Showing posts with label Supreme Court. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supreme Court. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Obama Skipping Scalia Funeral!

President Barack Obama meets with members of the Supreme Court. Conservatives are outraged over the president skipping the funeral of conservative justice Antonin Scalia.

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will head to the Supreme Court to pay their respects to the late Justice Antonin Scalia. His body will be in a casket in the rotunda of the Court.

But what got the conservatives screaming bloody murder is the fact that the president won't attend the funeral of Scalia. The White House confirms that Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden will be there in attendance.

So of course, we hear from the right complaining that the president doesn't give two fucks about Scalia and conspiracy theories about him secretly trying to kill him.

Conservatives think that the president has no class since he won't show up to pay his respects to the late Justice. It doesn't matter what the president does, conservatives will bitch about it.

Obama is going to nominate a person to fill the Court. Republicans are signalling a fight. This is going to be a tough road ahead for the Republicans. The Republicans are in a no win situation.

They know that they have the right to delay or block a nominee. But given the Court's major cases, if the decisions sway 4-4, then the Court can kick it back down to the lower courts therefore holding decisions.

The junk food media confronted Obama on his threats of filibustering Samuel Alito. Then a senator, Obama was supporting then senator John Kerry's filibuster on Alito because they believe that his policies could impact the country. Alito, was nominated by George W. Bush in 2005 was confirmed by the senate in a party line vote 52-48. He took office in January 2006 is a justice for 10 years now.

Obama regrets his actions and noted that his politics did get in the way. To this day, Alito and Obama do share some bad blood. When the decision on Citizens United came in favor of the conservatives, Obama blasted the Court. Alito was filmed shaking his head and muttering "no way".

Alito, Scalia and Clarence Thomas have skipped the State of the Union since 2010.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Could Loretta Lynch Be The Next Justice?

Another woman! Could President Barack Obama pick Attorney General Loretta Lynch to become the next Associate Justice of The Supreme Court?

The news today is the president won't exercise a recess appointment to the Supreme Court.

The president warned Republicans that he will take measures necessary to get a nominee confirmed to the Supreme Court. In due time, the president will pick a potential candidate who will face an uphill battle in the U.S. Senate.

The first African American woman could be nominated to replace the late Antonin Scalia. Some legal analysis signal that the president could choose his Attorney General as the potential nominee for the Supreme Court.

Loretta Lynch, the current Attorney General is floated around in the media. She was the first Attorney General in U.S. history to have a unprecedented hold on her confirmation. It took over 104 days before the Senate confirmed her with the slimmest of votes.

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), then Majority Leader warned Republicans that the "nuclear option" will happen if they continue to stall the president's nominees.

The SCOTUS blog signaled that Lynch is a "very serious choice" for the Court.

Many in the junk food media speculate who's going to be the pick for the Supreme Court. We have no clear name in the listing. But rest assured, the Republicans are adamant against any nominee President Barack Obama picks.

Who could be the pick for the Supreme Court?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Knight To Pawn!

Republicans threaten government shutdown over Obama's pick to replace Antonin Scalia.

The right is scrambling for an offense. The sudden death of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia has become a political football. The conservative justice died in Texas yesterday leaving the Supreme Court in limbo. Republicans are demanding the president hold back. They don't want him to nominate a justice. They rather have a new president take control of the situation.

President Barack Obama said that he will nominate a person to fill the position. Republicans are signaling a fight in the Senate.

Once again the Republicans threaten to shut down the government because they fear the wrath of elites and conservative agitators in the junk food media.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) are threatening filibuster if Obama nominate anyone to the Supreme Court.

Check it, the Republican Party got to booing John Dickerson when he corrected Cruz at the debate.

Cruz boldly said that Ronald Reagan appointed his third justice, Anthony Kennedy in 1987. It was true that he appointed the nominee, but the fact it was 1988 when he was confirmed. It was confirmed during an election year. Cruz was dishonest in that point.
President Barack Obama is going forth to pick a nominee. And he dares Republicans to stop him.
Cruz did pause and stare down Dickerson which led to the audience booing. Yes, Cruz told something that was false but it didn't stop him from making his platitude speech.

This is a lose/lose for the Republicans. The Supreme Court decisions that conservatives favor could be in jeopardy of being struck down.

The president may nominate a moderate.

The Republicans can stall a nominee but it will backfire. The Democrats will sabotage the Republican if he makes it to the White House.

This game is getting old.

Republicans are proving themselves to be quite inept.

If Donald Trump or Ted Cruz should become the Republican nominee, the party could face a bitter defeat. I know that the moderates and non-partisan Republicans are going to sour on the two bombastic candidates.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

BREAKING: Antonin Scalia Passed Away!

Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia passed away.

It was learned today that the Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had passed away. He died one month shy of his 80th birthday. He was 79 years old.

World News Today send our condolences to the family of Justice Antonin Scalia.

A New Jersey native, Scalia was then a lawyer, a professor and a mentor. He mentored presidential candidate and current senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

He was of Italian-American heritage and is the father of nine. He was married to Maureen McCarthy, a woman Scalia found love after having a blind date.

Scalia was appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1986, he served as one of the longest serving justices in the Court. He was known for his colorful and yet controversial stances on many issues brought to the Court.

Scalia said that the day will come when monumental change could occur. But as an originalist he wanted to keep things the way is was. He shown that type of actions when he became the influential decision maker in the District of Columbia v. Heller case. That stripped localities from issuing gun bans in the communities. The gun owners cheered that as one of the Court's biggest gun rights decisions.

Scalia was in West Texas. He apparently passed away of natural causes. He was a featured speaker and guest at the Cibolo Creek Ranch, a resort in the Big Bend region south of the town of Marfa.

He was attending a private party at the ranch. When he didn't arrive for a breakfast gathering, a bell hop went to the room and found his body.

The U.S. Marshals are investigating the ranch to make sure that issues there didn't result in negligence.

