Friday, October 23, 2020

There's Something Wrong With Mitch!

McConnell's dying soul.

So you probably seen it many times in the beginnings of my posts on Journal de la Reyna. I am really not pleased as a blogger here. I am considering finishing up by December and moving towards WordPress because of the latest change to Blogger. 

I really hate this Blogger interface. I have to make my posts a copy and paste from Google Doc and WordPad. Cause if I do it through this interface, it will not embedded Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram videos and images. The pictures on the interface mysteriously disappears or appears at the bottom of the posting. I have to navigate through a bunch of unnecessary buttons to at least adjust the picture to fit the posting. On top of that, in its HTTL format is worthless. 

I will keep reminding you that it's difficult to post now that Google rolled out their new interface. It deletes posts. Trust me, I am one of millions who are really not feeling this. 

Google will find its reckoning.

Nonetheless I keep saying this.







VOTE ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the Majority Leader of the Senate has visible injuries on his face and hands. Some are wondering if the Majority Leader (also most hated U.S. politician) has a medical emergency.

McConnell has visible injuries on his hands and face.

As the Republicans are preparing to ram through Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, the Majority Leader was caught on camera. In a couple of pictures, they show he has visible bandages on his hands. They were swollen, bruised and purple. On his face, he has jaundice on his face. He also is badly wearing makeup and it’s not covering his facial scars.

As age 78, McConnell is facing questions of his health and his reluctance to pass the HEROES Act which the U.S. House passed in the Summer. The Senate Republicans are so keen on packing the courts with inexperienced jurists.

Could it be that McConnell caught the coronavirus when he and many Republican lawmakers attended the White House unveiling of Barrett?

He looks like a ghastly ghoul.

Or is it that he’s experiencing some dire health issues that could be implication that if he does win his race to retain his seat, he may eventually announce this could be his last run as a U.S. Senator?

If he does die, would Andy Bashear, the Democratic governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky appoint a senator or will the state Republicans change the rules and force a special election so folks like Daniel Cameron could take the mantle of McConnell if he does resign, retire or dies.

The Republicans signalled that most of them will vote in favor of Amy Coney Barrett. 

The coronavirus pandemic has infected over 10 million and killed nearly 300,000 Americans.   

Again, it’s time to move forward. President Donald J. Trump, thank you for your service. But it’s time for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to “Make America Great Again.” Let them have an opportunity to bring America together through a pandemic, civil unrest and hopelessness.


Vote like your life depends on it.

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