the suspects on a website that finds professional men a "sugar baby".

Once again, anonymous comments are deleted. No exceptions.

At first, I thought this was a joke. Nope, it's not a joke and this really happened.

Last month, an 85-year old was seeking a relationship with two 17-year old sisters. He was looking for companionship and probably a little more than the usual. He's not going to be charged for a crime because of its consent law. However, offering an underage individual alcohol may net some charges.

But after a dinner and ride to his expensive home, the teens beat him and tied up. They robbed him of his properties and took off. They believed that the victim would have been too embarrassed to call the law.
17-year-old Shalaine pleaded not guilty to charges related to the incident on Wednesday, blaming her twin who met Aronson on  'sugar daddy' dating website and invited her along for the dinner date

They thought wrong.

Even though in New York the legal consent of sexual is 17 years old,, this man should have never expected much from teenagers. He was thinking that he would have a tryst with twins. No, you looking forward to getting cleaned out.

Now onto the issue the racist right whines about. Black on White crime. The victim was White and the suspects were Black.

Yeah, these women Shalaine and Shaina Foster are being charged with kidnapping, larceny, aggravated assault by intent of robbery. The twins could get three nickels in the iron college if found guilty.

The victim's name was released. He is Paul Aronson and I am guessing that this situation may be a warning to older men looking for someone younger to have sex with.

The trio dined at an "expensive restaurant" and then Aronson invited them back to his apartment for a drink, court documents said.

“He asked to do things I wasn't going to do,” she told Detective Darryl Ng. “He is ugly, old and disgusting. I tied him up. I took his money and left. He was starting to creep me out.”

Friday, November 14, 2014

Suspect: It's Obama's Fault (My Fatal Mow Down Of A Black Man)!

This evil man ran down volunteers and had the audacity to blame President Barack Obama's policies for it.

I was going to cover this crime over the past few days. I understand that politics is divisive and people sometimes get carried away with it. Unfortunately it could turn deadly. An evil man mowed down an innocent man with his car in California.

His excuse, he hates the fact that he "could" be a liberal. After all, the evil man blamed President Barack Obama for the turmoil.

Joseph Paul Leonard walked out of a McDonald’s, and then he “went crazy and lost his temper” at two black men who were passing out food to nearby homeless people, according to testimony from a police detective. The detective testified that Leonard took a chain from the back of his truck and began swinging it at the black men, and this testimony was corroborated by a videotape taken by the McDonald’s showing the two black men backing away while Leonard swung the chain over his head “lasso style.”

The video shows Leonard getting in his truck, driving off, and then returning with the chain in his hands once again. At one point, he stomps on a bicycle ridden by one of the two black men, a man named Toussaint Harrison. The two black men reportedly tried to defend themselves by throwing a knife and another, unidentified object at Leonard, injuring his cheek and his midsection. They eventually fled the scene.

That’s when Leonard chased after them in his truck, according to the Sacramento Bee. Evidence at Leonard’s trial “showed that he burned 23 feet of rubber before he smashed his 1997 green Chevy S-10 into Harrison.” As Harrison was bleeding on the pavement, Leonard reportedly exited his truck and kicked Harrison multiple times in his head while wearing steel-toed boots. Harrison died two days later.

The black man who survived the encounter with Leonard, a man named Justin Oliphant, later told detectives that Leonard used a racial slur while he was chasing after them. And, in case there is any doubt why Leonard confronted the two men, Leonard was videotaped while he was sitting in the back of a sheriff’s patrol car shortly after he was arrested, blaming his actions on the fact that the United States has a black president.

“Just because we got Obama for a president,” Leonard says on the video, “these people think they are real special.”

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Connecticut Fraternity Gets Away With Calling Black Sorority Women Racist and Sexist Slurs

This article first came to my attention at regarding harassment of Black sorority women at the University of Connecticut.  So much was covered on the race-and class baiting street harassment video that we don't pay attention to the real victims of street and university harassment. It's us Black women, Women of Color, ethnic White women, working/lower class women who bear the brunt of such harassment and it's not always men of Color, ethnic/working class White men.  It's the upper class men such as the frat boys pictured below.