The nation's court is hanging at the balance.

Conservatives praised the justice for taking the ground on issues such as abortion, gun rights, tort laws and gay marriage. His death is a huge blow to the conservative movement.

Matter of fact, they feared this could happen.

Scalia's death has far-reaching implications for the Court and a set of major court cases are set to come down. One in particular deals with Affirmative Action. The Fisher v. University of Texas case was going to be a monumental decision. President Barack Obama's executive orders on immigration were brought up in the court. A split decision will void the case. The Republicans also threatened to bring Obamacare back into the Court.

President Barack Obama and members of Congress as well as the candidates had chimed in on the passing.

Obama will nominate a person to fill the vacancy. It will be certainly a fight with Republicans in the Senate. They have the majority. They can hold the nominee or call a vote to reject the nominee.

Already putting out a statement, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said that the next president will fill the vacancy. The Republicans will pull bullshit moves to hold back Obama's nominee.

But eventually they'll have to vote on it.

It also makes them vulnerable to Democrat charges that the Republicans can't govern. Democrats warn Republicans that denying Obama a nominee will result in "payback" if a Republican wins the White House.

Republicans are in a situation where they have a no win situation. They can't deny the president his Constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice. They are allowed to run the clock out on the nominee. The Democrats can also force a vote on the floor.

Republicans are going to be fucked regardless of what they do!

We will keep you informed on this developing story.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

State Of The Union!

Final year for President Barack Obama and he vows to do more.

The final State of the Union Address for President Barack Obama had wrapped up and the agenda for the year is set.

Of course, with a Republican majority, will it be possible for the agenda to be accomplished?

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) got his first opportunity to sit in the big kid's chair. As the House Speaker, Ryan is now determined to get the House of Representatives in order. After a continuous year of battles, Ryan is hoping to get the advantage.

Handful of Republican lawmakers, Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito skipped the State of the Union again. 

South Carolina's Nikki Haley, the two term Republican governor delivered the response. 

Let's cut to the chase.

The president laid out a simple agenda. He wants to raise the minimum wage. He wants to enact reasonable gun control measures. He wants to improve on infrastructure. He asks of Congress to approve his use of force against the Islamic State. He appointed Vice President Joe Biden to head up a committee on how to fight cancer. He asked for more tax cuts. He praised Ryan for his leadership. He knocked on Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, Chris Christie and Rand Paul. He said that his biggest regrets was seeing Washington be so freaking divided.

I didn't get to capture every moment on television but I want to be clear that I enjoyed the speech.

Anyway, here's the video of the president and Haley.

No Tea Party Response or other unofficial Republican responses.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Kim Davis: Out On Bail Bitches!

Kim Davis, Rowan County Kentucky clerk ordered out. By federal order, she is to not interfere with marriage licenses. Davis vows to meddle.

The controversial Kentucky county clerk who refused to marry gay couples was ordered out of lockup today. After spending the Labor Day weekend in the county lockup, the federal judge said it's wrap.

U.S. Federal judge David Bunning ordered an immediate release of Kim Davis.

The clerk may soon be out of lockup by 5pm.

The order comes with a price. She cannot interfere with clerks willing to issue licenses. I am guessing she will defy the order and be put back in the lockup.

This issue came forth after she stood on religious grounds to block marriage licenses to three gay couples and two straight couples.

She admits that her Christian faith would not allow her to marry couples. Being a government. Defying a Supreme Court ruling, the Rowan County clerk had become a much talked about issue. The racist/religious/stupid right has gathered to the jail to do a protest rally for Davis.

Davis even got support among the clowns running for the nomination. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee will seek her endorsement. They plan on visiting the jail for moral support and votes.
Huckabee will be in Ashland, KY to rally supporters.
The Liberty Counsel has aided her legal defense and argued that the government went too far in jailing her.

Now this has set a rebellion of judges, county clerks and state workers willing to be jailed for refusing marriage licenses to couples.

This impact may spark the rise of the religious extremists who dominated the 1990s. The legacy of Jerry Falwell continues. Falwell was a dominate force in the religious right. He made Republicans and some Democrats take pledges to vow a Christian agenda. This pledge stands with many lawmakers. Pat Robertson and Franklin Graham are the living embodiment of religious extremism.

Davis is a registered Democrat by the way. The Democratic Party denounced her.

The release will assure that she will once again meddle in this. She will likely stand defiant in this.

Okay, what's your thought on the matter?

Do you believe Kim Davis's right to religious grounds?

Is it right to defy a federal order?

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Kentucky Clerk Heads To Federal Time Out For Denying Marriage Licences!

Kim Davis
County clerk sent to federal time out for defying court order.

Kim Davis is a Rowan County, Kentucky clerk. She is an elected Democrat who runs the county records. She is the focal point of a big controversy in the coal country. She will face federal time out for defying a court order on the matter.

Davis is standing on her moral grounds to deny marriage licenses to couples because she doesn't support gay marriage.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Obergefell v. Hodges decision. This historical decision grants marriage equality to every state and territory in the United States. Every marriage bans imposed by states are null and void.

Gay couples have the right to marriage as the straight couples.

Davis is stubbornly and boldly denying four gay couples and three straight couples marriage licenses.

The ACLU took it to federal court. Davis aided by the extremist Liberty Counsel have argued that her moral stances should grant her some legal immunity against issuing licenses.

Democrat Governor Steve Beshear gave up the fight on his state ban. He actually is ordering all state clerks to issue licenses. He ordered her to do so. She refused.

Davis went to the Supreme Court for a writ of delay. That was denied. The U.S. Federal Court in Ashland ordered an immediate issuing of licenses to the couples. She refused.

So today, she got served up.

Davis is ordered to the county lockup for the time being for defying the court of law. As she tearfully is hauled off, she tells jackass Todd Starnes that she is willing to "die" for her Christian beliefs.

That means she's becoming a martyr for the racist right.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

SCOTUS Keeps The Death Card Available!

