Showing posts with label conservative outrage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conservative outrage. Show all posts

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Obama Enjoying A Cuban Sandwich!

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama,
President Barack Obama visits Havana.

Cue the conservative outrage.

President Barack Obama, his family. a few lawmakers and business leaders are heading to the island nation of Cuba. The first in a long time a U.S. president ever visited the island.

The president will be down there for a few days on a historic trip to the communist nation.

Of course, conservatives and outrage pimps will throw up the "red scare" and the evils of communism.

The United States and Cuba had tension during the 1960s and it led to an embargo of products.

"This is a historic visit and a historic opportunity," Obama said as he greeted staff of the new U.S. Embassy in Havana.

Air Force One touched down on a rainy, overcast day in the Cuban capital. The president was joined by wife Michelle Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha.

Obama was greeted by top Cuban officials — but not President Raul Castro. The Cuban leader frequently greets major world figures upon their arrival at Jose Marti International Airport, but was absent on the tarmac. Instead, he planned to greet Obama on Monday at the Palace of the Revolution.

Obama's whirlwind trip is a crowning moment in his and Castro's ambitious effort to restore normal relations between their countries. While deep differences persist, the economic and political relationship has changed rapidly in the 15 months since the leaders vowed a new beginning.

After greeting embassy staff, Obama and his family toured Old Havana by foot, despite a heavy downpour. They walked gingerly on the slippery wet stones in the square in front of the Havana Cathedral. A few hundred people gathered in the square erupted in applause and shouted Obama's name as the first family stepped forward.

The Obamas then dined at a privately-owned restaurant in a bustling, working class neighborhood. Jubilant crowds surged toward the president's heavily fortified motorcade as it inched through the San Cristobal restaurant.

For more than 50 years, Cuba was an unimaginable destination for a U.S. president, as well as most American citizens. The U.S. severed diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961 after Fidel Castro's revolution sparked fears of communism spreading to the Western Hemisphere. Domestic politics in both countries contributed to the continued estrangement well after the Cold War ended.

"He wanted to come to Cuba with all his heart," 79-year-old Odilia Collazo said in Spanish as she watched Obama's arrival live on state television. "Let God will that this is good for all Cubans. It seems to me that Obama wants to do something good before he leaves."

Ahead of Obama's arrival, counter-protesters and police broke up an anti-government demonstration by the Ladies in White group, whose members were taken into custody by female police officers in a scene that plays out in Havana each Sunday. They're typically detained briefly and then released.
The people of Cuba were excited to see an American president on their island.
Obama's visit was highly anticipated in Cuba, where workers furiously cleaned up the streets in Old Havana and gave buildings a fresh coat of paint ahead of his arrival. American flags were raised alongside the Cuban colors in parts of the capital, an improbable image for those who have lived through a half-century of bitterness between the two countries.

Many Cubans stayed home in order to avoid extensive closures of main boulevards. The city's seaside Malecon promenade was largely deserted Sunday morning except for a few cars, joggers, fishermen and pelicans.

The president's schedule in Cuba is jam-packed, including an event with U.S. and Cuban entrepreneurs. But much of Obama's visit was about appealing directly to the Cuban people and celebrating the island's vibrant culture.

"I don't think that the Cuban people are going to be bewitched by North American culture," Gustavo Machin, Cuba's deputy director of U.S. affairs, told The Associated Press. "We don't fear ties with the United States."

A highlight of Obama's visit comes Tuesday when he joins Castro and a crowd of baseball-crazed Cubans for a game between the beloved national team and Major League Baseball's Tampa Bay Rays. The president also planned a speech at the Grand Theater of Havana laying out his vision for greater freedoms and more economic opportunity in Cuba.

Two years after taking power in 2008, Castro launched economic and social reforms that appear slow-moving to many Cubans and foreigners, but are lasting and widespread within Cuban society. The changes have allowed hundreds of thousands of people to work in the private sector and have relaxed limits on cellphones, Internet and Cubans' comfort with discussing their country's problems in public, for example.
The president and First Lady Michelle Obama greet children at a local school.
The Cuban government has been unyielding, however, on making changes to its single-party political system and to the strict limits on media, public speech, assembly and dissent.

Obama will spend some time talking with Cuban dissidents. The White House said such a meeting was a prerequisite for the visit. But there were no expectations that he would leave Cuba with significant pledges from the government to address Washington's human rights concerns.

A major focus for Obama was pushing his Cuba policy to the point it will be all but impossible for the next president to reverse it. That includes highlighting new business deals by American companies, including hotel chains Starwood and Marriott and online lodging service Airbnb.

Castro and Obama are working out an agreement to get things done. Republicans on stateside are working on creating the turmoils.

As you know, the Republicans are so freaking tough. Their tongues are the only muscle being flexed when handling a foreign threat.

Special thanks to the Associated Press for reporting this historical event.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Malia And Sasha Dressing Nice!

When President Barack Obama invited the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau to the White House for a state dinner, the Obama daughters were there. They had their first experience at a gala such as a state dinner.

They were lovely teenage girls becoming beautiful women. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama should be very proud of these two.

It seems like Donald Trump's biggest supporter decided that no one is spared. Not even Obama's children. It's duly respected that politicians and pundits stay away from the children. I guess the rules were thrown out the window when Trump complained that political correctness makes America look "weak."

So I happen to click on the link and it directs me to the story published by Yahoo! Style about the president's daughters. The president gave an emotion salute to his daughters.
The dresses that the Obama family wore drove conservatives nuts!
The Obama family will hang around for awhile. Until Sasha graduates from high school, they'll stay in Washington, DC. Malia will be heading to Brown University in the fall.

But what drew attention was the price of the dresses they wore.

Okay, here we go......cue the conservative outrage!

For one thing, Lauren Tuck consider the price of the Obamas dresses, "politics". What does Malia and Sasha Obama have to do with politics?

Besides the trolls who came from underneath the bandwidth bridge, here's a San Francisco news agitator who decided to throw her two cents into the conversation.

