Loserville sends its ventriloquist dummy to aid in its attempt to undermine the Moral March. The dummy confronts Reverend William Barber on the criticism of Black Republican senator Tim Scott of South Carolina. |
SiriusXM commentator David Webb is a Black conservative agitator. He often appears on Loserville to aid in the racist right's attempts to undermine the Black community and President Barack Obama.
I guess over the weekend, Webb and SiriusXM commentator Mark Thompson went to the Moral March to cover the event. Thompson is a Black liberal agitator and a strong supporter of the march.
Webb wanted to cause some trouble. So under the direction of That Guy Who Helped Obama Win, he went to make his concerns known about the leader of the Moral March's criticism of the Black Republican ventriloquist dummy who was appointed as a U.S. Senator last year.
That Guy Who Helped Obama Win is a prime example of the racist right's attempt to undermine the Black community and President Barack Obama. He's a bipolar right wing agitator who obsesses literally about Obama. He's trying to spread the gospel of lies and deception. |
Reverend William Barber became the racist right's new whipping boy after he criticized the Tea Party and lawmaker Tim Scott of South Carolina, the only Black Republican in the Senate.
Barber believes Scott, Webb and many other Black conservatives promote the racist right agenda. They often say really condescending and racist things. The racist right often props these dummies to the media to prove that the 90% White party has at least 10% "the other".
Tim Scott is one of two Black U.S. Senators. |
Rev. Barber would say,
"A ventriloquist can always find a good dummy. [I often criticize] the extreme right wing down here. And here in South Carolina, they find a black guy to be senator and claims he's the first black senator since Reconstruction and then he goes to Washington, D.C., and articulates the agenda of the tea party."
As usual That Guy Who Helped Obama Win will selectively edit the video to make Rev. Barber look like some "angry Black man" because he's not "hearing concerns from those 'offended' by his comments."
That Guy Who Helped Obama Win called for the firing of Rev. Barber because of his criticism of the ventriloquist dummy.
What was shown on Loserville was a deception.
The result of that visit was played on They Guy Who Helped Obama Win's right wing carnival is a partial clip of the response. In the case in the time-constrained news business, only about 25 seconds of Rev. Barber’s response made it onto the show. At a press conference following the march, Webb asked, “Do you feel you owe Senator Tim Scott an apology for calling him a ventriloquist’s dummy, and black conservatives mouthpieces for the tea party?”
SiriusXM host Mark Thompson went to the Moral March and filmed the actual confrontation between Black ventriloquist dummy and Reverend William Barber. |
Make It Plain, the show on SiriusXM's Progress is hosted by Mark Thompson knocks down That Guy Who Helped Obama Win and Webb. Thompson hosts his show during the evenings and he filmed the actual conversation between Webb and Rev. Barber.
Mediaite reports that Loserville flash-cuts to Rev. Barber responding, “It’s my job, it’s my calling, it’s the job of the NAACP to speak the truth about public policies,” then cuts again to Barber, who said, “And while some people may choose to get caught up on a metaphor, that is a regular usage of preachers, the real indignation and upsetness should be over the regressive agenda.”
"If you’re going to get upset," Rev. Barber said, "get upset over the denial of the Medicaid expansion. Get upset about voting to reject unemployment benefits for laid-off workers who are Republicans, who are Democrats, who are black, who are white. Get upset over reduced access to public education and funding. We are in the 60th year of Brown versus Board of Education, and some want to go backwards on public education, rather than forward. Get upset over the attacks to turn back voting rights that were won with blood, sweat, and tears."
"My critique,” Rev. Barber said, “was about public policy, not party."
David Webb host a show on SiriusXM's Patriot during the evenings. He often appears on Loserville to counterpoint the Black progressive agenda.
Rev. William Barber makes the case for the Moral March. |
In 2010, the NAACP delegates passted a resolution to condemn extremist elements within the Tea Party.
They were calling on Tea Party leaders to repudiate those in their ranks who use racist language in their signs and speeches.
The resolution came after a year of high-profile media coverage of attendees of Tea Party marches using vile, antagonistic racial slurs & images.
The proposed resolution had generated controversy on conservative blogs, where in some cases the language has been misconstrued to imply that the NAACP was condemning the entire Tea Party movement itself as racist.
Andrew Breitbart the late conservative agitator and David Webb's mentor try to sabotage the NAACP and Shirley Sherrod in 2010 with a selectively edited video claiming the event was racist.
Moral Mondays are protests in North Carolina, United States of America. The protests are in response to several actions by the Republican government of North Carolina in 2013. The protests are characterized by engaging in civil disobedience by entering the state legislature building and then being peacefully arrested. The protests in North Carolina launched a grassroots social justice movement that, in 2014, spread to Georgia and South Carolina.
Moral Mondays has key principles: They demand eqaul voting rights, the prevention of cuts to social programs, tax changes, racial justice, abortion rights, public education and recently equality for LGBT.
Here's extended video of those remarks, via Make it Plain: