Showing posts with label gun crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun crime. Show all posts

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Blame Game: Terrorist Attack In Baton Rouge!

President Barack Obama released a statement on the umpteenth mass shooting event.

He will of course condemn the suspects, call upon peace within the Black community and those in law enforcement. He will continue to push for gun control and background checks. And he will call the families of those lost in this tragedy. He will order Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson to investigate if the attack was motivated by actions of Black extremism (gang violence) or terrorism.

John Bel Edwards, the governor of Louisiana and Baton Rouge mayor Kip Holden have condemned the shooting. They ask for "prayers". Again both lawmakers are supporters of guns.
Airline Highway in eastern Baton Rouge is shutdown.
Of course, this all will be ignored by the junk food media. Fox News of course, will try to spin it to make it seem like the protesters calls for police reform is anti-White and anti-cop.

Tensions are going to be high this week as Donald Trump and Mike Pence take the crown of being the Republican ticket for president. They are already plotting to exploit these tragedies for political gains.

And of course, Republicans, Fox News and the conservative agitators will ignore the real threat to America.

It's not "radical Islam".

It's not Black Lives Matter.

It's not abortion doctors.

It's not the junk food media.

It's not the president.

It's the easy access to firearms in the hands of terrorists, gang members, sex traffickers, poachers, mentally insane people, untrained firearm users, children, people who threaten themselves with suicide, police officers who lack training on how to handle tense situations and of course the NRA.


Once again the junk food media leaves Nice, France. Now it heads to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to cover another senseless tragedy for the sake of riling up people and raking in money for ratings.

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and other news agitators are often covering these events. These events will be covered for a week or so and then we're off to another tragedy in the country or the world. These events are often exploited by agitators like Sean "Softball" Hannity and Matt Drudge. They will spook White people into voting.
Another mass shooting in the United States. President Barack Obama will address another shooting.
Those two are prime agitators in the race baiting. Add Sheriff David Clarke, Kevin Jackson, Alex Jones, Colin Flaherty, Bill O'Reilly and that old fart Rush Limbaugh to the list of  "concern trolls" quick to blame others for the actions of the shooter.

No one condones killing those in law enforcement other than the extremists driven with rage over a system they believe isn't fair to Black or Hispanic men.

No one condones killing unarmed Black men other than the agitators who troll social media for a smidgen of unlawful behavior or heresy.

I bet you money, conservatives will lick their chops. They wil blame not only Black men, Muslims and immigrants, but their usual whipping posts are Black Lives Matter, President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The usual conservative word vomit to a mass shooting.
  • All mass shooters were liberal Democrats.
  • If the shooter was a Black male, he is a Thug associated with Black Lives Matter or one of "Obama's sons". The shooter wanted dead cops and White people. He got the notion from Obama and race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. 
  • If the shooter was a Muslim, he is a terrorist associated with the Islamic State and the president won't utter the phrase "radical Islam". The president wants to bring terrorists into our country. He is weak on terrorism because he called the Islamic State and al-Qaeda the "JV" team. 
  • If the shooter was Hispanic, he is an illegal immigrant or a Thug. The president will allow more immigrants into the country. He won't build a border wall to stop immigrants and terrorist from coming from the southern border. The president wants amnesty for illegal aliens and he won't listen to his FBI and CIA directors about the immigrants and refugees.
  • If the shooter was White, he is a liberal. After all, Democrats are the reason to why we have mass shootings. The shooter was a registered Democrat. I have all the facts online stating his voting history.
  • If the shooter was a police officer. It was an accident. Cops deserve the benefit of the doubt. Cops have to make split decisions. The suspect had a lengthy criminal history. Obama is not for the cops.
And all the while, conservatives will do nothing to stop the constant mass shootings. Two major mass shootings in a month. Closing in on the July 2012 shooting of Aurora, Colorado. Four years ago, the fatal mass shooting by the terrorist who had mental issues.

There is no such thing as a "good guy with a gun". In a mass shooting, a good guy with a gun could be the first one to be killed. If the good guy tries to take out the threat, the law might mistaken him as the threat. The good guy could end up killing an innocent person. The good guy with a gun could be charged with murder if he kills the threat or an innocent victim.

The good guy with a gun could be a ploy for a sinister plot. 

Louisiana is an open carry state. Anyone in the state and its many parishes are allowed to carry firearms as long as they are licensed to carry within safe travel. If a Black male was carrying a firearm, obviously a white person would call the police and they will investigate.

The mayor called this an ambush. It may have been a rouse to attract attention before the massacre.

A woman saw a man walking with a high powered assault weapon. He was walking on Airline Highway near a B-Quik gas station. The woman told the officer the man was wearing a coat and walking behind a store.

There were two adults and two juveniles were involved in a plot to target police and parish sheriffs in Baton Rouge. These terrorists were involved in the fatal shooting of Baton Rouge police officers.

We don't know the name of the shooter who was taken down. There were two alleged shooters on the loose. The FBI, ATF and U.S. Marshals are now on IMS (intense manhunt search) for any individuals involved in this fatal shooting. This was a coordinated terrorist attack by a group of individuals motivated by the shooting death of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and the shooting of Dallas police officers.