Kristen Sze went to social media to question the decision to have the Obama girls wearing such expensive dresses.

That invited a slew of social media assholes who complained that the Obamas were acting like "ROYALS" spending on the taxpayer's dime.

Of course, you'll hear the racial slur tossed around somewhere.

The girls wore Naeem Khan pieces, with Malia sporting one from 2015’s pre-fall collection and Sasha choosing a more recent dress from Khan’s resort 2016 collection. Whether they purchased or borrowed the dresses — which did the job of getting Khan in the news regardless — is unknown. What is known is that people have reacted negatively to learning the retail prices of the dresses.

Last time, conservatives complained about the president being cheap. They went bonkers over the fact that the president gave Queen Elizabeth II, an iPod.

So here's a poll for you.

Should the junk food media lay off Malia and Sasha Obama?

Yeah. Malia And Sasha Are Not Running For Office!
Freedom Of Speech. Who Invented A Rule Saying We Can't Criticize?
quiz maker

Here's  the videoes courtesy of the White House.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Obama Skipping Nancy Reagan Funeral!

President Barack Obama with former first lady Nancy Reagan in 2009. Conservatives are outraged that he skipped the funeral of the former first lady to attend an annual convention.

This week, World News Today heard that former first lady Nancy Reagan passed away. We learned that Barack Obama ordered flags to be lowered for the rest of the week and released a statement acknowledging the actions by Reagan.

Reagan died at her home in Bel Air, Los Angeles, California at the age of 94. The junk food media was covered the death and they paid their respects to the former first lady.

The former first lady always had a private life. She didn't want to be a political pawn in the presidential elections. Conservatives can't figure it out! They're outraged that the president decided to skip the funeral of the former first lady.

President Barack Obama is not immune from the criticism of the conservatives agitators in the junk food media. Many conservatives are outraged that the president and First Lady Michelle Obama decided to skip the funeral to attend the SXSW (South By Southwest) festival in Austin, Texas.

This is the second time that the president got caught up in an unexpected crisis in the world.

Of course, the funeral is private and the public is allowed to pay their respects today.

And if he shown up to the event. Expect conservatives to complain about the traffic being shut down, the air traffic being shut down, the president doing a speech about a policy that Nancy Reagan supported but conservatives didn't, him crying and also shaking hands with representatives that aren't conservative.

Then you'll hear about golf outings, vacations and costly flight travels.

Here's a real question, why aren't the Republican leaders or candidates not attending the funeral of Nancy Reagan?

Tonight will be the Republican debate. Why don't Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Marco Rubio skip the debate and attend the funeral in Simi Valley, California. Since they're so invested at the Reagan legacy, why don't they cancel their campaign stops, their fundraising events, and television appearances to head to the funeral.

Matter of fact, why don't Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, and the rest of Congress stop what they're doing and attend the funeral.

They're so fixated on the legacy of Ronald Reagan. They're still 30 years behind and a dollar short of reality.

Here's a conservative agitator running around Washington, DC trying to interview citizens about it.

Damned if Obama did! Damned if Obama didn't!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Obama Is Taking A Cuban Vacation!

Cuba is a beautiful country.

Already, the dorky robot Marco Rubio slammed President Barack Obama for not attending the funeral of Anthony Scalia. He also went after the president for doing something that he'll never do.

Visit a country that the United States once called an enemy.

As expected, Rubio, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and the conservative agitators will blast Obama for his announced trip to the island of Cuba. He will take the trip in March to visit the American diplomatic post and interact with Cuban leader Raul Castro.

This will be the first time in 80 years, a sitting U.S. president will visit the Communist nation.

The United States and Cuba have established relations after decades of bitter feuding.
Like a boss. President Barack Obama opened relations with Cuba and managed to get Iran to disarm their nuclear weapons.
A National Security Council official plans to make the announcement tomorrow at the White House briefing.

The trip is planned for March 21-22 before the president flies to Argentina.

The move comes roughly 15 months following the president's pledge with Raul Castro to reopen diplomatic channels following a prisoner exchange and the humanitarian release of U.S. contractor Alan Gross in December 2014.

Since the announcement, the two countries have had a series of diplomatic talks, leading to the reopening of embassies last summer and the recent deal restoring commercial air traffic.
President Barack Obama sniffing a Cuban cigar. First Lady Michelle Obama helped the president kick his smoking habit.
The last and only sitting U.S. president to visit the island nation only 90 miles south of the Florida keys was Calvin Coolidge, in 1928, to address the Sixth Annual International Conference of American States in Havana.

He met with Cuba's President Gerardo Machado, who was in office from 1925 to 1933, until he was forced into exile.

President Jimmy Carter traveled to Cuba in 2002, 20 years after leaving office, at the invitation of President Fidel Castro.

Carter also made a trip in 2011.

Conservative Outrage Over Obama Skipping Scalia Funeral!

President Barack Obama meets with members of the Supreme Court. Conservatives are outraged over the president skipping the funeral of conservative justice Antonin Scalia.

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will head to the Supreme Court to pay their respects to the late Justice Antonin Scalia. His body will be in a casket in the rotunda of the Court.

But what got the conservatives screaming bloody murder is the fact that the president won't attend the funeral of Scalia. The White House confirms that Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden will be there in attendance.

So of course, we hear from the right complaining that the president doesn't give two fucks about Scalia and conspiracy theories about him secretly trying to kill him.

Conservatives think that the president has no class since he won't show up to pay his respects to the late Justice. It doesn't matter what the president does, conservatives will bitch about it.

Obama is going to nominate a person to fill the Court. Republicans are signalling a fight. This is going to be a tough road ahead for the Republicans. The Republicans are in a no win situation.

They know that they have the right to delay or block a nominee. But given the Court's major cases, if the decisions sway 4-4, then the Court can kick it back down to the lower courts therefore holding decisions.

The junk food media confronted Obama on his threats of filibustering Samuel Alito. Then a senator, Obama was supporting then senator John Kerry's filibuster on Alito because they believe that his policies could impact the country. Alito, was nominated by George W. Bush in 2005 was confirmed by the senate in a party line vote 52-48. He took office in January 2006 is a justice for 10 years now.

Obama regrets his actions and noted that his politics did get in the way. To this day, Alito and Obama do share some bad blood. When the decision on Citizens United came in favor of the conservatives, Obama blasted the Court. Alito was filmed shaking his head and muttering "no way".

Alito, Scalia and Clarence Thomas have skipped the State of the Union since 2010.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Knight To Pawn!

Republicans threaten government shutdown over Obama's pick to replace Antonin Scalia.

The right is scrambling for an offense. The sudden death of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia has become a political football. The conservative justice died in Texas yesterday leaving the Supreme Court in limbo. Republicans are demanding the president hold back. They don't want him to nominate a justice. They rather have a new president take control of the situation.

President Barack Obama said that he will nominate a person to fill the position. Republicans are signaling a fight in the Senate.

Once again the Republicans threaten to shut down the government because they fear the wrath of elites and conservative agitators in the junk food media.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) are threatening filibuster if Obama nominate anyone to the Supreme Court.

Check it, the Republican Party got to booing John Dickerson when he corrected Cruz at the debate.

Cruz boldly said that Ronald Reagan appointed his third justice, Anthony Kennedy in 1987. It was true that he appointed the nominee, but the fact it was 1988 when he was confirmed. It was confirmed during an election year. Cruz was dishonest in that point.
President Barack Obama is going forth to pick a nominee. And he dares Republicans to stop him.
Cruz did pause and stare down Dickerson which led to the audience booing. Yes, Cruz told something that was false but it didn't stop him from making his platitude speech.

This is a lose/lose for the Republicans. The Supreme Court decisions that conservatives favor could be in jeopardy of being struck down.

The president may nominate a moderate.

The Republicans can stall a nominee but it will backfire. The Democrats will sabotage the Republican if he makes it to the White House.

This game is getting old.

Republicans are proving themselves to be quite inept.

If Donald Trump or Ted Cruz should become the Republican nominee, the party could face a bitter defeat. I know that the moderates and non-partisan Republicans are going to sour on the two bombastic candidates.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Freaking Platitude Debate!

If I was a Republican, I would be ashamed. I would be ashamed that these candidates have no clear strategy when it comes to solving problems. 

CBS will host this latest train wreck with the Republicans.

I am so done with debates and these clowns. They have no real idea on how to solve problems. All they can pull out their asses is.....platitudes.

Heat is being felt on the stage. CBS News hosts John Dickerson and Major Garrett along with Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal host this debate in Greenville, South Carolina.

The six candidates running for the Republican nomination already got a jilt in the system. With the death of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia, Republicans will have no choice but to address what's going to happen with the court.

I am going to be clear that the Republicans are desperate.

What pisses me off, is the platitudes being spoken by the Republican candidates. They offer no real solutions to fixing this country.

Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, John Kasich, and Jeb Bush square off with the gloves off and feelings hurt.

Of course, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and liberalism will be hammered by the candidates.

If you're watching the debate, get some Advil. Also if you're playing the drinking game, look for the same shit and same name drops.

Who Won The Debate?

Donald Trump
Jeb Bush
Marco Rubio
John Kasich
Ben Carson
Ted Cruz
I Don't Care! I'm Voting For The Democrat!
Hell I'm Not Voting! They All Suck!

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Conservative Outage Over Queen Bey's Superbowl Performance!

The conservatives are outraged over Beyonce's performance with Bruno Mars and Coldplay.

Congratulations to the Denver Broncos on winning Superbowl L. This would be Peyton Manning's second victory with two NFL teams.The Broncos managed to keep favorite Carolina Panthers stalled throughout the game. The Broncos won 23 -10.

At 39 years old, Peyton comes off the victor against Carolina Panthers MVP Cam Newton. Cam was totally pissed that his team lost and I don't blame him.

The game was watched on CBS. It was watched by over 112 million.

Pepsi and the NFL hosted Coldplay, Bruno Mars and Beyonce for the Halftime show acts.

The final performance from Beyonce managed to attract the most attention. Her song Formation was much talked about over the weekend. Did the song have a message that pissed off conservatives?

Conservative outrage over the performance. The political statement she made showed support for #BlackLivesMatter and the Black Panthers.

Conservatives are saying that the music video is anti-cop. The Halftime performance was racist.

Where does President Barack Obama fit in?

I can picture the concern trolls saying, "Oh, Barack Obama had invited her and her crack dealer husband Jay-Z to the White House. They were plotting this music video to make note that White people are racist."

So I'm guessing that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity, that old fart Limbaugh and many other agitators in the conservative media will bitch about it.

The concern trolls are saying that Queen Bey was being anti-cop. The music video released also had mentions of Hurricane Katrina, the controversial shootings of police officers and the usage of NEGRO.
Queen of Everything.
The music video of the tune pays homage to, among other things, those killed in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Many are calling the song and her performance a black power anthem in part because the video features a spray painted wall reading “stop shooting us” in reference to the numerous cases of police brutality on people of color.

The performance, Sunday featured a chorus of African American dancers with berets that were reminiscent of the Black Panther Party which was founded 50 years prior in Oakland, just over the Bay from the Super Bowl. Before the performance, some of the dancers took a photo with fists raised, holding a sign that read “Justice for Mario Woods.” Woods was a young black man with a knife who was surrounded by police and shot.

Tidal, the music streaming service owned by owned by Beyonce’s husband Jay-Z announced last week that they would be donating $1.5 million to the Black Lives Matter movement among other groups that fight for civil rights.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

DeRay McKesson Runs For Mayor Of Baltimore To Stop Sheila Dixon!

DeRay McKesson decided to run for mayor to stop the potential nomination of former mayor Sheila Dixon.

Civil Rights activist DeRay McKesson formally files for the Democratic primary in the Baltimore mayoral race. The race is fielded with 13 candidates and one of them is scandal plagued.

