Showing posts with label american racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label american racism. Show all posts

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Evil Walter Plecker

The following article is from the Washington Post regarding Walter Ashby Plecker and how he wanted a racially divided society in Virginia during his reign as the Bureau of Vital Statistics registrar.  It's just like the orange hair guy who still wants to build the wall and to ban Muslims from coming to our country. A few days ago, the Republicans passed a bill to limit legal immigration and to give visas to mainly skilled English-speaking immigrants.  The similarities are frightening and sinister.  Here's the article:

Death of 'a devil'

                            The look of Hate:  Walter Ashby Plecker.  Making America "great"
                            again through racial repression and genocide of many peoples.  

                            Trump would be proud of that despicable piece of s**t.  

According to the Washington Post:

"He built his career on the systematic oppression of blacks and Native Americans, becoming one of the country’s most influential white supremacists. For more than three decades, from 1912 until 1946, Walter Ashby Plecker used his position as head of Virginia’s Bureau of Vital Statistics to champion policies designed to protect what he considered a master white race.
He was the father of the state’s Racial Integrity Act of 1924, which designated every person in the state as either white or “colored” and criminalized interracial marriage. Plecker insisted that any person with a single drop of “Negro” blood couldn’t be classified as white, and he refused to even acknowledge that Native Americans existed in the commonwealth, effectively erasing their legal identities."

He also tried to destroy the Melungeon people as well because he consider them as threats similar to the rhetoric of many Republicans used toward Black and Brown folks as well as Muslims, atheists, and other non-Christian groups in recent times.  His racist legacy did not die in 1947, it was taken up by race-baiting politicians such as Strom Thurmond, Richard "Law and Order" Nixon, Jesse Helms, Steve Scalese, David Duke, Steve King, and of course, Donald.

Here's an excerpt from The Richmond Afro-American in 1947:

Read more at the Washington Post and be sure to link and tweet that article before it disappears.

Did you know that he's the originator of the notoriously racist one-drop rule?  Here it is according to Wikipedia:

"Plecker lobbied the US Census Bureau to drop the category "mulatto" in the 1930 and later censuses. This deprived mixed-race people of recognition of their identity and it also contributed to a binary culture of hypodescent, in which mixed-race persons were often classified as part of the group with lower social status.[5] Not until the 21st century did the federal census allow individuals to indicate more than one race or ethnic group in self-identification."

In other words, he's the father of racial profiling.  In fact, modern-day racial profiling originated with Plecker.  Whether we hear about police profiling, medical DNA, employment/education/housing discrimination, racial gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc., that deplorable racist was the originator.

He told the white mother regarding her newborn child.  What he told her was hateful and dehumanizing:
"This is to give you warning that this is a mulatto child and you cannot pass it off as white. A new law passed by the last legislature says that if a child has one drop of negro blood in it, it cannot be counted as white. You will have to do something about this matter and see that the child is not allowed to mix with white children, it cannot go to white schools and can never marry a white person in Virginia.
It is an awful thing."

So, this SOB called her child an "it" and "awful!  How evil and racist can he be!  Let's not forget that 45(Trump) is also an evil racist and an SOB. And shock jock Bob Dumas. And former NC Governor Pat McCrory.  The ghost of Plecker is alive and well and wants vengeance!  Be vigilant.  Stay woke!

Here's a past link to my 2016 post:

Also read my 2014 post:


I'll keep writing about this POS because of the events in Charlottesville and the refusal on the part of Trump condemning white supremacist violence.

Friday, June 24, 2016

SCOTUS Downs Obama's Executive Order On Immigration!

It was an evenly divided court that decided on the use of executive orders for presidents. This will affect presidents after President Barack Obama. The 4-4 decision to send the executive order on work permits to immigrants back to the lower court was considered a blow to Obama on his immigration plan.

The liberal and conservative wing kicked the decision back to the lower court which said that it was unconstitutional.

The order would have secured 4 million immigrants living here in the United States.

The Wall Street Journal added that the court's outcome in the immigration case doesn't require the administration to begin deportations of the affected immigrants—all of whom had significant ties to the U.S., such as children who are U.S. citizens or lawful residents. But it does halt the government's plan to normalize their presence by granting them authorization to work.

Speaking from the White House, Obama expressed frustration at the nation's continuing paralysis on immigration policy: "I believe that this country deserves an immigration policy that reflects the goodness of the American people."

The president also complained about the continuation of the open seat at the Supreme Court. Citing the increasingly frequent tie votes, he said that Republicans were extending the court's paralysis by refusing to consider his nominee for the open seat, U.S. Circuit Judge Merrick Garland.

"Republicans in Congress currently are willfully preventing the Supreme Court from being fully staffed and functioning as our founders intended," Obama said.

Republicans have said the next president should decide who should fill the Supreme Court opening.

Obama announced the immigration policies in November 2014, describing them as the furthest he believed he could go using executive authority to normalize the status of illegal immigrants after a Senate-passed immigration overhaul died in the House.
The current members of the Supreme Court. Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Anthony Kennedy, Chief Justice John Roberts, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas. Without the ninth justice, it's going to be a quagmire of decisions that could gravely affect the nation. Antonin Scalia passed away in February.
The plan sought to assist more than four million people who already are considered the lowest priority for deportation. Authorities, lacking resources to remove most of the more than 10 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., focus on newly arrived individuals and those with criminal records.

By formally suspending the threat of deportation, the program would give affected immigrants the opportunity to obtain work authorization and other prerequisites for participating in society, such as a Social Security number and a driver's license.

Obama demanded that the voters decide on what the future. He said should they vote, should they continue to allow the federal courts and agencies tied up, mass shootings, gridlock in Congress, partisan gamesmanship, and Donald Trump. He urges that the future lies in the Dreamers who believe that they can change the direction of Congress and the presidency.

It's a tall order given the Republicans gerrymandered areas making it harder to win the House.

Republicans and their conservative allies have a megaphone of agitators and simpletons willing to distort the truth.


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