The names of the victims weren't released but the names of the suspects were. And as usual, here comes the blame game.

Okay, a twelve year old boy, Antonio Thomas, 17, Malik Bridgewater 20, Trashone Coats 23, were the individuals identified in the theft of weapons at a pawn shop. They were arrested last week and it may have been associated with today's tragedy.

They are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. But for conservatives and White extremists, they are guilty as sin and give them the death card.

There is a hostage situation in Baltimore. A Burger King restaurant in the city is being held by a terrorist. The terrorist was wanted on a rape charge. He was being chased by the law and crashed into a pole. He got out and fled. He ended up heading to the restaurant where he is holding people hostage.

Cleveland Police call on Ohio governor and failed presidential candidate John Kasich to temporarily suspend open carry laws. Kasich, the dingleberry said "NO". He will speak at the NAACP Convention in Cincinnati, ignoring the GOP Convention in Cleveland.

More developments on the way.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

What Happened To Alva Braziel?

Man shot and killed by law enforcement in open carry Texas.

Is there a war on Black people or a war on cops?

The junk food media is spreading the flames to the long hot summer.

Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) said that Congress must act on gun violence and police reform or this could inspire more attacks on not only law enforcement but all Americans.

The fatal shootings of Dallas Police officers was sparked by a terrorist who had hatred of White people (especially White cops). The names of the officers were released. Bret Thompson, Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Michael Smith, and Lorne Ahrens were murdered by this cold hearted terrorist.

The motives of this terrorist were sparked by the fatal encounters of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. These two men had legal right to carry firearms but the officers fired upon him.

The officers who shot these men are in the freezer. The FBI and Attorney General Loretta Lynch are investigating the incidents.

And here we go again. Social media is flooded with the name of a man who was fatally shot by Houston Metro Police.

Alva Brazel was killed in the early morning. This happened when the officers ordered him his revolver down. The police were dispatched to an incident in which they claim a Black man was waking in the middle of the road with his revolver.

He pointed it in the air and the officers let him have it. They shot him 10 times and he was killed immediately.

In the state of Texas, it's open carry. He had the right to carry his firearm in the public without any fear of arrest. Somehow it's only good if you see White people carry firearms in public.

But if a Black man has a revolver (not a high powered M15 assault weapon), it's still grounds for kill.

The officers were in danger.

The officers in the freezer after this. The Texas Department of Safety and Harris County district attorney are investigating the incident. The U.S. Justice Department and FBI will be notified of this situation.

World News Today send our condolences to families of the murdered Dallas Cops and Alva Braziel.

Friday, July 08, 2016

Mass Shootings Keep Happening: Five Dallas Officers Killed!

Dallas police mourn the lost of their own after a terrorist launched an attack on a Black Lives Matter protest rally.


World News Today send our condolences to those lost in these senseless tragedies.

When will it stop?

When will we finally get something done about gun violence?

Who's going to be blamed?

In the wake of the mass shooting in Dallas sparked by a terrorist's anger with the death of unarmed Black men, who takes the blame for this?

Barack Obama
The Junk Food Media
The Shooter
Please Specify:
Quiz Maker

I bet you money, the blame game will focus solely on President Barack Obama. They will accuse him of inciting violence against police. They will complain about the protesters supporting this terrorist and his horrific act against those in law enforcement. The concern trolls will use the "If I had..."

I bet you that "the shooter was...." will be the first thing coming up. Agitators in the junk food media will fault people other than the shooter.

In the wake of two officer involved shootings in which two Black men were gunned down, a peaceful protest in Dallas was disrupted by a terrorist attack.

A terrorist managed to take out five Dallas officers and injured 15 in the #BlackLivesMatter march.

The terrorist named Micah Xavier Johnson, 25 was responsible for one of the most deadliest shootings for law enforcement since 9/11. He is a former Army reserve ranger.
The terrorist before the shooting.
The terrorist said that he's not in tone with the protesters. He just showed a strong hatred of White people, especially White officers. He believes that the recent incidents in the junk food media inspired him for the attack.

The terrorist was eventually taken down by SWAT snipers and a police robot.

Downtown Dallas is on lockdown as they are trying to figure out if the terrorist had any help.

Three individuals were also detained for questioning. The incident happened around 9pm in the wake of a protest. Police negotiated with the terrorist. Dallas Police chief David Brown said that the terrorist was not willing to surrender to the authorities He said he was turned up.

He was cornered in the El Centro College. The terrorist was determined to take out many.

The terrorist was from Mesquite, a nearby suburb of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The terrorist had no prior history with the law or the feds.

Dallas mayor Mike Rawlings, Texas governor Greg Abbott, President Barack Obama were horrified about this ambush attack on those who served and protected. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have canceled their campaigns for the time being.

Mind you that Texas is an open carry state. The terrorist would have strolled with the firearm without any retaliation from the law.

Did you happen to notice the junk food media erroneously accused a man protesting with his firearm as the suspect?

Mark Hughes was there at the protest with no intentions of using his firearm. He was accused of being the shooter by the junk food media. The Dallas Police Department had made the mistake and quickly apologized to Hughes. The damage was done. Hughes face were splashed across the networks and he immediately got death threats.

And here comes the racial agitators.