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has declined to run for re-election. Leading candidates include former Mayor Sheila Dixon, state Sen. Catherine E. Pugh, City Councilmen Carl Stokes and Nick J. Mosby, lawyer Elizabeth Embry and businessman David L. Warnock.

Knowing he's a long-shot for the nomination, DeRay wants to make a statement to corruption in the Baltimore police, the rampant homicide rate and potential of Sheila Dixon returning.

Dixon served as Baltimore's mayor before Stephanie Rawlings-Blake took over. Dixon was appointed to mayor after Martin O'Malley became governor of Maryland. Dixon would end up resigning after she was caught up in a bribery scandal. She took kickbacks and tried to hide it from state auditors.

Mckesson, 30, a Baltimore native and former public school administrator here and in Minnesota, is part of a team called Campaign Zero, which seeks to end police killings in America. The group wants to end "broken windows" policing, increase community oversight of police and limit use of force, among other goals.

He has met with top White House officials and presidential candidates in recent months to discuss civil rights. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called him a "social media emperor."

McKesson who rose to fame as apart of the #BlackLivesMatter movement has attracted much attention during the 2014-15 peak. He was there protesting throughout a list of high-profile incidents involving law enforcement.

McKesson has been rewarded for his actions and scrutinized by them. I started to acknowledge him when he appeared on that annoying conservative agitator's right wing carnival. He appeared alongside some conservative Black extremist Kevin Jackson. The interview between the two was heated. Jackson played dirty by called McKesson a "race pimp".

Since his appearance, McKesson rose in social media stock. Today he has 308,000 followers on his Twitter account and I am guessing some of his detractors are there too.
DeRay runs for mayor.
McKesson ignored the critics and kept pressing forward. His ground work also includes his #CampaignZero project which expands from police reform but protection of those in the LGBT community.

McKesson came out last year as a gay man.

Other candidates include Nick Mosby, the husband of state prosecutor Marilyn Mosby. She rose to fame when she indicted the six cops who were involved in the killing of Freddie Gray. Nick also appeared on that right wing network and told the reporters and Geraldo Rivera that their divisive coverage of the 2015 riots were biased.

The city of Baltimore already have 23 homicides this year.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Conservative Outrage: Behind The Mosque!

President Barack Obama meets with religious leaders at the Islamic Society of Baltimore.

President Barack Obama spoke at a mosque today. This is the first time a sitting president ever visited a mosque.

The Washington Post reports that the historic 45-minute speech at a large, suburban Baltimore mosque was attended by some of the country's most prominent Muslims. In what appeared to be a counter to the rise in Islamophobia, Obama celebrated the long history of Muslim achievement in American life from sports to architecture and described Muslims as Cub Scouts, soldiers and parents, pointing out the mother of the pre-med college student who introduced him at the podium.

"There are voices who are constantly claiming you have to choose between your identities…. Do not believe them…. You fit in here. Right here. You're right where you belong. You're part of America, too," Obama said, his volume rising as he said he was speaking in particular at that moment to young Muslim Americans. "You're not Muslim or American, you're Muslim and American. And don't grow cynical."

The speech was one of several almost back-to-back, high-profile Obama addresses to U.S. faith communities, talks he seems to be using to focus on religious tolerance during an election season where faith often comes up in fiery contexts. One week ago he spoke at the Israeli Embassy, saying the impulse to stigmatize people of other faiths is "deep within us." On Thursday he will address one of the most high-profile evangelical events, the National Prayer Breakfast.
One of the biggest voices spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Obama's comments come at a time when the country is furiously debating what constitutes religious freedom and who has the right to proclaim it: Is it for the Muslim refugee from Syria? The conservative Christian baker or photographer who can't in good conscience participate in gay weddings? The Orthodox Jewish private schools seeking funding? His comments Thursday will likely be closely watched.

Of course, in his last year, there's no rest in pissing conservatives off. Regardless of what Obama does, these conservatives will bitch about it.

It's pathetic. He's going all the way in pissing these guys off.

Obama already issued executive orders when it comes to firearms. The Iranian nuclear deal is active and the country is removing its nuclear stockpile. He rejected the KeystoneXL pipeline. He is "feeling good" about a potential Supreme Court ruling on his executive order on immigration. He and Vice President Joe Biden have spoken to Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton on how to address Republicans and their relentless bitching.

Obama also acknowledges his achievements and failures as president. He said that he wished he could have gotten firearm safety laws passed when he had a minor super-majority in Congress.

He also says that conservatives would be "out of business" once he leaves. They'll have nothing to bitch about.

If a Republican gets into the White House and a disaster happens, you should already know that conservatives will blame Obama for it. Conservatives refuse to blame Republicans for inept leadership.

I'm sorry. They do blame Republicans. But not the way I see it. They believe that compromise and bipartisanship is bad. They refuse to acknowledge cultural shifts in the country. They're still living in the 20th Century with Ronald Reagan and tactical fear mongering.

Who's the real extremists?

I believe its the agitators in the junk food media who bitch and bemoan about President Barack Obama in their latest phony outrage.

Wondering how much outrage will conservatives have knowing the day after the election, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton or an establishment Republican winning the general election.

So far, Republicans managed to piss off almost everyone including their own base. It seems so disorganized and so intrusive when it comes to the right to choice, right to press and right to religion.
The trio of Islamophobia: Brigitte Gabriel, Thomas McInerny and Pam Geller.
Conservatives are so obsessed with the word vomit de jour, "radical Islam".

Obama warned Republicans to stop using the term. He believes that their ignorance could legitimize the terrorists and inspire more hate crimes against Muslims.

They're complaining about the poor. They're trying to use 20th Century tactics when it comes to socialism. And they're blow the dog whistle when they're attacking Blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, and Muslims. The fear mongering and finger pointing is getting old and extremely tiring.

They refuse to acknowledge the Republican Party becoming more Whiter and isolated. Yeah, they may have Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio running. The Rainbow Coalition of Extremism isn't going to work.

White extremists hate them. They don't want a politically correct candidate.

Monday, February 01, 2016

Obama To Visit A Mosque!