The current justices in the Supreme Court.

By appointment.

Associate Justice Anton Scalia - Ronald Reagan (Conservative)
Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy - Ronald Reagan (Conservative/Libertarian)
Associate Justice Clarence Thomas - George H.W.Bush (Conservative)
Associate Justice Steven Breyer - Bill Clinton (Liberal)
Associate Justice Ruth Bider Ginsburg - Bill Clinton (Liberal)
Associate Justice Samuel Alto - George W. Bush (Conservative)
Chief Justice John Roberts - George W. Bush (Conservative)
Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor - Barack Obama (Liberal)
Associate Justice Elena Kagan - Barack Obama (Liberal)

Try to keep up with the score. Conservatives are seriously upset with Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy. They sided with the liberal wing of the court in regards to Obamacare.

Kennedy strung conservatives even harder by siding with the liberal wing of the court in allowing equal marriage in the United States. So it doesn't matter whether you're straight or gay, you have a right to marry. Marriage is legal in the United States. Conservatives are calling for impeachment and are urging state clerks to deny marriage licenses based on religious beliefs.

King v. Burwell ruling saves the Obamacare (Affordable Care Act). If it ruled in the conservatives favor, over 30 million signed up to the healthcare mandates subsides could be eliminated. That means each state is required to set up state exchanges regardless of political views.

Obergefell v. Hodges ruling is a landmark decision. Jim Obergefell lost his husband to ALS. He wanted to be placed as spouse on the death certificate. He and his husband John Arthur were married in Maryland. They resided in Cincinnati. When John died, Ohio refused to acknowledged the legal marriage. Jim took it to court and won. The court ruled that equal rights are extended to marriage.

On the bright side, conservatives win on rulings that involves the mandatory sentencing, the overreach of the EPA and the death penalty.

Michigan v. EPA - The court ruled that President Barack Obama's executive orders were unconstitutional.

Ohio v. Clark - The court ruled that sentencing for gun crimes under statures that carry heavy time in the iron college were constitutional.

Clayton Lockett
Glossip v. Gross - The cocktail given in the gas house isn't cruel and unusual punishment.

Conservatives win handily on these issues when it comes to gun rights, environmental regulations and the pills for death.

The Glossip v. Gross case involved the death penalty cocktail that was being injected into the condemned. An Oklahoma man was given the gas house. Clayton Lockett was given the lethal load and it didn't work. It was administered by the Oklahoma guards.

Lockett got the cocktail but it wasn't working. He told the warden that he's feeling pain. He was cussing that this "shit was burning"!

It took over 45 minutes before he would pass away. Many advocates believe that it was cruel for him to suffer.

The Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision believe that despite this horrible tragedy, the states that advocate the gas house are allowed to use the death cocktail.

On the other hand, the liberal wing won the ruling on Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Comm'n. This ruling could impact states that have gerrymandered districts that are based on political swing. That means if a district is relatively swing, the party in power must compromise on where the district lines go. Basically it may be up to voters to establish independent commissions to draw the congressional lines in the 2020 U.S. Census.

Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc., ruling is significant. Even if there's a trace of discrimination in housing loans, leasing and properties, the individual can file a writ of consent.

Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans ruling advocates that governments aren't entitled to enshrine opinionated plates. That means that some states that issue Confederate flag plates are no longer allowed to promote private thought over government speech.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Obama's Touching Eulogy In Charleston!

Friends of faith know the road ahead was a challenge. But we persevere. 

The LGBT community was given a historical victory today. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage. Now in the United States, marriage is legal for every human being.

President Barack Obama delivered a powerful statement this morning.

And when he went to Charleston, SC for the funeral of Clementa Pickney, a state senator who was the pastor of Emmanuel AME Church, Obama gave one of the best eulogies ever.

As passionate as he was, the president remarks on all the innocent lives lost to this terrorist and the need to push for reasonable gun control. 

The deceased included congregation members: Susie Jackson, 87; Rev Daniel Simmons Sr., 74; Ethel Lance, 70; Myra Thompson, 59; Cynthia Hurd, 54; Rev Depayne Middleton-Doctor, 49; Rev Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, 45; and Tywanza Sanders, 26.

World News Today send our condolences to families of those lost in this horrible tragedy.

He went into Amazing Grace which brought the biggest standing ovation ever.

Who ever said that President Barack Obama's isn't the coolest guy in the White House?

A man of principle and a man of vision. And for the hate aimed at him, First Lady Michelle Obama an their children, they keep their cool and keep it moving.

Friday, June 26, 2015


Anthony Kennedy joined the liberal justices Steven Breyer, Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Sonia Sotomayor in an extremely historical decision. The gay marriage bans in states like Ohio, Kentucky, Florida and Texas are gone. The United States Supreme Court ruled, gay marriage the law of the land.





A big day in the Supreme Court. The legality of marriage is now equal for all.

In a 5-4 decision, the court ruled that all state mandated gay marriage bans are discriminatory.
Win for the LGBT community.
The decision is a historic victory for gay rights activists who have fought for years in the lower courts. Thirty-seven states and the District of Columbia already recognize marriage equality. The remaining 13 states ban these unions, even as public support has reached record levels nationwide.

The justices found that under the 14th Amendment, states must issues marriage licenses to same-sex couples and recognize same-sex unions that were legally performed in other states.

The lead plaintiff in Obergefell v. Hodges is Ohio resident Jim Obergefell, who wanted to be listed as the surviving spouse on his husband's death certificate. In 2013, Obergefell married his partner of two decades, John Arthur, who suffered from ALS. Arthur passed away in October of that year, three months after the couple filed their lawsuit.

Obergefell was joined by several dozen other gay plaintiffs from Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee who were fighting both to be able to marry and to have their marriage recognized in every state in the country.
Family matters. The Supreme Court made a historical decision on gay marriage.
The country's views of same-sex marriage have transformed since 2004, when Massachusetts became the first state to allow gay couples to wed. In 2013, the Supreme Court began chipping away at the country's legacy of discrimination against same-sex couples when it struck down part of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which prevented same-sex couples whose marriages were recognized by their home state from receiving the hundreds of benefits available to other married couples under federal law.