The Drudge Report once again spread more hate and fear in the wake of a mass shooting. The racist right will automatically use this as a rally call to start the "great race war".

Congress will once again ignore the threat of gun violence.
Nothing will be done about gun violence.

Today Black and Hispanic members of Congress and Loretta Lynch have talked to the junk food media about the "rush to judgement" and the accusations of profiling.

The nation's law enforcement will step up forces in the wake of this.

Again the blame game will be often addressed. As expected, you will hear the conservatives deflect from the gun violence to single out #BlackLivesMatter for the actions of the shooter.

The media will cover this for a few weeks and then it's off to another shiny coin.

Almost four weeks since the Orlando massacre. About a year past the shooting in Charleston and four years since the Aurora movie theater shooting.  Now we can add the Dallas massacre to the list of mass shootings.

It keeps on going!

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

What Happened To Alton Sterling?

The junk food media is covering the tragic police shooting of Alton Sterling.


How long will it take before conservatives start savaging a man who was fatally bucked by police?

Too late, the conservatives are trying to say that he was a "no good thug" already.

Will the junk food media mention the victim's previous run ins with the law to justify the shooting?

Too late, they already said that he has a criminal history.

Will the video evidence show gross negligence by the officers or self defense?

There's not evidence to indict the officers. A grand jury has decided to not indict the officers involved in this shooting. That's what the law and junk food media says.

When will we hear bemoaning by conservatives about Chicago's gun violence or President Obama's thoughts on these incidents?

Of course, concern trolls will talk about the 2,000th victim of gun violence in Chicago. They won't mention the name of the victim but they'll complain about how Black Lives Matter and President Barack Obama rush to judgement or fail to mention Black on whatever crime. They will say that the rhetoric from Obama and BLM is anti-cop, anti-white, etc.

Black Lives Matter doesn't ignore intraracial gun violence. The junk food media doesn't cover this because it doesn't fit in the narrative of watching the protester scream "Fuck The Police" on camera.

The group is determined to get police reform. They are devoted to ending the domestic terrorism of gangs.

The deadly police shooting of Alton Sterling has become a national outrage. Me and S. Baldwin are taking notice to the situation in the city of Baton Rouge.
Police killing of 37-year-old Alton Sterling was allegedly filmed on a mobile phone and has sparked local protests. (Photo: Screen capture)
Caught on film.
A 37-year old father of five was shot and killed after police responded to a disturbance call at a local store. He was selling CDs and DVDs outside the store.

Allegedly he pulled a gun on a person. Okay here's where the story got disturbing. In the video you going to see from an eyewitness is Alton on the ground and police yelling at him. Then the moment you hear "gun" from the officer and then the popping sounds. The eyewitness drops the phone and starts crying.

They shot him at point blank range. He was shot five times and the chest and neck.

The two officers who shot Sterling were placed in the freezer. We don't have their names yet or the times spent on the beat yet.

Here's what pisses me off?

The conservatives start going into his social media to find "incriminating" evidence to say that his death was justified.

Charles Johnson, the infamous internet troll who created GotNews already trying to unearth Alton's social media.

Social media gave their say to this.

The Raw Story catches CNN running the mugshot of Alton to give the perception of a justifiable police shooting.

It's unfortunate. We already know what's going to happen. I can bet you that they'll walk.

Regardless of the situation being caught on video, the evidence will not go to a grand jury. The grand jury will say that the victim's history in the iron college is enough to say that his life

The conservatives will complain about the junk food media giving attention to this situation. Racial agitators like Charles Johnson, Colin Flaherty, Matt Drudge, Softball Hannity, and Old Fart Rush Limbaugh will find some way it about Black America or the president.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Alton Sterling.

Monday, July 04, 2016

Turk Crawls Back To Cash Money Records!

Turk is desperate. He resigns to Cash Money Records after years of beef. 

While Tunechi is feuding with the label, Tab Virgil, Jr. known in the hip-hop world as Turk went back to Cash Money Records. This was a surprise move given the situation with Lil' Wayne and his former mentor Bryan "Baby" Williams. Williams known as Birdman put a block on Wayne's album. Any album Lil' Wayne releases outside of his contract will net him a lawsuit from Cash Money.

He just settled at $1.3 million lawsuit with the label last year. 

Turk went to social media to post his gratitude to the label.

"The heart of a man, it could spark change; sometimes it gets hard, sometimes it gets soft. And, when you dealing with a lot of money and you dealing with a lot of talent, you dealing with a lot of ego and pride. With that being said, I don't know what God got in store for the old Cash Money clique...would there ever be a Hot Boys reunion. But, it's al love. And right now, my situation, it's just friendly competition."

The good old days. The Hot Boys and Big Tymers.
Turk who completed a 14 year bid in federal time out for a gun charge is looking to save his failing career as a rapper. He was convicted of being a felon with a firearm. He was also a fugitive on the run for attempted murder.

He also was playing in the snow. He was busted with a 20 grams on the table.

Since his release from the iron college, he became a broke rapper. He owes debts from child support to unpaid bills and the criminal fine.

He was on social media begging his fans for $5 million to pay off his debts.

Seeing him and Juvie (formerly known as Juvenile) resign to Cash Money shows ignorance. 