Connecticut frat brothers get ‘no punishment’ for racial attack on ‘whores’ in ‘fat black b*tch’ sorority

How can those guys get away with such racist evil?  

“This is definitely not UConn’s finest hour”: Community Uproar Against Campus Racism

Christine Wilson (left) and Noel Cazenave (right) speak at the town meeting on campus racism hosted by the African American Cultural Center. (Photo by Ryan King/The Daily Campus)
Christine Wilson (left) and Noel Cazenave (right) speak at the town meeting on campus racism hosted by the African American Cultural Center and Asian American Cultural Center. (Photo by Ryan King/The Daily Campus)
“Privilege will ruin our reputation,” Brittney Yancy, a victim of harassment by members of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, said to a round of applause at a town hall meeting hosted by the African American Cultural Center last night. “And if it goes unchecked, this is how it impacts our community. It will determine who matters, who is protected, who gets access and who is worthy of justice on this campus.”
Audience members including student leaders and UConn alumni felt disrespected by responses from some of the panelists who were giving comments on community, civility and respect.
The forum was held in the Student Union at 6 p.m. on Monday and featured panelists UConn Police Chief Barbara O’Connor, Vice President of Student Affairs Christine Wilson, Dean of Students Eleanor Daugherty, Sociology Professor Noel Cazenave and Director of the Asian American Cultural Center Angela Rola.
The focus of the meeting was a confrontation which occurred on Sept. 29 between an African American sorority and a historically white fraternity.
Greek students belonging to the fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha verbally accosted members of the Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) sorority after painting on a spirit rock, using racially-infused hate speech.
“We were called whores, and after establishing that I was a university professional I was verbally accosted, and intimidation tactics were used,” said AKA Graduate Advisor Brittney Yancy. “They called me a fat black bitch, not just a fat bitch but a fat black bitch.”
Although sanctions were administered against PIKE including the loss of rock painting privilege, individual members at the incident were not punished.
“I have to deal with the fact that the student who has verbally accosted me received no punishment,” Yancy said.
After Yancy made her remarks, Wilson talked about diversity and access and Daugherty expressed a shared commitment to make everyone on campus feel safe and heard.
UConn Political Science Professor Evelyn Simien addressed the panelists during question and answer: “We don’t want to hear about your job descriptions or the statistics,” she said.
Siemien asked that the panelists to “go off script and speak from your heart as a human being that’s not so invested in your administrative job description.”
One particularly thought-provoking question demonstrated the double standard which the incident raised.
“Had the perpetrators been black men and the sorority girls been white, wouldn’t the results have been different?” Simien asked.
O’Connor did not have an answer for this hypothetical situation.
Khalifa Miles, who was at the incident that night, said he felt disrespected by the chief’s response. “As a chief, you have the supreme command in running these police officers that serve this university, so how is it that you don’t have an answer?” he asked. “Do they have free reign to do whatever they want?…There has to be a protocol. There has to be some type of training put in place for these men to adhere to. I think it’s highly disrespectful for you to address these concerns with: I do not have an answer.”
One student said she doesn’t understand how the university can say that they promote safety when some students don’t feel safe.
“Things like this happen, and what I’m trying to say is that when things happen we try to talk to everyone,” Wilson said in response.
There was also debate over how the investigation was handled. Diondra Brown, president of AKA, said she was told by Wilson that the group filing the complaint could not appeal the decision made by Community Standards. At the town hall meeting, Wilson said that she learned the group could in fact file an appeal of the decision.
“Why is this information just now being communicated to us?” Brown asked.
Victims involved also found out at the panel that they could file individual complaints against members of Pike in addition to a complaint against the organization as a whole.
“I appreciate this conversation,” Yancy said. “But I think what is nauseating is the lack of transparency. It would have been great to know that someone needs to follow up on an individual complaint so we can take the appropriate actions.”
Yancy was visibly upset when this information was revealed to her during the town hall, prompted by a question from the audience.
“I silenced (the girls) that night when they were visibly upset. I said do not react. I told them to let me do all the talking because I’m sure my authority and the process is going to get this right,” Yancy remembered. “The lack of transparency about the appeal process is so disheartening.”
AKA plans to appeal the decision made by the university department of student affairs. Many members of AKA were not asked for their testimony during the event and many feel that the case was mishandled.
“It is almost inconceivable that the university has made no effort to investigate the women that were there that night,” said Cazenave.
Noticeably absent from the meeting was any member of PIKE or other non-African American sororities, which was seen as indicative of a lack of perspective and understanding shown by the groups.
“Why is it that none of the historically white sororities show their support for their fellow sororities? Is it because they don’t see them as women because they’re too busy seeing them as black, or is it instead that they align themselves with PIKE because they see themselves as being white,” Cazenave asked.
President Susan Herbst also came under fire for her lack of commitment in trying to promote a more inclusive environment.
“The Herbst administration has certainly not articulated any vision for diversity at UConn instead I’ve noticed that there has actually been a dismantling of the universities previously existing efforts to promote inclusiveness,” Cazenave said.
Herbst was also criticized for not being in attendance for the meeting.
“I remember a time when we had university professors that actually attended events like this,” said Cazenave.
In efforts to move forward, speakers addressed particular initiatives currently being made to promote a more inclusive campus environment.
“We try to hire and maintain a diverse faculty and staff,” said Wilson.
Stephanie Sponzo, a member of the student development committee of USG said “the lack of passion from the administration” was saddening, given the passion that the students affected brought to the town hall meeting.
In regards to what needs to be done about issues like these, panelist Cazenave said: “Change has to come from the top.”