President Barack Obama became the first sitting president to support marriage equality when he came out in favor of it in 2012, the same year that the Democratic Party made it part of its platform for the first time. The Republican Party and its slate of 2016 presidential aspirants, however, remain opposed to same-sex marriage. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) support a constitutional amendment protecting states that want to ban marriage equality.

Some conservatives have advocated for a civil disobedience effort against a Supreme Court decision in favor of same-sex marriage. However, officials in red states told The Huffington Post recently that they are prepared to implement the decision, going so far as to ready gender-neutral marriage licenses and set later office hours. Gerard Rickhoff, who oversees marriage licenses in Bexar County, Texas, said that if same-sex couples are discriminated against elsewhere in the state, "Just get in your car and come on down the highway. You'll be embraced here."

President Barack Obama will be heading to Charleston soon but before he goes, he may deliver a speech on the court decision.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Republicans must accept the healthcare law.

The Supreme Court ruled in the King v. Burwell case.

And it looks like the president's signature health care law stays put.  The AP breaks the news and it looks like it's going to make Republicans and conservative agitators even more angrier.

The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the nationwide tax subsidies under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, in a ruling that preserves health insurance for millions of Americans.

The justices said in a 6-3 ruling that the subsidies that 8.7 million people currently receive to make insurance affordable do not depend on where they live, under the 2010 health care law.

The outcome is the second major victory for Obama in politically charged Supreme Court tests of his most significant domestic achievement.

Chief Justice John Roberts again voted with his liberal colleagues in support of the law. Roberts also was the key vote to uphold the law in 2012. Justice Anthony Kennedy, a dissenter in 2012, was part of the majority on Thursday.

"Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them," Roberts wrote in the majority opinion.

Nationally, 10.2 million people have signed up for health insurance under the Obama health overhaul. That includes the 8.7 million people who are receiving an average subsidy of $272 a month to help pay their insurance premiums.

Of those receiving subsidies, 6.4 million people were at risk of losing that aid because they live in states that did not set up their own health insurance exchanges.

The challenge devised by die-hard opponents of the law, often derided by critics as "Obamacare," relied on four words - established by the state - in the more than 900-page law.

The law's opponents argued that the vast majority of people who now get help paying for their insurance premiums are ineligible for their federal tax credits. That is because roughly three dozen states opted against creating their own health insurance marketplaces, or exchanges, and instead rely on the federal to help people find coverage if they don't get insurance through their jobs or the government.

In the challengers' view, the phrase "established by the state" demonstrated that subsidies were to be available only available to people in states that set up their own exchanges. Those words cannot refer to exchanges established by the Health and Human Services Department, which oversees, the opponents argued.

The administration, congressional Democrats and 22 states responded that it would make no sense to construct the law the way its opponents suggested. The idea behind the law's structure was to decrease the number of uninsured. The law prevents insurers from denying coverage because of "pre-existing" health conditions. It requires almost everyone to be insured and provides financial help to consumers who otherwise would spend too much of their paycheck on their premiums.

The point of the last piece, the subsidies, is to keep enough people in the pool of insured to avoid triggering a so-called death spiral of declining enrollment, a growing proportion of less healthy people and premium increases by insurers.

Several portions of the law indicate that consumers can claim tax credits no matter where they live. No member of Congress said that subsidies would be limited, and several states said in a separate brief to the court that they had no inkling they had to set up their own exchange for their residents to get tax credits.

The 2012 case took place in the midst of Obama's re-election campaign, when he touted the largest expansion of the social safety net since the advent of Medicare nearly a half-century earlier. But at the time, the benefits of the Affordable Care Act were mostly in the future. Many of its provisions had yet to take effect.

In 2015, the landscape has changed, although the partisan and ideological divisions remain for a law that passed Congress in 2010 with no Republican votes.

The Affordable Healthcare Act was passed. It's ruled constitutional. The Republicans have tried over 60 times to repeal the law despite the court telling them that everything in the law is correct.

Time for the Republicans and their allies to move forward. Take down the Confederate Flag. Pass comprehensive immigration reform. Pass reasonable gun control. Give gay couples the right the marry.

Let's move the country forward.

Monday, June 01, 2015

SCOTUS Rules In The Wannabe Eminem Case!

I can't be touched. Anthony Elonis got redemption after the Supreme Court ruled that his imprisonment and conviction invalid. He went to social media to rap a verse about killing his ex-wife in Eminem fashion.

If I want to say "I'm a kill you" in a musical verse, is it a threat?

Well the Supreme Court says "no". It's not a threat if you're expressing frustrations about killing without preemptive attack. It has to be the actions done and not said. The court ruled in favor of a man who spent time in the prison after he took shots at his estranged wife after he found out she cheated on him.

Elonis v. United States is a decision that ruled in favor of plaintiff Anthony Elonis.

The court invalidated his conviction. He is no longer an active felon in the state of Pennsylvania.

Anthony Elonis (formerly known as Tone Dougie) was convicted on four counts of threats to local law enforcement, his estranged wife, an FBI agent, and a kindergarten class, relayed through interstate communication. He was sentenced to 5 years in federal time out. He posted his lyrics of violence on Facebook.

There you go.........!

Remember what you post on social media can be seen by everyone. Just because you keep it private, doesn't mean it's private. Your friends and their friends and strangers can exploit you. Once its online, it's forever.
Big rulings are coming. Obamacare and gay marriage on the way.
In his lyrics he would say:

Did you know that it's illegal for me to say I want to kill my wife?

It's illegal.

It's indirect criminal contempt.

It's one of the only sentences that I'm not allowed to say.

