Monday, January 17, 2022

Now The Noise Wants To Primary Biden!

The losers want Clinton to primary Biden.

I remember in 2016 at the peak of the Democratic presidential primaries, the noise was considering Joe Biden as the potential nominee to replace Hillary Clinton. According to the noise, she was weak, she was corrupt, the DNC robbed Bernie Sanders, no one thought the washed up entertainer would win, she was old, she was in failing health, she allowed Benghazi to happen, she hid stuff on her email server, her husband's alleged affairs, her ties to the Clinton Foundation, the Uranium One "scandal," her best friend Huma Abdein, her buddy Anthony Weiner, etc. 

The same noise that saw Clinton get defeated now wants more.

The extreme right and left want to see Joe Biden defeated.

President Joe Biden has enough headaches. The biggest headaches in his presidency is the Republican obstructionists blocking his agenda. He also has two Democratic senators who refuse to side with the Biden agenda. He has one independent senator who is trying to push Biden further to the left. He has the junk food media constantly dogging him over his failures. He has a bunch of lawmakers in the House who refuse to acknowledge he is the current president. He has a handful of Democratic lawmakers busy being activists than lawmakers causing more chaos than solutions. Of course, there's Washed Up 45 continuing his constant trolling.

All the noise is now is about who will run a primary challenge against Biden!

A disgraced former strategist for former president Bill Clinton who has a shoddy reputation is crawling back out to troll for attention.

The guy who once said then presidential candidate Karen Romney would win in a landslide crawls out of his hole. Romney lost to Barack Obama in a landslide. On top of that, he is now a carpetbagger senator in Utah.

This guy was fired from Fox. He has no credibility nor has any contact with Bill or Hillary Clinton. He is now saying that if Democrats lose the midterms, Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are toast. 

This right wing troll still obsessed with Hillary Clinton.

He along with another far right troll who once worked with Clinton are hoping for a primary fight.

The Karen on Fox said he likes to see the Democrats in disarray.... it's good for ratings and the Republican Party.

Now that Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and Al Gore are out of the spotlight, the extremists are begging for a primary challenge.

One thing the president asked of Americans is to be kind.

But the monster that we once knew as the 45th President of the United States is hell bent on trying to destroy the Biden agenda so he can wessel his way back to office.

Every Republican president left a colossal mess for a Democratic president. Every time a Democrat is in the White House, the noise of the right and the left distract Americans from a serious issue. We have a pandemic they refuse to take seriously. The Great Resignation is happening. American workers are tired of dirt pay for hours of work. The Black leftists want voting rights passed now. The leftists want the "human infrastructure" of the Build Back Better agenda passed. The far right want to keep the "Let's Go Brandon" nonsense going. 

Kindly remind yourself that this agitator is not trusted whatsoever. This troll was fired for allowing a hooker listen to his conversations with then president Bill Clinton. He has been on a vendetta against Hillary Clinton since. 

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