Friday, May 31, 2024

Manchin Goes Independent!

Joe Schmo goes independent.

White politicians, please keep Martin Luther King, Jr.'s name out of your mouth.

Do not share anymore honors to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor or any Black victim of police violence. 

Stay in your lane and avoid trying to do good by adopting Black children, encouraging us to vote for your candidates or your political parties. 

I am not sure on whether I will vote for either candidate come 2024.

The aftermath of the Donald J. Trump verdict. The Republicans and the far right junk food media agitators are calling for all hands on deck. They vow to support the former president regardless. Trump was convicted of falsify documents and trying to shield embarrassing information about his encounter with Stormy Daniels from making it a liability in the 2016 election. The Republicans still are backing a man who said he will be a dictator on day one. A man who will lie and deceive voters into committing violent acts towards other Americans. 

The Democrats at least hold their candidates accountable. Hell many of the progressives want American lawmakers indicted by the International Criminal Court for backing Israel in its genocide. 

Hypocrisy at its finest.

Now I hear the insufferable retiring West Virginia senator Joe Manchin who is friendly with Republicans is using his final months as an independent. The Senate is likely 50-50 now that Manchin, a conservative leaning senator left the Democratic Party. 
The 118th Congress is the laziest by far. Manchin is an example of it too.

Manchin, a thorn in President Joe Biden's agenda is using his last months in defiance.

He and Arizona's Kyrsten Sinema, another independent who left the Democratic Party complain that the Democratic Party is no longer willing to be bipartisan. Mind you, these idiots voted to give Israel billions to commit genocide. They can't fix roads and bridges, feed the hungry here, give shelter to the homeless here, continue to protect the status quo and embrace monuments to white supremacy (i.e. border walls, Confederate statues and refusing to give reparations to Black and Indigenous people).

Manchin has served in the Senate since 2010. He serves as chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. He said in a statement that over the last 15 years he has seen both major political parties leave their constituents “behind for partisan extremism while jeopardizing our democracy.”

Funny, protesting against Israel is extremist. 

The Jan. 6 insurrection was an act of political extremism. 

Holding Trump accountable is not extremism.

Protecting lobbyists and not voting with the party you aligned yourself with is political extremism.

“Today, our national politics are broken and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground,” Manchin said. “To stay true to myself and remain committed to put country before party, I have decided to register as an independent with no party affiliation and continue to fight for America’s sensible majority.”

But his announcement left many questions unanswered. Manchin did not disclose if he will continue caucusing with Democrats in the Senate, where they hold a slim majority. And he did not indicate if he will be running for higher office in the near future.

A request for further comment from his office was not immediately returned.

Manchin announced in February that he would not be running for president, saying he didn’t want to be a “spoiler.”

“I will not be seeking a third-party run,” he said in a speech at West Virginia University. “I will not be involved in a presidential run. I will be involved in making sure that we secure a president that has the knowledge and has the passion and has the ability to bring this country together.”

The speech was billed as part of a national listening tour Manchin announced when he decided not to seek another Senate term. He told the Morgantown audience that he had no interest in being “a deal-breaker, if you will, a spoiler, whatever you want to call it.”

“I just don’t think it’s the right time,” he said then.

Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV), Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), Sen. Angus King (I-ME) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) caucus with the Democrats. 

Four independent senators, a historic first.

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