President Barack Obama to visit a Baltimore Islamic center.

No he's not a Muslim. He's a part of the United Church of Christ. You may remember that they were hand ringing about the president's former pastor Jeremiah Wright making the fiery sermons about the United States and god's law.

Well the White House announced that President Barack Obama will head to the Islamic Society of Baltimore to address religious freedom and acceptance.

President Obama has been criticizing increasing anti-Islamic sentiment in the United States.

"When politicians insult Muslims, whether abroad or our fellow citizens, when a mosque is vandalized, or a kid is called names, that doesn't make us safer," the president said during the 2016 State of the Union.

Fear of terrorist attacks on American soil has risen after attacks in San Bernardino, California, and Paris. And according to a study by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, attacks on mosques in 2015 were at the highest point since the group began keeping track in 2009.

But presidents visiting mosques is obviously nothing new. President George W. Bush famously visited one just 6 days after the attacks on September 11, in another attempt to quell intolerance.

"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam," President Bush said when he visited the Islamic Center at Washington D.C. "That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace."

I am expecting the Islamophobia to be off the hook from assholes like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Pam Geller will be in the spotlight again.

That annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity or that old fart Rush Limbaugh will likely bemoan about the president refusing to say the polarizing word vomit "radical Islam".

It will be splashed on Matt Drudge's conservative Craiglist.

Ann Coulter would use her Twitter fingers to attack the president on being a sympathizer to Muslims.

And of course it will be more dog whistle to Trumpublicans to question the president's birth or religion.

These clowns on that right wing network going right into him.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Trump: I Would Have Done The Debate If Roger Ailes Didn't Play These Childish Games!

They created a monster. The monster outfoxed them.

Donald Trump's feud with that right wing network has gotten so much attention. Trump said that he refuses to participate in the network's debate after the executives ridiculed him for his concerns about the moderators.

Roger Ailes sent the statement that pissed Trump off.

We learned from a secret back channel that Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes the president - a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to these meetings.

Sooner or later Donald Trump, even if he's president, is going to have to learn that he doesn't get to pick the journalists - we're surprised he's willing to show that much fear about being questioned by Megyn Kelly.

This is bigger than Megyn "The Outrage Princess" Kelly.

When Ailes fired off that shot, he pretty much let the monster loose. That network created the monster now they're stuck with it. Trump not attending this debate will hurt their ratings.

Ratings are usually high when Republicans get to see all the candidates. Without Trump, the ratings will take a major hit. And to make this clear, they added Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) back to the stage despite him trailing at 3% or less. Paul had the audacity to say "good riddance" to Trump. He said that he's a charlatan and a phony conservative.

Pot calling the kettle black here. Cue the irony.

Paul boycotted the last debate and whined about that right wing network. There was no bitching from Ailes or Megyn "The Outrage Princess" Kelly.

Ailes has tried to calm the storm. He talked to the Trump family desperately pleading for him to come to the debate. Trump isn't bulging on his word.

Trump doesn't want to talk to Ailes. He ain't got time for Ailes. He wants Rupert Murdoch to settle this.

Bill O'Reilly defied Ailes and went on to interview Trump despite the feud.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Conservatives: Should The Oscars Give Gangsta Rappers An Award?

The pressure is on.

You know the trolls of the racist right are out! Ever since Jada Pinkett Smith made the call to boycott the Oscars after another year of no Black nominees, conservatives have jumped on the bandwagon to attack her, Spike Lee and President Barack Obama. 

The concern trolls, the White extremists and the flagrant flamers are working overtime in trying to undermine the message. 

The most common theme among conservatives is "BET gave awards to Black people, what's the big deal?" or "You guys should stop complaining, the movies sucked!". 

The creator of the #OscarsSoWhite hashtag April Reign praises Jada's boycott. She believes the time is now to address the controversy and keep pressure on the Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences to change course, fast. 

The Drudge Report (which I refer to as the conservative Craigslist) spotlighted the washed up celebrity Janet Hubert's vicious rant on Jada Pinkett Smith and her husband Will Smith.

Hubert, who once played Aunt Vivian on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was fired out the cannon. She blames Smith for getting her blackballed in Hollywood. She jumped on the concern troll wagon telling stories about how Will's refusal to stick up for her during a contractual dispute lead to the bitter feud. Hubert says that Blacks have more concerns than some statue. I happen to agree with her only in that sense. But unfortunately, if this is swept under the rug, we condone this and that's what Hubert is missing. 
Michael B. Jordan in the movie Creed.
Conservatives have seen Aunt Viv's rant as a way to denounce the boycott. 

But it hasn't stopped many others from rallying to her defense. George Clooney, Snoop Dogg, Lupita Nyong'o, Idris Elba, Michael Moore, David Oyelowo, Whoopi Goldberg, and even Oscars host Chris Rock have spoken in favor of Jada's boycott. 

Spike Lee appeared on Good Morning America to say that he'll be watching a New York Knicks game instead of watching or going to the Oscars. Lee said that he supports his brother Chris [Rock] and his decisions are his to own. He also said that Academy's president Cheryl Isaacs Boone is a sister of the cause but in a dilemma of her own creating. 

A British film critic agitated the controversy even more. Mediaite reports that Jason Solomons basically said that Blacks should be snubbed if they're  playing minstrel characters. He said that black people shouldn't win covet nominations for playing "gangster rappers" like the Straight Outta Compton cast, or an "African savage" like Idris Elba‘s Beasts of No Nation character.

Now this probably a member of the Academy voting committee basically saying that Black talent isn't valued.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Americans Freed From Iran!

Conservative outrage over the release of prisoners in Iran.

Of course, no good deed goes unpunished. According to the ney sayers of the right wing media, the president didn't do enough.

The United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran are apparently working together for the sake of the world. If it wasn't for Pope Francis and the steadfast leadership of President Barack Obama, another crisis was adverted.

I am wondering if Donald Trump and Ted Cruz will crow over the fact their talking point was blown out the water.