Now it was okay for me to say it right then because I was just telling you that it's illegal for me to say I want to kill my wife...
Elonis said that his rap verse were similar to Eminem.
He would also post that he would take out others. That caught the FBI's attention.

"...Took all the strength I had not to turn the bitch ghost

Pull my knife, flick my wrist, and slit her throat

Leave her bleedin’ from her jugular in the arms of her partner..."

Elonis' conviction was based on multiple public Facebook posts he wrote, including the following about his wife: “If I only knew then what I know now... I would have smothered your ass with a pillow. Dumped your body in the back seat. Dropped you off in Toad Creek and made it look like a rape and murder.”

Elonis fought the state of Pennsylvania to regain his freedom. After a few appeals, he got it to the Supreme Court.

In a 7-2 decision, the court ruled that it was wrong for the federal authorities and state of Pennsylvania to assume that Elonis had the intentions of planning a domestic attack through social media. They knew it was rap lyrics and not an inspired attack.

Justices Samuel Alito and Clearance Thomas were the dissenting opinion.

This ruling means that even if its distasteful and threatening, the court believes that if it's written by song or in poetic form (and not a plot to carry out a domestic attack), it's freedom of speech.

Elonis wanted to think like Eminem.

Marshall Mathers III, 42 is the world's greatest rapper. He comes from the city of Detroit and told his tales of hardship through his alter ego Slim Shady. The rapper released eight albums, five collaborations and starred in a blockbuster movie. He is one of the very few rappers to earn a Oscar for best song. He is the most recognizable White rapper. He is a controversial talent. He is criticized by some for rapping verse that may seem sexist, homophobic, violent, demonic, sadistic, and too commercial.

Eminem is also founder of Shady Records, the label that host his group D12, hip-hop collective Slaughterhouse and Alabama rapper Yelawolf.

Eminem is signed on Interscope Records through Dr. Dre's Aftermath Entertainment.

Dr. Dre left the label to join Apple via his Beats Audio.

Bigger rulings coming soon. The decisions on executive powers, Obamacare and gay marriage will be decided on in the coming weeks.

SCOTUS Rules In A&F Discrimination Case!

In a ruling today, the U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of the plaintiff who filed a federal lawsuit against a suburban clothing retailer.

EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc., was a court ruling stops selective hiring practices by companies such as New York-based clothing outlet Abercrombie & Fitch.

Whether an employer can be liable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for refusing to hire an applicant or discharging an employee based on a “religious observance and practice” only if the employer has actual knowledge that a religious accommodation was required and the employer's actual knowledge resulted from direct, explicit notice from the applicant or employee.
Hani Khan.
In a 8-1 decision, with Justice Clearance Thomas being the sole dissent rules that A&F was in violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission when it dealt with accommodating to religious grounds.

Those involved the clothing company were prepared for this. They were committed to ending its discrimination practices towards hires who were Black, Hispanic, fat, and practicing Muslim.

They fired CEO Mike Jeffries out the cannon after he and his boyfriend ran the company into the ground. Mike and his boyfriend were blowing money fast. They were telling the public that they have to be catered by male models who had to look the part. The controversial business executive was bold in his demands. He didn't want fat people, Black people and unattractive people wearing his company's logo.
70 year old man-child Mike Jeffries was forced out of A&F/Hollister. The loaded him and his partner in the cannon and fired them out.
Some managers of A&F stores fired two women out the cannon after they refused to take off their hijab because of their religion.

Hani Khan, 23 was the most recognizable face of the ruling. She was fired from a California Hollister store after she was told that she could not be on the A&F floor. So they sent her to the Hollister to work in the break room. When she came onto the floor to assist a guest, a manager told her to head home and not come back.

She took her concerns to the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and they filed a federal lawsuit against the compnay.

Now based in New Albany, Ohio outside of Columbus, the board was taking a lot of heat.

Sales are down. Many stores might close and its trying to rebuilt its image. According to the new rules, you can wear whatever you want. You don't have to be a white girl with blonde hair or a white guy with ripped muscles wearing jeans tucked up with sandals.

They want to bring young teens back to the A&F and Hollister stores. They even introduced large and XXL sizes for customers.

Jeffries and his 22 years on the board wrecked the company.

The company can not deny an employee based on race, gender, religion, social, political or economic standings.

It stands for all companies in the United States and its territories.

Congratulations to Ms. Hani Khan. She defined the odds. She took on a business that thought it was "too big to fail" and won.

Monday, June 30, 2014

It's A Man's World!

The five dicks of law.

The United States Supreme Court really set the country back. In order to protect the alpha White male, the five conservative justices pulled the plug on women's reproductive rights and the labor unions.

Women who want birth control will be able to get it, except from businesses like Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-A the winners of this lawsuit.

Burwell (Sebelius) v. Hobby Lobby is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court case concerning whether the Free Exercise Clause of the U.S. Constitution and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) can exempt a closely held company from federal government regulations requiring employers to provide contraceptive coverage to their female employees. The case upheld for the first time a closely held corporation's ability to claim a religious belief.

The case is a reaction against a requirement deriving from the Affordable Care Act. It could have widespread impact on the issue of whether companies can be religiously exempt from any federal law that protects the interests of other individuals.

The case was previously titled Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. Sylvia Burwell was automatically substituted as petitioner when she was approved by the United States Senate as Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services after being nominated by President Barack Obama to replace Kathleen Sebelius following her resignation on April 10, 2014.

Harris v. Quinn was a United States Supreme Court case regarding if public employees can be compelled to pay union dues. The case was specifically about eight home health care workers, generally family members of patients, who were receiving Medicaid funds to provide care for the patients.

The Court ruled that the workers could not be compelled to join the union, on the grounds that they were not fully-fledged state employees, as they are hired or fired by individual patients - though paid via Medicaid. The ruling did not invalidate compulsory union membership for the larger population of public employees, but Alito's majority opinion did argue that Abood v. Detroit Board of Education was erroneously decided.

Supreme Court job approval

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

SCOTUS Rules Big!

