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Trump gets a town hall where the questions weren't Sean "Softball" Hannity pitched. |
ABC News and Donald J. Trump hold a town hall in Philadelphia. It didn't offer the "Softball" Hannity questions or relentless praise of "your favorite president."
George Stephanopoulos hosts the town hall with Trump.
Trump didn't expect the questions to be hard. He also didn't expect some of the people to not be supporters of him. He had to defend the controversial Bob Woodward interview in which he downplayed the threat of the coronavirus. He will immediately dismiss the town hall as a "setup" and claim that the questions were provided by Democrats.
Trump maintained that he closed the borders to prevent the virus and still blames China for its handling of the virus.
Stephanopoulos who tested positive for the coronavirus himself, stopped him from running on about how he took the threat serious. The ABC News host reminded Trump that he himself was calling the coronavirus a "Democrat hoax" and said he is on tape telling Woodard that he "played down" the virus. He quickly pointed out that Trump praised Chinese president Xi Jinping and said that he had had control of the coronavirus before the pandemic. Stephanopoulos even pointed out that Trump said it would "go away."
He also faced questions about race relations, crime and the handling of the coronavirus.
Trump continues to say he didn't want the country to panic over the coronavirus.
Here's things Trump has the country panic over.
The election results.
A Netflix movie called Cuties.
Cops being killed by Black people or immigrants.
Immigrants killing American citizens.
Muslims who plot terrorist attacks.
Joe Biden.
Bernie Sanders.
The Squad.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer
Crime in Chicago.
Barack Obama.
Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton's emails.
Trump's supporters getting vilified by protesters.
Rioters breaking into stores and burning property.
The way the media treats him, Republicans and conservative agitators.
Yet, the coronavirus, a deadly disease is something we shouldn't panic over. After all, he rarely wears a mask in public. He mocks Biden for wearing them in public. He doesn't believe the scientists or medical professionals. He denies its climate change that led to the spread. Trump believes we shouldn't shut down the country again if there's another outbreak.
With 8.2 million infected and over 225,000 Americans killed from the coronavirus, Trump continues to believe he's handling the pandemic better than his predecessor. After all, he's blaming Obama for the coronavirus and accuses Biden for not issuing a federal mandate to wear masks (even though Biden isn't the president).
Trump faced questions from a supporter who is a diabetic. His name was Paul Tubiana who voted for him in 2016 and was on the fence about voting for him again.
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Trump supporter says that he's left him behind. |
Well, we really didn't Paul," said Trump.
"We've worked very hard on the pandemic. We've worked very hard. It came off from China. They should have never let it happen.
Stephanopoulos stopped him from rant. He reminded that Trump said it would "go away."
"It would go away without the vaccine, George, but it's going to go away a lot faster with it," said Trump to Stephanopoulos.
"It would go away without the vaccine?" said Stephanopoulos.
"Sure, over a period of time. Sure, with time it goes away," said Trump.
"And many deaths....." said Stephanopoulos.
"And you'll develop --- you'll develop herd -- like a herd mentality. It's going to be -- it's going to be herd-developed, and that's going to happen. That will all happen,' said Trump. "We're very close to having a vaccine. If you want to know the truth, the previous administration would have taken perhaps years to have a vaccine because of the FDA and all the approvals. And we're within weeks of getting it ... Could be three weeks, four weeks."
Trump faced a question from a woman who supported Hillary Clinton. She was diagnosed with sarcoidosis and said each year she's paying a hefty out of pocket copay.
"From the day I was born, I was considerable uninsurable. That disease started in my skin, moved to my eyes, into my optic nerves, and when I went to graduate school, into my brain .... and should preexisting conditions -- which Obamacare brought into -- brought to fruition be removed .. within a 36 to 72-hour period, without my medication, I will be dead."
Trump tried to inject that he won't allow preexisting condition to be removed but was quickly stopped by the woman.
"Please stop and let me finish my question, sir."
"We are not to hurt anything having to do with preexisting conditions. We're not going to hurt preexisting conditions. And -- in fact, just the opposite," Trump said. "If you look at what they want to do, where they have socialized medicine, they will get rid of preexisting conditions."