I seem to remember that the Republican clowns running for president were complaining about the president not doing enough to retrieve Americans. The nuclear deal that was sponsored went into effect this weekend and the United Nations will now lift the sanctions.

Before I get into the story, I want to make you aware of what The Drudge Report headline.

Now as you know I am not one to complain about a peaceful diplomacy. The United States and Iran agreed to free all Americans held in custody. 

Only a few days ago, American sailors were detained by Iran for 24 hours before being released. The American sailors were detained after entering Iranian territory after apparently engine failure on their boat.

They were freed a few hours after President Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union Address.

Conservatives were outraged over the incident. They wanted the United States to flex its military muscle and bomb the life out of them. And of course, the Congress passed legislation to impose sanctions upon Iran. That bill is expected to be vetoed by the president. 

Four American citizens, including a Washington Post reporter, who have been imprisoned in Iran are set to board a Swiss aircraft Saturday from Tehran to an as-yet-undetermined location, where they will be freed as part of a prisoner release deal between the U.S. and Iran. The agreement is the result of 14 months of high-stakes secret negotiations between the two traditional adversaries.

"Our citizens have not yet been flown out of Iran, so we don’t want to do anything that could complicate it," a senior administration official said Saturday. "But we are told the deal is done, that they will be let out."

As part of the exchange, the U.S. will release seven Iranians who were being held in the country on sanctions violations. All were born in Iran, but six are dual Iranian-American citizens. The seven men all have the option to remain in the U.S.

The deal will bring home four Americans who have been imprisoned in Iran for years on trumped up charges, or in some cases no charges at all: Washington Post Tehran correspondent Jason Rezaian, former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, and Nosratollah Khosrawi-Roodsari. The imprisonment of Khosrawi-Roodsari has never been previously reported.

Rezaian's mother and his wife, who live in Iran, found out about Rezaian's release in advance and plan to board the flight out of Tehran. U.S. officials, who say they did not tell the Rezaians the exchange was imminent, had planned to notify all of the families of the prisoners once the plane took off for Tehran -- and after they were certain the agreement wouldn't collapse.

The transfer of the American prisoners back into U.S. custody was originally planned to occur in Bern, Switzerland, but may now occur at a different location due to weather concerns.

After the transfer, the four Americans will be taken to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, an American military hospital in Germany, for immediate medical treatment before returning home.

A fifth Iranian-American, Siamak Namazi, was not included in the prisoner deal and remains imprisoned in Iran. "We won't give up" on Namazi, the administration official said." Another American, Robert Levinson, disappeared on Iran’s Kish Island in 2007, where he was doing unofficial work for the CIA, but Iranian officials deny having knowledge of his whereabouts. "The case of Robert Levinson ... was aggressively pursued through this channel and through this process," the official said. "In the end, he did not go into this deal, but we have an arrangement with the Iranians ... and they will continue to seek information about his whereabouts."

Saturday's announcement comes after 14 months of negotiations between American and Iranian diplomats, some of whom were already meeting regularly to negotiate a landmark nuclear accord between Iran, the U.S. and five world powers.

The State Department never publicly disclosed the existence of negotiations to free the Americans and publicly rejected calls to tie the prisoners -- or any other issue -- to the nuclear talks. But privately, Brett McGurk, who until recently was deputy secretary of state for Iran and Iraq, led talks focusing on the prisoners.

Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, the public faces of the nuclear deal negotiations, also spoke in private about the prisoners. Kerry and Zarif deliberately kept the prisoner talks separate from the nuclear negotiations, never raising the two topics in the same meeting, according to a a second senior administration official. Kerry, faced with resistance to the deal at home and in Iran, kept the prisoner talks alive at several critical moments, the second senior official said. 

McGurk, who is better known for his current role as the U.S. special envoy for the coalition fighting the Islamic State, is also known within the State Department as a skilled negotiator who worked with Iranian officials during his extensive time in Iraq. He was also able to fly under the radar throughout months of negotiations with the Iranians, a feat that would have been more difficult for Kerry.

If all goes as planned, Saturday will mark a whirlwind of events for Iranian-American diplomacy. The International Atomic Energy Agency is expected to issue a report confirming Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal, triggering international sanctions relief.

Kerry will then sign a waiver lifting congressionally enacted sanctions related to Iran's nuclear program at the United Nations in Vienna. At the same time, Obama will issue a new executive order to lift sanctions that were enacted under his authority, and the U.N. and EU will move to provide sanctions relief to Iran.

Kerry is then expected to fly to the as-yet-undetermined site where the Americans will be released to welcome them. Later, the Treasury Department will likely announce new sanctions against 11 people and entities tied to Iran’s ballistic missile program -- just after lifting sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program.

Administration officials say it was coincidental that the prisoners' release happened on the same day as implementation of the nuclear deal. Despite the appearance a "grand plan," the prisoner deal was not tied to the nuclear deal implementation day, the second administration official said.

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Obama's Executive Orders On Gun Control!

Time to act.
First conservative outrage of the year. Matter of fact, this kicks off the 2016 year where Whites and Republicans are certainly riled up over the latest events in the junk food media. This issue will certainly drive them to the gun stores and stockpile. Matter of fact, the gun shops are seeing a huge bump in the sales.

President Barack Obama just finished up his presser for his immediate executive actions on gun control. He stressed that Congress is too inept in handling this crisis despite having numerous mass shootings in 2015.

He cited Aurora, Oak Leaf, Wisconsin, Umpqua Community College, Newtown, Tucson, Charleston, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, the Navy Yard in Washington, DC, the Ronoake shooting, and violence in Chicago.

He said that enough is enough.

"Every time I think about those [Sandy Hook victims], it gets me mad," Obama said in the East Room of the White House.

At times, the President has questioned the nation he leads, asking why no other advanced country seems so blighted with regular killing sprees and wondering aloud why Americans will not choose to stop the bloodshed.