Cameras aren't allowed in the Supreme Court. Recording devices are limited to audio. A courtroom sketcher will display the reactions of those in the courtroom. 

Two major decision came from the U.S. Supreme Court. They managed to not only deal a blow to law enforcement agencies but also start up companies that advocate advancements in the digital age.

First things first, have you ever posted anything incriminating on your phone?

Have you ever posted something that you know will get you in trouble?

Think about that young woman who posted on the social networks and on her phone. She was the one who robbed a bank. Hannah Sabata got 20 years in the iron college for that incident. Before the Court decision, the boys in blue would have checked her phone for incriminating evidence. No more.

The law must now get a warrant to look into a person's phone. Today the landmark decision given by the Court unanimously held that search and seizure of digital contents of a cell phone during an arrest is unconstitutional.

The case arose from a split among state and federal courts over the cell phone search incident to arrest (SITA) doctrine. The Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh Circuits have ruled that officers can search cell phones to arrest under various standards. That rule has been followed by the Supreme Courts of Georgia, Massachusetts, and California. Other courts in the First Circuit and the Supreme Courts of Florida and Ohio disagreed.

Now if you want to see your local news on the phone or through the computer. It may be even harder to stream the service if you're not licensed by the company. The Court ruled that online streaming service Aereo violated copyright when they were charging fees to stream local programs over their programming. This means that any start up business that wants to stream programming that comes off the free broadcast will be subject to infringement and shut down.

Broadcasters argued that Aereo was a threat both to their business model, by undermining the cable retransmission fees and the size of their audience.

Because the fees cable companies pay for broadcast content can comprise up to 10% of a broadcaster's revenue, broadcasters object to Aereo's re-distribution of this content without paying any fees. Broadcasters have also identified Aereo as part of the cord-cutting trend among television audiences that poses a threat to broadcasters' advertising revenue.

Aereo was sued for copyright infringement by a consortium of major broadcasters, including CBS Corporation's CBS, Comcast's NBC, Disney's ABC and 21st Century Fox's Fox.

The broadcasters argued that Aereo infringed their copyrighted material because Aereo's streams constituted public performances. They sought a preliminary injunction against the company. On July 11, Federal Judge Alison Nathan denied this injunction, citing as precedent the 2008 Cablevision case, which established the legality of cloud-based streaming and DVR services.

In response to the decision, Aereo Founder and CEO Chet Kanojia said “Today’s decision shows that when you are on the right side of the law, you can stand up, fight the Goliath and win.”

In a subsequent interview with CNET, Kanojia asserted, “With one step, we changed the entire TV industry. The television industry and its evolution are now starting towards the Internet and that was stopped until Aereo came along...And I think as consumers start migrating to the Internet, new programming and new content are going to come in.

The Court decided in favor of the broadcasters on June 25 in a 6-3 decision and remanded the case with Justices Scalia, Thomas and Alito dissenting. The Court's decision describes Aereo as not being "simply an equipment provider," with an "overwhelming likeness to cable companies" that "performs petitioners' works 'publicly.'" Further, the Court adds that its decision should not discourage the emergence or use of different kinds of technologies, a conclusion that will remain to be seen.

Research was obtained through the SCOTUS Blog and Wikipedia to conclude the summary of this decision.

These decisions are monumental. The Court's rulings will affect the digital age. The Roberts Court is pretty damn conservative. The swing is Anthony Kennedy and he's tolled the line toward libertarian. These decisions are pretty much setbacks to law enforcement and digital technology.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

SCOTUS Is So Stupid!

Religious prayer is allowed in municipal buildings.

Greece, New York wins a public battle. I guess we have no separation of church and state in the eyes of the Supreme Court. In a ruling of 5-4, the town of Greece won against a man who believed the public meeting places (such as non-religious city hall) shouldn't allow prayer.

So I am hoping an imam gets an opportunity to preach an Islamic prayer at a city hall meeting. I hope an atheist can speak at a city hall meeting.

The five members of the conservative wing of the Supreme Court of the United States once again think backwards when it comes to the country's diverse citizens.

Four White men and one Black man who have no common sense ruled for localities to use prayer whenever they open up a government meeting. Saying that Christian prayer is allow in civic meetings.

Again SCOTUS blog reports that Supreme Court rules that the town's practice of opening its town board meetings with a prayer offered by members of the clergy does not violate the Establishment Clause when the practice is consistent with the tradition long followed by Congress and state legislatures, the town does not discriminate against minority faiths in determining who may offer a prayer, and the prayer does not coerce participation with non-adherents.
A Black Catholic priest gives the benediction.
By the ruling, it was reversed. The 5-4 decision with an opinion by Justice Anthony Kennedy on May 5, 2014. Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas join the majority opinion except as to Part II-B. Justice Samuel Alito filed a concurring opinion, in which Justice Scalia joined. Justice Thomas filed an opinion concurring in part and concurring in the judgment, in which Justice Scalia joined as to Part II. Justice Steven Breyer filed a dissenting opinion. Justice Elena Kagan filed a dissenting opinion, in which Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice Breyer, and Justice Sonia Sotomayor joined.

The reaction to the courts ruling was diverse. Christian conservatives and others who feel that religious expression has been overly curtailed in public settings were happy with ruling. Eric Rassbach, deputy general counsel of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, called the court's decision "a great victory for religious liberty."

Along with their supporters the Jewish and atheist women who filed suit against the town of Greece were disappointed by the court's ruling.

A number of Jewish organizations, including the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League, had filed amici curiae briefs in support of the respondents, and expressed disappointment with the majority's decision.
The Town of Greece residents give a prayer before they do public meeetings.
Secular groups were also disappointed. Daniel Mach, director of the ACLU Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief, for example stated: “We are disappointed by today’s decision. Official religious favoritism should be off-limits under the Constitution. Town-sponsored sectarian prayer violates the basic rule requiring the government to stay neutral on matters of faith.”