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Black woman told Trump to stop interrupting her while she spoke. |
Stephanopoulos injected: "Number one, Joe Biden ... ran against Medicare for All in the [Democratic] primaries ... But much more importantly, Obamacare guaranteed people with preexisting conditions could buy insurance, guaranteed they could buy it at the same price as everyone else, guaranteed that insurance companies couldn't put a lifetime limit on those benefits."
Stephanopoulos noted that Trump is seeking a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act through the Supreme Court.
Trump claims that he has a plan. After three and a half years of promises, Trump said that if he's reelected he will come up with a healthcare plan "none the likes you've ever seen."
Trump brought up Dr. Anthony Fauci, the medical specialist who he's feuding with.
According to Trump, he said that Fauci believe he's doing a great job on handling the pandemic.
He said that "some people" say not to shut down businesses to spread disease transmission. When he declared the pandemic, Trump immediately put the responsibility on the state governors.
Washington, California, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Connecticut, Ohio, Illinois, Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota,Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Maryland and North Carolina quickly shut down their states.
Trump got fed up with the coronavirus wrecking the economy. He tweeted the "LIBERATE" nonsense which led to his supporters to gather to the state capitols and berate police officers and governors to open up their states. And of course, they were armed as well and no police officers used tear gas or force against them. It only happened when Black Lives Matter went to the streets.
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Black pastor tells Trump that he's doing far worse than Obama in handling racial issues and economic issues. |
"When has America been great for African Americans in the ghetto of America? Are you aware of how tone deaf that comes off to the African American community?" said Pastor Carl Day, a Philadelphia religious leader and activist.
"Well I hope there's not a race problem. I can tell you, there's none with me," Trump said. "Well, I can say this, we have tremendous African American support. You've probably seen it in the polls. We've done extremely well with African Americans, Hispanic Americans at levels you've rarely seen a Republican have."
Day voted for Jill Stein of the Green Party in 2016. He said that he has no interest in Trump or Biden.
Day said to Trump, things are the same as they are now! Trump contested the remarks. He said that (before the pandemic) African Americans were doing well under him.
"You look just prior to this horrible situation coming from China, when the virus came in, that was the -- probably the highest point, home ownership for the Black community, home ownership, lower crime, the best jobs they've ever had, highest income, the best employment numbers they've ever had."
Trump boasted that if Day went back six or seven months "that was the best single moment in the history of the African American people in this country, I think -- I would say."
Day would again question why Trump continues to use Make America Great Again, and then described the conditions of the "ghettos," with drugs and guns, which Black Americans have historically been redlined into."
"And we have not been seeing a change, quite frankly under your administration," Day said. "Under the Obama administration, under the Bush, under the Clinton, the very same thing happening."
Day then pointed out that while Trump had talked about people officers "choking" -- often his explanation for why unarmed Black Americans are being shot at a disproportionate rate -- "You have yet to address and acknowledge that there's been a race problem in America."
Let's just be clear, ABC and Trump agreed to a town hall. He went to a crucial state that he needs to win the election. He wanted to prove to the country he's ready for the tasks if given a second term.
He once again proves that he spins, blames and denies reality. Trump and his allies want to make sure Democrats are discourage from voting. He doesn't care about people catching the coronavirus. Trump, Mike Pence, their allies in the junk food media and Republicans can get a test without any issues.
We are in a fucking coronavirus pandemic. We have civil unrest from coast to coast. We have natural disasters getting worse. We have an economic crisis in the country. All this while we're only less than a few months from Election Day.
Black people are getting fed up with this.
We protest.
We call for justice.
We call for peace.
We call for change in the way police handle situations.
We say we all want to go home.
We register to vote.
And nothing ever changes. It's getting to a point where now, if more Black men and women are killed by police, there's going to be someone who harbors hatred towards law enforcement plotting to assassinate police officers at their weakest points.
It touches the nation's politicians, entertainers, athletes, social media activists and families of the victims. We see these incidents over and over again. Never in my life, have I seen this much brutality from police towards people of color.
Trump, himself had told cops to rough up people.
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