Tuesday, September 01, 2020

The Royal Fourth!

The rumors going around. The junk food media believes Kate is expecting.
Royal pregnancy rumors are growing in Great Britain.

Rumors are going around saying that the Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant with her fourth child.

The duchess has been known to have complications from pregnancy but she normally goes through without any issues.

The junk food media is once again swarming over the rumors that the "future" King and his wife are going to add to their large family. They are posting sympathetic stories about the possibility of the duchess having a high risk pregnancy and how it could endanger her life.

You gotta hand it to the folks in the junk food media, they are sure as hell clueless when it comes to the way they portray the royal family.

They have been giving the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge more favorable coverage since the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The American actress married the royal a few years back and the two had a son. The two had face some of the most negative coverage over in Britain and here in the United States.

Even Donald J. Trump's dumb ass was saying he's not paying for any Secret Service protection for the couple.
The royal family had tensions due to the media's treatment of Harry and Meghan.
The couple restrained themselves from royal funds and said they don't need American law enforcement to protect them.

Prince William and Duchess Kate have three children together. George, Charlotte and Louis are their children. The royal line of succession will change again if Kate does have another child.

The new hierarchy is pretty much.

Queen Elizabeth II
Charles, Prince of Wales.
William, Duke of Cambridge
Prince George of Cambridge
Princess Charlotte of Cambridge
Prince Louis of Cambridge
Harry (if he resumes royal duties), Duke of Sussex
Master Archie Mountbatten-Windsor

If Elizabeth II resigns or passes away, Charles will assume the throne.

You notice that since Prince Harry married American actress Meghan Markle, the junk food media has been obsessed with painting her as an "angry Black royal" while glorifying the "fairy tale" marriage of Prince William and Duchess Kate. One of the reasons why Harry resigned from royal duties was the persistent negative and racist coverage of Meghan from British and American agitators.

Their announcement to leave royal duties and settle in North America rocked the world. Queen Elizabeth II, the longest serving monarch of Great Britain was angered by the news. They broke royal protocol.

The two said that enough is enough. They believed that racism fueled their decision.

Now the two reside in the United States.

It's reported that the royals are strained because of this. William and Harry have tried to patch things up as of recently.

We want to say congratulations to Prince William and Duchess Kate if they are expecting.

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