Ira Lupu, a law professor emeritus at George Washington University who specializes in the First Amendment, called the court's ruling "a very bad decision" because it undermined the Establishment Clause.

Lupu explained that the court decision "does not insist on any [...] reasonable effort to make prayer nonsectarian or to push for diversity. The majority faith in a particular community can dictate the prayers and minority faiths could be left out if they don’t step up and say, ‘Hey, what about us?'"

The Los Angeles Times pointed out that the decision divided the justices along religious lines, as well as ideological ones. All five justices in the majority were Catholics, and three out of the four dissenters were Jewish.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Brown V. Board Of Education: 60 Years Later!

Future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall celebrates with Oliver Brown in the landmark decision of Brown v. Board of Education. This decision would ban discrimination in public schools and make segregation illegal.

Still a long way to go. But in America, you can now be in a diversified school. If it wasn't for the landmark decision of Brown v. Board of Education, the American schools would still be segregated.

The decision overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision of 1896, which allowed state-sponsored segregation, insofar as it applied to public education. Handed down on May 17, 1954, the Warren Court's unanimous (9–0) decision stated that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." As a result, de jure racial segregation was ruled a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. This ruling paved the way for integration and was a major victory of the civil rights movement.

Again, we here at Journal de la Reyna celebrate in diversity and equal rights for all.

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Bennie Thompson: Clarence Thomas And Mitch McConnell Ain't Friends To The Black Community!

Congressman Bennie Thompson believes that the constant obstruction by Republicans towards President Barack Obama has more to do with his race than his policies. The racist right pounces on it.

The racist right can't seem to get their "I Told Ya So" moment!

Remember last week the racist right was backing away from Cliven Bundy after it was revealed on tape he was ranting about the NEGRO. That was repudiated by most in the conservative agitating media. 

They were almost close to having t-shirts printed with Bundy in the Obama-style silhouette.

Now that Bundy is back in the cesspool, the racist right wanted to find something to blame the liberals on.

Enter Donald Sterling. The owner of the Los Angeles Clippers was making a racist rant about his former girlfriend posing on the social networks with Black people. He warns her not to bring Blacks to the Clippers games and told that he didn't appreciate her posing with NBA legend Erwin "Magic" Johnson.
The main reason to obstruction of the raising of the minimum wage.
The junk food media went sensational on this. All of sudden, the racist right was trying to find out what political affiliation Sterling endorsed. They dig up a time capsule and found a couple of cheap donations to a bunch of failed Democratic candidates. Automatic Democrat says the racist right.

They ran with this Sterling was a Democrat for the last three days until..... Politifact, Mother Jones and Talking Points Memo burst their bubble.

It turns out that Donald Sterling was a Republican. Abetted that he rarely donated to political campaigns, his message resonated with the Republicans.

So another talking point down the drain. No new villain.

Enter Mississippi Democratic Congressman Bennie Thompson:

Yeah, I can agree that yesterday's vote on raising the federal minimum wage shows that Republicans have real issues with the middle class and people of color. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) and his 43 members of the Senate blocked the wage.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is frequently a target of attack by Black leaders because he opposes the needs of the Black community.
Yeah, McConnell devoted his time to making sure that President Barack Obama being a "one term" president.

Now facing a tougher opponent from the Tea Party and Democratic Party, McConnell will be dirtier than usual. According to the C.R.E.W., he's one of the most corrupt politicos in Washington.

He so far up the ass of the Koch brothers.

Okay, I guess it's wrong to call Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom". After all, he stood behind the Michigan ban on affirmative action.

One thing that the host of this show got wrong was who appointed him. It was George H.W. Bush who nominated Thomas to the Supreme Court after Thurgood Marshall retired from the court. Bush thought it would thought the notion of replacing a Black man to the court would help score some votes.

Thompson is catching flack.

Truth be told, Thompson is right.

Again, I've never in my life see such opposition towards a president.

One could wonder if this wasn't because of racism?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Supreme Court Upholds Michigan's Affirmative Action Ban!

The conservative wing upholds Michigan's ban on racial preferences.

I guess the Supreme Court decided that racism is over in the United States. There's no such thing as institutional racism in the country so says the six justices of the Supreme Court.

Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action was a case before the United States Supreme Court questioning whether a state violates the Fourteenth Amendment by enshrining a ban on race- and sex-based discrimination on public university admissions in its constitution.

This ruling effectively ends racial preferences in admissions in ALL institutions.

The Associated Press reports that the 6-2 (with Elena Kagan, not participating) decision came in a case brought by Michigan, where a voter-approved initiative banning affirmative action had been tied up in court for a decade.

Seven other states — California, Florida, Washington, Arizona, Nebraska, Oklahoma and New Hampshire — have similar bans. Now, others may seek to follow suit.

But the ruling, which was expected after the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the Michigan law, does not establish a precedent because the justices splintered in their reasoning.

It also doesn't jeopardize the wide use of racial preferences in many of the 42 states without bans. Such affirmative action programs were upheld, though subjected to increased scrutiny, in the high court's June ruling involving the University of Texas.

"This case is not about how the debate (over racial preferences) should be resolved," Justice Anthony Kennedy said in announcing the ruling. But to stop Michigan voters from making their own decision on affirmative action would be "an unprecedented restriction on a fundamental right held by all in common."

Chief Justice Roberts also filed a concurring opinion, arguing that the dissent contains a paradox: the governing board banning affirmative action is an exercise of policymaking authority, but others who reach that conclusion (presumed to mean the supporters of Proposal 2) do not take race seriously. He continues that racial preferences may actually do more harm than good, that they reinforce doubt about whether or not minorities belong.

Justice Scalia filed an opinion concurring in the judgment, joined by Justice Thomas. He examines what he calls a "frighteningly bizarre question:" Whether the Equal Protection Clause forbids what its text requires, answering by quoting his concurrence/dissent in Grutter: that "the Constitution [forbids] government discrimination on the basis of race, and state-provided education is no exception." He asserts that the people of Michigan adopted that understanding of the clause as their fundamental law, and that by adopting it, "they did not simultaneously offend it."