I don't want to assume but I am guessing they failed high school. They wanted to focus on entertainment and they thought they could be rock stars. When they got the bug in the ear, they got mad and pouted. 

When you break a contract, you pretty much broke your wallet. Cash Money went on to sign Drake and Nicki Minaj and they proved to be successful and the old acts aren't.

Returning to Cash Money shows that loyalty overcomes money. But in reality, Juvie and Turk are broke and it's no joke!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Made For TV!

An Iowa news reporter gets a verbal shout down by a racist.

The Raw Story reports a story that might get your blood boiling. A local news agitator was called a NIGGER by a woman while doing a story. Emmy Victor, and Zachary Hayes were working for an Iowa news station doing a story about an officer involved shooting in the area when one of the residents came out and starting shouting at her. She told her to get the fuck out of here.

She say that Victor that she was an ugly NIGGER.

The woman's son 28-year-old Michael Disbrowe, was shot and killed by officers after they responded to a complaint that a man was “threatening people with a gun.” Disbrowe reportedly drew a gun from his waistband when confronted by officers, then refused to obey their orders to put the gun down.

The state Division of Criminal Investigation said that Disbrowe then raised the weapon toward the officers and moved toward them, prompting them to shoot. He later died at a local hospital.

The woman was upset. However she was way out of line when she tried to grab the microphone and shield the camera.

KCCI General Manager Brian Sather issued a statement about the attack saying, "The safety of our crews is critically important as they cover stories affecting our communities. This morning Emmy and Zach demonstrated the utmost professionalism in the face of a very difficult, emotionally-charged situation."

Victor and Hayes have press charges against the woman.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Ohio Woman Kills Boyfriend On His Birthday!

Dayton man shot to death on his birthday, woman arrested
Dayton woman murdered her boyfriend on his birthday.

There was a murder in my community today. The long hot summer once again in Dayton, Ohio.

The city police reports a record month in gun violence in one single month. This incident has close ties to me. I know the shooter. I don't know her personally, but I went to high school with the suspect.

Dayton man shot to death on his birthday, woman arrestedThis was a domestic violence incident. The woman killed her boyfriend on his birthday.

The Dayton Police quickly arrested the woman and booked her on capital murder charges. She will face a judge in the coming days.

Nina Davis used to go my high school back in the late 1990s. Now this woman is the suspect in a fatal homicide in Dayton, Ohio. She murdered 37-year old Travis Smith in their home.

The incident happened on Patton Avenue.

Davis confessed to the crime saying that she and argument before the shooting.

Davis did it in front of her children.

Some cold hearted nonsense in my city.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Travis Smith.

Davis is innocent until guilty. The murder charge alone will put her in the iron college for LIFE. If the prosecutors decide on more than LIFE, it could be the death card. If this was an act of self-defense, Davis would have to prove that the victim was abusive towards her and the family.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Dems: No Bill, No Break!

House Democrats, including, from left to right, Rep. Joe Courtne, of Connecticut, Rep. Elizabeth Esty, also of Connecticut and Rep. John Lewis, of Georgia, sit in to protest for a gun control vote. (Rep. Robin Kelly/Twitter)
Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) returned to his protesting roots. He staged a sit-in inside the House of Representatives chamber after House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) decided to call for a recess instead of a floor vote. It's becoming a trending issue.
Call the Congress on (202) 224-3121 to demand the House of Representatives do their jobs and pass bipartisan measures to stop gun violence.

Tell them that they need to get things done. Enough of the prayers and silence.

Gotta give up to the Democratic Party. They finally got a spine. They are staging sit-in in the House of Representatives today. They are getting tired of Republicans and their constant inaction on gun violence.

In the wake of the Orlando massacre, Democrats call upon a bill that bans people on the controversial "NO FLY LIST" to have no access to firearms. The Republicans objected to this notion because they believe that the bill would include conservative groups on this list.

Republicans rather waste time chasing after Hillary Clinton's emails than focus on actual issues. They rather waste $9.4 million on Benghazi than a bill that deals with the reasons contributing to gun violence.

By the way, concern trolls: The Democrats mentioned gun violence in every community. It's just not in Orlando, but Chicago, St. Louis, Cleveland, Detroit and many urban centers. The lawmakers have expressed outrage at Republicans for ignoring the concerns of families who want gun control.

They believe that the National Rifle Association and the acolytes of the conservative media will try to distort the message. They are running a sit in on Periscope.

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) started this sit-in around late morning and it's being recorded on social media through Periscope.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA) are running it through Periscope and it's been streamed live on CSPAN.

The junk food media have ignored the cries from Democrats.

The Republicans have control of the floor and they cut off the cameras and started their umpteenth recess.

#NOFLYNOBUY is becoming a hashtag as well as #NOBILLNOBREAK.

Will the theatrics work?

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

O'Reilly Threatens To Slap A Black Lawmaker!

Always the asshole, O'Reilly goes after Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC).

Sometimes you want to slap the shit out of some people. That's figuratively speaking of course. But for those in the junk food media, what you say could end up getting you fired out the cannon.

It's a damn shame that Bill O'Reilly hasn't gotten fired out the cannon for all the shit that comes vomiting out his mouth. He is still the reigning king of agitation. The O'Reilly Factor continues to be America's top cable news program. And despite the boycotts, the hand wringing and the bitter feuds with people he deem "pinheads", O'Reilly is still on making the Fox News executives rich.

