The Three Stooges stand firm in guns, name calling and all out bitching. Chris Cox, Donald Trump and Wayne LaPierre go to GOP Sundays to deny facts. Sen. Jeff Session (R-AL) comes along for the ride. |
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch heads to GOP Sundays to discuss the Orlando massacre, Hillary Clinton's emails, and the president's gun control proposals.
Congress continues to hold a moment of silence and their prayers with the
There's not enough prayers to stop this.
Donald Trump goes to GOP Sundays to discuss his falling poll numbers, his upcoming appearance at the oldest gun lobbyist group the National Rifle Association and why he is being criticized by fellow Republicans.
The NRA president and spokesman for the group go to GOP Sundays to defend their stance on firearms. Chris Cox, the president of the the NRA-ILA and chairman Wayne LaPierre both appear on GOP Sundays to complain about the president and Lynch.
Mind you that LaPierre is an idiot and he couldn't even say her name right.
Wayne LaPierre says that "Janet" Lynch and her gun grabbing losers at the Justice Department ain't going to take his gun.
Also the old tired argument of the "good guy with the gun".
In the wake of an active shooting, the good guy with a gun wouldn't be even capable of stopping a threat given the mass shooter having an automatic firearm. The law doesn't see a "good guy" with the gun. They see a threat. Even if you disarm the threat, the law might mistake you as a threat or you could end up injuring a victim. You will likely face criminal charges if you kill an innocent victim.
The good guy with a gun argument is stupid. You can't predict the motivations of a mass shooter.
Trevor Noah and Jordan Klepper knocks down the argument of a "good guy" with the gun.
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