Justice Breyer filed an opinion concurring in the judgment, arguing that the case has nothing to do with reordering the political process, nor moving decision-making power from one level to another, but rather that university boards delegated admissions-related authority to unelected faculty and administration. He further argues that the same principle which supports the right of the people or their representatives to adopt affirmative action policies for the sake of inclusion also gives them the right to vote not to do so, as Michigan did.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor read a summary of her lengthy, 58-page dissent from the bench, in which Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg joined. She said the decision creates "a two-tiered system of political change" by requiring only race-based proposals to surmount the state Constitution, while all other proposals can go to school boards.
From left bottom to right top: Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, John Roberts (Chief Justice of Supreme Court), Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito and Elena Kagan.

As a result of the ruling, said Sotomayor, a product of affirmative action policies, minority enrollment will continue to decline at Michigan's public universities, just as it has in California and elsewhere. African-American enrollment dropped 33% at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor between 2006 and 2012, even as overall enrollment grew by 10%.

"The numbers do not lie," Sotomayor said.

Conservative satire to affirmative action.
The decision was splintered, with Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito joining Kennedy's opinion; Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas concurring in a separate opinion; and Justice Stephen Breyer, more often aligned with the court's liberal wing, concurring in yet another opinion.

Justice Elena Kagan recused herself from the case, presumably because of a conflict of interest from her time as U.S. solicitor general.

The opinion elicited a general reaction from the White House as President Obama headed to Asia. "The president has said that while he opposes quotas and thinks an emphasis on universal and not race-specific programs is good policy, considering race, along with other factors, can be appropriate in certain circumstances," press secretary Jay Carney said on Air Force One.

The decision in Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action comes 10 years after two seminal Supreme Court rulings out of the University of Michigan. One struck down the undergraduate school's use of a point system that included race to guide admissions. The other upheld the law school's consideration of race among many other factors.

Immediately after the law school ruling, opponents of racial preferences set to work on a state constitutional amendment that said Michigan "shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin." Voters approved it by a 58%-42% margin in November 2006.

A federal district court upheld the initiative, but a sharply divided appeals court ruled that it violated minorities' equal protection rights under the Constitution.

The writing appeared to be on the wall at the Supreme Court, based on the influence of Roberts, an opponent of racial preferences who famously wrote in another case several years ago that "the way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."

But in this case, Kennedy was the man to watch. He wrote the court's 1996 Romer v. Evans opinion striking down a Colorado referendum that banned local governments from enacting gay rights laws. Yet he had been less enthusiastic about the use of racial preferences in several recent cases.

Opponents of the Michigan law called it a form of "political restructuring" that stops minorities from seeking admission to a university the same way an athlete or legacy applicant can. Instead, they said in an argument that Sotomayor and Ginsburg endorsed, minorities had to change the state Constitution.

In striking down the ban, the 6th Circuit cited the Supreme Court's 1969 and 1982 rulings in cases from Akron and Seattle. In those cases, the high court struck down voter-approved initiatives that had blocked the cities' pro-minority housing and school busing policies.
Satire in real sense.
But Kennedy said the appeals court misread those earlier rulings. In the new Michigan case, he said, the paramount concern is the right of citizens to deliberate, debate and act — in this case, through a constitutional amendment.

The debate has practical as well as legal implications. In Michigan and California particularly, the bans have reduced black and Hispanic enrollments at elite universities and at law, medical and professional schools. The percentages of African Americans among entering freshmen at the University of California-Berkeley, UCLA and the University of Michigan were the lowest among the nation's top universities in 2011.

During oral arguments in October, Michigan Solicitor General John Bursch disputed the validity of those statistics. He said changes in 2010 that allowed students to check more than one racial box skewed the figures.

While Michigan's argument focused on equal rights for white and minority students, some conservative scholars go further. They say doing away with affirmative action gives minority students a better chance of succeeding at less competitive schools.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

SCOTUS Slaps Down Conservative College's Lawsuit!

Liberty University seal.png
Liberty University, a conservative Christian university was denied a venue at the Supreme Court.

The country's most conservatively Christian university has been handed a defeat.

The Associated Press reports The Supreme Court has turned away a Christian university's attempt to overturn a key part of the Obama administration's health care law.

The justices did not comment Monday in leaving in place a federal appeals court ruling dismissing Liberty University's lawsuit.
Affirmative Action case is on the docket. 
Liberty made several arguments in challenging the portion of the health care law that requires most employers to provide health insurance to their workers or pay a fine. The 4th U.S. Circuit of Appeals in Richmond, Va., rejected those claims.

The Supreme Court separately is considering whether for-profit corporations can mount religious objections to the law's requirement to include birth control among preventive health benefits.

The case is Liberty University v. Lew, 13-306

Jerry Falwell, the late founder of the university.
The Jerry Falwell founded institution is still working in them "good ole days" of segregation.

The Republican faithful flock to the college to deliver their commencement speeches and presidential ambitions. Many have thanked the holier than thou Jerry Falwell on christening their legacies.

It was the tool to victory during the 1970s to 1990s. You had to speak at Liberty University if you're seeking the Republican nomination. Nowadays, you can't get a boost in credibility if you're too conservative.

Perennial loser Mitt Romney found out the hard way about carrying his ass to the right.

Liberty University is a private, Christian university located in Lynchburg, Virginia. It is the largest Evangelical Christian university in the world, the nation's largest private nonprofit university and 7th largest four-year university, and the largest university in Virginia.

The university was founded as Lynchburg Baptist College in 1971 by right wing bigot Jerry Falwell.

Liberty University describes itself as a Christian academic community. Its stated mission and aims emphasize both the intellectual and spiritual development of the institution's students.

Students are held to The Liberty Way, a strict morality code of behavioral conduct.


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