His demeanor and his attitude towards others is disgusting. 

The way he treats others is the reason why he's a divorced man. The way he acts is the reason why his children aren't in his custody. 

He's feuding with Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC) over the Orlando massacre. 

He accused the Democrats of being soft on terrorism and turning the focus solely on firearms.

The Politico reports that the conservative agitator made an appearance on Fox & Friends when he let his tongue slip. 
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC).
It just angers me. There’s two separate issues: There's the terrorism, and there’s the gun control. But what was it, Congressman Clyburn, is that his name?" O'Reilly said.

Then O'Reilly launched into an impression of Clyburn's voice and speech patterns: "It’s not about terrorism; it's about gun control," referring to comments Clyburn made on MSNBC on Tuesday, a day after he followed a moment of silence for the Orlando victims by asking House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) when gun-control legislation would be considered.

"You know, and I just want to slap him," O'Reilly said, adding, "with all due respect."

"You know? What is it going to take? Do the ISIS people have to come to your backyard, do they have to put you in the cage? Because they will," O’Reilly continued. "So when you start to — when you start to tell Americans lies, that there isn’t a terror threat, that it's all about gun control, only if we banned all guns we'd be safe from ISIS. When you start to lie at that level, and it's acceptable lies, then we're in trouble as a country."

Clyburn's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

O’Reilly said in the same segment that Congress should be able to decide whether there are certain weapons that cannot be sold to the public.

"I mean, look, I think that Americans who are sane — there are crazy people on the right, too — I get letters, like, 'I want my assault rifles, and don’t you come near me!' Listen, pal, this isn't anarchy here," O’Reilly said, giving another impression of an outraged viewer. "If Congress decides there are certain weapons [that] can't be sold to the public, that's our country. You can't buy a mortar, you can't have hand grenades, so if there are giant rifles with big clips that Congress believes is a danger, then that's what we accept. Let's debate it and vote on it."

The Congressional Black Congress call upon O'Reilly to formally apologize to Clyburn.

O'Reilly shrugged off the calls for an apology. In typical fashion, O'Reilly brings up the murder rate in Chicago. The city has experienced another rough summer with gun violence.

Conservatives continue to run this bullshit about Black violence being ignored by the Congressional Black Caucus, #BlackLivesMatter and President Barack Obama. It just don't get much coverage on Fox News because they're too busy demonizing Black leaders.


Congressman Clyburn has been actively calling for an assault weapons ban. His state was the site of the Charleston massacre at Mother Emanuel AME Church. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Wayne LaPierre: "Janet" Lynch Ain't Taking My Gun!

The Three Stooges stand firm in guns, name calling and all out bitching. Chris Cox, Donald Trump and Wayne LaPierre go to GOP Sundays to deny facts. Sen. Jeff Session (R-AL) comes along for the ride.

Ignorance continues to be a part of American culture. We are numb to gun violence. Everyday 20 to 50 people are killed by firearms. About 3,000 people are killed by firearms.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch heads to GOP Sundays to discuss the Orlando massacre, Hillary Clinton's emails, and the president's gun control proposals. 

Congress continues to hold a moment of silence and their prayers with the 

There's not enough prayers to stop this.


Donald Trump goes to GOP Sundays to discuss his falling poll numbers, his upcoming appearance at the oldest gun lobbyist group the National Rifle Association and why he is being criticized by fellow Republicans.

The NRA president and spokesman for the group go to GOP Sundays to defend their stance on firearms. Chris Cox, the president of the the NRA-ILA and chairman Wayne LaPierre both appear on GOP Sundays to complain about the president and Lynch.

Mind you that LaPierre is an idiot and he couldn't even say her name right.

Wayne LaPierre says that "Janet" Lynch and her gun grabbing losers at the Justice Department ain't going to take his gun.

The Brady Foundation teams up with the victims of gun violence to head to Virginia with the intentions of protesting the NRA's stubborn views on gun violence.

Also the old tired argument of the "good guy with the gun". 

In the wake of an active shooting, the good guy with a gun wouldn't be even capable of stopping a threat given the mass shooter having an automatic firearm. The law doesn't see a "good guy" with the gun. They see a threat. Even if you disarm the threat, the law might mistake you as a threat or you could end up injuring a victim. You will likely face criminal charges if you kill an innocent victim.

The good guy with a gun argument is stupid. You can't predict the motivations of a mass shooter. 

Trevor Noah and Jordan Klepper knocks down the argument of a "good guy" with the gun.

The Definition Of Irony!

Man gunned down while sharing his life on social media.


It's easy to purchase a firearm without any questions. The inept Republican-controlled Congress refuses to act in the wake of senseless gun tragedies. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) are total failures as leaders.

They fear the NRA more than the victims of gun violence. They rather try to blame the president for gun violence and terrorist attacks.

Gun sales are up everytime there's a mass shooting. The Orlando massacre is officially a week in.

While the junk food media zeros in on Orlando, other areas in the United States have seen a spike in gun violence.

Between March and September, it starts to get warmer. Gun violence begins usually around late March when the people shed their coats and embrace the sun. On sunny days, gun violence increases.