Evolving through a cycle of sadness, poleaxing grief, frustration and outright fury, Obama has even offered hints of self-recrimination at his own earlier failure to touch the perfidious politics of gun control himself.
Expect this outrage to carry all the way to the elections.
At the White House, he unveiled a series of executive actions on guns, including expanding mandatory background checks for some private sales.

"We are not inherently more prone to violence. But we are the only advanced country on Earth that sees this kind of mass violence erupt with this kind of frequency. It doesn't happen in other advanced countries. It's not even close," Obama said. "Somehow we become numb to it and we start to feel that this is normal. And instead of thinking about how to solve the problem, this has become one of our most polarized, partisan debates, despite the fact that there's a general consensus in America about what needs to be done."

He added, "We do have to feel a sense of urgency about it. In Dr. King's words, we need to feel the fierce urgency of now -- because people are dying."

Of course, conservatives are outrage. The presidential candidates for the Republican nomination are upset and the NRA is using this as a rally call.

The same shit that fuels more extremism.

While I am certainly glad the president went all out on these proposals, the damage is done. This country is too polarized to get things done.

Friday, December 25, 2015

The School To Prison Pipeline!

A documentary about the school to prison pipeline.

Al-Jazeera English released on YouTube a video that you might take some interest in.

The video talks about the school to prison pipeline. It talks about young teens getting into trouble during their peak of puberty. They send teens to the iron college if they become perennial interns.

Many urban schools are now taking a zero tolerance on misbehavior.

Fault Lines documents Houston Independent School and the strict Texas laws in which even minor offenses for truancy could land a student into prison.

We must end the school to prison pipeline.

The Christmas holiday has been relatively light on stories. The political season takes a break for the most part. The agitators in the junk food media are off. So there's nothing much for them to agitate the public about.

The candidates are celebrating with their families.

We take the time to send our condolences to the victims of yesterday's tornadoes in the Mississippi delta. People in Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama and Tennessee faced some dangerous storms.

President Barack Obama declared a national emergency in the areas.

Some powerful EF4-EF5 tornadoes managed to plow communities.

The city of Memphis has one of the largest FedEx terminals. The shipping company faced a huge setback because of the weather. They are trying to finish up Christmas deliveries.

Once again, we wish you a wonderful Christmas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Washington Post "Monkeys Around" With Ted Cruz And His Kids!

Insurgent Ted Cruz fires at the Washington Post when they took aim at his daughters. Cruz is with his wife Heidi and daughters Catherine (left) and Caroline (right). 

Now I am not a fan of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his bombastic campaign for president. The insurgent lawmaker has relatively no accomplishments since his introduction to the senate in 2013.

He's been nothing more than a gadfly to the Republicans. The conservatives love his "in your face" approach when it comes to taking on Washington.

But his "in your face" approach has made it harder for Republicans to support him. They believe that Cruz and Donald Trump could spell disaster.

But given the atmosphere in the junk food media, it's not an easy road for a perennial running Hillary Clinton. So far she's leading against most candidates. Clinton is still having slow support from many of the progressives. Many progressives view Clinton more negatively after the fiasco with Bernie Sanders and previously then Barack Obama.

When campaigning for the nomination, the candidates swore they'll never attack the children of a candidate. But for the junk food media, nothing is off limits.
The Washington Post had to do damage control when they released a political cartoon featuring Cruz with two little monkeys. I guess the monkeys were Catherine and Caroline. Those are the senator's two young daughters.

Cue the outrage.

For one thing Cruz is Hispanic. Depicting him and his daughters as monkeys is pretty damn racist!

The person who drew the comic will probably be placed in the freezer or fired out the cannon once the heat increases. But it's become a rally cry for Cruz to raise campaign cash.

Cruz raised a $1 million from it.

Cruz called it a "tasteless attack". He said that you can say whatever the fuck about him. But you best not talk about his kids!

"My daughters are not FAIR GAME," he wrote on social media and in his fundraising emailer. "I'm sickened....I knew I'd be facing attacks from day one of my campaign, but I never expected anything like this."

Fool, please. You know that being the President of the United States is going to be a job for the patient. Barack Obama faced an onslaught of attacks from the people like you.

When has there been ever a time the junk food media been easy of the families of a political candidate?

His wife was brutally criticized by those agitators in the conservative media for being "an angry Black woman". They don't see her as an accomplished mother, wife, business executive and volunteer.

Think about last month when The Daily Caller obtained a Snapchat photo of Malia Obama attending Brown University and she's viewing a game of beer pong. Or the Republican staffer who took to social media to attack the appearance of Malia and Sasha Obama during the 2014 pardoning of the turkeys.

And who can't forget the conservative Craigslist reporting that the junk food media scrubbing a story about Malia and a few her friends heading out of country. The story being leaked caused the Secret Service to end Malia's vacation early.

Ted, you better get used to it. The junk food media has no shame in what it does.

Matter of fact, the freedom of speech assures this type of trash to be published.

Critics probably splashed this nonsense on their screen savers.

Who Actually Plays The Race Card?

The president heads off to Hawaii for his family vacation. His vacation will be like always a working one. And even though our friends in the agitating media are on vacation, their sidekicks are in session.

As you know, the president gives the nation a recap of his seventh year. In his yearly wrap up he announced that he will do more to take on the Islamic State. He will try to pass reforms to curb the ongoing gun violence. He said that he will try to end his last year in office on a good note.

He did an interview on NPR. Steve Inskeep asks him about the legacy and the rise of the insurgent Donald Trump. Here's the part that got the conservatives attention.

STEVE INSKEEP: And you mentioned Donald Trump taking advantage of real anxieties in the country but that the anxieties are real. Some of that anxiety, as you know, focuses on you, Mr. President. And I want to set aside the politicians for a moment and just talk about ordinary voters. Do you feel over seven years that you've come to understand why it is that some ordinary people in America believe or fear that you are trying to change the country in some way that they cannot accept?

OBAMA: Well, look, if what you are asking me, Steve, is are there certain circumstances around being the first African-American president that might not have confronted a previous president, absolutely. You know, I think ...

INSKEEP: I don't know if that's all of it.