Privileged White men can do whatever the heck they want without consequences.  The epitome of White privilege.

Black women who report harassment by nonblack men are called paranoid, playing the race card, and boys will be boys and we need to be silent. That's not right.  Let's call them out on their racist sexism.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Insurgent Radio Host: Democrats Will Shoot "THE BLACKS" If They Leave The Plantation!

Insurgent radio host says The Blacks are stuck on the Democrat Plantation.

Piss poor Laura Ingraham and her rancid tongue.

She can't go a day without stroking the flames of her racist right buddies. Of course, she and the racist right are hoping that Blacks, Hispanics and young voters sit it out this election. They're doing everything to make it easier for the Republicans to win Congress.

The conservative agitator is instrumental in helping the insurgency chop off some of the establishment's choices for higher office.

Every Midterm is considered a disaster for Democrats. They seen the biggest turnout of support for Barack Obama's reelection a few years back, but now all of sudden, low turnout.

What's happening now?

Why can't the Democrats run on the accomplishments?

They practically have the support of young voters, Hispanics and Black voters. How can they achieve the goal of bringing in a bigger coalition of voters?

Obviously, the majority White Republican Party is pouring millions of dollars into races to unseat Democrats, why aren't they counter attacking?

Republicans can't seem to crack the 10% mark on Black votes. The Black vote is crucial for the Democrats who count on this to carry them to victory.

Republicans are too damn condescending and downright bigoted towards Blacks. They can't even speak honestly about the Black experience without throwing some inflammatory statement about Obama or someone they've targeted in conversation.

As posted earlier, there's a group of Black Republicans slamming Pat Quinn, the Illinois Democratic incumbent for the gubernatorial race. This White extremist named the Rebel Pundit put out a set of videos targeting Blacks who feel "abandoned" by the "Democrat Party".

Ingraham happened to siphon off the videos. She would make this bold statement about Blacks and the Democratic Party:

Black Republican pastor Corey Brooks.
Ingraham found this particularly disgusting and reminded viewers of how black conservatives have been treated in the past. She said, “Look at what they did to Colonel Allen West, look at what they did to Justice Clarence Thomas––this is what they do.”

“You can’t get off the plantation. It is their sole province for maintaining control of the black population,” Ingraham continued, “You must be liberal, you must be for certain policies that Al Sharpton and Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid favor. You can’t waver. Because if you think for yourself, you are, as that caller said, a sell-out.”