People with access to firearms can use them on anyone. A bullet doesn't care what it hits. It's always going to hit a target.

Chicago is well on its way to another deadly summer. The mass shootings in the third largest city is a contribution towards domestic terrorism. Gang violence is terrorism as well. The Chicago Police are releasing the name of the victim. They say he had ties to domestic terrorists.

A man was shot in the head and chest at point blank range while he was sharing his life on social media. He was livestreaming on Facebook when a person comes out of nowhere and pops him within seconds.

As the man drops, you hear the screams of people while the camera is rolling.

Antonio Perkins became an internet sensation for all the wrong reasons. He was gunned down while filming with his friends in Chicago's North Lawn District.

The 14-minute video featured the man hanging out when six minutes later, gun shots were heard. Antonio drops to the ground and people start screaming. The shooting happened in the dusk hours so it's hard to capture the suspects on the video.

Facebook expressed its condolences to the family of Antonio Perkins and told the junk food media that the video had to be pulled because it violated the terms of service.

Social media has taken off as of lately. An Islamic State follower murdered two French cops and posts it on social media. Then a group of teen livestreamed on Periscope a girl being raped in Ohio.

Even some of the victims of the Orlando massacre filmed the event for video clicks. Instead of exiting the building some would film the guy gunning down innocent victims.

Now like all concern trolls, conservatives automatically blame someone else other than the shooter.

No outrage over the Ohio woman and man who livestreamed the rape of a girl.
To conservatives he's just another dead NIGGER who probably deserved his own death.
Already a hour since the video went viral, the word vomit of Obama and #BlackLivesMatter came up. Since President Barack Obama has a home in Chicago and the #BlackLivesMatter focuses on police reform, according to conservatives, they attack the cops and ignore Black on whatever crime.

Of course, the conservatives lie about the president and the movement. The president is actively talking about gun violence and Chicago. The #BlackLivesMatter movement hasn't ignored gun violence. They are having a gathering today in the wake of this senseless tragedy.

And it will be ignored by the junk food media. Once it splashes on The Drudge Report, WorldNetDaily or Colin Flaherty's shithole, it's covered only for the fact it was a Black man being killed and Obama doesn't care.

To the conservative trolls, it's just another dead NIGGER from CHICONGO!

Wondering if the boy who was killed by an alligator became a pissing match between conservatives who send their condolences to the family of the boy while chastising the family of another boy who gotten into a zoo enclosure and was dragged by a gorilla.

No one seems to point out that the man was enjoying life when this cold hearted killer murdered him with no remorse.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Antonio Perkins.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

We Haven't Forgotten The Massacre In Charleston!

Innocence lost on this day. The Charleston massacre marks a milestone.

It's been one year since the tragic mass shooting at the Mother Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. On this day, a terrorist would enter the predominantly Black church and massacre nine worshipers. One included a pastor who was a state senator.

Now we're in the first week since the massacre in Orlando and yet nothing has changed on the gun issue.

Every mass shooting in the United States sparks a rise in gun sales. The NRA and Republican lawmakers continue to push the good guy with a gun narrative. It's a pathetic way to ignore the real issue facing our country.


Terrorist find it very easy to acquire firearms. They know that Republicans are weak on legislation to stop them. They openly encourage potential madmen to find straw buyers and lapse laws.

Even in the wake of the Orlando tragedy, we skirted past the previous murderer. This guy lived in North Carolina and had deep seated hatred towards Black people. He told his friend that he's going to start a race war. The friend thought he was joking. Turns out he wasn't and he carried out the massacre on a Wednesday night while church as doing nightly service.

The terrorist managed to escape. He managed to make it to North Carolina before he nabbed by the law.

Now this terrorist is facing federal hate crime and state murder charges. The feds proposed the Death Card if he's found guilty of all nine counts of murder.

This terrorist is innocent until proven guilty.

The one thing good that came out this situation was the remove of the losing flag from the state house grounds. The terrorist had posted on social media his love for the losing flag. It took a lot of pressure from the junk food media to make the losing flag history last year. #BlackLivesMatter, the NAACP, President Barack Obama, and the world forced Republican governor Nikki Haley to denounce the losing flag.

In July, the flag went down. It spread like wildfire. The flag was removed from many institutions and state houses.
No remorse.
To this day, the issues of gun violence are often met with little or no action from the Republican controlled Congress. Ever since the first shooting under the president's watch, Congress has been slow on getting legislation through.

Hopefully, this could spark the flame to kick the Republicans back to the minority.

As a majority, they have wasted too much time trying to stop the president. The president has been all to nice to the Republican majority and the NRA. He gave them all they wanted and yet they haven't done nothing for him.

Mass shootings are an everyday thing here in the United States.

Mind you if the shootings in Charleston, Umpqua Community College, San Bernardino and now Orlando doesn't spark discussion on gun control, what will?

How about a member of Congress being shot! Oops, Gabby Giffords was shot at point blank range.

Giffords barely survived a shooting in the head. She is permanently disabled. She was a staunch gun supporter but after this, she turned into one of the leading voices in the gun control movement.