OBAMA: I'm sure that's not all of it ...

INSKEEP: It's not all I am asking, anyway. You could answer it anyway you want.

OBAMA: Well, you are asking a pretty broad question. I don't know where to take it, so if you want to narrow it down, I can. If what you are suggesting is is that, you know, somebody questioning whether I was born in the United States or not, how do I think about that, I would say that that's something that is actively promoted and may gain traction because of my unique demographic. I don't think that that's a big stretch.

But maybe you've got something else in mind.

INSKEEP: Years ago you made that remark, you were much criticized for saying something about people clinging to guns and religion. This is before you were even elected president. And although you were criticized for the phrasing of that, it seemed to me that you were attempting to figure out, what is it that people are thinking, what is it that's bothering people? Now you've had several more years to think about that.

OBAMA: Well, keep in mind, Steve, I was elected twice by decent majorities. So the fact of the matter is that in a big country like this there is always going to be folks who are frustrated, don't like the direction of the country, are concerned about the president. Some of them may not like my policies, some of them may just not like how I walk, or my big ears or, you know. So, I mean, no politician I think aspires to 100 percent approval ratings.

If you are referring to specific strains in the Republican Party that suggest that somehow I'm different, I'm Muslim, I'm disloyal to the country, etc., which unfortunately is pretty far out there and gets some traction in certain pockets of the Republican Party, and that have been articulated by some of their elected officials, what I'd say there is that that's probably pretty specific to me and who I am and my background, and that in some ways I may represent change that worries them.

But that's not to suggest that everybody who objects to my policies may not have perfectly good reasons for it. If you are living in a town that historically has relied on coal and you see coal jobs diminishing, you probably are going to be more susceptible to the argument that I've been wiping out the economy in your area.

It doesn't matter if I tell them actually it's probably because natural gas is a lot cheaper now so it doesn't pay to build coal plants. If somebody tells you that this is because of Obama's war on coal, well, you know, that's an argument you may be sympathetic to. And that's perfectly legitimate. So as I said, you asked a pretty open-ended question. I think you were being a little coy in how you asked it.

INSKEEP: I'm trying to give you room to answer.

OBAMA: No, I understand, but what I'm saying is that I think that there's always going to be, every president, a certain cohort that just doesn't like your policies, doesn't like your party, what have you. I think if you are talking about the specific virulence of some of the opposition directed towards me, then, you know, that may be explained by the particulars of who I am.

On the other hand, I'm not unique to that. I always try to remind people that, goodness, if you look at what they said about Jefferson or Lincoln or FDR — finding reasons not to like a president, that's, you know, a well-traveled path here in this country.

One in particular was the rise of the insurgency. The insurgent candidates running for the Republican nomination have gotten a whole lot of media coverage.

Donald Trump is by far the biggest focus of the elections. His fiery rhetoric has sparked a flame in the conservatives. The conservatives are playing upon the fear of a Browner nation to win this election.

Conservatives believes the president plays the race card. Here's an example of the conservative Craigslist posted yesterday.

Barack Obama freestyles on Drake's Back to Back. It's goes hard on Trump.

If you're interested in many of the videos from AlphaCat, peep him, DeStorm Power, Alphonso McAuley, KingBach, and Liane V on YouTube and Vine.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Conservative Outrage Over Macy Gray's Trump Dig!

Macy Gray releases a politically charged holiday song. It dings Donald Trump.

Macy Gray released "All I Want for Christmas" on iTunes this month. The song is pretty awesome if you're a progressive and want Congress to get President Barack Obama's agenda done.

The song pretty much takes a stance on issues that are considered hot potatoes in the junk food media. Cue the conservative outrage.

Here's the lyrics. Read it carefully and then peep the commentary below.

[Verse 1]
All I want for Christmas is a whole bunch of stuff
But anything that you can buy me won’t be enough
Because everything I’m hoping for is intangible
Like free health care and gun control

If you wanna make the world a better place
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)
If you wanna peaceful world for Christmas day
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)

Christmas is here
I know what I want this year
Presents and toys are fine
But I got bigger things in mind
Santa can you swing more love? More peace?
Because that’s what everybody needs
Come save the world with me

[Verse 2]
Santa Claus stop by the ghetto too
And bring lots of opportunity with you
Bring the day the government will realize
We’ll all be happier when it’s legalized
So immigrate, stop the hate, let’s educate
The more we do, the less we will incarcerate
7 billion people just below the moon
And if we come together, oh, the things that we could do

If you wanna make the world a better place
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)
If you wanna peaceful world for Christmas day
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)

Christmas is here
I know what I want this year
Presents and toys are fine
But I got bigger things in mind
Santa can you swing more love? More peace?
Because that’s what everybody needs
Come save the world with me

[Interlude - Kids Talk]
What do you want for Christmas?
I just want peace for everybody on earth
What about you?
I want hope for everybody
I think I want homes for the homeless
I want water for everybody

All I want for Christmas is to have a chance
So please take care of the environment
Take Mr. Gore seriously
And do what you can to stop global warming
No matter what they say, Barack you did real good
I hope that your successor
Does the things he or she should
That Mr. Trump, he’s an entertaining guy
But let's face it, really is he qualified?

If you wanna make the world a better place
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)
If you wanna peaceful world for Christmas day
Say alright (alright) alright (alright)

Christmas is here
I know what I want this year
Presents and toys are fine
But I got bigger things in mind
Santa can you swing more love? More peace?
Because that’s what everybody needs
Come save the world with me

You see that she's taking a dig at Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. Macy Gray also wanted the country to recognize climate change. She said that President Barack Obama's agenda is good.

Many conservatives will blast the song for being "liberal indoctrination" and "Hollywood elitists" talking down "real Americans".

Macy Gray is well aware of the outrage that will follow her.

She doesn't care about the criticism. Her job is put out songs for her fans. I am certain her fans will be happy to hear it.

Conservatives will get even more outraged. She did the song called "B.O.B.". The song talks about that little thing that keeps women in their vibe. If you want to know what I'm talking about. Click here.


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