Here's two things that moron forgot to mention. Allen West said some inflammatory statements about the president, Attorney General Eric Holder, and First Lady Michelle Obama. The voters of Florida dismissed him after he was not doing his job as lawmaker. West was on television acting like a total idiot, embarrassing himself and the constituents in his district. He had one term as a U.S. Representative.

Clarence Thomas was accused by numerous women for sexual harassment. It's not just Anita Hill who complained. It was Hill who got the most spotlight in the unruly behavior of Thomas. To this day, Thomas never apologized to the women who accused him of saying sexually explicit things to them while working in Washington, DC or Georgia.

Ingraham needs to get off the soapbox. She is probably one of the reasons why Blacks hate voting for the Republican Party.

Of course, Ingraham will promote her adoptive family as an example of her not being a "racist".
This is not productive. Not productive at all.
USA Today has a feature about the Black pastor who endorsed that Republican Bruce Rauner.

According to the Black Republican Corey Brooks, he believes there was a politically motivated crime by Black Democrats. He was robbed of $8,000 from the collection box of his New Beginnings Church this weekend. Of course, I believe everything done is political stunt in order to gin up attention to a failing campaign. Obviously, that's what drives attention to this pastor nobody here.

The money was earmarked to help the prominent church on Chicago's South Side establish a new community center near the congregation hall.

Brooks, who has appeared in a political advertisement backing Rauner, says he received threatening messages by phone and over social media on Friday because of his support of the venture capitalist Rauner. In one audio recording that Brooks shared with WGN-TV, a caller left an expletive filled message in which she called "Uncle Tom" and Rauner's "puppet."

"It's is unfair that a person does not have a right to voice their opinion and speak about who they want to support, and that some people still feel you have got to stay on this Democratic plantation," Brooks said. "If you choose to leave it or go off it, we will attack you."
Barack Obama is doing fine.
Quinn also weighed in, calling the alleged threats wrong.

"I don't believe in threats at anywhere in our democracy," Quinn said. "I support the voting rights amendment to make sure everyone has a right to vote and follow their conscience. That's what America's all about."

Rauner was scheduled to make an appearance at the Brooks church on Sunday.

"It's tragic," Rauner told reporters on Saturday. "We can't allow intimidation to come on to this race or into politics. People should be allowed to vote for who they want, support who they want."

Brooks has also endorsed the establishment choice for U.S. Senate. Perennial loser "Milk Dud" Jim Oberweis is fighting for a chance to unseat Democratic incumbent Senator Dick Durbin.

A Chicago Tribune poll in September found Quinn had the backing of 86% of African-American voters statewide in the survey. Rauner, however, has made a big push in recent weeks to try to whittle away at the governor's lead among a group that has historically overwhelmingly supported Democratic candidates.

He's enlisted Brooks and a few other high-profile African American pastors in Chicago to help him with his push in their communities.

Here's a reminder for every Republican, conservative and White extremist who uses this crap about Blacks voting on race.

For every time you mention Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. being a Republican, you lose five Black voters.

For every racist email about President Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, you lose one hundred Black voters.
It's almost over!
For every condescending comment about Black America, every attack on urban areas, rap music, single Black mothers, and the safety net, Republicans lose over a thousand Black voters.

And anytime a Black Republican says words like "plantation", "slavery", "zombies", and "slave master", Republicans lose 3,000 Black voters.

And if the Republican Party continues to ignore the needs of the Black community, the Republicans lose the Black vote, period.

Get the fuck off our backs! The Republican Party is a political party that has 90% of its voting base being WHITE. They don't have an ounce of dignity or respect towards the Black church, the Black experience or the first Black president.

Find a candidate that appeals to Black voters. Understand that poverty isn't Black or White issue, it's an American problem.

Don't make cuts to the safety net!

Go into the communities and speak honestly about policies that could affect everyone. Quit bitching about how Obama's policies aren't working. You Republicans don't have policies that work either, so I don't understand what the fuck y'all going to do if Congress falls in your hands.

Of course, this stuff will be ignored by Republicans. All they'll do is call me a "racist" or "liberal dick sucker" or whatever they pull out their condescending mouths.


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