Nothing changed that day! Nothing has changed so far. It's already being ignored now that the victims are being buried. What happens next? Another mass shooting....or perhaps an animal attacking a child.

World News Today continue to cover the Orlando shooting.

I made it back to Ohio. I was in Niagara Falls and Toronto. I also made a few stops in Buffalo, Cleveland, Akron and Columbus, Ohio.

I am been on an Instagram fixation. I have posted a bunch of pictures of my travels. If you want to like my pictures visit my profile page.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Obama: All This Talk About "Radical Islam" Is Nonsense From Yapping Agitators!

Today, President Barack Obama addressed the junk food media. He said that he will be heading to Orlando to talk to mayor Buddy Dyer and the victims of the horrific mass shooting.

He also wanted to get a few things off his chest. He was pissed at Congress delaying his nominees (i.e. Supreme Court and Counter-terrorism finance analysis). He hammered Republicans for wasting taxpayer money stalling his nominees and failing to act on mass shooting tragedies.

And one thing that I happened to catch was the slick diss on conservatives complaining about the president not saying "radical Islam" and complaining about him "ignoring the threat".

Obama isn't mincing words. He said that Republicans and conservatives play political games. The term "radical Islam" doesn't stop terrorism.
Obama didn't mince words when he clapped.

I am so happy President Barack Obama hit back at Donald Trump, Matt Drudge, that old fart Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Softball Hannity.

In the previous interviews on Fox News, many agitators have ripped the president for not saying "radical Islam". I posted my thoughts on this controversy.

Saying "radical Islam" isn't fighting terrorism. It's a divisive phrase that could inspire the Islamic State to recruit more Americans to their cause.

The president is very clear that he's fighting terrorism not Islam. And he let Trump and the Republicans have it.

“What exactly would using this label accomplish? What exactly would it change? Would it make ISIL less committed to try to kill Americans? Would it bring in more allies? Is there a military strategy that is served by this?”

“The answer is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away.”

Obama stood firm. “Not once has an adviser of mine said, ‘Man, if we really use that phrase, we’re gonna turn this whole thing around.’ Not once,” he said.

Most of these terrorists were American-born citizens. They had access to firearms and were legally able to do so.
Trump is about play catch with Softball Hannity. Trump will address the president's diss on him.
Obama questioned whether Trump would eventually resort to treating Muslim Americans differently as well, possibly subjecting them to extra surveillance or discriminating against them based on their religion.

“Where does this stop?” he asked.

“Do Republican officials actually agree with this?” Obama continued, directly challenging Republican leadership to take a stand against Trump’s toxic proposals.

Circling back to his rejection of the term “radical Islam,” the president warned against rhetoric and policies that make Muslim Americans feel like they are constantly under suspicion.

“We have gone through moments in our history before when we acted out of fear, and we came to regret it,” he said.

The Republican presumptive nominee decides to take a moment from bitching to celebrate his birthday today.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Trolls Call The Orlando Victims "Crisis Actors"!

According to online trolls, grieving mother Christine Leinonen is a "crisis actor". Her son Christopher could be one of the victims of this mass shooting. Chris and his boyfriend were shot at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida.


Facebook activated the "I AM SAFE" option yet again. They have ignored the other tragedies in the world.

Facebook, the social media titan is the gateway for trolls and racists to act out in the wake of an event.

Facebook, Twitter, Disqus, and Reddit are giving credence to anti-Muslim, anti-LGBT and anti-Obama rhetoric.

Ignorance is a part of America. You can't do nothing to stop it. In the court of public opinion, you fixated on one thing. Blaming someone other than the shooter.

It's unfortunate that the agitators are too stupid to notice or they just don't give a fuck about it.

We can't bring back the dead. And there's no acting in the wake of a horrific mass shooting. This act of terrorism already sparks the political blame game. Conservatives show "concern" for the victims.

Conservatives will have a "told you so moment". The terrorist is a Muslim. He targeted gays. The junk food media and liberal agitators vilified conservatives who were anti-gay. The event happened in liberal Orlando. The excuse of a good guy with a gun will be floated once again by those in the AM agitator realm.

Now I've been hearing word that some in the Alex Jones universe is calling the most deadliest shooting in history fake.

They believe the grieving families and the victims are crisis actors.

Damn, we're living in dire straits. This country is going down the drain if we elected bigots like Donald Trump to the White House.

These folks are supporters of the global conspiracy movement. These folks believe 9/11 is an inside job. They believe that the Sandy Hook victims and family members were all actors engaged in a federal plot to confiscate firearms.

The Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando sparked feverish debate over terrorism and gun control.

No amount of prayers and calls of saying "radical Islam" could bring back those lost in this tragedy.

World News Today once again covers this horrific tragedy and the death of Christina Grimmie.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bryce Dejean-Jones Passed Away!

The New Orleans Pelicans mourn the loss of first year player Bryce Dejean-Jones.

The NBA community is mourning the loss of  Bryce Dejean-Jones. The New Orleans Pelicans guard was shot to death he attempted to break in a Dallas apartment. His former girlfriend and their child live in the apartment above. At 3:20 AM, the resident of the apartment who had been sleeping, shot Dejean-Jones in the abdomen as he entered the bedroom.

See in Texas, they have avoid entry law whereas regardless of error, the owner of a firearm could kill without facing any charges.

I am certain that a mistaken door and a possibly intoxicated Bryce could have lead to his death.

He was the son of Walter Dejean and KC Franchesca Jones. He had four brothers and two sisters.

He stood at 6'6" and was signed to the New Orleans Pelicans after doing a bid for the D-League's Idaho Stampede. He would end up taking the bench after he was an injury on his wrist.

The Cleveland Cavaliers will once again head to the NBA Championship game. They will have to wait on the outcome of the Western Conference.

Golden State Warriors will force a Game 7 on the Oklahoma City Thunder after a tough Game 6.

The Warriors were faced a pending defeat. They were the 2015-16 NBA Champions.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Bryce Dejean-Jones.

Friday, May 27, 2016

NYPD Found Troy Ave And Had To Close The Road!

Troy Ave in some real Doo Doo. The rapper caught up in a murder.

There was an arrest in the fatal shooting of a concert goer at a T.I. concert. It's a surprise that the suspect is a fellow rapper. The rapper Troy Ave (known as Roland Collins) was placed in the county lockup after being spotted on cameras popping his piece.

Troy Ave best known for the single "Your Style". Now the rapper will be facing a murder charge that could land him in the iron college for LIFE. Of course, the suspect is innocent until proven guilty.

This incident happened at the Irving Place auditorium.

T.I. (Clifford Harris) was about to perform but there was a dispute in the VIP room where Troy Ave was in the room and he started popping. He was clearly identified.

He accidently shot himself in the leg and was being treated for his injuries. The NYPD quickly arrested him without incident. He is still at the hospital under heavy guard.

The victim was identified as 33-year old Ronald McPhatter. He was shot in the stomach after trying to protect the girlfriend of rapper Maino.

The rapper released two albums "New York City: The Album and Major Without a Deal

The definition of irony is Troy Ave. A man who clearly wanted to be a "street rapper". He is the definition of an ignorant rapper.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Club Was Popping And It Wasn't T.I.'s Performance!

Shooting at NYC club has T.I. on the defense.

The NYPD is investigating a deadly shooting at a concert featuring rapper Clifford "T.I." Harris.

T.I. was scheduled to performed onstage. During the show, someone popped off and it hit three. One of the victims was killed and two were critically injured.

A 34-year-old man was shot in the chest and a 33-year-old man was shot in the stomach.

Two people were shot in the leg -- a woman, 26, and a 30-year-old man who walked himself to a nearby hospital.

CNN has reached out to T.I.'s representatives for comment. He's is no longer at the venue, authorities said.

T.I. was also set to perform at a separate venue, the 1 OAK nightclub, later in the evening, but authorities have shut it down, according to law enforcement sources.

World News Today Send our condolences to those lost in this senseless tragedy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Chris Kyle's Tales From The Crypt!

The legacy of Chris Kyle comes into question.

American Sniper was a best selling book and a blockbuster movie. It's the story of Chris Kyle, one of the U.S. military's best marksman. He was a U.S. Navy Seal who claimed he had bucked numerous enemies.

There are some in the junk food media questioning his tales of heroics. Could it be nothing more than a farce?

There's a report circulating on the liberal agitation websites disputing some of Kyle's years of service.

The Intercept reports that Kyle embellished his military record, according to internal Navy documents obtained by The Intercept. During his 10 years of military service and four deployments, Kyle earned one Silver Star and three Bronze Stars with Valor, a record confirmed by Navy officials.

Kyle was warned at least once before American Sniper was published that its description of his medal count was wrong, according to one current Navy officer, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak about the case. As Kyle’s American Sniper manuscript was distributed among SEALs, one of his former commanders, who was still on active duty, advised Kyle that his claim of having two Silver Stars was false, and he should correct it before his book was published.

Current and former Navy SEALs interviewed for this article, who agreed to speak on background because they feared being shunned by their close-knit community, did not dispute Kyle’s heroism in combat, but saw the inflation of his medal count as significant because they consider battlefield embellishments to be dishonorable.

The Silver Star, the third-highest award given for battlefield conduct, is considered a prestigious commendation.

The discrepancy raises new questions about Kyle’s credibility and highlights a continuing controversy in the SEAL community over members exaggerating or distorting their war records. In one high-profile controversy, two members of SEAL Team 6 engaged in a public dispute over who deserved credit for the fatal shots that killed Osama bin Laden.

Within the military community, embellishing medals and achievements — so-called stolen valor — is considered a serious ethical violation. In 1996, Adm. Jeremy Boorda, who was then the highest-ranking uniformed naval officer, committed suicide after questions were raised about two valor pins — known as “devices” — he wore on his uniform for service during the Vietnam War. It was later determined that he was not authorized to wear the “V” devices.

According to two current Navy officials, inaccurate information about Kyle’s awards is also contained in his separation document, known in the military as a DD214, which usually reflects a veteran’s official service record. Kyle’s DD214 form, which lists two Silver Stars and six Bronze Stars with Valor among his decorations, also differs from the number of Bronze Stars with Valor — five — that Kyle listed in his book.

There's more accusations from Intercept but I'll leave that up to you to read.

Kyle was killed by a deranged terrorist who suffered from PTSD.


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